How old is Daniel Radcliffe now? Daniel Radcliffe - unbelievable but true! ELLE Do you believe in marriage?

Daniel Radcliffe, the actor who played the main role in the film "Harry Potter", decided to devote himself to the world of cinema when he was still a five-year-old child. Parents, who knew many of the pitfalls of the film industry, dissuaded their only son from this idea, but to no avail. Thanks to the young man’s perseverance and talent, millions of fans know him today - he is one of the most sought-after and highly paid actors.

Actor Daniel Radcliffe's height

Daniel appeared in Harry Potter at a young age, but since he starred in the film for 10 years, he grew up in front of the eyes of numerous fans. Indeed, by the last part of the film the actor had matured, but he had not grown much at all. “Little Wizard” - Daniel Radcliffe received this nickname for his small height - only 165 cm.

When the film began filming, the actors playing the main roles were approximately the same height. The creators of the film franchise could not have predicted how tall Daniel Radcliffe would be in a few years, but they kept him in the lead roles even after his stage colleagues and Rupert Grint had grown significantly. This was also due to the fact that the actor, firstly, perfectly got used to the character, and secondly, Daniel had excellent physical fitness - he performed most of the stunts on his own, only the most dangerous scenes were duplicated by stuntmen.

Is Daniel Radcliffe happy with his height and weight?

Daniel admits that during the filming of “Harry Potter” he wanted to be a little taller than his friends, and when they started to surpass him by centimeters, he even got worried. But over time, the actor came to terms with his appearance. When people are surprised when they meet and say something like, “You’re much smaller than I thought,” Daniel responds, “No, I’m just much further away from you than you thought.”

By the way, the enviable rich British groom is not only not tall, he has a very slender figure - his weight varies from 60 to 65 kg. But, again, this does not at all prevent him from being object No. 1 for many girls who dream of winning the heart of a male wizard, who, in turn, is in no hurry to make a choice.

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Height and weight are not the main thing in a person, according to Daniel. He is a multifaceted personality and can attract attention with his interests. For example, an actor, in addition to his work in cinema and theater, devotes a lot of time to reading, loves animals, and plays football.

1. For about two years now, Daniel has been in a relationship with 22-year-old British artist Rosanna Cocker, whom many of the actor’s fans consider unworthy of his love (mainly because of her appearance). It’s not up to them to decide, but since November 2010, when the couple started dating, fans’ hostility towards Roseanne has only intensified. Dan himself believes that you need to build your own world with just one girl whom you love with all your heart. A good example for him is the relationship between his father and mother - because... Daniel's dad only had one girlfriend and that girl was his mother.

2. The actor's height is only 1.65 cm (5 feet 5 inches).

3. Daniel is an atheist. He does not believe in the existence of God and relies only on himself in this life.

4. Radcliffe's favorite book is “The Master and Margarita” by Mikhail Bulgakov. He admitted that he would gladly take part in the film adaptation of this immortal work.

5. The young actor’s idols in the profession are Brad Pitt and George Clooney.

6. Daniel doesn’t like to watch himself in films, so he never saw many films with his participation...

7. One of Daniel's worst fears is nuclear war.

8. The actor is also incredibly afraid of becoming the living embodiment of Ryan Reynolds' character from the film Buried Alive, that is, Radcliffe fears that he may be buried before his death.

9. Daniel loves practical jokes, so he enjoys attending comedy shows in different countries of the world, where he always feels at ease.

10. As soon as little Daniel, at the age of 8, found out that he had a chance to get a role in a film about the wizard Harry Potter, he immediately began reading books by JK Rowling, which was not easy for him, because... in childhood, his intellectual development was extremely weak due to illness (fact No. 21). But having mastered the book, he was able to beat 16,000 boys at the casting.

11. Daniel doesn't like to sunbathe, so his skin is naturally pale.

12. To regain strength while filming, Radcliffe drinks Diet Coke and eats candy bars. There can’t even be any talk about any diet during filming!

13. In an interview, Daniel admitted that if he had a polyjuice potion at his disposal, he would transform into Spider-Man.

14. Radcliffe's favorite animals are wolves, so it is no coincidence that he appeared on the cover of The Face magazine in the company of a husky dog ​​(huskies are very similar to wolves).

15. Madame Tussauds has this wax copy of Daniel:

16. The actor knows how to double and triple his tongue. He demonstrated this unusual skill at one of the shows...

17. In addition, Daniel can rotate his hand 320 degrees! Unfortunately, I didn’t find a suitable photo, but the fact is the fact.

18. The actor is partial to Scarlett Johansson and Natalie Portman. He likes them not only as beautiful actresses, but also as attractive women.

19. Daniel is a music lover.

20. The actor writes poetry and publishes under the pseudonym Jacob Gershon. The nickname is a combination of his middle name and the Hebrew form of his mother's maiden name, Gresham. Poems about infidelity and pop idols (in particular Pete Doherty) won the love of many people who did not even suspect that these creations were the work of Daniel. Some of the works are told on behalf of the narrator and talk about the seduction of women and relationships with prostitutes.

