The wolf is the hero of Russian folk tales. Gray wolf: a character from fairy tales or a formidable predator? Strong

Krendelev Anton

Tales about animals are not only entertaining and funny, but also instructive.

Man attributed to animals the ability to reason and speak, but people’s misconceptions were also permeated by the desire to understand the life of animals, to master the means of taming them, protecting them from attack, and methods of hunting.

The most common heroes of fairy tales about animals are the fox and the wolf. This is explained by the fact that, firstly, a person most often had to encounter them in economic activity; secondly, these animals occupy the middle in the animal kingdom in size and strength; finally, thirdly, thanks to the previous two reasons, a person had the opportunity to get to know them very closely.



IV regional youth “Philological readings”

Municipal educational institution Mikhailovskaya secondary school

Krendelev Anton

Municipal educational institution Mikhailovskaya secondary school, 5th grade, 11 years old

Competition work

Genre: Exploration

"Images of animals in Russian folk tales»


Yablokova Svetlana Vladimirovna

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Mikhailovsky village, Yaroslavsky municipal district, 2010

1.Introduction 2 pages

2. Chapter “Images of animals in Russian folk tales”

1.1 The Fox of the Seven Wolves will spend 5 pages.

1.2. The wolf changes its fur, but not its character 7 p.

1.3. A bear, although old, is worth two foxes 9 p.

1.4. Soft paws, and in the paws there are scratches 11 p.

3. Conclusion 12 pages.

4. References 14 pages.


What is a fairy tale? This beautiful world magic and transformations in which we live in childhood, where reality ends and this world, amazing and incomprehensible, begins. This is a world in which good triumphs over evil, which is probably why this genre is so loved by children.

And if he speaks in scientific language, fairy tale-type narrative, mostly prosaic folklore. Its history goes back a long way. Word " fairy tale " recorded in written sources XVI century. From the word"show". Meaning: list, list, exact description. Modern meaning the word has been acquired since the 19th century. Until the 19th century, the 11th century word was used - blasphemy.

There are several types of Russian folk tales: magical, everyday, tales about animals.The purpose of my work is to identify the features of animal images in folk tales. To achieve the goal, a number of tasks must be solved:

  1. identify the place and features of the depiction of animals in fairy tales;
  2. see whether they are the main or secondary person;
  3. consider character traits;

I used several folk tale sources to write my work.

This type of fairy tales differs significantly from other types of fairy tales. A fairy tale about animals is a work in which the main characters are animals, birds, fish, as well as objects, plants and natural phenomena. The question of the original origins of fantasy in fairy tales about animals has concerned scientists for many decades. The beliefs of the Russian people and, in general, the beliefs of the East Slavic peoples allow us to assume with all confidence which animals were the heroes of mythical stories and legends of ancient fables. The peculiarity of these legends was that the animals were endowed with a variety of human qualities, but the animals were seen as animals. Not all stories and legends of this kind have disappeared from the memory of the people. Their traces are preserved in fairy tales thattraditionally acceptedfrom ancient fables some of its essential features. This is the tale of the bear on a fake leg. This fairy-tale narrative is unknown in Western Europe. Its origin is purely East Slavic. The system of characters in Russian folk tales about animals is represented, as a rule, by images of wild and domestic animals. Images of wild animals clearly prevail over images of domestic animals: these are fox, wolf, bear, hare, and among birds - crane, heron, thrush, woodpecker, sparrow, raven, etc. Domestic animals are much less common, and do not appear as independent or leading characters, but only in conjunction with forest birds: a dog, a cat, a goat, a ram, a horse, a pig, a bull, and among domestic birds - a goose, a duck and a rooster. There are no tales only about domestic animals in Russian folklore.

In fairy tales about animals, animals implausibly argue, talk, quarrel, love, make friends, and quarrel: the cunning “fox is beautiful in conversation,” the stupid and greedy “wolf-wolf who grabs from under a bush,” the cowardly bow-legged bunny who hops up the hill "

The fox will lead seven wolves

Favorite hero of the Russians fairy tales about animals, as, indeed, in all East Slavic fairy tales, a fox became.

