Essay based on the painting “Deuce Again” by Reshetnikov. Essay based on Reshetnikov’s painting “Deuce Again” (7th grade) What the characters in the picture are talking about, Deuce Again


The family meets a boy who has brought another setback. The child’s appearance reveals what he does instead of homework: yard battles, ice skating, running around. The boy is happily greeted by the dog and his younger brother, who want to play. The mother looks with sadness, the older sister with condemnation.

“Deuce Again” is an exemplary work of the “academic everyday genre.” The characters are clearly divided into good and bad, so the boy is on one side, and the positive, sympathetic characters are on the other.

Our gaze moves from the boy to his sister, then to his mother and, following her gaze, returns to the boy. The center of the composition is not a specific object, but an impending feeling of disappointment and melancholy.

Reshetnikov depicted a wealthy family in the painting “Deuce Again”

There is no father in the picture. Apparently, he died in the war, and his mother is raising three children alone. Notable details include the carpet, bicycle and clock. For 1952, all this was an indicator of the family’s good financial situation.

"Arrived for Vacation", 1948

On the wall hangs a reproduction of another painting by Reshetnikov (painted four years earlier) - “Arrived on Vacation.” This canvas is about the arrival of a Suvorov boy home before the New Year. Despite the optimism and festive surroundings, the canvas is deeply dramatic: most likely, the boy is an orphan, because after the war, children whose mother and father died at the front were often taken to Suvorov schools.


Reshetnikov found the idea for the painting “Deuce Again” in his family. The prototype of the boy was the artist’s daughter Lyuba. She had bad grades, and at such moments, when she came home, she always tried to slip into the kitchen unnoticed. Reshetnikov saved her upset face and guilty look for the hero of the picture. The artist himself believed that a bad grade is a disorder not only for the child personally, but also for his family, friends, and the whole country.

The prototype of the main character of the picture was Reshetnikov’s daughter

The painting was painted from life, very difficult. Reshetnikov’s memories have been preserved of how long the artist fed the dog sandwiches in order to force it to stand in the desired position.

"Re-examination", 1954

“Deuce Again” became the second part of Reshetnikov’s “art trilogy”: the first was “Arrived for Vacation”, the third was “Re-examination”. And just as in the painting “Deuce Again” a reproduction of “Arrived for Vacation” is visible, in the left corner of “Reexamination” you can see a reproduction of the canvas “Deuce Again”.

The fate of the artist

Fyodor Reshetnikov was born in 1906 into the family of an icon painter. At the age of 3 he was left an orphan and raised in his brother’s family. He studied at the workers' faculty of arts in Moscow, at the Higher Art and Technical Workshops. Following a Komsomol call, he went to the Arctic on the Chelyuskin, where he was a full-time artist. Reshetnikov had two periods of creativity. The first - youthful - is associated with the same Arctic campaign, with humorous cartoons. The second is with the children's genre and work in the open air. By the way, all his landscapes were bought up and taken abroad.

Kryukovo. Forest Glade. 1946

Reshetnikov was twice awarded the Stalin Prize. And soon after the film “Deuce Again” he became a full member of the USSR Academy of Arts. For the last 13 years of his life, the artist was vice-president of the Academy.

Before us is a painting by the outstanding Russian artist Fyodor Pavlovich Reshetnikov “Deuce Again”.

In the center of the picture is an upset and dejected boy. From the title of the picture you can guess that the student came home from school and again received a bad grade. The boy's appearance also speaks about his attitude towards learning. He is disheveled, his hair is tousled, his coat is open. And the briefcase apparently took out a lot. Perhaps the boy rode it down the hill, as the briefcase was pretty tattered. Skates are sticking out of the briefcase. This suggests that, most likely, the student did not go home immediately after school, but went to the skating rink.

The boy's mother is saddened by his poor performance. She sat down on a chair, and she no longer had the strength to scold her son, because it leads to nothing. The boy gets bad grades again and again.

The boy's older sister looks at him reproachfully. She is a diligent student, an excellent student. And such outrageous behavior and her brother’s poor academic performance are simply incomprehensible to her. The sister is ashamed of her brother. She spends a lot of time doing her homework and is praised at school. And my brother lets everyone down with his poor studies.

