The learning process at the croupier school. The magical world of easy money, or how I worked in a casino

So, I decided to publish the procedures and rules for working in a casino that we were given at croupier school. Of course, in different casinos they are a little different, and at work they turn a blind eye to some things, but still. Those who want to go to work as a croupier can find them useful.

The first rule is always used:


The "clean hands" procedure is used by casino staff to show that nothing was hidden in their hands. This procedure is not directed against the staff, but on the contrary helps to avoid unwanted situations during the game.
One palm seems to wipe the other with straightened fingers, after which both hands are shown palms down, thereby demonstrating that there is nothing in the hands.
The dealer demonstrates “clean hands” to the inspector, Pit Boss and other interested parties so that they are convinced that:
1 The dealer does not play along and does not play against the player
2 The dealer does not bring or take away anything from the table


A. By touching the player's bet.
b. how to convey something to a player or someone from the staff.
V. using a handkerchief.
d. By joining the table.
d. How to leave the table
e. Any exchange.
and. In any situation where the hands leave the table.
h. Exchange of tips

CLEAN HANDS is always done after:

1 Clearing the playing field on A.Roulette
2 Performances of "Dolly" on the winning number.
3 Layouts of the winning bet.
4 Withdrawing dollars from the winning number

Stacks, movement, how to carry correctly

One stack

Two stacks

Three stacks

Ten stacks

Only ONE hand is used to move the stacks, two NEVER.
All payouts MUST be cleared from the playing field to avoid complicating the safety of the game.

ALWAYS use caution and care when moving stacks. Do not stop the movement abruptly, otherwise the stack will fall apart.

Changing the direction of movement of stacks is quite difficult, so make sure that the stacks are aligned correctly in the direction of movement before it begins.

When taking stacks from a player, spread your fingers so that they are at the base of each stack and carefully move them into the zone


Pensiling(pencil) - from 14 to 19 inclusive. Cut 1,2,3,4,5,6 chips from a full stack. Pensiling is a full stack, we take it out immediately and cut it off.
Example. 75 chips is 4 stacks, cut 5 chips from one.
Shot-catting- this is a piece from one chip to 13 inclusive. Example: 52 chips is 2 stacks and 12 chips.

When paying out, you can bet a maximum of 5 chips on one stack. For two or more stacks: 12 chips.

Dolly is placed only with the outside hand
We pay the odds only with the outside hand.
We take the winnings with the outside hand.
We break the bet with the outside hand.

We build the payout around the first dozen, we do it with our inside hand. The high cache is always located closer to the wheel.

Cleaning chances - with both hands. Cleaning the room with both hands.
We clean the last 6 numbers (31,32,33,34,35,36) and the first 4 (0,1,2,3) with the outside hand.

When "O" wins, columns and dozens lose, and equal chances are divided in half

The meaning of the game European roulette

You need to guess which sector out of 37 the game ball will fall on.

Game wheel in European roulette

The game wheel for European and French roulette has 37 sectors from 0 to 36. The arrangement of numbers on the wheel, as in American roulette, has a special meaning:

Alternating red and black

Numbers from 32 to 10, located to the right of zero, contain 9 black small numbers (17, 15, 13, 11, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2) and 9 red large numbers (36, 34, 32, 30, 27, 25, 23, 21, 19).
The numbers to the left of zero are from 26 to 5, on the contrary, 9 black large numbers and 9 red small ones.

The game wheel for European and French roulette has three sectors that allow players to place verbal bets:
Voisins du Zero
(22, 18, 29, 7, 28, 12, 35, 3, 26, 0, 32, 15, 19, 4, 21, 2, 25)
Tier du Cylindre
(27, 13, 36, 11, 30, 8, 23, 10, 5, 24, 16, 33)
Orphans and Orphelins
(17, 34, 6, 1, 20, 14, 31, 9)

Playing field for European roulette

The playing field consists of two small fields - external and internal. The inner field contains all the sectors on the wheel, including zero. They are arranged in three rows of twelve numbers each. On the outer playing field there are special fields for bets on other characteristics (even-odd, big-small or red-black).