The image of the fox is stable. She is portrayed as a lying, cunning deceiver: she deceives a man by pretending to be dead (“The Fox steals fish from a sleigh”); deceives the wolf (“The Fox and the Wolf”); deceives the rooster (“The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox”); drives the hare out of the bast hut (“The Fox and the Hare”); exchanges a goose for a lamb, a lamb for a bull, steals honey (“The Bear and the Fox”). In all fairy tales, she is flattering, vengeful, cunning, calculating.Lisa Patrikeevna, beautiful fox, oily fox, gossamer fox, Lisafya. Here she lies on the road with glassy eyes. She was numb, the man decided, he kicked her, she wouldn’t wake up. The man was delighted, took the fox, put it in the cart with fish, covered it with matting: “The old woman will have a collar for her fur coat,” and started the horse from its place, walking in front. The fox threw all the fish out of the cart and left. The man realized that the fox was not dead, but it was already too late. There's nothing to do.

The fox is true to herself everywhere in fairy tales. Her cunning is conveyed in the proverb: “When you look for a fox in front, it is behind.” She is resourceful and lies recklessly until the time when it is no longer possible to lie, but even in this case she often indulges in the most incredible fiction. The fox thinks only about his own benefit. If the deal does not promise her acquisitions, she will not sacrifice anything of hers. The fox is vindictive and vindictive.

Fairy tales often depict the triumph of a fox. She revels in revenge, feels complete superiority over the gullible heroes. How much resourcefulness she has and how much vengeful feeling she has! Both are so common in people with a practical, resourceful mind, overwhelmed petty passions.. Infinitely deceitful, she takes advantage of gullibility, plays on the weak strings of friends and foes.

I have a lot of pranks and pranks in my memory.foxes. She chases the hare out of the bast hut (“The Fox and the Hare”), exchanges the rolling pin for a goose, the goose for a lamb, the lamb for a bull, threatens the thrush to eat the chicks, forces him to water, feed, and even make himself laugh (“The Fox and the Blackbird”) . The fox marries the cat-voivode with the hope of seizing power in the entire forest district (“The Cat and the Fox”), learns to fly (“How the Fox Learned to Fly”), orders the wolf to take the oath to be sure of the correctness of his words: indeed Is the sheep wearing a wolf caftan? The wolf foolishly stuck his head into a trap and got caught (“Sheep, Fox and Wolf”). The fox steals the stored honey (“The Bear and the Fox”).

The fox is a pretender, a thief, a deceiver, evil, unfaithful, flattering, vindictive, clever, vindictive, cunning, selfish, calculating, cruel. In fairy tales, she is faithful to these traits of her character throughout.

The wolf changes its fur, but not its character

Another hero that the fox often encounters is the wolf. He is stupid, which is expressed in the attitude of the people towards him, he devours kids (“Wolf and Goat”), is going to tear apart a sheep (“Sheep, Fox and Wolf”), fattens a hungry dog ​​in order to eat it, is left without a tail (“Fox and wolf").More often than other animals, the fox deceives the wolf and laughs cruelly at him. Who do people understand in this image?? In fairy tales, the wolf is infinitely stupid.Phenomenal stupidity discredits the wolf. This image expressed not so much the real characteristics of the human type that the wolf personifies, but rather the attitude towards it.

Let us think about why the wolf takes blows from angry women who come to the river by water, why, having barely survived one misfortune, the wolf ends up in another. The tale ends with the death of the wolf. The wolf dies a cruel death so that a new fairy tale come to life and again accept an evil death. What ineradicable evil is being driven out and executed by the people?

An insatiable thirst for blood, the traits of a rapist who recognizes one right - the right of the strong, the right of the teeth - without this trait a wolf is not a wolf. The social prototype of this fairy-tale character becomes clear. The people knew many scoundrels and criminals from whom they had a hard time.

