Superheroes in everyday life. Future world: Are superheroes possible in reality? How to become superheroes

These costumed heroes seem to have jumped out of the pages of comic books or the next Hollywood blockbuster, but they are all... ordinary people, who are united by one special feature - an inhuman desire to correct our sick society.

(Total 21 photos)

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1. American photographer Peter Tangen photographed these ordinary people (who did not want to give their real names, however) for his project “Superhero in real life" These photographs give us a glimpse into a small but growing niche of unusual altruistic behavior. (PETER TANGEN / BARCROFT USA)

2. “I work as a freelance photographer in the film marketing industry and have photographed films such as Spider-Man and Batman with Christian Bale,” says Peter, 50. – I was interested in this phenomenon when ordinary . However, I was struck by the disrespect with which people speak of those who decide to help others. After all, the point is not in the costumes or their legend, but in the fact that they really help people.” In the photo: “The Scarlet Fist” is the night guard of Atlanta. On his first night patrolling the city, he saw two people attack young man. He intervened without hesitation. The men apparently got scared by his strange costume and mask and ran away. The crime victim also ran away. (PETER TANGEN / BARCROFT USA)

3. “I want to create a full-fledged series of posters about ordinary superheroes in North America to bring public attention to what these people are doing." (PETER TANGEN / BARCROFT USA)

4. Thanatos is a regular and respected member of the superhero community. He lives in Vancouver. “After I managed to shoot it, other superheroes came along, and very soon we had a photo shoot planned in Los Angeles for the end of September.” Thanatos, also known as the Dark Avenger, patrols the streets of Vancouver, saving those in need. (PETER TANGEN / BARCROFT USA)

5. Poster of Thanatos, who borrowed the name from Greek mythology. (PETER TANGEN / BARCROFT USA)

6. In a world of "real" male superheroes, Nyx saves homeless people and former drug addicts in New York City. (PETER TANGEN / BARCROFT USA)

7. A poster featuring Nyx, who began her “career” as a superhero at the age of 16. (PETER TANGEN / BARCROFT USA)

8. Citizen Prime is one of the most respected members of the superhero community. He recently retired, but many “real-life superheroes” still come to him for advice. (PETER TANGEN / BARCROFT USA)

9. Poster of Citizen Prime in armor created by an amateur club medieval culture in California. (PETER TANGEN / BARCROFT USA)

10. named Life (Life) - help the homeless, especially those who freeze on the streets of New York in winter. Dressed in a mask, vest and coat, he goes out onto the streets of his hometown, armed with toothbrushes and soap self made, reviews of which can be read on the Internet, food and chocolates. (PETER TANGEN / BARCROFT USA)

11. Life wants to help those in need. (PETER TANGEN / BARCROFT USA)

12. A duty knight patrols the streets of Tampa Bay. (PETER TANGEN / BARCROFT USA)

13. Armed with two clubs, the Knight on Duty helps the homeless and pursues criminals. (PETER TANGEN / BARCROFT USA)

14. Zetaman helps restore order in Portland, Oregon, only he cleans it up... on the Internet. He launched “The Real Adventures of Zetaman” - the first online “series” about the adventures of real superheroes. (PETER TANGEN / BARCROFT USA)

15. Zetaman chose his name because he thinks it looks cool in italics. “I'm trying to help Portland's hungry,” Zetaman says. – I have never come across criminals on the streets before, but I am well prepared - I have studied martial arts aikido". By the way, Zetaman is the only one who agreed to give his real name and age. Ilya King, 31 years old. (PETER TANGEN / BARCROFT USA)

16. Dressed in a suit with 13 stars symbolizing the first states of the United States, the DC Guardian walks the streets of Washington with copies of the Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence. While explaining to passersby the importance of their shared national democracy, the Guardian does not show his face. He says he doesn't want to reveal his face so that whites, blacks, Asians and Mexicans can represent themselves behind the mask on an equal footing. (PETER TANGEN / BARCROFT USA)

Superheroes are fun to watch in movies, but they are completely ridiculous: their costumes look stupid, their powers are hard to believe, and the villains look best case scenario feignedly. However, there are still people in the world who not only dream of becoming superheroes, but also take certain steps to achieve this goal. They take to the streets with self-defense weapons such as pepper spray, sometimes even wearing body armor, and seek out villains to stop.

These are the people who make up the Real Life Superhero Movement, a loosely organized collection of self-governing heroes from around the world. Some of them are young, others are old, some take to the streets to fight the villains, others show themselves in social life. However, they are all trying to improve our society in their own way.

Needless to say, this doesn't always work out for the better. In some cases, despite good intentions and self-defense attributes, these people have no idea how to protect themselves. Sometimes they cross the line. In both cases, the police have to clean up their mess. These real-life superheroes are much easier to meet than their comic book counterparts, leading to more than a few tense encounters.

Below are a few examples of superheroes who have had run-ins with the law.

14. Benjamin Fodor, aka Phoenix Jones

Jones is one of the most notorious vigilantes, which made his arrest in 2011 incredibly scandalous. He operated in Seattle, where he was a member of the now-disbanded superhero team Rain City. The group patrolled the streets and used Washington State's "mutual fight" laws to deal with criminals they caught in the act. He was arrested when he intervened in what he believed to be a fight, but police said the victims described the situation as "dancing and having fun." Four people were pepper-sprayed, Jones' identity was revealed and the charges were eventually dropped. Phoenix Jones still patrols the streets of Seattle.

13. Adam Besso, aka Bee Sting

There are many reasons why a person might want to dress up in a superhero costume and attack criminals, but pointing a gun at a person because of the volume of their motorcycle is not good decision. This happened in 2012 when the Michigan vigilante "Bee Sting" made a remark to a couple driving through the Twin Meadows Mobile Home Park.

A fight broke out between Bee Sting and a man on a motorcycle and a shot was fired, which fortunately only damaged the empty trailer. Bee Sting was arrested and charged with felonious assault and wearing body armor during the commission of a violent crime.

12. Tanis Baker, aka the Ringland Ninja

Across the pond, a different type of superhero patrolled the streets of Ringland, Newport, South Wales. Dressed in a ninja costume and armed with a wooden sword and smoke bombs, Tanis broke up gangs of ne'er-do-wells and stopped underage teenagers from drinking alcohol - undoubtedly incredible feats.

