Mark with circles the most ancient ones. Primitive gatherers and hunters


Task No. 1. Fill in the missing words and complete the picture.

1. City No. 2 is located in the west of the country.

City number 3 is located in the east of the country.

The region is located in the southwest of the country.


1. Primitive gatherers and hunters

Task No. 2. Fill in the missing words.

The earliest people lived on earth more than two million years ago.

The most ancient man resembled a monkey in that he had (what kind of face? Lower jaw? Forehead?) he had a rough face with a wide flattened nose, a heavy lower jaw without a chin, and a forehead extending back.

The most ancient tools labor were made of stone.

The earliest people had two main ways of obtaining food: hunting and gathering.

Task No. 3. Fill in contour map"The Oldest People on Earth."

1. Africa;

Task No. 4. Answer the questions about the picture contemporary artist.

This picture shows ancient people. Proof of this is the fact that they use tools - axes, and also engage in hunting, gathering and fishing.

Task No. 5. Based on a drawing by a modern artist, compose a description of a hunt for a cave bear.

The most ancient hunters lay in wait for the beast at the exit of the cave. The bear looked angry, aggressive, but scared. The hunters stood further away from the entrance and took stones and spears in their hands. They stood on a hill to make it easier to hit the animal. Hunters sought to kill the bear in order to get food.

Task No. 6. Fill in the missing words.

About 40 thousand years ago, man became the same as people of our time. Scientists call him a Homo sapiens.

Hunting fast-running animals and birds became more successful after the invention of the hunting bow and arrow.

Task No. 7. Based on the drawings of a modern artist, compose a story about a hunt primitive people on mammoths.

1. Here is the beginning of the story:

“Acting harmoniously and amicably, the hunters drove a herd of mammoths...”

Guess where and why. a deep ravine or perhaps into a swamp, so that the mammoth would be wounded and maimed and become easier prey.

Why did the hunters set the grass on fire, wave torches, and scream loudly? Describe what mammoths looked like.

The hunters set the grass on fire, wave torches and scream loudly to scare the mammoth. Mammoths looked like huge elephants with long yellowish-brown hair and highly curved tusks.

2. Guess where the mammoth fell through. Is it possible to understand from the drawings that the hunt was dangerous? If yes, then with what? For what purposes did primitive people hunt mammoths?

Perhaps the mammoth fell into a deep ravine. From the drawings we can say that the hunt was dangerous. This is evidenced by the huge size of the mammoth and very simple hunting tools, which were difficult to use to cope with such a large animal. Primitive people hunted mammoths to obtain meat, which was necessary for human survival.

Task No. 8. Answer the questions.

1. You know that “reasonable people” lived in tribal communities. Why is such a community called tribal?

The community is called “tribal” because close and distant relatives became members of the community

2. What signs of a tribal community does the word “community” express? Why is it called that? What property did your relatives have in common?

The word “community” expresses that the most ancient people had all their property in common. Community from the word “common”. Common things were housing, food, firewood, and a hearth where the fire burned.

3. How can one explain that during excavations of primitive sites of “sapient people” archaeologists find figurines of women?

The fact that primitive people revered women as ancestors and guardians of the home, as they collected, prepared food and took care of children.

Task No. 9. Complete the tasks and answer the questions.

1. This spear with a stone tip was used for hunting animals.

2. This is a harpoon with a bone tip, used to catch large fish.

Piercing the prey, the teeth stuck in it, preventing the fish from slipping off the harpoon.

Task No. 10. Answer the questions about the drawing by the modern artist “Primitive funeral rite.”

This drawing speaks of the belief of primitive people in the existence of a human soul. A person is buried in a sleeping position because it was believed that the soul also leaves the human body during sleep, and when a person dies, the soul leaves the body forever, i.e. a person falls asleep forever. People believed that after death a person goes to the “land of the dead”, where the same things are needed as during life, so they put the necklace and spear in the grave.

Task No. 11. Find errors.

1. The most ancient people did not speak - speech was not yet developed;

2. For a long time the most ancient people did not wear any clothes, even from animal skins;

3. The most ancient people lived where there were no winters, which means it couldn’t snow;

4. The oldest people did not know fire for a long time, which means they could not bake bread;

5. Dinosaurs went extinct before primitive people arose.

Task No. 12. Solve the crossword puzzle “Primitive hunters and gatherers.”

