Jeremy Renner has poor eyesight. Exclusive! Interview with Jeremy Renner

And a project that could very well become a big franchise. You’re just like in the eighties, you have a bunch of tentpoles at once. Tell me, which of these heroes is closer to you? Which of them is more interesting to you as an actor?
“Each of them has something of me, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to find a connection with them to play as I should.” Maybe there's a little more of me in some characters, a little less of me in others... I'm also interested in the idea of ​​exploring each of these characters in their own time and space. As for tentpoles, yes, the studios want them to be like that, because initially they want the audience to react to them, and if the reaction is positive, then we can continue further. As for The Avengers, we'll see what happens next, if people like both the film and the character, we can look at it from a different perspective. I don’t know yet how it will be. With Bourne the situation is completely different... It’s as if you’re asking me to choose a favorite child. It is very difficult. I’m a little closer to something that has less fantasy, something that’s closer to reality, like “Bourne.” It’s still easier for me to work with him than with “Witch Hunters”... But it’s also fun. It’s not as fun as the fantasy worlds of “The Avengers” and “Witch Hunters,” where I feel like a child, but it’s also nice to be in such an everyday, familiar reality and learn something new.

— About “The Avengers”: what will happen to your hero in the next films? Will he be his own hero in his own movie or will he remain part of Captain America's team?
- This is exactly what we were just talking about. It's up to the audience to weigh in, and based on that, I think Marvel will create teams of rotating heroes that will be featured in other films. I don’t know how the situation will develop further, but for us, the actors, it is no less exciting than for the audience to guess who will go where. Regarding separate film- not sure. There's always that possibility, but I guess in the end it all depends on the audience.
— What happened to “Witch Hunters”, why was their release delayed so much?
— The film fell into my schedule exactly between and “The Avengers”, I didn’t have time to finish it... In addition, in the end we ended up with something quite original, so the producers decided to work on post-production, since 3D and visual effects took a little longer than planned. Because of this, I didn’t have time for the dubbing, because I had already left to film Bourne, so in the end it was decided to delay the film a little and let it ripen. And so that he wouldn’t get lost among “Bourne” and “The Avengers,” they found the right time and place for him.

One day, someone flew to Germany, where I was filming the film “Witch Hunters,” knocked on the door of my hotel room, handed me the script for “The Bourne Evolution” and told me to call me as soon as I read it. I liked the script, and I thought that you would have to be a complete idiot to refuse such an offer...

After The Hurt Locker, your life changed dramatically. How do you feel about popularity and demand?

I'm calm. It is what it is. If I could just work on films that interest me and not have to deal with all the red carpet and press fuss, I'd be quite happy with life. But all this is included in the package of acquired status, as it turned out, so you have to obey to a certain extent. (Grins.)

But at the same time, some part of personal freedom is lost, isn’t it?

So. I already felt that I might miss simple trips to the grocery store. Each such appearance is accompanied by some unforeseen event - the paparazzi will lie in wait, someone in line will slap you on the shoulder and say that they love my films. I can't say I got anything out of it great pleasure. Before, I could go to a restaurant and eat if I was hungry. But now I often find myself in the spotlight. They ask me to take a photo and sign something. I understand everything, part of the package... But when I'm hungry, I'm a little angry. (Laughs.) Well, let's say, not evil, but difficult to communicate with. I want to eat, not sign napkins and respond to smiles and greetings. Therefore, you have to take your mood into account when deciding to go out to eat. Do I want to be interrupted, can I be nice? You see, I'm not trying to say that I don't like all this. I am grateful that I have been able to achieve a certain level of success and enjoy every moment that success brings me. But at the same time, no one gave me instructions on fame and fame, which would describe how to behave in a given situation that accompanies success. In fact, a lot of things fall on you that are not in normal life, and we need to deal with it. All this can be difficult, but it is quite manageable if you have a head on your shoulders.

Nobody gave me instructions on fame and fame

How do you feel about professional demand?

