Literary reading, oral folk art. Russian folk songs

Subject: Oral creativity Russian people.

Goals:- introduce children to the history of riddles, proverbs and sayings;

expand children's understanding of the genres of oral folk art;

Develop cognitive activity, speech, thinking of students;

To instill interest in the study of oral folk art;

Equipment: poster with the name of the lesson topic; a flower with the names of genres of oral folk art; cards with the words “ash”, “aryk”, “year”, “sore throat”, “debt”, “bark”, “diamond”; cards with names of types of riddles; "The Tale of Bygone Years"; portrait of V.I. Dahl; crossword; board;

Progress of the lesson

I.Org. moment:

Today we have unusual activity,

We will look at some concepts.

Let's talk about genres of oral folk art.

And what’s new, let’s define:

In the garden or in the vegetable garden

The girl was walking

In the garden or in the vegetable garden

Watered the flowers.

I picked one flower

And she passed it on to our class.

And the flower is not simple -

It contains a painted petal.

II. History of riddles, types of riddles.

The petals are not simple; on each of them there are names of genres of oral folk art. Who can explain what “oral” means? folk art»?

1. – If I were asked to name the most poetic phenomenon created by man using words, I would say without hesitation: this is...

On the desk:

Read from top to bottom a word made up of the first letters of words, and from bottom to top made from last letters words.(RIDDLE)

What is a riddle?

I turned to the dictionary and found this definition there.

Puzzles- this is an allegorical image of objects and phenomena of reality or their description, which is proposed to be unraveled.

    – There are different types of riddles:

a) “It flows, it flows - it won’t flow out, it runs, it runs, it won’t run out” (river, stream)

How did you guess?

Here is a description of the object and its action. These are description riddles

On the desk: riddles - descriptions

b) - What are these riddles?

“What is the softest thing in the world?” (palm)

“What can’t a person live without?” (no name)

These are riddle questions.

On the desk: riddles-questions

c) -There is another type of riddle:

On the desk: riddles - tasks

These are not just riddles that look like problems from a textbook, but riddles that require quick wits.

A hunter was walking. I saw three crows on a tree and shot. I killed one. How many crows are left on the tree?

3.- Riddle is one of the oldest genres of oral poetry; its origin lies in antiquity, about which we have little information.

Most scientists associate the emergence of riddles with a fairly common phenomenon in the life of the ancients - secret speech.

There is a lot of evidence that our ancestors actively used secret speech.

It was used not only in military affairs, but also in everyday life. economic life.

For example, the Slavs had a custom when a daughter-in-law (son's wife) had to remain silent for the first time; her name was not to be spoken in the house. This was done so that the deceased ancestors, knowing the language of their clan, would not understand that a “stranger” person had come to their clan, family.

In the 19th century, some fragments of such speeches were recorded. For example, what does this phrase mean:

“Fidget - from fidgeting! Take a shelopen and a pop!” All in all:

“The pot is boiling! Take the grip and put it out!”

    – Most of the mysteries arose a long time ago, but when exactly is difficult to determine. But there are mysteries whose appearance time we can determine almost exactly.

For example, here's a riddle:

In the new wall, in the round window, the glass was broken during the day, but replaced during the night. (Ice hole)

The riddle appeared no earlier than the 18th century: it was then that glass began to actively enter the everyday life of the people.

III. The history of the origin of proverbs and sayings.

On the desk: A mother's heart warms better than the sun.

Those who are good at reading and writing will not be lost.

On the other side, the Motherland is doubly dear.

What are these proposals?

Explain the meaning.

Proverbs and sayings - ancient genres folk art. They are known to all peoples of the world, including those who lived a long time ago, before our era - ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans.

The earliest ancient Russian monuments reported information about the existence of proverbs and sayings among our ancestors.

The Tale of Bygone Years, an ancient chronicle, records a number of proverbs:

“The place does not go to the head, but the head does not go to the place.”

"Don't oppress bees for honey don't eat."

Scientists believe that the first proverbs were associated with the need to consolidate some advice, rules, laws in the human mind.

IV. Other genres of folk art.

- In addition to riddles, proverbs and sayings, there are other genres of oral folk art.

Jokes- These are rhymed expressions, most often of humorous content, used to decorate speech.

“We are close people, we will eat from the same bowl.”

They used to like to joke about the inhabitants of a certain area. Ryazan residents, for example, were mocked for their “yak” speech in this way:

“In Ryazan we have big eyesores; take them - they look.”

Eat sentences. These are also rhyming sayings, but they talk about something serious in life.

For example, they said, teaching careless farmers: “If you throw oats into the mud, you will be a prince, but you love rye when it’s ready.”

Fables- poetic miniatures that reproduce something for teaching purposes life situation. They are often dialogues.

Fedul, why are you pouting your lips?

The caftan burned through.

You can sew...

Yes, there is no needle.

How big is the hole?

One gate remains.

