July 20th is a day in history. year - British Columbia became a province of Canada

On July 20, 1926, Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky passed away. Iron Felix was thrown into the most critical areas of work - he organized transport, caught street children and managed the national economy with a firm hand. He died of a heart attack right at the plenum of the Central Committee.
His death still remains a mystery. On that day, Dzerzhinsky made a fiery speech “against those deviating from the line of the Leninist party.” For the first time, such merciless criticism of the party apparatus sounded in his mouth: “When I look at our apparatus,” said Dzerzhinsky, “at our system of organization, at our incredible bureaucracy and our extreme disorder, entangled in all sorts of delays, I am literally horrified.” .
Be that as it may, Dzerzhinsky’s death came just in time for Stalin. By this time, Joseph Vissarionovich had practically won the victory in the struggle for power that followed the passing of Vladimir Lenin. And Dzerzhinsky, as some historians believe, would certainly have opposed Stalin’s planned use of the OGPU as an instrument of provocation and deception in the fight against dissidents within the party. Although he did not hesitate to use the same methods against the enemies of the communists.
After Lenin's death, Dzerzhinsky was not only the head of the OGPU, but also the chairman of the Supreme Council of the National Economy. And it can be assumed that he would also oppose the attacks on the so-called "bourgeois specialists" in industry and the brutal class war in the countryside that Stalin would begin a few years later.
Dzerzhinsky was replaced by Vyacheslav Rudolfovich Menzhinsky, a tall, slender man in a gilded pince-nez, who differed from his predecessor in being more gentle. At first glance, these two men had much in common: they were both old Bolsheviks and came from wealthy Polish families. Menzhinsky became a member of the Cheka board shortly after its founding and was appointed Dzerzhinsky's first deputy when he became chairman of the OGPU. Perhaps he was the most educated of all who came to the leadership of the security agencies. It is known, for example, that even before being hired by the Cheka, Menzhinsky was fluent in twelve languages, and later also mastered Chinese, Japanese, Persian and Turkish.
But Menzhinsky was not the embodiment of strength and power that “Iron Felix” was. Contemporaries noted his lack of a commanding voice. For many, it was strange to hear an order from the chairman of the OGPU, which usually began with the words: “I humbly ask you...”

Hitler planned to completely capture the Brest Fortress on the first day of the war - Sunday morning, June 22, 1941. The selected German 45th Infantry Division was supported by artillery and. As a result of the surprise attack, the fortress garrison was cut off from the main units of the Red Army, but here the Nazis met fierce resistance. Units of the 6th and 42nd rifle divisions, the 17th border detachment and the 132nd separate battalion of the NKVD troops - a total of 3,500 people - took part in the defense of the Brest Fortress. With an acute shortage of ammunition, food, water and medicine, the garrison held back the increased onslaught of the enemy. Even when the Nazis managed to occupy most fortresses, small groups of warriors continued to stubbornly resist. The defenders of the Brest Fortress continued to fight even when German tanks were already entering Minsk, and did not accept the enemy’s offer of surrender when the front moved back to the Berezina. The last inscription on the melted bricks of one of the casemates is the most famous autograph of the last century: “I’m dying, but I’m not giving up!” Farewell, Motherland” was scratched out on the date of our review - July 20, 1941.
The Brest Fortress was liberated three years later, on July 28, 1944. It became a symbol of the unbending perseverance and courage of Soviet soldiers. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated May 8, 1965, the Brest Fortress was awarded the honorary title “Hero Fortress” and the “Gold Star” medal.

In 1893, on the initiative of the Minister of Finance, Count Sergei Witte, the “Regulations on the state sale of drinks” was approved - state monopoly for alcohol and vodka production. The wine monopoly had a powerful ideological basis: the state took the vodka business into its own hands, caring for public health, trying to stop the illegal circulation of alcohol and eradicate drinks of dubious quality. 40 thousand state-owned wine shops opened throughout the country.
At first, public health actually improved: by 1901, mortality due to overdrinking decreased by about a quarter. At the same time, the profit of the state pocket increased simply fabulously: if in 1897 vodka revenues amounted to 52 million rubles, then in 1913, the anniversary year for the Romanov dynasty, it was already 750 million, that is, more than 22 percent of the budget! Alas, having become convinced of the enormous benefits of the monopoly, the authorities simply began to solder their subjects, which is what they did until 1914, when the war began and there was no time for that anymore.

Since souls are in love,
They have no spaces; earth changes
What do they mean? They are like the wind, free.
Francesco Petrarch was born on July 20, 1304.- thinker, scientist and poet. Ancestor modern poetry and the forerunner of European humanism. The great Italian, singer of Love, Chastity, Death, Glory, Time and Eternity.

In 1816, Gavrila Derzhavin died on this day.
“Derzhavin, the scourge of the nobles, at the sound of the menacing lyre exposed their proud idols,” wrote Pushkin.
On July 18, two days before his death, Derzhavin began writing his last poems about the river of times:
The river of times in its rush
Takes away all people's affairs
And drowns in the abyss of oblivion
Nations, kingdoms and kings.
And if anything remains
Through the sounds of the lyre and trumpet,
Then it will be devoured by the mouth of eternity
And the common fate will not go away!

