Literary reading tests 2nd grade. Reading test (grade 4) on the topic: Reading tests

Control test

By literary reading

"What is a pseudonym"

4th grade

Read the text:

WHAT IS AN alias

A pseudonym is a fictitious name that replaces the real one. Writers, poets, and artists often came up with pseudonyms for themselves.

Do you know the name of Maxim Gorky? His real name is Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov. The writer's childhood and youth were very difficult. Soon after the boy's birth, his father died, and Alyosha ended up in his grandfather's house. Alexey Maksimovich recalled this with bitterness, hence his pseudonym - Maxim Gorky. He put his father's name first, as if thus prolonging his life. You will study Gorky's works in high school and learn a lot about the life of people of the last century.

Thousands of people grew up reading Gaidar's books. They are still read today in a hundred languages ​​of the world. Arkady Gaidar is widely known for his books “School”, “Distant Countries”, “Chuk and Gek”, “Timur and His Team”. The writer taught children to be courageous, faithful, fearless people. Arkady Petrovich Golikov wrote his novels and short stories under the pseudonym Gaidar, which in Mongolian means a sentinel, brave and vigilant warrior.

On March 31, 1882, Kolya Korneychukov was born, later known as Korney Chukovsky - a storyteller, an idol for children. He was literary critic, translator. About how he was brought into fairy tales, Korney Ivanovich wrote the following: “It so happened that my little son got sick. It was in the city of Helsinki, I was taking him home on the train, he was capricious, crying, moaning. In order to somehow calm down his pain, I began to tell him, accompanied by the rhythmic sound of wheels: “Once upon a time there was a Crocodile, he walked the streets...”. The poems formed themselves. My only concern was to distract the child’s attention from the attacks of illness that tormented him. So I chattered like a shaman.” After the release of the first book, Chukovsky was inundated with children's letters, which became the main recognition of his writing talent.

Complete the tasks by reading the text “What is a pseudonym”

A 1 . What is a pseudonym? Write down the answer.

A 2. Who often comes up with pseudonyms for themselves? Underline the answer in the text.

A 3. Is it true that a pseudonym and a nickname are the same thing? Justify your idea (in writing).

A 4. Write down the names of the works of Gorky, Gaidar, Chukovsky that you know.

A 5. Write down, using the text, whose novels and stories you will become acquainted with in high school.

A 6. Whose works do children read with interest? Write down the answer.

A 7. Which writer chose the pseudonym Gaidar? Write down the answer.

IN 1 . Why did Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov choose the pseudonym Gorky? Explain in writing.

AT 2. Match the words with their meaning.

Idol is a name that is given to a person for some reason

A characteristic feature for him.

To chatter an object of admiration and worship.

Speak the nickname quickly, without stopping.

C 1 . Fill in the table based on the text.

Writers mentioned in the text

Their nicknames

C 2„ How did the pseudonym Gaidar reflect the main ideas of the writer’s works? Prove it in writing.

C 3. How did Korney Chukovsky begin to write fairy tales? Write down the answer.

C 4. What did you find most interesting in this text? Explain why. Fill out the table.

The most interesting

Why interesting

Answers to assignments.

A 1.

A pseudonym is a fictitious name that replaces a real one.

1 b.

A 2.

Writers, poets, and artists often came up with pseudonyms for themselves.

1 b.

A 3.

Sometimes children jokingly give each other nicknames, which often accompany a person throughout his life. This is also a kind of pseudonym, the main thing is that it is inoffensive.

1 b.

A 4.

“School”, “Far Countries”, “Chuk and Gek”, “Timur and His Team”

1 b. per piece

A 5.

With works by M. Gorky

1 b.

A 6.

Works by A. Gaidar

1 b.

A 7.

Arkady Petrovich Golikov

1 b.

IN 1.

Soon after the boy's birth, his father died, and Alyosha ended up in his grandfather's house. WITH bitterness Alexey recalled this Maksimovich , hence his pseudonym - Maxim Gorky.

1 b.

AT 2.

An idol is an object of admiration and worship.

To chatter is to speak quickly without stopping.

A nickname is a name that is given to a person based on some characteristic characteristic of him.

3 b.

From 1.

1. Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov - Maxim Gorky;

2. Arkady Petrovich Golikov - Arkady Petrovich Gaidar;

3. Kolya Korneychukov - Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

3 b.

C 2.

The writer taught children to be courageous, faithful, fearless people.

1 b.

C 3.

“It happened that my little son got sick. It was in the city of Helsinki, I was taking him home on the train, he was capricious, crying, moaning. In order to somehow calm down his pain, I began to tell him, accompanied by the rhythmic sound of wheels: “Once upon a time there was a Crocodile, he walked the streets...”. The poems formed themselves. My only concern was to distract the child’s attention from the attacks of illness that tormented him. So I chattered like a shaman.”

1 b.

C 4.

up to 3 b.

Options for test/control work on literary reading for grade 2, UMK Perspective. The tasks are partly about knowledge of the program, partly about logic and attentiveness.

Tests will help in preparing for the unified test work in 4th grade, since it is also given in the form of tests.

Test work on literary reading No. 1

1. What is oral folk art?


2. Collect proverbs (connect the beginning and the end):

Life is given and that bitter mountain ash.
Remember friendship for good deeds.
There is one berry in September, and forget the evil.

3. Determine (connect the beginning and end):

Papyrus birch bark
Parchment herbaceous plant of ancient Egypt
Birch bark specially treated animal skin

4. What did our ancestors write in? East Slavs?

birch bark

A handwritten book is an image that explains or complements the text.

Illustration is a comparison of one object (phenomenon) with another.

Collection - text written by hand.

Comparison – a series of works by one or more authors.

 A. Pushkin

 S. Yesenin

 A. Pleshcheev

7. Who is not an illustrator?

 Vladimir Lebedev

 Alexey Pakhomov

 Sergey Yesenin

8. What is Pushkin’s patronymic name?

 Alexander Sergeevich

 Evgeniy Ivanovich

 Boris Stepanovich

9. Where does N. Sladkov’s work “Autumn” take place?

 in the city
 in the village
 in the forest

10. What do the words mean (match the beginning and the end):

In one gulp - eyes.
Ochi is a clumsy, awkward person.
Klutz - immediately, without a break.
Reality is what happened in the past.