1. Africa;

6. Mammoth;

8. Harpoon;

9. Gathering.

Word: Altamira.


1. What sources help scientists obtain information about the life of ancient people?

Archaeological scientists obtain information about the life of ancient people during excavations; they find tools, clothing, jewelry, etc. Such research helps to study the way of life of primitive people, their ideas about the world.

2. Do you think it is possible to compare modern and primitive art? Justify your answer.

No, you can't compare. Primitive people had different ideas about the world from ours, the purpose of art was different than today. All works had a magical purpose.

3. Find out in which territories modern countries ancient people lived (use the Internet when searching for information).

The earliest people arose in the area East Africa(Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Somalia). Then they spread to the Middle East (Syria, Jordan, Israel, Iraq) and throughout Eurasia (Turkey, Iran, Russia, etc.).

Task 2. Fill in the missing words.

The earliest people lived on Earth more than two million years ago.
The most ancient man resembled a monkey in that he had (what kind of face? lower jaw? forehead?) a rough face with a wide flat nose, a heavy jaw without a chin, extending onto the forehead.
The main difference between ancient people and animals was that they knew how to make tools. D
the most jealous tools of labor were stones, digging stick, club, chopper.
The earliest people had two main ways of obtaining food: gathering and hunting.

Task 3. Fill out the outline map “The Ancient People on Earth.”

a) Write the name of the continent on which archaeologists found bones and tools of ancient people.
b) Color in the suspected area of ​​the human ancestral home.
c) Mark with circles the most ancient sites of man and his ancestors.

Task 4. Answer the questions about the drawing by a modern artist (p. 6). Before you is Africa more than two million years ago: flocks of some unknown creatures. Some are looking for food, others are anxiously peering into the distance. Who are they? Are monkeys distant ancestors of humans? Or ancient people? The figure itself contains the answers to these questions. Find these answers.

They distant ancestors person. Some forage for food, while others collect stones. They make tools. And they explore the surroundings.

Task 5. Based on a drawing by a modern artist, compose a description of a hunt for a cave bear. Where did the hunters lie in wait for the beast? What did he look like? How did the hunters act? Why did they try to kill the bear?

Above his cave. I think it's a bear. They attacked him. To keep warm with its skin and eat its meat.

Task 6. Fill in the missing words.

About 40 thousand years ago, man became the same as people of our time. Scientists call it "a reasonable man". Hunting fast-running animals and birds became more successful after the invention tools, spear, sharp tip, harpoon.

Task 7. Based on the drawings of a modern artist, compose a story about the hunt of primitive people for mammoths.

1. Here is the beginning of the story: “Acting harmoniously and amicably, the hunters drove a herd of mammoths...” Guess where and why.

On stakes that are buried in a hole or on a small cliff, this is called a trap.

Why did the hunters set the grass on fire, wave torches, and scream loudly? Describe what mammoths looked like.

To make them run to the trap.

Guess where the mammoth fell through. Is it possible to understand from the drawings that the hunt was dangerous? If yes, then with what? For what purposes did primitive people hunt mammoths?

I think he fell into a trap - yes, it was dangerous because you could get burned by the fire or fall into the trap too. To make things from wool and eat mammoth meat.

Task 8. Answer the questions.

a) You know that “reasonable people” lived in tribal communities. Why is such a community called tribal?

Because they had relatives. And they helped their relatives in everything and everywhere.

b) What characteristics of a tribal community does the word “community” express? Why is it called that? What property

In the communities there were only relatives and relatives. There was something in common: a house, a hearth, a cave, tools, etc.

c) How can one explain that during excavations of primitive sites of “sapient people” archaeologists find figurines of women?

I think that the “ancient people” considered women to be the keepers of the hearth, they respected and loved them.

Task 9. Complete the tasks and answer the question. Write the names of the tools shown. Which of these weapons was usually used for hunting animals, and which for catching large fish? Explain why you think so?

Answer :

a) Spear - for hunting animals.
b) Harpoon - for hunting fish and crops.

