Stepmother Rapunzel name. Characters from the cartoon "Rapunzel - Tangled"

Producer Screenwriter The roles were voiced Composer Studio A country

‎ (USA)

Time Premiere

‎ (France) November 17, 2010
‎ (USA) November 24, 2010
(Russia) November 25, 2010

Budget Fees

"Tangled"(English) Tangled, 2010) - American full-length animated film directed by Nathan Greno and Byron Howard based on the Brothers Grimm fairy tale "Rapunzel". The film premiered on November 24 (in Russia on November 25), 2010. Rapunzel is the 10th Disney princess. This is the 50th full-length animated film from Walt Disney Pictures, and is by far the most expensive film of its kind: its budget was $260 million.

The cartoon tells the story of a girl languishing in a tower and dreaming of getting out, and a robber with an almost come true dream of getting a castle. Walt Disney, the founder of the company of the same name, has been working on the plot of this fairy tale since the 1940s. This is the first 3D Disney cartoon made in the classic style. It is also the only Disney animated princess film to be rated PG (Parental Attendance Suggested) by the MPAA. All of these received a G rating (films that do not contain scenes that could in any way affect the child’s psyche).


One day, a magical drop of sunlight fell to the ground, as a result of which a magical flower appeared, promoting eternal youth and beauty. This flower was found by an old woman, Gothel. Using the gift of the sun for personal gain, Gothel did not want to share it with the world. But trouble happened in the kingdom - the pregnant queen was dying, and only a magic flower could save her from death. The flower was found and the queen was healed. Then Princess Rapunzel was born, whose hair had magical powers. When she was a child, she was kidnapped by Gothel, who did not want to part with her youth and beauty.

Rapunzel grew up under the castle, in a tower, listening to Mother Gothel's stories about how the world is a terrible place, and not knowing that she is a princess. Every year on Rapunzel's birthday, the kingdom held a festival of lights in memory of the lost princess. Rapunzel did not know what these lights were, seeing them only from the window and dreamed of getting out into the wild to see them. One day, a thief named Flynn Rider breaks into her tower. Rapunzel takes his backpack with the stolen royal regalia. She promises to return the stolen goods to him if he helps her get out of the tower and see the festival of lights in her honor. Flynn agrees. During their journey, many adventures happen to them: they almost drowned, Rapunzel met robbers and the horse Maximus. Finally, her dream came true, but Mother Gothel, together with the Grabbington brothers (they did not like Ryder), decided to regain Rapunzel. Having found her, she asks her daughter to come with her. Rapunzel refuses, to which Gothel gives her the crown and convinces her: “Flynn will leave you at the first opportunity” and disappears. At the end of the holiday, Rapunzel returns the bag. And Gothel has everything according to plan. Seeing the robbers, Flynn leaves, but does not return. Instead, she sees people who say that he betrayed her, but a girl with magic hair can be useful to them. Rapunzel is running. Soon Mother Gothel rescues her and takes her back. At this time, Flynn (the robbers hit him and put him on a ship that sailed to the palace) woke up and saw the crown in his hands. He was jailed. But Maximus saves Flynn and they rush to the tower. Once inside, he is stabbed in the back by Mother Gothel. At the last moment, when Rapunzel tries to cure Flynn, he cuts off her hair. Mother Gothel falls out the window. Rapunzel heals Flynn with her tear, which also turns out to be healing. In the finale, Rapunzel returns to her real parents.

Voice acting

The film was dubbed into Russian by the Nevafilm studio, the dubbing director was Anna Sevostyanova, and the characters were voiced by the following actors:

  • Rapunzel Mandy Moore / Delaney Stein ( Victoria Dayneko)
  • Flynn Ryder Zachary Levi ( Grigory Antipenko / Andrey Birin (vocals))
  • Mother Gothel Donna Murphy ( Maria Katz)
  • Hook Brad Garrett ( Vladimir Maisuradze)
  • Lovelorn Jeffrey Tambor ( Anton Eldarov)
  • Vladamir Richard Keel ( Anton Batyrev)
  • Dedok Paul F. Tompkins ( Alexander Davydov)
  • Captain of the Guard M. K. Gainey ( Denis Nekrasov)
  • Grabbington Brothers Ron Perlman ( Arman Khachatryan)

Tony Award winners Kristin Chenoweth, Dan Fogler and Gray DeLisle were originally cast as Rapunzel, Flynn Rider and Mother Gothel. They were later replaced by Mandy Moore, Zachary Levi and Donna Murphy, respectively.

