Fairy tale: “The Great Journey. Funny stories for children

The boy Maxim is already ten years old, and he has never traveled outside his country. All his friends have already visited distant countries. Someone flew to the sea to Turkey or Egypt. Someone went on an excursion to Europe and even visited Disneyland. Friends talked about how great it was to explore the world and see new things. Listening to them, Maxim understood that for him this was just a fairy tale about travel, which was unlikely to become a reality. After all, his parents lived very poorly.

Read a travel story

One day, a boy was returning from school in a depressed state, because his friends showed him photographs from the snowy mountains. But Maxim was distracted from his sadness by an old man who stood near the traffic light and was afraid to cross the road. The green light at the traffic light came on for only fifteen seconds, and grandfather was afraid that he wouldn’t make it in time.
- Let me help you! - said Maxim, who loved helping people, and together they quickly crossed the road.
- How can I thank you, boy?
- Well, I was glad to help.
“But I still see that something is gnawing at you inside.” You have one cherished desire.
- Everyone has dreams. My dream is a fairy tale about travel. But you can hardly help me. – Maxim smiled sadly and went home. And grandfather thought that one should always be grateful for good things, and he could not remain in debt. Moreover, the old man was not an ordinary, but a hereditary wizard. Already that same evening, a surprise awaited the boy at home. The courier brought him a huge parcel. Opening it, Maxim saw a hundred pajamas.
- What is this? – the boy’s parents were surprised.
- I don’t know myself. Today I took the old man across the road, and he sent me these pajamas. And a note that dreams must come true. But why do I need so many pajamas?
— Perhaps he worked in a pajama factory?
Maxim thought that grandfather had gone crazy. But mentally I was very grateful to him for such attention.
- Why do I need a hundred different pajamas? Should I sleep in a new one every day until they become small? Or give them to friends?
While examining the gift, Maxim suddenly noticed that on each jacket there was an inscription - the name of the country in the language of that country. He saw Greece, Poland, Hungary, France, USA, Mexico, Thailand, Spain. There were inscriptions on pajamas that Maxim heard about for the first time - Kenya, Botswana, Burundi, Mozambique.
“The old man probably wanted to do what was best, but now I’m even sadder.” There are so many different countries in the world that I will never visit.
Maxim put on pajamas with the inscription Egypt and went to bed. When the boy woke up, he was incredibly surprised, because his travel tale came to life! He felt the heat of the sun and felt how strongly the wind blew on him. After looking around, the boy realized that he had woken up on a sun lounger on the beach. There were almost no people around, but still some splashers were already swimming in the waters of the Red Sea. Maxim approached the water and felt that it was still cool. But at the same time the sea was incredibly clean.

Suddenly the boy heard someone's voice. An Egyptian approached him and started talking about something, pointing to his feet. Maxim did not immediately, but still understood, it is better not to go into the Red Sea barefoot. After all, sea urchins live there and there are corals. The Egyptian gave Maxim slippers, a mask and a tube through which to breathe, smiled and left.
The boy put on his slippers and went into the sea. He had never swam in such beautiful water, and while diving Maxim saw incredible fish! Bright, beautiful, large and friendly schools of fish circled around him. What happiness this is!
Maxim heard the alarm clock and woke up. Was he really dreaming all this? But the feeling in the middle was as if he had actually experienced a real journey. And looking under the pillow, Max found Egyptian sweets, perfume, papyrus and other souvenirs from Egypt.
Since then, Maxim has been traveling in his dreams every night. All he needs to do is put on his pajamas. And then his short tale about travel begins. And in the morning he always finds souvenirs under his pillow. Maxim believes, although now he can only visit other countries in his dreams, when he grows up, he will definitely visit every corner of the Earth.

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Imagine that one day your child, having read books about Robinson Crusoe, Gulliver and Phineas Fogg, comes to you with a question: why are the main characters of adventure books for children adults?

Do not rush to answer that the hardships and dangers of long journeys are beyond the capabilities of children. Instead, encourage your child to read about the amazing adventures of their peers.

In our list you will find the best travel books in which children play the main role. This is mainly literature for school age, but some stories can also be read by preschoolers.

1. Selma Lagerlöf “Nils’s Wonderful Journey with the Wild Geese”

This fabulous book was actually intended as a textbook on the geography of Sweden. But even schoolchildren will agree: if all textbooks were like this, no one would yawn in class.

