Who was the half-blood prince in Harry. Severus Snape's House - The Prince's Story

During the first lesson, Snape asks Harry: “Potter! Tell me, what will I get if I mix crushed asphodel root with a decoction of wormwood?

In the Victorian language of flowers, asphodel is a type of lily that means "I will regret you forever" and wormwood means "I miss you" and symbolizes the bitterness of loss. That's why hidden meaning Snape's question, asked in the stern tone of a man accustomed to hiding his emotions, is an admission: "I bitterly regret Lily's death."

2. Saint Hedwig

Saint Hedwig was considered the patroness of dead children, so while Harry Hedwig's owl (also Hedwig in the original) was alive, she saved him from death many times. When she died in the last book, it may have been a clue to Harry about further events described in Deathly Hallows.

3. The thirteenth is extra

In The Prisoner of Azkaban, Professor Trelawney refuses to sit at the same table with Dumbledore because twelve people are already sitting at him. “I don’t dare, professor! If I sit down, there will be thirteen of us. Don’t forget: when thirteen people are dining together, the first one to stand up is the first to die.”


This is not only a reference to the biblical Last Supper. In Order of the Phoenix, Sirius was the first of the thirteen to leave the table. In The Deathly Hallows, only thirteen made it to the Burrow after Operation Seven Potters. Lupine was the first to rise from the table to find the body of the deceased Moody. Later, he would be the first of those present to die in the Battle of Hogwarts.

4. Voldemort was pelted with snowballs

Let's go back to " Philosopher's Stone", to snowy Hogwarts. The book describes how Fred and George were punished for "enchanting a couple of snowballs to fly around Quirrell and hit him on the back of his turban." If you remember what - or rather, who - ended up under the professor's turban at the end of the book, it turns out that the twins beat He Who Must Not Be Named with snowballs. Oops.

5. Trelawney was right

In Prisoner of Azkaban, Professor Trelawney says to Harry, "I think I'm right in saying, my dear, that you were born in the middle of winter?" Harry tells her that he was born in July, which calls her clairvoyant abilities into question.

But Voldemort was born on December 31st, and in The Deathly Hallows it turns out that Harry is a Horcrux containing a piece of Voldemort's soul, and it turns out that Trelawney felt the presence of the Dark Lord four years before Harry and readers of the book found out about this.

6. Dumbledore is a fairytale Death

There is a theory among fans that Dumbledore is Death himself from The Tale of the Three Brothers, and even JK Rowling likes this idea. It was Dumbledore who owned all three Deathly Hallows, and he gave them to Harry. The elder brother from the fairy tale - the one who received the Elder Wand from Death - is considered to be Voldemort; the second brother, a powerful wizard with a resurrection stone, is Snape, who lost the woman he loved; and Harry is the younger brother who hides from Death under the invisibility cloak.

7. Ron and the Chocolate Frogs

JK Rowling said in an interview that Ron had his finest hour when he, Harry and Hermione saw their faces on the cards from the chocolate frogs that they looked at on the day they met on the Hogwarts Express.

Harry has been described as "The first and only known wizard to survive a killing curse, best known for defeating the most dangerous dark wizard of all time - Lord Voldemort."

Ron was honored for "Destroying the Horcruxes and subsequently defeating Voldemort and revolutionizing the Ministry of Magic."

Hermione has been called the "Brightest Witch of the Age" who "rooted out pro-pureblood laws" and championed "the rights of non-humans such as house elves."

8. Griffin Door

The entrance to Dumbledore's office as seen in the films is decorated with a huge bird hiding a secret staircase. If you look closely you will see that it is a vulture. In English - “griffin”. And the door in English is “door”. That is, it is literally Gryffindor, “the door of the vulture.” Like this.

9. A wardrobe that disappears and appears in another book

When Harry first uses Floo powder in the Weasleys' fireplace in Chamber of Secrets, he finds himself in Knockturn Alley, at the Dark Magic supplies store, Gorbin and Burke. Among other things, there was a “large black cabinet.” This is the "vanishing cabinet" used by the Death Eaters to enter Hogwarts in Half-Blood Prince.

10. Made for each other

Ron and Hermione were destined to be together whether they liked it or not - even their Patronuses showed it. Jack Russell Terriers were bred to hunt rats, badgers, foxes and otters. Ron's Patronus was a terrier and Hermione's was an otter, so technically he was forced to follow her forever.

11. The Dark Secret of the Marauders

The Marauders died in the reverse order in which they are named on the map: "Messrs Tail, Padfoot, Moony and Prongs" - that is, Remus, Peter, Sirius and James. First James was gone, then Sirius was gone, then Peter was gone, and finally Remus was gone.