At first, Victoria Daineko was invited only to dub the soundtrack, but then after auditions she was approved for the role of the main character.


The film features five main characters, 21 robbers and 38 townspeople. For the climactic lantern scene, the special effects artists were tasked with bringing 3,000 townspeople onto the screen. This is the largest crowd scene in Disney computer animation history.

Main characters

  • Rapunzel (Mandy Moore / Victoria Daineko) - an unusual princess. The king and queen waited a long time for her appearance. But shortly before the birth of the girl, the queen fell ill. She, and therefore the child, was able to be saved by the power of the drink from the Magic Flower.

When Rapunzel was very young, she was kidnapped by a witch and imprisoned in a tower to preserve the magical power of the Magic Flower, which passed on to the child. Therefore, Rapunzel thinks that Mother Gothel is her real mother.

Rapunzel enjoys life in the tower, spending most of her day painting the walls. She shows creativity in her drawings. Subsequently, Rapunzel begins to wonder what is and is happening outside the tower. The girl uses her hair very cleverly. The day before her eighteenth birthday, the girl runs away with a robber who is wanted throughout the kingdom, Flynn Ryder, with whom she later falls in love.

  • Flynn Ryder, real name Eugene Philzelbert (Zachary Levi / Grigory Antipenko) - the main thief of the kingdom. Since childhood, Eugene Fitzelbert was an orphan and raised in an orphanage. There he found a book about Flynnigan Rider - the embodiment of his ideals. Realizing that it is not necessary to be a hero, Eugene takes the path of crime. In order to forget about the past, he takes a pseudonym - Flynn Rider. Solving all problems thanks to intelligence, cunning and beauty, he lived a free life and always achieved what he wanted, until he met Rapunzel - a strange girl with unusually long golden hair. With her, none of his usual tricks work anymore.

The name of this hero in the original is “Prince Bastion”, but the script was revised and the name was changed to “Flynn”, which is a nod to the actor Errol Flynn, who played the role of a robber in the film “The Adventures of Robin Hood” (1938), and the surname is translated from the English word "Rider". Also, by nature, Flynn Rider was supposed to be British and speak with a British accent. Zachary Levi was even approved for this role, but later the character became American.

  • Mother Gothel (Donna Murphy / Maria Katz) is the main villain of the film. Manipulative and greedy. She kidnapped Rapunzel from her parents and imprisoned her in a tower with only one window in order to keep the magical power of Rapunzel's hair, which she uses to remain forever young, a secret from the world. Pretends to be the princess's real mother. Skillfully manipulates the pupil. Gothel uses arguments such as "Mom is smarter" to prevent Rapunzel from wanting to leave the tower. And when the girl runs away, Mother Gothel goes crazy and stops at nothing to bring the fugitive back. At the end of the cartoon, he falls out of the window and turns into dust.
  • Chameleon Pascal- Rapunzel's best friend. Since friends cannot communicate verbally, the owner understands him by changing colors and facial expressions. The chameleon plays a huge role in Rapunzel's life. He is both the girl's coach and confidant. It was this hero who inspired Rapunzel to take a desperate step - to trust the main thief of the kingdom.
  • Horse Maximus- the horse of the captain of the royal guard, who vowed to certainly catch the dangerous criminal Flynn Rider. Defying danger, the fearless horse follows Flynn to places where the guards do not dare to go. It was this horse that brought Flynn to Rapunzel. But after meeting Rapunzel, Maximus becomes kinder and begins to look at the world differently. When the main characters get into trouble, the fearless horse had to rescue them from trouble by calling robbers from the tavern for help.