I love working, although I miss home. Sometimes I just want to be with my family, hang out with my dogs, do some yard work. I like to rake the pine needles and leaves in the yard. There is something peaceful about this. I still accept Active participation in the home restoration company I started with Chris Winters. We buy houses, renovate them and sell them already restored and modernized. This is a good business, stable. At one time I made more money from this than from acting. Of course, I would like to spend more time at home, but as long as I have the opportunity to work, it’s a sin to complain, right? I enjoy working, I like traveling, filming different places and different conditions.

When you finish the reconstruction of a house, is it difficult to part with what you made with your own hands?

To some extent, yes, but I take it more simply. I believe that you cannot absolutely own something or someone. At some point you have to let go of what was given to you for a while: the friendship of your dog when the time has come for her to leave; your children when they grew up and received everything you could give them as a parent. You just share the pleasure of a project with someone, the experience you've had together, and when the time comes, you let it go and move on to something else.

Interesting philosophy. Usually people strive for property. How did you come to understand things this way?

I don't even know. Probably, my father instilled this in me with his experience and example. He went through a difficult path in life, lost a lot, but found a lot. Probably, my own life experience had an impact. It's difficult to answer such a question. I came to this conclusion and live by this principle, but where it came from is the tenth thing after all.

You are always in excellent physical shape. Do you spend a lot of time training?

You know, I've always been a tough guy. As a child, I ran a lot, spent almost all my time outside - with friends, in some games. All this develops. I think I'm just genetically lucky that my body is more inclined towards physical activity than towards laziness and obesity. I love physical activity and enjoy doing it. We trained a lot before The Avengers, of course, but there the main focus was on archery technique. This, I tell you, is a serious matter. Then “Mission Impossible”, “Witch Hunters”, where I spent a lot of time training, but I probably prepared for “Bourne” more than for any other film. It just so happened that I had more time. I ran and worked out in the gym. We worked hard on different types martial arts that had to be applied in the role.

Are you a fearless person?

Within reasonable limits. (Laughs.) I am the most a common person. Like others, I have my fears, of course. Fear, as I learned quite early on, is one of the most powerful human emotions. I personally never wanted to stop doing anything out of fear, out of fear, no matter what I was going to do. Therefore, from childhood, I taught myself to overcome fear. Any fear. Fear of sharks or fear of intimacy in relationships and everything in between. Every day for ten years I did something that would help me overcome one fear or another. Each person has his own methods and techniques; of course, each person determines for himself how to overcome fear. This overcoming is what makes us full-fledged people, right?

What are you most afraid of in life?

Complacency, complacency. As long as you have curiosity, inquisitiveness and interest, you are in motion. The worst thing, in my opinion, is a stop in one’s own development. I like life in motion, in change. I know that a person changes with every passing year, with the accumulated experience and knowledge. Maybe some people like to be in a confined space, say, a lake, but I prefer a river, which is always in motion.

I like life in motion, in change

How did you find yourself playing in such a popular franchise?

Very spy-like, according to the laws of the genre. One day, someone flew to Germany, where I was filming the film “Witch Hunters,” knocked on the door of my hotel room, handed me the script and said: after reading this, call this phone number. Which is what I did. I liked the script, and I thought that you would have to be a complete idiot to refuse such an offer.

How do you see Aaron Cross?

Aaron Cross, at his very core, is a guy who needs a sense of belonging to something, it is important for him to be part of something necessary and significant. He's the opposite of Jason Bourne. Bourne was trying to find out who he is, but Aaron knows exactly who he is and what he should do. For him it means being part of his team. Just like in his past when he served in the army, being part of a group, a team, is his main task. We all want to belong to something, right? This is a measure of survival. That's the essence of Aaron, but I can't say much more about him without giving away some plot details. The audience won't forgive you for this. (Grins.)

Tell us a little about what you think Tony Gilroy is like as a director.

