Where was Harry Potter filmed? Hogwarts Castle. Where is Hogwarts

The fantastic saga of Harry Potter has long ended, but fans continue to be concerned about the question of where Hogwarts really is. It was in this castle and its surroundings that all the main events with the participation of the young wizard took place.

For any fan of JK Rowling's work, visiting Hogwarts is very important. Where is this educational institution, for starters, it’s better to learn from books.

According to the plot of the work

The writer herself hinted in some interviews that the school of witchcraft is located in Scotland. It was there that she found inspiration for writing her books. Images from the film confirm these revelations.

It is not possible for an ordinary Muggle to understand where Hogwarts School is located. This place is enchanted, and even if a common person approaches the castle, he will see only ruins with a prohibitory sign.

It is also impossible to cross the Hogwarts border. This can be done in certain time and in a strictly limited place. There are no usual technical innovations at the school, since the use of any energy other than magical energy is unacceptable.

Not far from the castle is the village of Hogsmeade, where only magicians live. It is at Hogsmeade station that the train with students arrives.

Other schools of witchcraft are mentioned in the film:

  • Salem Witch Institute (possibly USA).
  • Beauxbatons (France).
  • Brazilian school of magic.
  • Durmstrang School of Magicians (possibly Holland).

Of course, magic and all the characters - however, the filming was carried out in real architectural and natural objects. Although it was not without a layout. It was built on the site of the Warner Brothers film studio. Next we will talk about where Hogwarts castle and its main premises are located.

Top Hogwarts School Places Worth Knowing About

Adherents of the saga, of course, would like Hogwarts, where the “city” of magic is located - many secret places - and the main events take place, to be a single ensemble. However, this is not the case, so in order to visit all parts of the fictional castle, the tourist will have to travel quite a bit. Although, without a doubt, it's worth it.

What places are worth visiting while traveling in the footsteps of Harry Potter and his friends? Here is a sample list:

  • Hogwarts Castle - Northumberland County.
  • Dark Forest - Buckinghamshire.
  • Dining room - Oxford.
  • Library - Oxford.
  • Chamber of Secrets - Wiltshire.
  • Castle corridors - Gloucester Cathedral.
  • King's Cross Station - London.
  • Hogsmeade Station - Gotland, Yorkshire.

Hogwarts Castle

The actual castle where the filming took place is Alnwick. It is located in Northumberland, on the border with Scotland. It is in the yard of this ancient castle wizards played Quidditch and learned to fly on brooms.

Alnwick's history is not limited to the Harry Potter film. Information about it dates back to 1096. He has always been known for his interior decoration, art galleries, library. It was used to film films about Robin Hood, Queen Elizabeth, and Knight Ivanhoe. In the film saga based on the books by JK Rowling, it turned into Hogwarts.

Thousands of readers dreamed of finding out where this magical place is located. That's why Alnwick Castle is riveted Special attention, which has not faded away for many years.

However, the film was not filmed only in the pavilion and Alnwick. The directors created collective image schools, connecting many fascinating places.

forbidden Forest

According to the plot, the school of witchcraft is located near a forest in which unicorns and sinister werewolves live. A real place Black Park, which is located in Buckinghamshire, was used for filming. The atmosphere of the forest did not have to be supplemented with decorations, since it itself is so dense that even on a sunny day there is twilight.

Dining room

The dining room often appears in the frame. It is here that young wizards begin and end the school year in each episode of the film saga. It is not located in Alnwick. This is actually the dining hall of Christ Church College, which is part of Oxford.

This educational institution has centuries-old history. At one time, Lewis Carroll, the author of “Alice in Wonderland,” and the world-famous scientist Albert Einstein graduated from it. Others no less famous students were outstanding writers Oscar Wilde and John Ronald Reuel Tolkien.


Oxford provided another filming location for the creation of Hogwarts School. Where is the book depository where young Hermione loved to get information? Everything took place in the famous Bodleian Library of a famous university. It belonged to Duke Humphrey. It is still considered the oldest and largest in Western Europe receptacle for books.