Lyudmila Chursina was born on July 20, 1941 in Stalinabad (now Dushanbe). This is what it says in all film reference books. But few people know that she was born in a field. “The Germans were advancing, and my mother, like thousands of other refugees, went east,” says Lyudmila Alekseevna. “During the bombing, she started having contractions... Then they lost me and found me only when everything calmed down - I was lying in a potato furrow, almost completely covered with earth.”
A screaming lump “found in a potato” has grown into a girl of unearthly beauty. Having graduated from school with a gold medal and having passed the selection process for three universities at once - GITIS, VGIK and Theater school named after Shchukin - Lyudmila chose the latter. After graduating from the institute, at the invitation of Ruben Simonova, she joined the troupe of the Vakhtangov Theater.
Her film debut took place in 1961 in the film “When the Trees Were Big.” The youngest performer looked with admiration at Leonid Kuravlev, Yuri Nikulin, Vasily Shukshin, and was proud that she acted with them. Well, her first serious and big work in cinema - the role of Daria in "The Don Tale" - brought her deafening fame. Beautiful, young, talented, she immediately attracted the attention of viewers and critics. Lyudmila Chursina was the youngest of those awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR - at forty years old. To date, she has played in more than 50 films, and her roles in “Crane”, “Virineya”, “Gloomy River”, “Lyubov Yarovaya”, “Oles”, “Privalovsky Millions”, “Open Book” have become classics national cinema.

Bruce Lee died on July 20, 1973, American film actor, master of the martial art of kung fu.
He was born in 1940 in the family of a Chinese opera actor. Since childhood, he has acted in films in episodic roles. In 1959, having arrived in the United States, he became a teacher and promoter of kung fu, and was then invited to act in television and films. In America, he starred in the television series The Green Hornet, Marlowe, and Wrecking Crew, but he was able to prove that films about martial arts have unique commercial and cult potential, and he was able to become a superstar of this genre only in Hong Kong. Here, in the early 1970s, action films with his participation were released one after another: “Big Boss”, “Furious Fist”, “Chinese Connection”, “Return of the Dragon”, “Way of the Dragon”... Soon after the end of filming of the next film “Enter the Battle” Dragon" Lee died of a brain tumor. Its popularity resource screen image turned out to be so undeveloped that until the end of the 1970s, films assembled from rough versions and cuts of his films were successfully released in the USA and Hong Kong.

In 1940, David Tukhmanov was born. His work does not fit into any one musical genre. He is the author of piano pieces, patriotic songs, and pop hits. "The Last Train", "Those Eyes Opposite", " White dance", "Song about a shoemaker", "I love you, Russia", "My address is Soviet Union" - this is a far from complete list of Tukhmanov's hits.

Significant events in the world of music - BIRTHDAYS

– Polish and Russian composer, outstanding teacher- was born July 20, 1873. Graduated from the St. Petersburg Conservatory in composition class N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov. Was a member famous group musicians - Belyaevsky circle. IN 1913 Malishevsky became the founder and first rector of the Odessa Conservatory, which gave the world a number of outstanding musicians.

P after the revolution 1917, fleeing Bolshevik terror, Malishevsky emigrated to Poland in 1921 . IN 1925-1927 Malishevsky taught at Music School them. and at the same time was the director Varshavsky Musical Society . IN 1927 he was the chairman First International Competition Pianists named after Frederic Chopin . WITH 1931 By 1934 Malishevsky– Director of the Music Department at the Ministry of Education of Poland.

July 20, 1930 born - Russian theater and film actor, director, singer and songwriter. He was known as an author and performer of songs, and a master of dubbing cartoons. IN mid 1990s was the host of the TV show “Fairytale Afternoon Tea” on the RTR channel.

He wrote more than 50 songs, romances and melodies, many of which were heard on radio, television, including in films.

N some of them: “The River is Destiny”, “Dandelions”, “Lullaby”, “Spring”, “Diver”, “What a song without a button accordion”. It is believed that The last song written in 1972. The name itself has long been popular saying. Written almost forty years ago, the song remains quite popular and beloved today: it is included in the repertoire of famous performers of Russian and Russian songs. Composition “What is a song without a button accordion” published on CDs and broadcast on some radio stations.

IN An outstanding Russian composer was born July 20, 1940.

R started working in the song genre in 1960s. First pop hit "The Last Train" wrote as a student at the institute 1961. Only in 1966 it was performed by a singer. Later David Fedorovich moved on to writing a cycle of patriotic songs, of which became famous “I love you, Russia”, “My address is the Soviet Union” etc. B 1972 the first author's disc was released "What a beautiful world". IN 1975 disk appeared "According to my memory". Also 1975 marked by the appearance of the song "Victory Day" for poetry Vladimir Kharitonov. They didn’t take her on TV and radio, considering it music Tukhmanova foxtrot, and poetry Kharitonov frivolous. performed the song without permission at a concert for Police Day, reviving the composition.

WITH created with 1976 By 1985 hits “It shouldn’t be this way”, “Olympics-80”, “My Motherland”, “There in September”, “What a pity”- considered the pinnacle of excellence Tukhmanova where they intertwined classical music, hard rock, symphony and all then existing directions music industry in the world. Plate 1982 "UFO", recorded with the group "Moscow"– pure hard rock, written to poems by classical poets.