Tony is amazingly smart, he is a man of rare sociability. We could sometimes communicate in just a few words, we understood each other so well from the very beginning. It was enough for him to tell me two or three words for me to understand what he wanted from me. He knows how to express his thoughts so clearly and clearly. I have always had great respect for his work. I like his scripts, I like his films. It was a pleasure to work with him, as if we had known each other for a long time. This doesn't happen that often.

You do everything yourself complex elements? Or are they mostly stuntmen?

No, 90% of it was me. Only in three scenes was I replaced by a stuntman. Two of them on a motorcycle, when I was scared to death to do it because of Rachel Weisz, who was sitting in the back. I just couldn't get over this fear of falling with her and hurting her. It’s okay, I’m not especially afraid for myself, I’ve fallen off a motorcycle more than once. (Laughs.) But it’s one thing to be responsible only for yourself, and quite another thing to be responsible for the person who trusted you. My stuntman is a completely unique guy. He can do such things on a motorcycle that I never dreamed of! He did the two most difficult scenes for me.

Is it true that you have ten different motorcycles?

(Laughs.) No, it’s not true. Not ten, less, but there are a few. I love motorcycles, I like speed and risk.

What scenes were the most difficult for you? Fights, motorcycle racing or scenes with Rachel, maybe?

Yes, they are all complicated. It's like comparing apples and oranges just because both are round. Each scene presents its own challenges, be it a fight, riding a motorcycle, or talking with a partner. I can only note that the fight and wrestling scenes took longer. It was necessary to thoroughly prepare for them. The main thing here is not to carry out the fight effectively, but to avoid injuring each other. You need to develop a certain confidence in every movement, taking into account all the characteristics of the enemy. For example, I am left-handed, and this created certain difficulties, as you understand. A martial arts instructor should always take this into account when planning a fight. Most of my partners right hand working. Such difficulties.

Fight and wrestling scenes took longer

When a difficult scene is filmed, do you feel proud or satisfied?

I usually feel right away that I can do it better or a little differently, so I suggest doing another take. (Laughs.)

Do you think there's a chance that your hero and Jason Bourne will meet in one of the next films?

I think anything is possible. Tony has written a great script that opens up new possibilities for the continuation of the story. I would be happy to work with Matt Damon, whom I have great respect for. We met a few times and I think we could work well together on set. I would love to see Tony continue the story of Aaron Cross and Jason Bourne. The main thing here is that the film interests the viewer so much that it makes sense to start the next one.

Have you read Robert Ludlum's Bourne books?

No. It would take me a lot of time. I'm very pressed for time right now. Sitting down and reading a book is a luxury for me. Now I read only for education, out of necessity. I read something just for my own pleasure about fifteen or twenty years ago. According to Bourne, the script was enough for me.

Is comfort important to you, say, on location shooting?

Not particularly. I usually travel light. For me, the main thing is to have a place to fall and sleep, and to have something to eat. In this regard I Caveman. (Laughs.) I have the most primitive requests.

You are in many photographs with headphones, and even now, when you entered the room, you are also wearing the same headphones. What kind of music do you listen to?

(Laughs.) Different music. The one that suits my mood. Isn't that the case with you?

They say that for each film you record a separate collection consisting of music suitable for your character. This is true?

Mmmm, almost true. I write down what helps me feel my character at every moment of his presence in the scene. Music puts me in a certain mood emotional condition, to the one that, according to my assumption, my hero should have. Whether I'm right or wrong will ultimately be decided by the director while shooting the scene. (Smiles.) More often than not, I am right in my definition of the character of the hero. Music helps me put myself in the time, place and mood that I need for a role.

Has music always played a big role in your life?

I guess you could say that. At the age of sixteen I started playing drums, then mastered the piano and guitar. In parallel with this, of course, he sang. I still love playing all those instruments and singing. Sometimes I even write things down. Warning your next question: No, I don't plan to record an album. I'm not planning yet. (Laughs.) Let's see what the future shows.