11. Determine (connect the beginning and end):

Poetry is rhythmically connected speech (rhyme).
Prose is a common form of spoken and written language.

Test work on literary reading No. 2.

1. Is the statement true: there are fairy tales: about animals, everyday, fairy tales?

□ yes  □ no

2. A fairy tale is a work of folklore oral creativity

□ yes  □ no

3. Fairytale character- This fictional hero

□ yes  □ no

4. Who is not a collector of fairy tales?

□A. Afanasyev □V. Dal  □S. Yesenin

5. Determine (connect the beginning and end):

Zimovie - deceiver, cunning, crafty

Smeknet – a place where animals spend the winter

Cheat - figure out, guess something

6. Which fairy tale are these words from:

“The beaten one brings the unbeaten one”?

Sly Fox□Sister Fox and Wolf □Zimovie

7. Which fairy tale are these words from:

“You are human. No one can do anything to you. Man is the master everywhere. Now you won’t be afraid of anything.”

□ Cuckoo □Ide  □Ayoga

8. Which fairy tale are these words from:

“I started looking at myself. And I liked myself. Either he looks at the copper basin, or at his reflection in the water. I’ve become completely lazy.”

□ Cuckoo □Ide  □Ayoga

9. Which fairy tale are these words from:

“Once upon a time there lived a poor woman. She had four children. The children did not obey their mother. We ran and played in the snow from morning to evening.”

□ Cuckoo □Ide  □Ayoga

10. In the fairy tale “The Fox and the Crane” what they treated each other to:

fox _______________________________


Literary reading test No. 3 in the section “Miracles Happen”

1 option

The elephant is strong and smart.

The elephant is big, the elephant is strong and smart, everyone knows that. The domestic elephant in India carries heavy loads, carries water and even nurses small children.

But not everyone gets to see a herd of wild elephants. The elephant has almost no enemies. But if an elephant senses danger, it sneaks away quietly, like a mouse.

It happens that it curls up along the elephant path giant snake python and will attack a small elephant calf who has fallen behind the herd. The baby elephant will trumpet and squeal. The elephants will instantly rush to save the baby elephant. The whole herd runs around and tramples the python, as if dancing on it. And when the baby elephant is rescued, he will get it from the mother elephant, so that he obeys the adults and does not lag behind the herd.

G. Snegirev

1. Mark the redundant statement. Elephant:

1) big 3) smart

2) strong 4) weak

2. Mark true statement. If an elephant senses danger, it:

1) runs away

2) calls the baby elephant

3) sneaks quietly like a mouse

4) sneaks quietly like a cat

3. How do you understand the phrase “giant snake”?

1) big

2) very large

4) strong

4. What genre does this text belong to?

1) Story 3) Riddle

2) Fable 4) Fairy tale

5. What kind of work can a domestic elephant do? Write it down briefly.


Option 2

Read the text. Complete the tasks.

Brother and younger sister.

Sanka and Varya are coming from the forest, dragging baskets of boletus mushrooms.

What are you doing, Sanya... - says the grandmother. – The little one gained more!

Of course,” Sanka answers. “It’s closer to the ground, so it’s dialed.”

Varya and Sanka go to the forest for the second time. Pick raspberries. And I went with them.

And suddenly I see Sanka, unnoticed by Varya, pouring berries into her box. Varya will turn away, and he will take it and add some more.

Let's go back. Varya has more berries. Sanka has less.

Grandma meets.

What are you saying, Sanya? Raspberries grow tall!

High,” Sanka agrees.

This way it’s easier for you to reach, but Varya gained more!

Still would! - Sanka answers. - Varya is a great guy. Varya is our worker. You can't keep up with her!

1. What did Sanka and Varya collect in the forest?

1) boletus mushrooms 3) raspberries

2) saffron milk mushrooms 4) rowan

2. Choose a synonym for the word drag.

1) push 3) crawl

2) are carrying 4) are being transported

3. At what time of year do the events described in the text take place?

1) in winter 3) in summer

2) in spring 4) in autumn

4. What helped you determine the time of year?



5. Do you agree with this statement: “The author admires his hero Sanka”?

1) yes 2) no

Option 3

Read the text. Complete the tasks.

Puppy and Snake

The Puppy was offended by his old friends and ran to look for new ones. The Snake crawled out from under the rotten stump, curled up in a ring and looked into the Puppy’s eyes.

So you look at me and are silent... And at home everyone grumbles, growls and barks at me! - said the Puppy to the Snake. - Everyone teaches me and scolds me: Barbos, Sharik, and even Shavka. I'm tired of listening to them!..

While the Puppy was complaining, the Snake was silent.

Will you be my friend? - asked the Puppy and jumped off the stump on which he was sitting.

The Snake turned around and bit the Puppy. Silently...

S. Mikhalkov

1. Why did the Puppy run to look for new friends?

1) because everyone abandoned him 3) because no one played with him

2) because everyone taught him 4) because there were no old ones

2. What did the Puppy like about the Snake’s behavior?

1) she was silent 3) she sympathized with him

2) she played with him 4) she wanted to make friends with him

3. Do you agree with this statement: “The author laughs at his hero”?

1) yes 2) no

4. Mark the names of S. Mikhalkov’s works.

1) “Uncle Styopa” 3) “Musician”

2) “Puppy and Snake” 4) “Guys and Ducklings”

5. Mark the sentence that expresses main idea text.

1) Whoever is respected is listened to

2) Without good friend a person does not know his mistakes.

3) Help your friend as much as you can.

4) Good example better than a hundred words.

Answers to test work under the section “Miracles Happen”

Option 1:

  1. Carrying heavy loads, carrying water, nursing small children.

Option 2

  1. That the children were picking berries

Option 3

Comprehensive text analysis.

The proposed literary reading test makes it possible to find out how well the knowledge, skills and abilities of second-grade students correspond to the basic program requirements of the new Federal State Educational Standards. The tests are designed in such a way that they show the level of formation of educational skills - to perceive and perform learning task, monitor and adjust your own actions as tasks progress. lead time test work- 40 minutes. I wish you success and excellent results.