Castle corridors

The corridors along which the students of the school of magic and wizardry ran are actually located in Their fan vaults are mesmerizing in their appearance. The cathedral itself was erected in the 14th century in the southwest lands of England. It is rightfully considered a pearl of architecture both of that time and of the present.

In its district there are incredibly picturesque landscapes that amaze with their variety of shapes and outlines. It was in these corridors that Harry and Ron saved their friend from a giant troll in the first part of the saga.

Chamber of Secrets

Lacock Abbey, which is located in Wiltshire, was chosen as the location for the Chamber of Secrets. In addition, the scenes where Harry heard the voice of the Basilisk while serving his sentence were filmed here.

The abbey is famous for the fact that the English inventor in the field of photography lived there. His name was William Tabolt. Having visited convent, you can recognize many classrooms in which young wizards took classes.

King's Cross Station

In the story, the train to the school of magicians departs from platform 9 ¾ of King's Cross station. During filming, a vaulted wall was used between the fourth and fifth platforms. For admirers of Rowling's work, an installation was created on the platform in the form of a cart disappearing into the wall. There is also a sign attached that says in English: “Platform 9 ¾”.

Hogsmeade Station

It is from this station that the locomotive takes young magicians to the school of magic. The actual filming location was the Gotland station area, located in Yorkshire. It was there that one of the first railways in England was built.

These are just some of the locations that were used to film the fascinating saga of a young wizard and his friends who fought desperately against a dangerous magician whose name few dared to speak.

So, many places from scenes in films are quite real. The creators of the film saga made up Hogwarts from them. Where is the prototype of the famous school located in Russia? Unfortunately, none of the listed attractions are related to our country.

The saga of the boy who lived is loved by children and adults around the world. Over the years of the franchise's existence, the films have completely changed their style and focus. From children's fairy tales, Harry Potter has transformed into a serious movie about good and evil, where there is a place for both love and cruelty.

Perhaps one of the reasons for the colossal popularity of the saga is the stunning landscapes and scenery. They create that same feeling of magic that leaves no one indifferent. However, not all fans of the franchise know where Harry Potter was filmed. Below we will tell you about the most beautiful places that probably everyone dreams of visiting.

Hogwarts is the famous school where the boy who lived studied for seven years. In the film adaptations we see a huge medieval building with hundreds of rooms, high ceilings and magical staircases that can change their direction.

In reality, Hogwarts was filmed in several locations. The main inspiration for the creators was the Enik (Alnwick) castle of the 11th century. A huge structure stands on the border of Great Britain and Scotland. Great Britain is divided into 4 parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The most famous large English castles are concentrated near the borders of Scotland and Wales. Along the borders of Scotland there is something like a “pearl necklace of the Loire” in the sense of medieval beauties.

When Harry Potter takes the train from London, the English understand that the train is going north, to a castle somewhere there.

The castle as we saw it on the screen

This place has an extremely rich and tragic history. The fact is that the de Vessy family, which owned the castle for several centuries, was in confrontation with the ruling dynasty English kings. As a result, the descendants of Ivo de Vessi continually raised uprisings, which invariably ended in bloodshed. Enik stands on the river En (Aln).

And the castle descends with ledges towards it. Previously, there was a pre-castle fortification on this huge meadow.

Nowadays, the castle is inhabited by its owners, so travelers can only visit some sections of it. The ticket price is 12.5 euros.

3D models were used for the film. Not only an imaginary, fantasy-film castle, but also a model of the original Enik castle, built by a Polish 3D artist. You can look at it in Google map, or Google Earth, turn it around, figure it out - you just need to check the box in “layers” - “3D buildings/photorealistic”.

The castle has two gates that lead to the courtyard.

It was here that Potter's first flight was filmed, and a lot of location filming of the castle.

It was in this place that many of the location shots of Hogwarts were filmed, as well as Potter's famous first flight

Quidditch competitions from the books were also recreated on the ideal lawns in front of the castle. By the way, an interesting attraction has been invented here for tourists: they can jump on brooms on the lawn in front of Enik, and even take part in a Quidditch match.