12. Mark of the Basilisk

It can be assumed that the Death Eaters' mark - the Black Mark - was simply chosen in honor of Slytherin's snake. But it also resembles the basilisk tunnel that crawled out of the mouth of the statue in the Chamber of Secrets.

13. 7 Horcruxes by JK Rowling

And finally, correspondence from Tumblr users:

“Joanne Rowling created seven Horcruxes. She put a piece of her soul into each of her seven books, and now her books will live forever.” Stephen King.

“It sounded so wonderful until it dawned on me that she had to kill someone every time to create them. How else do you explain the deaths of Dumbledore, Snape, Fred, Lupin, Tonks, Bookley and Dobby?”

I was looking forward to the premiere of the sixth part with special impatience. This is not surprising. There are few things left that would evoke the same childhood emotions as the joy of an approaching fairy tale. Although, “Harry Potter” has long ceased to be one. It would be a mistake to call this film only fantasy or adventure. The dominant genre here, oddly enough, is drama. Yes, that's drama! JK Rowling is very cruel to her main character. Each time, she brings more and more tragedy into Harry's life, confronting him with terrible things and taking away the most valuable things - those he loves.

Let's return to the premiere. "Harry Potter and Half Blood Prince". Alas, the sixth part held some mysteries for me. Therefore, I want to give modest advice to the “unenlightened”: beware of “spoilers” do not ruin the fairy tale, there is already too little of it in our lives But, despite the absence of a “surprise in the finale”, I watched with interest what was happening on the screen. In some places it made me happy, in others it was quite the opposite. Tactfully ask the question “which news would you prefer to hear first?” I won’t and I’ll start right away with the bad ones, so that later I’ll be more willing to praise the good aspects of the film.

This must be a joke?

The drama that was originally discussed seemed to be hidden behind the pink curtain of an unobtrusive romantic comedy. There was too much humor that was so unusual and, it seems to me, unnecessary. Almost everyone was laughed at: the death of Aragog, Hagrid’s good friend, and Albus’s last conversation with Harry began jokingly, and what can we say about a whole series of “ love stories", of which I counted 8 It's surprising that another appearance negative characters did not make the viewer laugh. I won’t say that watching such a movie is boring or uninteresting. Not at all, at the premiere I laughed heartily, and I didn’t even think that when I came home I would count the amount of humor in excess. Most likely, I was expecting something darker, darker and even depressing. But this is the pattern of the release of each new part - each time it becomes more serious and “more mature”. Perhaps this is the director’s idea to please the viewer with a good dose of humor in the 6th part, and in the last two “feed” him in full with the horror and tragedy of the final denouement. I will ask Marilyn for this to happen, but for now I can only hope

The Dark Lord took a vacation.

For the first time since the third part, “He Who Must Not Be Named” never appeared on camera. It's about about the “terrible and terrible” Lord Voldemort. No, he, as befits him, was in the center of events, or rather conversations. The only manifestation of the main villain was only in the memories of Albus Dumbledore and Horace Slughorn You may think that I am being too picky, but after Voldemort’s benefit performance in the Order of the Phoenix, the absence of the aforementioned in the sequel was, at a minimum, surprising, and at most, upsetting. After all, the Dark Lord is not the only reason to start a “mess.” But, even here, all my expectations of a big battle were met by the authors with only a modest encounter between two Eaters and Harry and Ginny. It all seemed rather dry, and in the end it ended with nothing but the destruction of the Weasley house. At the end of the film, there was no battle at all; it all looked more like some kind of ritual of sacrifice rather than a confrontation between two forces. The only way I can explain this misunderstanding is by once again turning to my theory about “good Uncle David Yates.” He feels sorry for us, which is sad

“But even at the most dark times, don’t forget to turn to the light"
Albus Dumbledore. "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix".

Following the advice of the Greatest of the Headmasters of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, I will finally put an end to the criticism and move on to the “light”, or more specifically, to the special effects. I have often insisted that a film like Harry Potter should be seen for the first time big screen. And the sixth part even more so. The scale of the special effects was a pleasant surprise. Just look at the scene at the beginning of the film, when the viewer, as if taking the seat of a passenger on the back of the Death Eaters, flew around London, causing mayhem. Real 4D and even stupid glasses were not needed. I would also like to specifically mention the excellent decorations in the truly Magical Weasley Brothers Shop. So colorful, fun and carefree I wouldn’t be surprised if children start arguing which is better: the chocolate house from “Hansel and Gretel” or the Weasley’s fairy-tale shop from “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.” Hogwarts, beyond any discussion, is magnificent as always. The cave left a double impression But let’s not look for a problem where there might not be one, and let’s give the special effects a fair 10 out of 10.