You are sitting at home in a warm room in the fall and notice that the glass in the windows is fogged up. What happened?

The warm air of the room touched the cooled glass, the water vapor gathered and turned into tiny droplets of water. This happens not only in a room, but also on the street, in a forest, over a river, over a meadow and fields, when the vapors cool.

The warm summer day is over. The sun had set, and fog began to creep over the river or swamp. Where did this fog come from?

The earth warmed up during the day, and began to cool in the evening. The humid air above the river has become colder and can no longer absorb water vapor. They thickened and became visible. Just like on chilled glass in a warm room, they appear white.

Fog is condensed water vapor.

Fogs occur not only in spring, summer and autumn - they can also be observed in winter, when weak warm winds blow. They often form over an unfrozen river or ice hole.

Early spring fogs protect crops from the cold.

1. Determine your speaking style.

1) artistic

2) scientific

3) journalistic

2. What happens first in the text, and what happens later?

A. water vapor clustered

B. water vapor turned into water droplets

B. warm air touches cooled glass

3. At what time of year is there fog?

1) at all times of the year

2) only in summer and autumn

3) only in spring, summer and autumn

4. Under what conditions does fog occur in winter?

1) when the air temperature is very low

2) when the sun is shining brightly

3) when weak warm winds blow

5. Indicate the word that is the opposite in meaning to the word cools.

1) it's getting colder

2) heats up

6. Indicate which explanation correctly reveals the meaning of the word huddled.

1) gathered in a close group, in a heap

2) stand with your chest forward

3) became sad

7. What benefits do early autumn fogs bring? Write the answer from the text.




8. Determine the order of the plan items.

A) How does fog appear over a river and a swamp?

B) What is fog?

Q) Why do windows fog up?

D) How is early spring fog useful for young crops?

9. Formulate the theme of the work with an interrogative sentence.



10. Using the text of the work, add phrases.

glass (what kind) ...

droplets (what?) ...

couples (which ones?) ...

11. Using the text of the work, restore the sentences.

The answer is _____________________ for the day, and by the evening it became ____________________________. The humid air over the river _________________ colder ___________________________________ water vapor.

12. Formulate and write a complete answer.

Which new information did you receive (received) while reading this work?

Answer: ________________________________________________________





13. Choose antonyms for the words.

1) in a warm place -…

2) chilled - ...

3) village (sun) - ...

4) condensed (water vapor) - ...

Reading tests 4th grade

Read the text.

Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf.


Ivan the Tsarevich climbed over the wall, saw a tower - there was a golden cage on the window, and the Firebird was sitting in the cage. He took the bird and looked at the cage. His heart flared up: “Oh, how golden, precious! How can you not take one like this!”

As soon as he touched the cage, a sound went through the fortress, the trumpets blew, the guards woke up, grabbed Ivan the Tsarevich and led him to Tsar Afron.

King Afron became angry and asked:

Whose are you, where are you from?

I am the son of Tsar Berendey, Ivan is the prince.

Oh, what a shame! The king’s son went to steal... now I’ll spread a bad reputation about you throughout all the cities... Well, oh well, if you do me a service, I’ll forgive you. In such and such a kingdom, King Kusman has a golden-maned horse. Bring him to me, then I will give you Zhar - a bird with a cage.

Ivan the Tsarevich became sad.

1. Write keywords that will help you retell the text.

2. This is an excerpt from a fairy tale:

3. Choose words that are close in meaning to the words:

A) stared -...

B) got upset - ...

B) got angry -...

4. Read the writers’ surnames and write down their first and patronymic names.

A) Gorky ________________

B) Paustovsky _____________

B) Marshak ________________

D) Kataev __________________

Words for reference: Samuil Yakovlevich, Maxim, Konstantin Georgievich, Valentin Petrovich.

5. Read figurative expressions from the poem by I. S. Nikitin “Meeting Winter.” Write where metaphors, comparisons, epithets.

A) The fog rose in clouds, the snow lay like a sheet, drops of tears burned like diamonds, a hero grew like an oak tree under storms.

B) Gloomy skies; the air is light and clean; in an open field; golden spring; Holy Rus'; uninvited guest; on the side of a stranger; uncrowded space.

B) The forest cried; snow began to fall; the river froze; drops of tears are burning; the forest looks cheerful; frost crackles; the blood burns; the blizzard swirls and stirs; The blizzard sings.

6. Indicate what the term “afterword” means.

7. What kinds of fairy tales are there?

A) _____________

B) _____________

IN) _____________

D) heroic

Read the story.

A bear got into the habit of Father Sergius. He wiggles his nostrils: he smells of fresh bread.

“Wait a little,” said Father Sergius. - The bread will cool down. I'll bring it to you.

He put the bread on the stump, and he himself stood aside. The bear sniffed the loaf and ate it with great eagerness.

Every day at the same time the bear began to come to the hut. He will come and wait, like a man, for Father Sergius to come out.

I’m coming, I’m coming,” he says. - I carry it, I carry it - hunger is not my aunt. You won't be able to climb onto the stove. It's a shame that the flour is ending.

The bear listened to the man’s leisurely speech and was in no hurry to leave. Now Father Sergius was baking smaller loaves: the flour was running out. He will bake it, break it into two parts and give the larger one to the bear, and keep the smaller one for himself.

Eat, my dear, don’t be offended. The richer you are, the happier you are.

But the bear was not offended. He understood something. And, perhaps, a kind word was more valuable to him than bread.

1. What is unusual about the content of this text?

A) The bear loved bread.

B) The bear understood the kind word.

2. Write the words and expressions that Father Sergius said.

A) What was the name of the bread?

B) How did you address the bear?

Q) What sayings did he say?

3. Find an explanation of its meaning for the proverb.

To live without anything is only to smoke the sky.

C) Everyone must work.

4. Find an explanation of its meaning for the proverb.

Summer doesn't happen twice a year.

A) One should not hope for the impossible.

B) should not be judged by appearance, but in content.

C) Everyone must work.

5. Find an explanation of its meaning for the proverb.

All that glitters is not gold.

A) One should not hope for the impossible.

B) should be judged not by appearance, but by content.