Of course, set designers had to rack their brains over how to recreate JK Rowling's fantasies in all their glory on screen. This is why many important parts of the films that took place at Hogwarts were actually filmed away from Enik Castle. Where else can you find familiar corners that have become part of the school of witchcraft and wizardry?

Oxford University. Numerous cafeteria scenes and receptions from Harry Potter were filmed in the university's dining hall. The staircase scenes were also filmed here. The corridors of Britain's oldest university have also been repeatedly used to create key scenes films.
Bodleian Library. It was here that scenes in the library were filmed with the participation of the main book fan of the saga - Hermione and her friends. The library is also located on the territory of the University of Oxford. It stores more than 11 million books, including unique and extremely rare copies of the medieval era.

Bodleian Library.

Gloucester Cathedral. It is located just two hours from London. The covered galleries of this architectural marvel were often used to recreate the corridors of Hogwarts. The boys' dormitory from the Gryffindor house, scenes with talking portraits - these moments were also filmed here. Gloucester Cathedral.

    Leavesden Studio. Unfortunately, the creators could not get by with just location filming in the most beautiful places in Great Britain and Scotland. That is why a huge Hogwarts set, amazing in its scale, was erected within the walls of the Leavesden studio. Now there are excursions around this studio, because it contains unique decorations that recreate the most famous moments from the films.

Hagrid's Hut and the Forbidden Forest

Hagrid's Hut

True friend Harry Potter's Rubeus Hagrid lives in a tiny hut, which is located in an incredibly picturesque place among green meadows.

Finding such a magical place was not easy, and so the creators of the paintings went to Scotland, namely to the Glencoe Valley. Many travelers call this place the most extraordinary in Scotland. This is where Hagrid's hut was built. Now, of course, it is not there, but the picturesque views have been preserved.

Finding such a magical place for a forester's hut was not easy

The Forbidden Forest is a place where centaurs, unicorns and other magical creatures live. According to the plot of the film, it is located next to Hogwarts, and students are strictly prohibited from visiting the forest.

forbidden Forest

In fact, this magical place is located in Buckinghamshire, 32 kilometers from London. It is not easy for the Black Park to get its gloomy name, because even in the most sunny days It is pitch dark here.

Hogsmeade and the railway leading to Hogwarts

Hogsmeade is a small village located next to Hogwarts, where students usually arrive by train from platform 9 ¾.

The prototype of this place was the village of Gotland and the local railway station, which was significantly transformed thanks to special effects.

The village is located in North Yorkshire, and its population is only 500 people. To the disappointment of rabid tourists, there is not a hut with a funny name and notoriety, nor a grand store with sweets.

The one that deserves special mention Railway, along the route of which the Hogwarts Express follows. It was filmed in the UK, and the West Highland Line itself officially holds the status of the most beautiful in the country. The Glenfinnan Valley is actually home to the 21-arch bridge that fans know from the films.

West Highland Line and famous bridge

The most interesting thing is that every traveler can feel like a Hogwarts student. To do this, he needs to take a ticket on a real London steam locomotive traveling along the Fort William-Mallaig route from London. Before traveling, you need to consider the following nuances:

the magical steam locomotive runs on the tourist route only from May to mid-October; an adult train ticket will cost 34 euros; the local carriages were produced back in 1956, so they look authentic, but they also travel slowly; the atmosphere in carriage D is completely recreated " Hogwarts Express." There is even a trolley with a variety of sweets.

Of course, the locomotive travels very slowly, so the tourist has the opportunity to see all the sights.

Diagon Alley

Diagon Alley from the movie

It was in this mysterious and noisy place that wizards from all over the country purchased the magical artifacts they needed. Ollivander's shop was located here, as well as shops selling pets, sweets and potions.

Diagon Alley was filmed on the site of London's famous Lindenhall Market. And the Leaky Cauldron bar, through which you could get to Diagon Alley, was filmed in an optical store, also located in this market.

"Diagon Alley" of reality

Some scenes associated with this location were recreated on the ancient street of Chamblay in the heart of York.