In the meantime, you can go on the road with Nils and experience exciting adventures. Nils' path is full of secrets and dangers, but he always has friends next to him who will help in difficult times.

2. Elena Rakitina “The Great Journey Home”

Mishka and Egorka are restless and curious people. Today they are going to the forest for a gnome party, tomorrow African natives are waiting for them, and the day after tomorrow they plan to take a tram ride around their hometown. I really want to join their company and see how diverse the world is.

3. Alfred Shklyarsky “Tomek in the land of the kangaroo”

How many times did Tomek Vilbovsky, an ordinary teenager, dream of traveling! His dreams came true: he went on a real expedition to Australia and learned from his own experience what a storm at sea is and how dangerous a meeting with a predator is. Shklyarsky wrote 9 books about Tomek’s travels, and his adventure books have been read by more than one generation of children.

4. Ernest Seton-Thompson "Little Savages"

Boys study so reluctantly... Not at all - they comprehend some sciences with pleasure. The young heroes of the book decided to spend the summer in the forest, like real Indians: to live in a wigwam they built with their own hands, learn to shoot without missing a mark and read animal tracks.

The adults supported their idea, and the old hunter shared useful secrets of the Indians.

5. Alexander Volkov “The Wizard of the Emerald City”

The girl Ellie considered herself a homebody, but one day a hurricane carried her to a distant country - she had to travel involuntarily to return home. But how many new things she learned along the way and how many friends she made!

Then Ellie went on fairy-tale journeys more than once, and when she grew up, she passed on her love of travel to her daughter Annie. This is described in other books by Volkov.

6. Jules Verne “The Children of Captain Grant”

The 37th parallel of southern latitude is a thin line on the map and the endless expanses of the oceans in reality. Somewhere on this parallel Captain Grant found refuge after a shipwreck.

His children, Robert and Mary, go in search of their father. Like all travel books written by Jules Verne, this story grabs you from the first pages.

7. Ian Larry “The Extraordinary Adventures of Karik and Valya”

A dragonfly as a vehicle is the best choice for those who want to get up close and personal with the tiny inhabitants of our planet.

Children of normal height cannot fly on dragonflies, but Karik and Valya were helped by a professor who invented a shrinking elixir. The journey through the thick grass begins!

8. Vitaly Korzhikov “Solnyshkin’s Merry Voyage”

Sailor Alyosha Solnyshkin has already grown out of his children's pants, but has not lost his childish curiosity. It will help him in difficult voyages, and everyday life on the ship will not seem boring and monotonous.

Read the continuation of the story in the books “Solnyshkin sails to Antarctica” and “Ice adventures We swam, we know.”

9. Masha Vaisman “Isn’t it fun?”

A trip to the sea with the whole family is very cool. There are mountains that look like dragons, silent jellyfish, puddles with healing mud, tourists in tents and a goldfish to which you can whisper your wishes. Look around through the eyes of the boy Fili - isn't it fun?

10. Kir Bulychev “The Adventures of Alice”

Parents often take their children to work. But if dad is a cosmobiologist, then he has to work on distant planets, which means that his daughter has the opportunity to travel around our galaxy and even beyond.

Alice takes advantage of this opportunity, making friends among aliens and taming strange animals from other planets. Bulychev wrote a series of books about Alisa Selezneva, in which the girl travels both in space and time.

11. Robert Louis Stevenson "Treasure Island"

Think there's no place for children in a pirate adventure novel? But Stevenson entrusted the role of narrator and main character to teenager Jim Hawkins.

Jim accidentally got involved in the search for Captain Flint's treasure, but showed himself to be an observant, resourceful and courageous member of the expedition. Complete your reading by watching a magnificent cartoon by David Cherkassky.

12. Fyodor Konyukhov “How I became a traveler”

Fyodor Konyukhov is a famous traveler who completed 5 circumnavigations of the world and crossed the Atlantic Ocean on a rowing boat. And he undertook his first independent journey at the age of 15, conquering the Sea of ​​Azov alone. How the boy prepared for the sea voyage and what he encountered along the way, you will read in this book.

13. Aaron Becker "Journey"

There are so many discoveries, excitement, joys in this book - but not a single word. Travel with your children through the painted worlds of Aaron Becker, learning to recognize beauty and notice little things that the eye usually doesn't linger on.

