Natalie singer biography personal life children husband. Natalie (singer) - biography, information, personal life

Our article will tell you about the singer Natalie. The biography of this beautiful blond actress is quite rich. We will tell you about the most significant and main moments of her life further.

The singer's childhood

In 1974, on March 31, a little fair-haired girl, Natasha Menyaeva, was born. This happened in the small town of Dzerzhinsk, in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Natasha’s childhood was practically no different from the life of an ordinary Soviet child. First there was kindergarten, then school, then college.

The girl's character was soft and flexible. As her mother says, he was simply a wonderful child - the dream of all parents. She never disobeyed and devoted her mother to all her affairs, including love ones.

From early childhood, Natasha was very independent. She woke up herself, cooked breakfast for herself and went to school.

Natasha was a rather active, restless and creative child, which is why the girl became the star of the local school. She took part in all musical and theatrical productions. And this is no wonder, because Natasha was a truly creative and talented person. Her teachers loved and appreciated her, and her peers considered her a real star.

From early childhood, the future singer became interested in the guitar. She learned to play on her own.

In third grade, Natasha and her peers went on an excursion to a music school. Looking at the situation within the walls of the establishment, the future singer was pleasantly surprised. From that very moment she realized that music is her Universe. After thinking a little, the girl decided that she would definitely study there.


Natasha always told her mother about her relationships with the boys. From the age of 13, she purposefully searched for a husband. Natasha was a very smart girl and before agreeing to go to the cinema with the boy, she gave them a test survey. For example, if a guy quickly agreed with her opinion or did not protect her from offenders, she quickly said goodbye to him.

One day a girl told her mother that there was not a single noble boy left in this world. Natasha was so disappointed in her peers that she rejected everyone who crossed her path. Later, the girl completely stated that she no longer wanted to have anything to do with the male sex and promised never to get married. In response to her daughter’s statement, the mother smiled and asked not to rush to conclusions, because everything has its time, and she will definitely meet the one and only.


After some time, the girl decided to study piano at a music school, while simultaneously participating in school amateur performances. At the same time, Natasha became interested in writing poetry and music, and performed the resulting songs during school performances.

After graduating from school, the future singer Natalie, whose biography interests many, enters a pedagogical university. But this does not stop her from continuing to make music and write poetry. During this period, Natalie (singer) becomes a member of a group called “Chocolate Bar”. But soon, while performing at one of the concerts, the future artist realized that the audience did not like her songs, but her attractive appearance. Upset, Natalie vowed that she would no longer study music, but would continue to study to become a teacher.

After graduating from university, she becomes a primary school teacher in one of the city’s secondary schools. But later, realizing that it was none of her business, she decides to leave the profession.

First steps to the big stage

In 1992, Natalie, whose photo we posted in the article, becomes a member of one of the popular groups called “Pop Galaxy”. This team consists of true professionals, to whom she is grateful to this day. As the singer herself says, these people helped her in many ways and set her on the right path.

In the same year, Natalie, whose biography is quite rich, is working on her first studio album called “Starry Rain”. It was after this significant event in the singer’s life that viewers first appreciated her work.

Carier start

In 1994, Natalie released another album called “The Little Mermaid”. After 2 years, the singer shines again and releases another album called “Snow Rose”. Natalie shoots her first video clip for the same song, which is rated positively by all viewers.

Career peak

Real success came to Natalie, whose biography at that time was already of interest to many, in 1997. The superhit “The Wind Blew from the Sea” brings her dizzying success. The whole country sings the song along with the singer - from young to old. Natalie goes on tour and gathers huge armies of fans at her concerts.

Career decline

In 1999, the singer again recorded a new album called “Counting”. After this, her musical career gradually declined. But, despite this, Natalie continues to write songs and tour the country with concerts.

The singer's personal life

Singer Natalie, whose biography is quite interesting, meets her future husband at one of the concerts of the Chocolate Bar group. During this period, the singer was completely desperate and no longer wanted to make music. Then Alexander Rudov approached her and invited her to record a joint track. After this, the couple did not separate for a moment. At the age of 17, the girl had already married her lover. Hence Natalie’s real name is Natalya Rudova.