V. IN AND. Dahl is a collector of words.

Back in the 18th century, Russian scientists and writers paid attention to folklore genres, and since then they have been carefully studied. Scientists began to collect them and publish them.

On the desk: Vladimir Ivanovich Dal (1801-1872)

This is a name I think you've heard of. And few people know what kind of person this is.

Vladimir Ivanovich Dal is an outstanding figure of Russian culture, a person extraordinary life and diverse talents. He graduated from Marine cadet corps and was an officer; studied at the medical faculty of the University of Dorpat (in Estonia) and wrote textbooks on botany and zoology, which were used in gymnasiums and universities. He was also a writer, his essays, stories, fairy tales, stories were published under the name of Cossack Lugansky. V.I. Dal was friends with A.S. Pushkin; N.V. Gogol admired his knowledge of the life of the people, language, wrote that every line written by V.I. Dahlem, “teaches and admonishes.”

In the history of Russian culture V.I. Dahl remained not only as a writer, but above all as a major collector. Throughout his life he wrote words down. He owns the enormous work “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” in four solid volumes.

IN AND. Dahl also compiled the largest collection of proverbs and sayings - “Proverbs of the Russian People”. It includes over thirty thousand folk sayings.

VI. Generalization.

Guys, look, not all of the flower’s petals are open. This means that there are also other genres of oral folk art. And we will find out by solving the crossword puzzle.

On the desk:

Questions: 1. Determine the genre.

“See trees for their fruits, and see people for their deeds.”

2. Determine the genre.

"Hump jump."

3. “In order to start the game, you need to know its rules; to play hide and seek, you need to choose a driver.” What genre of oral folk art do you use?

4. Determine the genre.

“He sleeps during the day,

Flies at night

And there are enough mice" (Owl)

5. What are the names of children's song appeals to the sun, rainbow, rain, birds, spring?

6. Determine the genre.

“Like along a river, along a river

The redhead was riding a bull.

The redhead asked:

What did you use to dye your beard?

I am not paint, not brushing brush,

I was lying in the sun

He kept his beard up."

VII. Summary of the lesson.

What genre name is encrypted?

I want to say that you are great at folklore genres. Well done! Thanks for the work!


Literary reading

Subject: Folklore

(Russian School - 2nd grade)

Grunskaya Elena Nikolaevna

Highly qualified teacher

Gulkevichsky district

Krasnodar region

Literary reading

Subject: Folklore

Target: introduce one of the forms of communication in Russian peasant settlements.

Tasks : form a holistic perception children's folklore, develop memory, horizons, emotional sphere of the child, cultivate respect for the national artistic heritage, the desire to preserve it as a priceless treasury of beauty.

During the classes.

(A recording of the melody of a calm folk song sounds).

“Oh, you, guests, are beautiful girls and kind fellows!

Listen and watch!

Don't say you haven't heard of it

And we didn’t even see the view!

We invite you all to get together!

Welcome guests gather here!”

In the old days there was such a custom in Rus': when they finished their work, they whiled away the autumn days winter evenings together, they organized get-togethers to look at people and show themselves off. Some sit at embroidery, some at knitting, some sharpen wooden spoons, some sew, and the youth sing and dance. It was fun, and we gathered today in our class for a get-together. We will tell riddles, listen to fairy tales, and pronounce tongue twisters. We will conduct a lesson in the form of an oral journal “Oral Folk Art”.

Open the first page. Puzzles

What is a riddle? That's right, this is an expression that needs to be solved.

(Guessing riddles on slides)

Maybe one of the guys wants to ask some riddles.

(Children ask riddles to each other)

A riddle is a tricky question. Its main purpose is to reveal how quick-witted and smart a person is. By conviction primitive hunter, cattle breeder, plowman, in the field, in the forest, on the water, in the home - anywhere and everywhere, a person is constantly faced with a hostile conscious force that sends failure, fire, disease. This force must be outwitted, and for this one must be able to conduct secret conditional speech. Without knowledge of this conventional speech, the young man could not become a full member of his clan. Therefore, he was given tests of wisdom.

In fairy tales, the princess marries the one who managed to solve the riddles.

Among the ancient Greeks, telling riddles was equated with martial arts. According to legends and legends, those who did not guess the riddle could pay with their lives.

Open the second page. Tongue Twisters

What is a tongue twister? A tongue twister is a phrase with a difficult-to-pronounce selection of sounds that must be pronounced quickly, without stuttering. These are small poems, but with a secret. The secret of a tongue twister is that it selects sounds and syllables, the rapid pronunciation of which leads to an error.

(Children pronounce tongue twisters written on the slides with different intonations: with a questioning intonation, with surprise, with fear).

Open the third page. Tales

Do you hear someone knocking?

These are tall tales in their faces.

Those who sit in dungeons and bright rooms

They crack nuts and repeat ridicule.