Task 10. Answer the questions about the contemporary artist’s drawing “Primitive funeral rite.” What beliefs of primitive people can be learned from the ritual shown in the picture? Why was the deceased placed in a sleeping position? For what purpose did they put a necklace of bear teeth on him and put a spear in his grave?

Primitive gatherers and hunters

2) Fill in the missing words.

    Answer: The earliest people lived on Earth more than two million years ago. The earliest man resembled a monkey in that he had (what kind of face? lower jaw? forehead?) a rough face with a wide flattened nose, a heavy jaw without a chin, extending onto the forehead. The main difference between ancient people and animals was that they knew how to make tools. The oldest tools were stones, a digging stick, a club, and a chopper. The earliest people had two main ways of obtaining food: gathering and hunting.

3) Fill out the outline map “The Oldest People on Earth.”

a) Write the name of the continent on which archaeologists found bones and tools of ancient people.

b) Color in the suspected area of ​​the human ancestral home.

c) Mark with circles the most ancient sites of man and his ancestors.

4) Answer the questions about the drawing by a modern artist (p. 6). Before you is Africa more than two million years ago: flocks of some unknown creatures. Some are looking for food, others are anxiously peering into the distance. Who are they? Are monkeys distant ancestors of humans? Or ancient people? The figure itself contains the answers to these questions. Find these answers.

    Answer: They are distant ancestors of humans. Some forage for food, while others collect stones. They make tools. And they explore the surroundings.

5) Based on a drawing by a modern artist, compose a description of a hunt for a cave bear. Where did the hunters lie in wait for the beast? What did he look like? How did the hunters act? Why did they try to kill the bear?

    Answer: Above his cave. I think it's a bear. They attacked him. To keep warm with its skin and eat its meat.

6) Fill in the missing words.

    Answer: About 40 thousand years ago, man became the same as people of our time. Scientists call him “Homo sapiens.” Hunting for fast-running animals and birds became more successful after the invention of tools, a spear, a sharp tip, and a harpoon.

7) Based on the drawings of a modern artist, compose a story about the hunt of primitive people for mammoths.

    Answer: Here is the beginning of the story: “Acting harmoniously and amicably, the hunters drove a herd of mammoths...” Guess where and why. On stakes that are buried in a hole or on a small cliff, this is called a trap

+ Why did the hunters set the grass on fire, wave torches, and scream loudly? Describe what mammoths looked like.

1) What sources help scientists obtain information about the life of ancient people?

    Answer: Excavations and drawings in caves

2) Do you think modern and primitive art can be compared? Give reasons for your answer.

    Answer: I think so. Because primitive people also sculpted from clay and painted on the walls of caves

3) Find out in which modern countries the ancient people lived (use the Internet when searching for information).

    Answer: In Africa, in Russia, in Europe, in Egypt, in Arabia.

1. Fill in the missing words and complete the picture.

City number 2 is located in the west of the country.
City number 3 is located in the east of the country.
The region is located in the southwest of the country.

2. Fill in the missing words.

The earliest people lived on Earth more than two million years ago. The most ancient man resembled a monkey in that he had (what kind of face? Lower jaw? Forehead?) He had rough face with a wide flattened nose, protruding jaws with a sloping chin, receding forehead, highly developed brow ridges.
The main difference between ancient people and animals was that they knew how to create tools.
The oldest tools were digging stick, club, scrapers, axes, stone axes, later they began to make spear tips.
The earliest people had two main ways of obtaining food: gathering and hunting.

3. Fill out the outline map “The Oldest People on Earth.”

1. Write the name of the continent on which archaeologists found bones and tools of ancient people.
2. Color in the suspected area of ​​the human ancestral home.
3. Mark with circles the most ancient sites of man and his ancestors.

4. Answer the questions about the picture of our time.

Before you is Africa more than two million years ago: a herd of some unknown creatures. Some are looking for food, others are anxiously peering into the distance. Who are they? Are monkeys distant ancestors of humans? Or ancient people? The figure itself contains the answer to these questions. Find this answer and explain your thought.

These are the oldest people. On foreground Ancient people make tools by processing stone. The ability to make tools, the ability to create, and not just consume, is the main difference between humans and animals.