After some time, the couple wanted to have children. But, unfortunately, they were haunted only by failures. After a huge number of attempts to get pregnant, the singer was completely desperate and fell into depression. 9 years passed, and finally Natalie knew maternal happiness. The first to be born was a boy named Arseny, and after a while his brother Tolya.

Immediately after these significant events, the singer forgot about her career, because her family and children completely absorbed her attention. As the singer herself says: “I always put my family first and would never trade my beloved boys for a career.”

Our days

Today Natalie shines again on the big stage, which cannot but please her many fans. Success these days has brought her the super hit “Oh God, What a Man.” After performing this song, Natalie conquered the top of all domestic charts. The singer is also invited to various projects on television. One of them was the show “One to One”, held on Channel One, where participants parody famous world and domestic stars.


Today, one of the most popular artists in Russia is the singer Natalie. How old she is is probably of interest to many. Natalie is 41 years old. But this does not stop her from looking attractive and sexy. So we wish the singer success in her new endeavors!

Natalie - Oh my God, what a man! Video clip

Natalie biography

Popular Russian pop singer Natalie (full name - Minyaeva Natalya Anatolyevna, married name - Rudina Natalya Anatolyevna) was born in the Gorky region (now Nizhny Novgorod), in the city of Dzerzhinsk. Singer Natalie's date of birth is March thirty-first, 1974 (03/31/1974). Natalie's mother's name is Lyudmila Minyaeva. The husband is Alexander Rudin, they have been married since the summer of 1991. Natalie's sons are named Arseny and Anatoly.

At a music school, Natalie (Natalia Minyaeva) studied piano. At the age of sixteen, Natalie played the main role in a film dedicated to the anniversary of the city of Dzerzhinsk. She was noticed by the filmmakers from Moscow and offered to participate in the filming.

After school, Natalie graduated from a pedagogical college and became a teacher for elementary school students. At the age of seventeen, the girl began performing in the musical group “Chocolate Bar”, and a year later (in 1992) - in the group “Pop Galaxy”.

Natalie received her now popular pseudonym in 1994, when she, having arrived in Moscow, recorded her first solo music album called “The Little Mermaid”. The author and performer of almost all the songs from this album was Natalie herself.

A year later, singer Natalie released a single called “Pink Dawn” (three songs). In 1996, Natalie’s new music album “Snow Rose” was released. In the same year, a video of the same name (and Natalie’s first!) for the song “Snow Rose” was released. Despite the fact that there seemed to be nothing special either in the song or in the video itself, the viewer clearly liked it. Suffice it to say that even now, seventeen years later (!), Natalie’s “Snow Rose” video collects tens and hundreds of thousands of user views on the YouTube video hosting service, which indicates the singer’s strong energy that is transmitted to the viewer.

But, of course, the calling card of the singer Natalie and her most popular song was the composition “The Wind Blowed from the Sea” from the album of the same name. Discs and cassettes with the recording of the music album “The Wind from the Sea Blowed” were sold in millions of copies in 1998.

A year later, Natalie released the album “Counting”, some of the songs from it were filmed on television (popular actor Sergei Chonishvili starred in the “Counting” video).

In the fall of 2000, the singer released her new music album entitled “First Love.” Natalie’s song “Turtle” occupies a worthy place in the Russian charts this year.

Natalie actively tours throughout Russia and abroad, participates in television music shows (“Superstar”, “Musical Ring”).
At the end of last year (2012), Natalie recorded her new song called “Oh God, what a man,” which instantly became popular among listeners. Filmed in the winter of this year (2013), the video for the song “Oh, God, what a man” has already been watched by almost one and a half million viewers on YouTube (data as of early April 2013).

Recently, singer Natalie returned to the Russian stage with an explosive hit. Her song “Oh God, what a man” broke all the hit parades. Also, 15 years ago, the girl gained unprecedented popularity with the musical hit “The Wind Blowed from the Sea.” Finally, she decided to tell fans the whole truth about her personal life.

At the initial stage of her career, the singer was forbidden to tell the press that she was married; it was not easy. But now she's ready to show her cards. The young singer got married to Alexander Rudin at the age of 17, and still has not regretted her decision. And the girl met her husband at the age of 16; the chosen one was 4 years older than her lover. But this did not stop them from starting a family.