“I believe!”

Having noticeably matured, not only externally, but also professionally, the actors coped with their task 100%. The famous trio did not disappoint at all. Daniel managed to show courage, devotion and grief. Emma perfectly got used to the role of the jealous woman. And Rupert is a born comedian, which he proved once again. I do not hide my admiration for the actress playing Luna Lovegund. Mysterious, melancholy and a little crazy, but how good she is! Tom Felton, the actor playing the role of Draco Malfoy, showed a completely different side of himself. And although not everything in his game seemed ideal to me, it is still head and shoulders above what it was before. And it is not customary to condemn progress. Ginny is still the same modest and silent, but not lost among the others. Crazy Lavender, in love with Ron, was played superbly. The heroine brought a huge amount of humor with her sincere naivety and simplicity. The actors who played small and young Tom Riddle are also very convincing. Horace, Dumbledore, Hagrid, Snape, Bellatrix - they all deserve the highest praise! Each of them had a difficult role to play, but each of them coped with it perfectly. Bravo!

Sounds of music.

What is flawless in this film is the soundtrack. They are magical, very emotional and truly touch your heartstrings. Nicholas Hooper, I think, will receive a prestigious Oscar nomination. But such music does not need public recognition and pretentious awards to make the listener freeze At least for a moment A lot of words can be said, but all of them will not even convey a tenth of the beauty of these magical sounds, you just need to feel it.

Drawing a line

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince caused a lot of controversy and criticism. Almost all of them are related to the inconsistency of the film with the book, but it is rightly noted that the book has 700 pages, and there is no way to fit all of them into a two-hour film. There is no need to draw an analogy, it will yield nothing. The film is magical, no matter what! This is a fairy tale that drives all extraneous thoughts out of your head and doesn’t let you get bored for a minute. It's nostalgia that makes you smile happily just when you hear the word "Quiditch." This is the holiday that I have been waiting for and will continue to wait for. It's just Harry Potter and nothing can ever ruin it.

"Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince": waiting for the new book

- The book will be called "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" (Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince)
- Harry is 16 years old.
- Harry's discovery in the second book foreshadows what he finds in the sixth.
- In a recent chat (World Book Day 04), Rowling said that work on the book is in full swing, so most likely the book will be released sometime in 2005 or even 2006. Considering that the title is already known, there is a chance that the book will be released in mid-2005
- The Half-Blood Prince is the main plot thread of the entire series. In 1997, Rowling wanted to weave this thread into the story of The Room, but it didn't fit. The Half-Blood Prince has no relation to the story of the basilisk and Tom Riddle's diary. Without hesitation, JK decided to save the story for later.
- Arthur Weasley will NOT become the new Minister of Magic
- The Prince is neither Harry nor Voldemort. Rowling explained the meaning of the concepts "half-blood", "pure-blood" and "muggle-born" as a kind of reflection of the Nazi concepts of "Aryan" and "Jew". In order to be a half-breed, it is enough to have one Muggle ancestor.

- We learn more about the locked room in the Department of Mysteries
- We will learn more about the Veil
- Maybe Harry will see Sirius again
- The group will be more obedient
- There will be a new captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team
- Sirius's two-way mirror may reappear
- Peter Pettigrew will return
- Harry will inherit Sirius's fortune and house
- Tonks will be the new DADA teacher
-Harry will be in big trouble

Half-Blood Prince: who is he?
- Albus Dumbledore. He is from a royal family who had to hide for many years. Maybe that's why he's so powerful and Voldemort is afraid of him
- Hagrid. He is a half-breed: half-giant - half-man! (that everyone is generally obsessed with Muggle-bloods!). It seems that in the 4th book it is said that his mother was not an ordinary giantess at all. So why shouldn't she be some kind of queen? Why did Hagrid's brother appear in book 5? Rowling doesn't just make things happen... Hagrid was even very involved in the second book. And there is one point that doesn’t quite fit in my head - why did Dumbledore leave it with him? Out of the kindness of your heart? He is a very thoughtful old man!
- Rem Lupin. He doesn't know about it, but he The Royal Family abandoned him after being bitten by a werewolf, since he was no longer their “equal.” In the 6th book, Rem finds out about this and, with the help of Harry, declares his legal rights by birth
- Severus Snape is a half-blood prince, and that's why he became Dumbledore's ally and that's why the headmaster trusts him