It is quite possible that these books will awaken a passion for travel in a child, and he will create his own route for new family trips. And if you show that you are well versed in children's attractions (this will help you), the child will be grateful to you for your advice.

An interesting and funny story about the adventures of children who dreamed of great travels. A story for primary school and middle school age children.

Great travelers.

But Styopka, the owner’s son, with whose parents we lived at the dacha, explained to me what the Earth is. He said:

- The earth is a circle. And if you go straight, you can go around the entire Earth and still end up in the very place you came from.

And when I didn’t believe it, Styopka hit me on the back of the head and said:

“I’d rather go on a trip around the world with your sister Lelya than take you.” I have no interest in traveling with fools.

But I wanted to travel, and I gave Styopka a penknife. Styopka liked my knife and agreed to take me on a trip around the world.

Styopka organized a general meeting of travelers in the garden. And there he told me and Lelya:

- Tomorrow, when your parents leave for the city, and my mother goes to the river to wash clothes, we will do what we have planned. We will go straight and straight, crossing mountains and deserts. And we will go straight until we come back here, even if it took us a whole year.

Lelya said:

- What if, Styopochka, we meet Indians?

“As for the Indians,” answered Styopa, “we will take the Indian tribes prisoner.”

- And those who don’t want to go into captivity? - I asked timidly.

“Those who don’t want to,” answered Styopa, “we won’t take them prisoner.”

Lelya asked:

- Will three rubles be enough for this trip? I'll take it from my piggy bank.

Styopka said:

“Three rubles will certainly be enough for us for this trip, because we will only need money to buy seeds and sweets.” As for food, we will kill various small animals along the way and fry their tender meat over a fire.

Styopka ran to the barn and brought back a bag of flour. And in this bag we

put bread and sugar. Then they put in various utensils: plates, glasses, forks and knives. Then, after thinking, they put in a magic lantern, colored pencils, a clay washstand and a magnifying glass for lighting fires. And besides, they stuffed two blankets and a pillow from the ottoman into the bag.

In addition, I prepared three slingshots, a fishing rod and a net for catching tropical butterflies.

And the next day, when our parents left for the city, and Styopka’s mother went to the river to rinse clothes, we left our village of Peski.

We followed the road through the forest. Styopka’s dog Tuzik ran ahead. Styopka walked behind her with a huge bag on his head. Lelya followed Styopka with a skipping rope. And I followed Lelya, with three slingshots, a net and a fishing rod.

We walked for about an hour.

Finally Styopa said:

— The bag is devilishly heavy. And I won’t carry it alone. Let everyone take turns carrying this bag.

Then Lelya took this bag and carried it.

But she didn’t carry it for long because she was exhausted.

She threw the bag on the ground and said:

- Now let Minka carry it!

When they put this bag on me, I gasped in surprise: this bag was so heavy.

But I was even more surprised when I walked along the road with this bag. I was bent to the ground, and like a pendulum, I swung from side to side. Until finally, after walking ten steps, he fell into a ditch with this bag.

And first the bag fell into the ditch, and then I fell on the bag. And although I was light, I nevertheless managed to crush all the glasses, almost all the plates and the clay washstand.

We sadly pulled the shards out of the bag. And Styopka hit me on the back of the head and said that people like me should stay at home and not go on a trip around the world.

Then Styopka whistled for the dog and wanted to adapt it to carry weights. But nothing came of it, because Tuzik did not understand what we wanted from him.

Moreover, we ourselves didn’t really understand how we could adapt Tuzik to this.

Then Styopka ordered us all to carry this bag together.

Grabbing the corners, we carried the bag. But it was awkward and difficult to carry. Nevertheless, we walked for another two hours. And finally they came out of the forest onto the lawn.

Here Styopka decided to take a break. He said:

“Whenever we rest or when we go to bed, I will stretch my legs in the direction in which we need to go.” All great travelers did this and thanks to this they did not stray from their straight path.

And Styopka sat down by the road and stretched his legs forward.

We untied the bag and started snacking.

We ate bread sprinkled with granulated sugar.

Suddenly, wasps began to circle above us. And one of them, wanting to taste my sugar, stung me on the cheek.