In European roulette, a player can make the following bets:

Any number
Group of numbers
Even-odd, red-black, big-small
Bets and their payment in European rouletteOne sector 35:1
Two sectors (split - two adjacent) 17:1
Three sectors (street - three adjacent) 11:1
Four sectors (square) 8:1
Six sectors (line) 5:1
Dozen (bet on 12 numbers in order. These are 1-12, 13-24 and 25-36) 2:1
Column (bet on a column of 12 numbers.) 2:1
Small and large (1-18/19-36) 1:1
Even-odd 1:1
Red-black 1:1

If a zero appears, all bets not related to the number, including columns, dozens lose and equal chances are divided in half.
Bets can be made using both colored and cash chips. Each table has colored chips with a design corresponding to that table. They cannot be accepted or exchanged at another table. A player cannot play with two or more “colors” of the same value.
The value of the “color” is marked with a marker on the display and on the “color” near the wheel if it is higher in denomination than the table minimum.
If a player wishes to change the value of a “color,” he must first exchange his existing color chips for cash chips, after which he will be offered a different “color.” If there is no available color, the dealer must ensure that the color is completely exchanged before changing its value.

The player cannot place or remove a bet, or make an exchange after the dealer says “There are no more bets.” The winning bet can be withdrawn by the player after the payout until the next spin.
Table minimums and maximums must be indicated on a special sign. Any partnership of players that aims to exceed the table maximum must be brought to the attention of management and stopped.

The hand closest to the wheel will be referred to as the inside hand throughout the procedures. The hand located further from the wheel is the outer hand.
- after inviting players to place bets, the dealer, using his inside hand, launches the ball in the direction opposite to the movement of the wheel. For the tire to be considered valid, the ball must make at least five revolutions.

If the ball was launched incorrectly or left the reel, the spin is considered unsuccessful and the dealer announces “No Spin”. The dealer remains at his workplace and makes a second spin from the same number.
- “Last bets” are announced when there are approximately five turns left before the ball falls. “There are no more bets” the dealer says three turns before the ball drops. If the ball has already fallen and betting continues, “No more bets” is announced again, after which no more bets can be accepted. If the bets were made anyway, the dealer removes them from the field with the words “Late bet”.


First of all, players are offered colored tokens for the game; when a player wants to change cash chips, he must put them on the table. Under no circumstances may the dealer accept them from the customer's hands.
-before taking chips from the table, the dealer must clean his hands and announce
- when exchanging, chips are located on the lower box.

The high denomination is located at the bottom (an opening procedure is assumed before and after the exchange)
-after the exchange, the cash chips are removed to the fleet.
-only one player can play across the field with cash chips of a certain value; other players are offered colored tokens, marked accordingly, for play.

Verbal bets.

verbal bids must be understood and clearly repeated by the dealer and inspector.
-if the bet is not clear or is made after the words “There are no more bets” it. cannot be accepted and must be returned to the player immediately.

After placing "Dolly" on the winning number, the dealer must point to that number on the track and determine which of the verbal bets are the winning ones. All winning verbal bets are settled on the field before the number is cleared in the following order:
a) series
b) number and its neighbors

The following are not bets:
- late bets (after the words “There are no more bets”)
-bets not understood, placed incorrectly, less than the minimum,
-change from bets exceeding the table maximum is given before the winning number is cleared.

Room clearing:
-having announced the number, the dealer places “Dolly” on the number with the outside hand, open palm facing up.
- “LCD” is used when clearing the numbers of the last sixline
( and the first coner (0,1,2,3).
-outside bets are never collected through the winning dozen.