For the third film, filming of Diagon Alley moved to another market, Borough Market, also located in London. Fortunately, it turned out to be no less picturesque.

Ministry of Magic

If a traveler dreams of finding the real Ministry of Magic, he will be disappointed. The fact is that everything shown on the screen is a gigantic and very complex set located in the pavilions of Warner Bros Studio London. Now tourists can visit these decorations, see the very fireplaces through which one could get to the ministry, and appreciate the scale famous sculpture from the last parts of the film.

But there really is an entrance for visitors in the form of a telephone booth. It is located in St James's on Great Scotland Yard.

Anyone can take a photo running into the wall

Another important attraction for fans of the saga is King's Cross railway station. This is where they invariably began magical adventures heroes. The station is located in the London station building. There's even a recreation of Platform 9 ¾ inside where you can take a photo with the Harry Potter cart. On the station grounds, next to tracks 9 and 10, there is a souvenir shop where you can purchase numerous artifacts from the films.

Of course, there are many more places where the filming of the saga about the boy with the scar was organized and it is almost impossible to talk about all of them in detail. That is why excursions to the places of the beloved saga are so popular in the UK. The main advantage of such a trip is not beautiful views, but the opportunity to plunge into a fairy tale at least for a few hours.

The Harry Potter films, based on the book series of the same name, are almost the most popular films in the world, both among children and adults. Various museums and parks are dedicated to Harry Potter, but real fans prefer to travel to the places where this film was filmed. amazing movie. Since the book about the young wizard is English, the filming took place on the territory of this country.


Hogwarts from the outside was mostly filmed at the ancient Enik Castle. This 11th century castle is located on the border of England and Scotland and is famous for its history, rich in various interesting events.

It was Enik Castle that served as the main one for filming Hogwarts from the outside, although it had to be significantly modified with computer graphics. Some of the interior of the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was also filmed here.

In the courtyard of this castle, Hogwarts students learned difficult art flying on a broomstick, and a game of Quidditch taking place over the local lawns. Here and now you can see fans jumping on brooms across the lawns of the castle courtyard.

Enik Castle

Interior of the castle

However, it will be much more interesting to look at Hogwarts not from the outside, but from the inside. Most of the scenes from the life of young wizards were filmed within the walls of Oxford University. For example, Big hall, in which all the important and solemn moments took place, was filmed in the dining hall of Christ Church, the most prestigious and oldest college of Oxford University. Also, many scenes from the films were filmed in the courtyard of this college and on its stairs.

Oxford is worth visiting not only because Harry Potter was filmed here. Beautiful territory, ancient buildings, Gothic architecture, medieval patterns, museums - all this, without a doubt, deserves special attention.

Christ Church Dining Hall

Hogwarts Library

The Hogwarts library, with its huge rooms and numerous books, was filmed in the Bodleian Library, the largest library in Oxford. More than 11 million books are stored here, among which there are real rarities. And of course, no one will be indifferent to the interiors of the library, which can easily be recognized as the Hogwarts library.

Bodleian Library

Hogwarts corridors

After visiting Oxford, be sure to visit the town of Gloucester, located just two hours from London. This town is home to one of the most beautiful cathedrals in England - Gloucester Cathedral. Many scenes from films that took place in the corridors of the school of witchcraft and wizardry were filmed in the corridors and covered galleries of this religious building.

Scenes with the troll and ghosts, the secret door to the Gryffindor common room, Harry Potter's bedroom, talking pictures and even school classes - all this took place within the walls of Gloucester Cathedral.

Gloucester Cathedral is a truly beautiful landmark located in a very picturesque part of England. A walk in its surroundings and in the Cathedral itself will immerse you in the atmosphere of magic and Harry Potter like nothing else.

Gloucester Cathedral

Professor McGonagall's office

Transfiguration classes led by Professor McGonagall were filmed at Durham's Cathedral of Christ, Mary and St. Cuthbert, located near Scotland. The cathedral is different interesting architecture, beautiful stained glass windows and amazing nature, which makes it very popular among tourists. By the way, not far from the cathedral is Durham Castle, which is also an interesting attraction.