Tales about the wolf do not hide who they mean... The irony of fiction lies in playing on a folk custom.

The tale of how a wolf slaughtered a pig (“The Pig and the Wolf”) depicts in the image of a wolf a cruel and unforgiving master who exacted money from the peasants for poisoning. There lived an old man and with him an old woman. The only livestock they have is a pig. The devil took her, and into someone else's lane - into oats. A wolf came running there, “he grabbed the pig by the bristles, dragged it away by the legs and tore it to pieces.”

Such tales contain that sharp social allegory that made the tale interesting for adults as well. Fantasy narratives talk about social class relations. We cannot ignore this meaning if we do not want to see Fairy tales are just fun.

Fantastic fiction in these tales is also associated with their ideological plan. Boyar, the master is cruel as a wolf, you cannot expect mercy from him, you can only deal with him as the proverb advises: “Trust the wolf in the torok,” that is, the killed one. The fairy tale conveys, as it were, the essence of the wolf law, according to which the weak becomes a victim of the strong. The prince, the boyar, did not need to be cunning. His right is the right of a cruel and strong master. Such is the fairy-tale wolf. The storytellers took revenge on the oppressors, exposed their moral rudeness and lack of intelligence: the system of social oppression, resorting to the force of the fist, rod and weapon, did not require mental effort from its founders and defenders.

A bear, although old, is worth two foxes

Another hero of fairy tales about animals is the bear. He personifies brute strength and has power over other animals. In fairy tales he is often called “the oppressor of everyone.” The bear is also stupid. Persuading with the peasant to harvest the harvest, he is left with nothing each time (“The Man and the Bear”).

The human type embodied in the bear is partly similar to that reproduced in the image of the wolf. It is not for nothing that the wolf often replaces the bear in fairy tales. These are the numerous versions of fairy tales: “A Man, a Bear and a Fox”, “A Bear, a Dog and a Cat”, etc. However, the similarity of the images is only partial. In the minds of any person familiar with fairy tales, the bear is a beast of the highest rank. He is the most powerful forest animal. When in fairy tales one animal replaces another, the bear is in the position of the strongest. Such is the tale of the little tower, the beasts in the pit, and other tales. One must think that this position of the bear in the animal hierarchy is explained in its own way by its connection with those traditional pre-story mythological legends in which the bear occupied the most important place as the owner of forest lands. Perhaps, over time, the bear began to be seen as the embodiment of the sovereign, the ruler of the district. In fairy tales it was constantly emphasized enormous strength bear He crushes everything that comes under his feet.

The stupidity of a bear is the difference between the stupidity of a wolf. The wolf is slow-witted, not stupid. The stupidity of a bear is the stupidity of a person in power. The bear does not use his strength wisely. There is an assumption that the bear represents a person in authority.

The bear is the owner of the forest, has great strength and a rich fur coat, which is obviously why he was assigned the role of a landowner. These tales describe the life of captivity of the Russian people, the period of serfdom. Then the peasants paid rent (half a field of wheat, which for some reason was called tithe) and worked corvée (they worked in a bear’s house, sometimes it lasted 6 days). The bear decided when to let Masha go and how much to rip off the man. Through such a prism, it becomes clear not only the difficult life of the once free Russian people, but also why they constantly tried to outwit the bear, and even hunt it down with dogs. It is worth noting that in Russian fairy tales the landowner is always stupider than the peasant, and the image of the landowner - the bear - is endowed with the same intelligence. Behind these images is the thought: “You may be a strong gentleman, but I’m smart and I’ll stick to my guns!”

There are fairy tales where the bear gives Masha gifts and punishes her lazy sister. Here the image of a bear carries within itself the image of nature, good and evil. If a person works honestly, then nature rewards him with its gifts, but whoever is lazy has no water flowing.

