Key travel destinations. First time in India: five tips

Before leaving for the airport

Don't forget to bring your passport (POP), travel documents and voucher. Your passport must contain an entry visa to India. The visa specifies the time period during which you are allowed to enter the country and the number of days of residence. We ask you to check in advance for the presence of photographs of children included in the passport, for the presence of appropriate stamps on all photographs. Check-in for the flight begins: in Russia - 2 hours before departure, in India - 4 hours before departure. Considering that seats are often resold (especially on peak dates), it is best to arrive at the airport before check-in begins. In the event of a delay in your flight, in accordance with the rules of international transportation, the air carrier is responsible for the flight delay.

At the airport in India

At the Indian airport upon arrival, an immigration card is filled out. The remaining part of the card after passing through passport control must be kept until your return flight.
During check-in in India (return flight or domestic flights), it is better to keep the volume of hand luggage to a minimum, since hand luggage is searched at Indian airports very carefully and at least three times. Items checked in as baggage are checked once (often right at the entrance to the airport building). It should also be taken into account that in hand luggage it is STRICTLY PROHIBITED to carry items considered potentially dangerous, such as: any aerosols, medicines, matches, lighters, metal combs, nail files, manicure scissors, cosmetics (including perfume), alcoholic beverages , SPICES, etc. Video and photographic equipment may be subject to particularly thorough inspection

Airport taxes

When departing from Goa on a charter flight, an airport tax of US$6 is payable.

Customs regulations

Customs duties do not apply to personal items, as well as personal jewelry, 0.95 liters of alcohol, 200 pieces of cigarettes and 50 pieces of cigars.

We inform you that from May 13, 2014, Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 398 of April 29, 2014 “On invalidating paragraph 7 of Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2005 No. 866 “On labeling alcoholic products with excise stamps” comes into force ". In this regard, the import of any alcoholic beverages into the territory of the Russian Federation from abroad is prohibited. The exception will be alcoholic beverages purchased at airports in Duty Free shops.

The document on the basis of which your accommodation is carried out is a voucher. If the voucher does not indicate the specific category of your room (sea view / garden / mountain view / main building / bungalow), the hotel administration will accommodate you in currently available rooms.
If you find any problems in the room, you must contact the administration to resolve them.
We recommend depositing documents, money and other valuables in a safe. The safe is usually located at the reception desk, in some hotels - directly in the rooms.
When checking into a hotel, inquire about the payment system for additional services. You can find out the status of your account for any day at the hotel reception by asking for a computer printout.
The meal option is indicated in your voucher - this can be breakfast BB, half board NV (breakfast and dinner), full board FB (breakfast, lunch and dinner) or all inclusive (this is usually breakfast, lunch, dinner + local drinks). In hotel restaurants, drinks for dinner are always paid separately (except for all-inclusive hotels). Please note that you are not allowed to bring your own drinks into the hotel restaurant. It is not allowed to take food taken from the buffet outside the restaurant.
Some hotels do not allow food purchased outside the hotel to be brought onto the premises. If you want to bring fruits or drinks purchased at the Duty Free store to your children's room, do so discreetly.

General information

India is a republic with a legislative assembly and a government headed by a prime minister. The head of state is the president. The capital is Delhi. India is located in South Asia and covers an area of ​​more than 3 million square kilometers, washed by the waters of the Arabian Sea in the west and the Bay of Bengal in the east, and bordered by Bangladesh, Burma, Bhutan, China, Nepal and Pakistan. The country also owns a number of islands. Two great rivers flow through the country: the Indus and the Ganges.
The nature of India is exotic and diverse. The lush greenery of tropical forests combined with a colorful variety of flora and fauna, snow-white and golden beaches, the highlands of the Himalayas and river valleys make a stunning impression on travelers from Europe.
The population is one of the highest in the world - about a billion people, of which 51% are men and 49% are women.


When using local ground transport (train or bus), you need to be prepared for the fact that there will be people nearby with various skin diseases (not necessarily contagious, but who knows about that). Therefore, this should only be used if absolutely necessary. It is better to order transport from the host company, or call a taxi. Almost every hotel has a taxi rank or you can call one by phone. A taxi is inexpensive: 1 km from 2.3 - 3 rupees in flat areas to 6 rupees in the mountains.

The monetary unit is the Indian rupee (Rs). 1 rupee = 100 paise. Coins: 5, 10, 20, 25, 50 paise and 1, 2 rupees. Banknotes: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 500 rupees. Indian rupees cannot be brought in or out of the country. Rate 1$ = 47 rupees (real rate at which you can exchange currency 1$ = 44-45 rupees). It is better to change currency in banks. Banknotes must be counted immediately, making sure that they are not torn or sealed. Traveler's checks can be cashed at a more favorable rate. Keep receipts confirming the legality of the currency exchange. Credit cards are accepted in many places (Diners, Visa, Master-card/Eurocard, American Express)
!!! When departing from the country, Indian rupees are NOT ACCEPTED at Duty Free. A return exchange at the airport is possible, but at a VERY UNFAVORABLE rate.

It is 2.5 hours ahead of Moscow in winter and 1.5 hours in summer.

Due to topographic heterogeneity and the size of the territory, the climate in the country is divided into several natural zones: humid equatorial in the extreme south, continental in the central part of the country and quite cool in the Himalayas. The temperature difference ranges from +12+23% in January-December to +35+45% in June-September, when the summer monsoon dominates, bringing precipitation.

The official languages ​​are Hindi and English. There are a total of 1,652 dialects and languages ​​in the country, of which 18 are official in different states. Portuguese is also widely spoken in Goa.

In India you can meet representatives of all known religions. Main: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and Islam. The influence of religions also varies from state to state. For example, Islam is especially strong in the northern part of the country, in Bombay there is a huge Jain community, and in Goa the population is divided into Hindus and Catholics and only 2-3% of the population worships other cults.