Durham Cathedral

Flitwick's office

The spells class taught by Professor Flitwick was filmed at Harrow School, one of the oldest public schools for boys. This school, located a few miles from London, has produced many famous figures science, culture and politics, for example, Winston Churchill graduated from it.

Hagrid's Hut

The Glencoe Valley, located in Scotland, is one of the most beautiful places in this area of ​​England. Some of the landscapes around Hogwarts were filmed in this valley: Steel Falls and Glen Nevis Mountain will be recognized by any fan of the Harry Potter films. It was also in the Glencoe Valley that the hut of Rubeus Hagrid, the keeper of the keys and forester of Hogwarts, was recreated.

Unfortunately, the hut has not survived to this day, but it is definitely worth admiring the landscapes of Glencoe.

Glencoe Valley

forbidden Forest

Filming the Forbidden Forest, which is home to various magical creatures, took place in Black Park, Buckinghamshire. It is always twilight, and due to such a mysterious atmosphere, various films are often filmed there.

Hogsmeade Station

According to the film, Hogsmeade is a village with a railway station located near Hogwarts. This is where the students magic school arrive by train before getting to Hogwarts itself. Hogsmeade is mostly an artificial set, but the train station was filmed in the picturesque village of Goathland, at the local train station.

Diagon Alley

Diagon Alley is a place where magicians, including Hogwarts students, can purchase a variety of magical items needed for study and for life. Much of Diagon Alley was filmed in Lindenhall Market, London's indoor market. You can get to Diagon Alley through the Leaky Cauldron bar, which is actually an optical store in the same market.

Some scenes in Diagon Alley were filmed in the city of York, on the ancient street of Chamblay with traditional black and white houses.

Lindenhall Market

Gringotts Bank

According to the book, Gringotts Bank is located where Diagon Alley and Knock Alley intersect. In reality, this bank is the representative office of Australia in London, or, as it is also called, Australia House. Of course, you won’t be able to get inside, but you can admire the building from the outside.

Privet Alley

On this street, at number 4, Harry Potter lived before and during his time at school. summer holidays during training. This street is actually called Picket Post Close and is located in the town of Little Whinging.

Godric's Hollow

Harry's parents and himself lived in this small settlement before Voldemort attacked their family. Godric's Hollow was filmed in the vicinity of the town of Bath in Wiltshire, in the town of Lacock Abbey. This abbey is truly picturesque - narrow streets and the ancient stone houses make it truly magical.

Real places

Most of the books about the wizard Harry Potter are fictional, but the book describes several places in London that actually exist.

London Zoo

This zoo is the oldest scientific zoo in London and one of the largest zoos in the entire world. His visit is interesting in itself, but it was here, in the House of Reptiles, that Harry discovered magical abilities and the ability to understand snake language.

House of Reptiles

Bridges of London

Many scenes from films took place on London Bridges. For example, a scene with a magic bus being squeezed was filmed on Lambert Bridge, and the Millennium pedestrian bridge in the story is destroyed by Voldemort's minions, the Death Eaters.

King's Cross Station

A very important place for all young wizards is King's Cross Station. It was from here, from platform 9 ¾, that young wizards went by train to Hogwarts. The station really exists in London, and when you enter it, you can see familiar interiors. And at the entrance to platforms 9, 10 and 11 you can even see a cart that half disappears into the wall and a sign that says “Platform 9 ¾”. And there is another one outside memorial place for Harry Potter fans - the neo-Gothic St. Parkras station, against the backdrop of which Harry and Ron flew by in the magical Ford Anglia.

King's Cross Station

Traveling on the Hogwarts Express train

The Hogwarts Express is also a very real train that runs along the viaduct over the Glenfinnan Valley. This train and this route were chosen because of the amazing beauty of the area.

By the way, today, from May to October, anyone can ride this route from William to Mallaig on a real “Hogwarts Express” - an old train with an old steam locomotive. However, you will have to worry about tickets in advance, as they sell out very quickly.