Payment procedure:
-1) Outside bets are paid in the following order: (with outside hand only.
- large numbers - odd numbers - black - red - even numbers - small numbers - dozens
2) If there are two or more bets in a column, the dealer places the higher stack further from the wheel and pays it first.
3)The number is paid as follows:

In this case, the payout starts from the bet: -farthest from the wheel -furthest from the dealer -from top to bottom

Payment procedures:
- on the winning number, one color is paid in one go
- before payment, the dealer is obliged to “open” the bet so that the inspector can see it!!!

Prepare the payment as follows:
-a) for colored chips -
From 1 to 5 - cut from stack
b) for cash chips
you have to break everything up, you can’t cut from a stack!

Cash chips with a face value of 25 are cut into 4.
-all payments must be prepared and presented in the work area, which is located opposite the first dozen. Payments are prepared with the inside hand.
-payments should consist of the maximum possible number of colored chips, provided that the player does not ask for a cash.
-with mixed payouts (cash and color), the cash chips are located in front of the color, closer to the player.

For one stack

a) from 1 to 5 chips inclusive are located on the full stack. b) from 6 to 19 form a new stack. from 2 stacks or more:
a) everything that is “cut” (1-13 chips except 13) is placed on full stacks.
b) everything that is “cut off” (14-19 chips inclusive of 13) forms a new stack.
- during transportation, cash chips are located on the topmost colored chips,
-when transporting cash chips of various denominations, a higher denomination
installed on top.
-payouts are passed to players only by the outside hand with the announcement of the payout amount -before handing chips to the player, the dealer and inspector must reach an agreement on the payout amount.
When a player is about to exchange colored chips for a cash, the dealer must: - loudly announce “Exchange”, - move the chips to the working area (C area of ​​the first dozen on the track). - place chips that do not form a stack on the side, closer to the wheel - check the value of the color, - loudly announce the exchange amount.
-take from the fleet the equivalent of this amount in cash chips and, placing the high denomination closer to the wheel, spread them out.
- having received the consent of the inspector, give the cash chips to the player with the outside hand - return the color to its place and remove the marker. -


talk at work
play with chips, especially with cash (at a gaming table)

Hand cleaning:

Coming and leaving the table
-before and after any exchange
- when accepting bets from clients
-before opening and after closing the bet
-after the payment or exchange is completely ready and the formation of stacks is revealed when moving them around the table.

Classic Poker (Oasis)


Each player and dealer are given 5 cards. Card combinations are standard for poker games:

Royal flush "Royal flush"
Straight flush "Straight flush"
4 identical cards "Four of a kind"
Full House "Full house"
Street "Straight"
3 identical cards "Three of a kind"
Two pairs
"One pair"

If the combinations are equal, for example, the dealer and the player each have a pair of 8s, the outcome of the game is determined by the remaining 3 cards. Whoever has the highest of the other cards is higher, his combination is considered higher. When comparing a "Flush" combination, the combination with the highest card is considered the highest. If all combination cards are equal, it is announced “With your own”.


The player places his bet in the box marked "ANTE" and can also place his bet in the "BONUS" box. Players are only allowed to play for 1 box each.

After all bets have been placed, the dealer deals five cards to each player and himself. All cards are dealt face down except for the dealer's last card, which is dealt face up. After dealing the cards to the players, the dealer places the deck with the remaining cards on the left side of the fleet (the iron box with chips in the middle of the table).

At this point, players can look at their cards and decide whether they will continue the game or not. If the player does not want to continue playing, he discards his cards and loses the "ANTE" and "BONUS" bet if present. The dealer must collect the players' discarded bets with his left hand, while taking the cards from these boxes with his right. The player's cards are laid out before being placed into the chipper to reveal the presence of five cards. Players should not remove cards from the table and exchange information about available cards among themselves. Ignoring this rule may result in the loss of the "ANTE" bet.

If the player decides to continue the game, he can either place double the "ANTE" bet on the box behind the "ANTE" box, or exchange one card from his five cards for another from the remaining ones in the deck. In case of an exchange, the player places the card that he wants to exchange for another in front of his box and covers it with a bet equal to the "ANTE" bet. The remaining four cards must be on the table at the time of exchange.