Unfortunately, Baker's career as a crime fighter was cut short when he was arrested for carrying what officers believed to be a real sword. Luckily it was made of wood. He was given a probationary period of 12 months and sentenced to 60 hours of community service.

However, Ringland should not be sad; Baker may have had two assistants who could not be arrested. Beware, criminals!

11. Mark Wayne Williams, aka Petoskey Batman

At best, real-life superheroes are seen as minor nuisances, another source of irritation for police officers. IN worst case they actively commit crimes or somehow interfere with police officers doing their jobs. Petoskey's Batman fell into the second category after he remained at a crime scene despite being asked to leave. By remaining despite requests, he interfered with the work of the police dog.

If convicted of obstructing police, he faces up to 15 years in prison due to his status as a repeat offender. The Petoskey Batman has been arrested four times already. Despite all this, he still patrols the streets of Petoskey, Michigan, dressed as Batman, along with his partner, Petoskey Batgirl.

10. Matthew Argintar, aka New Jersey Batman

Another Batman named Argintar, from Mansfield, New Jersey, made the mistake of dressing up as Batman and harassing shoppers in a parking lot while wearing a bulletproof vest, a mask, and carrying handcuffs. He was arrested for disturbing the peace and illegally wearing handcuffs.

The likely reason for Argintar's arrest was a massacre that had occurred in Aurora, Colorado, just a few days earlier. In that crime, a man walked into a screening of The Dark Knight Rises and opened fire, killing 12 moviegoers on the spot and injuring 70 others. There is a very good lesson here for those who aspire to be a hero: think carefully about how you want people to perceive you.

9. Stan Worby aka Bradford Batman

This is the man who brought his friend, who was wanted, to the police station. If superheroes don't do this, then it's not clear what they do. But the subsequent theft seems less heroic.

Even though Stan Warby wears the guise Dark Knight, it's likely that he has more in common with Two-Face. He and the same friend he turned himself in to the police, named Daniel Frayne, were arrested on suspicion of committing robbery back in 2013. In his defense, Warby said that he does not consider himself a superhero and that he was simply wearing a Batman costume when he brought his friend to the police.

8. Roy Sorvari aka The Ray

In 2011, with the Occupy movement in full swing and clashes between police and protesters on the streets of Oakland, Ray donned his crime-fighting garb and went to work.

He came to his senses in a pool of blood after trying to get between the police who were beating protesters lying on the road. He was then arrested and bail was posted with the help of donations to the Occupy movement.

Police say he assaulted a police officer, but Luch says he is innocent.
Lucha has been criticized for his remarks regarding race within crime. He stated that he is very wary of people of color, arguing that they are the main perpetrators of most of the crimes committed in the area where he lives. Probably no one expected to hear such words from a superhero.

7. Batman and Flash went on a pedophile hunt

In this case, the intentions were noble, but the chosen method let us down. A group of teenagers from British Columbia, Canada, chatted on the Internet with pedophiles, pretending to be underage girls. They would then arrange to meet the men and show up dressed as Batman and the Flash, filming their targets' reactions and uploading them to YouTube.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police were a little shocked by their actions and ordered them to stop immediately. In addition to putting themselves in danger, vigilantes could also disrupt potential criminal investigations. However, some people praised their actions, saying the authorities were not paying enough attention to the issue.

6. Douglas Odolecki, aka Drunk Driving Checkpoint Man

We've already talked about heroes who defended the streets of their city, heroes who protected innocent people, and heroes who were actually criminals dressed as heroes. Douglas Odolecki is not the kind of person who would dress up in a suit and he is also not the kind of person who does anything worthwhile. However, he managed to leave his mark on our list of superheroes.

Pursuing a warning to drivers about the proximity of a blood alcohol testing station, Odoleki received a police warning for holding a sign that warned drivers to turn their vehicles in the opposite direction if they did not want to encounter the police. . It's not a noble goal, but according to the New York Post, he said he would go anywhere: "anywhere I'm called, anywhere I see injustice."

5. Chibatman

When Batman and the police collide, an interesting picture emerges before the audience. The police often criticize his methods, and he criticizes their corruption and lack of motivation. So, a tense moment was inevitable when police brought in for questioning a man known as Chibatman, who dresses like Batman and drives a custom motorcycle along the highways of Japan.

This story ends much better than any of the others on this list. The detective he met with only wanted to talk about his motorcycle to make sure the vehicle met all the requirements. They also made sure he fastened his raincoat properly while driving. As for Chibatman, according to local news he had this to say: "The only reason I do this is because I want people to smile when they see me on the road."

4. Flashing Blade

In 2007, before all this Real Superhero craziness began, a group of police officers in the town of Tyneside, UK, found themselves in a difficult situation. They were faced with a group of armed criminals and the situation was clearly not in their favor.

And then Shining Blade appears, a man described as a 40-year-old man brandishing a samurai sword. He rushed at the criminals, swinging his sword and hitting at least one of them with it. The crowd dispersed and he disappeared as quickly as he appeared. Police said that while they strongly advise against attacking criminals, the man likely saved officers from serious injury.


3. Christian Tyler Hardee aka Viper

In some places, vigilantes are not at all welcome, which makes life difficult for superheroes. That's exactly what happened to Viper, a man who patrolled the streets of Columbia, Tennessee, armed with a plastic gun. His goal: to find a crime and report it to the police.

The police were not happy with his costume and asked him to stop.

In his defense, Hardy, a chemistry major at the time, simply said, "I'm a guy in tights trying to do what's right," according to the Columbia Daily Herald.

2. Wheel Clamp Man

You can safely add wheel clamps to the list of injustices that superheroes fight. In the city of Perth, Australia, an unusual superhero has appeared: Wheel Clamp Man, whose dexterous grinder has become the scourge of wheel clamps throughout the city.

Understandably, the police were not happy with his actions and asked citizens to report him if they saw him at work.

This man's story is filled with a superhero spirit and is a story of revenge. After having a wheel clamp attached to his car, he vowed to protect illegally parked cars everywhere from the injustice of wheel clamps and fines.