In 1986, Tukhmanov offered to lead the project "Electroclub", which included soloists Irina Allegrova And . Despite the wonderful songs, he thinks "Electroclub" commercial project. Gradually David Fedorovich moved away from the stage, mainly working in the genre of chamber music. The composer created cycles of ballads and romances. One of the new works is a music and poetry program "Tango of dreams by Boris Poplavsky".

Z and for the last fifteen years the composer together with the poet Yuri Entin created more than 100 songs for children, as well as cycles for children: “Golden Hill”, “Of Many Six-Legs”, “Horror Park”, “Hopscotch”. Together with Entin musicals created "The Thief of Baghdad", "It Was Better Before" and others.

Autumn 2001 the premiere of the play took place “Madeleine, calm down!”, the music for which he wrote specifically for. IN 2004 the composer's original concerts took place on the stage of the State Kremlin Palace "Attraction of Love". IN late 2005 Tukhmanov finished work on the opera "Queen".

IN currently lives and works in Moscow, often abroad.

R Russian poet, composer, bard, art song theorist was born July 20, 1945. Graduated from the branch of Moscow Higher Technical University named after. E. Bauman, then worked as a physicist engineer at the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics in Moscow.

P wrote his first songs in 1969. IN 1970s regularly participated in festivals, competitions and rallies. He invariably became a laureate or diploma recipient. IN 1970-1980s active civil position Mirzayan and his commitment to “unofficial” culture became the cause of conflict with the authorities - he was often blacklisted as bards not allowed on stage at national concerts. There was a period of unspoken ban on his work, but he never stopped his work and 1988 became exclusively involved in original songs, becoming a member creative association"First Circle", which included Vladimir Berezhkov, Viktor Luferov, Mikhail Kochetkov and other authors.

Mirzayan writes songs both on his own poems and on the poems of Russian poets. WITH late 1990s Alexander Zavenovich devotes more time to research and historical and philosophical understanding of the song phenomenon itself. At his performances, singing increasingly gives way to discussions about song culture. – member of the bard ensemble "Songs of our century".

Born July 20, 1945. American country rock singer and songwriter, famous
with her raspy voice, which has led to her often being called "The Female Version of Rod Stewart".

Z and has released thirteen albums throughout her career and won two Grammy Awards.

ABOUT best known for the hit 1981 "Bette Davis Eyes", which spent nine weeks at the top of the main Billboard Hot 100 music chart and was eventually named the most popular single 1981. In addition, the song ranks 12th on the 100 best songs in history" according to Billboard, as well as 2nd place in the list of the most successful singles 1980s.

July 20, 1947 was born Carlos Augusto Alves Santana- Mexican-American guitarist, laureate numerous Grammy awards, which gained fame at the turn of the century 1960s And 1970s with such classic numbers as "Black Magic Woman". IN 1999 a somewhat forgotten musician unexpectedly returned to the top of the pop charts with the album "Supernatural"(Grammy for "For best album of the Year"), which contained super hits "Smooth" And "Maria Maria".

ABOUT cumming in 1966 the school assembled its own team Santana Blues Band. The debut took place at the famous Fillmore West. Two years later, the musicians shortened the name to a more convenient one Santana. This name increasingly began to appear alongside the names of the blues grandees. The first album with his participation was live album "The Live Adventures Of Al Kooper And Michael Bloomfield" (1969 ).

IN The wave of popularity of this group line-up grew until the historic Woodstock festival in 1969, where an audience of half a million was amazed by the composition "Soul Sacrifice". IN November the same year the first album was released Santana With same name. The playing style demonstrated in this album has become a signature Santana. Second disc - "Abraxas" (1970 ) - instantly topped the American hit parade.

In March 2009 62 year old Santana and his band, consisting of 10 musicians, went on a tour of the countries Latin America, during which they gave 13 concerts.

WITH solo album Carlos Santana "Shape Shifter" went out to 2012.

was born July 20, 1956. English rock musician, member Man-Raze. Best known as the former drummer and co-founder of the legendary punk band Sex Pistols.

TO when Sex Pistols broke up abruptly after their final show in San Francisco January 14, 1978, Cook And Jones first worked on the soundtrack to Malcolm McLaren's film "The Great Rock 'n' Roll Hoax", and later founded their own band The Professionals together with Andy Allen. They only released one album "I Didn't See It Coming" and broke up into 1982 . Their second self-titled album "The Professionals" 1980 was published only in 1990 And 1997.

T also in early 1980s Cook collaborated with women's group new wave Bananarama. He helped the trio record a single "Aie Mwana" and produced them debut album 1982 "Deep Sea Skiing". IN late 1980s Cook played in a band Chiefs of Relief. IN 1996 as part of the reunited Sex Pistols went on the famous Filthy Lucre world tour, based on the materials of which a live album was later released.

November 8, 2007 Sex Pistols, including Paul Cook, gave a concert in honor of the 30th anniversary of their legendary album "Never Mind The Bollocks, Here's The Sex Pistols" at Brixton Academy.

IN currently plays drums in a band Man-Raze, which he founded in 2004 together with Phil Collen And Simon Laffey. IN 2008 they released an album "Surreal".

was born July 20, 1958. Russian singer, performer of folk songs with 1984 registers on All-Union Radio, participates in Central Television programs. Her repertoire includes songs different regions Russia: Siberian, Volga, Kuban, as well as songs of the peoples of the world.