After the discarded cards are collected, the dealer exchanges one card for each person who wishes. To do this, the dealer takes the bet from the card lying for exchange with his left hand, then drags it into the chipper with his right hand, and immediately places a card from the remaining deck with his left hand next to the box on which the exchange takes place. This procedure is carried out starting from the box to the far left of the dealer in order to the right. Also, when exchanging cards, the player loses and the bonus bet is taken away accordingly. After the cards are exchanged, the dealer moves the cards remaining in the deck into the chipper and recounts them along with the exchanged cards of the players (card recalculation is done when 3 or more boxes are playing).

After exchanging cards, the player can also either discard his cards and lose the "ANTE" or double his bet.

Next, the dealer announces “Bets are doubled” and reveals his five cards. The minimum combination at which the dealer plays is Ace\King and higher according to standard poker combinations. Once opened, the dealer sorts the cards in descending order from left to right. If the dealer has a pair, it moves forward. In a Full House, three cards are pushed forward.

If the dealer does not have a game, all remaining boxes in the game are paid a bet equal to the "ANTE" bet starting from the rightmost box.

If the dealer has a game, all remaining boxes in the game are checked for the game. When playing against both the dealer and the player, the highest combination wins. From boxes where the combination of cards is lower than the dealer's, both "ANTE" and doubling are taken. Opening and comparing boxes also occurs starting from the right box. On players' boxes where the combination of cards is higher than the dealer's, a payout occurs according to the table:

"ANTE" is always I to I


Royal flush "Royal flush"1 100 to 1
Straight flush "Straight flush" 50 to 1
4 identical cards "Four of a kind" 20 to 1
Full House "Full house" 7 to 1
Flush "Flush" 5 to 1
Street "Straight" 4 to 1
3 identical cards "Three of a kind" 3 to 1
Two pairs "Two pair" 2 to 1
Pair "One pair" 1 to 1

The bonus bet always plays completely separately and wins or loses depending on the player's combination. This bet only wins if the player has a combination of "Flush" or higher. Accordingly, if the combination is lower, the bet loses and is taken by the dealer after the player’s cards are revealed.

Bonus bet payout table;

Royal flush "Royal flush" 10,000
Straight flush "Straight flush" 5,000
4 identical Tour of a kind cards" 1,000
Full House "Full house" 500
Flush "Flush" 250

After the payout, the cards are taken from the box, laid out to show 5 cards and transferred to the chipper.

1, In the event that the player or dealer receives the wrong number of cards, the deal is considered void.
2. If a card is turned over during distribution, the dealer must collect

already dealt cards from all boxes preventing players from opening them.
3. If a player tries to take cards from the table, he must be politely asked to return the cards to the table and warned that taking cards away is unacceptable.
4. If a player attempts to discuss his cards with another player, he should be politely warned not to exchange information.


Russian Poker is an exciting card game based on the rules of Oasis Stud Poker. The main feature of this poker is that the player can change any number of cards for a bet equal to ANTE, or buy a 6th card.

The maximum number of boxes that can participate in the game is four. If there are free boxes, one player can play on 2 boxes open (taking decisions on each one in turn), or on all 4, 2 of which play dark. All ANTE bets of one player must be equal. The game of several players in one box is not allowed.


In order to start the game, players place bets on the box marked ANTE, in accordance with the minimum and maximum bets indicated in the table on each gaming table. The dealer deals clockwise to all players and himself five cards. The dealer's last card is placed face up. After the last card is dealt to the table, players can look at their cards (taking earlier is prohibited).
The player looks at his cards and decides whether he will play or not, and whether he will change or buy an additional card. If the player decides to play without exchanging cards for a box with the inscription BET, he must put down the hole cards (face down) and place a bet on top equal to two ANTE bets (after which the player cannot touch the cards).

If the player considers his combination not sufficient to continue the game and does not want to take risks, then he can fold the cards, thereby losing the ANTE bet.

