Draw a squirrel with a tree and golden nuts. How to draw a squirrel with a pencil

In this lesson we will look at how to draw a fairy tale by Pushkin, how to draw a fairy tale about Tsar Saltan with a pencil step by step. Let's draw 2 illustrations for the fairy tale. The Tale of Tsar Saltan is a fairy tale based on which there are many cartoons and films. It is quite long, about how the king met the queen, she bore him a son when he was at war and sent him a messenger so that he would be happy. However, the envious people sent another messenger and in the letter it was written that the queen gave birth to either a son, or a daughter, or an unprecedented animal. The king believed and became angry. He sent another messenger with an answer. However, the same envious people sent their own and said that the princess and her child should be placed in a barrel and thrown into the ocean. This is the episode we will draw. Then we’ll draw the second episode, which talks about a squirrel that lives in a crystal castle and a golden walnut shell.

So, let's start with a squirrel and end with an ocean with a barrel, where the Princess sits and her son, who is growing by leaps and bounds.

Here is a screenshot from a Soviet cartoon, but we won’t paint the whole picture.

Draw a house like this, use a ruler to make it even. Those. Draw a rectangle, a triangle on top, and a rectangle on the sides. Then on the outside we separate the columns, draw the entrance and instead of a staircase there will be just a descent, a squirrel will sit on the upper compartment.

Here is a finished drawing of a crystal castle with a squirrel based on Pushkin’s fairy tale “The Tale of Tsar Salatan.”

Now let's draw the episode. when a barrel floats on the sea, and there are the Princess and her son Tsarevich.

On the right side of the sheet we draw waves.

Then a barrel.

We detail the barrel and draw a line, because part of the barrel is in water.

Draw a wave, just use curvature to depict it.

We erase part of the barrel under the wave and finish painting the splashes, the horizon, and the wave on the left.

Now you can paint over it.

You can use watercolor or gouache paints.

Squirrels are considered one of the favorite and cutest animals. They are small and fluffy, which attracts people. These animals are also friendly and quite often make contact, accepting a variety of treats. They like to use the image of a squirrel in cartoons, which children like. That's why learn to draw a squirrel It will be not only useful, but interesting. Let's find out soon how to draw a squirrel with a simple pencil using a step-by-step lesson.

Tools and materials:

  1. White sheet of paper.
  2. Eraser.
  3. A hard pencil.
  4. Soft simple pencil.

Stages of work:

Photo 1. Using a hard pencil, draw two identical circles whose edges touch. These figures will serve as the basis for the squirrel's body:

Photo 2. From the bottom circle we will begin to draw the femoral part of the squirrel’s body. The left line will have a large bend due to the special shape of the animal's body. The right line will be shorter, it touches the tail:

Photo 3. From the top circle we will draw the animal’s face, and add long ears on top. One ear will go behind the other because the animal is sitting sideways - in profile:

Photo 4. At the top we will draw a wavy curve of the back. Add paws with pointed claws:

Photo 5. Let's draw the animal's face. Add a large eye and a nose at the edge. The mouth will almost not be visible, only the outline:

Photo 6. Now let's draw the outline of the lower part of the squirrel's body. Add a shadow and outline to the bottom of the paws. Let's draw the outline of the future tail:

Photo 7. Use an eraser to remove unnecessary lines and leave only the main contours:

Photo 8. We begin to draw the outline of the muzzle. We leave three small highlights on the eye, and paint the rest. Let's leave a little empty space around the eye for a convex effect. We do not apply strokes evenly due to the fact that the head consists of bends and uneven vegetation:

Photo 9. Now let's move on to the ears and paws. We apply strokes in one direction, which will go beyond the contours. It’s not for nothing that they say that squirrels have tassel-shaped ears. Let's make the fur around the paws and make the edges of the claws sharp:

Photo 11. Now let's draw the entire body along the edges, leaving the middle empty. We also leave a shadow on the bottom part:

Now you will learn how to draw a squirrel with a simple pencil. We will need at least one soft pencil, I use three: 4H, 2B and 6B. When I was looking for a photo on the Internet to draw a squirrel, I came across an albino squirrel. I was shocked, it was a copy of my white rat, only with a fluffy tail, red eyes, and the same paws. Don’t be lazy, just for fun, look for a white squirrel, here’s a rat and that’s it. It’s strange, although the gray one doesn’t look like a rat at all. I have a lesson on drawing a baby rat, if anyone wants -. Now we will draw a gray fluffy squirrel.

Step 1. We draw, barely pressing on the pencil (I initially draw with a hard pencil), draw the head of the squirrel. Click on the picture to enlarge.

Step 2. Draw the line of the back, paw and hip of the squirrel.

Step 3. Draw the squirrel's paws.