In 1984 Trukhina became a television laureate competition “With a song through life”. She represented the USSR in the cultural program "Expo-87" in Australia, and was a participant in many youth festivals. IN 1987 became a laureate All-Union radio competition "New Names", V 1988 participated in International folklore festival in Moscow, in 1989 became a laureate competition "Eurofolk-89" in the Netherlands.

Trukhina voiced a number of performances and films, starred in a multi-part television film "Enter Every House" (1989 ). Participated in concerts dedicated to the Day Slavic writing at the Kremlin Palace of Congresses, in the programs Russian folk orchestra name Osipova (dedicated to the 90th anniversary N. Osipova, 75th anniversary of the team, 90th anniversary).

N and television has created several films about Larisa Trukhina: “The Golden Voice of Russia”, “On Our Side”, “Larisa Trukhina Sings”, “Meeting with Larisa Trukhina”.

R Russian bass guitarist (Igor Kopylov) was born July 20, 1962. Group member "TV" (1984-85 ), "Coffee" (1986-88 ), "Loop" (1988-90 ), Nautilus Pompilius (1990-97 ), "Night snipers" (1999-2002 ).

IN at the institute he began playing guitar in a student team and there he met Mikhail Borzykin, Alexander Belyaev And Igor Petrov- musicians of the group "TV". IN 1986 Goga Kopylov moved to "Coffee", and in 1988 ended up in "Nesterov's Loop".

In 1990 invited Gogu Kopylova V new line-up "Nautilus", where the musician stayed until the collapse of the band.

In 1999 Kopylov became a member of the group's star lineup "Night snipers", taking part in the recording of albums "Frontier" And "Tsunami".

was born July 20, 1964. American guitarist, composer and vocalist was a member of such bands as Soundgarden (1984-1997 ) And Audioslave (2001-2007 ). At one time he was the frontman Temple of the Dog (1990-1992 ).

He began his musical career as a drummer, but later changed his profile to a guitarist and vocalist. Released three solo album, first - "Euphoria Morning" (September 1999). IN June 2007 came out "Carry On". Then there was solo work - an album "Scream" (2009 ). IN leading role in the video for the song "Part of Me" Ukrainian boxer Vladimir Klitschko starred. Then the artist resumed his musical activities as a vocalist of the revived Soundgarden.

Was the producer and backing vocalist of the group Screaming Trees in album "Uncle Anesthesia", and also performed cameo role in film 1992"Singles." IN 2010 took part in the recording of the album Sola "Slash" by Hudson entitled "Slash". There he sang a song "Promise".

WITH solo album Chris Cornell "Songbook" went out to 2011. Included Soundgarden V 2012 The singer's disc was released "King Animal".

He committed suicide a few hours after his performance in Detroit. The 52-year-old artist was found May 18, 2017 in a hotel room.

Significant events in the world of music – REMEMBRANCE DAYS

WITH Soviet poet was born January 19, 1900. The first poem, “A Soldier’s Request,” was published in 1914 in the all-Russian newspaper Nov. In addition to numerous poetry collections published the book “On Poetic Mastery.”

H number of poems written Isakovsky(250), not much. Also known for translations from Ukrainian, Belarusian and other languages.

M many poems Isakovsky set to music. Most famous "Katyusha" And “Enemies burned down my home”(music M. I. Blanter), “In the forest near the front”, “Flying migratory birds", "Lonely accordion" and others. In film "Kuban Cossacks" his songs were set to music “As you were, so you remain” And “Oh, the viburnum is blooming”. As a result of cooperation with V. G. Zakharov songs with words Isakovsky appeared in the repertoire choir named after Pyatnitsky . The most famous of them: “Along the Village”, “Seeing Off”, “And Who Knows”.

R Russian composer, first soloist of the Lesopoval group (Nikitin) was born February 12, 1959.

He graduated from medical school and worked as an ambulance paramedic for two years. To play guitar Sergey started in 5th grade. Ultimately, his love for music prompted him to quit medicine and get a job as a singer in a restaurant. He worked there for 12 years until he met the poet Mikhail Tanich.

P songs performed Sergei Korzhukov played on TV, on the radio, 3 giant discs were released. Most popular compositions: “I’ll buy you a house”, “Commandment”, “When I come”, “Special milk”, “Black fingers”, “Slut” And “Steal, Russia!”.

R early morning July 20, 1994 Sergei Korzhukov fell from the balcony of his high-rise building. Death occurred instantly from aortic rupture.

Significant events in the world of music - SIGNIFICANT DATES

A American music magazine Billboard July 20, 1940 published the first list of the most popular songs.

Updated: March 29, 2018 by: Elena

On this page you will learn about significant and memorable datessummer day July 20, what kind ofJuly dayfamous people were born, events took place, we will also talk about folk signs and Orthodox holidays of this day, public holidays different countries from all over the world.

Today, as on any day, as you will see, events took place over the centuries, each of them was remembered for something, and this day was no exceptionJuly 20, which is also remembered for its own dates and birthdays of famous people, as well as holidays and folk signs. You and I should always remember and know about those who left their indelible mark on culture, science, sports, politics, medicine and all other areas of human and social development.

Twentieth of July, left his indelible mark on history, events and memorable dates, like who was born in thissummerday, once again confirm this. Find out what happened intwentieth day of July20 July, what events and significant dates he was noted and what he was remembered for, who was born, what folk signs characterize him and much more that you should know about, it’s just interesting to know.

