Mandela effect thinker. Effect propagation and examples

The Mandela effect is a phenomenon that is possible evidence of the presence of holes in the Matrix, as well as the existence parallel worlds and the multiverse. The concept of pattern breaking is also closely associated with this phenomenon.

To put it simply in simple language, then this phenomenon manifests itself in the appearance in several people of similar, even identical, false memories of events that happened in the past.

Origin of the name and history

The Mandela Effect was discovered at the Dragon Con fan convention, during a conversation between several of its participants. Suddenly, during the conversation, it became clear that they all had a strange memory. Allegedly Nelson Rolilahla Mandela - South African statesman and political figure, as well as the former - died in prison back in the 80s. In reality, of course, everything was not like that. Mandela emerged from prison, built a political career and died in 2013 at the age of 95.

How did it happen that I was completely conscious? different people have amazingly accurate false memories related to one topic? No one knows. But there are assumptions. Allegedly, the images of two characters are mixed in the mass consciousness - Nelson and Stephen Biko, who was a famous fighter for the rights of South Africans and fell victim to the police.

But then, after one of the participants in this congress began to popularize the Mandela effect, stories about other similar cases began to appear. It turned out that there are enough cases of coinciding alternative memories in practice.

Manifestation of the effect

So what's the point? The Mandela effect manifests itself as follows: suddenly a certain number of people (usually a large number) suddenly remember a certain phenomenon that took place in the past, in their opinion. They describe the details in the same way and even claim that they remember everything as if it happened yesterday.

But in fact, as it later turns out, nothing like that happened. An event that is remembered whole group people was completely different. Or perhaps such a thing did not exist at all. The result is massive internal dissonance.


In fact, the phenomenon in question is a phenomenon. Many people are skeptical about it, especially scientists. Swiss scientists even conducted an experiment to find out whether there is a connection between the formation of false memories and sleep disorders.

Several people were invited and given the task of learning a certain number of words related to a particular concept. For example, the nouns “night”, “dark”, “cat” relate to the adjective “black”. But it is not in the list of words.

So, the people were divided into two groups and told to go to bed. While they were basking in the arms of Morpheus, the lists of words were edited and replenished with new ones.

Participants in one group were then abruptly awakened and shown updated versions of the lists. The task was to name the words that were present in them initially. The awakened participants made many mistakes. Many of them unanimously argued that some new words were on the lists from the very beginning. But those people who woke up on their own made practically no mistakes. Therefore, scientists concluded: sleep disturbances may indeed be the reason why false memories appear.

By the way, a little later they conducted a similar experiment, but with an “addition”. Participants in one group were still woken up, but were immediately given coffee or water. People who drank the invigorating drink made 10% fewer mistakes. Based on this, another conclusion was made: caffeine has positive influence on the brain, which is responsible for the selection of concepts. She is very susceptible to poor, low-quality sleep.

About parallel worlds and glitches in the Matrix

Many people try to explain the Mandela effect. This is a controversial phenomenon, of course, and they try to argue for it in different ways.

The first option is anti-scientific. Its supporters believe that the notorious effect is the result of people moving between parallel worlds. Allegedly, there are alternative realities that differ from ours. And at some moments they shift, and people fall into them without even noticing it.

You can often hear a version similar to the previous one: there are alternative timelines, and they overlap each other, uniting into one reality.

The second option is pseudoscientific. Its adherents, studying examples of the Mandela effect, assure: this is nothing more than the result of a glitch in the Matrix. Some people actually believe that our universe is a huge hologram. Therefore, failures in it are not surprising.

Logical-scientific explanation

In addition to the opinions mentioned, there is one more, which seems to many to be the most probable. They say the phenomenon in question is only the result of fuzzy memories. Or severely distorted. Everyone knows that people tend to embellish events that happened a long time ago and generously season them with non-existent details. This is especially true for children, because they see everything in a different light and remember everything more vividly than adults.

In general, all memories that are fixed in the subconscious about early childhood- this is a complete Mandela effect. Fact: there is such a thing as “infantile amnesia,” which means the loss of memories of the period when a person still reacted vividly to various kinds of impressions. But when he grows up, some fragments of memories about that time “float” in his brain. False, as a rule. They seem to come up on their own, and in hindsight.