If a player wants to continue the game and/or strengthen an existing combination, he can change any number of his cards: 1,2,3,4 or 5 cards, or buy a 6th card for an amount equal to one ANTE. To do this, you need to put face down those cards that the player wants to replace and place a bet equal to ANTE on these cards. When buying the 6th card, it is enough to place an additional ANTE bet. If a player plays on two boxes, he repeats the same procedure on the second box (without changing the decision on the previous box). After the exchange, the player must decide on the further course of the game: play, fold, or insure against “no play” from the dealer.
After all the players at the table have decided to play or not, the dealer reveals his cards. The minimum game for which the dealer plays is Ace/King. If the dealer has a game, he compares his cards with the player's cards and determines whether the player wins or loses. If the player and the dealer have the same combinations, then the winning side is determined by the highest card.
If the dealer has a game ANTE, the player is not paid.


In Russian poker, it is possible to pay out two combinations available to the player, the main and additional ones. When paying for combinations, all payments are made only by BET, ANTE is not paid. ANTE is paid only in case of “no game” at the dealer.
In order for both combinations to be paid, two conditions must be met:
1. At least one of the two combinations must be higher than the dealer’s combination;

2. The second combination must include at least one card that is not part of the main combination.
No more than two poker combinations can be paid to one player at a time. Moreover, the total payout for boxing (including payment for insurance) cannot exceed the maximum payout of the gaming table,


The player can insure his box against “no play” from the dealer. Insurance is accepted if the player has a combination of “three of one kind” and higher. Moreover, in each case, the player can insure the entire expected payout on BET, taking into account the additional combination, if any. If a player decides to insure his combination, he must bet the insurance amount before closing his box by placing a BET bet. After placing a bet
BET, insurance not accepted.
The minimum insurance amount is equal to the BET rate, and the maximum insurance amount is equal to the expected BET payout for two combinations (main and additional within the table maximum).
After the dealer has shown his cards and has no game, insurance is paid 1 to 1, and ANTE is not paid.
If the dealer has a game (even in STAY cases, when the combination of 5 cards of the dealer and the player is the same, the insurance loses, and the BET bet is paid according to the payout table.

The exception is when the dealer's game is higher than the player's insured hand. In this case, the insurance is returned to the player, and ANTE and BET lose.
If the dealer does not have a game after showing his cards, players have the option of purchasing the game from the dealer. The player must place an additional bet equal to ANTE in front of his box. The bet to purchase the game must be placed before the insurance is paid out. For players who do not buy the game, the dealer pays ANTE, after which he changes his high card. If the dealer has a game, the game continues according to standard rules. If the dealer does not have a game again, ANTE is not paid.


The following rules are mandatory during the game:

1. Cards must remain within the dealer's sight and cannot be taken outside the table.
2. The player cannot change the decision on the 1st box by looking at the cards on the 2nd box.
3. Players cannot discuss, look at other people's cards, or show their cards to other players.
4. The maximum payout for boxing (bet plus insurance) is determined at each table.
5. The dealer's mistake is not a reason for additional payments from the casino. If the order of dealing cards is violated, the game is considered invalid and a mulligan is announced. In this case, bets do not win or lose.
In any controversial situations, the decision of the casino manager is final.

Texas poker


The rules of Texas Poker differ from other poker games in that the paytable refers to the ANTE bet rather than doubling down.
Each player and dealer are dealt 2 cards face down and 3 cards are dealt face up in the middle of the table. The player, looking at his 2 cards and 3 cards in the middle of the table, must decide whether to continue the game, or fold the cards, losing the "ANTE" bet. After the player has doubled down, the dealer places two more cards face up in the middle of the table, forming 5 face up cards, then turns over his two cards and announces his five card hand, which is formed from the five face up cards in the middle of the table and his own two. If the deeper's five-card combination is higher than the player's five-card combination, the player loses the "ANTE" bet and the doubling.