It made my cheek swell up like a pie. And I wanted to return home. But Styopka didn’t let me think about it. He said:

“I will tie anyone who wants to return home to a tree and leave it to be eaten by the ants.”

I walked behind everyone, whining and whining. My cheek burned and ached.

Lelya was also not happy about the trip. She sighed and dreamed of returning home.

We continued walking in a bad mood.

And only Tuzik was in a wow mood. With his tail raised, he chased the birds and with his barking brought unnecessary noise into our journey.

Finally it began to get dark. Styopka threw the bag on the ground. And we decided to spend the night here.

We collected brushwood for the fire. And Styopka took a magnifying glass out of the bag to light a fire.

But, not finding the sun in the sky, Styopka became depressed. We were upset too. And, having eaten bread, they lay down in the dark.

Styopka solemnly lay down feet first, saying that in the morning it would be clear to us which way to go.

Styopka immediately began snoring. And Tuzik also began to sniffle. But Lelya and I couldn’t sleep for a long time. The dark forest and the noise of the trees scared us.

Lyolya suddenly mistook a dry branch under her head for a snake and screamed in horror.

And a falling cone from a tree scared me so much that I jumped on the ground like a ball.

Finally we dozed off.

I woke up because Lelya was tugging at my shoulders. It was an early morning. And the sun hasn't risen yet.

Lelya whispered to me:

- Minka, while Styopka is sleeping, let’s turn his legs in the opposite direction. Otherwise he will lead us where Makar never drove his calves.

We looked at Styopka. He slept with a blissful smile.

Lelya and I grabbed his legs and in an instant turned them in the opposite direction, so that Styopka’s head described half a circle.

But Styopka did not wake up from this.

He just groaned in his sleep and waved his arms, muttering: “Hey, here, to me...”

He probably dreamed that he was capturing the Indians, but they did not want to and resisted.

We began to wait for Styopka to wake up.

He woke up with the first rays of the sun and, looking at his feet, said:

“We’d be fine if I lay down with my feet anywhere.” So we wouldn’t know which way to go. And now, thanks to my legs, it’s clear to all of us where we need to go.

And Styopka waved his hand in the direction of the road along which we walked yesterday.

We ate some bread, drank some water from the ditch and hit the road. The road was familiar from yesterday's trip. And Styopka kept opening his mouth in surprise. Nevertheless he said:

— A trip around the world differs from other trips in that everything repeats itself, since the Earth is a circle.

There was a squeak of wheels behind me. It was some guy riding in an empty cart. Styopka said:

“For the speed of travel and to quickly circle the Earth, it wouldn’t be a bad idea for us to sit in this cart.”

We started asking for a ride. A good-natured man stopped the cart and allowed us to sit in it.

We drove quickly. And the drive took no more than two hours.

Suddenly our village of Peski appeared ahead.

Styopka, his mouth open in amazement, said:

— Here is a village exactly similar to our village of Peski. This happens when traveling around the world.

But Styopka was even more amazed when we approached the river and drove up to the pier.

We got out of the cart.

Indeed, this was our Pesky pier, and a steamer had just approached it.

Styopka whispered:

- Have we really circled the Earth?

Lelya snorted, and I laughed too. But then we saw our parents and our grandmother on the pier - they had just gotten off the ship.

And next to them we saw our nanny, who was crying and telling them something. We ran to our parents. And the parents laughed with joy that they saw us.

Nanny said:

- Children, I thought you drowned yesterday.

Lelya said:

- If we had drowned yesterday, we would not have been able to go on a trip around the world.

Mom exclaimed:

- What do I hear? They need to be punished.

Grandmother, tearing off a branch, said:

- I propose to flog the children. Let Minka be spanked by her mother. And I’ll take Lyolya on myself. And I will give her, as the eldest, at least twenty rods.

Dad said:

— Spanking is an old method of raising children. And it doesn't do any good. Even without spanking, the children realized what a stupid thing they had done.

Mom sighed and said:

- Oh, I have stupid children! Going on a trip around the world without knowing geography and the multiplication tables - well, what is that!

Dad said:

— It’s not enough to know geography and the multiplication table. To go on a trip around the world, you must have a higher education of five courses. You need to know everything they teach there, including cosmography. And those who set off on a long journey without this knowledge come to sad results.

With these words we went home. And they sat down to dinner. And our parents laughed and gasped as they listened to our stories about yesterday's adventure.