Fables are tales built on the absurd. They are small in volume and often take the form of rhythmic prose. Their function is to captivate the upcoming fairy tale. Fables represent special genre folklore, which is found among all nations as independent work or as part of a fairy tale, buffoon, bylichka, epic. Fables cheerfully teach you to distinguish between reality and fantasy, develop your imagination, and paint unusual, unprecedented pictures of life.

(Children read fables by role).

Open the fourth page. Proverbs.

These little wise sayings have taught and educated an entire generation for centuries. The proverb speaks about the most essential thing in human life. I wanted to remember them. But poetry is remembered better than prose. Therefore, the people honed their proverbs so that they became similar to poetic lines. The proverb does not express the thoughts of individuals, but a mass popular assessment of a particular phenomenon. She became winged because there is something about her that allows many to recognize her as theirs. The proverb is short, it does not contain unnecessary words, every word is weighty, meaningful, precise.

(Children read proverbs and explain their meaning).

Open the fifth page. Epics.

A long time ago, when cars and trains did not travel on the earth, people who were called storytellers walked from village to village, from city to city, and their stories were epics. Storytellers usually mastered one or two melodies, accompanied by which they performed all the epics known to them. Storytellers enjoyed special respect as very talented people with exceptional memory. They often knew tens of thousands of poems by heart. The skill of telling epics took years to learn. It was passed down from parents to children, who knew them from childhood, but recited them for others in old age.

Imagine a gray-haired old man sitting surrounded by people listening attentively to him. His fingers lightly touch the strings of the harp lying on his lap. A slow, smooth, calm melody flows. The singer-storyteller begins his tale about ancient Rus', about ancient times.

We are telling the story

About old things

What about the old, experienced,

So that the sea calms down,

So that good people will listen.

So that the guys think about it!

Bylinas were composed as poetry, but fairy tales were also written about heroes, heroes of epics. They were called heroic. At the same time, originality was preserved in epithets and comparisons.

What Russian heroes do you know?

The famous Russian artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov created the painting “Bogatyrs”. He wrote it for almost twenty years. Who do you see in the picture?

In the center of a group of heroes - brothers-in-arms main character Ilya Muromets. To the left of Ilya is the princely warrior Dobrynya Nikitich. He is all impulse and courage. On the right is the youngest hero - Alyosha Popovich - crafty, savvy, dexterous and resourceful.

What unites the heroes? The heroes are powerful and fair, courageous and united. They are shown by the artist at the moment of patrol. They protect the peace of this land. Withered steppe feather grass, the golden mane of Alyosha Popovich's horse, dark green hills, dark silhouette heroic horse of Ilya Muromets, they answer ideological content the idea of ​​the painting. And only Dobrynya Nikitich’s snow-white horse and white clouds introduce an element of anxiety.

Three heroes vigilantly stand guard over the Russian land. The number three among the people had the meaning of plurality, therefore the three heroes standing at the outpost and vigilantly guarding the Russian land are perceived as if the whole people were protecting their land.

What did the heroes become famous for?

Nikitich He became famous for defeating the Fiery Serpent in a difficult battle, freeing many people from captivity, and among them the niece of Prince Vladimir - Zabava Putyatichna.

At a feast at Prince Vladimir's Alesha Popovich saves the prince's wife Apraxia from Tugarin Zmeevich, and the Russian people from incredible hardships and taxes.

Ilya Muromets - the most popular hero of epics, a mighty hero.

He eats three balls of bread and drinks three copper coins' worth. However, he always wins, in all battles and fights. Death in battle is not written for him. Ilya protects his native land. Where possible, he tries to avoid bloodshed. He does not hit his enemies, but before their eyes he breaks into pieces a multi-grafted oak tree with his heroic club, and the enemies, frightened by his strength, scatter.

A tenth of the epics is dedicated to Ilya Muromets.

Oddly enough, Ilya Muromets appeared later than his epic younger comrades Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich. His homeland is the city of Murom, the village of Karacharovo.

The peasant son, the sick Ilya, “sat sitting on the stove for 30 years and three years.” One day, wanderers came to the house, “walking kaliki.” They healed Elijah, giving him heroic strength. From now on, he is a hero who is destined to serve the city of Kyiv and Prince Vladimir. On the way to Kyiv, Ilya defeats the Nightingale the Robber, puts him in a Toroki and takes him to the princely court.

(Children tell the heroic tale “Ilya Muromets”)

Open the last page. Fairy tales.

Everyone loves fairy tales, even adults. From the early childhood we hear fairy tales. When you were little, your mother and father told you fairy tales, and then you went to school and learned to read them yourself. Reading fairy tales, you penetrate into the wonderful, mysterious, mysterious world. In fairy tales, the most incredible miracles happen: either the Serpent Gorynych carries away the beautiful princess to his domain, or the apple tree rewards the hardworking girl with golden apples, or the cunning fox deceives everyone.

(Competition “Guess the Fairy Tale”)

Listening to the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats.”

Lesson summary.