Soft paws, and scratches in the paws

Among domestic animals and birds, the cat is a positive hero in fairy tales. In a Russian folk tale, a cat (it's a cat, not a cat) is often found in the image of a savior from various misfortunes. For example, take the cycle of fairy tales" Cat, rooster and fox", which A.N. Afanasyev go by numbers. These tales are very similar, and in essence almost the same. They only replace some of the heroes. He acts as a gallant defender of the rooster. Moreover, the cat has excellent hearing, he is smart and caring. That is, in these fairy tales the cat acts as positive hero. To sum up the conversation about the cat, we can note common features. Firstly, animals everywhere are afraid of cats. Secondly, a cat always has a name, and with a patronymic. The cat is selfless in friendship. The warlike rooster is ready to come to the aid of anyone who is offended. However, the positivity of these characters is very conditional. The tale of how a rooster drove a fox out of a hare's hut (“The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster”) is basically a cheerful humoresque. The irony is that the rooster - the fox's prey - managed to scare the lover of white chicken meat. The fairy tale “Cat in the Voivodeship” is ironic - it makes a lover of hut warmth, a bakery resident, a hero by coincidence of circumstances: the wolf, hiding in a pile of leaves, began to stir; the cat thought there was a mouse there, jumped, the wolf jumped to the side, and a general commotion began - the flight of the animals. Only in the fairy tale “The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox” is the cat truly a hero. This fairy tale was probably created for children from the very beginning.

It should be concluded that in all the Russian fairy tales reviewed, the cat is shown to be dexterous and cunning. In a number of fairy tales, he is a warrior and comes to the aid of his friends. He loves to bask on the stove and enjoy sour cream or fresh mouse. He might stage a “massacre”, or he might resign himself to death. The characteristics of fairy tales certainly depend on the characteristics of the people of a particular region. After all, despite the fact that there is one people - Russian, people are still different.


In the course of working on this topic, we conducted a survey among students in grades 3-6. The following questions were proposed:

  1. How many fairy tales about animals have you read?
  2. What animals were most common in fairy tales?
  3. What features are present?
  4. What do fairy tales about animals teach?

The survey yielded the following results:

1 question: 1 fairy tale-6%

2 fairy tales -18%

Several - 76%

Question 2: wolf - 7%


Fox – 75%

Question 3: The fox is cunning

Bear - stupidity

The wolf is angry

  1. question: Kindness


Don't hurt the little ones.

To summarize all of the above, it should be noted: fairy tales about animals are not only entertaining and funny, but also instructive.

Man attributed to animals the ability to reason and speak, but people’s misconceptions were also permeated by the desire to understand the life of animals, to master the means of taming them, protecting them from attack, and methods of hunting.

The most common heroes of fairy tales about animals are the fox and the wolf. This is explained by the fact that, firstly, people most often had to deal with them in economic activity; secondly, these animals occupy the middle in the animal kingdom in size and strength; finally, thirdly, thanks to the previous two reasons, a person had the opportunity to get to know them very closely.

The wolf, like the bear, folk beliefs appears as an animal in whose honor holidays were held. They did not call him by his real name, fearing that he himself would be called out by doing so. A hostile and dangerous creature, the wolf evoked respect and fear.

From experience, people knew that the wolf is a predatory, cunning, intelligent, resourceful, and evil creature. Meanwhile, in fairy tales the wolf is stupid and easy to deceive. There seems to be no such trouble, no matter what this unlucky, always hungry, always beaten beast might find himself in.

The respectful attitude towards the fox expressed in beliefs also contradicts the outright mockery with which fairy tales tell about its frequent mistakes and failures. The beliefs of the Russian people and, in general, the beliefs of the East Slavic peoples allow us to assume with all confidence which animals were the heroes of mythical stories and legends of ancient fables.