  • Hook (Brad Garrett / Vladimir Maisuradze) - a robber who lost his hand. But despite this, he dreams of becoming a famous pianist.
  • Lovelorn (Jeffrey Tambor / Anton Eldarov) is not the most attractive robber who dreams of finding true love.
  • Vladamir (Richard Kiel / Anton Batyrev) - a robber with a fierce appearance and a good disposition. His hobby is collecting porcelain unicorns.
  • Dedok (Paul F. Tompkins / Alexander Davydov) - one of the most significant robbers, who has slurred speech (probably all because of an extra glass). But, nevertheless, he is the most charming angel in the cartoon and, according to Mother Gothel, a real heartbreaker.
  • Killer- a big guy, a skilled tailor.
  • Thor- a strong robber who loves to dig in the garden. I wanted to leave the robbers and become a florist.
  • Attila- the most terrible of all robbers, hiding his face under an iron mask. Makes excellent cupcakes.



In April 2007, it was announced that Annie was attached as animator and artist Dean Wellins would co-direct the film alongside Glen Keane.

However, on October 9, 2008, it was reported that Keane and Wellins had been replaced by Byron Howard and Nathan Greno, the director and storyboard director, respectively, of Bolt. Keane remained as executive producer while Wellins moved on to other projects.

Technical details

The film's visual style is based on French Rococo artist Jean Honoré Fragonard's The Swing, as (former) director Glen Keeney wanted the film to look like a traditional hand-drawn Disney classic in 3D. First, a workshop called "The Best of Both Worlds" was held, where he and 50 Disney animators (CGI artists and traditional artists) weighed the pros and cons of each style. Due to advancements in computer technology, most of the basic principles of animation were only used in traditional cartoons, but were absent from CGI films due to technical limitations. Now the technology is becoming possible in this area of ​​animation, where it will be used together with the potential offered by CGI. Keane has stated many times that he will make the computer "kneel to the artist" and that it is not the computer that dictates the artistic style of the film. Keen forces the computer to become "flexible like a pencil" so its "3D drawing" appears within the reach of the artist controlling the technology. When the project began many of the methods and tools required for the quality offered by Keene did not exist and WDFA had to make them themselves.

To create the impression of a drawing, the intention was to use a non-photorealistic rendering, making the surface look like it was drawn, but still containing dimension and depth.

Rapunzel's golden hair is 70 feet long (more than 21 meters), with more than 100,000 individual curls. To convey the movement of hair on the screen, a special program was developed Dynamic Wires. No one in animation had ever drawn so much hair before, and no main character in the history of cinema had such a luxurious hairstyle on her head. To create the feeling of real hair, the production team animated 147 models of different structures, which ultimately resulted in 140,000 individual strands.

The film was made in CGI, although it was modeled in the traditional form of canvas paintings. Paintings by Jean Honoré Fragonard were used as references for the film's art style, which Keeney described as "romantic and lush". Keen said, “No photorealistic hair needed. I want luscious hair, and we're inventing new ways to do it. I want to bring the warmth and intuitive feeling of painting to CGI." One of the animators' main goals was to create movement that emulated the soft fluidity of painting. Keeney, with the help of 3D animator Kyle Stravitz, combined CGI with painting: "Taking Snow White's house, he built, drew and painted it so that it looked like a plane that suddenly began to move, had size and contained all the soft, round and curved strokes watercolors. Kyle helped us get that Fragonard look from that girl on the Swing. We use subsurface scattering, global illumination and all the latest techniques to make human characters compelling and environments enriched."