The dealer plays with a pair of 4-k and higher. If the dealer has a pair of 3k or lower, he only pays “ANTE” according to the table below. If the dealer's five-card hand is lower than the player's five-card hand, then a doubling of 1 to 1 and "ANTE" is paid according to the table:

Doubling is always 1 to 1

Royal flush "Royal flush" 100 to 1
Straight flush "Straight flush" 20 to 1
4 identical cards "Four of a kind" 10 to 1
Full House "Full house" 3 to 1
Flush "Flush" 2 to 1
Street "Straight" and below 1 to 1

A croupier is a specialist in conducting various games (roulette, poker, baccarat, Black Jack, etc.) with visitors in a casino.


$250–600 (

Place of work

Croupiers work in casinos and cultural and entertainment centers.


The main task of the dealer is to organize the gaming process so that the person sitting on the opposite side of the gaming table remains happy even if he loses. After all, he came to the casino for pleasure and positive emotions, and the croupier’s goal is to provide this. The croupier distributes cards, collects chips, explains the rules of the game, and maintains a conversation with the client. The work schedule is selected individually. This is usually an 8- or 12-hour shift with a 20-minute rest.

Important qualities

A croupier in his work requires such qualities as tact, politeness, accuracy, discipline, sociability and charm.

Reviews about the profession

“You start to think of money as just chips, like a piece of plastic. And even if this piece of plastic costs a thousand rubles, or five, you don’t perceive it as a banknote, it remains just a chip. Therefore, outside the game, somewhere on the street, you can spend all the money, absolutely all that you have on something that you cannot afford in normal times. You can shell out all your money for this nonsense. Among ourselves, we call them “cartridges.” If there are cartridges, there will be a war. If there is money, there will be a game."

From an interview with a croupier from a casino in Ufa.

Stereotypes, humor

The profession of croupier is popular among young people because it allows them to earn money without special higher education. However, one of its disadvantages is its limitation from a geographical point of view: gambling is allowed in the Russian Federation only in certain areas.


To become a croupier, you need to undergo training at a specialized school. As a rule, training is offered by casinos and entertainment centers.

Topic of today's material IQ Review- work of a croupier. We will tell you about the casino and the atmosphere of excitement that reigns there. A shift manager at one of the major gambling establishments wrote her review about working in a casino. You will find out whether it is possible to beat a casino, whether establishments often deceive players, what a typical casino client looks like, how much dealers earn and what problems they face.

My name is Mira, I currently live in Tbilisi, I was born and lived in Moscow for a long time. Relatively recently, I finished my career in a casino, the last place where I worked was the Adjara casino, one of the largest casinos in Georgia. I started working as a croupier in Moscow, worked my way up the career ladder, and for the last year I worked as a shift manager - that’s what they call the main shift manager in a casino.

Roulette in a casino

What does a shift manager do?

A shift manager is essentially the person in charge after the general manager on a certain shift. Since all casinos operate around the clock, there is a morning, afternoon and night shift manager; two and sometimes three shift managers work on the night shift, since more people visit these establishments at night. During his shift, the shift manager is responsible for absolutely everything that happens in the casino:

  • work directly of the croupier and inspectors (monitoring the work of the croupier);
  • security work at the entrance, in the hall;
  • security camera operators.

A person “from the outside” will never become a casino manager - this work is so complex and specific. Only if you have gone through the entire chain of career ladder from a simple croupier, will you have the opportunity to manage the operation of the casino. In general, it must be said that almost all casino workers started their careers as a croupier, even camera operators and cashiers: operators must know the specifics of the game, cashiers must quickly and correctly be able to handle chips and money.

How to get a job in a casino

Education for starting work in a casino is not of great importance, but preference is still given to people with knowledge of a foreign language, since casinos are still managed mainly by foreigners. Also, much attention is paid to the ability to quickly manipulate two- and three-digit numbers in the mind; the croupier calculates everything without a calculator.