Who was born on July 20 (twentieth)

Alexander the Great (Alexander III the Great, ancient Greek Ἀλέξανδρος Γ" ὁ Μέγας, lat. Alexander III Magnus, among Muslim peoples Iskander Zulkarnain, presumably July 20, 356 - June 10, 323 BC) - Macedonian king with 336 BC from the Argead dynasty, commander, creator of a world power that collapsed after his death. In Western historiography, better known as Alexander the Great. Even in Antiquity, Alexander gained the fame of one of greatest commanders in history.

Chris Cornell (July 20, 1964, Seattle, Washington, USA - May 18, 2017) is an American guitarist, composer and vocalist. The frontman of Soundgarden was also the vocalist of Audioslave.

Lyudmila Alekseevna Chursina. Born on July 20, 1941 in Stalinabad (now Dushanbe). Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. People's Artist of the USSR (1981).

Oleg Andreevich Anofriev. Born on July 20, 1930 in Gelendzhik. Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema, film director, singer. People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2004).

Gisele Caroline Nonnenmacher Bündchen (port. Gisele Caroline Nonnenmacher Bündchen, born July 20, 1980, Horizontina, Brazil) is a Brazilian supermodel, one of the most famous in the world. She is also known as one of Victoria's Secret Angels.

Francesco Petrarca (Italian: Francesco Petrarca, 1304-1374) - Italian poet, head of the older generation of humanists, one of the greatest figures of the Italian Proto-Renaissance, student of Barlaam of Calabria.

Gennady Frolov (07/20/1937) - Soviet actor;

Anton Kuznetsov (07/20/1967 [Saratov]) - Russian and French actor;

Sergei Blinnikov (07/20/1901 [Moscow] - 09/28/1969 [Moscow]) - Soviet actor;

Tatyana Lioznova (07/20/1924 [Moscow] - 09/29/2011 [Moscow]) - Soviet film director. People's Artist of the USSR;

David Tukhmanov (07/20/1940 [Moscow]) - Soviet composer;

Vladimir Lyakhov (07/20/1941 [Anthracite]) - Soviet cosmonaut;

Victoria Lepko (07/20/1941) - Russian theater and film actress;

Raisa Konyukhova (07/20/1941 - 02/07/2012 [Moscow]) - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress;

Oksana Pochepa (07/20/1984 [Rostov-on-Don]) - Russian singer; Kira Kazantsev (07/20/1991 [California]) - Miss America 2015;

Billie Bruno (07/20/1997 [Los Angeles]) - American actress; Judy Greer (07/20/1975 [Livonia]) - American actress;

Sandra Oh (07/20/1971 [Nepean]) - Canadian actress; Reed Diamond (07/20/1967 [New York]) - American actor;

Donna Dixon (07/20/1957 [Alexandria, Virginia]) - American actress;

Aliki Vuyuklaki (07/20/1934 [Maroussi] - 07/23/1996 [Athens]) - Greek actress;

Muriel Adele Evans (07/20/1914 [Minneapolis] - 10/26/2000) - American film actress;

Tadeusz Reichstein (07/20/1897 [Wloclawek] - 08/01/1996 [Basel]) - Swiss chemist, Nobel Prize laureate in physiology or medicine in 1950;

Lev Bruni (07/20/1894 [s. Alekseevka] - 02/26/1948 [Moscow]) - Russian and Soviet avant-garde artist, illustrator and war correspondent;

George II (07/20/1890 [Tatoi] - 04/01/1947 [Athens]) - King of Greece;

Verna Felton (07/20/1890 [Salinas] - 12/14/1966 [Hollywood]) - American actress;

Mikhail Lozinsky (07/20/1886 [Gatchina] - 01/31/1955 [St. Petersburg]) - Russian Soviet poet, translator, one of the founders of the Soviet school of poetic translation;

Erik Karlfeldt (07/20/1864 [n. Volkern] - 04/08/1931) - Swedish poet, Nobel Prize on literature, 1931;

Boris Kurakin (07/20/1676 - 10/17/1727) - Russian statesman, diplomat.

Dates July 20

In Russia they celebrate Perun Day

In Cyprus - Day of Peace and Freedom

Kyrgyzstan celebrates National Guard Day

In Norway - Prince Haakon's birthday.

According to the folk calendar, this is Avdotya Senognoika.

On this day:

Francesca Petrarch was born in 1704, singing the praises of his Laura

Gabriel Derzhavin, the stern founder of Russian poetry, died in 1816

Gregor Mendel, who invented the science of genetics, was born in 1822

in 1913, Vsevolod Rudnev, who did not surrender the cruiser Varyag to the enemy, died

Edmund Hillary, the first man to climb the top floor of Everest, was born in 1919.

in 1924 Tatyana Lioznova was born, for some reason she decided that only 12 episodes were enough to depict 17 moments of spring

Iron Felix Dzerzhinsky died in 1926

in 1930 Oleg Anofriev was born, a super-universal singer who sang almost all the parts in the Bremen Town Musicians

Guglielmo Marconi, inventor of the Italian version of radio, died in 1937

David Tukhmanov, the composer who launched a UFO on Victory Day, was born in 1940

Carlos Santana, the most respected guitarist of Mexican descent, was born in 1947.