Tips depend on your satisfaction with the service received. It is usually customary to leave 10% of the bill - in hotels and restaurants. If the bill (usually in large hotels) indicates a 10% service surcharge, tips in this case are not required.


The mains voltage is 220 volts, the socket is three-pole (an adapter is required).

Features of staying in the country

Before entering temples, mosques and gudwaras (Sikh temples), you must remove your shoes. Some places will offer you special shoe covers for a small fee; they usually allow you to wear socks. Do not take any leather goods with you into temples, as this may be considered an insult. In many cases, photography is prohibited inside temples, so ask permission before using a camera. It is also necessary to ask local residents for permission to photograph them. Tourists are usually treated kindly and are sometimes allowed to attend religious rituals. When visiting sacred places, be careful about your clothing (do not wear short skirts, tops or shorts). In Siq temples, women should cover their heads and shoulders; in mosques, women should cover their heads and shoulders, and they should also wear long skirts (or trousers). As is tradition, drop some money into the donation box.
Namaste - palms folded in a greeting - is a traditional form of Indian greeting, and if you use it, Indians will appreciate it. However, men, especially in cities, will not hesitate to shake your hand if you are a man. A handshake will even be appreciated as a gesture of exceptional friendliness. For most Indian women, the loose morals between men and women found in the West are unacceptable, so physical contact with women should be avoided. Don't shake a woman's hand (unless she extends it first) or put your hand on her shoulder.
In private homes, tourists are treated as honored guests, and your ignorance of Indian customs will be treated with understanding and indulgence. If you want to try eating with your hands, remember to only use the fingers of your right hand.
Try not to have the soles of your shoes pointing in any direction, which could be seen as a sign of disrespect. Do not point with your index finger, use either outstretched arm or chin gestures. When talking, try never to shout or lose your temper, otherwise they will simply not communicate with you.
1. Special vaccinations are not required. In cities and resort areas, bites from dangerous insects and animals are not a threat. But when going on an excursion, it is better to take care of repellents in advance. Do not touch any objects unnecessarily. It is strictly necessary to follow all instructions from the guide. A dry twig can turn into a poisonous snake, spider, or scorpion, and a beautiful delicate flower can cause severe allergies.
2.The most important thing is to follow the rules of hygiene. Remember that this region is the source of most serious gastrointestinal infections. It is not difficult to avoid these diseases; you just need to strictly follow a number of rules:
- never buy food and drinks on the street, and, moreover, do not drink or eat on the street;
- wash your hands with disinfectant soap as soon as possible;
- wash fruits thoroughly;
- do not drink tap water, even just rinse your mouth and brush your teeth with mineral water. This is not due to the fact that tap water contains an infection (water is disinfected in hotels), but because each region has its own mineral composition of water and this can adversely affect the stomach. Therefore, Indian residents who drink tap water at home, when visiting another place, use bottled water. Even in expensive restaurants, water placed on the table in a decanter can turn out to be tap water and cause severe intestinal upset. You should only drink from bottles.
3.The sun is a serious danger in India. Severe sunburn can occur even in cloudy weather, so the use of high factor sunscreens is recommended.
Qualified English-speaking doctors are available in all major cities. You can also get advice from a doctor at the hotel. Hospitals fully meet the necessary requirements. All tourists flying abroad on holiday have medical insurance. First of all, CAREFULLY read the insurance rules. If you go to a medical institution or call a doctor, you must immediately call one of the telephone numbers specified in the insurance policy and notify the insurance company about the use of medical services. If the disease is an insured event (see insurance policy), the costs will be compensated in accordance with the submitted paid invoices. It should also be taken into account that no insurance company covers the costs of treatment of sexually transmitted diseases and diseases caused by alcohol poisoning.
India is a safe country, but, nevertheless, in places with large crowds of people and especially in large cities: Delhi, Bombay, Agra, etc., where petty theft flourishes, it is necessary to be careful.
In good 4 and 5 star hotels, as a rule, there is no theft, but, nevertheless, it is recommended to keep money only in a safe. In most cases, the hotel administration will not be responsible for the loss of things from the room.
Local banknotes have a low denomination, and therefore you often have to carry thick wads of money with you, which is very inconvenient. However, it is not recommended, if possible, to take all the money with you to avoid loss; it is better to store it in a safe. If a large amount of cash is still needed, then you should not show it to others. It is better to divide the pack into several, setting aside banknotes separately for current payments: tips, toilet, etc. All of the above applies to cash; the life of plastic card holders is much simpler.
You should not serve it to the numerous beggars and beggars, who are countless near the hotel exit and in crowded places. Anyone who gives anything, even a little, becomes a potential victim of the local beggar community. Not only will it be extremely difficult to get rid of them, but in addition, the “potential victim” will be passed like a relay baton from one group of beggars to another.
When purchasing souvenirs on the street or taking photographs with exotic animals, it is better to conduct all negotiations through a guide. So, at least you can count on a reasonable price.
You can eat without fear of poisoning in hotel restaurants or in restaurants recommended by your host. Also an indicator of the quality of food is the presence of tourists in the hall. You need to be careful with spices. It’s better not to ask the locals whether this dish is spicy or not, try it yourself. Since local residents understand the question “is this food spicy or not” how spicy the food is, namely, how many types of spices are present in the dish. Therefore, even if a dish consists of hot pepper, but there are no other types of spices, then this dish (according to Indians) is not spicy or hot, but neutral.
BTW: Public toilets are usually paid and are located in the central part of the city, as well as in large hotels and restaurants, but you should take into account that not all restaurants have a public toilet, and toilet paper is also not available everywhere.