C) Everyone must work.

6. Indicate what the term “title page” means.

A) ___________ is the first page of the book, which contains all the basic information about it.

B) ___________ - a small article located after the main text of the book.

B) ___________ - an article located before the main text of the book.

Read the story.

The sea is fraught with enormous wealth. Man has been fishing in the sea for a long time. From seaweed prepare delicious dishes and nutritious feed for livestock.

Sea water is good for health. Holiday homes and camps are built on the shores of the seas.

Passenger and cargo ships sail the seas. Sea roads connect distant countries. According to L. Melchakov.

7. What text is this:

A) narrative

B) descriptive

D) reasoning

8. Write an outline for the text “Sea”.

Read it.

Caring flower.

You can tell amazing things about almost every plant. Every flower is a story. Plants save us from diseases, give us sound sleep, fresh strength, clothe us, feed us - you can’t count everything.

Previously, it was believed that fireweed, popularly nicknamed Ivan - tea, was only suitable for cheap tea. The foresters mercilessly tore out all the fireweed that grew next to the young pines. They did this because they believed that this plant suppresses the shoots of pine trees and takes away light and moisture from them.

But they soon noticed that the pines in those places where fireweed was destroyed could not fight the cold at all and died from the first frosts.

It turned out that fireweed is a very warm flower. When the autumn frost hits and the frost silvers the grass, there is no frost near the fireweed. Because there is warm air around the fireweed. This flower exudes warmth. And in the warmth, all the fireweed’s neighbors, all the weak shoots, grow without fear, until winter covers them with snow. This is their watchman, their protector, their nanny. It happens in severe frost The entire top of the fireweed will freeze, but it still does not give up, it lives and breathes warmth. Selfless flower!

A) With love for all plants.

B) In different ways, depending on whether it is useful or not.

2. How does Ivan tea affect neighboring plants?

A) It takes away light and moisture from them.

4. Which of these passages is taken from the epic?

A) Along the river

the swan is swimming,

Above the bank the little head is carried.

He waves his white wing,

He shakes some water onto the flowers.

B) Him good horse yes heroic

He began to jump from mountain to mountain,

He began to jump from hill to hill,

Small rivers, lakes

let it run between my legs.

5. Indicate what the term “preface” means.

A) ___________ is the first page of the book, which contains all the basic information about it.

B) ___________ - a small article located after the main text of the book.

B) ___________ - an article located before the main text of the book.

6. Restore the sequence of actions to prepare for the retelling. Write the letters in the correct sequence..

A reminder for preparing for the retelling.

A) Divide the text into parts and title them.

B) Determine the main idea of ​​the text.

C) Orally retell the text according to plan.

D) Read the text carefully.

7. Give one or two examples of works from each of the listed genres.

A) Poems: ____________

B) Folk tales: __________

D) Fables: ____________________

D) Epics: __________________

Read the story.

Blue field.

One evening my younger brother said: “Tomorrow I will wake you up before dawn and show you something you have never seen in your life.”

Early in the morning we left the house and went to a field sown with flax. There we climbed onto a large cold stone and waited. I could hardly contain my dissatisfaction, not knowing the purpose of getting up early.

Suddenly the brother said: “Look carefully!” The first rays of the sun in an instant changed the color of the field: from light green it became bright blue, as if someone had thrown a blanket of extraordinary blue over it. As if on command, the flax flowers opened towards the sun.

This wonderful living picture became one of the most vivid impressions of my childhood.

1. What happened at dawn?

A) The dark field became light.

B) The flax flowers opened.

2. What did the hero remember?

A) Sudden change in the color of the field.

B) Perseverance of the younger brother.

B) The beauty of flowers.

3. Write an outline for the text “Blue Field”.

Here is the table of contents of a children's encyclopedia.

4. In which chapter will you look for information about who invented radio?

A) Earth and the Universe

B) History of discoveries

B) Countries and peoples

A) in chapter 4

B) in chapter 5

B) in chapter 6

6. What information can you not find in the encyclopedia?

A) What plants are there in the desert?

Q) What events will happen in 2081?

7. Indicate those statements with which you agree.

A) Pribautka is one of the small genres of oral folk art.

B) Babies are lulled to sleep using jokes.

C) Jokes usually take the form of dialogue.

D) In ​​jokes, the subject of conversation is not named, but its main features are indicated.

8. Continue the phrase.

Fables are called so because ___________________.

Read it.

Collection folk wisdom.

The compiler of the “Explanatory Living Great Russian Dictionary” Vladimir Ivanovich Dal collected not only words, but also folk sayings - proverbs. In proverbs, people briefly and aptly expressed their opinions about life, their centuries-old experience. Dahl collected more than thirty thousand proverbs. He rewrote them not alphabetically, as is usually done, but according to their meaning: proverbs about the Motherland and foreign lands, about wealth and poverty, about truth and lies, about work and idleness. You read section by section of Dahl’s collection - and it opens up to you what people think about all the most important things in life. Dahl explained: a collection of proverbs is a body of folk wisdom and common sense.

1. Write the themes of the proverbs indicated in the text.

2. Read the proverbs taken from the collection of V.I. Dahl, and write the name of the topic to which it relates. You can use information from the text.

A) When you are full, remember hunger, and when you are rich, remember poverty.

B) You will destroy the truth, and you yourself will disappear with it.

C) On the other side, even spring is not red.

D) An earned piece is better than a stolen loaf.

3. Write words close in meaning (synonyms) to words6

A) saying -...

B) idleness - ...

Read an excerpt from the text.

Last day of July; for a thousand miles around Russia is our native land.

The whole sky is filled with an even blue, only one cloud on it - either floating or melting. Calm, warm... the air is fresh milk!

The larks are ringing; there are pigeons around; swallows soar silently; horses snort and chew; the dogs do not bark and stand quietly wagging their tails.

A) mysterious

B) humorous

B) light

5. Choose an appropriate reading pace.

A) quickly

B) slowly

6. Read the groups of words and expressions and the name of the area of ​​their use. Tell me where characteristics of events, Where Characteristics of the character and where characteristics of a picture of nature.

A) Started to be afraid; poor; I couldn’t admire; trembled at the thought; my heart froze.