1. Batman and Robin and Robin's Father and Smurf and Hoff

Sometimes the threat is too great for any one hero to handle alone. At such moments, a group is created, joining forces in the hope that together they will defeat evil. And it so happened that Batman, Robin, Robin's father, Smurf and David Hasselhoff (the costume, not the actor himself) chased the criminal who attacked Robin and assisted the British police of Musselburgh in his capture.

As with all superhero battles, there was some collateral damage. Several shelves were broken in the grocery store where they caught the man. Police took to Twitter to apologize for the inconvenience caused and also thank superheroes for their help.

The world around us is unsafe and sometimes it needs real superheroes. Unfortunately, it doesn't really exist real ways gain superpowers or learn to fly, as some comic book heroes do. However, this does not mean that a person cannot become a superhero in his real life. All over the world there are completely ordinary people who create their own superhero costumes and masks in order to prevent crimes and help society in this form. Becoming a hero in real life is not easy, and you must consider the risks involved and the effort you will have to put in. Before you begin patrolling the streets to protect others, it is wise to develop important personality traits and undergo appropriate physical and mental training.


Part 1

Work on personal qualities

    Behave with dignity and honesty. As a true superhero, you need to set an example for those around you, especially the youth. This can be achieved by treating people with respect and promptly reporting crimes to the police. Good behavior means that you should always stand on the side of truth, even if it may have a negative impact on you.

    • To prevent people from being afraid of you, it is better to work on your positive communication skills.
    • Also try to motivate other people to make the world a better place with your own hands.
  1. Be bold. A superhero in real life must be responsible for the well-being of others and society as a whole. Courage means being willing to put your own well-being on the line for the safety of others. This implies the need to intervene and stand up if you see injustice or witness a crime. However, before you intervene, be sure to report the crime to the police. While it is generally not advisable to put your life in danger and may only be a last resort, the real thing you can always potentially do is stand up for someone in the event of an attack or robbery.

    • Try not to place the responsibility for crime prevention entirely on your own shoulders, otherwise you risk getting into trouble with the law yourself due to arbitrariness.
    • Be sure to try to talk to the offender first before taking any physical measures against him.
  2. Think about the goal you will fight for. Many people who pretend to be superheroes in real life do so for a specific purpose. Think about what specifically concerns you, for example, it could be protecting people from domestic violence, providing food for the homeless, keeping your community safe. Do not try to apprehend the criminal yourself in cases of serious crimes such as rape or murder. If you witness a serious crime being committed, contact the police.

    Create a costume for yourself and come up with a name. Many real-life superheroes use real protective materials such as Kevlar in their costumes. First, make a rough sketch of your costume design by outlining it on a piece of notebook paper. If you have a good idea of ​​what you want your suit to look like and have some sewing skills, you can probably create a suit from your own designs.

    Part 2

    Fighting crime and improving the lives of others
    1. Develop your own communication skills. Even though you'll end up fighting crimes, most of your time will be spent talking to people. You will have to talk with criminals, ordinary citizens and the police. Learn to listen effectively and try to understand what exactly they are trying to tell you. Concentrate completely on the person you are talking to and do not interfere with him describing the situation with his own point vision. Showcase your Attentive attitude and understanding. Then take the appropriate action in your situation, depending on whether the person decides to commit a crime or not.

      • Remember that everyone is different and some people's suspicious intentions are not necessarily wicked.
      • Learn to read people's body language and understand when someone looks upset, nervous, or angry.
    2. Patrol your surroundings for any suspicious activity. Street patrolling is especially important in those areas that are troubled by crime, where there are no constant police patrols and are quite deserted. If you witness conflict or violence, you should definitely try to de-escalate the situation, but try not to become directly involved in the conflict and do not endanger yourself or anyone else. Your mere presence will usually be enough to change the criminal's mind about committing a robbery or stealing a car.

      Do charity work and help the poor. Help less successful people- this is exactly what many real-life superheroes decide to do. Some of them visit hospitals and make donations to terminally ill people, while others provide food and clothing to the homeless. Find some in your city good activity for yourself in order to benefit society.

      Help those who need help. Being a true superhero doesn't have to be about preventing crimes. Sometimes it can involve helping people with everyday things. If you see a person who needs help, try to do everything possible to help him. There is no need to close your eyes to what is happening, as everyone else usually does.

      • Example good deed This could include pointing in the right direction or helping an elderly person cross a busy street.
      • Be open and attentive to people. Look after those who are in difficulty.
    3. Try to prevent not very serious crimes. There are situations in which there is a potential opportunity to stop a crime without putting yourself in danger. Use your own feelings common sense when assessing the current situation. Always try to resolve a conflict by listening to both sides without judging either of them. Focus on people's feelings. Let them talk, then come up with a plan of action that will make everyone happy and safe.

      • For example, if you see a group of teenagers smoking, instead of drawing the attention of a police patrol to them or even turning a blind eye to what is happening, you can try to have an educational conversation with them. Try to be productive when helping people, and don't be destructive or violent.
    4. Take care of your mental health. The responsibilities of being a real life superhero can become quite stressful over time. It is very important to monitor your mental state so that you can really help people solve their problems. Stress, in addition to creating mental problems such as anxiety, depression, addictions, can also lead to problems with the physical condition of the body, for example, hypertension and vascular thrombosis. There is no need to get hung up on your role as a superhero. Take breaks and give yourself rest. Connect with close friends and family and do activities that help you relax.

Superheroes are not only fiction from comic books and big-budget films. Sometimes you can actually meet them on the street, and more often, in a children's hospital. 8 proofs of the real existence of superheroes from different parts of the world.

Thanks to several highly successful films, Iron Man has become the most popular modern superhero. That’s why the leading actor in these films, Robert Downey Jr., became a frequent guest at charity events, including events in children’s hospitals. Children love meeting Robert, seeing in him not an actor, but a real Tony Stark - a billionaire, philanthropist, genius and savior of Humanity.

A recent stunning example of this is Downey Jr.'s visit to a seven-year-old boy named Alex, who was left without part of his right arm. The actor brought the baby a new prosthesis, which is made in the shape of Iron Man's hand.