5. Based on a picture from our time, compose a description of the hunt for a cave bear.

Where did the hunters lie in wait for the beast? What did he look like? Describe the actions of the hunters. For what purpose did they seek to kill the bear?

The hunters waylaid the bear at the exit of the cave, where the beast’s lair was most likely located. It is very large and strong beast. Having climbed onto a rock ledge, the hunters throw big stones into the bear, trying to kill, or at least stun the beast, so that later you could confidently go down and finish off the beast with spears. Most likely, people hunt bears to get meat, or maybe they want to drive the beast out of the cave, because ancient people lived in caves.

6. Based on the drawings of our time, compose a story about the hunt for mammoths.

1. Here is the beginning of the story:

Acting harmoniously and amicably, the hunters drove the herd of mammoths... Guess where and why.

Ancient hunters drove large animals into pre-prepared traps - natural holes or holes dug by the hunters themselves.

Why did the hunters set the grass on fire, wave torches, and scream loudly? Describe what mammoths looked like.

To scare the animals, after all wild animals afraid of fire. This is noticeable in mammoths, which run primarily from fire, and not from hunters.

2. Guess where the mammoth fell through. Can you tell from the picture that the hunt was dangerous? If yes, then with what? For what purposes did primitive people hunt mammoths?

The mammoth fell into a hole that was covered with branches. The animal will not be able to get out of it and the hunters will finish off the mammoth with stones and peaks. In the picture we see that one of the hunters is wounded, and we can assume that hunting was a very dangerous activity. But hunting mammoths brought a lot of meat. People made tools from animal bones, and clothes were made from skins.

7. Fill in the missing words.

Approximately 40 thousand years ago man became the same as the people of our time. Scientists call it Cro-Magnon.
Hunting fast-running animals and birds became more successful after the invention bows and tips with curved teeth.

8. Answer the questions.

1. You know that “reasonable people” lived in tribal communities. Why is such a community called tribal?

The community included several large families who were related to each other.

2. What signs of a tribal community does the word “community” express? Why is it called that? What property did your relatives have in common?

People worked together to obtain food, build houses, make tools and clothing, and raise children. Food supplies, tools, and housing were shared.

3. How can one explain that during excavations of primitive sites of “sapient people” archaeologists find figurines of women?

In tribal communities, the mother woman was especially respected.

9. Complete the task and answer the questions.

Write the names of the tools shown. Which of these weapons was usually used for hunting animals, and which for catching large fish? Explain why you think so?

1. spear
2. harpoon

A spear is for hunting animals, and a harpoon is for catching fish. Piercing the prey, the teeth stuck in it, preventing the fish from slipping off the harpoon.

10. Answer the questions about the picture of our time “Primitive funeral rite.”

Describe the drawing. What beliefs of primitive people can be learned from the ritual shown in the picture? Why was the deceased placed in a sleeping position? For what purpose did they put a necklace of bear teeth on him and put a spear in his grave?

A person is buried in a pit, in his usual clothes, with food placed in the grave. Ancient people believed that the soul of the deceased continues to lead the life that the living person led. They were buried in a sleeping position, probably because they believed it was possible for the soul to return to the body and “awaken” the dead. The bear necklace was a symbol of a courageous hunter who would need a spear to hunt in another world.

11. Find errors.

One student dozed off during class. He dreamed of Africa more than two million years ago... Here a group of monkey-like people is moving. Everyone is in a hurry to get away from the bad weather - the sky has turned black with clouds. Only two cheerful boys lag behind the rest, enthusiastically talking about something. "Enough talking!" - the leader shouts at them. Suddenly, heavy snow fell, everyone was chilled at once, even clothing made from animal skins could not protect people from the cold. Finally they hid in a cave. They immediately took them out from their bosoms and began to chew roots, nuts and even stale bread. Suddenly everyone froze in horror: a terrible predator was approaching the cave - a huge dinosaur. What will happen next?! It was not possible to find out: a call from class interrupted my sleep at the most interesting place.

Which historical mistakes contains the student's dream?