B) Covered with a snow-white carpet; cleared away with frost; covered with snow; the ice is still very thin; the coming frosts.

B) Once upon a time; flew into the room; caught on the window frame; telegram; came running; meet; jumped off instantly; run like a bullet.

7. What is personification?

A) When nature is spoken of as a living being.

B) When one object is compared with another.

C) When the work tells about what actually happened.

Read a fairy tale.

One day a poor man passed by a tavern. He sees that the frying pan is sitting on coals, and the aroma of food is coming from it in all directions. He squatted down in front of the frying pan, took a piece of dry bread from his bag and began to hold it over the steam. When the bread was moist enough, the poor man began to eat it.

The owner of the tavern waited until the end of the meal, grabbed the poor man by the collar and began to demand payment for the food. He refused to pay. For this, the innkeeper dragged the poor man to the judge.

At that time, Khoja Nasreddin was a judge in the city. He listened carefully to both sides, called the dissatisfied owner of the tavern over to him and ordered him to bend over. He took out a handful of coins from his wallet and said, “Take it!” began shaking them in front of the innkeeper’s ear.

The owner of the tavern said in amazement:

What does it mean?

Khoja Nasreddin answered him:

Here is my solution - whoever sells steam from food receives the ringing of coins.

1. Find a characteristic for each hero based on his actions.

Words for reference: wise, simple-minded, greedy.

2. Choose the correct answer.

annotation- This:

A) an article telling about the history of the book’s creation;

Literary reading tests

Chapter « Glorious Autumn »

1." Autumn! Our whole poor garden is crumbling»

Why did A. Tolstoy say “ our poor garden»?

a) no one takes care of the garden

b) autumn...leaves have fallen from the trees

c) there were few fruits on the trees

2. In his story “Autumn” I. Sokolov-Mikitov writes that the golden autumn

Mushrooms still grow along the edges of the forests. Find a pair. Connect with a line.

red-headed honey fungus

greenish and pink saffron milk caps

slippery milk mushrooms

fragrant russula

slender-legged boletus

3.Note which birds in the fall are preparing to fly away, about which he writes

I. Sokolov-Mikitov.

swallows starlings

swift-winged swifts songbirds

hazel grouse wild geese

black grouse long-legged cranes


4. Which birds does K. Paustovsky talk about in his story?

"Alone with Autumn"?

a) about cranes

b) about wild geese

c) about starlings

I like to run in the forest,

Hear the branches crack,

Rake leaves with your foot.

a) N. Rubtsov

b) A. Pleshcheev

c) A. Maikov

6.Remember N. Rubtsov’s quatrain. Fill in the missing word.

At a rotten forest hut,

Wandering between the white trunks,

I like to collect _________________

On the slope of an autumn day.

The spruce tree has become more noticeable in the forest -

Protects the thick shadow

The last aspen boletus

He pulled his hat on one side.

a) A. Pleshcheev “A boring picture”

b) N. Nekrasov " Railway»

c) A. Tvardovsky “Forest in Autumn”

8.Like N. Nekrasov in his excerpt from the poem “Railroad”

calls it autumn?

A) Golden autumn!

b) Glorious autumn!

c) Boring autumn!

9.What autumn month is A. Pushkin talking about in the poem “Autumn”.

Enter the name of the month.

_____________ has already arrived - the grove is already shaking off

The last leaves from their naked branches...

10. In the story “Russian Forest” I. Sokolov-Mikitov says that “ in winter and

Russian forest is good in summer, autumn and spring...”

And when " The Russian forest is especially beautiful and sad…»?

a) in the early autumn days

b) in the days of golden autumn

c) late autumn

Literary reading test grade 3

Chapter: " About the cunning blackbird, the stupid bear and other animals" .

1.Remember Russian folk tale"The Fox and the Thrush". What did Drozd do?

so that the Fox doesn't eat him and his children? Arrange the order of actions.

Made me laugh and got drunk

Scared Fed

2. How did the fairy tale “The Fox and the Blackbird” end?

a) The fox was caught by hunters.

b) The fox hid from the dogs in a hole.

c) The dogs grabbed the fox by the tail and pulled it out of the hole.

3.Remember the fairy tale “The Man and the Bear”. Where did the man go to sow turnips?

a) in the field

b) to the forest

c) to the garden

4. In the fairy tale “The Man and the Bear,” the man sowed turnips and rye. What did you get

bear? Find a pair. Connect with a line.

Turnip tops

Rye roots

5.Why does the Bear demand his share from the man in the fairy tale “The Man and


a) The bear had nothing to eat.

b) After all, he is the owner of the forest.

c) The bear was too lazy to work.

6.What did the Bear from the fairy tale “The Bear, the Wolf and the Fox” sell at the market?

Cross out the excess.

Honey, nuts, mushrooms, apples, pine cones, acorns, berries.

7.How did the Wolf and the Fox walk from the fairy tale “The Bear, the Wolf and the Fox”? Find a pair.

Connect with a line.

The wolf weaves

The fox is dragging

8.For what goods was the Bear beaten from the fairy tale “The Bear, the Wolf and the Fox”?

a) for cones and acorns

b) for mushrooms and berries

c) for nuts

9. Tag the stupid characters from the fairy tales you read.

a) from the fairy tale “The Fox and the Thrush” - Fox or Drozd

b) from the fairy tale “Bear, Wolf and Fox” - Bear, Wolf or Fox

10.Add it. To oral folk art include -

fairy tales, _________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________ ________

See below

Literary reading test grade 3

Chapter: « About our smaller brothers »

1.Remember the story by Yu. Koval “Labaz”. What is a "labaz"?

a) dugout

b) a hut without windows, with log walls

c) hut on chicken legs

2. What did the geologists keep in the storehouse?

a) diamonds

b) products

c) personal belongings

3. Who ruined the geologists' storehouse?

a) birds

b) bears

c) unknown who

4. What did Pronka bring from the remaining products in the storehouse?

a) a bag of compote

b) a box of butter

c) tin pancake

5. What did Zhulka like to do from M. Prishvin’s story “Zhulka and


a) chase the cat around the rooms

b) stare at him for hours in a standing position

c) out of jealousy towards Prishvin - run at great speed

6. What story are these words and expressions from? Write the meaning of these

words and expressions. Choose the correct answer.