Theories about future books:
- We all heard that Dumbledore knows practically everything that happens at Hogwarts. And he's also only worried about being removed from the chocolate frog cards. Could it be that Dumbledore is using these cards as portraits of former Hogwarts Headmasters to keep an eye on others? Judge for yourself, every frog that Harry or Ron came across contained Dumbledore's card.
-Harry and Voldemort cannot duel because the Fawkes feathers in their wands reflect the spells. Therefore, Harry will not be able to use his wand against Voldemort; the power to kill him must come to him from another source. It is unknown where or what kind of power this will be, but it will certainly not be a magic wand.
- Sir Patrick Delaney Podmore (head of the Headless Brethren) may be related to Stargis Podmore of the Order of the Phoenix
- on page 661 of the American edition of the OF Almost Headless Nick says to Harry: “I know nothing about the mysteries of death... I believe learned wizards study it in the Department of Mysteries.” I believe that Nick directly or indirectly points to the Veil through which he fell Sirius. It is safe to believe that the Veil is a gate, a portal, or something else, to the next world, where dead people gather. The veil may be an experiment of such "scientific wizards" trying to contact the dead or the "other world." In this case, since Sirius did not die from Bellatrix’s spell, but came “to the next world” through a “one way” passage, and Harry heard the voices of the dead, the arch is open for contact with Sirius - someone may well speak with the dead , if you get close enough.
- Could Harry be a metamorphmagus (like Tonks)? In FC Rowling writes that Harry's hair grew back overnight when Aunt Petunia gave him a terrible haircut. He obviously had to really focus on his hair as he was worried about how he would look. And metamorphs change their appearance precisely by the concentration of their will.

Interesting Facts about published books:
- Fred and George were born on April 1st (jokes aside)
- Full name Ginny is Ginevra and is the first girl born in the Weasley family for "several generations." And no Virginia :)
- Maiden name Molly Weasley - Prewett
- Krushanks - semi-lasil
- Hermione's birthday is September 19, Ron's is March 1
- Hermione's middle name is Jane, Rhona is Bilius, Ginny is Molly, Harry is James, Rema Lupine is John, Trelawney is Patricia
- The approximate rate of a galleon is 5 pounds ($7.30 or 8.00 euros, or 210 rubles)
- Happy people do not become ghosts (in other words, people who die sad, angry, etc. can become ghosts. Myrtle was teased, Nearly Headless Nick was not completely beheaded, the Bloody Baron was... lonely?)
- Teachers don't stay at Hovgarts for Christmas. Only Filch, Hagrid and Dumbledore remain. Several Hogwarts professors have spouses, but this information is not disclosed (we will find out the reasons for this later)
-Dragons can't be tamed, no matter what Hagrid thinks.
- Animagus form is a reflection of the character of the animagus
- It is not necessary to attend a Muggle school before Hogwarts. You can study at home.
- A magical quill records the birth of each child wizard in the book, and Professor McGonagall sends them owls when they turn 11.

The story about a young wizard named Harry Potter, written by JK Rowling, became very popular in a short time. An entire film franchise was created based on the series of novels. All parts of the saga turned out to be very successful, and the project “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” was no exception. The actors of the film have matured significantly in comparison with the previous parts, as well as their heroes.

Plot of the film

Sixteen-year-old Harry Potter will soon go to school for magic. However, the thought of studying does not please the guy, since the Dark Lord has returned to the world, main enemy of all humanity. Just recently, Harry learned that there is a prophecy about him and Voldemort, according to which one of them must die, otherwise no one will be able to live in peace. Potter understands that only he can free the world from the sorcerer. The mere thought of fighting the enemy terrified the guy, because he understood that he was much weaker than the enemy.

The tension only grows throughout the film "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince". Main character tape learns that there are many more enemies around him than he thought, but, fortunately, there were best friends Ron and Hermione. They promised that they would always help each other.

Main characters

The cast of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince remains, for the most part, the same as in previous installments of the franchise. The Boy-Who-Lived, that is, Harry, was introduced to the audience Daniel Radcliffe. Potter begins to follow Draco Malfoy, whom he suspects of having connections with the Death Eaters. In addition, he falls in love with Ron's sister, but hides his feelings from everyone, especially from his friend.

Potter often seems distracted during this part of the story, which isn't surprising given everything that's going on. However, this is precisely what caused a wave of criticism from viewers, but did not interfere with the overall rating of the project.

The role of the Hogwarts headmaster, as before, was played by Michael Gambon. In the film, Albus looks even more thoughtful and secretive than before. He unraveled Voldemort's secret, but he understood that he could not destroy him alone, since this was Harry's task.