Nowadays, it is difficult not to meet a person who does not know who Harry Potter is. Wizard, magician, teenager. This young man with glasses has become much more than just another character in another film. The release of a series of books about his adventures was followed by a series of film adaptations. And if true Harry fans, of whom he has an incredible number, can tell everything about him, then do they know how the film “Harry Potter” was filmed? Interesting Facts from the set and the story of the complex production of the franchise - in our article.

Cultural heritage

Out of all seven books and eight films, Harry has become the most popular teenage boy in school. The world was slowly but thoroughly taken over by Pottermania. And once upon a time, its creator JK Rowling asked for a modest sum of $1.5 million for the sale of the rights to the first four books. In addition, she “authorized” herself a percentage of the collection of paintings and participation in their production. Obviously, she made the right decision, not only ensuring a decent future, but also monitoring every step in the filming process.

A world without Harry Potter

Now, with the end of the franchise, passions about who Harry Potter is have noticeably subsided. But fans who have not come to terms with this fact still surf the Internet, collecting any information about the characters and actors. How was Harry Potter filmed? What happened to all the scenery that was built? Where do the tailored suits go? All this, of course, is interesting not only to “Potter” fans, but also to ordinary film fans.

At first there were negotiations

The story of the production of films about the young wizard should begin with the fact that Steven Spielberg initially wanted to be in the director's chair. It took several months to agree with the studio on the details of the upcoming work, and the Hollywood master was not at all intimidated by the colossal volume that he had to face. But Stephen made a number of his own proposals, which both the studio and Rowling refused. Chris Columbus became the number two contender. The daughter of an equally eminent director managed to familiarize herself with the first book, “The Philosopher’s Stone,” and was delighted. This prompted her father to make a decision.

Beginning: script, actors, scenery

The production of the film simultaneously included several stages. The script was approved, the scenery was built, and locations were looked for. Filming “Harry Potter” is not a quick process. Casting agent Susie Figgis, who managed to work on other projects, was entrusted with perhaps the main task - finding the leading actors. It depended on her how the heroes of the fantasy saga would appear and how they would remain in history. JK Rowling also actively took part in the auditions.

The main characters of the Potter series

For Emma Watson and Rupert Grint, who played Hermione and Ron, “Harry Potter” served as their television debut. Daniel Radcliffe, who was lucky enough to beat hundreds of competitors, already had acting experience. In 1999, he became young Copperfield in the biographical drama of the same name. And after finishing his work in “The Tailor from Panama,” he found himself at the casting of his most important film in his life.

How was Harry Potter filmed with the participation of young actors? At the time of filming, all the young stars were eleven years old. But this did not frighten them at all, given the lack of relevant experience. As they admitted later in their numerous interviews, the scenery alone was stunning, not to mention the exciting story, full of magic and enchantment, as well as the scope with which the studio approached the production of the film. Of course, for each of the three actors, “Potter” became a significant milestone in their lives.

Journey to your dream

In the summer of 2000, almost everything was ready to launch a grandiose process with a huge budget of 125 million. How was Harry Potter filmed? If we look at it step by step, then the filming itself started on October 2. As you know, a series of plot episodes that the viewer sees in a film does not always mean consistency in their filming. But since most of episodes take place in interiors; the first days of filming took place on the pavilions of the Leavesden studio, where the library and hospital were located. Since September, the construction of decorations has been in full swing there, and film crew, including the actors, immediately found herself in the “prepared” world of Harry Potter.

Evidence of magic

What film fan doesn’t want to be in such pavilions and watch the action with their own eyes? The multi-million army of fans of the young wizard had the opportunity to find individual videos on the Internet posted by the creators of the saga. They told in detail how they filmed Harry Potter. Funny moments certainly happened quite often on set. This relieved the atmosphere of a busy schedule, which included 10-12 hours continuous operation. Constantly being with each other long years strengthened the friendship of the main actors. Fans of the saga still haven’t given up hope of seeing them together again in a film.