Cats of all stripes_______________________________________________

They take the house under siege_____________________________________________

They're hanging around_________________________________________________


a) “Zhulka and the cat.” M. Prishvin.

b) “My house.” K. Paustovsky.

c) “Farewell to a friend.” V. Berestov.

7. What property of jackdaws did B. Zhitkov write about in his story?


a) ate from hand, was allowed to stroke

b) whatever glitters, everything drags

c) flew away to freedom and flew back

8. Who called his brother to drink water from a tub in the story by V. Veresaev


a) sister

b) jackdaw

c) sparrow

9. Name a friend to whom V. Berestov had to say goodbye in

poem "Farewell to a Friend"?

a) hedgehog

b) cat

c) sparrow

10. What is the name of the monkey from the story by V. Chaplina, which she decided


a) Vovka c) Styopka-shaggy

b) Beaver d) Baby

11. E. Shim. "Squirrel and Raven." Who was the third hero? Write.

Grandfather Raven, Squirrel - red tail and _________________________

12. Who does V. Durov talk about in his story “At the Blackboard”?

a) about the guys

b) about animals

c) about artists

13. Find out the heroes of V. Durov’s story. Connect with a line.

Leo the elephant

Baby Saint Bernard dog

Lord Sea Lion

14. What part did each of the artists take in the circus act?

Connect with a line.

The Lord is good at mathematics, wrote in a sweeping handwriting

Baby voiced how many units were missing on the board

Leo was erasing extra units

15. Do you know that Vladimir Leonidovich Durov- ancestor

the famous, world-famous circus family of the Durovs -

clowns and trainers. How did the Durovs achieve obedience?


a) by force

b) beatings

c) caress

Literary reading test grade 3

Chapter: « Fairy tales - non-fairy tales »

1. Who is the author of the non-fairy tale “Teremok”?

a) V. Bianchi

b) M. Mikhailov

c) B. Zakhoder

2. Find a match. What does the author of a non-fairy tale call his characters?

"Teremok"? Connect with a line.

The spotted woodpecker is the first singer in the grove

Starling sharp nose

Owl jumps rope on branches, sits on hollows

The squirrel will fall into his claws - don’t whine

Marten Mishka is the end of your mansion

A swarm of bees follows each other like a mountain

The bear is the killer of all small animals

3. Where do these lines come from? " A passerby was walking through the forest and dropped the box»

a) “Teremok” by V. Bianchi

b) “Forest mansions” by M. Mikhailov

c) “Rusachok” B. Zakhoder

4. Name the inhabitants of the box in the order in which they settled in it.

(1, 2, 3, 4)

Fly - thunder

Wasp - moth

Mosquito - squeaker

Horsefly - Zhigun

5. Why did the spider manage to make such a strong web that everyone got stuck in it?

What would you call the residents of the choir? Underline what you need.

Cowardly, arrogant, boastful, bold, impudent, courageous,

stupid, unreasonable, careless...

6. Remember the non-fairy tale by B. Zakhoder “Little Rusachok”. Why doesn't Little Rusachok

wanted to be a Capercaillie?

a) “It’s not our business to climb trees.”

b) “It’s not our business to offend others.”

c) “Our job is to keep our ears to the ground”

7. "Everything He liked Rusachok, except for the wolf. Yes, but not quite».

Why? Find a pair. Connect with a line. " I wanted to...”

I didn’t want to become a mouse in the winter in a den...

I wanted a Hedgehog, but the river is painfully wet

I wanted to be a beaver and it was painfully prickly

It's too small for a bear

8. Rusachok really liked Elk Sokhaty. " I will become a Moose..." - thinks

but immediately became upset. Why?

a) “Nothing works out for me.”

b) “It’s not our business to grow for five years.”

c) “He became a big, beautiful hare. Just like dad."

9. Remember the non-fairy tale by V. Bianchi “Terenty-Teterev”. Where usually

The fox is looking for the black grouse, but where is the marten? Find a pair.

“I hunt down below, I will eat it” fox

“I hunt above, I’ll eat it” marten

10. Non-fairy tales – special kind fairy tales that tell children

something new from the life of nature. Remember the fairy tales you have read. What

Did you learn anything new from these fairy tales?






Literary reading test grade 3

Chapter: « What is good and what is bad"

a) M. Zoshchenko

b) A. Gaidar

c) L. Tolstoy

2.What did Nina Karnaukhova think about when she saw a baby with

ABC book in hand?

a) got scared by a big dog and got lost

b) deceives parents and school

c) skips classes, like herself

3. Why Nina “ gnawed by a merciless conscience?

a) didn’t go to school

b) decided to play a joke on the baby

c) the dog didn’t touch the books, but ate breakfast

4.Name the famous Russian fabulist.

a) I. Krylov.

b) L. Tolstoy

c) A. Pleshcheev

5. Which of these proverbs is suitable to express the moral of the fable?

I. Krylova “Siskin and Dove”?

a) Don’t dig a hole for someone else - you yourself will fall into it.

b) Don’t laugh at someone else’s misfortune, your own is on the ridge.

c) Foma is young and crazy.

6.What is condemned in I. Krylov’s fable “The Wolf and the Crane”? Emphasize


Greed, kindness, mutual assistance, selflessness,

ingratitude, deceit .

7. Which of these proverbs best reveals the meaning of the fable?

L. Tolstoy " old grandfather and granddaughters"?

a) Honor the old, teach the young.

b) And old age is not scary if the young help.

c) Put your grandfather on the stove and your grandchildren will put you there.

8. Mark a fable in which a real disaster happened because of a lie?

a) L. Tolstoy “Old Grandfather and Granddaughter”

b) L. Tolstoy “Liar”

c) I. Krylov “Wolf and Crane”

9.Complete the correct statement. " In fables they ridicule……..

a) the actions of animals

b) human vices

c) both

swallow with in the spring it flies towards us in the canopy”?

a) I. Severyanin.

b) A. Pleshcheev.

c) A. Pushkin.

11.Where do these lines come from? Grandfather looks at the pike -

“It’s too big!”