  1. Anikin V.P. Russian folk tale M., “Enlightenment”, 1977
  2. Afanasiev. A.N. Russian folk tales / Ed. Georgian. - Ed. 3rd. - 1897.
  3. Vedernikova N .M. Russian folk tale M., “Science”

4) Fokeev A.L. “An inexhaustible source. Oral folk art» ed. "Lyceum"


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The wolf in Russian folk tales is in most cases a negative character. He is a strong and dangerous opponent, but at the same time he is a naive and not particularly intelligent hero. He often gets into trouble because of his stupidity, maliciousness, and excessive trust in Lisa and other smarter characters. In rare stories, the wolf still becomes a true friend and protector.

Wolf in Russian folk tales

The positive and negative role of the wolf in fairy tales: its origins

The ambiguous image of the character is associated with the same unclear attitude towards the animal among the people. In fairy tales he often becomes collectively, endowed with strength and stupidity at the same time. By using instructive stories it is demonstrated that the physical strength of the enemy is not the main quality for winning a fight. This character is successfully complemented by the proverb “If you have strength, you don’t need intelligence!” But at the same time, when in a fairy tale the cunning Fox mocks the wolf, we empathize with him. His simplicity is closer to us than the cunning of the red-haired cheat.

The image of the simple-minded wolf is refuted in some fairy tales. For example, in the story about Ivan Tsarevich, the wolf hero, on the contrary, demonstrates wisdom, unexpectedly takes the side of good, and plays the role of an adviser and assistant. But this is the exception rather than the rule.

In their depiction of the fairy-tale wolf, people have strayed far from the real qualities of the animal. If the quality of cunning given to the fox, and cowardice to the hare, seem quite logical, then it is not at all clear why stupidity was attributed to such a dangerous predator. In nature, a wolf is an excellent hunter. He even brings some benefit as a forest orderly. The quality of straightforwardness attributed to him can only be associated with the fact that he is capable of facing danger eye to eye. His style of hunting also speaks of his ingenuousness: the wolf does not chase the prey for a long time, attacks more often in a pack and only on the weakest individuals from the herd.

The character of the wolf in folk tales

First of all, the wolf is a villain character. It’s just that in some fairy tales he poses a threat to other heroes, but in others he is harmless and even useful.

  • “How the wolf was taught intelligence”- the wolf character in this story is stupid and lazy. He shows straightforwardness, which could be regarded as positive feature, if it were not associated with stupidity.
  • "Wolf and Goat"- here he is a malicious deceiver, ruthless and greedy, but still not without naivety.
  • "Sister Fox and the Wolf"- the wolf hero is depicted as a stupid and naive character who, despite his evil face, suffers from the tricks of the Gossip-Fox.
  • "Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf"- portrayed as a conscientious villain who decided to repay his crime good deed and help a person with advice and action. Here he is revealed as a kind and selfless character.
  • "Wolf, Cat and Dog"- here the character demonstrates simple tricks, this is one of the few stories where his ability to deceive is manifested. Not as skilled as the Fox, but still capable of causing harm.

As you can see, the gray wolf is the most instructive, both in positive and negative forms.

Animals in fairy tales represent certain human types: sly Fox, a kind and defenseless hare, a strong but stupid bear. The relationship between such characters is a human relationship, a person as such is “superfluous” in this world, and people, as a rule, do not appear in such fairy tales.

On the other hand, animals that behave like people (speak, make decisions, give advice, etc.) often appear in fairy tales about people. They seem to become intermediaries between two fairy-tale “universes” - the world of animals and the world of people. Most often, either a horse or a wolf acts as such an “intermediary.” In fairy tales entirely devoted to animals, the wolf appears much more often than the horse.

It is noteworthy that the interpretation of the image of the wolf in Russian fairy tales is practically no different from its embodiment in the folklore of other peoples, which indicates the antiquity of the plots associated with it. Therefore, when talking about the image of the wolf in Russian fairy tales, one cannot confine oneself to the confines of Russian folklore itself.