At the end of our interview with the actor, the future showed him the way to a press tour of cities and countries. After that, Jeremy said, he'll have some time to clean up his yard, hang out with his siblings a few times, and take a couple of motorcycle rides along the coast. And then again work, new films, new roles. Perhaps at the beginning next year we will meet with the actor to talk about the film “Witch Hunters”, then we will try to find out about his attitude to fairy tales, especially scary ones, his own childhood, which, judging by indirect references, was quite stormy, and, perhaps, about some then new projects.

In the action movie “The Bourne Evolution” (from August 30), Jeremy Renner replaced Matt Damon! In an interview with GRAZIA, the actor talked about how he flirted on set with James Bond’s wife, why he’s not afraid of a midlife crisis, and why he might get seriously angry.

GRAZIA: Jeremy, have you seen the movie yet?
JEREMY RENNER: No and not gonna! I can't stand watching films with my participation. So I’ll give this opportunity to others - I hope the audience will be satisfied with the result.

GRAZIA: Aren't you afraid of the public's bias? After all, viewers will probably compare you with Matt Damon, who performed main role in the first three films.
D.R.: I perfectly understand those who are worried about Matt’s departure, because I myself was delighted with the way he played Bourne! But we did it perfectly independent project with another hero - agent Aaron Cross. And let me tell you, watching his adventures is no less interesting!

GRAZIA: Still would! Especially when Rachel Weisz comes into the picture, there's definitely some chemistry between your characters. Is this the fruit of long rehearsals?
D.R.: We have already worked together several times, so we had time to get to know each other. So there were no difficulties on site. Flirting with Rachel is a blast! True, sometimes I had to restrain myself: after all, she is the most legal wife of James Bond ( in 2011, the actress married Daniel Craig. — Note. Grazia), and agent 007 is not to be trifled with!

GRAZIA: Which scenes were particularly difficult?
D.R.: Filming in cold water- It’s impossible to get used to this!

GRAZIA: Uncover the secret - in the episodes with dogs and wolves it was used computer graphics?
D.R.: Of course not! All animals are real, made of flesh, blood and fur.

Jeremy Renner's hero managed to escape from the bad guys, but he still fell into the hands of Rachel Weisz!

GRAZIA: Wasn't it scary to work with them?
D.R.: Not a bit! At some point they even recognized me as the leader of the pack.

GRAZIA: But are you afraid of something?
D.R.: Yes, I don’t suffer from any phobias! Spiders, heights, snakes, what else happens there? None of this will make me break out in a cold sweat. But I myself can easily scare someone, especially if I get angry.

GRAZIA: And what makes you angry?
D.R.: Oh, here the answer will be much more detailed! ( Laughs.) A lot of things irritate me - for example, traffic jams. I also react sharply to any aggression, negative emotions... The list can be continued almost endlessly!

Still from the movie “The Bourne Evolution”

GRAZIA: IN Lately you focused on the action genre. Are you tired of starring in films that involve serious physical activity?
D.R.: Nothing like this! Can you imagine how much I saved on gym? (Laughs.) Only thanks to these paintings I manage to keep in shape. Of course, this is hard work every day - 40 minutes of stretching, then two hours of boxing... Well, at least I enjoy it. Now I’m interested in the Muay Thai style - a year and a half ago I met an excellent trainer for this type of martial arts and now I train with him constantly.

GRAZIA: This year you turned 41 years old. Have you passed your midlife crisis?
D.R.: I never celebrate birthdays at all - for me it’s just a number. As for the crisis... I really don’t understand what there is to worry about. In fact, over the years I have grown from a foolish youth into a man. What's bad about it?

GRAZIA: Surely after “The Bourne Evolution” you will become a role model for many boys. Do you have any idols?
D.R.: My father! He instilled confidence in me, always supported me, and was a true friend. I became who I am because of him.

GRAZIA: What were you like as a child? Tomboy?
D.R.: Not that word! A juvenile hooligan! He was constantly breaking something, breaking windows, fighting, playing games with chases and ambushes...