No one starts working in a casino right away; first you need to graduate from a croupier school. Personally, I was very lucky - I studied at an American school, which was taught by real professionals in Moscow. “Zero” dealers are first placed in the morning and afternoon shifts, when there are few people in the casino, because when there are many players at the gaming table, even an experienced dealer sometimes has difficulty coping with the workload. When further employment in another casino, knowledge of languages, knowledge of a large number of games is taken into account (a croupier with knowledge of American and French roulette is very valuable; roulette is generally much more difficult than card games) and recommendations from a previous place of work.

Getting a job in a casino is very difficult - there is high competition. If you graduated from croupier school and started working, you need to make every effort to work in this position for as long as possible - the management of any casino does not really like “jumpers” who do not stay long in one place. It is better to look for a place where the management is foreigners, especially good if they are British and Americans, they are considered the best professionals in this matter.

What to expect from working as a croupier

Working in a casino is, first of all, physically difficult. According to the rules, the croupier must work for 20 minutes and rest for the same amount, but this happens extremely rarely, and even then only in the morning shift. A manager can generally spend the entire shift on his feet with a couple of short breaks.

A mandatory requirement for female casino workers is classic high-heeled shoes; it is very difficult to work for 8 hours every day in such shoes.

The casino is a well-oiled mechanism, everyone works on the same wavelength: dealers deal cards/spin the roulette ball, take away lost chips or pay out winnings, an inspector at each gaming table monitors compliance with the rules, camera operators monitor players and dealers, cashiers change money chips to those who came and vice versa, and the shift manager controls everyone.

Dealer girl

It is very important that there are no conflicts or scandals in the casino - they greatly damage the reputation of the establishment. It also happens that a cheater is spotted in a casino (there is a special international file for big cheaters), he is immediately taken out of the casino and blacklisted. Scandalists and those trying to deceive casinos will face the same fate.

The fact that those who win a large sum are then extorted money or are not paid the winnings is a fairy tale! As an employee with 15 years of experience, I can say that a casino will never harm itself - a person who wins and receives money will come to the casino many more times to try to win more and more, and as a result, most likely, will lose.

On the contrary, a successful player will receive all sorts of bonuses in the form of free visits to a restaurant/hotel; he will be treated especially attentively and warmly, counting on the “tea” that goes towards the salaries of the gaming staff.

I will dispel another myth that supposedly any casino is something like a brothel, where working girls are under the threat of harassment from players, or, on the contrary, of their own free will enter into relationships with rich players. The security service closely monitors the employees and at the slightest hint of any relationship with the players they fire them - too much money passes through the casino and there is a high risk of collusion. I can say more - if your close friend/relative comes into the casino, you must immediately inform management about this, and you may even be removed from your shift so that you do not cross paths with this person in the casino.

Salary of casino workers

Client and girls

Salary in a casino consists of two parts: salary and “tips” (tips). Losing to the casino does not affect the salary in any way - on the contrary, the winners leave generous tips, which are divided among all workers of the given shift. A 24-hour large casino will always “recapture” the lost money without difficulty in a short period of time; the very system of the casino operation is to take away the money, not to pay it out. It’s not for nothing that, for example, on roulette, where the payout for winning a number is 1 in 35, there are 36 numbers on the wheel (that is, if you bet on all the numbers, the casino will still win).

The monthly income of a novice dealer is relatively small, it rarely exceeds $1,000; good croupiers with experience earn much more; a manager’s monthly income sometimes amounts to tens of thousands.

I started as a croupier apprentice with a salary of about 200 dollars, about the same or a little more in tips. A couple of years later, when I became an inspector, the permanent salary was 500 dollars and about 600 in tips. My last income as a shift manager was more substantial - 2,200 plus about 3,000 in tips and bonuses, but taking into account that I worked as a manager in Georgia, in Moscow I would have received 4 times more (in Moscow, casinos have been banned since 2009; in Russia, casino activities are allowed only in federal gambling zones. The heroine meant the ratio of earnings at the end of the 2000s - editor's note).