2 million years ago: a) people did not know how to talk, b) snow could not fall in Africa, c) there were no clothes made from animal skins, d) they did not know bread, e) dinosaurs had become extinct by that time.

12. Solve the crossword puzzle “Primitive hunters and gatherers.”

If you solve the crossword puzzle correctly, then in the vertically highlighted cells you will read the name of the cave where the drawings of primitive people were first found.

Horizontally: 1. The mainland, where, according to scientists, ancient people lived. 2. Weapons of primitive hunters, which can hit a target at long distance. 3. The first force of nature that primitive people mastered. 4. The occupation of primitive people, which made it possible to obtain meat food. 5. Supernatural creature, which primitive people believed in; as if dwells in every person (soul). 6. The largest of the animals hunted by primitive people. 7. Horned beast, which was often depicted by primitive artists. 8. A primitive tool, especially needed by fishermen. 9. The occupation of primitive people, which made it possible to obtain mainly plant food.

Vertical answer: Altamira

check yourself

1. What sources help scientists obtain information about the life of ancient people?

Archaeological scientists obtain information about the life of ancient people during excavations; they find tools, clothing, jewelry, etc. Such research helps to study the way of life of primitive people, their ideas about the world.

2. Do you think it is possible to compare modern and primitive art? Justify your answer.

No, you can't compare. Primitive people had different ideas about the world from ours, the purpose of art was different than today. All works had a magical purpose.

3. Find out in which modern countries the most ancient people lived (use the Internet when searching for information).

The earliest people originated in East Africa (Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Somalia). Then they spread to the Middle East (Syria, Jordan, Israel, Iraq) and throughout Eurasia (Turkey, Iran, Russia, etc.).

Task No. 2. Fill in the missing words

The earliest people lived on Earth for more than two million years ago.

The earliest man resembled a monkey in that he had (what kind of face? Lower jaw? Forehead?) He had a rough face with a wide flattened nose, protruding jaws with a slanted chin, a receding forehead, and highly developed brow ridges.

The main difference between ancient people and animals was that they knew how to create tools.

The oldest tools were digging stick, club, scrapers, axes, stone axes, and later they began to make spear tips.

The earliest people had two main ways of obtaining food: gathering and hunting

Task No. 3. Fill out the outline map “The Ancient People on Earth”

1. Write the name of the continent on which archaeologists found bones and tools of ancient people

2.Color in the suspected area of ​​the human ancestral home

3. Mark with circles the most ancient sites of man and his ancestors

Task No. 4. Answer the questions about the picture of our time

Before you is Africa more than two million years ago: a herd of some unknown creatures. Some are looking for food, others are anxiously peering into the distance. Who are they? Are monkeys distant ancestors of humans? Or ancient people? The figure itself contains the answer to these questions. Find this answer and explain your thought

These are the oldest people. In the foreground, an ancient man makes a tool by processing stone. The ability to make tools, the ability to create, and not just consume, is the main difference between humans and animals

Task No. 5. Based on a drawing from our time, compose a description of the hunt for a cave bear

Where did the hunters lie in wait for the beast? What did he look like? Describe the actions of the hunters. For what purpose did they seek to kill the bear?

The hunters lay in wait for the bear at the exit of the cave, where, most likely, the beast’s lair is located. This is a very large and strong animal. Having climbed onto a rock ledge, the hunters throw large stones at the bear, trying to kill or at least stun the animal, so that later they can confidently descend and finish off the bear with spears. Most likely, people hunt bears to get meat, or maybe they want to drive the beast out of the cave, because ancient people lived in caves

Task No. 6. Fill in the missing words

Approximately 40 thousand years ago, man became the same as people of our time. Scientists call it a reasonable man.

Hunting fast-running animals and birds became more successful after the invention bows and arrows with curved tips

Task No. 7. Based on the drawings of our time, compose a story about the hunt for mammoths

1. Here is the beginning of the story

"Acting harmoniously and amicably, the hunters drove a herd of mammoths..."

Guess where and why?

Ancient hunters drove large animals into pre-prepared traps - natural or holes dug by the hunters themselves.