The prosthesis was created by Limbitless Solutions, a company that produces cheap but high-quality artificial limbs using a three-dimensional printer. Downey Jr. admitted that this bionic arm is much better than the one he uses while filming the film.

Superheroes wash windows

Something similar, but on a much larger scale, happened at a children's hospital in the American city of Memphis. One fine day, the kids there saw that the windows in this institution were washed not by ordinary people, but by real movie heroes - the three Spider-Men.

The management of this medical institution decided to improve the mood of hundreds of sick children in this way. After all, a hospital is not the most cheerful and positive place in the world. Unless, of course, you have superheroes cleaning your windows.

Hospital management and charitable foundations carried out similar actions in other medical institutions in different cities and countries. Batman, Captain America, Flash and other superheroes also took part in them. Or rather, professional window cleaners dressed in appropriate suits.

Batman Jr. saves San Francisco

In November 2013, for one day, San Francisco became Gotham City, home of the superhero Batman and the many villains he fights. But this time the man-bat did not confront evil on his own. With him was Batman Jr. - BatKid, a five-year-old boy named Miles, who most throughout his life he has been battling a non-childhood disease – leukemia.

The theatrical performance, which took place right on the streets of San Francisco, was attended by thirteen thousand volunteers who came out with posters in support of the sick boy. This show featured a ride on a real one, rescuing a girl who was stuck on a cable car, and, of course, fighting a supervillain who had captured the symbol of the local baseball team.

When evil was defeated and BatKid himself imprisoned the villain in a cage, the mayor of San Francisco presented the young superhero with the key to the city, and US President Barack Obama personally congratulated Miles through a video message.

Housing and communal services employees in Russian city Kazan also decided to please local children by dressing up as famous superheroes. However, all the kids in the capital of Tatarstan received their attention.

On June 2, 2014, on Children's Day, one hundred and twenty Kazan utility workers took to the streets of the city in order to tell children about the high importance of their own profession, as well as teach children to take care of environment– do not litter, clean up after yourself.

Communal superheroes staged a real celebration on the streets of Kazan, taking pictures with children and dancing with them. But at the same time, they also organized a small “cleanup day” - they began to clean up trash in parks and squares together with the kids.

With this action, employees of the Kazan housing and communal services sector also showed that absolutely anyone can become a superhero if they benefit people and the city.

However, in addition to people who simply dress up as superheroes, there are many daredevils in different parts of the world who really try to lead an appropriate lifestyle and heroic activities. They wear special extravagant costumes and do a lot of useful things.

Super Vaclav

The Czech capital has its own superhero, determined to challenge some of the evils inherent in Czech society. Super-Vaclav is a middle-aged man in an unusual suit who walks the streets of Prague and fights dirt, garbage, indifference, smoking in in public places etc. Super-Vaclav films his adventures in order to then post these videos on the Internet.

It must be admitted that Super-Vaclav’s methods of fighting evil are quite controversial. For example, this Prague superhero smears dog excrement on people who did not clean up after their animals while walking, and also pours water on smokers who decide to take a drag on a cigarette in a crowded place.

Often Super-Vaclav has to flee from the place of his feat, so as not to receive an answer from the people with whom he committed the actions described above.

Since 2011, there has been a superhero girl named Zijing Woman operating in Hong Kong. True, looking at this beautiful lady with a deep neckline, it is difficult to even suspect her of wanting to help humanity.

However, in the evenings, when her peers go to nightclubs or restaurants, Zijing Woman takes to the streets of Hong Kong to care for people in need. A girl in a cute mask distributes food and small amounts of money to beggars on the streets, communicates with them, tries to listen and, if possible, solve some problems.

Superhero porter in Tokyo

And in Tokyo there is a superhero named Carry-Your-Pram-Ranger. This nickname translates to "The Ranger Who Carries Your Stroller." Actually, the main function of the hero is hidden in this name.

Carry-Your-Pram-Ranger helps girls and older people go down to the underground entrance to the subway, and also go up from there to the surface. It takes care of the process of carrying heavy bags and strollers. The superhero does this, of course, completely free of charge.

Menganno – police assistant in Buenos Aires

Of all the characters described above, Menganno is the one most similar to the classic superhero from films and comics. At night, he rides his motorcycle through the streets of Buenos Aires to fight crime.

Menganno travels around the city and tries to stop the delinquency and crimes that he witnesses. Once he even had to use firearms, after which the hero had to communicate closely with the local police.

It turned out that under the image of Menganno was hiding a former policeman named Oscar Lefosse, who, after retiring, decided to continue his life’s work - fighting crime, but on his own initiative.

Menganno is a very popular person in Buenos Aires. He talks about his adventures on his personal blog, which has more than 40 thousand subscribers.

Often a person is turned into a superhero not only by a suit and special skills, but also by special gadgets and devices. A striking example This can be explained by James Bond, the famous British intelligence agent number 007. Films about him are so popular that some craftsmen even manage to create super-devices from them. You can read about such devices in the review.

I've always wondered who the strongest, best and brightest superheroes are. The authoritative, independent online magazine IGM has compiled a rating of the 100 most powerful superheroes of all time.
It is worth saying that the rating was compiled not only on the basis of the superhero’s strength alone. Many factors were taken into account, such as dexterity, superpowers, authority, creativity, and the role of the superhero on the world he protects. There are quite controversial names on the list, and perhaps you personally would rank the top places differently. However, IGM's top 100 most powerful superheroes are like Forbes' top 100 richest people in the world. This rating has authority in professional circles, it is referenced and used.
It’s also worth adding that the list contains not only superheroes, but also some fictional comic book characters, so don’t be surprised to see some names here.

1 Superman

And so, Superman was named the most powerful superhero!
It’s not surprising, because the alien from Krypton has not only superhuman strength and speed, but also immortality. In general, it seems that the creators of Superman decided not to infringe on their character in any way and endowed him with all the abilities that they could think of.

2 Batman

Silver goes to Bruce Wayne, or Batman. In addition to super strength, Batman can perhaps be called one of the most profound superheroes in terms of psychology and inner world. Having survived the death of his parents in childhood, Bruce began to train hard, reaching beyond human capabilities. Image bat was chosen as Bruce Wayne himself simply has a panicky fear of these animals and it symbolizes a certain overcoming of his fears.