Facts about the film

  • The climactic scene of the film takes place against a horizon filled with burning lanterns. Each lantern contains a separate painted fire, consisting of 10,000 small beams of light. 46,000 flashlights fit in one frame, hence 460 million light beams.
  • The waterfall and rushing stream near the tower were modeled after the rivers and waterfalls in Yosemite National Park in California. A senior special effects specialist went there for two days and shot more than 150 location videos. The artists relied on them in their work, choosing the best places and angles. In order to make the waterfall realistic, it was necessary to simulate more than 10 million individual droplets.
  • The inspiration for the scene in which a river flows through a wooden dam was inspired by the Grizzly River Run ride at Disneyland California. In the final scene of the dam breaking, 23 million virtual gallons of drawn water spill onto the screen.
  • While working on the film, ten women from the creative team began to grow their hair. This hair was then donated to an organization that makes wigs for people who have gone bald as a result of disease.
  • The daughter of senior animator Glen Keane, artist Claire Keane, designed and painted the murals on the walls of Rapunzel's tower. While developing this character, Glen gave her some of his daughter's traits, including a stubborn disposition and a penchant for painting walls.
  • David Schwimmer and Burt Reynolds were cast in the roles, which were eventually removed during production.
  • According to production manager Doeri Welch Greiner, the original script was something of a sequel to Enchanted (2007). According to the plot, Rapunzel would have to turn into a squirrel, and a girl from the real world would take her place. Glen Keane leaned in favor of the funnier, more fantastical tale that Disney is known for: “I think that's exactly what Disney needs to do right now. No one else can do this. We should not be embarrassed or make excuses for this fairy tale...”
  • In 2012, a short sequel to the cartoon called “Tangled Ever After” was released, which was shown before the 3D version of “Beauty and the Beast”; it premiered in the United States on January 13.
  • Rapunzel's golden hair is 70 feet long (more than 21 meters), with more than 100,000 individual curls.
  • The film's score was composed by Alan Menken and lyrics by Glenn Slater. Alan Menken stated that he mixed medieval music with 1960s folk rock to create the new songs. Some recorded songs were ultimately cut from the film. The song "When Will My Life Begin?" replaced the earlier version of "What More Could I Ever Need?" Alan Menken reported that there were five or six intermediate versions. The composer also claimed that the love song was originally called "You Are My Forever". At first it was about the motherly feelings of Mother Gothel, but then it was supposed to be performed by Flynn Rider in a romantic way. Apparently this song was replaced by "Mother Knows Best" and "Healing Incantation", although neither of these are sung by Flynn.
  • In the American box office the film is called "Tangled", which means "Tangled". The film was originally supposed to retain the classic title of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale. The name change was due to the failure of the last Disney cartoon, "The Princess and the Frog" ($200 million worldwide on a budget of $105 million), and Disney management also thinks that all cartoons that include the phrase "princess" or a girl's name are not attract the male half to watch. Disney was criticized. Floyd Norman, a former Disney and Pixar animator, said: “Renaming Tangled to Tangled is a very stupid idea. They will achieve nothing except that everyone will understand how Disney is desperately trying to attract an audience." In Russian distribution, the film will retain its classic title with some additions - "Tangled."

The name Rapunzel is known to many generations of children. In the Soviet era, parents read fairy tales about the long-haired beauty to their children, and today she is in demand as a cartoon character. The biography of the heroine is curious and extraordinary, as is the story of the creation of the legend.

After the Disney studio acquired the rights to film the fairy tale, several interpretations of the story about the princess imprisoned in a tower were released. Among them are the 2010 cartoon called “Tangled,” the cartoon “Frozen,” and “Rapunzel: The New Adventures.” There is a German feature film describing the life of the heroine of the fairy tale.

The name Rapunzel is used as a common noun when it comes to the owner of long curls. This nickname was given to a participant in the popular television show “Dom-2” because of her hairstyle.

Why does a fictional character remain in demand several centuries after the tale was first published? Why is he so attractive to directors and the public?

History of creation

The authors of the mysterious story about the long-haired beauty were the brothers Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm. German researchers of literature and folklore collected parables and legends, on the basis of which the collection “Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm” was compiled. The brothers became famous for studying philology and German studies, and also working on a dictionary of the German language.

They traveled around the country, communicated with the local population, learned traditions and folk tales. Among the works that arose from the legends heard is the story of Rapunzel. The legend tells of a young girl with gorgeous long hair, who has been locked in a tower since childhood and thus separated from the outside world and people.

The tale has been translated into many languages. The authorship is attributed to German researchers, but the work is rooted in the customs of the German people. It has a special flavor and distinctive features inherent in local legends. Today, the fairy tale “Rapunzel” can be found in collections where the works of the following authors are published: the Brothers Grimm, and.