Bruce Lee, the kung fu legend who turned fighting into an art, died in 1973

in 1973, the poet Mikhail Isakovsky died, whose enemies burned his home

in 2013, Georgy Gustav Guryanov, a film drummer, died.

Events of July 20

On July 20, Frenchman Emile Reynaud showed the public the first animated film on a praxinoscope designed by him.

This is an optical device that consisted of a small cylinder with a mirror prism placed inside it and a dozen miniature pictures. When the cylinder rotated, the pictures moved, creating an animated effect of smooth movement on the screen.

July 20, 1944 In Germany, an attempt was made to coup d'etat and physically eliminate Adolf Hitler

This was not the first attempt on the life of a German leader. There were about twenty such attempts. And each time Hitler managed to avoid death. It was as if he was under the protection of unknown forces. The assassination attempt on July 20 was carefully planned and theoretically left the Fuhrer no chance of survival.

Activists of the German Resistance intended not only to eliminate Hitler, but to overthrow the fascist regime. Lieutenant Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg was entrusted with carrying out the assassination attempts during a meeting led by the Fuhrer. Entering the office, the lieutenant colonel took a place not far from Hitler and placed the briefcase with the bomb under the table.

The explosion was supposed to occur in ten minutes. Under the pretext of making a call, Klaus left the room. The bomb exploded at the right time. Hitler was wounded but survived. As it turned out later, the briefcase standing on the floor disturbed someone, and it was pushed further under the table. During the explosion, the heavy oak lid took the brunt of the blow. Assassination attempt in Once again turned out to be unsuccessful.

Bruce Lee was considered recognized master oriental martial arts. He actively acted in films, was an actor, stunt coordinator, and director. Over the 33 years of his life he managed to star in thirty-six films. Everyone has heard the name Bruce Lee at least once in their life. The fact that martial arts have become very popular in Western countries is a great merit of the actor himself.

Starring in action films, he gained millions of imitators and admirers. Sections of karate, jiu-jitsu, kung fu, underground and official, grew like mushrooms in small and big cities Worldwide. There was no end to those who wanted to study there. Death came unexpectedly to Bruce Lee, at the very peak of his popularity.

He died of cerebral edema, allegedly taking a pill for a headache. What caused the swelling is unknown, because... no tests were taken. Therefore, talk about the real reason The death of the master has not subsided to this day.

Signs July 20 - the day of Avdotya Senognoika

As a rule, on Avdotya, July 20, the rains just began, before which they tried to complete all field work in order to have time to prepare hay for the livestock. It was possible to start planting strawberries and re-sowing radishes - it was believed that this should be done before August 10th.

In the Orthodox Church on July 20, the memory of St. Euphrosyne, known in the world as Avdotya or Evdokia, is honored. She was born into the family of Suzdal Prince Dmitry Konstantinovich, later becoming the wife of Moscow Prince Dmitry Donskoy.
It was their family union that made it possible to achieve peace between Suzdal and Moscow.

The princess herself was pious, and this was the great merit of the Monk Sergei of Radonezh, who baptized one of her sons with Dmitry, as well as Metropolitan Alexy of Moscow.

Avdotya built several churches during her reign, the most famous of which was the Ascension Convent on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin. Few knew that Avdotya observed a strict fast and wore chains under her princely robes.

Avdotya had 5 sons, and they were very surprised when Avdotya decided to take monastic vows, after which she received the name Euphrosyne. It is known that before this there was a rumor that the princess wore so many clothes and jewelry to please her lovers, and this her sons were very upset.

However, Avdotya took off her clothes, and under them there was an emaciated and thin body, by which she proved that she believes in Christ, and it is impossible to reproach her for sin. In recent years, Euphrosyne (Avdotya) prayed a lot and did good deeds.
Avdotya was popularly nicknamed Senognoika because on her name day, July 20, it often rained, and it greatly interfered with the preparation of hay for the winter.

With high humidity, hay began to rot, and therefore they were in a hurry to remove it in advance, before July 20th. The harvest was beginning. They went to the field on July 20, performing folk songs, I'll wrap the sickles in towels. There was a widespread tradition according to which the first sheaf had to be tied with this towel, and then carried to the church and blessed.

There was also a ritual in which a woman had to squeeze the first ears of corn, make a belt out of them, tie herself with it and say: “Like mother rye stood for a year, but did not get tired, so that my back did not get tired.”

It was customary on July 20, after the harvest, to lie down and roll around the entire field and say: “Niva, field, give me my strength.” It was necessary to do this secretly from others.

Peasants often placed the first compressed sheaf in the front corner of the hut and stored it until the fall. On the Day of the Intercession, goats and horses were treated to this hay, since it was believed that in this case they would eat the food prepared for them for the winter.

People often used to guess on July 20th. For example, they could throw sickles into the cornfield. If a sickle sticks into the ground, it means, according to signs, that the person they were wondering about will soon die.

Folk signs for July 20

If it starts raining on Avdotya, then, according to signs, it will rain for another 7 weeks at different intervals

We hope you were interested in reading the material on this page and were satisfied with what you read? Agree, it is not superfluous, but very useful, to learn the history of events and dates, which of famous people born on the twentieth day of the second summer month, July 20, what mark this man left with his actions and deeds in the history of mankind, our world.