LESSON OBJECTIVES: 1. Expand children’s knowledge about Russian oral folk


2. Contribute to the development of interest in studying these


3. Develop children's creative abilities, their memory,


4. Contribute to the education of patriotic feelings,

instill a love for Russian oral folk




(The lesson begins with the children singing the Russian folk song “Kalinka-Malinka”).

So unusually, with the wonderful Russian folk song “Kalinka-Malinka”, our lesson dedicated to Russian oral folk art begins.

Russian oral folk art arose in ancient times, when there was no written language. It includes different types works: ritual songs, fairy tales, proverbs, riddles, epics, ditties, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters - you can’t list everything. All these works are called folklore.

So what is “folklore”? what does this word say about explanatory dictionary Ozhegova?(Children read the definition of the word in the dictionary)

How were these works passed down from generation to generation?

Passed on from generation to generation folk wisdom, and this continuity may be interrupted if you and I forget how to sing folk songs, ditties, play folk games, appreciate your past. Today we will fill this wonderful box with wonderful creations of the Russian people.


On book exhibition and on your tables I see many books, from which you probably learned with interest and surprise that it turns out that oral folk art accompanies us all our lives.

And in fact, you were born and Russian lullabies began to sound over your cradle.

(Girls shake their dolls and sing):

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,

Don't lie on the edge!

will come gray top,

He will grab the barrel.

Kitty, kitty, cat,

Kitty, little gray tail!

Come, cat, spend the night,

Rock my baby

Lull you to sleep!

The child stretches and is told:

Pulls, pulls, stretches!

For a teenage daughter,

You grow healthy all the time,

Like wheat dough.

Finger hurts:

The fox is in pain

U bear of pain,

And Petenka’s pains

Go beyond the mountains!

They bathe the child and say:

Water is off a goose, water off a swan,

And from my child all the thinness -

To the empty forest, to clean water,

Under the rotten deck!

They speak strictly:

Don't go beyond the village

Yaga is there with a broom.

Don't walk in the dark -

There is fear in the bushes.

Caresses his daughter:

Oh, you, my girl,

Sweet candy,

Lilac branch!

How do they play with children? You probably didn’t even know that these, it turns out, are all folk songs, nursery rhymes, jokes.

Okay, okay!

Let's bake pancakes.

We’ll put it on the window and let it cool down.

The sparrows flew in and ate all the pancakes.

Shoo! And they flew away! They sat on the head.

Do you remember the nursery rhyme about the thieving magpie? Come on, all together!

Thief Magpie!

She cooked porridge and fed the children:

Gave to this, gave to this,

And the smallest one gets a bump under his sock.

And with what pleasure little children learn by heart these nursery rhymes:

Water, water!

Wash my face!

To make your eyes sparkle,

To make your cheeks burn,

To make your mouth laugh,

So that the tooth bites!

A lot of folk songs dedicated to animals:

Kitty - Murysenka,

Where were you?

At the mill!

Kitty - Murysenka,

What were you doing there?

I ground flour.

Kitty - Murysenka,

What kind of flour did you bake with?


Kitty - Murysenka,

Who did you eat gingerbread with?


Don't eat alone!

Don't eat alone!

And how cheerful the song about the cow sounds. Come on guys, sing it.

Oh how I love my little cow,

I'll pour some rich swill for the cow!

Eat your fill, my Burenushka,

So that you give cream to the kids!

The children are growing up and playing with friends in the yard begins. How can you manage the game without a counter? Come on, kids, in a circle!

One two three four five!

The bunny went out for a walk.

Suddenly the hunter runs out,

He shoots straight at the bunny.

Bang! Pow! Missed!

The gray bunny ran away.

And what wonderful Russian folk games your grandmothers played: lapta, burners and many others.

We played, kids, had a rest, and now let's tell tales, jokes, jokes.

Hello, godfather!

Yes, it was on the market.

Are you deaf?

I bought a rooster!

Goodbye, godfather!

She gave me five rubles!

Fedul, why are you pouting your lips?

Yes, he burned the caftan!

You can sew it up.

There is no needle.

How big is the hole?

One collar remains.

And how many chattering and tongue twisters the Russian people have come up with! Let's honor them.

(Children read tongue twisters)

Well, you can’t talk through all the tongue twisters, you can’t talk over all the tongue twisters. It's time to get down to business. After all, hard work in Rus' has long been accompanied by songs.

(Girls sing the Russian folk song “I have already sowed, I have sowed flax”,

accompanying her movements)

Wow, tired! And now the circle is wider! Funny ditties! Smolensk! Tver! Kostroma! Ryazan!

Oh, stomp your foot, stomp your right one.

I'll go dance anyway

Even if it’s small!

I didn't want to dance

And I was shy about the guys.

And the harmonica began to play -

I couldn't resist!

I walked through the village

And I saw Vanyusha.

I sat and cried under a bush,

The chicken offended me.