The shops

Opening hours are from 10:00 to 19:00. State stores are closed on Sundays. At resorts, shops are usually open until late in the evening and seven days a week. It is customary to bargain everywhere, except for government stores (Government Emporium) and shops with the inscription “Fixed prices”. Traditional purchases and souvenirs: carpets, products made of precious and semi-precious stones, jewelry made of gold and silver, textiles (clothing, bed linen, scarves, stoles), leather and wood products, objects made of copper, brass, bronze with chasing, inlays , enamel, etc., miniatures on paper and silk, antiques and of course the famous tea and spices. Don't rush into shopping. Consult your guide about customs regulations and take care of the necessary certificates and certificates.

Car rent

Don't forget that in India, traffic is on the LEFT. Driving a car in India is quite difficult and is not recommended for novice drivers and people with weak nerves. Most highways are dangerous zones where you need to be prepared for any surprises, because... many drivers ignore traffic rules. In addition, the streets are full of pedestrians, cyclists, stray dogs, cows, potholes, carts, cars racing at high speed, or vice versa, parked in the middle of the road. Therefore, if you decide to rent a car, we recommend renting a car with a driver. The cost of such a service is about $20 per day. The cost of rental without a driver is about 30% less and ranges from 500 rupees per day + a deposit of 1000 rupees in case of damage to the car. In all cities there are branches of large international companies (Hertz, Budget Rent-a-Car, Eurocar).


All types of telephone communication in India are paid. You can contact Russia via automatic line using the code 007 + area code + telephone number. A call from a public telephone will cost you much less (2-3 times) than from a hotel.

Information about the time of departure from the hotel to the airport is provided by a representative of the host company. If this information is not provided on time, the departure time must be clarified directly with the host company or with a representative of this company no later than 1 day before departure. This should be done even if you have prior information received when purchasing the tour. If your bus is late, don't worry. He may be delayed at the previous hotel along the route. If for some unknown reason the transfer was not provided and you risk missing the plane, go to the airport by taxi. In this case, you should take a receipt for payment from the taxi driver and make sure that it indicates the date and time of boarding the taxi. The amount spent, in accordance with the check, will be returned to the agency that sold the tour. On the eve of departure, please pay for additional services: telephone calls, use of the mini-bar, other expenses. Check-out time is usually 12:00 noon. You must vacate your rooms before the specified time. If the return flight time is late in the evening, you need to take care in advance about the possible extension of your stay in the room - you can negotiate for a small fee at Reception for a later check-out, or you can transfer your luggage to a storage room and spend the rest of the day on the beach, in a restaurant, or walking around the city.

Here, grandiose palaces coexist with miserable slums. And the noise, din and chaos on the streets gives way to the reverent silence of Hindu temples. But one thing remains unchanged - the interest with which millions of tourists come here, because Indian civilization is considered one of the three most ancient civilizations of mankind.

So, let's find out what attracts tourists to India so much. Let's find at least 10 good reasons.

Why go to India: Indian cuisine

Many. Some people like the heat of their food, others like its spiciness. But the Indians themselves prefer curry - theirs. But Indians and tourists do not live on curry alone, so we have prepared a price list with the prices of one of the restaurants in Delhi especially for you.

  • Rice with Sambar 40 UAH = 105 INR
  • Chutney sandwich 31 UAH = 85 INR
  • Mushroom masala (pancake with mushrooms) 76 UAH = 205 INR
  • Paneer Kadhai (curry cheese) 80 UAH = 215 INR
  • Dal Makhani (spicy lentil dish) 70 UAH = 190 INR
  • Paneer Tikka (grilled meat) 70 UAH = 195 INR
  • Idli with butter (flatbread) 37 UAH = 100 INR
  • Batura (donuts) 33 UAH = 90 INR
  • Vegetarian samosa 9 UAH = 25 INR
  • Vada (donuts) 17 UAH = 20 INR
  • Meat cutlet, meat samosa 13 UAH = 35 INR
  • Rice Bryani vegetarian or with egg 48 UAH = 130 INR
  • Fish Curry 74 UAH = 200 INR

Why go to India: Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal is the most popular symbol of India. This monument was created by order of Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal.

As the story goes, Shah Jahan had a large harem, but he did not pay attention to other women except Mumtaz Mahal. Over 17 years of happy marriage, they had 13 children. The fourteenth birth became fatal for the woman. Then the grief-stricken ruler decided to erect a mausoleum worthy of the beauty of his beloved woman, and the grandeur of the strength of their feelings.

How to get there: The Taj Mahal is located in the city of Agra (200 km from Delhi). You can get there by any train that goes to Kolkata, Mumbai and Gwalior (all of them go through Agra), the travel time is 2-3 hours. From Agra to the mausoleum - by rickshaw or taxi.

Entry price: simple ticket - 8.4 $, ticket with fast line service + bottle of water + visit to good toilets - 11.9 $.

Working hours: The mausoleum is open daily, except Sunday, during daylight hours.

Why go to India: Himalayas

The sight of the Himalayas brings indescribable delight to everyone who sees them. The highest mountain is known throughout the world under the English name “Everest” and under the Nepalese name “Chomolungma”, which translated means: “Goddess Mother of Snows”.

This region is very popular among tourists as it contains many interesting activities. Physically fit people can make a trip here (to the mountains) or go down the Indus River. The curious will be interested in: the Museum of Mountaineering and Expeditions to Everest, the Stupa of Helena Roerich and the House of Doctor Graham in the Himayas. And those interested in Hinduism can visit numerous temples, of which there are plenty here.

Why go to India: National reserves

National reserves are worth visiting to see the Bengal tiger and Indian elephant in person. Bandhavgarh National Park, located in eastern India, provides a rare opportunity to see a tiger in the wild. Another animal that is associated with India is, of course, the elephant. For a fee, you will be happy to ride this huge animal!

