Great interview with The Hardkiss frontwoman Yulia Sanina. The most pleasant memory of your vacation

In addition to creative success, the couple manages to devote time to their family. After the national selection for Eurovision 2016, The Hardkiss released a new one, and Yulia Sanina also takes part in the filming. But even this workload does not stop the couple from caring for their son. In particular, Sanina admitted that the birth of the baby changed her character.

With the birth of her son, her relationship with Val only improved. I have become more tender and softer. And this tenderness is transferred to the husband.

The singer, who almost always embodies tough images on stage, has become much softer in life and now looks at the world in a new way. She is already thinking about what she will teach her son Daniel.

At the moment my inspiration is my family. I spend all my free time with my son Danya, he is already eight months old, and he is my main source of joy and creativity. I wrote a lot of songs, the meaning of which boils down to “when you grow up, I will show you...” I’m already thinking about what he will be like when he grows up, what he will become, what I would like to tell him about...

Val Bebko has also changed. Now the brutal member of the group "The Hardkiss" tenderly photographs every step of his baby.

Of course, everything happens the same as with all normal parents. Valera, for example, does not part with her camera. I joke: “Your son gives you an incentive to take up photography more often.” Val takes photographs every minute. And I write more of our achievements in my diary: Danya is already sitting, crawling, saying “be-be-be”... For me, this is such happiness, as if he flew into space. Such pride! At the same time, I understand that with the birth of my child I became more vulnerable, vulnerable, and sentimental.

These are such touching parents Yulia Sanina and Valery Bebko.

We also remind you that the news about...

1. Let's go back to childhood - did you like to relax with your parents, or did you dream of freedom? For example, about going to a pioneer camp. Tell us a funny incident from your childhood holiday?

I really enjoyed spending time in pioneer camps. A million new friends, childhood crushes, bonfires and songs. Once at the camp we were preparing a musical, I, naturally, was the soloist. Before leaving, she boasted that she had never forgotten the lyrics of a song. Once on stage, I completely forgot everything! I had to come up with a text as I went along, also in verse.

2. How often do you allow yourself a day off today? Do you have enough time to rest? How many times a year do you take a vacation?

I don’t really like to rest for a long time, at the end I always feel blues, thoughts that nothing is happening, that I need to do something urgently. If I have a quick vacation, I’ll go to the movies with friends; if I take a little longer, I’ll fly to Europe for five days.

3. The best way to relieve stress after a working day for you...?

Eat something delicious.

4. Is alcohol a way to relax?

No, not an option for me. Tasteless, and also with bad consequences.

5. Tell us about your most extreme vacation?

This is a trip to a Crimean cave - in rubber uniform and with a flashlight in your forehead. It’s scary when everyone crawls single file through stone tunnels. Sometimes it’s so narrow that you can’t fit a helmet through and it’s hard to breathe.

6. Has it ever happened to you that after a vacation you had to take a break (from vacation)?

Often after a European holiday you need another day to digest everything.

7. What is your most pleasant vacation memory?

This is when I first came to Venice. It was early morning, it was pouring rain, and I was jumping around San Marco Square and squealing with happiness. I really liked Venice.

8. Do you have any secrets on how to quickly restore your strength?

Cup of cocoa and sleep. Or a shower with a built-in radio.

9. Favorite place in Kyiv and the most interesting place in Ukraine that you have visited?

I love Kyiv. But one of the most beautiful places is the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Foros, which stands right on a cliff.

10. Where can I meet you in Kyiv in the evening?

On the embankment.

11. You played your first solo concert in Kyiv. How was it? How did it live up to your expectations?

We tried to tune in not to the result, but to the process itself. We savored every minute of preparation; even some failures and experiences had their own charm. Impressions – a clear feeling that everything was not in vain, we saw those for whom we work.

12. What are your plans for the future? Are you planning to give a second solo concert in Kyiv? Where else can we hear you in the near future?

We are preparing a lot of surprises for the summer. There will be several premieres, but the most important thing is a tour of Ukraine; cities will be announced very soon.

The HARDKISS. In Love. Watch video online

Why did The Hardkiss sing less in English? What does Sanina think about Russian show business and why did The Hardkiss refuse to perform in the Russian Federation? Why did the YUNA award come as a surprise to Sanina? Why doesn't he show his son? About drugs, relatives with addiction, relationships with parents and why he doesn’t consider himself a star.

Some interesting quotes from a conversation with Yulia Sanina:

About relatives with addiction:

- I don't drink and have never tried drugs. Probably because of my upbringing. Since childhood, they told me that if I tried drugs, I might like them, that I had bad heredity. These are not parents, but among distant relatives there are not very good examples. For example, my mother’s cousin had problems with alcohol, and it all ended quite sadly. I know that I have problems in my family, I saw how it ends and therefore I don’t even want to try.

What does Yulia Sanina think about Russian show business:

- In general, I haven’t looked into Russian show business for a long time. I don’t know what’s going on there and, frankly speaking, I don’t have the slightest desire to find out. It seems to me that everything is very sad there. I don’t listen to rap, but in pop music everything is definitely sad. Maybe Temnikova (ex-member of the Serebro group - editor's note) somehow stands out, but everything else is not interesting to me.

On The Hardkiss' decision not to perform in Russia:

- Russia has a big market and a lot of money in terms of business. Our decision not to perform there is a serious step. Moreover, we don’t perform in Russia not only at open awards and television programs, but we also don’t give “quiet” concerts - we don’t even go to corporate events. This decision was made by the entire team, because this is everyone’s livelihood and we are responsible for those who work for us.