3 Spider-Man

Bronze goes to Peter Parker, or rather his alterego, Spider-Man. If we can argue about the strength of Spider-Man, then in terms of popularity Spiderman can definitely claim first place.
It is extremely interesting that most superheroes are tall and weigh at least 100 kilograms. Spider-Man, on the other hand, is 174 cm tall and weighs 75 cm. However, his very modest size for a superhero is compensated by his extraordinary agility, super speed and rapid healing of wounds.

4 Wolverine

James Howlett was a weak child, constantly suffering from allergies and his father was a drunkard. Later he became a guinea pig for the Canadian government, which in its laboratories tried to create its own version of “Captain America”.
He has enhanced senses, the ability to quickly heal wounds, super speed, super strength and the ability to release 3 blades from his hands at will.

5 Wonder Woman

In fifth place is the most Strong woman superhero. Wonder Woman is an Amazon princess with the ability to talk to animals or force a person to tell the truth. She also has super strength, super speed and can fly.

6 Captain America

The First Avenger was once a thin and weak artist. Steven Rogers was a patriot of his country and really wanted to go to the front to help the Allied army defeat Hitler's Germany. However, due to physical weakness, Steven Rogers was not taken into the army. But he was chosen as the first volunteer, among hundreds of candidates for the secret project. Which actually made him a super person.

7 Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)

Hel grew up on a US Air Force base where his father was a test pilot. However, his father died during one of the flights, and Hal himself decided to follow in his father’s footsteps. During one of the flights, Hal carried a beam of green energy into the desert where Abin Sur gave him a ring of power, which made him a superhero.

8 Flash (Wally West)

Wally West is the third Flash. He gained his powers due to an accident at the age of ten, when he visited his uncle's medical laboratory. Has the ability to move faster than the speed of sound, can create copies of himself, and can pass through walls.

9 Hulk

Robert Bruce Banner was the son of a famous nuclear physicist who hated his son and considered him a mutant. Robert's father was very jealous of his wife and eventually killed her, which led to him being sent to a mental hospital. However, as Robert grew up, he decided to follow in his father’s footsteps and became a nuclear physicist. During the test of the Gamma Bomb, Robert found himself at the epicenter of the explosion, but the blast wave did not kill him. Gamma radiation gave an unusual reaction in Robert's body and his body turned into a huge monster. The Hulk appears with a surge of adrenaline in Robert, which causes the scientist a lot of trouble. The Hulk weighs 600 kg and is 3 meters tall, has extraordinary strength even by superhero standards and an impenetrable body.

10 Daredevil

Daredevil closes the top ten most powerful superheroes.
Matt Murdock was born and raised in a rough neighborhood in New York City. His father was a boxer, and his mother suffered from depression, which is why she decided to go to a monastery. Matt was going to become a lawyer, but one day he saved a blind old man from under the wheels of a truck transporting radioactive waste. Some of the waste got into his eyes and blinded him. But the rescued old man turned out to be a martial arts master and began to train Matt.
Contact with waste gave Matt super senses and radar abilities.

11 Robin (Dick Grayson)

Dick Grayson's father and mother were circus acrobats. But they died during a performance after refusing to pay gangster Zucco. That day, Bruce Wayne was at the circus performance, who took in the boy and replaced him as a father. Bruce taught Dick everything he knew and Dick became Batman's assistant, taking the alias Robin.

12 Iron Man

Tony Stark is known to everyone who is even slightly interested in superheroes. The son of a billionaire arms manufacturer, he was a genius from childhood. His strength lies in his exosuit, which makes Tony Stark virtually invincible on the battlefield.

13 Jean Gray (X-Men)

It may seem strange to have such a fragile girl in the top of the strongest superheroes. However, he has enormous power over matter, has telepathy, telekinesis and controls time. One day, Gina lost control of herself and turned into the Dark Phoenix. She sang to destroy billions of people, and upon returning to consciousness, she committed suicide so that this would never happen again.

14 Thor

Thor is one of the rulers of Asgard (a parallel world of demigods). Possesses insane strength and invulnerability. Thor's weapon is a hammer that only he can lift. The torus is 2 meters tall and weighs almost 300 kilograms.

15 Dream (The Sandman)

Perhaps the most mystical superhero. Sandman has complete power in the dream world. His appearance changes depending on the beholder.

16 Rorschach (Watchmen)

Walter Joseph Kovacs was the son of a prostitute and more than once during his childhood he witnessed his mother having sex with clients. Later, after a fight with teenagers, he was handed over to a shelter. He was distinguished by his success in boxing and extraordinary intuition. I sewed myself a suit in which I placed two liquids in the face area, black and white, which never merge with each other.

17 Barbara (Batman)

Barbara has been a fan of Batman since childhood and once at a masquerade ball she saved Bruce Wayne from the Mothman's bullet, not knowing that Bruce was the same Batman. After this, Bruce allowed her to work with him and took her on various assignments. One day, the Joker damaged Barbara's spine with a bullet, stripped her, and photographed her. Barbara remained disabled, but still helped Batman as Oracle.

18 Creature (Fantastic Four)

Benjamin Grimm, together with his brother, organized a street gang in his youth. However, after his brother was killed, he decided that this path leads to nowhere and to change his life. After failing in college, he enlisted in the army, where he became involved in a secret project. Having gone into space, together with 3 other test subjects, Benjamin received a dose of cosmic radiation and acquired a super sim. The creature has stone skin and the ability to lift objects of any weight.

19 James Gordon

The Gotham City Police Commissioner has excellent marksmanship and extraordinary deduction. It’s difficult to call him a superhero, but the authors of the rating decided to place him right on the 19th line of this list. And by the way, it was for this character that they received the most criticism.

20 Catwoman

Selina Kyle was born in a poor neighborhood of Gotham. She lost her parents early, who did not really care about her, and soon found herself in an orphanage. WITH early years Selina developed her ability in acrobatics and attentiveness. She considered the most correct decision to live in this cruel world to be theft, which is what she did in her young years. Later, Selina decides to retrain from a thief to a mercenary and puts on the Catwoman costume.