Why did the hunters set the grass on fire, wave torches, and scream loudly? Describe what mammoths looked like

To scare animals, because wild animals are afraid of fire. This is noticeable in mammoths, which run primarily from fire, and not from hunters

2. Guess where the mammoth fell through. Can you tell from the picture that the hunt was dangerous? If yes, then with what? For what purposes did primitive people hunt mammoths?

The mammoth fell into a hole that was covered with branches. The animal will not be able to get out of it and the hunters will finish off the mammoth with stones and peaks. In the picture we see that one of the hunters is wounded, and we can assume that hunting was a very dangerous activity. But hunting mammoths brought a lot of meat. People made tools from animal bones, and made clothes from skins

Task No. 8. Answer the questions

1. You know that “reasonable people” lived in tribal communities. Why is such a community called tribal?

The community included several large families who were related to each other

2. What signs of a tribal community does the word “community” express? Why is it called that? What property did your relatives have in common?

People worked together to obtain food, build houses, make tools and clothing, and raise children. Food supplies, tools, and housing were shared

3. How can one explain that during excavations of primitive sites of “sapient people” archaeologists find figurines of women?

In tribal communities, the woman-mother enjoyed special respect

Task No. 9. Complete the task and answer the questions

Write the names of the tools shown. Which of these weapons was usually used for hunting animals, and which for catching large fish? Explain why you think so?

1. Spear. It is intended for hunting animals

2. Harpoon. Necessary for fishing. Piercing the prey, the teeth stuck in it, preventing the fish from slipping off the harpoon

Task No. 10. Answer the questions about the picture of our time “Primitive funeral rite”

Describe the drawing. What beliefs of primitive people can be learned from the ritual shown in the picture? Why was the deceased placed in a sleeping position? For what purpose did they put a necklace of bear teeth on him and put a spear in his grave?

A person is buried in a pit, in his usual clothes, with food placed in the grave. Ancient people believed that the soul of the deceased continues to lead the life that the living person led. They were buried in a sleeping position, probably because they believed it was possible for the soul to return to the body and “awaken” the dead. The bear necklace was a symbol of a courageous hunter who would need a spear to hunt in another world

Task No. 11. Find errors.

One student dozed off during class. He dreamed of Africa more than two million years ago... Here a group of monkey-like people is moving. Everyone is in a hurry to get away from the bad weather - the sky has turned black with clouds. Only two cheerful boys lag behind the rest, enthusiastically talking about something. "Enough talking!" - the leader shouts at them. Suddenly, heavy snow fell, everyone was chilled at once, even clothing made from animal skins could not protect people from the cold. Finally they hid in a cave. They immediately took them out from their bosoms and began to chew roots, nuts and even stale bread. Suddenly everyone froze in horror: a terrible predator was approaching the cave - a huge dinosaur. What will happen next?! It was not possible to find out: a call from class interrupted my sleep at the most interesting place.

What historical errors does the student’s dream contain?

2 million years ago: a) people did not know how to talk, b) snow could not fall in Africa, c) there were no clothes made from animal skins, d) they did not know bread, e) dinosaurs had become extinct by that time

Task No. 12. Solve the crossword puzzle "Primitive hunters and gatherers"

If you solve the crossword puzzle correctly, then in the vertically highlighted cells you will read the name of the cave where the drawings of primitive people were first found

Horizontally: 1. The mainland, where, according to scientists, ancient people lived. 2. Weapons of primitive hunters, which can hit a target at a great distance. 3. The first force of nature that primitive people mastered. 4. The occupation of primitive people, which made it possible to obtain meat food. 5. A supernatural being that primitive people believed in; as if it lives in every person. 6. The largest of the animals hunted by primitive people. 7. Horned beast, which was often depicted by primitive artists. 8. A primitive tool, especially needed by fishermen. 9. Occupation of primitive people, which allowed them to obtain mainly plant food


1. What sources help scientists obtain information about the life of ancient people?

Writings on cave walls, excavations

2. Do you think it is possible to compare primitive and modern Art? Give reasons for your answer

No, because with the development of civilization, a lot of knowledge was accumulated on how to draw correctly

3*. Find out in which modern countries the most ancient people lived (use the Internet when searching for information)

In the territory South Africa and South Asia from 5 million to 400 thousand years ago