I danced with three legs

Lost my boots.

Looked back -

My boots are down!

A hedgehog sits on a birch tree

White shirt,

Boots on my head,

There's a cap on my leg!

There is a cart on the mountain,

Tears are dripping from the arc.

There is a cow under the mountain,

Puts on boots.

There are two flowers on the window

Blue and scarlet.

I'm a fighting boy

Although small in stature.

Don't stand at the gate

Don't wave your cap.

I won't go for a walk anyway

With such a little one.

And how many proverbs, riddles, sayings the Russian people came up with. Let's remember them.

( Children call Russians folk proverbs, sayings,

tell each other riddles)

The origins of Russian folklore go back centuries. From time immemorial man believed in magical power words With them he conjured nature, turning to the sun, earth, wind, water for help:

The sun is a bucket,

Look out the window.

Your children are crying

They jump on the pebbles.

The Russian people have always celebrated their calendar holidays ritual songs. In villages and villages, there was a custom on the eve of the New Year to go around peasants' yards and sing congratulatory songs - carols. Boys, girls, children, and in some villages, elderly peasants caroled separately. The children came to sing carols wearing masks of various animals. Some carolers had large canvas bags, others held long cues - sticks in their hands. The ringleader with a bell imitated a carol. They walked in a crowd through the village and sang:

So we go, Generous evening, And we’ll take it,

We are already wandering around. Good evening, We will take - buy -

Along the streets, Good people All balls, all hot.

Along the back streets. For the whole evening!

Approaching one of the houses, they knocked on the gate with cues and asked the owners:

Come on, auntie,

You, swan, give it to me.

Give me some pie -

Wide as a mitten.

Give it to me, don't break it

And don't lose the filling.

Don't be stingy

When, finally, the owners brought out treats for the carolers: wheat or rye cakes, lard, bread, they wished them happiness and prosperity in the New Year:

Good luck to you, host and hostess!

Happy New Year! With all the family!

And what wonderful tales composed by the Russian people! What kind of Russians? folk tales did you bring it with you?

Let's remember the fairy tales that you yourself composed. After all, they are also Russian folk tales.(Children read their fairy tales).

Here is this collection “Wonderful Box”, from which we took a lot of useful and interesting material, compiled by Georgy Markovich Naumenko, and he recorded many of his works in the Smolensk region.


So our wonderful box is full. What did we fill it with? (Russian songs, nursery rhymes, jokes, tongue twisters, proverbs, riddles, fables).

How can we call all these works in one word?

Many of you, I think, will want to read the works you heard in class. These books are in front of you at the book exhibition and on your desks. By reading them, you will learn the history of the Russian people and feel the beauty of Russian folklore.

Pay attention to the words of the Russian poet Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov: “Russian songs, legends, proverbs...Finally, Russian fairy tales are the memory of our long past, the repository of Russian wisdom.”

Carry your love for Russian oral folk art throughout your life. Give it not only to yours younger brothers and sisters, but also to their children and even grandchildren.

The lesson is over.

Subject: literary reading

Class: 2 in

Lesson topic: " Russian oral folk art"

Lesson type: combined lessongeneral methodological orientation, LESSON- a game,

Teacher: Kormilina Irina Nikolaevna

Equipment : presentation, glue, models, diagrams, clarity (flower), handouts with tasks.


    observation of works of Russian oral folk art of various genres (the term “folklore”; acquaintance with some new genres);

    development creativity children, their memory, attention, imagination;

    promote the development of interest in oral folk art; enrichment of speech, intonation;

    improve collective forms work.

Lesson objectives aimed at achieving personal learning outcomes : development of skills of cooperation with peers, the ability not to create conflicts and find ways out of controversial situations; development of goodwill, independence; instilling a love for Russian literature.

Lesson objectives aimed at achieving meta subject results training : development cognitive abilities students; expansion and enrichment of the reader's vocabulary; exercise mutual control in joint activities.

Lesson objectives aimed at achieving subject learning outcomes: formation of conscious correctness, expressive reading and storytelling; the ability to express one’s attitude to what is read and heard; ability to use reference sources to obtain additional information.

During the classes

I. Mobilizing stage of the lesson. Organizing time.

What unusual did you notice at the beginning of our lesson?

Our lesson began unusually, with a wonderful Russian folk song “How Our Girlfriends Went.”

Today we will have an unusual lesson. I think that you will help me with this. I hope that you are in a good mood, and if not, then let's improve it. Improves mood - smiling. Smile at your neighbor to your left and right. Touch your neighbor's palms with your palms.How did you feel when you greeted each other? (Warm)Slide 1 (sun)

Now we are all in a good mood and we can get to work.

Let's maintain a warm atmosphere throughout the lesson, perhaps a miracle will happen...

II. Introductory conversation.

1.(I open the board, the word “folklore” is closed) -

Guys, from our Have a good mood A magical flower bloomed in our class.