Wolf as a negative character

In fairy tales about animals, the wolf most often appears as an aggressive, dangerous creature - a real robber who should be feared. One of the most famous examples This kind of fairy tale “The Wolf and”, known not only in the Russian tradition. A meeting with such a character does not bode well even for a person. It is no coincidence that in the story of Little Red Riding Hood, also taken by Charles Perrault from European folklore, it is the wolf who becomes the enemy of the main character.

If a wolf can be defeated, it is done not by force, but by cunning. Most often this is done by the fox, which is traditionally attributed this quality. This asserts that it is impossible to defeat force with force, aggression with aggression.

This perception of the wolf is not surprising. Fear of these animals arose long before the advent of cattle breeding, for which they became “enemy No. 1.” There was nothing irrational in this guard: the wolf is a predator, quite capable of killing a person.

The fear was aggravated by the nocturnal lifestyle of wolves. The night has always scared people. In the dark, vision, the main human “supplier of information,” does not work well; a person becomes defenseless. Nocturnal animals, which are well oriented in an alien and dangerous environment for humans, have never inspired confidence in people. This was especially true for dangerous predators, who had an advantage over humans at night.

The demonization of the wolf was aggravated by the binary opposition “friend or foe.” Before the advent of cattle breeding, any animal was “alien” from a human point of view. But if a deer, for example, was to a certain extent “one of ours” because it could be eaten, then the wolf was not a source of food. The ancient people did not know that they were forest orderlies, and they did not immediately realize that a wolf cub could be tamed, raised and used for hunting. No practical benefit they did not see from the wolves, so the wolves in their eyes were completely alien human world. Alien means enemy.

But, paradoxically, the wolf does not always appear in fairy tales negative character. And even such familiar stories from childhood as “The Wolf and the Little Goats” and “Little Red Riding Hood” are not as clear-cut as they might seem.

The duality of the wolf

If in fairy tales about animals the image of a wolf is more or less unambiguous - a cruel but not endowed with intelligence robber, then in fairy tales about people the wolf often acts as a magical assistant. Exactly about this fairy wolf mentions A.S. Pushkin in the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”:

“In the dungeon there the princess is grieving,
A brown wolf serves her faithfully.”

In the fairy tale “Tsarevich Ivan and the Gray Wolf,” it is the wolf who comes to the aid of the hero, and here he can no longer be called a negative character.

Duality folklore image The wolf becomes even more obvious if you go beyond the fairy tale itself and look at the image in a broader mythological context.

Notable in this regard is the famous notebook of Novgorod Onfim, which lifted the veil of secrecy over inner world child from medieval Rus'. The drawings in this notebook embody ordinary boyish dreams of exploits and military glory. But one drawing causes bewilderment: a four-legged creature, in which one can guess a wolf, and next to it is the inscription “I am a beast.” If the boy identified himself with the wolf, it means that this character was not negative in his eyes.

The Tale of Igor’s Campaign mentions Vseslav, Prince of Polotsk, who “prowled like a wolf in the night.” This is hardly figurative literary expression: the chronicles mention that this prince was “mother of witchcraft,” and the author of “The Lay...” could well attribute werewolf to such a person.

A werewolf is a creature that belongs simultaneously to both the human world and the world wildlife, which is for ancient man identified with the other world. The wolf, as already mentioned, due to its special “alienity” to man, is an ideal expression of this world. It is his appearance that must be accepted in order to become involved in the other world. Therefore, werewolfism (originally a type of magical practice) is associated with the wolf form.

So the wolf turns into an intermediary between the human world and the other world. Such an intermediary is necessary for a person going to " other world" for a rite of passage. From this rite come many fairy tale motifs, including the motive of “difficult tasks”. In this light, the origin of the fairytale wolf-magic assistant becomes clear.

The plot of a wolf swallowing the heroes of a fairy tale can also go back to the initiation rite. As you know, goats swallowed by a wolf eventually return safely to their mother goat. And it's not fake at all" a happy ending", taped to prevent children from crying. Teenagers who went to the “kingdom of the dead” for an initiation rite also, in most cases, happily returned to the village. Among many primitive peoples, ethnographers observed huts where rituals took place, built in the shape of an animal’s head. This animal seemed to “swallow” the initiates. Probably similar customs existed among the Proto-Slavic peoples. A wolf swallowing and then releasing the heroes of a fairy tale is a distant echo of such customs.