About the fact that Yulia Sanina is embarrassed by recognition:

- I don’t know why, but I’m embarrassed by recognition. I don't want this at all. I don’t even look people in the eyes when I’m somewhere in a public place. It's somehow inconvenient.

For whom Yulia Sanina sang backing vocals:

- I dreamed of singing on the big stage myself and took care of myself for this. I had never performed backing vocals on stage, but at the same time I was one of the most sought-after studio backing vocalists. I worked with Ruslan Quinta for many years - we recorded an entire album by Ani Lorak, songs for NonAngels, Nikolai Baskov, Sofia Rotaru, Mika Newton and many others. I think not all stars know about this now.

And her husband Val Bebko will turn two years old in a month, all this time the couple tried to carefully hide the face of their baby from the public.

And so, today a very touching photo of the boy finally appeared on the Internet. Together with his mom and dad, he took part in his first photo shoot for the magazine "Viva!".

In an interview with the publication, the lead singer of the group "The Hardkiss" spoke about how she and her husband are raising a child and why they do not allow him to manipulate adults.

We love our son very much, but at the same time we don’t let him get away with any pranks. Danya is already beginning to understand a little that she can manipulate her parents, be mischievous, and get her way. We show him gently and carefully that it should not only be the way he wants, but the way the family is used to it, the way that is comfortable, first of all, for the parents. After all, what about the animal world? The main ones in the family are mom and dad, and the children are already adapting to their lifestyle. The family should not follow the child. On the contrary, the child must integrate into the family

Yulia Sanina says in an interview.

Let us remind you that Yulia Sanina and Valery Bebko, who is the creative producer of the group “The Hardkiss,” met more than seven years ago, and after two years of relationship, they got married and had a wedding.

Photo in, Viva!

December 18, 2013, 20:51

Futuristic Yulia Sanina. That's exactly how I see her. Each of her images is unique, with its own edges and lines. Undoubtedly, she is different everywhere, and it is not the image that adorns her, but she - him.

I suggest you look at a photo selection of Yulia’s bright, amazing outfits.

Here's what Julia says in an interview about her outfits, fashion and style:

You have achieved the impossible: you are the only artists in Ukraine who manage to look bright, but not vulgar. Do you come up with the images yourself or leave it to the hands of stylists?

We work with the unique guys Slava Chaika and Vitalik Datsyuk, who come up with all our images. Art has very fine edges, here everyone should do what they are truly talented at. Therefore, the roles in The HARDKISS team are clearly distributed.

How do you dress in real life?

In life I prefer comfortable clothes, simple but tasteful. I try on a huge number of images on stage and filming, so behind the scenes I need to relax and focus on music, poetry, rehearsals, etc. Among designers, I have always admired the work of Alexander MC Queen, Vivienne Westwood, Gareth Pugh. And the brands that I wear with pleasure in everyday life are Diesel, H&M, Topshop.

As you know, fashion is changeable, but style is a constant. Either he is, or he is not. What's your recipe for perfect style?

Do not try to stand out in any way; most often this leads to bad taste. Clothes should suit your face.

From an interview with Slava Chaika (stylist Julia)

How did your work as a stylist begin? How long have you been doing this?

It’s hard to say why exactly, because I started drawing from the cradle - I painted my room, the walls of the courtyards, the school! Then, I wanted to draw on a living body, and without realizing it (in those years no one knew the correct name for such an activity, there was nothing like this in our country), I started doing body art! Thanks to him, I created a project with models who, with the help of choreography, showed in their performances what was inside me! Body art is about scale, therefore, for complete accuracy of the conveyed image, all my thoughts and efforts also went into selecting accessories, and even sewing some items of clothing!

Then, somehow very quickly the desire to do make-up came. I wanted to do this so much that at the same time I suffered a lot - due to the lack of finances of my parents, who at that time sent me to a medical college to become a dentist, in the hope that something good would come of it... But my desire did not subside, and since I always through my own efforts picked up what fascinated me, I also practiced in make-up for 5 years without stops and restrictions. Later, when I came to my senses, I realized that all this still lacked a certain aesthetics and grammar. Then I decided that I needed a teacher, and for a long time I could not choose a teacher for myself - at that time, as a more successful teenager, the successful personalities of the city of Kharkov did not like me, and I decided that it was not worth studying here and left for Dnepropetrovsk. There I found Elena Yudina, a talented teacher, who once said in front of all her students: “Chaika, I also have something to learn from you.” She was very worried about me, even talked with my mother, helping us find understanding among ourselves. And the style overtook me on its own. It is thanks to stylistics that I now clearly understand what is possible and what is not, it’s like a separate mind in which a different pattern operates.

Who was (or is) a role model, teacher or idol in your work and why?

In fact, for me it is very personal to name the name of an idol :) Because for a huge part of my life I looked up to this person in habits, views and even self-esteem! Until my very opinion and habit of being myself grew and didn’t let you know! This is a singer who was more popular in the 90s. Her music then gave me a reason to consider myself special, to realize that I am individual, and in adolescence this is a great balm for the heart :) Then I loved to be somewhere in nature, in the forest, and painted landscapes in watercolors when her songs sounded in the player . I was impressed by a certain mystery of my heroine, the presentation of her thoughts, just watching her was already a pleasure.

But this is Julia in everyday life.

"she's beautiful... no, that's not it, I've seen a lot of nice women. Nobody! Do you hear? Nobody... can compete with her..."

Perhaps a little pretentious, but these are the lines that come to mind when talking about Yulia Sanina.

(I remind you that everything except excerpts from the interview is a purely personal opinion).

Have a nice evening everyone, dear gossips)))