21 Spirit (English)Russian (The Spirit)

Another superhero without superpowers. Despite the fact that Spirit belongs to Marvel, the events with his participation take place in an alternative universe. Spirit was an ordinary detective and was buried alive in a battle with a supervillain. However, he got out of the wreckage and created his base at this place.

22 Professor X (X-Men)

Charles Francis Xavier left rich family of Spanish origin. He lost his father early and subsequently suffered from bullying from his stepfather and older brother. He has telepathy, telekinesis, was able to subjugate the minds of other people and had enormous authority among the mutant community.

23 Raphael (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)

The well-known Ninja Turtle, who lives underground in a sewer and loves pizza. Of all the Ninja Turtles, he has the greatest strength and aggression.

24 Yorick Brown (Y: The Last Man)

A comic book from the publishing house Vertigo tells about a strange plague that swept across the earth and left only one man alive.

25 Hellboy

Hellboy is a devil born into our world through a mysterious ritual conducted by Grigory Rasputin for the Third Reich. However, Anung Un Rama (this is Hellboy's real name) fell into the hands of the US government, which persuaded him to fight evil. Hellboy has enormous power magical abilities, immortality.

26 Rick Grimes (The Walking Dead)

Leader of the group of survivors for the comic book series the walking Dead.

27 The Punisher (The Amazing Spider-Man)

Francis Castiglione, like many future superheroes, lost his parents in early childhood. His parents were killed by the mafia. As a child, Francis Castiglione wanted to become a priest, but he realized that he did not know how to forgive people who did evil. He joined the army, where he became a great professional in combat and rose to the rank of captain. One day, when Francis Castiglione was with his wife and child on a picnic, they witnessed a gang fight from which only Francis emerged alive. This event gave rise to Francis' desire to take revenge on all the mafias and he became the Punisher.

28 Swamp Thing

Swamp Thing, another character from the world of Batman and Superman. It is capable of invading any vegetation, can instantly move from one point on the planet to another and is practically invulnerable.

29 John Constantine

John Constantine is an exorcist who masterfully fights demons. John a common person, but has a large amount of knowledge in occult magic and all the necessary weapons to fight evil spirits.

30 Green Arrow

The character was conceived as a replacement for Batman, but the authors decided to give him a number of differences in abilities and character.
A genius scientist, martial artist and archery ace.

31 Deadpool

Deadpool is perhaps one of the most popular superheroes of recent years. Wade Winston Wilson was a young man with cancer and, like Wolverine, was tested to create Weapon X. However, his mental health became unstable and his appearance became disfigured.
Deadpool is a martial artist, a master of cold and firearms, has superhuman agility and the ability to heal wounds.

32 Robin (Tim Drake) (Batman)

Became the third Robin. Before joining Batman, he fought crime on his own in Gotham City. He was a master of martial arts, a magnificent acrobat and had outstanding intelligence.

33 Nick Fury

Nick Fury was a circus performer in his youth, but soon began to follow in his father's footsteps. He had extensive combat experience, participated in the Second World War and had great authority in the army.
The ageless Nick Fury appeared, a master of firearms and a genius of military tactics.

34 Jesse Custer

Character from the comic book series Preacher. Jesse Custer was a preacher in small town Annville, Texas. Jessie is possessed supernatural creature, called Genesis, because of which all the parishioners died. This event makes Jesse Custer the most powerful being on the planet, perhaps even more powerful than God.

35 Judge Dredd

Joseph Dredd was cloned from the DNA of Judge Fargo, the first judge of Mega City One. Judge Dredd patrols the streets and brings order to the post-apocalyptic world.

36 Spawn

Albert Francis Simmons was a secret CIA special agent, but on one of his assignments he was shot and killed by his own boss, who was connected to the mafia. After his death, Albert went to hell, where he made a deal with the demon Malbolgia. Albert agreed to become a military leader in Hell's army if he was allowed to see his wife one last time. Albert returns to earth with a disfigured appearance and discovers that since his death, his ex-wife has already managed to get married and give birth to daughters from his former friend. After this, Spawn begins to confront the demon with whom he made a deal.
Spawn can control animals and absorb their life force, has superhuman strength and knows demonic magic.

37 Raven

In life, a young man named Eric, along with his lover, were killed by a gang of street thugs. Dying, Eric saw how the bandits tortured and raped his girlfriend. However, Erica resurrects Crow, giving him super strength.

Stephen Strange was a talented neurosurgeon, but in an accident he loses both his arms. In search of healing, Stephen ends up in Tibet, where he saves the life of one magician, the Elder, thanks to which he becomes his student.
Doctor Strange has extensive knowledge of magic, can fly and has a strong intellect.

39 Cyclops (X-Men)

Scott Summers was the son of a US Air Force pilot. One day, his father took the family on a flight, but the plane was attacked by a mysterious alien beam. There were 2 parachutes on board the plane, which were given to Skoma and his brother. However, during landing, the cattle's parachute caught fire and upon landing, he hit his head on the ground. This is precisely why Cyclops cannot control the beam emanating from his eyes.

40 Reed Richards (Fantastic Four)

Reed Richards was a genius who had several advanced degrees by the age of 20. Reed dreamed of exploring Mars and worked hard on a project to fly to this planet. He himself, together with his 3 friends, decided to become a pilot who would visit this planet. However, the ship was exposed to cosmic radiation and each of the crew members received superpowers. Reed gained the ability to deform his body.

41 Silver Surfer (Fantastic Four)

Norrin Radd, a representative of an alien race that on its planet was able to defeat crime, poverty and disease. The Silver Surfer can move faster than the speed of light, can control cosmic energy and is able to heal wounds.

42 Storm (X-Men)

One of the most prominent representatives of the X-Men. She is able to control the weather, the magnetic fields of the earth and soar in the air.
In life, his full name is Ororo Ikvaldi T'Challa (Monroe). She is a hereditary priestess of an ancient African family, from which all humanity was born.

43 Martian Manhunter

J'onn J'onzz is the last representative of the Martian race on earth. He has super strength, telepathy, telekinesis, can fly, become invisible, and is also able to change his appearance.

44 Hawkeye

Clinton Barton was orphaned at an early age, and after living in an orphanage for some time, he joined a group of traveling performers. He was inspired by the Iron Man suit that Clinton saw as a child, and from that moment on he began to imitate superheroes in every possible way. But when Clinton first decided to go on the crime-fighting road, he was mistaken for a thief and had to fight Iron Man himself.
Possesses extraordinary acrobatics, agility and accuracy.