The wolf in Russian fairy tales and folklore in general is a dual character who cannot be unambiguously called either positive or negative. This duality is associated with the antiquity of the image, rooted in pagan times.

Wolf's image
Russian folk
fairy tales
Vekshin Yaroslav 3a class

Purpose of the study
The goal of my research was to understand why
The wolf in fairy tales is always depicted differently. That
like a stupid and narrow-minded animal, then how
true friend and assistant, then how creepy and
evil enemy.
Let's try to figure it all out.

It is not in vain that the wolves are shrouded in a peculiar aura of mystery
became heroes of legends and horror films, songs and novels.
They are credited with mystical abilities and incredible strength.
Which, strictly speaking, they don’t have. Yes, wolves can smell prey
or each other at a distance of 1.5 km, and if necessary, they
many hours will pass without fatigue.
Besides the fact that wolves are still one of the most dangerous
predators (yes!), they also make a huge contribution to the cleansing
territory of their residence from the sick, weak and even dead
animals. It was not for nothing that they were given such a nickname.

All over the world, people tell stories to entertain each other.
Sometimes fairy tales help you understand what is bad in life, and
what well. Fairy tales appeared long before the invention of books, and
even writing.
In fairy tales about animals, they argue, talk, and
animals quarrel, love, are friends, are at enmity: the cunning “fox”
there is beauty in conversation”, stupid and greedy “wolf-wolf - from under a bush
grabby", "gnawing mouse", "cowardly bunny - bow-legged,
skok slide." All this is implausible, fantastic.
The appearance of various characters in Russian fairy tales about animals
initially determined by the circle of representatives of the animal
peace, which is typical for our territory. That's why
It is natural that in fairy tales about
animals we meet with the inhabitants of forests, fields, steppes
open spaces (bear, wolf, fox, wild boar, hare, hedgehog, etc.). IN
In fairy tales about animals, animals themselves are the main characters -
characters, and the relationship between them determines the character
fairy tale conflict.

In fairy tales about animals one of
the main characters are
wolf. It's straight
the opposite of the image
foxes. In fairy tales the wolf is stupid, he
easy to deceive. No, it seems
such trouble, no matter what
this unlucky guy got caught
an eternally beaten beast. So,
the fox advises the wolf to catch
fish, lowering the tail into the hole.
The goat offers to the wolf
open your mouth and stand under
mountain so he can jump into
mouth The goat knocks over
wolf and runs away (fairy tale “Wolf-
fool"). The image of a wolf in fairy tales
always hungry and lonely. He
always gets into something funny
ridiculous situation.

However, in the ancients
cultures image of a wolf
associated with death
that's why in fairy tales this
animal character
often eats someone
("The wolf and the seven Young goats")
or disturbs the peace
animal life (“Zimovie”
animals"). But in the end they are good
fairy tale characters
Russian fairy tales always
cheat or win
wolf For example, the wolf in
fairy tale "Little Fox-Sister"
and the wolf" remains without a tail.

"... meets young
warrior gray wolf..." This
also a symbol. The symbol itself
Perun. Mighty Storm God,
God of justice, light and
military valor,
appearing on earth
prefers the appearance of a wolf.
Wolf-Perun is wise, brave and
very fast. It's on him
other fairy tales Ivan Tsarevich
covers huge
distances. Moreover, Perun
becoming a knight is not easy
friend, but also brother. ABOUT
what does this say? That,
having himself as a brother
Peruna, Russian hero
capable of crushing anyone

So now let's think
why is there a wolf in all fairy tales
so different? For this you need
remember that fairy tales were originally
no one wrote it down, they
were transmitted exclusively from
word of mouth. And only in a narrow circle.
It's impossible to imagine that
some merchant's son was listening
a fairy tale from an ordinary peasant.
Who could be afraid of wolves?
That's right, peasants. Wolves
could attack livestock, people,
and the peasants could suffer from this
terrible losses. For these people
a terrible wolf, that's in their fairy tales
he was scary, but still
conquerable. Yes, and peasants
children were told such tales,
so that it is discouraging to go into the forest
walk "will come gray top
and bites you on the side.”