Step 4. Draw a huge tail and the protruding part of the front paw.

Step 5. Here is the base for our squirrel.

Step 6. Paint over the eye, leaving a large highlight of white. Paint over the fruit in the paws. We erase the outline of the back and where it was, draw protruding fur close to each other with lines. We also do the same with the thigh and tail. We draw very small lines on the squirrel's forehead. We draw lines on the body, as in the picture.

Step 7. Now take a soft pencil and draw new lines on top of the drawn ones. Look at the picture, you can see everything there.

Step 8. Take either your index or middle finger and smear the lines that you drew. Leave the areas around the eyes and nose untouched. Now with a soft pencil we go along the edges, making it more saturated. You can add a little small lines on the forehead, and barely noticeably paint over the area below the nose, where the mustache and mouth are. It might get darker near the ear, maybe somewhere else, it’s hard to write everything in words. Then we take the eraser and use the edge to make strokes, just like we were drawing fur now. We erase between the ears quite a bit, we didn’t touch the nose and eyes, then where the cheek is white, on the squirrel’s elbow, the white area on top of the thigh, a little on the belly and tail. We make all the eraser strokes in the direction of the wool. We slightly smear the boundaries of these lines with our finger so that it is more or less uniform.

Especially for children and adults - novice artists: drawing a squirrel, diagrams and tips.

The squirrel is a favorite animal for children, a character in many fairy tales and cartoons. She is often depicted on New Year's cards as a nimble assistant to Santa Claus. After a visit to the zoo or a walk in the forest, a child who sees a red-haired mischief on a tree, perhaps feeding her from his hands, will want to draw her. To help him and his parents - tips and step-by-step instructions.

How to draw a squirrel step by step with a pencil for children and beginners?

For those learning to draw and children, it is best to start drawings with geometric shapes that resemble individual parts of the future whole figure.

  1. So, for a squirrel, these shapes will be two ovals. One, resembling an egg, should be placed exactly, and the other, smaller one, should be placed, for example, on top, to the left of the large one.
  2. The smaller oval (where the head will be) should tilt to the left, located at a distance from the larger one (where the body will be).
  3. Now you can approach drawing the neck; to do this, you need to connect the head and body with smooth lines.
  4. The next stage - on a large oval, on the body, the thigh and hind leg are drawn, and she
    large and stable. The front foot is small, gently curved, and will have tiny toes.
  5. The front leg is curved in such a way as if the squirrel brought a nut to itself.
  6. The drawing already shows the animal, but it lacks its distinctive and most noticeable detail - the tail!
    A squirrel's tail, as a rule, is higher than itself, higher than its head. It is fluffy, but for now these are just its outlines, so it’s worth drawing a smooth curved oval, from which the tail will later be detailed. The tail is detailed using zigzag strokes of different sizes. This will give it a fluffy appearance.
  7. Now you can move on to drawing the eyes, nose, and toes on the front paws. Even though they are very small, the squirrel holds the nut tightly in them, and such detailing will add life to the drawing.
  8. And don't forget about the ears! The squirrel's ears are erect, with tassels!

To make the drawing more lively, it is worth adding a stripe on the squirrel’s body, which seems to separate its back and tummy, because the fur there is different.

VIDEO: Pencil drawings, Squirrel

How to easily draw a squirrel by cells?

Drawings in cells are called graphic dictations, and, in fact, this is a very exciting activity.

  1. You can make calculations by cells to depict an animal figurine.
  2. You can try to move through the cells yourself, starting from the base, that is, from the squirrel’s hind legs, on which it sits. Next there will be an upward movement, adding volume to the body and tail, moving to the head and drawing out the ears.
  3. At the end, you must remember to put dots in the corner of the corresponding cells in place of the squirrel’s eyes and nose.

Squirrel by cell: graphic dictation.

How to draw a squirrel from the fairy tale about Tsar Saltan?

The squirrel in the tale of Tsar Saltan is not simple. As you know, she is an entertainer and an artist.

Drawing: a squirrel from the fairy tale about Tsar Saltan.

The image should show the squirrel in motion, in a good mood, perhaps dancing, because she sings songs and deals with precious nuts.

  1. And in the fairy tale, a squirrel lives in a mansion, and such houses have a domed roof, colored carved decorations on the walls and columns.
  2. It is important to draw nuts with golden shells and emerald kernels for such a squirrel. For example, octahedrons are quite suitable to depict emeralds.
  3. It is better to start drawing with a squirrel. This time the squirrel needs to draw both back and both front legs, as if it had turned half-turn.
  4. When it comes to detailing, you need to try to make the squirrel's eyes look sly and playful. You may have to try several times.
  5. After the squirrel is ready, you need to draw her a colorful house, a couple of bags - for gold shells and for precious stones.