Let's read the name of the petals together.

What unites everything that is written on the petals of a flower?(This is UPR, namely small genres of UNT)

- What do you know about CNT)

Abakhin S. Oral folk art arose in ancient times, when there was no written language. Oral folk art amuses, sings, entertains, amuses, and teaches. It includes different types of works. Songs, fairy tales, proverbs, riddles. Epics, nursery rhymes, ditties, tongue twisters - you can’t list everything.

2. - Formulate the topic of our lesson today. "Folklore"Slide

How can you name all these works in one word?? (Folklore) I open the core of the flower.

- All these works are oral folk art or folklore.

Since you will be working in groups and in pairs, let's discuss the rules for working together.

Discussing the rules of joint activities:

A) work together; be attentive to each other, polite, not distracted by unrelated matters, do not interfere with each other, provide assistance in a timely manner, follow the instructions of elders;
B) complete tasks in a timely manner, finish what you start, keep track of time;
C) perform quality work, observe safety precautions, and save material;
D) each member of the group must be able to defend the common cause and his own in particular

So, the second section of our textbook is devoted to folk wisdom.

Page 15 (reading from the textbook “Pay Attention”)

How do you understand the word “folk wisdom”?

How were these works passed down from generation to generation?

Trofimova D. These works are living memory people. From generation to generation, from grandfathers to grandchildren, folk wisdom is passed on, and this thread can break, be interrupted if we forget how to sing folk songs, ditties, play folk games, and appreciate our past.

That’s why today we will try to remind this wonderful box (by the way, also folk art) with the wonderful creations of the Russian people.

III. Observation of works of Russian oral folk art.

When do you think was the first time in your life that you came across oral folk art?

Kiryanova P. Oral folk art accompanies us all our lives. And indeed, we were born, and lullabies began to sound over our cradle. It’s our mothers who sing them to us so that we can sleep sweetly.Slide

The words in them are gentle, melodious, and there are no sharp explosive sounds. Such songs most often feature cooing ghouls, homely swallows, and a comfortably purring cat. These songs talk about peace and quiet.

What lullabies do you know?

Let's sing this lullaby.Try rocking this doll.Who wants? And we will all help. Well done!

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,

Don't lie on the edge

The little gray wolf will come,

He will grab the barrel.

2. Kitty, kitty, cat,

Kitty is a gray tail.

Come, kitty, spend the night.

Come and pump Vasenka.

How am I for you, cat?

I'll pay for the work -

I'll give you a piece of the pie

And a jug of milk.

What are the names of the songs that the people composed?

When did people use these songs? (at work, at home, on vacation)

IV . Working from the textbook

1). Getting to know the work

One of the works of folklore, namely one of the small genres of CNT, is the song.

Listening to a folk song (teacher reads, children follow the text). And then we will play the game “Artists-Musicians”)

2) Working with the text of the work. Reading the song in parts.

    Completing assignments in the textbook assignments 1 and 2.

    Working with illustrations

    How the artist showed that it was Russian folk song?

    What colors did you choose? Why?

Selective reading: Which lines fit the illustration? (1-4)

    Cover modeling

We have the illustration, but what else do we need to do? (model)

Select the desired shape and stick it on Blank sheet paper.


A) copyright

B) title

B) genre, theme

(Peer check) – work in pairs.

Slide check


_Show emoticons

(Who has it right, who has it wrong!

5) Work in a notebook ( vocabulary work)

    How do you understand the word silk?

    Do we say this in everyday speech?

    Why is the emphasis used in this position?(is a song)

3) Assignment in notebook p. 3 No. 2 Mutual verification.

Physical exercise. Musical.

How are you? - Like this!

Are you swimming? - Like this!

How are you running? - Like this!

Are you looking into the distance? - Like this!

Are you looking forward to lunch? - Like this!

Are you waving after me? - Like this!

Do you sleep in the morning? - Like this!

Are you naughty? - Like this!

Today at the lesson we first came across the song with which we entered the class, a lullaby, a Russian folk song “I walked from mountain to mountain...” All this is oral folk art. We will put these songs in our box.

Slide - Parents often use interesting words, sayings, nursery rhymes.

And also, for example, they bathe a child and say:

Water is off a goose, water off a swan,

And my child is all thin.

What do you think they wish for the child when they say such words?

Row tasks. Now you and I will try to be someone’s parents, and someone’s son or daughter. You can distribute the roles among yourself (which of you is a child and which of you is a parent).

In the 1st row there will be such a situation - the child’s finger hurts. The text that will help you is on your desk.

The fox is in pain

The bear is in pain

And Petenka’s pains

Go beyond the mountains.

The 2nd row also has an interesting situation - your child went somewhere without permission, he needs to be punished and scolded somehow. The text will help you.

Don't go beyond the village

Yaga is there with a broom.

Don't walk in the dark -

There is fear in the bushes.