The little brother is depicted as cheerful and joyful. He rides a bicycle. He still does not understand such a tense and tense atmosphere in the house. He is too small and does not think about the fact that in the future he will also have to attend school, learn his lessons on time, so as not to get “D” marks and not upset his mother.

One dog is happy about the boy's arrival. She ran up to him and placed her front paws on his chest. The dog thinks that the owner will now play with it. But he has no time for that. The furnishings in the apartment are modest. Before us is the most ordinary Soviet family.

The artist used fairly bright colors when painting the picture. Reshetnikov captured a very vital moment. The picture is filled with the emotions of the characters, for whom every viewer worries. The plot of the film also makes you think about the need to study well so as not to upset your parents.

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A story everyone knows

Fyodor Pavlovich Reshetnikov’s painting “Deuce Again” is one of the most famous and beloved works of Soviet painting. Every or almost every person who looks at the picture can remember himself in a similar situation, when like it or not, you have to go home and talk about how you got a bad grade.

In this picture, the most important thing is the figures and faces of people; just by their poses we can understand the mood. Their faces convey their true feelings and thoughts very eloquently. In the picture we see a family: a mother and three children. The artist depicted everyone at the moment when each of the characters in the picture reacts sharply to the situation. And this reaction is reflected on everyone’s face.

In the middle of the room stands a boy who has returned from school. His briefcase, tied with twine, from which his skates peek out, indicates that on this day the student paid much less attention to his studies than to the skating rink. His sister looks at her brother with reproach and disapproval. She herself stands with a textbook near the table and, apparently, is going to do her homework. “A bad grade again” is not about her; this girl is most likely an excellent student. The children's mother is upset about the boy. Perhaps she had just had an animated conversation with her daughter and youngest son. But then the middle child came in and it became clear from his face: “Another deuce.” All the joyful atmosphere instantly disappeared.

The very name of the picture suggests that this story happens quite often to the boy - the hero of the picture. No one is surprised, but almost everyone is annoyed, including the poor student himself. At this moment, remorse is visible on his face: “Eh, if I started all over again, I wouldn’t have been skating all day, but learned my lessons first!” Only his little brother looks at him with sly curiosity - what will happen next? And only the dog - a faithful friend - does not care what grades his owner has in the diary; she joyfully tries to lick his nose.

Let's remember when the picture was painted. This is 1952, 7 years have passed since the end of the Great Patriotic War. Of those depicted in the picture, only the younger brother did not survive the war. The sister, apparently, was born before the war. The main character is a poor student, he was a small child during the war, but, undoubtedly, he knows and remembers what difficulties people went through. Still, this is a happy family - their father returned from the war and then their third child was born. The family lives well, in abundance. For those years, the furnishings in the room were very good, even rich. The kid has a bicycle, which not all children had. The boy is probably proud of his father and has promised him more than once to improve. And now the unfortunate misunderstanding is repeated. Of course, all this is not depicted in the picture, but this story is easy to guess if you just look more closely.

The majority of both Soviet and modern schoolchildren received a literature assignment - to write an essay based on the painting “Deuce Again.” Reshetnikov Fedor Pavlovich, who created this painting, was a fairly famous artist. His paintings are known to many from school.

How the painting was created

The history of the painting “Deuce Again” is very interesting. Initially, the artist had a completely different idea. His desire was to describe a Soviet student, who was by no means a poor student, but, on the contrary, an excellent student. Reshetnikov even visited schools, observing the behavior of children. But one day the excellent student chosen for the description received an unsatisfactory grade. The master liked the child’s unusual reaction. Thus, the idea for the painting we know was born.

In the middle of the last century, in 1952, the well-known painting “Deuce Again” was born. The schoolboy depicted on it was a typical loafer of that time. Soviet students knew that they could not emulate him. In general, it was a bold decision at that time - to depict a poor student on the canvas, and not an excellent student.

Based on this picture, a series was created in the famous children's film magazine, which all Soviet children watched - “Yeralash”.