GRAZIA: Did you like movies about spies?
D.R.: By the way, no, I was absolutely indifferent to them. Although now I have changed my attitude: in my opinion, there is something very sexy and attractive in this genre.

GRAZIA: Have you ever had to spy on someone yourself?
D.R.: It happened! At the age of 17, a friend asked me to establish surveillance of his girlfriend - he suspected her of cheating. And I managed to find out the truth! True, she didn’t make my friend happy... But I was incredibly proud, I felt like a real detective!

Still from the movie “The Bourne Evolution”

GRAZIA: Do you have any plans, like many actors, to become directors?
D.R.: I’m much more attracted to the prospect of eating sandwiches every day and sleeping for two. Such ambitious dreams! This is how I see my old age - lying in the shade of palm trees on the beach, smoking bamboo... You can’t imagine how impatiently I always look forward to the weekend!

Runs, jumps from rooftops, fights wolves, rides a motorcycle and shoots accurately - in the movies Jeremy Renner does everything. In the new comedy “You drive!” he will have to do approximately the same thing, but... playing tag - such a strange annual tradition that a group of his friends have. THR spoke with the actor about debuting in a new genre for him and memes about his absence from recent "The Avengers", and also found out why he suddenly wanted to be not only cool, but also funny.

Are you aware that there is a meme floating around the Internet that Thanos is actually you?

(Laughs.) And what? Interesting version.

You have one infectious laughter, and “You drive!”, nevertheless- your first comedy. What prompted it?

Yes, I've seen enough of this Dwayne Johnson, who so famously combines comedies and action films, and thought: why am I worse? (Smiles.) We got a stupid comedy - in in a good way this word. I think sometimes it’s good to take part in something like this, to laugh at yourself. Although Avengers fans still can’t come to terms with the fact that I played in this film, but not in Infinity War. They come up with memes, as you rightly noted. My favorite joke: that “You drive!” is a spin-off about Hawkeye's life outside of his day job.

Still from the film “You Drive!”

They say you were injured while filming. How is this possible in a movie about friends who love to play tag?

I agree, getting injured while doing comedy is weird. But my character has a lot of stunt scenes that I performed myself. During one of the takes, he ran and fell - he hurt his elbow and dislocated the hand on his left hand. It was painful, but now everything is fine, I’m recovering. The producers of "The Avengers" as soon as they found out about this, immediately asked not to run around on the set of other films. In general, this often happens in the industry: if you fall off a horse, that’s it, you can’t get on it again. Nobody wants the filming to stop because of your clumsiness.

You have to understand that filming of the fourth “Avengers” is about to begin?

In just two weeks I will be completely immersed in this project. Premiere in a year. I won’t tell you the details even under torture. (Smiles.)

By the way, why didn’t Universal continue your participation in Bornean? The character of Aaron Cross is no less interesting than Jason Bourne himself.

To be honest, I have no idea! Apparently, my hero doesn't force people to run to the cinemas, and the producers have returned to Matt Damon. I think I'm done with Cross, although I wouldn't mind playing him again. Give it to them there if necessary.

Still from the film “The Bourne Evolution”

In general, you are somehow too quickly removed from franchises. Not finding you in the cast of “Mission: Impossible: Fallout” was no less strange. Your character Brandt has become a favorite among fans of the film series.

I love him too, but we couldn’t cope with the filming schedules for “The Avengers.” It’s a pity that this happened, but, you know, Marvel cannot be refused. (Laughs.) Tom Cruise It still makes fun of me that I didn’t choose him.

So you're completely occupied with The Avengers right now?

Not only! I have another one important role- father. I'm raising a daughter. Sometimes I even think about taking a year off from cinema and devoting all my time to Ava, but it doesn’t work out yet. In general, I want more children, so that we can create a whole sect together. (Laughs.) As for the next project, I am currently planning to work on a mini-series about Doc Holliday, an American dentist from the Wild West who became one of the toughest gunslingers of his time.