And it's not rare case. Many people who have experienced the effect in question turn to what happened to them in childhood. Finding videos from early years, viewing them, they automatically compare what is happening in the frame with the image of the memory. And they are surprised at how much information diverges.

Effect propagation and examples

The phenomenon began to multiply at an astonishing rate. It would seem - well, it just so happened that several people thought that Mandela died in prison, so what? And the fact that since that moment many anomalies have been recorded in not so long history.

By the way, he also reached the Russian-language segment, penetrating into the old Soviet movies, video parodies, idioms. And there are several bright examples Mandela effect. These are obvious facts of replacement, considered by many people to be an outright mockery of the past. Here are just six sample ones:

  • The most famous communist slogan. How to correctly finish the phrase “Proletarians of all countries...”? "Unite"? Or “connect”?
  • Assassination of John Kennedy. Who was in the car with him? Three (wife, governor, driver) or five (wife, governor, driver and two security guards)?
  • Nutella chocolate spread. Was there a two-color one with a white, spirally twisted layer? Or not?
  • Human skull. Is there no bone behind the eye socket or is there?
  • Volkswagen emblem. Double "V" in a circle... with a break in the middle or solid?
  • Ford emblem. Flat "F" or with a curl?

The vast majority of people will choose the first answer options with one hundred percent confidence. And... they will be wrong. Thus experiencing the Mandela effect.

Anatomy has changed! A bone has appeared behind the eye! Delicious 2-color Nutella with white chocolate, it turns out, never existed! Images and flags with the communist slogan suddenly changed from “Unite” to “Unite”. On the Ford emblem, the letter “F” appeared to have some kind of curl, and the double “V” on the Volkswagen logos was suddenly crossed out by a line.

Okay that's it. But the Kennedy assassination? There is a video of that on the Internet chilling moment. And there you can clearly see that there are 4 people sitting in the convertible. But why do all sources claim that there were two additional passenger seats where the above-mentioned persons sat?

Here it is, evidence of the Mandela effect! People who choose the first option are unlikely to find evidence of their truth in history, songs, books and videos. Only memory remembers them. But the reality around is completely different.

Or maybe it's just carelessness?

It's possible. But then it’s too massive. Many people whose goal is to expose the Mandela effect attribute everything to inattention.

After all, we do not store information in our heads that means nothing to us. The presence or absence of a curl in the logo? Who will focus on this?

Inconsistencies in literary works? Well, it is written in the novel “Eugene Onegin” not “Here is the north, driving up the clouds...”, but “Here is the wind, driving up the clouds...”, so what? Just a mistake made first when typing and then when publishing textbooks.

And people en masse simply remake some popular expressions into more harmonious and universal ones, without noticing it themselves. Everyone knows this dialogue from the film “The Hound of the Baskervilles”:

What is this, Barrymore?
- Oatmeal, sir!

So, the phrase sounds different. In fact, there is “Is this porridge or something?”, followed by the answer: “Oatmeal, sir!” Why did everyone completely remake it into the above-mentioned version and why did everyone get the same thing? Because the principles of people’s thinking are not very different, and what else could be in in this case variations of expression?

Conspiracy and zombies

In continuation of the discussion, I would also like to consider the following question: “What is the Mandela effect and who needs it?”

Many people believe that everything happens like this: one person invents this or that circumstance/detail, colorfully and even logically argues for what was said, and the rest pick it up. People who are new to the topic of discussion may cling to the option offered and accept it, so as not to bother themselves with a detailed study of the topic. As a result, the events in their heads are confused and mixed up, but no one pays attention to this. This is the story.

The Mandela effect can truly be considered a phenomenon of mass suggestion on the scale of an entire planet. That's why many people remember other dates. famous events. People simply grabbed some facts from the words of their parents, who were told their own, who were not direct witnesses to what happened. What about other locations of continents and countries? This is not the Mandela effect - you just need to know the geography better.

What's the result? A real “damaged phone”. Something that easily distorts the essence of actually occurring phenomena. And everything would be fine, but there is a frightening moment. There are enough lovers of hysterical pseudology in our reality, and who knows, one day the gossip and myths they start will call history itself into question. It can all start with an innocent embellishment of events, and end with a complete rewrite.

Cases of mass delusion

In fact, there are many more examples of the Mandela effect. Taking into account all of the above, we can also call this a massive mistake, delusion, myth. Anyway, here are some more striking examples:

  • Disney screensaver. How does she look? Many are sure that the fairy Tinkerbell from Peter Pan, flying over the castle, draws an arc with a magic wand and writes out the phrase: “Walt Disney,” dotting the i at the end. But no. The original screensaver looks like this: the fairy just touches the castle with her wand, which immediately explodes with sparks and is replaced by the name Walt Disney.
  • A book about a rogue little fox with long name: “Tutta Carlson the First and Only, Ludwig the Fourteenth and others.” Who is its author? Astrid Lingren? Most people think so. But no. It turns out that it was written by Jan Ekholm.
  • What Darth Vader said in the famous saga climax? "Luke, I am your father"? Not at all. The hero says: “No, I am your father.” Because this phrase- response to Luke’s cry: “You killed my father!”
  • Movie " Caucasian captive" What does one of the many phrases taken out of context sound like? “I’ll ask you not to express yourself in my house,” almost every respondent will answer. But no. In the original, the phrase sounds without “I’ll ask.”
  • Film "The meeting place cannot be changed." There is a phrase that viewers remember in this version: “What a face you have, Sharapov!” In fact, the hero insulted his opponent not by his last name, but by his first name. At the end it’s not “Sharapov”, but “Volodya”.
  • Adolf Gitler. In all portraits of the German Fuhrer, he is depicted with sky-blue eyes. But in fact, the Reich Chancellor had brown eyes.
  • Haruki and Ryu Murakami. Famous people who are considered either relatives or cousins. This is not true, they are just namesakes.
  • Alaska. Leased by Catherine II to the United States for 99 years. It's a lie. In fact, this peninsula was sold to the Americans by Alexander II in 1867. And for eternal use, and not for a while.
  • Sculpture “The Thinker” by Auguste Rodin. How does the figure rest on the hand? Many will say that the forehead. But this is not so, “The Thinker” props up his chin, and not with his fist, but back side palms. But if you look at numerous photographs of tourists, you can see that they are sitting next to the sculpture and... resting their forehead on their fist. And where did this image come from in the mass consciousness?


Most people are of the opinion that there is no need to even debunk the Mandela Effect. Because any false memories, confusion of the present and the past, fictional and real events- these are just disorders and memory impairments. That is paramnesia. Which is often characterized by a person’s overestimation of influence himself on the outcome of certain events that happened once. In essence, paramnesia is a qualitative distortion of memory.

The concept of “phantasm” is also related to this topic. This term also refers to memory impairment. To a person with phantasms, it seems that some events that he invented or imagined actually happened. By the way, there is a small classification here. The following phantasms are distinguished:

  • Hysterical. A person invents or embellishes a story, and after a while he himself believes that everything was as he made it up. This is not pathological deceit, which refers to a tendency to communicate consciously false information. A person with hysterical phantasm is truly convinced that his “memories” are real. He sincerely believes in them.
  • Paralytic. Phantasms that appear when a person has psychosis. Especially with progressive paralysis. Or against the background of euphoria, dementia. Unlike the Mandela effect, the concept of paramnesia was formulated and introduced into use back in 1906 by the scientist Theodore Ziehn. And even earlier, in 1886, the term “memory deceptions” appeared, the author of which was Emil Kraepelin.


There is much more to be said about the Mandela Effect. There are people who aggressively insist that this is an absolutely unscientific phenomenon, which even in theory has no right to exist. Others delve with interest into studying this topic and searching for examples, and discover that there really is something strange and mystical about it.

Be that as it may, in the lives of most people similar cases took place. Some chalk it up to déjà vu, sleep paralysis, fatigue, inattention, brain failure. And others prefer to see behind phenomena unknown to them a mystery and a riddle that goes far beyond the usual and rational.

Excellent selection by Sergei Ignatenko.
The Mandela effect is nothing more than the Castaneda effect.
Remember the late 90s craze for the books and teachings of Carlos Castaneda? It seems that many were simply hypnotized even without the singing of Mexican shamans. Roughly speaking, a mega cool hacker hacked the mass consciousness. :)
Alan Chumak, Anatoly Kashpirovsky, Yuri Longo, Djuna ...
It was enough for one of the teachers to simply make a mistake after a session with these people - and here you have the Mandela Effect.

But I will say more. There are people who not only predict events several periods of time in advance, but actually influence the future. They can cause thunderstorms or rain when there should not be any according to the forecast. Force a person to perform a certain action, even while being far away from him and without means of communication. People who can manage mass consciousness. And forgive me for the comparison, but this is a real Soviet secret project called (you won’t believe it): “X-Men”.

I'll open it briefly little secret similar technology. And for example, let’s take that same poem by Pushkin “The Prisoner”. Few people know that the second poem, “The Prisoner,” was written by Lermontov while he was under arrest for writing a poem on Pushkin’s death, “The Poet Died.” Lermontov wrote a poem:

The poet is dead! - slave of honor -
Fell, slandered by rumor,
With lead in my chest and a thirst for revenge,
Hanging his proud head!..

Lermontov was imprisoned for this. That's when Lermontov wrote his “Prisoner”.
Next, the LECTURER says a lot about Lermontov, recording this very name on the subcortex of the listeners’ (subjects’) brains, and then at the end he mentions a similar poem by Pushkin and reads out its first lines:
I'm sitting behind bars in a damp dungeon.
A young eagle raised in captivity,
My sad comrade, flapping his wing,
Bloody food is pecking under the window,

All. Further, the human brain of listeners itself connects Lermontov and Pushkin’s work into a single logical chain. Wake up such a person at night with the question “where are the keys to the tank?”, in his sleep he will answer “They are hanging on a nail by the door.”
This is a simple example from NLP literature that was popular in the late 90s.

October 31st, 2016

December 5, 2013 In 1996, the first black president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela, passed away. And literally on the same day, Internet search engines received millions of requests asking whether this information was false. A huge number of people were convinced that an outstanding African died in prison in the sixties and seventies of the last century
As you know, Nelson Mandela led the armed struggle against the apartheid regime and was arrested in 1962, after which he actually spent twenty-seven years in captivity. It was while in prison that this human rights fighter gained worldwide fame. However, in 1989 he was honorably released, and in May 1994 he became the president of South Africa and led the country for five years. Why did so many people in different parts of the world have no idea about this and believed that Mandela died without ever being released?

This phenomenon attracted the attention of the participants of the American
multi-genre convention "Dragon Con", held annually in Atlanta.
They carefully studied this issue and came to the conclusion that rational
It is impossible to give an explanation for what happened. Moreover, it turned out that there is
whole line other facts that are deposited in the memory of many people in
distorted form. It was then that enthusiasts introduced the term “effect
Mandela." Congress participant Fiona Broome began to popularize it and
collect information about other events that are in human memory
For some reason they are not being deposited correctly.

False memories in large groups of people

Thus, the Mandela effect is a phenomenon under which
implies the occurrence of large group people of memories
contradictory to the real state of affairs. It is noteworthy that false
memories relate not to some difficult to verify, but to well-known
events: historical, astronomical, geographical, and so on.

In other words, it is easier to verify such information
simple, especially now that everyone has access to the Internet.
However, faced with this phenomenon, people come to some
confusion and confusion. How so? They remember very well
that Mandela died behind bars! This was reported in “News”, written in
numerous newspapers, and even showed the funeral on TV
African revolutionary!..

But no, in fact, no one wrote anything, reported anything, or
didn't show it anywhere. Would journalists around the world really decide
simultaneously cook up such a “duck”? The question is, why? Enthusiasts
searched long and hard for newspaper articles and television reports about
events, even if made by some provincial reporters,
who suddenly wanted to have fun like this. However, similar
there were never any publications, therefore people could not get this
information from the media.

The Inexplicable Details of Fake Memories

Another one strange feature Mandela effect
is that such memories are not
simply false information recorded in a person’s memory, but the entire system
successive memories. Let's give an interesting example.

What color were Adolf Hitler's eyes? Majority
people are ready to swear that it is brown. Moreover, many of them
will tell you with confidence that they know this fact very well since school
times Like, the history teacher specifically emphasized that the Fuhrer was
brown-eyed and at the same time advocated for Aryan racial purity, in
according to which the eyes of a “superman” must certainly be

Obviously this couldn't happen. All contemporaries
Hitler was claimed to have Blue eyes, and liked to emphasize this
fact, speaking about the election of the leader of the Third Reich. Below is suggested
a fragment of a rare color photograph of the Fuhrer, which clearly shows
that his eyes are blue. Why do so many people remember not only him?
brown eye color, but even ridicule of Hitler about this?..

Carriers of false memories often associate
an incident with personal life events, for example, “I have on the same day
a son was born,” or “this was my last school year" That is false
the memory sits firmly in the memory of the individual and is associated with many
other events, creating the illusion that in fact it happened. Not
It’s amazing that someone can prove to you with foam at the mouth that the Americans
landed on the moon only three times, but it's worth showing him an article from
Wikipedia, which clearly states that there were six landings - and the person did not
the joke is lost. He remembers very well how they said on the news that
NASA made its last, third, flight to the Earth's satellite. And such
there are a lot of people.

Famous examples of the Mandela effect

There are many examples of false memories. Not
It’s possible that you yourself will now suddenly understand that for a long time in something
were wrong.

Many believe that the fortieth President of the United States, Ronald
Reagan died after the end of his administration, although in fact he
died in 2004 at the age of ninety-three from pneumonia
against the background of Alzheimer's disease.

Mother Teresa was canonized only in September
this year, although many are convinced that the canonization of the legendary
Catholic nun happened much earlier.

There are exactly fifty states in America, and remember this,
it would seem as simple as shelling pears: exactly half a hundred. However, a lot
people are mistakenly believed to be fifty-one or fifty-two.

Below are the logos of three famous car brands in
two options. Many people would swear that the logos are on the right
are incorrect. Allegedly, Ford never had that squiggle next to the letter “F”
Volvo has arrows at the top, and Volkswagen has divisions between
letters "V" and "W". Even the owners of such cars admit this
error. Despite this, the real logos are shown on the right, and
on the left are their modified versions, which many of us
for some reason they think they are correct.

Writer Agatha Christie disappeared briefly in December
1926. The missing famous author detectives called loudly
public outcry, and the police immediately began searching for the woman. Through
Eleven days later, Christie was found alive and unharmed in a remote
English spa hotel. She returned home and continued writing her
wonderful books. However, a significant number of people
“they remember” that the writer disappeared forever without a trace.

If you think that in the Arctic Ocean
there is an Arctic continent, then you, like many others,
you're wrong. There is only abundant ice cover there.

Non-existent books, films and various works
art is a completely separate conversation. For example, thousands of Russians
“remember” how in the mid-eighties they showed very
a dark adaptation of the fairy tale “Dwarf Nose”. She was very different from the others
film adaptations of the same tale in 1953, 1970 and 1978. In fact
such a movie has never existed, and not a single copy of it has ever been made

Among the numerous portraits English king
There is not a single Henry the Eighth where the monarch would hold a leg in his hands
roast turkey. However great amount residents of Foggy Albion
claims that he saw such a picture with his own eyes in museums, on
exhibitions and on the World Wide Web.

Probably everyone knows American song « Only You».
Many people get a real shock when they find out that she was born in the fifties
for years it was not the “King of Rock and Roll” Elvis Presley who sang, but a black quintet
"The Platters" But many clearly “remember” how Presley performed
“Only You” at his concerts, as this song was included in his official
records. Needless to say, such records were never found,
despite the wild popularity of Elvis?..

Russian examples of the Mandela effect

There are also such examples in Russia and the former Soviet Union.

Many of our compatriots “remember” from school that
Alaska was sold to the Americans by Catherine the Great, although in reality
this happened during the reign of Alexander II. Therefore the Russian
the empress is in vain accused of this oversight.

Everyone probably remembers the common phrase from the film: “Boy, step away from the car.” However, for some reason the majority is convinced that this line was heard in the film “Beware of the Car.” In fact, it was uttered in the film “In Secret to the Whole World,” which many have a hard time believing.

Do you remember how Yeltsin, before leaving the presidency, said: “I’m tired, I’m leaving”? This saying also became popular, but in fact Boris Nikolayevich only said then: “I’m leaving.” Why many of us “remember” the words about his fatigue is a real mystery.

IN former USSR everyone knows the poem that begins with the words “I’m sitting behind bars in a damp dungeon.” But for some reason many are convinced that its creator is Mikhail Lermontov. However, the real author of this work- Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

Possible explanations for the Mandela effect

So, there are several of them, and one is more fantastic than the other:

  1. Firstly, many Mandela effect researchers believe that this phenomenon is a consequence of the movement of people from one parallel worlds to another - the so-called quantum immortality, when a person, unnoticed by himself, moves from one reality to another, neighboring one. In the past reality, the world could have been somewhat different. For example, there Lermontov appropriated a poem by Pushkin, Agatha Christie really disappeared (perhaps she also moved somewhere), and America grabbed a piece of Canada or Mexico, acquiring one or two new states. A person retains certain memories of the reality where he lived before;
  2. Secondly, it is quite possible that someone created a time machine and went back in time, where something was accidentally or deliberately changed. That is, an unknown inventor could trigger the butterfly effect when even minor changes in the past (such as killing an insect) give rise to a chain of changes that significantly affect the future. Thus, some of us still have memories from that version of reality where the events of the past and, as a result, the present were not changed;
  3. Thirdly, there is also an opinion that we all live in a matrix - a simulation of reality created by intelligent machines, people of the future or representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization. In this simulation, glitches and certain problems sometimes occur. For example, on the same day you can meet in different parts same city stranger. Or notice a car on the road that simply disappears, dissolving into thin air. Similar failures can occur in our memory, which is entirely formed by the matrix, since the real world has never been accessible to us, and we do not even know what it is.

The Mandela effect is studied and traditional science. So, in this regard, confabulation is often mentioned - a psychopathological phenomenon of false memory, when a person is completely convinced that certain fictitious events actually happened. However, scientists are unable to explain why such a false memory can sometimes be observed among tens of millions of earthlings living in different parts of the world...

I learned about such a concept as the Mandela effect in the fall of 2017. Oksana Bliznets briefly talked about it in her video blog, I became interested and began to read in more detail. I literally started shaking when I realized what it meant. It turned out that I had lived for many years without knowing that many people around the world, just like me, are faced with the fact that they remember events that did not happen at all, or describe their details that diverge from the memories of other people. official history.

Such a large-scale phenomenon of false memory cannot be explained only by human absent-mindedness and a penchant for invention. When thousands of unrelated individuals tell the same version of the past, which supposedly never existed, you begin to doubt the unity of reality.

For the first time on a global scale, the effect manifested itself at the end of 2013, immediately after death former leader Nelson Mandela's South Africa. People from all over globe began to write indignant reviews about the work of the press, which allegedly speculated on the personality of the long-deceased revolutionary.

The memory that Mandela died in prison at the end of the 80s without waiting for his release was clearly imprinted in their memory. They remembered how widely publicized his funeral was, and were amazed that he had not been dead all these years, but continued to live, active in the advancement of human rights, both during his presidency and after it.

Such an unusual reaction to real fact of the past aroused interest among a group of people who called it the Mandela effect and replicated it under this name. In the wake of the growing popularity of the topic, more and more bloggers began to write about false memories, conducting their homemade research through voting systems built into articles.

Sincerely scientific point This effect was either not studied or the results of the studies were not presented publicly. Everything written about him is an opinion ordinary people. To ignore it or believe it is everyone’s personal choice.

Speaking for myself, I can openly state that I am 100% sure of the existence different options past, so the Mandela effect is not speculation, but reality. After I learned that there are many people in the world who are faced with the fact that their memories do not match the facts, I felt better. This confirmed my beliefs about the plurality of past, present and future. It made me feel not like some kind of eccentric who doesn’t remember everything, but like a person who knows the truth and is ready to put up with the fact that others don’t yet accept it.

General examples

  1. Since 2013, many examples have appeared that prove that you, too, have fallen under the effect. I will list here only those that worked for me:
  2. In a Soviet cartoon, a lion cub asks a turtle to give him a ride. I was sure that the phrase sounded like this: “Ride me, big turtle.” Now there’s only: “Take me for a ride, huh.”
  3. In my memory, Rodin’s Thinker rests his fist on his forehead; in reality, the sculpture looks a little different: the hand is at the mouth.
  4. I distinctly remember striped Nutella on store shelves. However, Nutella has always been produced only in chocolate, without white stripes.
  5. I intensively memorized that there are 51 states in America and the same number of stars per national flag. In today's reality, America includes exactly 50 states.
  6. Since school, I believed that Alaska was sold (leased) back in the time of Catherine II. It was news to me that the deal took place later, during the reign of Alexander II.

Personal examples

  • I'm sitting with my family festive table. Discussion in progress cousin. Her grandmother (my godmother) complains that she does laundry too often. Say, a small stain on clothes and immediately in the wash. I interject with the phrase that this is not a problem with an automatic machine, you yourself recently bought it, and you probably also felt that it became easier to wash. The godmother was alarmed, she didn’t buy any machine, where did she get the money for it! He still washes it normally. I fell silent in shock, not saying that I remember something completely different. About a year before this feast there was another one, where my godmother and my aunt tried to persuade my mother to buy an automatic machine. My aunt has had it for a long time, and her godmother recently bought herself a narrow one and is now delighted with it. It turns out that a different past remains in my memory, with which my family does not agree.
  • At one time I was an avid reader of travel blogs. I really liked the way Masha Dubrovskaya writes. She was not afraid and left St. Petersburg to travel around Asia. Lived in India, Thailand, Philippines. And when I read her, I came across articles where she says that she travels with her cat. One time I wanted to find them to find out what formalities need to be followed in order to fly with animals. I searched and searched and came across a post where Masha says that yes, she had a cat, but she left it with her friends in St. Petersburg. Whoops, another memory error, or did I live a different past?
  • The most relevant example of the effect is happening right now. I log into my blog stats every day to see yesterday's traffic. About 2 weeks ago, I noticed that the statistics graph for the previous month had become higher: on some days there were many more visitors than I remembered the last time I checked. I am both surprised and pleased by the increase in attendance that has been observed in the past.

Reasons for the Mandela Effect

No. 1 Human inattention and tendency to distort memories

This reason is suitable for those who are skeptical and believe that the hype around the Mandela Effect is unnecessarily inflated. Indeed, people may mistakenly remember how many states there are in America and other historical/geographical/political details. But the effect extends not only to general facts. There are family events that different family members remember differently. This can no longer be attributed to lack of education and inattention.

No. 2 Government conspiracy

For some reason the government different countries entered into a conspiracy and secretly change history, cutting out some facts and inserting others. This version seems to me not convincing enough, due to the same thing as stated in the previous paragraph. Not only world facts change, but family and personal ones! No government is capable of such a complex substitution.

#3 Glitch in the Matrix

We don't all live in real world, and are connected to its simulation. From time to time, failures occur, resulting in inconsistencies between the loaded memory and the data recorded in the program. For myself, I reject such an explanation of the effect, because I adhere to.

#4 UFO experiment

Something similar to a government conspiracy and the Matrix, only here the aliens are already operating in the earth’s past or playing with the memory of some people. It is quite possible that a blockbuster could be created on this, but for me this is just a fantasy. I believe in absolute free will for every being, so no one can play with another's mind.

No. 5 CERN and TANK

CERN (European Council for Nuclear Research) has been conducting experiments at the Large Hadron Collider for several years. As a result, a mixture of parallel realities arose. In fact, people who lived in one reality moved to another, so they remember a completely different past than what happened here. I like this theory because such a large-scale project as the LHC could not proceed without consequences. I consider it additional to the reason that I will describe next.

No. 6 Transition from one parallel reality to another

Very similar to the previous reason, only the point is that the exchange between parallel realities occurs naturally according to the internal structure of the Universe. When a person or many people change their beliefs about themselves, their place in the world, and the world itself so dramatically, they make a natural transition to a version of reality that matches their beliefs. It happens unnoticed by a person, but if you dig deeper, you will find inconsistencies that will allow you to understand that you are now living in a different reality than before. This is called the Mandela effect, when your memories that were true in a previous reality now become false. This theory is closest to me, especially if we combine it with the LHC. At first there was only a natural transition as a result of a change in worldview, and then they launched the LHC, which began to artificially mix parallel realities.