Mother in her son's hand

The perch pops.

a) A. Pleshcheev. "Old man"

b) A. Pleshcheev “On the Shore”

c) I. Severyanin “Her Pets”

12.Who did A. Pleshcheev talk about in his poem “The Old Man”?

a) about a fisherman

b) about the forester

c) about the hunter

13. Which proverbs express the main idea of ​​the poems?

A. Pleshcheeva? Connect the pairs.

Old age will come, and weakness will come.

What is a treasure for when there is harmony in the family? "Old Man"

Grandfather is old and his soul is young. “On the Shore” The whole family is together, and the soul is in the same place.

14.Remember M. Zoshchenko’s story “The Most Important Thing.” What's the main thing mom talks about?

forgot to tell Andryusha Ryzhenky? Add it.

- "A stupid boy. I forgot to tell you the most important thing.

It is not enough to be brave, smart and strong. It too

few. Need more ______________________________________________»

15. Remember the title of the section “ What is good and what is bad».

a) S. Marshak

b) S. Mikhalkov

c) V. Mayakovsky

Literary reading test grade 3

Chapter : « In the world of a fairy tale"

1 .Tick unusual ones, magical characters from the fairy tale “Little-

Khavroshechka,” about which we can say: « This doesn't happen in life».

Tiny Khavroshechka, stepmother One-Eyed, Two-Eyed,

Three-eyed, mother cow, rich, curly-haired gentleman,


2. To whom did Tiny Khavroshechka tell how hard life was for her?


a) stepmother

b) mother cow

c) rich master

3. A fairy tale is a fiction, a “lie.” But, surprisingly, from the magical

fairy tales you can learn a lot about real life. « Delivered by tomorrow

five poods to strain, weave, whiten, roll into pipes», -

says Khavroshechka. What plant have long been grown in Rus',

and fabrics from this plant were famous all over the world?

a) linen

b) cotton

c) birch

4.Where do these lines come from? “Succeed, succeed, lazybones!

You succeed, my little white lenok!

My flax, flax, white flax!

a) Russian folk tale

b) Russian folk song

V) Folk joke

5.Learn a Russian folk tale. "... V good hands she would be like cheese

I rolled around in oil, and at my stepmother’s every day I washed my face with tears»

a) Tiny Khavroshechka

b) Morozko

c) Geese-swans

6. Why did Moroz like the stepdaughter from the fairy tale “Morozko”?

a) “...he fell in love with her clever speeches...”

b) “She sat down in her fur coat on the chest, so cheerful, so


c) “She put on a dress embroidered with silver and gold and became like this

beautiful, such a dresser!”

7. Remember the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”. Who helped the girl escape with her brother

from Baba Yaga?

a) Pechka c) Molochnaya river, banks of jelly

b) Apple tree d) mouse

8. Remember the content of the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”. How could you refuse

from the treat and offend the one who treated? Choose words and expressions,

which characterize the girl’s behavior in the first half of the tale

(before meeting Baba Yaga). Underline what you need.

Brave, smart, proud, cunning, ill-mannered, evil,

carefree, kind, stubborn, disobedient, impolite, rude,

tactless, caring, resourceful , cowardly...

9 .At my stepmother's three daughter, she gives it to Khavroshechka three tasks; three times

Frost comes " looks at the red girl"…. Remember the fairy tale

"Swan geese". What is repeated there three times? Write.

10. IN fairy tales expressions are used that consist of

two words with similar meanings . Find a pair. Connect with a line.

geese - were

live - state

lived - swans

the way is to guess

kingdom - road

think - live

Literary reading test grade 3

Chapter: "Dreamers"

1.Name the writers and poets who told you about visionary children.

Cross out the “extra” writer’s name.

a) Y. Moritz c) N. Nosov d) V. Dragunsky

b) K. Paustovsky d) R. Pogodin

2.What is Yu. Moritz’s poem “One Hundred Fantasies” like?

I will catch a sperm whale a) joke

If the hook holds. b) riddle

You will catch the hippopotamus c) fable

If the net holds up... d) counting rhyme

3. When V. Dragunsky was a preschooler, he was terribly compassionate.

Many fairy tales made him cry. Mark fairy tale title,

a) A tale about a goat

b) A tale about a hare

c) The Tale of Little Red Riding Hood

d) The Tale of Babarikha

4. What is it called? funny story N. Nosova? Who visited whom?

a) Barbos is visiting Bobik.

b) Bobik is visiting Barbos.

5. What and why surprised the guest hero N. Nosov? Find a pair. Connect with a line.

Grandfather watch

Comb saw

Mirror “Is this box?”

Radio with dogs

The whip is knocked and then they start beating

6.What time of year do the events he talks about take place?

R. Pogodin in his story “Brick Islands”?

a) in winter b) in summer

b) in spring d) in autumn

7.Which of the guys - the heroes of R. Pogodin - remained faithful to the backyard?

a) Bear b) Keshka c) Sima

8.How did “Admiral” Sima play in the backyard? What's what

has it turned? Find a pair. Connect with a line.

Piles of lime giant squid

Piles of brick ships with sails

Boards from boxes and pieces of paper limestone reefs

Rotten shavings brick islands

9. " You're wonderful! - Keshka said to Sima. And which of R. Pogodin’s heroes

believed and supported Sima’s fantasies? Write it down.


10.What is the difference between fantasy and deception?



Reading tests 2nd grade

Read the story.

Trusting little squirrel.

A bright red squirrel flashed through the dense greenery of the spruce, froze on a branch, looking at me. I came closer to the tree. And the little squirrel moved to a twig growing lower.

There was no fear or even wariness in his entire posture. This little squirrel was very curious and trusting. After all, little squirrels do not understand where danger may lie, they do not yet know their enemies. They are interested in everything about it huge world.

I looked at the baby squirrel and thought about how nice it would be if squirrels and other cute little animals had only curiosity and trust in humans throughout their lives. And so that a person never betrays their trust.

A) trusting

B) playful

B) curious

D) wary

3. How would you behave if you met a trusting animal?

A) would watch him

B) would take it home

B) would chase him

4. Choose a riddle from two poems.

A) Like fluff, they fly from heaven

Tender crumbs - snowflakes,

Covering the field, forest,

Mountains and valleys...