You've been waiting for success for a long time; you were almost forty when The Hurt Locker brought you fame and an Oscar nomination. Where did patience and self-confidence come from?

Maybe it’s because my parents separated when I was 10 years old, and I realized that my only protector could be myself. And when the punks realized that it was better not to mess with me, they gained confidence in own strength. By the way, "The Storm Locker" still remains my favorite job. Sometimes, looking back, you find yourself not entirely satisfied with a particular role played. With the movie Kathryn Bigelow it's not like that, I even watch it sometimes, although many actors don't like to see themselves on screen.

Still from the film “The Hurt Locker”

You once joked that the only thing before The Hurt Locker real glory There was a case for you when a tree fell on your house. What is this story?

Yes, there is still a news clip on YouTube called "A tree fell on Jeremy Renner's house.". Then there was a hurricane. TV crews interviewed me, and other channels picked up the story. Apparently, they had nothing to fill the airwaves with. My agent then sent a message: “Congratulations Jeremy! This is glory! (Laughs.)

PLAYBOY In your life, do you have at least half the fearlessness that is characteristic of your movie heroes?

RENNER Fear is an important part of our life. This is one of our most difficult, depressing emotions. From the age of 22 to 32, I systematically and purposefully killed fear in myself every day, doing the things that I was most afraid of. I made a list of phobias for myself: weapons, sharks, heights, success, close relationships... And one by one I crossed off everything that I was no longer afraid of. Even at the very beginning of my career, all my self-confidence came from the fact that I drove away all fears. At castings, his whole appearance seemed to be telling the producers: “Just try not to take me!” I went there and did what I considered honest, truthful and mine. And even if it wasn’t like that in reality, I didn’t care. Both then and now I come to castings with absolutely no fear. This is my trump card as an actor.

PLAYBOY Are you no longer afraid of the weapons you mentioned? Almost all of your heroes use it.

RENNER Gun - perfect thing for fear. Now I love them. However, I only keep a couple - one here, the other in another house. And I never carry it with me. For me, a pistol is either for home security or for shooting at targets. In general, during my film career I have become so trained in handling weapons that now I am not afraid of any weapons at all. I have two more swords. Not simple ones, but with history. Meaningful to me. Only I hide them now: I have a child at home.

I will do my daughter a disservice if she grows up and understands that dad gave up riding a bike for her and generally became white, fluffy and domestic

PLAYBOY Are there things you would never do under any circumstances?

RENNER No. I've been riding a motorcycle for a very long time. I used to take myself so weakly, now I ride just for pleasure. I stopped acting weird on the road, I don’t drive fast. But this is not because of my daughter. This is due to the fact that such a stage has simply arrived in my life. I don't jump out of planes anymore, you know? But would I agree if they offered me such an opportunity? I've been dreaming about this for 30 years, so maybe I'd consider it. I also want to learn how to fly a helicopter. I don't think it's any more dangerous than anything else.

And my daughter... You see, I will do her a disservice if she grows up and begins to think that dad gave up riding a bike for her and generally became white, fluffy and domestic - just to be next to her. What message will she take from this? That living in fear is a good thing? No, let him know better that dad went into the break with a smile on his face, aware of every step and bearing responsibility for all his actions. However, sometimes I was in trouble. I had to put someone in their place.


RENNER The standard scenario is drunks in a bar. Some idiot once pushed Julia Stiles, my then Walk to Heaven co-star. I quietly twisted it and the incident was over. More than once I had to quietly twist people. Someone accidentally pushed my mother, someone hit my sister... But cool guy I never felt myself.

PLAYBOY In 2012, you spoke in an interview about an incident with you and your sister in a bar: “Can you imagine, that guy called me a fagot just because I was wearing a scarf! And then he pushed my sister, so I tied him up and put him to rest.” This is one of the few interviews in which you officially dispelled rumors about your sexual orientation.

Motherfucker, think whatever you want about me!