Oh yes, I forgot to say - there are also payments in casinos, called “elephants” (I don’t know why this name) - this is a bonus from winning a shift, for the dealer it’s about a dollar from every thousand won, for inspectors and managers - ten . “Elephants” are a kind of replacement for tipping, because if people lose, they don’t tip. “Elephants” are not practiced in all casinos, but often.

When I started working as a croupier, even in large casinos it was “: two amounts were given out on two sheets - for taxes and bypassing them, but this is a long time ago. Of course, working in a casino is part of your seniority, but, unfortunately, there are still no details provided in terms of the harmfulness of this work. If other professions with a night or mixed schedule have good bonuses, casino workers are deprived of this.

If you are interested in the work of a croupier

About working in a casino

A typical casino client - who is he?

Working in a casino is very interesting, although not easy. If you have extensive experience and also speak foreign languages, you can easily get a job in any country in the world. The casino has long been transformed from a meeting place for criminal elements into an elite club - many celebrities like to go there, nothing human is alien to them, including gambling.

A casino is usually located next door to or in the same building as a nightclub, so at night there are a lot of happy and excited people looking to have a good time (and lose some extra money). Of course, almost all visitors want to win, and the more people came, the more winners, but the game process is so exciting that often after some time people no longer know whether they are winning or losing. They are excited, and they don’t care about anything as long as they still have some money in their pocket.

Atmosphere in gambling establishments

In general, the casino has a special, exciting atmosphere: semi-darkness, light only above the tables, muffled music, the rustle of money and the clatter of chips, joyful cries after winning and tragic sobs if you lost... In some famous TV quiz they didn’t guess the question - where never clocks and windows? This is a casino! Visitors should not see a clock in front of their eyes and should not know what time of day it is outside the window - this way they lose the sense of time and may leave more money in the casino.

Serious passions often play out in casinos, especially if someone has lost - it happens that people get so excited that they lose their last game, sell cars, mortgage apartments... A gambling establishment often gives loans to regular players, but only if it is one hundred percent sure of the player’s creditworthiness.

Pros and cons of working in a casino

The big disadvantage of working in a casino is that night shifts occur more often than day and morning shifts. In general, they try to place experienced dealers and managers only on the night shift. It is incredibly difficult to sleep only during the day and work at night, and on weekends the body generally loses orientation. In case of a large influx of visitors, there is a practice of “voluntary-compulsory” obligation to stay for the next shift. Of course, this is paid, and for an additional shift they pay many times more than for the planned one, but working 16 hours instead of eight, especially if you stay after the night shift in the morning, is hellish work.

In addition to good mathematical abilities and knowledge of languages, those who want to work in a casino also need to have good health. Constant work on your feet, lack of daylight at work and at home (if you work only on the night shift and have to sleep during the day), dirt from chips, money and tables, cigarette smoke, which air conditioners often cannot cope with - all this will not have the best effect on your health.

There is also a constant strain on the nerves - huge sums pass through the hands of the croupier and the eyes of managers, any mistake is fraught with a blow to the reputation of the establishment and a deduction from the salary of the employee who made the mistake. Conflicts, no matter how hard the casino management tries to avoid them, sometimes occur; losing players often do not control themselves, make scandals, they feel like they were beaten on purpose, that is, the casino is cheating. This is absolute nonsense - there are strict rules that are never broken in favor of the casino. If there is even a slight chance that the visitor is right, the truth will be established by interviewing operators and viewing camera footage, and if the client is right, he will be given an apology and may even be paid a small bonus.

On the other hand, working in a casino is interesting and well paid. The teams of these establishments are mostly young people, except that the managers are already aged. Like any professional “caste,” casino workers are very friendly with each other and love to spend their free time together. If you are good at adding numbers in your head, know foreign languages, if you are not afraid of the difficulties of working on your feet during the night shift and have strong nerves – good luck!:)