45 Spider Jerusalem (Transmetropolitan)

Spider Django Heraclitus Jerusalem is a brilliant journalist, but constantly swearing and addicted to drugs. He is a martial arts master and knows thousands of ways to get the information he needs.

46 Human Torch (Fantastic Four)

Jonathan Lowell Spencer "Johnny" Storm, along with his sister, lost their mother at an early age. My father was a drunkard and went to prison for premeditated murder. Jonathan grew up with his aunt and at the age of 16 decided to visit his older sister, who was dating the brilliant scientist Reed Richards. Jonathan was one of 4 people on a spaceship that was hit by a stream of cosmic energy.
After this, Jonathan gained the ability to ignite and be resistant to fire, and he also learned to fly.

47 Kitty Pryde (X-Men)

Until the age of 13, I was an ordinary girl. But after that she began to suffer from headaches and mutant abilities began to appear. Later, after some hesitation, she was accepted into the ranks of the X-Men. She can send people into the past, levitate and move through objects.

48 Mitchell Handred (Ex Machina)

Ex Machina is a little-known comic in Russia. It tells the story of a character named Mitchell Handred, who was an engineer on the Brooklyn Bridge, but as a result of an explosion, he gained superpowers. However, this was not enough for Mitchell and he became the mayor of his city.

49 Flash (Barry Allen)

The second Flash, since childhood, had the habit of always being late. However, already in early years he was a big fan of the first Flash. After graduating from college with a degree in forensic chemistry, Barry got a job as a police officer. One rainy night, lightning struck his laboratory and Barry woke up with the superpowers of the Flash.

50 Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel is an ordinary boy who, by uttering the magic word Shazam, turns into an adult, strong man with superpowers.
William Joseph "Billy" Batson was orphaned at an early age and ended up on the streets. Despite the difficulty of his situation, he did not lose heart and continued to treat people kindly. One day, William meets an old man who was formerly Shazam, the protector of humanity. The Elder says that William is worthy to become the new Shazam and gives him superpower.

51 Black Panther (Fantastic Four)

In life, T'Challa is a descendant of the African dynasty of kings of the fictional country of Wakanda. In Wakanda, the cosmic metal, vibronium, was mined, which is why mercenaries came to it with the aim of carrying out a coup. However, Black Panther came to the defense of Wakanda.
T'Challa was married to Groza, who was a hereditary priestess of African blood.
Black Panther has extreme acrobatic capabilities, is a master of martial arts and has a strong intellect.

52 Aquaman

Arthur Curry was the son of a lighthouse worker. In addition, when his mother was dying, she revealed that she was the Queen of Atlantis in exile. Arthur's father paid a lot of attention to raising his son, he gave him an education and helped him discover his inner potentials.
Aquaman has echolocation, can control fish and amphibians, and has superhuman strength.

53 Bucky Barnes (Captain America)

James Barnes was the son of a military man. He was left an orphan at an early age and remained to live in the barracks in every possible way helping the soldiers with everyday issues. James began to closely communicate with a young soldier named Steve Rogers. Once he sees Rogers putting on the Captain America costume, he promises to keep the secret, and then becomes Captain America's assistant.
Bucky is a good acrobat, an excellent marksman and an excellent strategist.

54 Elijah Snow (Planetary)

Elijah Snow was born on January 1, 1990 and became one of those whom planet Earth produced as an immune system to fight evil. His main weapon is his brain and his superpower is the ability to control temperature. Elijah may well sacrifice several people's lives for the sake of higher goals.

55 John Stewart (Green Lantern)

One of the owners of a green lantern ring that gives superpowers.

56 Hawkman

A superhero who gains superpowers thanks to N-metal. N-Metal gives Hawkman super strength and the ability to fly.

57 The Tick

A parody superhero with a large arsenal of superpowers.

58 Beast (X-Men)

Henry McCoy's father was a scientist caught in a radiation leak at a nuclear power plant. Henry was already born with congenital mutations. The beast has not only super strength and sharp claws, but also unparalleled intelligence, his full name is Doctor Henry Phillip McCoy.

59 Booster Gold

Michael John Carter stole artifacts from the Museum of the Future that gave him superpowers. Booster Gold can see the future and can fly.

60 Fawn Bone (Thorn: Tales From The Lantern)

The comical comic follows three forest creatures who were banished to a valley where they had to fight various mythical creatures.

61 Blue Beetle (Captain Atom)

Dan Garrett's father was killed by criminals, after which he promised to fight evil. Blue Beetle has a bulletproof cape shaped like a Blue Beetle.

62 Dashiell Bad Horse (Scalped)

63 Blade

Eric Brooks' mother was a street prostitute. During his birth, a complication arose and a doctor was called, Deacon Frost, who turned out to be a cruel vampire. The vampire devoured Eric's mother while he was being born. Through his mother's blood, Eric received vampire enzymes and became a half-vampire himself.

64 Atom (Ray Palmer)

Raymond "Ray" Palmer is a brilliant scientist. Which, due to the matter of the white dwarf, is capable of decreasing in size to the atomic level.

65 X-Men Gambit

Remy Lebeau was abandoned by his parents in a maternity hospital because of his fiery red eyes. However, members of the thieves guild stole him from there and began to call him the white devil among themselves.
Gambit has psychokinetic energy, hypnosis skills, he is very dexterous and resistant to telepathy.

66 Invisible Lady (Fantastic Four)

Susan Storm, along with her brother Jonathan Storm, were orphaned early and went to live with their aunt. At the age of 17, Susan met her husband Reed Richards, a scientist who designed space flights. During the flight, she became one of 4 people exposed to cosmic radiation. This radiation gave Susan the ability to become invisible.

67 Hank Pym

Henry Pym is a biologist who one day discovers a group of subatomic particles that can shrink in size and then return to normal shape. Having experienced this discovery himself, he shrinks in size and is forced to defend himself from a colony of ants. Back in normal state, Pym decides to invent a special helmet that will allow him to communicate with ants.