Wedding of Natalie and Alexander Rudin

Natalie met her husband at the festival where she entered. Alexander approached the singer and invited her to record songs. Thus began a romance, which later grew into marriage. The couple did not immediately think about children. Once a girl became pregnant, but had a miscarriage early on, and the same situation happened again.

Natalie with her sons

And it so happened that Natalie was able to give birth to her first child only 9 years later. It was very difficult, she had already stopped hoping for a miracle. But fate turned out to be favorable to the singer and gave her and her husband 2 sons. But the couple are not going to stop there; they really want a daughter.

Natalie and her husband

It also turned out that during the time that Natalie was in the shadows, she managed to undergo plastic surgery on her breasts. This gave her confidence. The singer made this decision after giving birth. She also had to touch up her lips a little with Botox. But these are minor changes, and they changed the girl for the better.

The future singer Natalie was born in March 1974 in Dzerzhinsk, into a simple family, very far from the world of art. The girl’s mother worked as a laboratory assistant, and her father held the position of deputy chief power engineer at the plant.

From an early age, Natalie (real name Natalya Minyaeva) showed herself to be a very active child who could not sit idle for a minute. She studied well at school and invariably took an active part in school amateur activities. Her sociability, friendly character and unconditional leadership qualities set her apart from her classmates, who sincerely recognized Natalya as their unspoken leader.

At the age of 9, Natalya accidentally visited a music school, after which she persuaded her parents to enroll her there in a piano and vocal class. Already during her school years, she began to compose songs and taught herself to play the guitar. Natalya constantly took part in various music competitions and performed at city festivals as part of her group.

At the age of 16, Natalia successfully passed the casting for the filming of a documentary dedicated to her hometown. To dub the film, she traveled to Leningrad, to the famous Lenfilm studio. This event gave Natalia confidence in her own abilities.

Despite her great passion for music, Natalie did not intend to connect her future life with it. The girl dreamed of teaching children, and after graduating from school she entered the Dzerzhinsky Pedagogical School. In 1993, Natalya and her husband moved to Moscow.

When Natalie turned 16, her younger brother brought her to the Chocolate Bar group, which performed at various concerts and festivals. Ibid. the girl met Alexander Rudin, who had a great influence on her future life and work.

With the help of Rudin, the musicians recorded two cassette albums. A year later, Natalie became the vocalist of the group, which by that time had been renamed “Pop Galaxy”.

Having tasted the first fruits of fame and recognition, Natalie realized that this is what she would like to do in the future. But at the same time, the ambitious girl realized that in a provincial town her talent would not be noticed by anyone. So, in 1993, Natalie, together with her husband and at the same time producer Alexander Rudin, moved to the capital.

Rudin made a lot of efforts to ensure that the capital's producers noticed his talented wife. When he contacted producer Valery Ivanov and let him listen to Natalie’s recordings, he decided to take a risk and take a new and unknown singer under his wing.

In 1994, Natalie released her first solo album entitled "The Little Mermaid". Despite the small circulation - only two thousand copies - the singer managed to find her audience. At that time, Natalie could not count on great popularity, and she acted only as a “warm-up” before the performances of famous artists.

Interesting notes:

The first serious one success came to the singer after performing the song “The wind blew from the sea”. Natalie herself wrote this composition at the age of 13 and could not even imagine that after a while it would bring her popular recognition. The song, which gave the name to the singer's new album, instantly became a hit. Not a single Natalie concert took place without her performing “The Wind from the Sea Blowed” several times as an encore.

The number of fans of Natalie's work has increased significantly. The singer continued to record new songs for some time, but none of them were able to repeat the success of the famous “Wind from the Sea.” The 2000s were marked by a lull in Natalie's work.

When even the most devoted fans of Natalie’s work had already begun to forget their former idol, the singer unexpectedly reminded everyone of herself again. In 2012, she literally burst into domestic show business with the hit “Oh God, what a man!” The lyrics of the song were written by the aspiring poetess Rosa Siemens, and Natalie chose the music for the composition herself within an hour.

The composition “Oh God, what a man” became a real salvation for the singer, whose name was associated with one hit from the distant 90s. The success was cemented by the video shot for the song, and Natalie was nominated for the Comeback of the Year award.