It is curious that none of the listed writers claimed to create fairy tales for children. In the era when they created, children's literature did not stand out as a genre. The children were entertained with fairy tales and superstitions from the lips of nannies and governesses. Initially, fantasy stories were offered to an adult audience. This explains the ambiguous explanations and bloodthirstiness in the works. The Brothers Grimm's Rapunzel was not suitable for children.

It would be shocking to the kids that the prince did not gouge out his eyes himself, but accepted punishment from the witch. Therefore, over time, publishers softened some of the facts of the legends. So, they kept silent about the fact that the girl’s hands were cut off, and the main characters were forced to wander through the forest. Writers provide a happy ending to the story as an artistic device. The characters gain limbs and eyes, create a beautiful family and live in the kingdom in spite of their enemies and the witch.

In Russia, the fairy tale "Rapunzel" was published under the title "Bell", the author of the first translation was Pyotr Polevoy. The subsequent interpretation of the work belongs to Grigory Petnikov.

Literary scholars analyzing the ancient parable of Rapunzel voice curious nuances that hint that the fairy tale could be reality. Researcher Vladimir Propp points to Rapunzel's royal roots, noting that blue-blooded people never walked the earth. In the use of the image of the tower in the narrative, the scientist saw an indication of the origin of the heroine.

Forced isolation and meeting with the prince at a specific age is explained by Propp in the prism of the intersection of medieval traditions and physiological processes. Rapunzel was put in a tower when she was 12 years old. Adulthood corresponds to the onset of puberty. For the heroine, this is an important fact, since after her sixteenth birthday, marriage becomes possible. That's why a prince appears in a fairy tale.

Biography and plot

The story tells about the life of a married couple next door to a witch. Rapunzel lettuce grew in the witch's garden, attracting the attention of a pregnant neighbor. The woman asked her husband to get the plant, and her husband planned to steal it. The witch caught the neighbor stealing and allowed him to take the salad in exchange for the couple's first child. When the tiny baby was born, the witch took her and named her Rapunzel.

By the age of 12, the girl had become an extraordinary beauty. The sorceress settled her in a high tower without doors or lifts. The building had a single window. The stepmother climbed into it through her stepdaughter's long hair. The signal for the girl was the phrase: “Rapunzel, wake up, put your braids down.” Golden hair flowed down the wall, and the sorceress climbed into the chambers.

One day a prince found himself at the tower. Seeing Rapunzel, he persuaded her to lower her braids and got upstairs. Struck by the girl's beauty, the prince invited his chosen one to marry. The lovers ran away. The witch who overtook them blinded the prince, cut off Rapunzel's hair and drove the girl into the forest.

Far from home, the heroine had children. The prince, wandering in the forest thicket, found them, and the family was reunited. Rapunzel's magical tears restored her beloved's sight. The couple began to live happily on the lands controlled by the prince.

The characterization of the main character in the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm is typical. A beautiful girl, noble, submissive and dreaming of a better life, is waiting for a prince and hopes for changes in life. This is how she is presented in the ancient legend. But modern viewers are interested in the new story of the heroine.

Film adaptations

Cartoons about the adventures of Rapunzel describe her as a strong-willed, brave and savvy heroine. The year of release requires exciting plots and current events, so in cartoons the character appears as an invulnerable girl with a subtle mental organization. This is a perky heroine, not afraid of obstacles and danger.

In the popular cartoons of the 2010s, Rapunzel is a sixteen-year-old girl, a dreamer and a thrower, eager to get to know the world around her. This is a creative person, a playful teenager, whose friend is the chameleon Pascal. Rapunzel plans her escape to satisfy curiosity, not out of love motivation. The hero of her destiny is Flynn Rider, a brave guy who makes the girl’s dreams and desires come true.

  • The heroine of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale was named after the plant. In botany, there are four species that could be described in the story. Two are considered edible: bellflower and field lettuce, the second name of which is valerian. Both varieties sound the same in German. But Rapunzel's mother probably wanted to try the salad.
  • Polevoy, translating the fairy tale, decided that the writers meant a bell. When publishing the fairy tale, he gave it the name “Bell”. At the same time, rapunzel salad is often eaten in Germany. Drawing logical parallels, some translators gave the girl the name Valerianelle.