The 3rd row is the most pleasant situation - mom or dad admires their daughter, saying the following words (they are on your desks)

Oh, you, my girl,

golden squirrel,

Sweet candy,

Lilac branch.

Think about what gestures you can add.

Discussion: What were nursery rhymes and sentences used for?

Fromnursery rhymes it became easier for us, and the children became obedient. Let's also put these nursery rhymes in our box.

. There is time for business, ... an hour for fun, says the Russian (what?) proverb.

Oh what did I say?

1. I want to see how well you know proverbs. Many proverbs consist of two parts. I will tell you the first part of the proverb, and you must continue it, maybe in chorus.

Patience and work -

Learning is light, not learning -

Don't rush with your tongue - hurry with your actions...

2. The next task (Task in pairs) is to compose a proverb from the proposed words connected in pairs. (4 people - 2 desks)

Labor - a pond

Time for fun

Brod - water

Business - Boldly

Ride - carry

100 rubles - 100 friends


Well done, you know the proverbs well.

Guys, what is a proverb? Draw a conclusion.

Lyashchenko D. A proverb is a piece of folklore. The proverb advises, teaches, insists, warns. People respect proverbs and often use them in their speech. This makes their speech vivid and figurative.

We will also put them in our box.

Slide Sometimes we don’t even realize that we are encountering oral folk art. For example, when we play with small children. It turns out that such games as “Ladushki”, “The Horned Goat is Coming”, “Magpie” are all oral folk art. But you are already adults and you are not interested in playing such games. But there are a lot of interesting Russian folk games that your grandparents played. They have reached us too."Lapta", "At the Bear in the Forest" and many others. Let's learn a Russian folk game today in class. Everyone stand in a circle. The game is called "Grandfather Mazai".

Usually Russian folk games were accompanied by some words. There are certain words in this game too. One driver is selected - Grandfather Mazai. He stands in a circle. All the guys say:

Hello, Grandfather Mazai, get out into the sun, that is. we invite him to play.

D.M. - Hello, kids, where were you, what were you doing?

- We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did.

(we agree in advance and show some actions, for example, how to sweep the floors).

We lose 2 times.

We will also put this game in our wonderful box.

Slide We played, rested, and now let's return to our flower.

And how many tongue twisters have the Russian people come up with?

Does anyone know any tongue twisters?

Now let's say this tongue twister, but not just, but

    with surprise, Think about how a person is surprised.

    with joy, Think how a person rejoices

    with sadness. Think about how sad the person is.

Our box is gradually being replenished!

All primitive peoples had a ritual of initiating boys into full members of the clan - hunters. The child had to show intelligence and intelligence in solving riddles. What's happenedmystery?

Slide - Mystery - This is a short allegorical description of an object or phenomenon.

??? Competition in rows “Guess the riddle” (children tell each other riddles)

Slide -And what wonderful fairy tales the Russian people have written!

Everyone knows the love of A.S. Pushkin to Russian fairy tales. “What a delight these fairy tales are! Each one is a poem!” - he wrote from Mikhailovsky. By the way, his wonderful fairy tales are based on folk fairy tales.

Let's see how well you know Russian folk tales. What fairy tale? we're talking about?

1. The beautiful maiden is sad...

She doesn't like spring

It's hard for her in the sun,

The poor thing is shedding tears.

(Snow Maiden)

2. And the road is far,

And the basket is not easy,

I would like to sit on a tree stump,

I would like to eat a pie.

(Masha and the Bear)

3. The little goats opened the door

And... everyone disappeared somewhere.

(The wolf and the seven Young goats)

6. Didn’t lie on the window -

Rolled along the path...


This fairy tale will be discussed now. You met her when you were very young. Now we will remember and tell the fairy tale “Kolobok”, and not just, but with what task.

1. Tell the story from the beginning until the moment when Kolobok jumped from the window on behalf of the grandmother, i.e. if you were a grandma.

I’ll help: “My grandfather once asked me...”

2. Tell the episode of the meeting between the wolf and the kolobok on behalf of the wolf.

I’ll help: “I’m walking or walking through the forest somehow...”

3. Tell a fairy tale from the moment the bun meets the fox, if you were a fox

I’ll help: “I see...”

??? The next task is called “Fairytale Houses”. Remember what houses they live in? fairy-tale heroes? (teremok, hut on chicken legs, mitten-teremok, jug-teremok, palace), etc. For this work, you can team up in two desks. You will need to depict some kind of fairytale house and say for whom you “built” this house.

IV. Creative homework.

At home, you will need to come up with gratitude for the “built house” on behalf of the hero who lives in this house.

V. Summing up.

We tried to fill our wonderful box.

What did we fill it with?

What are all these works called in one word?

But, of course, we will not be able to completely fill our box in such a short time. Look how much is left on the board. As you grow up, you will become familiar with these and other types of folklore.

Game "I Know" Children name the genre of folklore that was discussed in class.

VI .Lesson summary. Reflection.