A squirrel from the fairy tale about Tsar Saltan in the tower.

VIDEO: Squirrel pictures. HOW TO DRAW A SQUIRREL with a pencil step by step?

How to draw a squirrel on a tree?

First you need to decide how you want to draw a squirrel - sitting statically on a branch or in a jump, jumping from branch to branch, or climbing a trunk.

Depending on what the drawing will be, you can choose from the following options:

  1. First, a squirrel is drawn, as, for example, described above, and then a branch is drawn under its paws.
  2. If you want to draw a squirrel moving along a trunk, then you need to start drawing the proportions of its body a little differently, but, again, starting with the diagrams, which are several elongated circles. At the top there is a small one for the head, then the body and tail. After all the circles are turned into parts of the squirrel’s body, detailing is performed.
    It is better to make the tree trunk along which the squirrel climbs slightly inclined.
  3. At the end, the drawing needs to be given realism and volume by applying shading to indicate shaded areas.
Squirrel on a tree near a hollow: drawing for children.

VIDEO: How to draw a squirrel with a pine cone on a tree?

Beautiful pencil drawing of a squirrel.

VIDEO: How to draw a squirrel?

The little red squirrel is a character that can often be found in fairy tales and cartoons. It is not surprising that children who study fine arts choose the squirrel as the heroine of their paintings. Often their parents help them in this process. But not everyone knows how to draw a squirrel step by step for children.

Step-by-step lessons will help you draw not only simple, but also complex images of a squirrel.

Using a simple technique, you can easily draw a squirrel step by step, even if the child does not know how to draw.

This lesson is specially designed by art teachers for children:

  1. Using a pencil, draw two ovals on a landscape sheet—the top one should be half the size of the bottom one. The upper oval can be drawn tilted to its side. This will be the head of the future squirrel.
  2. On the left side, starting from the bottom of the large oval, draw a fluffy tail, an ear with a small tassel, an eye and a left paw.
  3. From the middle of the second oval, draw a semicircle - this is the division for the squirrel’s legs.
  4. Draw a couple of legs and an acorn cap.
  5. Draw the second ear, nose and mouth. Complete the drawing of the acorn, which the squirrel holds tightly with both paws.
  6. Draw a small oval in the eyes with eyelashes and paint everything except it black.
  7. Decorate the squirrel as desired. It could be, for example, a reddish-orange color.

Simple drawing for young children

  1. Draw a large circle on top of the sheet where the drawing will be located. You can draw by hand or use a compass.
  2. From the bottom of the circle, draw a curved line to the bottom third of the circle. At the bottom of the line, draw 2 circles - one inside the other. This is a squirrel's nose.
  3. Draw 2 circles to the curved line - medium and small sizes. On the bottom circle of medium size, draw a fluffy tail on the right side. On the small circle, between the large and medium ones, draw the upper paw.
  4. Divide a large circle with a curved line. On the left, right from the edge of the left part of the circle, draw one oval-shaped eye, and in the middle of the second part of the circle - a second one. Draw ears with a sharp end on top of the circle.
  5. On the bottom circle, draw an oblong arc - this is the squirrel’s lower paw.
  6. Erase extra pencil marks.
  7. Use the vertical hatching technique to add fur. Draw eyelashes, eyebrows, mustache, two protruding teeth.
  8. Draw a twig with leaves under the squirrel's lower paw.
  9. Decorate the squirrel with colored pencils, felt-tip pen or paints.

Drawing of a squirrel for children to copy

There is another, more complex technique designed for children and novice artists who do not know how to draw a squirrel step by step:

How to draw a squirrel from the cartoon “Ice Age”

The funny squirrel from “Ice Age” immediately won the hearts of viewers. Fans of the cartoon who are involved in fine arts have probably tried to draw her more than once. The presented technique will help you easily depict your favorite character on a postcard or any other surface.

Since the squirrel from the cartoon is constantly chasing a nut, then in the picture under consideration the character will be with his favorite delicacy.

Step-by-step instructions for drawing a funny squirrel:

We draw a squirrel from the fairy tale about Tsar Saltan

Often children are asked to draw an illustration for a completed work. Drawing a fairy-tale character, a squirrel, with step-by-step instructions for children will be not only interesting, but also useful. The squirrel from the fairy tale about Tsar Saltan came to life thanks to Soviet animators.

A step-by-step lesson will help you reproduce the squirrel that sits in the crystal castle:

How to draw a squirrel in a hollow in a tree

To draw a squirrel sitting near a hollow, you can use a simple technique and draw part of the tree with a circle. Or you can use a more complex scheme. For this drawing you need to divide the landscape sheet into 4 parts.