Having declared herself so loudly, the singer did not intend to slow down, and performed the song “Nikolai” in a duet with Nikolai Baskov. Natalie began to be regularly invited to television, and her name began to appear more and more often in the press. The singer’s duet with Dzhigan was no less successful, with whom she sang a song called “You’re like that.”

The year 2014 was marked by many significant events for Natalie. So, For her fortieth birthday, the singer released her 12th album, the main song of which was “Scheherazade”. Natalie also took part in the popular music show “Exactly the Same”, in which she masterfully impersonated such famous artists as Valentina Tolkunova, Lyudmila Senchina, Masha Rasputina, Lyubov Orlova, Sergei Zverev. In the same year, the singer became a guest in one of the episodes of the show “Battle of Psychics.”

In 2015, Natalie performed her new song “Volodya,” which was dedicated to the birthday of Russian President Vladimir Putin. In addition, she released the song “You Are Like That,” which has received more than 190 million views on YouTube. Currently, the singer has suspended her creative activity due to the birth of her third child.

Natalya met her husband, Alexander Rudin, as a high school student. Her chosen one became not only a life partner, but also a faithful assistant in the singer’s work. It was thanks to his persistence that everyone recognized a singer like Natalie: Alexander persuaded his wife to move to Moscow, he found producers and composers ready to collaborate with the young singer.

For a long time, the couple was unable to have offspring. According to the singer, at that period of her life she was on the verge of despair and begged the Lord for children. She had several miscarriages over the course of 10 years, and Only in 2001 did Natalie manage to give birth to a strong and healthy boy, who was named Arseny. After 9 years, he had a brother named Anatoly.

In 2017, Natalie surprised fans with the news of her pregnancy. In April, she became a mother for the third time, giving birth to a boy in one of the capital’s maternity hospitals.

What do you know about Natalie? The singer, whose biography characterizes her as a versatile and creative person, puts family first in her life. Only then comes a career and realization in show business. What else is interesting about the life story of a stage star?

Natalie (singer). Biography: youth

The future singer was born in the city of Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region in 1974. Since childhood, Natasha was active and Her everyday life at school could not be called gray. She stood out among her peers, demonstrated her “I” and was a leader in companies. Little Natasha took part in all school concerts, theater productions and other events. Among other things, the girl began writing poetry and songs in her teens. The future Russian pop star never seriously thought about a musical career and did not practice this art professionally. The girl wanted to enter a pedagogical university and work as a teacher. Nevertheless, the future singer, whose photo is now of interest to millions of fans, was close to the world of music. She was attracted to creativity. After graduating from a pedagogical school and trying herself out as a primary school teacher, Natalie decided that this was not her path and left for Moscow.

Natalie (singer). Biography: early career

Her path in the capital was not easy. After a while, producer Valery Ivanov pays attention to her. Thanks to him, Natalie's singing career began. The girl’s first songs and albums did not receive due fame, but after the hit “The Wind from the Sea Blowed” the whole country started talking about her. National love fell on the young singer like an avalanche. Natalie could not even dream that someday her songs would be heard on radio and television! Both adults and children knew her cute and playful compositions by heart. The army of fans increased after the release of each new hit. Natalie (singer), whose biography by that time was already quite interesting, successfully toured and collected full houses in each of the cities.

Until the early 00s, Natalie worked successfully, went to concerts, recorded videos and songs. Her album “The Wind Blew from the Sea,” released in 1997, broke all sales records. In 2000, the singer released the song “Turtle” and soon left the stage, devoting herself to her family and child.

Singer Natalie. Biography. Personal life

During the first wave of her popularity, little was known about the singer’s personal life. Recently, in one of the television programs, Natalie told the public in detail about how difficult it was to combine career and personal life. The singer got married at the age of 17 and has been happily married for 22 years with her husband Alexander, who is a little older than her. It so happened that Natalie, who was successful in her creative work, could not give birth to a child for a long time. All of her pregnancies ended in miscarriages. She literally begged the saints for her long-awaited son. For 9 years the couple dreamed of a child, and God rewarded them. After the birth of the child, the singer left the stage for some time. Later a second heir was born.

Currently, Natalie is again at the peak of popularity. Her song “Oh God, What a Man” became a hit in 2013. Now the singer is successfully touring, participating in national concerts and recording new hits.