1) Continue the sentence:

Today in class I...

2) Use emoji circles to show what your mood is...

3) There is a flower on the board, decorate it with your own flowers, but to do this, color them in different colors:

Red – I really enjoyed the lesson, I worked with pleasure

Green - I liked the lesson, but I didn’t work in full force

Yellow – it was difficult to work in class

Carry, guys, your love for Russian oral folk art throughout your life, give it to your younger brothers and sisters, you probably have or will have them.

Thanks everyone for the lesson.

  • What is oral folk art? Tell us using supporting words.
    author-people, word of mouth, dream of happiness, small folklore works, fairy tales (about animals, everyday life, magic), magic items, fabulous transformations.

Oral folk art is small folklore works created by nameless authors and passed on from mouth to mouth. A fairy tale is one of oldest species oral folk art. Fairy tales are divided into magical, everyday, and about animals. Since the storytellers were simple people, they saved and passed on to each other only those stories that corresponded to their ideas about beauty, goodness, honesty, justice and nobility of soul, and carried a dream of happiness. Events in the fairy tale occur in such a way as to repeatedly test the hero: his strength, courage, kindness, love for people and animals. Therefore, the hero is often rescued fairy tale items and wonderful transformations.

  • Complete your statement. Find the information you need in a reference book, encyclopedia or the Internet.

Oral folk art - works created by anonymous authors and passed on from mouth to mouth. Songs, fairy tales, epics, proverbs, sayings, riddles - these are all works of oral folk art. In ancient times they were composed talented people from the people, but we don’t know their names, because beautiful songs, fascinating tales, wise proverbs were not written down, but were passed down orally from one person to another, from one generation to another. When telling a fairy tale or performing a song, each storyteller or singer added something of his own, omitted something, changed something, so that the fairy tale became even more entertaining and the song even more beautiful. That is why we say that the author of songs, epics, fairy tales, proverbs, ditties, riddles is the people themselves. Getting to know the treasures of folk poetry helps us get to know our Motherland more deeply.

  • What types of folk art do you know?

Fairy tales, riddles, chants, fables, epics, tales, songs, tongue twisters, nursery rhymes, proverbs, sayings.

  • With a friend, make a list of books that can be placed in the Folk Art exhibition.

Russian folk tales. Proverbs and sayings. Puzzles. Nursery rhymes and jokes. Folk lyrical songs. Legends. Epics. Spiritual poems. Ballads. Jokes. Ditties. Tales. Tongue Twisters. Lullabies.

  • Prepare a story about one of the folk crafts of Russia (Gzhel, Khokhloma, Dymkovo toy). Perhaps in the place where you live, some other type of folk art is developed. Prepare a message about him, first draw up a plan for your story.

Dymkovo toy

Dymkovo toy is one of the Russian folk clay art crafts. It arose in the trans-river settlement of Dymkovo, near the city of Vyatka (now in the territory of the city of Kirov). This is one of the oldest crafts in Russia, which arose in the 15th-16th centuries. For four centuries, the Dymkovo toy reflected the life and lifestyle many generations of masters. The appearance of the toy is associated with spring holiday Whistling, to which the female population of the Dymkovo settlement sculpted clay whistles in the form of horses, rams, goats, ducks and other animals; they were painted different bright colors. Later, when the holiday lost its significance, the fishery not only survived, but also gained further development. Dymkovo toy - product self made. Each toy is the creation of one master. Making a toy from modeling to painting is a creative process that is never repeated. There are not and cannot be two absolutely identical products. To produce the Dymkovo toy, local bright red clay is used, thoroughly mixed with fine brown river sand. The figures are sculpted in parts, individual parts collected and finished using liquid red clay as a binding material. Traces of molding are smoothed out to give the product a smooth surface. For four hundred s extra years existence and development of the Dymkovo fishery in it have developed traditional themes, plots and images, found display and consolidation means of expression, inherent in very plastic red pottery clay, simple ( geometric pattern) painting patterns in which red, yellow, blue predominate, green colors. Halftones and imperceptible transitions are generally alien to the Dymkovo toy. All of it is an overflowing fullness of the feeling of the joy of life. The bright, elegant Dymkovo toy does not like “loneliness”. Often the craftswomen of the Dymkovo craft create entire thematic compositions in which there is a place for both people and animals, both animate and inanimate objects. Not only a person, a horse, a dog or a deer can appear before the audience, but also a tree, a decorative fence, a carriage, a sleigh, a Russian stove... In the 19th century, from 30 to 50 families of toymakers lived and worked in the settlement of Dymkovo. Entire dynasties were formed - Nikulins, Penkins, Koshkins... The shape and proportions, color and ornament of their products had their own characteristics. At this time, Dymkovo toys were single figures of people, animals, birds, whistles, carrying ancient images - people’s ideas about the world. The Dymkovo toy has become one of the symbols Kirov region, emphasizing the originality of the Vyatka region and its ancient history.