  • The name Rapunzel is used not only in literature. Psychologists liked it to designate a specific disease associated with hair. In 1968, German doctors Vaughan, Sayer and Scott investigated a mental disorder in which children ingested hair, which caused intestinal obstruction. Doctors gave the pathology the name of the famous heroine, calling it “Rapunzel syndrome.” Psychologist Donald Casheld wrote a work in which he examines the psychological background of the fairy tale in the light of aspects of self-preservation. It draws on research regarding psychological shocks suffered by patients in childhood that provoke withdrawal from the outside world.
  • The image of the long-haired beauty was used not only by the Brothers Grimm. Literary critic Tom Shippey notes that a similar character was present in the work. A girl named Luthien, the owner of luxurious black hair, was also imprisoned in the tower.

In our material we would like to talk about such a cartoon character as Flynn Rider. What is known about the character? What qualities does he have? Who did the voicing of the character in the animated film? All this will be discussed in our article.

Flynn's biography

Flynn Ryder is the protagonist of the skilled thief Eugene Philcelbert. From early childhood, the boy was forced to eke out a poor orphan existence on the streets of the city. His childhood was spent in an orphanage. It was here that the guy came across a book that told the story of Flinigan Ryder, a fearless hero who embodies the ideals of every teenager. Realizing that to achieve success it is not necessary to do good deeds, Eugene takes the path of a criminal. To break all ties with his unhappy childhood and hide his true identity, the character calls himself Flynn Ryder.

Using outstanding intelligence, cunning, agility and extraordinary beauty, the newly minted hero sets out to solve his own problems. He leads a carefree life in abundance, which he secures for himself by stealing. Everything turns upside down for Flynn when he meets Rapunzel - a girl with amazing appearance who has incredibly long golden curls. Soon he becomes a faithful companion for the beauty and gradually begins to develop romantic feelings for her.

According to the plot of the cartoon “Tangled,” a magic drop falls on the ground, from which grows a mysterious sunny flower that can bestow unfading beauty on its owner. A magical plant is accidentally discovered by a cunning old woman named Gothel and uses its miraculous properties for personal purposes.

Meanwhile, the king's wife becomes seriously ill. Only a magic flower can save her life. The entire court retinue goes in search of the plant. Ultimately, the magical artifact is found, and the queen saves herself from an untimely death. Soon she gives birth to a girl, Princess Rapunzel, whose hair acquires magical properties. Wanting to regain youth, Old Woman Gothel sneaks into the castle, cuts off a lock of hair from the baby's head and kidnaps the child. Since then, the princess has lived in a dilapidated tower in the middle of

On Rapunzel's 18th birthday, by chance she encounters Flynn Rider. Gothel captures the young thief and hides the royal crown he stole. In turn, the princess makes a promise to the guy to return the jewel if he leads her to the king's castle. Flynn agrees, after which the heroes involve themselves in a cycle of incredible adventures and a whole series of funny situations.

Meet the Hero

Ryder's appearance in Tangled occurs when the viewer is shown wanted posters posted throughout the kingdom. Next, the famous adventurer himself appears on stage in the company of thieves - the Grabbingston brothers. Together, the criminals infiltrate the monarch's palace, intending to steal the princess's precious crown. The plan works, but Flynn and his companions are spotted by a guard. Thieves have to hide from pursuit by jumping on the roofs of houses. Having reached the forest, the friends continue to flee, realizing that they are being chased by the best bloodhound in the kingdom - a horse named Maximus. Flynn Rider abandons his comrades and escapes, taking with him the precious crown. After a funny chase, the robber ends up near an ancient tower, where he loses consciousness after being hit on the head with a frying pan by the old woman Gothel.

Character character

The charming cartoon character from Disney, Flynn Ryder, is a real adventurer. He is used to achieving success using his cute, attractive appearance. The hero is inclined to explain his criminal deeds by bitter fate.

Despite his many vices, Flynn is a good-natured character who never harms the poor and disadvantaged people. He values ​​freedom above material well-being. Ryder is always ready to help those in need at the expense of his own safety.

Who voices Flynn Rider in Rapunzel?