How to get there: Bandhavgarh National Park is located 197 kilometers northeast of the city of Jabalpur, in the Shahdol district in the eastern state of Madhya Pradesh. You can get here from the city of Umaria (by car or train), which is 37 kilometers from the park. The park also has transport connections with the city of Katni (100 kilometers). You can also travel from Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Jaipur, Agra to Jabalpur and Katni by train.

Working hours: from 9:00 to 17:00 daily. The park is closed from the beginning of July to the end of October.

Why go to India: Exotic

This is exactly what Europeans come to India for, because absolutely everything you encounter in this country will be unusual and unusual. Seaside landscapes with Hindu temples, Portuguese medieval buildings and tropical trees, the air in which the aroma of exotic spices floats, and even women in saris with caste marks on their foreheads will surprise you with their unusualness.

Why go to India: Ayurveda

For some people, Ayurveda is nothing more than an anachroism (a relic of antiquity) of an ancient civilization, for others it is a science that restores the mind, body and soul, there are those who are interested in everything unusual and study everything strange, well, of course, there are skeptics and newcomers traditional, who completely reject the Hindu heritage.

But no matter who you are, a basic understanding of Ayurveda will help you. Ayurveda uses herbal treatments and holistic exercises and is considered a science. There are many resorts in India where those interested can get acquainted with it. These are the resorts of Kovalam, Varkala and Trivandrum.

Why go to India: Kerala Coast

This is a place with pristine white sand beaches, framed by coconut palms. Lovers of untouched nature will not be bored in Kerala. The state is home to several unique nature reserves and national parks, whose inhabitants are found nowhere else in the world.

How to get there: in the state of Kerala there are three cities with international airports: the capital of the state, Trivandrum; Cochin; Kozhikode, which is served by Calicut Airport. If you are already in India, you can take the train. Cochin and Trivandrum have large railway stations where trains arrive from different parts of India. Kerala is also easily accessible by train from Delhi, Kolkata and Goa, etc.

Why go to India: Lotus Temple

This is the most important attraction of the capital of India, New Delhi. Its shape resembles a lotus flower and has 45 giant petals made of white marble. There is not a single right angle or line in the building, and even the ventilation system uses the principles of nature rather than air conditioning. The Lotus Temple is the most important Bahai temple in India and neighboring countries.

Entry price: for free.

Working hours:

  • 9.00-19.00 - from April 1 to September 30;
  • 9.30-17.30 - from October 1 to March 31.

Day off: Monday.

Why go to India: Goa

Located on the west coast of India. This place is very different from mainstream India. The reason is that Goa was a Portuguese colony for almost three centuries, so the dominant religion here is Catholicism. Today, North Goa is a place of non-stop parties, vibrant nightlife and celebrations, and South Goa is an ideal place for a relaxing and secluded holiday.

Why go to India: Charity

Another reason why you need to go to India is to help the poor population or, in other words, to do charity work. It's no secret that even today up to 25% of the total population of India are illiterate people, and it is also here that the highest mortality rate in the world is, unsanitary conditions, dirt and poverty are everywhere. This cannot but touch the hearts of the people who go to India to help, to teach and to serve.

There are many charitable foundations here, including: “Good Elephant”, “Path of Mercy”, “Clouds” and others.

Each person must answer the question for himself: “Why should he go to India?” And perhaps his answer will echo our list of good reasons.

India is one of the most underrated regions for emigration. A huge country of contrasts with a billion population can show a migrant both Goa’s magnificent beaches and cultural monuments, and slums near major cities. At the same time, even several tourist trips cannot always help create the right impression - too much is hidden “behind the screen”, far from standard routes.

The country is located in the Southeast Asia region, almost entirely located on the Hindustan Peninsula and washed by the Indian Ocean.

A huge territory of 3.28 million square kilometers (the seventh largest country in the world) is located in the tropical zone, due to which the year is divided into three seasons:

  1. Cool and dry, with north-east wind (November to February);
  2. Dry transition period lasting three months starting in March;
  3. The hot and humid season runs from June to October.

In summer, the country turns into an “oven”, so it is not recommended to visit it in the third season. The most favorable time for the first visit is mid-April and New Year's holidays.

Goa, India

The level of industry and infrastructure varies greatly from region to region. It is important to realize right away that in Goa, Delhi, Jaipur, Mumbai it will be very difficult to find work, while industrial areas will not be able to boast of beautiful views and cleanliness. Migration to Goa will be a good option in case of remote work, business or other source of income not related to your place of residence.

India is an agricultural country, with more than half the population employed in the sector, which contributes about 20% of GDP. The country's food insecurity has persisted throughout its history, and today food self-sufficiency is still a key goal of every Indian government.

The main grain crops are wheat, rice, corn. The following are grown for sale abroad:

  • Coffee;
  • Sugar cane;
  • Tobacco;
  • Cotton;
  • Rape.

Spices bring significant income - a third of all world production is located in Hindustan. Livestock farming is poorly developed due to cultural characteristics: a cow is sacred to Hindus, while a pig is considered an unclean animal by most of the country's population. Cattle are used, as they have been for thousands of years, to transport goods.

The standard of living ranges from abject poverty with cardboard houses to magnificent palaces, while both worlds can be separated from each other by a wooden fence. The average price of essential products is even higher than in Russia, which is why there are many poor people living in the country.

The labor market is very overloaded, especially for migrants - due to government regulations, only locals are hired for low-paid jobs; on labor exchanges, the number of vacancies for foreigners is close to zero. For qualified foreign employees by invitation, everything is a little simpler, although here the quota is 1% of the number of Indian employees.

Immigration to India

Active migration is slowed down by the Hindu government - if it is incredibly easy to obtain a visa for long-term residence in the country, then the next step of obtaining citizenship will be noticeably more difficult. This policy towards migrants is associated with the overpopulation of the country - official statistics state that in 2019 there are 1. 2 billion people.