B) He was a black cloud at first,

He lay down in white fluff on the forest,

Covered the whole earth with a blanket,

And in the spring it completely disappeared.

5. Guess the riddle.

Write the answer.

List the sequence of events in the riddle.

6. What is snow compared to both in the riddle and in the poem?

7. Read and indicate where the proverb is and where the tongue twister is.

A) The black grouse was sitting on a tree, and the black grouse with the grouse were on a branch.

B) One bee does not produce much honey.

Read the text.

You, Hedgehog, are good and handsome to everyone, but thorns don’t suit you.

Why, Fox, am I ugly with thorns, or what?

It’s not that he’s ugly...

Maybe I'm clumsy with the thorns?

Not that clumsy...

Well, what kind of thorns am I?

Yes, you are with them, brother, inedible...

    Who is talking in the text?

    What doesn't the fox like?

a) that the Hedgehog is ugly

b) that the Hedgehog is clumsy

c) that the hedgehog is inedible

3. Insert the words below into this text.

Misha began to draw an elephant, but broke his pencil. He couldn't find a)___________, so he will have to finish b)__________ with a felt-tip pen.

Eraser, sharpener, ruler, writing, drawing, photography.

4. Many words in Russian have not one meaning, but two or even more. Remember what meanings the word “onion” can have. In what meaning is the word “onion” used in sentences from D. Smirnov’s poems?

1) Cut the onion!

Shut your nose!

Bow can

Bring me to tears!

2) The bow is the true weapon

For sharp eyes and strong hands.

a) a device for throwing arrows

b) vegetable garden plant

5. Who can say that?

1) – Wet snow, fog and icy roads are expected tomorrow.

2) – Who did not comply homework?

3) - Hot pies, with apples, with cabbage, with mushrooms!

4) – Show your tickets!

A) seller at a kiosk

B) controller

B) television announcer

D) teacher

Read the text.

Black storks.

Black storks settle only in dense and impenetrable forests. They choose old tall trees for nests.

Building a nest is not an easy task. You need to find a suitable branch, carefully bring it in your beak and lay it so that the nest is strong and does not crumble from strong gusts of wind.

In meadows and swamps, storks catch all kinds of living creatures: frogs, dragonflies, various beetles and even mice.

Black storks are extremely beautiful. Under the rays of the sun, their feathers shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow.

1. Where do blacks live?

a) on the roofs of houses

b) in the forests

2. Which paragraph of text describes what black storks look like? (1. 2, 3, 4)

3. Choose the correct intonation in K. Chukovsky’s poems and write out from the text the words that tell you that you need to read it that way.

1) Here the Hare came out

And she said to the Bear:

“It’s a shame for an old man to cry -

You are not a hare, but a Bear!”

a) The hare asks

b) The Hare shames the Bear

c) The hare is scared

2) But the furry ones are afraid:

“Where can we fight this guy?

He is both menacing and toothy,

He won’t give us the sun!”

a) animals fear and doubt

b) the animals are indignant

c) the animals are sad

4. Guess the riddle. Write the answer.

I walk around in a fluffy fur coat,

I live in a dense forest.

In a hollow on an old oak tree

I'm gnawing nuts.

What properties of the hero of the riddle are indicated in these lines?

B) fluffy fur

B) lives in the forest

D) jumps from branch to branch

D) eats nuts

E) lives in a hollow

Read the text.

The fox fell into a trap with its tail. She rushed with all her might and ran away without a tail. The other foxes laugh at her. They don't let her pass.

A tailless fox invites her friends to visit her and advises them to cut off their tails. “Without a tail,” he says, “it’s both more beautiful and easier.”

“If your tail was intact, you wouldn’t say this,” her friends told her.

1. Why did the fox advise other foxes to cut off their tails?

A) cared about their beauty

B) so that she’s not the only one who has to run around without a tail

2. How do you evaluate the fox's offer?

A) as a trick

B) how stupid

3. Did the other foxes agree to part with their tails?

4. Choose a title for the text.

Explain your choice.

A) "Sly Fox"

B) “True Friends”

B) "Trap"

5.Indicate two proverbs with similar content.

Explain your choice.

A) The word is silver, and silence is gold.

B) Silence is a sign of consent.

C) Know more, but say less.

6. Read the text. Write a title for the text.

The red sun floated into the sky and began to send its golden rays everywhere - waking up the earth.

The first ray flew and hit the lark. The lark rose high, high and sang his silver song: “Oh, how good it is in the fresh morning air! How good! How fun!”

The second beam hit the bunny. The bunny twitched his ears and hopped merrily across the dewy meadow: he ran to get some juicy grass for breakfast.

Write an outline for the text.

Read the text.

A bee woke up from her winter sleep, cleaned her eyes with her furry paws, and woke up her friends. They looked out the window to find out if the snow, ice, and cold north wind had gone away?

The bees see that the sun is shining brightly, that everything is light and warm. They got out of the hive and flew to the apple tree:

Do you, apple tree, have anything for the poor bees? We starved all winter!

No, says the apple tree, you arrived too early, my flowers are still hidden in the buds.

The sad and hungry bees were about to fly home, when they saw a modest dark place under a bush - blue flower, it was a violet. She opened her cup, full of aroma and sweet juice, to the bees. The bees ate, got drunk and flew home - merry.

1. Which flower gave the bees water?

A) tulip

B) apple blossom

B) violet

2. What words told you that we were talking about spring?

Write them out.

3. What is the “and” in the proverb: “You can’t grow a turnip without care.”

A) in a word

B) letter

4. What word can replace “and” in the proverb: “You can’t grow a turnip without care.”

a) “even”

b) “only”

Read the text.

Ants run nimbly around the roots of the trees and lilies of the valley grow thickly.

We love lilies of the valley very much. Their white, clear flowers look like tiny bells. They smell so good. According to I. Sokolov - Mikitov

5. What is the name of the text?

A) "Lilies of the valley"

A) I. Sokolov

B) I. Mikitov

B) I. Sokolov - Mikitov

7. Write words that indicate the characteristics of objects.

A) with flowers

B) with ants

B) with bells