With the first popularity of “Harry Potter,” any news about filming was widely circulated in the press. Journalists considered it an honor to tell what was new in the film world of the “bespectacled” wizard, and the paparazzi went to great lengths to get new photos from the filming of “Harry Potter.” Often such shots became a trophy for fans of the saga, waiting for their idols outside the studios and begging for an autograph.

Getting out into nature

JK Rowling asked that the actors cast in the film be English. And also for “Harry Potter” to be filmed in England. And although most episodes of the book allow this to be done, subsequently the filming moved to picturesque Scotland.

In the meantime, following the writer’s orders, the outskirts of London are becoming key place dislocations. After the end of the studio filming, the group goes to Durham and Gloucester, where cathedrals turn into Hogwarts school. Her library became the real library of Oxford University. Where else was the Harry Potter movie filmed?

The appearance of the Australian representative office has turned into the Gringotts wizard bank. The King's Cross Zoo and railway station also appeared in the film. If we turn to the plot, it is from the station on the magic train that Harry Potter sets off on his journey.

Work on " Philosopher's Stone” continued until mid-2001 and took a total of almost a year. The filming of “Harry Potter” was not complete without animatronics. Chris Columbus proposed using specially designed model structures that could move. They played a role magical creatures, and this innovation was used in the filming of other parts.

The magical story of Harry Potter simply obliged us to turn to computer special effects. Thus, the dragon Norbert and the cave troll became the brainchild of animators. In the famous toilet scene, Daniel Radcliffe... did not participate at all! He, hanging on the troll’s neck, was simply drawn on the computer. Definitely, the age of new technologies has played a role!

Given the complexity and scale of production of the entire series of films about Harry Potter, the studios immediately realized that they should not skimp on the budget. This paid off handsomely at the box office. Total profit of the entire franchise about the wizard has reached the billion dollar mark.

Other Harry Potter Filming Locations

For seven parts of the franchise, filming locations were not limited to London and its studio pavilions. Harry Potter takes a picturesque journey through the corners of Britain and Scotland.

In “The Chamber of Secrets” the wizard goes in a flying Ford to the Glenfinnan Viaduct, which is striking in its beauty. A real diesel train runs through this valley, framed by meadows. In the summer the steam locomotive is replaced by a more modern Jacobite locomotive. This place is often associated with the film “Harry Potter”.

In order to photograph landscapes stretching for miles from Hogwarts, the group traveled to Glencoe. Powerful waterfalls will be remembered from “The Goblet of Fire”, and vast mountains - as a venue for Quidditch matches. By the way, “local” mountains were also filmed in “Highlander” and “Braveheart”.

The interiors of Hogwarts are impressive in their scope. In addition to the soundstages, a certain part was filmed in Durham Cathedral. In the film, he “played” the role of the snowy courtyard from the first part.

Alnwick Castle has preserved almost 700 centuries of history. Inner garden will enchant visitors with its fountains. The castle itself is considered one of the largest houses in the world. In Harry Potter, it served as the platform on which Madame Hooch flew.

Closer to the people

Historical landmarks - beauty and majesty. Now you know how the film “Harry Potter” was filmed in these amazing places. But the platform also became “ordinary” areas of England, familiar to most Britons. Here are some interesting facts:

  • Remember “The Leaky Cauldron”? This is not a bar, but an optical store located in the central market.
  • Scenes with the departure of the Hogwarts Express, as well as the Ford Anglia, were filmed at King's Cross Station. The difference in locations was the different platforms and the facade of the station itself, filmed from several sides.
  • Remember where Harry discovered the ability to communicate with snakes? In reality, this place was the Reptile House, part of the London Zoo.
  • Scenes of Harry and Ron's escape from the troll were filmed in Gloucester Cathedral, the oldest of most beautiful places. Believers have been visiting it for over 1,300 years.
  • The beach of the Freshwater coast, located in Wales, is familiar as perfect place for surfing, and its golden sand remembers the building nicknamed “shell”, where Bill and Fleur were located in the story.

Eternal love

The wizard, who grew up before our eyes, delighted viewers with his adventures for ten years. He made you believe in miracles, showed you incredible places, reminded you of simple things- friendship, support, faith.