Indians have no problems with cheap labor or mid-level specialists; they need investments and high-quality professionals. Bureaucracy only creates additional difficulties.

Many people who moved for the first time live on a so-called “religious” visa. Indian law is much more tolerant of those who come to the country to study religious practices or practice one of the many beliefs.

To see the sights of one of the oldest countries in the world, it is enough to obtain a temporary two-month visa, which is activated upon entering the country.

Those who want to go to Goa and other warm places to live for the winter can apply for a tourist visa for six months.

In general, those moving should understand that they are moving to an overpopulated country with a fairly low average income per person. Expats to India are welcomed with open arms only if they have unique skills or a good bank account.

How to move to India for permanent residence from Russia

So, after several visits to India, the enthusiastic tourist realizes that this is his country, and he is ready to grow old in it. Where to begin?

You should start by obtaining a residence permit. There are two types of Indian residence permit:

  1. Temporary;
  2. Constant.

A residence permit is a transitional option between a tourist visa and citizenship. Temporary is valid for up to a year, permanent - indefinite with confirmations every five years.

To obtain a residence permit you will need the following set of documents:

  • International passport (+ copy of each page);
  • Four standard color photos;
  • Certificate of no outstanding criminal record in the previous country;
  • Valid Indian visa;
  • Housing lease agreement or document confirming ownership of living space;
  • An account statement containing at least $2,500. The bank must be a resident of India. In case of family emigration, an additional amount of $1,200 must be provided for each member;
  • Description of purposes and intentions of living in India.

You can obtain a residence permit and citizenship in a simplified way by fulfilling one or more requirements:

  1. Own business providing jobs to local residents. The possibility of organizing such a business will be carefully considered by Indian officials; the business plan will need to be approved by the representative office of the Indian Ministry of Economy. If the plan is successfully completed, the residence permit will be extended to an indefinite period or converted into citizenship with minimal red tape.
  2. Investments. As in almost any country, large investments can become a step towards obtaining a residence permit and citizenship. In India, you will need to invest an amount of one and a half million dollars for a period of at least five years.
  3. Marriage with a citizen of the country. A relatively quick and easy way, if you do not take into account the cultural characteristics of the Hindus. There are fewer men of reproductive age in the country than women, and compatibility issues with caste and social status make marriage a non-trivial task. You will have to live in marriage for at least three years: in the first year, the foreigner will receive temporary resident status, and for another two years before obtaining citizenship you will have to be content with a residence permit. The Indian authorities have a very bad attitude towards fictitious marriages, so you should not resort to this method.
  4. Official work. For high-level specialists, most of the questions are taken on by the receiving party. In this case, the migrant must have a contract with the terms of work and the duration of the agreement. The downside of this option is the inability to change jobs without losing a visa until the migrant receives a full-fledged residence permit.
  5. Foreign training. If you want to stay in India from a young age, a fairly simple way to obtain citizenship is to study at one of the accredited universities. The student automatically receives a residence permit based on a certificate from the university confirming that he has passed exams and has not missed classes. If a specialist remains in India after studying and gets a job, all the time spent at the university is counted towards the period of permanent residence.
  6. Moving to family. Emigration to close relatives is possible - for example, parents who left earlier. In this case, relatives must have confirmed citizenship for a period of more than five years, they must provide guarantees for material and moral support for repatriates.

In other cases, full citizenship can only be achieved after ten years of residence. Dual citizenship is impossible under Indian law, so Russian citizenship will have to be abandoned.

To obtain Indian citizenship you must:

  • Be “clean” before law enforcement agencies;
  • Have a constant source of income;
  • Use the official languages ​​of the country - English and Hindi;
  • Know the culture and customs of India.

The decision itself will take a very long time to make - the Indian bureaucracy and corruption at the lower levels reaches unimaginable proportions. You should be patient and persistently deal with the issue, not letting it drift.

Life of Russians in India after moving

Let's start with the good news - there is a relatively large Russian diaspora in India. The country is home to both the “first wave” of descendants of the 1917 migrants who fled the chaos of the civil wave, and modern migrants who moved to India due to the relative cheapness of life and globalization.

In India, I was amazed by the attitude towards family, friends, and neighbors. In addition to huge family trees down to fourth cousins, Indians usually have a lot of friends and acquaintances. And if something happens, the whole street will come to the rescue. Incredible feeling.

Ivan, four years on an Indian residence permit.

Modern “new Indians” most often live in the status of delayed tourists or with a residence permit, with no intention of acquiring full citizenship. The country is most popular with people with remote jobs or regular incomes - prices outside the tourist areas are amazingly low, and most of the population survives on between 50 cents and two dollars a day.

Things are cheap. Too cheap, I mean. At first, it was even embarrassing to pay such pennies for the manual labor of the person opposite.

Svetlana, tourist, third visit to the country.

The middle class is quite saturated - about 200 million people, but compared to the rest of the population this is practically a drop in the ocean. It’s worth living either in large resort towns or on the coast: although prices are higher there, it will be much easier to meet a compatriot and find a relatively well-paid job.

For the first couple of months after moving, I was simply in shock. There are no normal shops, no roads, and only a couple of good buildings in the whole “city”! Over time you get used to it, but beginners should know that outside of big cities and resorts everything looks different than on tourist brochures.

Alena, citizen of India.

A significant portion of Russians who decided to move to the country either studied at a local university or married a local resident. There are international training programs based on the ITEC cooperation program. Often Russians can be found on the staff of transcontinental companies and large corporations.

I heard a lot from friends about poverty, poverty, garbage... well, and many more terrible words. I don’t know, maybe in the suburbs everything is really like that. But I myself have never seen anything like this, although I have been living in Delhi for five years. There are cultural differences, laziness, unbearable summer heat and many other things, but the country as a whole is great. Not once in three years have I regretted accepting the job offer.

Sergey, database architect.