In the original English-language version of the animated film, the American artist Zachary Levi, known for starring in the TV series “Klava, come on!”, is responsible for voicing the character. and "Chuck". The voice of the hero in the version of the cartoon, intended for demonstration in Russian box office, was done by actor Grigory Antipenko. The latter is familiar to a wide audience from his participation in the multi-part television project “Don’t Be Born Beautiful.”

According to Gregory, he got an amazing character, wonderful in all respects. While working on the dubbing, the artist was given a difficult task, namely, to convey through his voice the character of the hero, who is an absolute adventurer, knows no authority and never, as reviews from fans of the cartoon show, Antipenko did an excellent job with his role.

As already noted, the fairy tale “Rapunzel” appeared in the collection of the famous brothers during their travels through the territory of modern Germany. The story tells about a young and beautiful girl with very long hair, who from an early age was imprisoned in a high tower far from human settlements.

The fairy tale "Rapunzel" has been repeatedly translated into many languages. However, it was not created by brothers; it is a folklore creation that describes a certain collective image and customs of that time.

According to history, a married couple lived next door to the witch. Once a wife saw that a delicious salad was growing in her strange neighbor’s garden, and, unable to resist the desire to taste it, she convinced her husband to steal this delicacy for her at night. The poor husband agreed to get some salad for his beloved wife, but when he was about to return with the spoils, the witch caught him. Oddly enough, she agreed not only to let the thief go, she allowed him to take the salad in any quantity. In exchange, she made her husband promise to give her their first child. Later, a girl was born, the witch took the child for herself and gave her the name Rapunzel. Such an unusual name was chosen for a reason. The word “Rapunzel” and that same delicious green salad that the real mother loved so much.

Unlike the Disney cartoon of the same name, the fairy-tale Rapunzel was banished by a witch into a dense forest for her love with the prince, and the latter was blinded. Also, the beautiful girl was the daughter of poor peasants, not a royal couple. When Rapunzel and the prince met again after many years of separation, her tears restored the prince's sight, and they then lived happily for the rest of their days.

The most modern film adaptation of the fairy tale is the Disney cartoon “Tangled.” The original fairy tale and all existing film adaptations are quite different from each other.

Rapunzel Salad

Rapunzel is an edible plant from the Valerian family. Similar names are Valerianella spica, Valerianella oleracea, Field lettuce. In Russia, this type of lettuce is grown extremely rarely, but in Western Europe it is very popular. Presumably, this particular salad was implied in the fairy tale. There is also an opinion that it could be Rapunzel's bell, but in German valerian sounds like "Rapunzel", when Bell is translated as "Rapunzel-Glockenblume". Therefore, most likely, we are talking about Field salad.

By the way, it was precisely because of this confusion that the first translations of the work had a different name. It was “The Bell” translated by Pyotr Polevoy, and there was even a translation of a fairy tale called “Saladochka”.

Tip 2: How the cartoon "Tangled" was created

“Rapunzel. Tangled" is the fiftieth anniversary animated film from the Disney studio, directed by Nathan Greno and Byron Howard and released in 2010. This is Disney's first and most expensive 3D animated film in the classic style.


Walt Disney himself had the idea to film an adapted version of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale back in the 40s, but, unfortunately, it remained unrealized. They got down to business in 2007. In an effort to make the story fresher, more dynamic and fun, they also reworked the characters. Modern Rapunzel turned out to be more independent and brave than in the original fairy tale. In addition, the English version of the cartoon is called Tangled: the company changed the title to attract a wider audience, since, in their opinion, the word “princess” or the name of the princess in the title would only attract little ones.

In addition, during the work, the scriptwriters came to the conclusion that the story would have two main characters - Rapunzel and the adventurer Flynn. This is the most vivid and thoughtful character of all Disney fairy tales about princesses. According to one of Howard's directors, they once gathered all the studios for a meeting called "Awesome Man" to figure out what the ideal handsome man should be like. The end result, says Greno, was perfection.