The story is over, but the franchise itself will go down in the history of world cinema. Not only Harry Potter, but also other bright, charismatic characters made this franchise an object cultural value and legacy for future generations. Fortunately, loyal fans always have books, films and even behind-the-scenes photos about how Harry Potter was filmed at their fingertips. And this is worth a lot, and this is its own little story.

The saga of the wizard "Harry Potter" has ended after 8 years of filming, and fans from all over the world can only feel nostalgic. However, you can pack your things in a suitcase and go on a trip to the filming locations of cult films!

Every day these attractions are visited by hundreds of tourists who want to see the Harry Potter filming locations with their own eyes. It's no secret that most of the scenes were filmed in the UK and Scotland, which is why the main flow of tourists flocks there.

In this article you will find the most popular places filming of "Harry Potter" with exact coordinates - suddenly they will come in handy!

Privet Drive, Dursley's house

Every year Harry returned after his adventures here - to his aunt and uncle's house on Privet Drive. But in reality this house is located in Berkshire, at 12 Picket Post Close, Martins Heron.

Platform 9 ¾

The famous platform, which only wizards can pass through, is located at King's Cross Station between platforms 4 and 5.

Hogwarts Express

The fast-moving train that took Harry to Hogwarts every year was actually Glenfinnan Viaduct in Scotland.


Place where the school is located magic hogwarts, is located in the Scottish Highlands, Glencoe. Just remember when going there that Muggles cannot see Hogwarts!

Professor Snape's office

The basement office where Potions classes were held, where Harry spent many agonizing hours with sworn enemy, is located in the famous Lacock Abbey.

School library and infirmary

These two places frequently visited by wizards are quite real and are also used for their intended purpose. This is the Bodleian Library, which is located in Oxford.

Hogwarts Lake

A huge lake, near which Hogwarts was built and many events took place key points films can be found in colorful Scotland - Loch Shiel, Glencoe.

First Challenge, "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire"

The place where the fight between Harry and the Norwegian Horntail takes place is located in Glen Nevis (Scotland)

Sirius Black's house at 12 Grimmauld Place

Harry's godfather's home, where the secret Order of the Phoenix had its headquarters, is located at Claremont Square, Islington. This house is very real and does not disappear with the help of magic!

Entrance to the Ministry of Magic

Scene between James Potter and Snape

The quiet and sweet place where Harry's father used magic to hang young Severus Snape upside down was filmed in the town of Woodstock, which is known as the birthplace of Winston Churchill.

Death Eater destruction

The scene where the Death Eaters rampage through London after Voldemort's victory is filmed on the Millennium Bridge and then cuts to Great Newport Street.

Horace Slughorn's House

Professor Slughorn's house, where Harry persuades him to return to Hogwarts, is located at Chapel Hill, Lacock, Whitshire.

Cave with Slytherin's medallion

The cave where Voldemort hid his Horcrux can be found at the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland. It was there that a terrible scene was filmed with infernals who almost dragged Professor Dumbledore and Harry under water.

House Malfoy

The mansion called Hardwick Hall, Derbyshire, became film set for the Malfoy family estate.

Place of transgression of Harry, Hermione and Ron

Remember the moment from Beale and Fleur's wedding when Hermione has to transgress into the thick of London life? This is Piccadilly Circus, near Shaftesbury Avenue.


After the trio's failed transgression, Ron's hand is split in the woods of southern Buckinghamshire.

Harry and Hermione's camp

The unforgettable landscape that Harry and Hermione find themselves in after Ron leaves is located in Limestone Pavement, Malham Cove.

Godric's Hollow

Harry returns home to find the sword of Gryffindor, and anyone can walk through these places in Suffolk.

The beach where Dobby is buried

The touching scene of the death of Dobby the elf, who sacrificed himself to save Harry, is located in Wales, Pembrokeshire.

This collection contains the most popular filming locations of all eight Harry Potter films. All that remains is to pack your suitcase and hit the road to see the magical world with your own eyes!