We remind you that Hermione and Ron in the film “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” were played by Emma Watson and Rupert Grint, respectively. Sympathy has been growing between their characters for a long time, but they continue to hide it.

Other participants

One of key characters becomes Professor Horace Slughorn. His role was played by the Actor in “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” and appears for the first time in the entire franchise. The hero retired long ago, but at Dumbledore’s request he returns to school. The main reason Potter returns to office. The fact is that Horace has a habit of choosing favorite students from whom he can always ask for help. In addition, they can be boasted to others.

Much attention in the film is paid to actress Bonnie Wright, who plays the role of Ginny Weasley. The girl, like Harry and Hermione, turns out to be one of Horace's favorites. She distinguished herself in front of the professor with her magical abilities, and now she has to constantly go to balls and professor meetings, which she finds incredibly boring.

Actor Robbie Coltrane, who plays Hagrid, also took part in the film. He was shown much less than usual in this part of the story. The most memorable scene with the actor’s participation was the episode when the spider Aragog died. Hagrid was simply heartbroken, even though he was often not on his best behavior.

Villains in the film

Much to the surprise of fans, Voldemort himself was practically not shown in the film. However, they talked about him constantly. Harry learns a lot about his childhood and youth. In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, the actors and Hero Fiennes-Tiffin played the Dark Lord at the ages of sixteen and eleven, respectively. It turned out that Tom had previously been among Horace’s favorites. One day a guy talked to a teacher about a spell that makes a person practically immortal. Slughorn refused to tell anyone about this situation. Albus demanded answers to his questions from the professor, and therefore took him to school.

Draco Malfoy was also one of the villains. The confrontation between him and Harry increased even more. Previously, their enmity was limited to insults, but now Draco has completely sided with the Dark Lord. At the beginning of the film, Malfoy bewitched Harry and broke his nose. We remind you that this role was played by

Now not only the world of wizards suffers from the return of Voldemort, but also the world of Muggles: the Death Eaters kidnap Mr. Ollivander, a specialist in magic wands. At the request of Albus Dumbledore, Professor Horace Slughorn returns to Hogwarts. He once taught potions here. In the new academic year(1996-1997) Slughorn will take this place again. Professor Severus Snape, in turn, received the position of teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Draco Malfoy becomes a Death Eater instead of his arrested father and receives a task from the Dark Lord: to kill Dumbledore. Meanwhile, Severus Snape makes an Unbreakable Vow to Narcissa Malfoy and vows to help her son, Draco, in his quest. To do this, Malfoy tries to fix the disappearing cabinet in the Room of Requirement and at the same time makes several attempts on Dumbledore's life. The victim of the first attempt turns out to be Katie Bell, and the second - Ron Weasley.

Harry Potter suspects Malfoy, and their relationship becomes tense. A duel occurs between them, in which Harry almost kills Draco, but Snape appears in time and saves Malfoy. Meanwhile, Dumbledore is looking for Voldemort's Horcruxes. He shows Harry his memories of Voldemort in the Pensieve, and asks him to retrieve one memory that Slughorn had hidden from everyone. This memory concerns how Tom Riddle, during his studies at Hogwarts, elicited information about Horcruxes from Horace Slughorn, which greatly contributed to the transformation of Tom Riddle into Voldemort.

When Harry carries out an errand for Dumbledore, they go together to retrieve the supposed Horcrux, but only on the condition that Harry obeys orders without question. Harry and Dumbledore head to the cave where Dumbledore believes the Horcrux is located. In this cave there is a lake where infernals live, and in the middle of it is a horcrux that can only be obtained by drinking a potion. At the same time, it deprives the mind of the one who drank it. Dumbledore, with Harry's help, drinks the potion and they take the Horcrux.

After returning to Hogwarts, Dumbledore orders Harry to hide, but not to reveal himself. Draco Malfoy bursts into the tower and disarms the unresisting headmaster. Soon after, Death Eaters appear on the tower and Professor Snape kills Dumbledore. An angry Harry sets off in pursuit of Snape and the Death Eaters to punish them for this crime, but to no avail: Severus reveals the secret that he is the Half-Blood Prince.

The school mourns Dumbledore, while Harry discovers that the Horcrux (i.e. Slytherin's locket) is a fake and that it was left by the mysterious R.A.B. (that is, as it later turns out, Regulus Arcturus Black, Sirius' brother). Harry decides not to return to school for next year, and devote himself to the destruction of the Dark Lord. Ron and Hermione follow him, and the darkest hour approaches.