Characters of the cartoon "Tangled": Rapunzel is an unusual princess with the gift of healing with her long 21-meter hair. As a child, Rapunzel was kidnapped by the evil woman Mother Gothel in order to use the girl’s hair for her rejuvenation, and she hid Rapunzel in a high tower hidden from prying eyes, where the girl lived her entire adult life, but Rapunzel cannot be called an unfortunate young lady. One day, the girl firmly decided to end her seclusion and step towards adventure, and when the charming robber Flynn Rider takes refuge in her tower, she grabs this chance and sets off on a journey towards her dream, and on the way to it, Rapunzel begins to understand that more and more falls more in love with Flynn, and also that she is the once long-lost princess. Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert is the main thief of the kingdom with a rather attractive appearance. Since childhood, Eugene Fitzelbert was an orphan and raised in an orphanage, where one day he found a book about Flynnigan Ryder, the embodiment of his ideals. Realizing that it is not necessary to be a hero, Eugene takes the path of crime, and in order to forget about the past, he takes a pseudonym - Flynn Rider. Solving all problems thanks to intelligence, cunning and beauty, he lived a free life and always achieved what he wanted, until he met Rapunzel - a strange girl with unusually long golden hair, with whom none of his usual tricks would work, and soon he had to help a girl to get out of the tower and help her get to her dream, and gradually realizes that he is in love with her. Mother Gothel is the main villain of the film, a manipulative and greedy woman who once kidnapped Rapunzel from her real parents, the king and queen, and imprisoned her in a tower with only one window in order to keep the magical power of Rapunzel's hair secret from the world. , which she used to stay forever young, posing as the real mother of the princess, skillfully manipulating her pupil. Gothel uses arguments such as “Mom is smarter” to protect Rapunzel from wanting to leave the tower, but one day, the girl runs away, Mother Gothel decides to find her at all costs. At the end of the cartoon, Gothel falls out of the tower window and turns to dust. Pascal is a chameleon and Rapunzel's best friend. Since they cannot communicate verbally, the owner understands him by changing colors and facial expressions. The chameleon plays a huge role in Rapunzel's life: he is both the girl's trainer and confidante. It is Pascal who pushes Rapunzel to take a desperate step - to trust the main thief of the kingdom, Flynn Rider, so that the mistress can get out of the tower. Maximus is the horse of the captain of the royal guard, who decided to certainly catch the dangerous criminal Flynn Rider. Defying danger, the fearless horse followed Flynn where the guards did not dare to go, and ironically, it was thanks to him that Flynn met Rapunzel. But when Maximus meets Rapunzel, he becomes kinder and begins to look at the world differently, and when Flynn gets into trouble, the fearless horse had to rescue him from trouble by calling the robbers from the tavern for help. The Stabbington Brothers are two bully robbers who are very successful in fights and robberies. One-eyed Grabbington is always silent, and two-eyed speaks for two, but both express their thoughts much more easily with their fists than with words. Throughout the cartoon, very formidable and strong brothers are engaged in one single thought: to take revenge on their former accomplice, Flynn Rider, who stole the crown of the missing princess (Rapunzel) from them. At the end of the cartoon they find themselves behind bars. Tavern robbers. Clockwise from the bottom: Dedok, Thor, Attila, Vladimir, Lovelorn, Hook Robbers from the Sweet Duckling tavern: Hook Hand - a robber who once lost his hand, has a prosthetic in the form of a hook instead, but despite To this end, he dreams of becoming a famous pianist like Mozart. Lovelorn (English: Big Nose) is a not very attractive robber who has a big nose and many fingers and dreams of finding true love. Vladimir (English: Vladimir) is a tall robber with a fierce appearance but a kind disposition. Has a hobby of collecting porcelain unicorns. Dedok (Shorty) is a tiny robber with slurred speech, probably due to an extra glass, but, nevertheless, the most charming angel in the cartoon and, according to Mother Gothel, a real heartthrob. Killer (English Killer) - a robber, a skilled tailor. Thor is a tough robber who loves to dig in the garden. I wanted to leave the robbers and become a florist. Attila (English Attila) is the most terrible of all robbers, hiding his face under an iron mask, as well as a noble culinary specialist who prepares cupcakes excellently. Ulf (eng. Ulf) - mime, does not speak, communicates only with gestures. Gunther is a narcissistic robber who dreams of becoming a designer.