To draw a squirrel beautifully, you need to follow the step-by-step instructions.


  1. In the right rectangle in the left corner, draw a partial oval - the head of the future squirrel.
  2. Draw ears, an eye, a mouth and a nose, which then needs to be painted over with black.
  3. In the lower right rectangle, draw the upper leg in an oblong shape.
  4. Draw a curved line that goes through the top and bottom left rectangles. This is the back of a squirrel.
  5. Draw an arc under the upper leg - a division for the legs.
  6. Connect the arc and the curve representing the back with a smooth line, drawing the lower leg at the end.
  7. Draw a large fluffy tail.
  8. Draw the top paw and insert a mushroom or acorn into the paws.
  9. Draw the bottom leg.
  10. Color the drawing as desired.

Step by step draw a squirrel with a nut

If the child has mastered the skills of drawing an animal using simple techniques, then you can move on to a realistic depiction of the animal:

Squirrel by cells in a notebook

Children who are already familiar with numbers and can count fluently can draw in the boxes. Graphic dictation will help develop fine motor skills, attention and logic and strengthen counting skills.

Dictation - it is better to start drawing from the bottom of the drawing and gradually move to the top.

You need to dictate like this:

  1. Retreat one cell to the left.
  2. Draw a line 5 cells long.
  3. 1 square up.
  4. 3 cells to the right.

With children over 9-10 years old, you can try to perform more complex patterns.

How to draw a squirrel 3D

Recently, drawings with a 3D effect have become increasingly popular among artists. This effect is achieved through an unusual drawing technique, and in some cases, cutting out individual elements of the design and folding it.

The presented video tutorial and step-by-step instructions will make it easy to master the art of 3D graphics:

  1. First you need to draw a piece of ice with an acorn stuck inside. Scratty the squirrel tries to pull her out. Try to draw with light movements, without pressing on the pencil.
  2. Re-circle the silhouette, complete the pupils and sharp teeth.
  3. Paint over the entire design with vertical strokes, and then lightly go over it with an eraser to even out the color.
  4. Then darken the back of the squirrel, the right side of the tail, and the bottom of the nut. Draw the shadow of the squirrel from the piece of ice to the tail.
  5. Using thin scissors, trim away excess paper around the face and tail. Fold the sheet in half. Place the drawing on the bottom.

Draw a squirrel mask step by step

Mask No. 1

Mask No. 2 template-base

Template - muzzle and ears

Ready mask

Children love to try on different masks. One of them could be a squirrel mask. The techniques discussed will help you quickly and easily create a mask for children. It's as easy as drawing a squirrel in a sketchbook.

For step-by-step work you will need:

  • a sheet of white paper;
  • sheet of orange cardboard;
  • color picture with a squirrel's face;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • paper clips;
  • elastic band (but you can do without it).


  1. Cut 2 identical strips 4 cm wide from a sheet of paper.
  2. Stack the sheets on top of each other and wrap them around your head and secure with a paper clip.
  3. Trim the excess end, leaving 3-4 cm of paper after the paperclip.
  4. Glue the picture to the orange cardboard and cut out the face along the outline.
  5. Carefully glue the muzzle to the rim and glue the edges of the rim. The mask is ready.

For a more complex model of masks you will need:

  • 2 mask templates - base and ears with a muzzle;
  • colored cardboard of different colors;
  • scissors;
  • a simple pencil;
  • glue;
  • meter rubber band.


  1. Cut out the necessary elements from the template. Trace the face with ears on white paper, and the base on orange. Cut them out.
  2. Carefully cut two large holes for the eyes and two small ones for the elastic band on the orange base.
  3. Measure the elastic from ear to ear and cut it off, adding 5 cm to the required length.
  4. Thread and fasten the elastic into the required holes.
  5. Glue the muzzle and ears to hide the holes from the elastic.
  6. Use a black felt-tip pen or gouache to draw a nose. The mask is ready.

A complex and realistic example of a squirrel

Step-by-step instructions:

Experienced artists can move on to more complex and detailed squirrel drawings:

  1. Using a hard pencil, draw the outline of the squirrel.
  2. Using vertical hatching, draw the ears and fur on the tail. Where the tail touches the back, you need to greatly darken the strokes.
  3. Using a soft pencil, darken the ears, eye area, paws and tail. Re-darken the area where the tail meets the back. Using the same pencil, darken the ground around the squirrel.
  4. Using the hatching method, using a hard pencil, apply the main tone. The strokes should be short and almost invisible.

The presented lessons not only show how to draw a squirrel step by step for children, but also motivate novice artists to move to new heights of fine art from simple to complex.

Video: how to draw a squirrel

How to draw a squirrel, step-by-step video lesson:

How to draw a squirrel from Ice Age, watch the video: