Beach in pencil step by step. Drawing a pebble beach

Description how to beautifully draw a vacation at sea

Lesson 22 Seascape Learning to draw waves - How to draw a beach with a pencil step by step. How to draw the sea with gouache step by step! How to draw a seascape, water and waves that roll towards the shore. Learn how to draw the sea with gouache step by step. Only an experienced artist can draw the sea. Drawing the sea is not an easy task, but it’s worth a try. How to draw the sea with a pencil step by step, drawing with a pencil, drawing of the sea, how to. How to draw the sea with a pencil step by step rest Development of logical thinking. Quickly and easily draw step by step with a pencil Do you want to draw beautifully? Pictures for children about summer, sea, vacation, How to draw the sea with a pencil step by step, vacation, How to draw. Here we will tell you in detail how to draw the sea step by step and get a wonderful result. One of the quirky features of a seaside holiday. How to draw a beach and sea using. Step-by-step instructions with illustrations on how to do it step by step. Picture of palm trees and the sea Palm trees over the sea wallpapers, pictures and photos, how. how to make a beautiful and unusual tail. How to draw the sea. Holidays in Anapa in winter and summer! How to draw beautifully. Drawing a beautiful and peaceful lake is very simple. Anapa is located in the Krasnodar region, getting to it is not difficult. Learn how to draw summer with a pencil step by step with a detailed description. If you want to draw the sea it's beautiful. Why does a woman dream about the Sea, what does it mean? Interpretation. You will learn how to draw the Snow Maiden with pencils. Step by step, step by step, you will be able to draw the sea with a pencil, and then paint it with paints. In some places, beach recreation and underwater recreation are less beautifully developed. A sea of ​​happiness, how to simply and beautifully draw a Christmas tree for New Year 2018. The article tells you how to draw a ship. In winter, the backdrop of snowy expanses is beautiful. In order to draw believably and beautifully. Most often, children remember the sea. You can also draw characters from what they read during this time. You should not swim in the pool or sea often. This collection is dedicated to how to draw a mermaid step by step. I thought, well, of course you can draw an ordinary girl step by step, but draw in style. Step-by-step instructions with illustrations on how to draw a tree. Contents: Drawing a rose How to beautifully draw a rose step by step. And apparently you can draw a lot of other beautiful things. Economical vacation Andrey - local authorities exclusively speak beautifully To relax, to the garden, to the sea, to nature - And away from the hated table! Just to be capricious. How to draw a cat with a pencil in a simple and beautiful way for beginners. Clothes for vacation are not only stylish and beautiful.

One of the quirky features of a seaside holiday is that it is not the sea at all. Here it is more important to buy a bunch of different trinkets and magnets for the refrigerator. Otherwise, it does not count as a vacation. After all, you can fry your butt in the sun anywhere, but you can only buy real Crimean shells made in Vietnam in Crimea. Another evidence of a good vacation can be photographs or, if you are an artist, drawings. Looking forward to the summer holidays, you and I can prepare in advance and learn how to draw a beach with a pencil. The beach is a heap of artificially created mixture of clay and shiny pebbles for the comfort of tourists' butts. There is also natural sand on the bottoms of lakes, rivers and children's sandboxes, but it is not so pleasant to the touch and is teeming with local flora and fauna.

In the civilized world, the beach is something more than a substance. This is a place to hang out, this is a cultural institution. The list of interesting things to do here is small, mainly boils down to:

  • Construction of castles;
  • Burying friends in it;
  • Search for treasures, shells, forgotten jewelry by tourists;
  • Declarations of love on the sand, which are immediately washed away by the surf. Symbolic.

And yet, the beach brings a lot of joy to children and their parents. We will be especially careful, because the child is busy with something all day. Cheap and cheerful. If you want to bring back from the sea not only a set of a young tourist, but also a beautiful picture drawn by yourself, I recommend training with us for now.

How to draw a beach with a pencil step by step

Step one. Sketch. First, let's outline the locations of objects on paper. I don’t know what you will have there, I have an umbrella, a sun lounger, and a couple of palm trees or other exotic vegetation. Step two. Let's add some detail to the above items. Step three. Let's draw an umbrella, a sun lounger, and carefully draw palm leaves. Step four. In the background we will add the sea and clouds. And in the foreground we will shade. The sketch is ready. Here's how it turned out: You can add something else interesting, or even color it. I will be glad to see your creativity, send your works! You can attach a picture directly under this article, or in our VKontakte group!

Artists who paint the sea learn this throughout their lives. After all, it is not so easy to convey all the violence of the elements, the play of colors, the nature of the waves, the depth of shades. Therefore, the marine painter specializes only in working with paintings that convey the different states of the sea space. Before we move on to painting pictures with paints, let's look at the beach with a pencil step by step.

Basic outlines

The first step is to position the sheet vertically and draw a horizontal line approximately in the middle. She will separate sky and water.Then draw a shore line with a slight curvature on either side of the sheet, at your discretion. It should start near the horizon and move down to the opposite corner of the sheet. Next, it is important to imagine how to draw the beach and the sea, what will be on the shore, and what state the elements will be in. On the coast, closer to the middle line, you can draw the contours of stones or rocks. Behind the horizon, near the edge of the sheet, draw a couple of small hills, which are the mountains in the distance. Label the sun at the top of the sheet. On land, which is a beach, draw the trunk of the future palm tree, slightly curved towards the sea. At the top of the tree, draw round coconuts and large spreading palm leaves. Next to the trees you can add a large open umbrella and a sun lounger underneath it. Draw a small balloon circle near the water. Draw the outlines of cloud clusters and several seagulls soaring in the sky near the sun. At this stage we looked at how to draw the beach and the sea.


You need to draw small waves on the surface of the water. To do this, use a simple pencil to apply a few strokes to the sea surface. Shade the surface of the sea near the boulders, this will visually enliven the waves. Use an eraser to lightly rub rough edges to soften the pencil outline. The surface of the sea can also be smoothed by rubbing it with a finger or a piece of paper. These manipulations help you understand how to draw the beach and sea so that they look more realistic. Repeat the same steps with the coast - shade the surface and lightly rub it, creating the appearance of sand on the beach. Excess dark areas in the picture can be removed with an eraser. Rocks and mountains should be the darkest areas, so shade them with more pressure on the pencil and increased frequency of movements. On the clouds, draw faint shading, enough to visualize the movement of air. OnFor additional details in the drawing, apply strokes along the contour, creating shadow and depth of the object.

colorful picture

We looked at how to draw a beach and sea using a pencil. Next we will use gouache. In this case, the work is carried out without a pencil, but we will take the main contours of the previous drawing as a basis. We mark the horizon on paper and divide the celestial space into three parts. The top one will be blue, then pink and then yellow will be applied. Using a damp, washed brush, we blur the rough transition from one color to another. On the bottom half of the sheet we again create three lines of color, starting from the horizon - blue, sand, orange, creating the sea, the coastal area and the beach itself. Again we blur the transitions without touching the middle line. We use white gouache to mark the clouds and paint the top with pink and the bottom with dark blue. Remembering our pencil drawing, we draw rocks using brown gouache. Draw the relief, shadows and blur them along the top edge. We emphasize the line of the beach area with orange gouache and use white to indicate the contours of the sea waves. Using thin strokes we set the direction of the waves. We apply foam along the edges of the waves and crests with white gouache. We emphasize the shadows with blue strokes.

This is how we learned how to draw the sea and the beach with gouache. If desired, you can add seagulls in the sky, and apply several large stones on the coast.

For everyone, this word is a kind of stereotype of a holiday where you can enjoy a beautiful view of the water, swim, lie on the sand and sunbathe under the bright sun. Here I will show you how to draw a beach correctly, or you can draw a beach with people, palm trees and the sea with a simple pencil.

How to draw the sea step by step

Stage 1. First, draw the line of the sea and coast. Stage 3. Draw a sailboat at sea. Stage 4. To make the drawing more realistic, birds and clouds are drawn in the sky above the sailboat. Preschoolers can also draw this drawing.

The sea beckons and attracts children to itself, drawing intricate pictures of ships and adventures in their imagination.

5. How to draw the sea. Clouds

Draw a beach umbrella and deck chair under the palm trees. Finally, color the drawing. Paint the sky blue. Color the sea blue, the shallow water light blue. Decorate the boat and the circle red, the deck chair purple.

At this stage we will draw not the sea, but what is above it - the sky and clouds.

Use white gouache to draw a small moon. It is necessary to outline the border with a bright yellow color. We draw the sea with gouache step by step. The sea should first be painted over with uneven, long horizontal strokes, alternating dark blue, light blue and turquoise paint. Continue drawing the sea. Use bright blue paint to paint small waves near the ship itself. Use white gouache to paint highlights on the waves. Paint the sailboat with gouache.

Drawing the sea is not easy, especially with a simple pencil. At this stage we need to draw and shade with strokes the contours of the waves near the stones. After this, you can “color” the stones, heavily shading them, and draw small clouds. If you decide to draw a picturesque seascape, draw dolphins. Draw the outlines of the sea and dolphins with a simple pencil, and then color the entire drawing with paints.