We are also confident that the folk signs of this day helped you understand some of the subtleties and nuances. By the way, with their help, you can check in practice the reliability and truthfulness of folk signs.

Good luck to all of you in life, love and business, read more of what is necessary, important, useful, interesting and educational - reading broadens your horizons and develops your imagination, learn about everything, develop diversified!

Why is July 20th interesting and significant in world history, science, sports, culture, politics?

July 20, what events in world history, science and culture make this day famous and interesting?

What holidays can be celebrated and celebrated on July 20?

What national, international and professional holidays celebrated annually on July 20? What religious holidays are celebrated on July 20? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What national day is July 20 according to the calendar?

What folk signs and beliefs are associated with July 20th? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What significant events and memorable dates are celebrated on July 20?

What significant historical events on July 20 and memorable dates in world history are celebrated on this summer day? The day of remembrance of which famous and great people is July 20?

Which great, famous and famous died on July 20th?

July 20, Remembrance Day for which famous, great and famous people of the world, historical figures, actors, entertainers, musicians, politicians, artists, athletes celebrated on this day?

Events of the day July 20, 2017 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of July 20, 2017, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twentieth of July in the month of the seventeenth year.

Events of the day July 20, 2018 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of July 20, 2018, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twentieth day of July in the month of the eighteenth year.

Events of the day July 20, 2019 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of July 20, 2019, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twentieth day of July of the month of the nineteenth year.

Events of the day July 20, 2020 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of July 20, 2020, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twentieth July day of the twentieth year.

Events of the day July 20, 2021 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of July 20, 2021, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twentieth July day of the month of the twenty-first year.

Events of the day July 20, 2022 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of July 20, 2022, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twentieth July day of the month of the twenty-second year.

Events of the day July 20, 2023 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of July 20, 2023, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twentieth July day of the month of the twenty-third year.

Events of the day July 20, 2024 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of July 20, 2024, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twentieth July day of the month of the twenty-fourth year.

Events of the day July 20, 2025 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of July 20, 2025, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twentieth July day of the month of the twenty-fifth year.

Events of the day July 20, 2026 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of July 20, 2026, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twentieth July day of the month of the twenty-sixth year.

Events of the day July 20, 2027 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of July 20, 2027, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twentieth July day of the month of the twenty-seventh year.

Events of the day July 20, 2028 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of July 20, 2028, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twentieth July day of the month of the twenty-eighth year.

Events of the day July 20, 2029 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of July 20, 2029, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twentieth July day of the month of the twenty-ninth year.

Events of the day July 20, 2030 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of July 20, 2030, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twentieth July day of the month of the thirtieth year.

July 20, 1924, during the 8th summer in Paris Olympic Games The International Chess Federation (FIDE) was founded. The goals and objectives of the organization are the dissemination and development of chess throughout the world, as well as raising the level of chess culture and knowledge on a scientific, creative and cultural basis.
Until 1939, she was mainly involved in organizing the World Chess Olympiads or “Tournaments of Nations” and the Women’s World Championships (since 1927). Since 1950, it has awarded the title of international grandmaster among men, and since 1976 - among women.
Every year, since 1966, the day of the creation of the Federation is celebrated as International Chess Day.
The name of the game comes from Persian: checkmate - the ruler has died. The birthplace of chess is India. There, in the 5th century, the predecessor of chess appeared - the game chaturanga. Chess appeared in Rus' around the 9th-10th centuries. Chess is board game on a 64-cell board on which 32 pieces are located (16 pieces each in white and black). 2 partners play. The goal of the game is to checkmate the opponent's king. Almost every city has a chess club (sometimes there are several of them), where fans of this sport gather. On International Chess Day, these clubs hold tournaments and entertainment events.

Events of July 20.