21. Daniel suffers from a mild form of dyspraxia (dyspraxia is the inability to correctly perform purposeful movements), so in films he cannot perform very complex stunts. The actor once said that at school he was terribly clumsy and did not study well because of this illness, but he always dreamed of becoming an actor, no matter how much he was dissuaded.

22. Dan is still friends with Emma Watson and Rupert Grint.

23. He took dance lessons because he believes that everything can be useful in the acting profession.

24. Daniel was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most profitable star over the past 10 years. Radcliffe's film projects bring in an average of $558 million per film, which is the best result among actors.

25. The seven things Daniel would like to do in life are:

To write a book. Read as many books as possible.

Go to Australia, attend a cricket game between the English team and the Australian team, and watch the victory of the British.

One day to rule a small country.

Everyone says they'd like to swim with dolphins, right? I would also like, but not to swim with dolphins, but to roller-skate with them. Now that would be fun.

Get married and have children.

Have time to do more than seven things.

On the Internet, Daniel Radcliffe is credited with a height of 165 centimeters. The data is most likely approximate, because the actor himself did not say anything specific about his height. But we will look into this in a little more detail.

First, let's look at a photo where Daniel Radcliffe stands next to Andy Samberg, whose height is 175 centimeters. As you can see, the difference between the actors is more than 10 centimeters (about 14), which means Daniel’s height is less than 165.

In the next two photos, taken at different times, we compare the actor’s height with the height of James McAvoy (170 cm). If Daniel Radcliffe were really 165 cm tall, then the difference between them would be a maximum of 5 centimeters, but in both cases it reaches 8-9.

As in the previous case, Mark Ruffalo's height is 170 centimeters, and the difference between him and Daniel Radcliffe also reaches 9 centimeters.

Mike Tyson's height is a maximum of 178 centimeters. Here you can see that the fighter does not keep his back straight, which means he has lost a couple of centimeters in height. Here, Daniel Radcliffe's height stopped at 162.

And finally, let's look at a couple more photos where we compare Daniel Radcliffe with Dane DeHaan, whose height is approximately 173 centimeters. In both cases, Daniel Radcliffe's height did not exceed 161 centimeters (error due to shoes and posture is possible).
After analyzing several photos, we came to the conclusion that Daniel Radcliffe can indeed be 165 centimeters tall, but only with shoes on and in the morning. And so his real height is a maximum of 162 cm.

After participating in the global Harry Potter franchise, when his face appeared on absolutely everything, from pillowcases to toothbrushes, professional growth Daniel Radcliffe looks even more impressive. The boy wizard made the audience see him as a serious man. In 2008, he burst onto Broadway in the production of "Equus", made fun of his own image of a star child in the series "Extras", played the main role in the American television adaptation of Bulgakov's "Notes of a Young Doctor" / A Young Doctor's Notebook. In this This year, the 25-year-old Brit's transformation is complete with the release of his first romantic comedy. "Friendship and no sex", where Radcliffe tries not to win Zoe Kazan away from the handsome Rafe Spall - a modern version of the Hollywood masterpiece When Harry Met Sally. Off-screen, Daniel is in a serious relationship with actress Erin Darke, whom he met last year on the set of the drama Kill Your Darlings. Speaking candidly to ELLE, the actor talked about losing his virginity, filming naked and how to behave with friends.

ELLE What do you need to find in a girl's apartment to immediately understand: you are incompatible with her?

DANIEL RADCLIFFE Well, if she had a whole shelf of vegetarian cookbooks, I'd know I was in trouble.

ELLE Doesn't the complete set of Harry Potter books promise more danger?

D.R. Come on! Many people have them. It would be wrong to deprive yourself of a chance because of such a trifle.

ELLE You undressed in “Friendship and No Sex”, completely naked in “Equus”... Are you comfortable naked in public?

D.R. No. Or rather, relatively comfortable. I have to say, the first time I had to take my clothes off on a Broadway stage at age 17, I was freaking nervous.

ELLE Were you embarrassed to date girls who said: “Oh, I saw Equus...”?

D.R. Not particularly. I didn't date a lot of girls at that time. But such a dialogue would most likely continue with the words: “Oh, cool, you saw me naked!”

ELLE What changed for you the day you lost your virginity?

D.R. Hmm... You know, I'm apparently one of the few who had a great first time!

ELLE Really? Did everything go according to plan?

D.R. It was with a girl I knew well. I'm happy to say that I've had a lot more successful sex since then, but my first time wasn't as bad or awkward as others. For example, like my friend who got drunk and indulged in passion with a stranger under a bridge.

ELLE Yeah, do you think it’s better to have sex sober?

D.R. I don’t rule out that for some, drunken sex is the ultimate dream. But personally, I and the person I’m doing this with are much better off sober.

D.R. In my youth, between the ages of 16 and 19, I was interested in writing and during that period I wrote many love poems. But today I can say with all responsibility - there is not a single one of them that I would like to see in print or come across on the Internet. ( Laughs.)

ELLE There are rumors that you are engaged...

D.R. No.