Having overcome a number of bureaucratic, cultural and social barriers, many migrants look around and instead of the golden beaches of Goa they see poverty and devastation in the central regions of the country. India cannot be called an ideal or even a good country to live in - the gaps in society are too great, the caste past puts too much pressure on Hindus today.

Before choosing India as a place for permanent residence, you should weigh all the possible pros and cons. At the same time, it is imperative to have a stable outside income or unique skills - without this, surviving in a country that is already overcrowded will be incredibly difficult.

India has attracted the attention of mankind since ancient times. People came here to search for the meaning of life, for wealth and in search of adventure. All this remains today, but even more people come here to relax. It amazes with its mystery, majestic elephants and predatory tigers, legendary palaces and temples, and unique sculptures. Mesmerizing music and fiery dancing. The national currency is the Indian rupee. 1 rupee = 100 paise. Banknotes: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 500 rupees. Indian rupees cannot be brought in or out of the country. India has 2 official languages ​​- Hindi and English. In 18 states, the official languages ​​are local languages. Portuguese is widely spoken in Goa. At the same time, perhaps no other country in the world has so many dialects - 1652. Religions are slightly less variegated. Among the most common are Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Islam. The place and role of religions varies greatly from state to state. Islam predominates in the north of the country, and in Bombay - Jainism. Goa is divided between Hindus and Catholics.

What is the climate in India?

There is not even relatively uniformity. There are 4 climatic zones: dry tropical, humid tropical, subtropical monsoon and subtropical alpine. In India there are 3 seasons: very hot and dry transitional (March - May); hot and humid with the dominance of the southwest monsoon (June - October); relatively cool and dry with a predominance of northeast trade winds (November - February). India is a country where luxurious palaces coexist with shacks, women are not allowed to let their hair down, and where the Kama Sutra was born. Its capital is New Delhi. And by holiday in India we always mean Goa. The most populous city is Mumbai (Bombay). In addition to it and the capital, tourists visit Calcutta, Varanasi, Rishikesh, Agra, Amritsar, Bangalore, Udaipur and Jaipur.

What should a tourist remember?

Not all of India's contrasts are attractive. First of all, you should think about the safety of your health. To do this, you need to be vaccinated against malaria, hepatitis and cholera. Under no circumstances should you drink tap water or eat unwashed fruit if you don’t want to suffer from dysentery throughout your vacation.

You should not pay attention to the fact that India is very dirty. Therefore, you should always pay attention to the cleanliness of the dishes. In this regard, you should only eat in cafes and restaurants and under no circumstances should you be tempted by the aromas of eateries. In the same way, you cannot buy fruits from hand on the street. In India, the habit of throwing garbage out of windows continues to exist. To do this, they even dig a small ditch, in which the garbage is burned as it fills.

Women, especially those traveling without companions, should take closed items with them. They are immediately showered with compliments, addressed as “ladies” and tried to set up a date. Shorts and tank tops can only be worn in Goa. In other places you might get booed at best.

Here, in the market and with taxi drivers, you should definitely bargain, and the louder and longer, the better. Don’t agree to buy until you reduce the price by 3 times. If you don’t know how to bargain, then make the seller do it: raise your head proudly and leave. The seller himself will run after you and lower the price as he goes. Stop only when it decreases by 2 times from the original, and pretend that you agree only out of pity.

Don't be alarmed if Indians around you eat with their hands. This is how it is done in India. It's as much an art as eating with chopsticks, but it can be learned quickly. Moreover, they eat with their hands more accurately and cleaner than with a fork and spoon; there is no need to talk about the taste effect.

Why is it worth visiting India?

Arriving in India, you plunge into another world, and the everyday chores left at home seem so distant and unreal. All vegetarians will once again be convinced of the correctness of the diet they have chosen for themselves: most Indians are vegetarians. Their diet includes cereals, vegetables, grains, fruits, eggs, chicken and dairy products. A variety of exquisite spices and seasonings add flavor to food. You will be pleasantly surprised by the absence of obese people on the streets. Only in India there are impenetrable jungles, majestic palaces, dizzying waterfalls with clear water. Here you will find 3 of the world's most famous attractions: the Taj Mahal, the Ganges and the Himalayas. Only in India can you beneficially combine relaxation with body shaping, and yoga classes will strengthen your mind and body. Ayurvedic massage will return the former velvety to your skin and increase muscle tone. Vegetarian food will burn your fats and tighten your figure.

What should you be prepared for?

Even with 200 dollars in your wallet, you can count on normal food, a good massage and the purchase of silver jewelry and silk shawls. Tourists for Indians are a source of income and this determines their attitude towards visiting foreigners. They will try to shake hands with you, without looking away from you, they will try to touch you, smacking their lips, they will stroke you. At the same time, they will immediately offer to buy something.

So what is Indian cuisine like?

The overall assessment comes down to a few words: tasty, cheap and plentiful. But Indians don’t eat pork and beef, so you’ll have to give them up for a while. But this is compensated by chicken dishes, especially the famous Tikka Kebab. Tourists could never even dream of such tender meat. The fact is that India is a poor country and Indians cannot afford various additives and hormones for the rapid growth of poultry. Likewise, mayonnaise is not used here. The main dressings are sauces or vegetable oils. The fermented milk products here are of very high quality. Hotels always serve milk and it is always fresh milk.

For tourists, they prepare all kinds of salads with tuna, pancakes with shrimp and baked shark meat. Here, your daily food will be what you considered a delicacy in your own country. All this is quite affordable even for a budget holiday.

Onions, peppers and cabbage are used in great abundance in food. There are almost no potato dishes - only chips. However, such a variety and richness of fruits cannot be found anywhere else. Papayas, watermelons, mangoes, bananas, oranges, pineapples...but you should definitely try cashew nuts. Naturally, you cannot leave India without tasting amazingly delicious real Indian tea. Since they do not tolerate any additives to tea, there are not many varieties of it: black, green and yellow. There is only one known tea with spices - Masala.