RENNER That correspondent got me! I remember I told him then that I thought we were doing a cover story for The Hollywood Reporter, but it turns out it was an interview for OK! magazine. Well, okay, I think, since the drinking has started, let's talk about it. But in general, I usually don’t discuss my personal life and don’t want to prove anything to anyone. This is silly. When you Google your last name and the first option that comes up is “Jeremy Renner is gay,” you realize: yes, yes, you have finally become a real superstar! So this is all funny to me. And I don’t care what people read, write and think about it. Motherfucker, think whatever you want about me!

PLAYBOY Perhaps they think what they want about you because you for a long time lived with your business partner Kristoffer Winters.

RENNER I call him brother, although in fact he is a family friend and mine best friend. Before I signed the contract for S.W.A.T., he and I started a joint real estate business. They bought and resold houses. They started small and ended up selling an Art Deco estate for 24 million, which they purchased for seven. Over the entire period, we bought and sold, probably, about twenty houses: some separately, but mostly together. And every time we had a trick: to live in the house before resale. We didn’t need any special comfort: we are actors, creative people, and the main thing for us is to have a roof over our heads. Sometimes we felt like scouts in a camp, or even cavemen: in some of our houses there was neither water nor electricity... By the way, Charlie Chaplin had a wedding in one of our houses.

PLAYBOY You were criticized a lot for the fact that at the Golden Globe Awards you made a dirty joke about the revealing cleavage of your co-host Jennifer Lopez. When she flirtatiously asked if she should open the envelope since she had nails, you looked at her chest and said that in addition to her nails, she also had two golden globes.

In fact, Jennifer Lopez herself seemed to enjoy my joke

RENNER Yes, I just didn’t want to lose face after the first couple of hosts, Tina Fey and Amy Poehler. These girls did their part lively and cheerfully, they just had a blast. Well, then I came out and said what I said. That's my sense of humor. I did not watch the continuation of the ceremony; I went down to the bar to wet my throat, and there people started coming up and saying: “Dude, your speech was the best,” “Bro, your performance made this show.” And I listen to this and don’t even understand what they are talking about.

PLAYBOY Well, your joke just blew up on Twitter.

RENNER In fact, Jennifer herself, it seemed to me, really enjoyed it. She and I met a couple of times at parties after that, and everything was fine between us. There's more noise here. A wave was raised, everyone considered it their duty to express their opinion... But all this doesn’t bother me much. Both me and her don’t give a fuck at all. If I really hurt her feelings, I would publicly apologize. But everything was exactly the opposite. She even said in an interview that darling Renner was ridiculously funny.

PLAYBOY You grew up in Modesto, California. What are your memories of this place?

RENNER The best place to grow up in the 1970s! No one locked the doors in the houses there. Since my parents worked, I was left to my own devices, and so were all my friends. That's why we got into all the troubles together. They did all sorts of childish stupid things - launched rockets from bottles, clogged sewer drains with toilet paper, threw water balloons at cars at 90 km/h, blinded drivers sunny bunnies. Until a cop showed up to our parents and ratted us all out wholesale.

I was a herd child who tried to please everyone and make everyone laugh. I never allowed myself to show negative emotions.

PLAYBOY How do you remember yourself as a child?

RENNER Very late ripened, even physiologically. Like many late-maturing boys, I asserted myself through sports. In bowling, by the age of 12, I was hitting 225 per game and playing with adults. At the tournament out of 500 participants he took 17th place. He also loved baseball and especially football. I was small, agile, fast and nimble. But with all this, in life I was not cool, I was always a follower - right up to high school. I was a herd child who tried to please everyone and make everyone laugh. I never allowed myself to show negative emotions. Just look at my current roles! They are all therapeutic.

I realized that today I was obviously going to be lucky, and I put on a condom in advance, long before the process itself

PLAYBOY When did you discover sex?

RENNER As soon as I stopped chasing the soccer ball, I started chasing the girls. True, as I already said, I matured late: towards the end of school.

PLAYBOY How did this happen for you the first time?