Will there be examples... of wolves - favorites of children and adults? "(With)

Vasnetsov Viktor Mikhailovich is a wonderful Russian artist. He has no equal in the skill of writing historical and folklore paintings. The whole world knows such of his creations as “Bogatyrs”, “The Knight at the Crossroads”, “Alyonushka”. The artist’s painting “Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf” looked like a fairy tale come to life on canvas. It was written based on the plot of a folk tale, when you look at it, you immediately remember your childhood and wonderful stories O fairy tale characters. The main characters look as if they are about to step out of the picture and rush into the distance.

Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf
in the dungeon there the princess is grieving
and the gray wolf serves her faithfully

The wolf is not always a negative character.
In folklore different nations The wolf often acts as part of a noble and grateful force. Sometimes even sacred. There are often cases when people considered the wolf as their ancestor.
The wolf was also revered by the ancient Germans. The names Adolf or Wolfgang have a root origin from the word “Wolf”.

In nature, the wolf, first of all, is the orderly of the forest, ensures the development...
In addition, from personal experience- wolves are excellent parents, some freaks take advantage of this to tie up wolf cubs - the parents will feed them anyway, and the skin of an adult wolf is much more expensive than a wolf cub.
The wolf does not attack near its lair (unless it is protecting its offspring).
“... a young warrior meets a gray wolf. This is also a symbol. The symbol of Perun himself. The mighty God of thunder, the God of justice, light and military valor, when appearing on earth, prefers the appearance of a wolf. Wolf-Perun is wise, courageous and very fast. It is on it that in other fairy tales Ivan Tsarevich covers enormous distances. Moreover, Perun becomes the knight not just a friend, but also a brother-in-arms. What does this mean? About the fact that, having Perun himself as his brothers, the Russian hero is capable of crushing anyone. That he has no equal among people on earth. And here, in the tale of the fight against Koshchei the Immortal, his magical speed is required.” (With)
From the tale of the death of Koshcheeva.
“Negative hero - “ Gray wolf" The wolf is a strong, noble and independent animal. For whom is the wolf an unambiguous nightmare, carrying obvious negativity? Definitely not for a feudal lord, who rather feels a kinship of souls with this wolf, can kill it in battle, hang it on the fireplace as a trophy, and give the wolf cubs to children to raise. A wolf is a nightmare for a goat herder, and for a goat herder for whom the loss of a couple of heads from the herd is extremely critical because The flock is not his, but the master’s, and for one master’s goat you can be left without a head. For a goat herder who cannot organize a wolf hunt himself - because then he will not just be a goat herder, but also a hunter and a warrior (consider, free man with weapons, who will build relations with the feudal lord according to completely different principles) - therefore, the master’s forest and everything in the forest is the master’s, the master’s game... it turns out that the wolf in the forest is also the master’s vassal, and to hunt the master’s game with the master’s permission. And the life of a goat herder is to make sure that the master’s wolf does not inadvertently kill the master’s goat. You can’t explain to the wolf that he is the master’s vassal and has no moral right to eat the master’s goat - or rather, you can’t explain it, but the goatherd MUST explain how, his goatherd problems... Moreover, the goatherd himself in this hierarchy is lower than the wolf, his life is filled with permanent tragic excitement and very bleak prospects.
So goat herders tell their children, also future goat herders, tales about a terrible gray wolf that needs to be outwitted. The feudal lords, of course, told their children completely different things.

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Entry: The image of a wolf in... folk tales
posted May 4, 2016 at 9:11 pm and is in |
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