Unfeigned sadness

It’s worth starting an essay on the painting “Deuce Again” (F.P. Reshetnikov) with a description of the main character. The boy came home after school very sad. The whole family could read from his face that he had done something wrong again today. A child with a sad face turns away from his family, it seems that he is very ashamed. But what will we see if we take a closer look at it? The boy holds in his hand a briefcase containing skates. He probably wasn’t sad at all after school, but had fun with his friends. The child’s rosy cheeks glow not at all from shame, but from active games on the street in the winter. The briefcase tied with rope also indicates this. He probably served the boy as a sled on the hill. But the boy’s repentant face says the opposite - he is very ashamed, and F. Reshetnikov portrayed this unsurpassedly. “A F-A Again” is a picture that makes schoolchildren think about their behavior.

Pioneer Sister

The whole family gathered around the boy. Each of them evaluates behavior in their own way. The eldest sister turned out to be the strictest. It means everything is fine with the girl’s studies. Unlike her brother, the schoolgirl had already come home a long time ago and managed to complete her homework. The description of this moment should contain an essay on the painting “Deuce Again.” Reshetnikov perfectly depicted the emotions on the face of his older sister. The girl is not just angry, she is outraged by her brother’s actions. She, a pioneer, is ashamed of him. At the same time, she understands that the boy, having received a bad mark, did not immediately go home, but went to have fun. Perhaps it is her boy who is more afraid of his own mother.

Hands down...

Mom was doing household chores before her son arrived. This is evidenced by the apron and headscarf she is wearing. She looks at her son with regret. She probably would have liked it so much that he would finally bring an excellent grade, and not a bad mark at all. Her tired look was perfectly depicted by the artist Reshetnikov.

The painting “Deuce Again,” an essay on which we have to write, will contain a portrait of the mother. Her hands are already giving up, she doesn’t know how to influence her child. But at the same time, there is no malice in her gaze at all. She loves her son very much and probably hopes that he will grow up and take up his studies.

The only person who sincerely loves and rejoices at the boy’s arrival is the family pet – the dog. He doesn’t understand why his household is angry with him. The dog does not care about the conventions of school grades; he loves his little master for other actions. Gently placing his paws on him, he seems to support the boy in such a difficult moment for him.

But the little brother is making fun of the older one! He understands that he will now get punished for his tricks, so he stood on the bike next to his mother and smiles sarcastically.

All family members understand that the bad mark the boy received is not his last.


As we can see, the picture shows a typical Soviet apartment. The angle of the image is a triangle, which is quite common in painting. The furnishings in the apartment are modest but cozy. The table is covered with a clean tablecloth, a clock with a pendulum hangs on the wall, and homemade flowers grow on the windowsill. The most remarkable thing in the interior of the room is a calendar with a painting by the same artist. It's called "Arrived for Vacation."

The meaning of this painting is that it depicts a brave Suvorov student, an excellent student who has come home to rest. He will never have such a sad face as our poor student, because he is an excellent student and a completely positive hero! The artist painted “Arrived for Vacation” on the wall to create contrast. A boy with a bad grade with skates in his briefcase is contrasted with an excellent student at Suvorov. But what a lively appearance our guilty character has! His emotions are difficult to convey in words. Thus, a comparison of these two heroes will help describe the picture “Deuce Again.”

It is worth noting one more detail regarding the interior. The artist masterfully uses the play of colors. The room in which the offender is located is made in dark colors. The pioneer sister is depicted personifying the wonderful future of all youth. Such a contrast makes it possible to understand that the boy is going the wrong way and should be directed to the path of correction when he does not get a bad grade again.

The main idea of ​​the picture

This artistic masterpiece has been known to schoolchildren since Soviet times. The picture became very popular in our country. It was included in the study program not only in the fine arts lesson, but also in Russian. Almost every student had the opportunity to describe this picture. For example, in the “Speech Development” section, it is ideal for studying the description of the condition. “Talking” emotions on the faces of household members will help the student convey what each of the characters felt.

The main idea of ​​the picture is the depiction of a character who does not want to study, and now he has to answer for this to all family members. It’s a shame to do this, every child should remember this. You can't be lazy and have fun if you haven't completed your homework.


An essay on the painting “Deuce Again” (Reshetnikov F.P.) must necessarily include the role this painting played in Soviet painting. It is difficult to overestimate how important it was considered in the middle of the last century. In 1957, the famous art museum Tretyakov Gallery bought this painting from Fyodor Pavlovich. Its popularity reached such a peak that for some time it was the cover for the primary school textbook “Native Speech”. Looking at her, every schoolchild could take the place of the main character and think about his academic success.