RENNER The story was terrible, just like everyone else's. I felt very uncomfortable and very nervous. I remembered all those conversations about sex that my father had with me: “You can’t even get your dick out of your fly without an elastic band, son.” My parents divorced when I was in third grade, so by that point my dad was a single dad and, I think, a fair bit of fornicator. He opened his bedside table and showed me a pack of condoms: “Actually, these are the rubber bands.” When it was time to use them, I met a new girl from our school. She and her mother often came to the store where I worked as a packer. I invited her to a party at my dad's house: her, her twin sister, my rock band mates and a couple of other friends. We started at five in the evening. Music, a couple of beers - everything is as usual. And so on until midnight. I realized that today I was clearly going to be lucky, and I put on a condom in advance, long before the process itself.

PLAYBOY How's that? And how long did you go with him?

RENNER About 5-6 hours. I just didn't want to screw it up by wearing it in front of a girl backwards, inside out, or otherwise incorrectly. It all happened in dad’s bathroom, when both she and I were already pretty soft. I think I won’t be mistaken if I say that for none of us it was a holiday or extravaganza. We were awakened by a call from her mother. She was very angry with me - just like any other parent would be in her place. Later I often saw them in my store, and at school I met that girl all the time. But from then on she was not allowed to stay after school.

Maybe she's now proud that she was deflowered by Hawkeye himself. Or maybe, on the contrary, he’s poking needles at my voodoo doll

PLAYBOY Have you ever wondered what she thinks now when she sees your films?

RENNER I think she still lives in Modesto, got married and has kids. But I have no idea what she thinks about my films. Maybe she's proud that Hawkeye himself took her virginity. Or maybe, on the contrary, he’s poking needles at my voodoo doll.

PLAYBOY How did your Hollywood career begin?

RENNER I packed up my belongings, got into an old truck and drove to Hollywood. I found an agent very quickly. I was very serious - I even got myself an organizer with a schedule of meetings. I worked hard enough to call myself a working actor... I remember it was very difficult to convey to my family what life was like in Los Angeles. People in Modesto will never understand the term "blowjob" which is used in L.A. means living on ten bucks a month, eating bagel holes, sleeping in your car, and trying to stay interested in acting profession. Around me there were the same ones - a family living the same as me, and doing the same as me. Despite all this, I managed to remain wildly provincial.

When I got my first role in " Great trip” and found out that filming would take place in Toronto, I didn’t even know where it was. In addition, I also started a rock band. We played acoustic gigs in local clubs. They played something like the Eagles, only a little tougher. It was cool, but then I got a role in S.W.A.T., and there was no time for music. I became friends with Colin Farrell, this and that, and off we go - a film career began.

No matter what shitty things happen in life, I always see light at the end of the tunnel.

PLAYBOY In 2012, you publicly expressed disappointment at how little space your Hawkeye was given in The Avengers. Then came Avengers: Age of Ultron. Are you happy?

RENNER Not exactly to hell, but at least I'm saying something there! I finally realized what kind of guy Hawkeye is. I look and think: “So this is what you are like, reindeer! I saw that there was something to develop in this image. Maybe not enough to make him the main character of his own film, but still... In general, in “Age of Ultron” everything that was in the first “Avengers” is strengthened significantly.

PLAYBOY Will there be a sequel to The Bourne Evolution?

RENNER This is a big complicated story with a fundamental background. The audience has high demands on her. To continue it, you need very compelling reasons. However, it’s still not me who decides this. This is done by those who calculate and calculate much better. But personally, I would love to make another sequel.

PLAYBOY What period do you think you are living through today in your professional and personal life?

RENNER This period is wonderful. You are talking to a guy who is incredibly excited by all the twists and turns of fate. Now a little daughter has appeared in my life, who runs around my house in pajamas and waits for me to return from work - and I am happy about it. I have been surrounded by love since birth and I am even more surrounded by it now. I am the same person as everyone else - accepting all the light and dark sources in my life. And no matter what shitty things happen in life, I always see the light at the end of the tunnel.