Taking into account the unfamiliarity of foreigners’ stomachs with local spices, they are served separately so that everyone can choose for themselves what and how much they like. But if you say “no spicy,” the spices will be removed from the table. But even without them, be prepared for the fact that the dishes will still be spicy from onions and peppers.

At a dinner table, Indians may ask various questions about your status and income. You can also ask them a lot of questions, this will be regarded as the fact that the owners are not indifferent to you. At the end of lunch, if you are full, leave some food on your plate. If the plate is empty, the owner will think that you are not full.

What language will make your vacation comfortable?

Without English it will be quite difficult. Only in luxury hotels the staff speaks several dozen of the most common phrases in Russian. Therefore, before traveling to India, you should brush up on your school knowledge.

What should tourists not do in India?

You cannot wear shoes to temples, mosques and gudwaras (Sikh temples); leave them at the entrance. You will be warned separately about socks. Sometimes, for an additional fee, they allow you to put covers on your shoes. You cannot carry leather goods with you when visiting temples - this will be perceived as an insult. Before visiting temples, you should ask if it is possible to take photographs there. Likewise, you cannot photograph Indians on the streets without first obtaining their consent. You should enter Sikh temples with your head covered. Don't skimp and put a few coins in the donation box.

Indians greet guests with a bowed head and folded palms at the chest. If you do the same, it will be gratefully received. But in cities, especially men, make do with a handshake, which is regarded as a gesture of friendliness. You can only shake a woman’s hand if she offers it first by extending hers. You cannot take liberties in communicating with women, even by placing your hand on her shoulder in a friendly manner. During a conversation, try not to raise your voice or wave your arms, much less touch your interlocutor with your left hand. Do not take the helpfulness of local residents for granted - it is worth the money they will ask you to pay.

How safe is your holiday?

In 4 and 5 star hotels there is almost no theft, but it is still better to keep money and valuables in a safe. But if things are missing in your room, the administration will not be held responsible for it. Thick wads of money should not be displayed. Divide them first into several parts based on tips and small purchases.

If you carelessly give alms to one of the many beggars on the street, run away from there as fast as you can. Otherwise, you will be surrounded by a huge crowd of beggars and you will become their victim. Even if you manage to escape from the encirclement, you will be reported to another group, which will immediately surround you again.

If you are planning to buy your favorite item or souvenir in a shop, do it through a guide. The seller will charge you a huge price, taking advantage of your ignorance. Do not buy food or drinks on your face. You can't swim where there is no one. Most likely, in this place there is a strong current or a mass of marine poisonous inhabitants.

Under no circumstances should one attempt to import or export Indian currency. If, upon arrival in India, you have an amount exceeding 2,500 US dollars, and you also took a laptop with you, then you should definitely declare them. Goods worth up to 750 rupees, 0.95 liters of alcohol, 200 cigarettes, a camera, and personal items are not subject to duty. You cannot export the skins of wild animals, bird plumage, reptile skin products, live plants, gold and silver items, antiques and antiques, as well as jewelry whose value exceeds 2 thousand rupees.

Do you need a visa to India?

There are several types of visas for traveling to India: tourist, business, transit, student or to study the culture of the country. To fill out a form, present a foreign passport, the validity of which must expire six months after returning to Russia, and a copy of your general passport. 2 photographs 3.5x4.0. For children under 18 years of age - a copy of the birth certificate.

An average two-week stay for two will cost 90 thousand rubles. This amount includes flights, accommodation, meals, souvenirs and some entertainment. If you are tempted by cheap tours for $60, you will incur much higher expenses and get much less pleasure. Therefore, it is better to pay 90 thousand for two and have a guaranteed good vacation in the most legendary place on the planet. If you buy a tour from an agency, then you will be settled in the south of Goa, while the whole crowd is settled in the north. Only here you can see the real Goa. Therefore, if you are flying on a tour, then under no circumstances choose Calangute, Candolim or Baga. You only need to travel with cash dollars or a plastic card. There are no problems with ATMs here.

When is the best time to go to India?

The best holiday time in India is November-December. The tourist season lasts from October to March. It's very hot in summer. At this time, they visit the high mountainous regions - Kashmir and Sikkim. In Goa, you will find snow-white beaches, evergreen jungles and complete harmony with nature.

Goa, India (video)

Organizing a cheap holiday for a wild person in India is quite simple. You can fly to India from almost any major city in Russia; there are direct flights not only from airports in Moscow, but from other cities. While in Moscow, you can fly to Delhi in about 6 hours. To fly to India cheaper, it is worth getting information about charter flights from travel agencies. If private operators do not have flights, you should try to fly by charter, purchasing a ticket from a large agency, for example, in Moscow.

How to get an Indian visa

When thinking about how to go to India on your own and organize a vacation as a savage, first of all you need to get an Indian visa. Russian citizens can obtain a visa in two ways: the first is in Moscow or St. Petersburg at a visa center, the second is to independently apply for an electronic visa on the Internet.

It is convenient to get an electronic visa if you are going on a short trip as a wild person, designed for no more than 30 days, and also do not live in Moscow or St. Petersburg. To apply for an e-visa online, simply fill out an application form, upload a scanned copy of your passport and photo, and make a payment. The cost of a visa is 60 dollars. You must receive your e-visa by email and then print it out.

Housing and movement around the country

The question that worries tourists going on a wild holiday for the first time is how cheap it is to live in India. You should look for accommodation in the area of ​​the main attractions directly on the spot or make a reservation online. In most places you can live from 3-5 dollars a day. If you decide to make a reservation in advance, pay attention to the reviews of other tourists; the description of the hotel may not correspond to reality.