1653 - the Russian embassy arrived in Chigirin with notification of the tsar’s consent to take the Zaporozhye Cossacks under his protection.
1810 - the creation of the independent Latin American state of Colombia is proclaimed.
1840 - the “National Chartist Association” was created in England, which was the prototype of future political parties workers. The association with its center in the city of Manchester numbered 40 thousand people.
1862 - arrest of N. G. Chernyshevsky and N. A. Serno-Solovyevich.
1871 - Province incorporated into Canada British Columbia.
- The English Football Association (founded in 1863) proposed to establish a Challenge Cup for its member clubs. This step was decisive in rapid development football as a sport. Four years later he became professional, and in 1881 the association already included 128 clubs in its ranks.
1882 - tests of A.F. Mozhaisky’s aircraft took place.
1887 - the beginning of the history of animation.
1893 - “state-owned sale of drinks” (“wine monopoly”) was introduced in Russia.
1900 - France's first metro line was opened in Paris.
1903 - after the death of Pope Leo XIII, Cardinal Giuseppe Sarto was elected as the new head of the Vatican under the name Pius X.
1917 - Representatives of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes signed a declaration on the island of Corfu, in which they expressed their desire to create single state these peoples.
- The trademark “BMW” has been registered.
1920 - during the offensive against Poland, units of the Red Army occupied Vilnius.
1922 - the beginning of the activities of the Baltic Shipping Company.
1924 - The International Chess Federation - FIDE - is founded in Paris. Celebrated as International Chess Day.
1929 - the city of Igarka was founded in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
1933 - The Irish Brothers in Arms Association was renamed the National Guard, whose members became known as "Blue Shirts".
1936 - the convention signed in Montreux placed the Dardanelles and Bosphorus straits under the jurisdiction of Turkey.
1940 - American music magazine Billboard published its first list of the most popular songs.
1941 - The NKGB and the NKVD of the USSR were merged into a single People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs.
- Great Patriotic War: The last inscription was made on the bricks of the Brest Fortress - “I’m dying, but I’m not giving up!” Farewell, Motherland."
1944 - unsuccessful attempt on the life of Adolf Hitler.
1946 - the first issue of the magazine “Grani” was published, published in Germany in Russian by the publishing house “Posev”. The founder of the magazine was Evgeniy Romanovich Romanov-Ostrovsky.
1953 - The USSR restored diplomatic relations with Israel.
1955 - the historical and architectural ensemble of the Moscow Kremlin was opened for public viewing. After the Soviet government moved from Petrograd to Moscow in the spring of 1918, the Kremlin was closed to visitors.
1959 - the builders of the Kaunas hydroelectric power station blocked the Neman.
1965 - the deep-sea self-propelled vehicle "Alvin", owned by the US Navy, with an employee of the Oceanographic Institute at Woods Hall O. Rainey Jr. began diving into the underwater canyon of the Tongue of the Ocean. After 1 hour 37 minutes the device reached the bottom. The depth of the dive was 1,829 meters.
1966 - Michael Collins exits the board spaceship Gemini X to the Agena rocket stage.
- The USSR government signed a decree on the construction of the Volzhsky Automobile Plant.
1969 - Apollo 11 made the first-ever manned landing on the Moon.
1974 - The Turkish invasion of Cyprus began.
1976 - the first studies on the surface of Mars were carried out.
1987 - Paul McCartney began recording a new album, which was released only in the Soviet Union.
1990 - Supreme Council of North Ossetia autonomous republic adopted a declaration of state sovereignty and renamed the city of Ordzhonikidze to Vladikavkaz.
- The main provisions of the “500 Day Mandate of Confidence” program adopted by the Russian government, developed by Grigory Yavlinsky and providing for the privatization of state property and freeing prices, have been published.
1993 - Lithuania introduced its own currency - the lita.
1994 - the Military University was created on the basis of the Humanitarian Academy of the RF Armed Forces and the Military Academy of Economics, Finance and Law of the RF Armed Forces Armed Forces Russian Federation.
2005 - A same-sex marriage law came into force nationwide in Canada.

Lead singer Chester Bennington was found dead at his California residence in Palos Verdes Estates, located near Los Angeles. According to TMZ, the musician committed suicide. Law enforcement officers discovered his body on the morning of Thursday, July 20. Bennington turned 41 this spring.

The Los Angeles County Coroner confirmed Bennington's death. According to coroner's spokesman Brian Elias, Bennington's death is being investigated as "an apparent suicide, but no further details are available," the Associated Press reported.

Bennington was friends with Soundgarden's Chris Cornell; after Cornell's suicide in May of this year, he played at his funeral.

Bennington's death coincided with Cornell's birthday.

Chester Bennington was born in 1976 in Arizona and has been interested in music since childhood; his favorite bands back then were Depeche Mode and Stone Temple Pilots - he dreamed of becoming a member of the latter when he grew up. When Chester was 11 years old, his parents divorced, he began to use drugs, but was able to overcome the addiction - with the help of his mother, who at some point simply locked him at home - and in later interviews, already famous, he condemned drug addiction.

Bennington began his musical career twice. After school, he briefly worked at Burger King, then became the vocalist of the band Sean Dowdell and His Friends, recorded three tracks with them, and then, together with the founder of this team, created the band Gray Daze, which played in the post-grunge style. With Gray Daze, things became more fun, the musicians recorded three albums, but did not reach any particular heights, and Bennington quit - according to at will, in the hope of finding someone more successful.

He was somewhat lucky. Just then, the young Californian band Xero was looking for a new vocalist. Bennington signed up for an audition, the other musicians liked his vocals, and he was accepted.

True, at first he had to go through approximately the same path with his new colleagues as in the previous group - the deal with the record company fell through, and only through the efforts of producer Jeff Blue was he able to reach an agreement with Warner Bros. Records about the release of their debut album.

True, at that time the group was looking not only for a recording contract, but also for a new name. The musicians abandoned Xero after the departure of the previous soloist; the option with Hybrid Theory did not work out - the British electronic engineers from the Hybrid group even managed to accuse them of plagiarism, although they did not look in the direction of electronic music of the ex-Xero. The newly hired Bennington came up with the new name - he went to the studio through Lincoln Park in Santa Monica. Well, then chance intervened - the domain of the same name on the network was already occupied, the musicians played a little with phonetics. And it turned out to be Linkin Park. This domain was free.

Bennington has been a fixture on every Linkin Park album, from the first, 2000's Hybrid Theory, to May 2017's One More Light.

Together with the group, he received awards - two Grammys (and four more nominations), a dozen prizes from MTV. He has acted in films - his short filmography includes two parts of the action film "Adrenaline" and the horror film "Saw 3D". He fulfilled his childhood dream - he sang with the Stone Temple Pilots group and collaborated with other musicians. The Linkin Park leader confirmed his bandmate's death and wrote that he was "shocked and heartbroken" and Official statement will be published later.