ELLE Do you believe in marriage?

D.R. I haven't figured it out yet. In my opinion, the most romantic thing you can do is to stand in front of a crowd of friends and family and confess your love to your only one.

ELLE Sounds like the words of the heroine Zoe Kazan from “Friendship and No Sex”...

D.R. Really? Did she say the same thing there?


D.R. Well, apparently, these words sank into my soul. There is something fantastic about marriage... On the other hand, all this that accompanies a wedding... In general, I am still in doubt, but I think that sometime in the future I will have all this.

ELLE The film “Friendship and No Sex” asks viewers the eternal question: “Can a man and a woman be friends?” What do you think?

D.R. In fact, these are two whole questions that they are always trying to fit into one! Can a man and a woman be friends? Of course, I have many female friends with whom I have not had sex and no reason to have it.

ELLE Another question?

D.R. Can a man and woman who are romantically or sexually attracted to each other be friends without it becoming a problem? This is a much more complex question. Ultimately, sooner or later they will have to explain themselves. I would definitely want to sort things out, because otherwise I would go crazy. This is the big difference between me and my hero in Friendship and No Sex. Wallace is able to live in painful uncertainty much longer than I could.

ELLE And how long could I, I wonder?

D.R. It would probably last for a few months.

ELLE In Harry Potter you worked with many legendary English actresses. Did any of them give you good advice about girls?

Famous actor Daniel Radcliffe gained wide popularity after the release of fascinating films about the adventures of the boy wizard Harry Potter on the big screens. And his hero became a new legendary fairy-tale character, 7 parts resisted evil, cherished friendship and demonstrated extraordinary gentlemanly qualities. You can learn about Daniel’s real life, interests and hobbies from interesting facts from his biography.

32. The actor is a supporter of the Labor Party.

Daniel Radcliffe's career

33. The boy got his first role at the age of 5, in a school theatrical performance, where the child portrayed a monkey.

34. At the same age, he received his first film role in a film about the magician David Copperfield.

35. That same year, he successfully passed the casting for the role of Harry in the film series of the same name and was approved for the main role, signing a contract for 10 years. Filming began in 2000.

36. For his participation in the first part of the film, Daniel earned 150 thousand euros, the fourth brought him a fee of more than 5 million euros, and the last more than 8 million euros. Box office receipts from the first part total about $1 billion.

37. A year after filming ended in the last part of the story about the young wizard, Radcliffe received a role in the mystical film where he played a young lawyer - “The Woman in Black.” The rental of this film in Russia alone brought in almost $5 million.

38. The next bright role of the young actor is Igor, in the film about the legendary Frankenstein. The film was released in 2015.

39. The latest film on the list of his film achievements is “Imperium,” which was released last year. In this film, Radcliffe appeared in a completely new image. He plays an FBI agent who goes undercover into a terrorist organization in order to prevent a terrible terrorist attack. Fans of the actor noted that he was capable of any role, he got into the role perfectly and played the character perfectly. Critics say that the film was based solely on Daniel's performance.

40. Theatrical activity occupies an important place in the work of the talented Briton.

41. From 2004 to 2017, he took part in 4 serious performances.

42. The actor performed plays several times on Broadway and other serious theater venues.

43. In addition, the actor showed himself as a poet, releasing a collection of poems under the pseudonym Jacob Gershon. These are derived from his mother's maiden name and his own middle name.

44. He also starred in the video for the group Slow Club, which performs independent rock music, in 2012.

Personal life of Daniel Radcliffe

45. Throughout the filming of parts of Harry Potter, rumors periodically slipped through about an affair between Radcliffe and the actress who played the protagonist’s girlfriend -. However, these rumors had no basis, except that the actors spent a lot of time together. This fact is due only to the deep friendly sympathy that arose on the set.

46. ​​Another rumor was fueled after the 2013 Oscars. The reason for the hype was the humane and gentlemanly behavior of the young man, who was forced to appear on the red carpet with crutches in her hands. Daniel simply sympathized and helped the poor girl with a broken leg, carelessly throwing out the phrase that he was ready to carry poor Kirsten in his arms. The next morning, a message appeared in the press about a romantic relationship between the actors.

47. In fact, Radcliffe’s only real relationship was on the set of the Potter stories, where he met Roseanne Cocker. The feelings were real, but at some point the girl wanted to see a mature man next to her and gave Daniel time to “grow up.” However, in the end the couple broke up due to the actor’s fear of an official relationship.

48. Radcliffe's latest romantic interest is with Erin Darke. The relationship began in 2012 and innocent flirting has now grown into a real strong union, which the couple plans to officially register at the end of 2017.

49. Daniel claims that it is easier for an actor to maintain a love affair with the opposite sex of the same profession. After all, people far from cinema will not be able to understand the long absence of their loved one. He believes that such a tandem is doomed to collapse from the very beginning.

50. Daniel has repeatedly stated that he has long been ready to become a father, because his peers and friends have long since started families and children. Perhaps sooner after the announcement of the wedding, we will learn about the long-awaited addition to the Radcliffe couple.