To travel by car in India, you must obtain an international driving license or hire a car with a driver. A local driver knows the tourist routes and will help make travel on the roads safer. A car with a driver will cost from $50 per day, the price depends on the class of the car and the number of days of rental. Many routes will be convenient for a savage to travel on a motorcycle; the average rental price per day is $15.

Distances in India are quite large; tourist routes often range from 1.5 to 2 thousand kilometers. Indian airlines allow you to fly cheaply to almost any part of the country, so even in a short period of time you can see a lot.

New Delhi

It is from the capital of India that many tourists begin their journey around the country. You can live cheaply in Delhi in the vicinity of the New Delhi railway station. The time when there are the most tourists in Delhi is from November to December. During these months, it is better to make hotel reservations in advance.

A visit to the main attractions will cost 3 - 4 dollars. Worth seeing in Delhi:

  • The Red Fort is the symbol of Delhi.
  • Humayun's Tomb is a mausoleum reminiscent of the famous Taj Mahal in its architecture.
  • Qutub Minar is an ancient minaret.
  • India Gate is a monument dedicated to those killed in the First World War.
  • Raj Ghat is the cremation site of Mahatma Gandhi.
  • The Lotus Temple is the main Bahai temple.
  • Akshardham is the largest Hindu temple in the world.
  • Rashtrapati Bhavan is the President's Palace.

You can also make your holiday in Delhi more interesting by visiting museums. The average entrance ticket price for foreigners is 2 - 4 dollars.

"Golden Triangle" of India

Routes in India are very diverse. The best place to go for those who want to see the real India is to the cities included in the “Golden Triangle”: Delhi, Agra and Jaipur. The best time to travel here is from October to March. The easiest way to get from the capital to Agra is by train, the journey will take about 3 - 4 hours, travel in SL-class (Sleeper Class) costs 1.5 - 2 dollars. In Agra you can see:

  • The Taj Mahal is the most famous building in India, a landmark that has received such high reviews from tourists that it was included in the list of New Wonders of the World.
  • Agra Fort is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List along with the Taj Mahal.
  • Tomb of Akbar the Great.
  • Pearl Mosque.

When planning a budget trip to Agra, you can live inexpensively in the area located right next to the Taj Mahal. When visiting other attractions in Agra, the bearer of a ticket to the Taj Mahal should receive a small discount, but it is valid only on the day the ticket was purchased.

Jaipur is another peak crowning the “Golden Triangle” of India. You can get here from both Delhi and Agra by train in 5-6 hours. When traveling as a savage, it is worth seeing in Jaipur:

  • Hawa Mahal - Palace of the Winds.
  • Jal Mahal is a palace “floating” on the surface of the water.
  • The City Palace is the palace of the Maharaja. The entrance ticket costs 4.5 dollars.
  • Sarga Suli is the tallest tower in the city.
  • Jantar Mantar is a medieval observatory and part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Entrance is 1.5 dollars.
  • Jaigarah Fort is one of the few medieval military forts in India.

On May 18, International Museum Day, many museums can be visited for free. The cheapest place to live in Jaipur is around the Old City.

Route along the west coast of India

The best time to travel to the west coast of India is between November and April. Places that will be interesting to visit:

  • Jaipur - "Pink City".
  • Jodhpur - "Blue City".
  • Mumbai is where Indian Bollywood is located.
  • Goa is a place where people go for beaches, surfing and colonial architecture. Many tourists from Russia and the CIS stay in this paradise of India for the whole winter.
  • Bangalore is recognized as the best city to live in India, famous for its number of palaces and temples.
  • Kerala is a state that offers perhaps the best beach holidays in India.

East Coast route

When travel along the east coast will be most enjoyable, it is in November and December. Places to go:

  • Kolkata is a must-visit city for its English colonial architecture. Living in Kolkata is somewhat more expensive than in other cities.
  • The Sundarbans are the largest mangrove forest in the world and the place to go to see the wild Bengal tiger.
  • Bhubaneswar is a religious center of Buddhists and Hindus, famous for its temples of the 8th - 12th centuries.
  • Puri is a city that offers relaxation on golden beaches and visits to ancient temples.
  • Mamallapuram is a place famous for rock bas-reliefs and temples carved into the rocks.

Travel to the northern regions of India

The best time to go to northern India is from May to September. In the southern part of the country there is intense heat at this time of year, so a trip to the mountains promises pleasant coolness. Places to visit in northern India:

  • Dharamsala - the residence of the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan government in exile are located here.
  • Shimla is the former summer capital of the British Empire.
  • Varanasi is the holiest city of Hindus, a place of pilgrimage to the Ganges River.
  • Darjeeling is a city in the foothills of the Himalayas, where the British elite came to live from Calcutta in the summer.
  • Gangtok is a highland city and the capital of Sikkim.

To visit the states of Manipur, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, you need a special entry permit. Access to certain regions may be restricted from time to time.


Your holiday in India will be pleasant and safe if you follow simple rules:

  • Before leaving, do not forget to make copies of all documents, this will help restore them in case of loss.
  • When going on holiday to India for the first time, study the latest reviews from tourists about the places you plan to visit. This will help avoid many troubles and surprises.
  • Negotiate prices in advance, don't rush to get change and leave straight away. Be sure to count your money; cases of miscalculation are quite common.
  • When deciding to get somewhere by tuk-tuk or taxi, always negotiate the price before the trip or make sure the driver turns on the meter.
  • Do not react to beggars, especially children. It's not enough for them to just get money or food from you. If you make exceptions for one, you won't be able to get rid of all the others.
  • Do not photograph military or government installations.
  • When visiting religious sites, take off your shoes upon entering and make sure your clothing covers your knees and shoulders.
  • Many women traveling alone in India leave negative reviews about the male half of the country's population. To avoid problems, women are advised to wear closed clothing and take special care at night.