Svyaznoy makes millionaires from visitors to its salons. % state monopoly

Telephone conversations

Telephone conversations are carried out in case of impossibility or inexpediency of personal contacts (the latter with psychological point view is preferable) and require extreme brevity. Therefore, before you call, you should always think again whether this is necessary.

For phone calls, it is better to choose fairly long periods of time (it is good to use pauses in business) and call in series. Best time for this purpose 9-10.30, 13.30-14.00, and also after 16.30.

The duration of a telephone conversation should ideally not exceed 5-6 minutes (0.5 minutes - greeting, introduction and explanation of the purpose of the call; 1 minute - introduction to the essence of the matter; 2-4 minutes - discussion of the problem: 0.5 minutes - farewell).

When making calls, you need to pick up the phone immediately, but no later than the fourth ring (or simply turn off the phone); The person on duty must answer the phone immediately. When answering a call in a professional setting, it is customary to give your last name (possibly your position and organization).

In rooms where several people are sitting, the telephone is usually placed on the desk of the senior person, but then this person can turn into the secretary of his subordinates. Therefore, it is better not to do this or to trust the phone to everyone in turn.

If it is impossible to carry on a conversation, you should ask to call back in a few minutes or wait a little without hanging up, or, after writing down the phone number, call yourself (to do this, keep a notepad and pen nearby).

If the person being called is not present, you can politely ask what and from whom to convey to him; You cannot directly ask who is calling. If you suspect an incorrect connection, it is not customary to ask for a phone number - they call the one you are dialing and ask for confirmation.

In a conversation with normal level volume, from time to time replicas are inserted, indicating that attention is maintained. If there is a failure, the caller calls back; he or the elder ends the conversation.

Difficulty telephone conversations consists in the unknown of what is this moment what the interlocutor does, what his facial expression is, the possibility of mishearing and misunderstanding the message or part of it. Therefore, at the end of the conversation, you need to make sure that everything is understood correctly.

Resolution of operational issues can also be carried out in the process going around the organization. This should not be a spontaneous action, but a pre-planned event that is as comprehensive as possible, aimed at achieving several goals at once.

Therefore, based on preliminary acquaintance with the information, it is necessary to determine in advance the route, departments and workplaces that need to be visited; attract, depending on the goals, those persons whose presence is mandatory (low-level managers, specialists); choose the most appropriate time and inform those with whom the conversation is to be made about the round and its purpose. When conducting a conversation with employees directly at work places You should listen to them carefully, thoroughly, “first-hand”, get acquainted with the situation and conditions of their work. In conclusion, it is necessary to analyze the results and implement practical measures to eliminate the identified shortcomings.

At organizing reception of visitors it is necessary first of all to determine its order. Visitors are divided into two groups: subordinate employees and outsiders. The former are more likely to resolve specific work issues, ask for help or complain to their immediate supervisor. The second ones come with offers. general or with complaints about the actions of personnel with which they were not satisfied; with a desire to know something; get help and advice; inform about something, etc. Here a person seeks to discuss an issue in which he is personally interested, so he himself determines the topic and subject of the conversation.

In order to streamline the reception of visitors, you should first of all separate these two streams in time, setting different days or hours of conversations for the relevant persons. Meetings with employees also need to be differentiated. To resolve production issues, they can come at any time, except during reception hours for outside visitors and certain period when the manager decides on priority matters and should not be disturbed at all (usually in the morning); No special agreement is needed for this.

It is advisable to organize meetings on personal issues V special time allocated for this. This is due to the fact that the manager must first psychologically prepare for such meetings, completely “disconnecting” from production problems. We must remember that complaints are important for subordinates, and they cannot be treated as something insignificant (you may not even solve the problem, but be sure to listen to what it is). At the same time, complainants should not be treated as traitors to someone’s interests. Usually the subject of complaints is wage, working conditions, relations within the unit, relations between units. It is better to prevent such problems, but if you cannot respond to them, you must quickly, and if you refuse to solve them, explain the reasons to your subordinates.