68 Iron Fist

Daniel Rand falls into mysterious city K'un-L'un, where he enters a martial arts school and becomes the most successful student. At 19, he passes the exam for the title of “Iron Fist”, defeating the dragon Shou-Lao.
Iron Fist is not only an excellent martial artist, but also a skilled acrobat. He is also able to control Qi energy.

69 Scott Pilgrim

A humorous character who, in order to win a girl's heart, needs to defeat her ex-boyfriends.

70 Spectrum

Superhero deity. The spectrum is endowed with omnipotence.

71 Wild cat

Wildcat was a member of a team of rangers in the American Revolution of the 18th century. Has nine lives and good athleticism.

72 Luke Cage (Hero for Hire)

Carl Lucas grew up in the most crime-ridden area of ​​New York. Together with your best friend, they fell in love with the same girl. A friend set up Karl by planting drugs in his room and he went to prison. In prison, Karl was offered a reduced sentence if he would undertake an experiment to create a superman. However, the experiment was unsuccessful and an explosion occurred. After the explosion, he gained super strength and his skin became impenetrable.

73 Jonah Hex

The main character of a Western from DC Comics. Jonah Hex was abandoned by his mother early in childhood, and his father sold his son to the Indians. Jonah Hex, bounty hunter, cynic and pragmatist.

74 Black Widow

Natalya Romanova's childhood passed during the war years, in Stalingrad. I studied well at school and studied ballet. Then she married Alexei Shestakov, who was actually the Red Guardian. However, Alexei died and Natalia grieved the loss. To honor her late husband, she followed in his footsteps and in 1984 became a test subject in a Soviet experiment to create a super soldier. Natalya is very dexterous, knows martial arts and knows how to heal wounds.

75 Marv (Sin City)

A huge thug from the Sin City comic book series. Possesses strength unimaginable to humans.

76 Rocketeer Starslayer

Cliff Secord is a test pilot who discovers a strange suit that allows him to fly.

77 Namor

One of the first Marvel superheroes. Namor's father, Leonard Mackenzie, was a sailor who discovered Atlantis. The daughter of the Atlantean ruler named Fen fell in love with him. The Atlantean ruler destroyed all the sailors on the ship, and Fen was returned to her father and soon gave birth to Namor. He has telepathy, can fly and has superhuman strength.

78 Sergeant Rock (Our Army At War)

Our Army At War, a patriotic comic about the toughness of American soldiers. Sergeant Rock is the commander of a squad of infantrymen.

79 Captain Britain

British equivalent of Captain America. But he received his power not as a result of a secret experiment, but from the wizard Merlin.

80 Nightcrawler (X-Men)

The son of the mother of the mutant werewolf and the demon Azazel. He was raised by a gypsy witch. Nightcrawler has super agility and can crawl along walls and teleport.

81 Black Canary Flash Comics

Dinah Drake does not have any superpowers. However, she is skilled in judo and a good actress.

82 Ant-Man (Eric O'Grady)

Eric O'Grady was an agent of the S.H.I.E.L.D. organization. One day he accidentally came across the Ant-Man suit and decided to steal it for his own selfish purposes. Eric O'Grady, selfish, lover of women and not averse to drinking.

83 Superboy

A Superman clone created from the superhero's DNA. Is in adolescence and has all the super qualities of Superman.

84 Ka-Zar (X-Men)

Ka-Zar, a character from the earth, located in Antarctica, which is inhabited by dinosaurs. Ka-Zar can communicate with animals, is an excellent warrior and a master of archery.

85 Black Lightning

Since childhood, Jefferson Pierce had the superpower to control electricity. Having matured, he becomes an Olympic champion in decathlon. After success, he decides to return to his hometown where the mafia operates. Jefferson Pierce remembers his superpower and receives a belt that helps him channel electricity.

86 Michonne (The Walking Dead)

Character from the comics The Walking Dead. A lawyer before the apocalypse. A reserved, cautious, but extremely combative girl.

87 Rene Montoya (Batman)

Detective in Gotham City. She is a master of martial arts, smart and insightful.

88 She-Hulk

The She-Hulk character was created by Marvel for commercial purposes. After the huge success of the Hulk comics, Marvel was afraid that someone might beat them to the punch and be the first to create a female Hulk. Therefore, it was decided to be the first to publish several issues with She-Hulk and stake out the right to own this character.

89 Moon Knight (Werewolf By Night)

Mark Spector was the son of a rabbi who wanted his child to follow in his father's footsteps. However, Mark was fond of boxing and once beat his father, after which he went into the army and never saw his parents again. Mark achieved great success in the army and began serving in the CIA, and then became a mercenary.
Moon Knight, a superb acrobat, is capable of imparting superhuman strength and a master of weapons depending on the phase of the moon.

90 Ghost Rider

Johnny Blaze was a stunt motorcyclist. Johnny sold his soul to the demon Mephisto to save his father.

91 Cerebus Aardvark

92 Usagi Yojimbo (Albedo)

Ninja Rabbit is the main character of the Albedo comic series. Sometimes appears in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

93 Donna Troy (The Brave and the Bold)

A brave Amazon, she has a full set of superpowers. Such as super strength, the ability to recognize the truth, the ability to imitate animal voices.

94 Supergirl

Superman's Kryptonian cousin. Has all the qualities of Superman.

95 Wild Dragon (Megaton)

96 Falcon (Captain America)

Samuel Thomas Wilson was the son of a priest. However, bandits killed his father, and 2 years later his mother. Sam decided to become a bandit himself and began to engage in racketeering. However, meeting Captain America greatly changed his life.
With the help of a special suit, the falcon can fly, knows the language of birds and has extraordinary strength.

97 Adam Strange

Adam Strange was an archaeologist who one day teleported to the planet Rann, of which he later became the protector.

98 Nova

Richard Ryder was born in New York and was chosen by the alien Rhomann Day, who transferred his power to him.
Nova can fly, has super strength and can heal wounds.

99 Wasp

Janet van Dyne was the daughter of a scientist who was killed by an alien monster during an experiment. Her father was a partner of Henry (Hank) Pym, who shared his discovery (the Pym particle) with Janet.

100 Gru (Destroyer Duck)

The space duck closes the TOP 100 most powerful superheroes.