The manager may not have the information necessary to resolve the issue, therefore, before the “scheduled” meetings, if possible, it is necessary to find out in advance the essence of the issue with which the person will come, collect all the necessary documentation related to the case, and stock up reference books, stipulate the right to additionally familiarize yourself with the case.

It is considered advisable to accept “unscheduled” visitors from outside even after school hours, since it is unknown with what useful ideas they may come. However, if the manager has doubts about this, they can schedule a special meeting, and if the matter is really important, the person will not be too lazy to come again.

It is necessary to strictly adhere to the established days and hours of reception, and if this is not possible, assign the meeting to another person (deputy or specialist). Visitors should not be forced to wait more than 10 minutes. Otherwise, the manager himself needs to apologize for being late and, if necessary, ask to postpone the meeting (no more than 30 minutes) or reschedule it.

Before starting a conversation, you should always warn about the reserve of time, and during the conversation, create a relaxed atmosphere, give the visitor the opportunity to calmly state the essence of the problem, without expressing your attitude towards it in advance; if necessary, ask clarifying questions, support and activate the interlocutor in order to understand the visitor’s point of view and develop your own view on it.

You need to remember about the possibility of a conflict with the visitor, the reasons for which may be uncertainty or the need to hide something from him important information, humiliation, neglect, arrogance, rude behavior, negligence, inattention, disappointed expectations. The conflict should be smoothed over, if possible, so that after the meeting the visitor is left with no unpleasant memory both about the organization and about the leader who received it.

At the end of the meeting, you should support the person if his problems are justified, show readiness to help, outline in his presence specific measures to solve them, involving him in this, but do not maneuver and do not make impossible promises.

The meeting should end at the agreed time, since other visitors may be waiting outside the door, and the manager may have his own business. There are many ways you can indicate to a visitor that an appointment has expired. You can look expressively at your watch, defiantly close his papers, hand them to him and move on to others; take advantage of the help of a secretary who can “call to management”, and finally, directly report the end of a protracted conversation.


Order on carrying out walk-throughs and inspections of workplaces

To carry out walk-throughs and inspections of workplaces, including at night, and to conduct multi-stage monitoring of working conditions at workplaces, during the operation of thermal power plants, electrical installations, gas consumption networks, as well as in road transport, based on the requirements of Art. 212 " Labor Code Russian Federation", clause 9.5. GOST R 12.0.007-2009 “System of occupational safety standards. Occupational safety and health management system in the organization", clause 15. "Rules for working with personnel in electric power industry organizations of the Russian Federation"


1. From January 11, 2016, apply three-stage control of workplaces at the enterprise:

1.1. I stage. The foreman (work foreman, mechanic, engineer, etc.) visits all workplaces daily. Detected problems are corrected immediately, and if impossible, they are entered into the “Journal of walk-throughs and inspections of workplaces”, with the appointment of executors and the establishment of a deadline for eliminating the noted violations.

1.2. II stage. The head of a structural unit, together with an authorized person for labor protection, walks around workplaces once a week. The results of the inspection are entered into the “Journal of walk-throughs and inspections of workplaces”, with the appointment of performers and the establishment of a deadline for eliminating the noted violations.

1.3. III stage. The company holds a labor safety day and fire safety(Occupational Safety and Health Day). The Occupational Safety and Health Day Commission monitors the state of labor protection, fire safety, technical operation and working conditions in structural units once a month. Based on the results of the inspection, he draws up an act on the Occupational Safety and Health Day on the identified violations and issues an order to eliminate them with the appointment of responsible persons.

2. Heads of structural divisions:

— take over management and carry out three-stage control of workplaces,

- create and maintain a “Log of walk-throughs and inspections of workplaces”,

— familiarize subordinate personnel with this order against signature.

3. I reserve control over the implementation of this order.