Dad said:

- All is well that ends well.

And he did not punish us for our trip around the world and for the fact that we lost the ottoman pillow.

As for Styopka, his own mother locked him in the bathhouse, and there our great traveler sat the whole day with his dog Tuzik.

And the next day his mother let him out. And we started playing with him as if nothing had happened.

It began to get dark.

Over the taiga, over the gloomy rocks, over the river with the splashing name Vels, a narrow fox moon rose.

By dusk the ear was ripe.

Having found spoons in our backpacks, we settled around a bucket, caught pieces of grayling and put them in a separate pot so that the grayling would cool while we ate the fish soup.

Well, Kozma and Demyan, sit down with us!

With a long juniper spoon, I rummaged in the depths of the bucket - my hand went up to the elbow into steam. I caught potatoes and fish offal from the bottom - livers, caviar - then scooped up a transparent fish with green foam.

Well, Kozma and Demyan, sit down with us! - Lyosha repeated, throwing his spoon into the bucket.

Sit down with us, sit down with us, Kozma and Demyan! - we confirmed.

We built a fire on the low bank of the Vels. Our coastline is completely littered with dirty ice floes. They remained from the flood - they did not have time to thaw. Here is an ice floe that looks like a huge ear, and here is a milk mushroom.

Who are they - Kozma and Demyan? - asked Pyotr Ivanovich, who came to the Ural taiga for the first time.

Pyotr Ivanovich eats fish soup carefully and respectfully. His head is shrouded in steam, small fires are burning in his glasses.

The old fishermen taught me this,” Lyosha answered. - As if there were such Kozma and Demyan. They help catch grayling. You need to call Kozma and Demyan by ear so that they don’t get offended.

By the clock it is already midnight, but the sky has not darkened, it remains clear, twilight, and the month has added coldness and light to it.

“This is probably a white night,” said Pyotr Ivanovich thoughtfully.

The white nights will begin later,” Lyosha answered. - They should be lighter. There is no name for this night.

Maybe silver?

What a silver one! Gray night.

Having spread spruce branches on the ground, we laid out our sleeping bags and lay down. I buried my head at the foot of the tree. Its lower branches have dried up, lichen has grown on them and hangs towards the fire like tow, like bast, like a white beard.

Not far away, behind me, something rustled.

“Gray night,” Pyotr Ivanovich repeated thoughtfully.

Whether it’s gray, white or silver, it’s still time to sleep.

Something rustled behind me again.

My ear is so worn out that I’m too lazy to turn around and see what the noise is. I see the moon hanging over the taiga - young, thin, piercing.

Chipmunk! - Lyosha suddenly said.

I looked around and immediately saw that two attentive night eyes were looking at us from behind the tree.

The chipmunk only stuck out his head, and his eyes seemed very dark and large, like a gonobobel berry.

After looking at us for a bit, he hid. Apparently, he was overcome with horror: who are they sitting by the fire?!

But then the big-eyed head poked out again. Whistling lightly, the animal jumped out from behind the tree, ran along the ground and hid behind the backpack.

“This is not a chipmunk,” said Lyosha, “there are no stripes on its back.”

The animal jumped onto the backpack and put its paw into the canvas pocket. There was a rope there. Hooking it with a claw, he pulled it.

Let's go! - I couldn’t stand it.

Jumping up to the tree, he grabbed the trunk and, tearing off pieces of bark with his claws, ran up the trunk into the dense branches.

Who is this? - said Pyotr Ivanovich. - Not a squirrel or a chipmunk.

“I don’t know,” said Lyosha. - It doesn’t look like a sable, nor does it look like a marten. I've probably never seen anything like this.

The gray night became brighter. The fire died down, and Lyosha got up and threw some sushi into it.

You shouldn’t have scared him away,” Pyotr Ivanovich told me. - He's the-

the feather won't come back.

We looked at the top of the tree. Not a single branch moved.

Long sparks from the fire flew to the top and died out in the light gray sky.

Suddenly some dark lump fell from the top and opened in the air, becoming angular, quadrangular. Having crossed the sky, he flew from tree to tree, catching the moon with the edge of his tail.

Then we immediately realized who it was. It was a flying squirrel, an animal that you cannot see during the day: it hides in hollows and flies over the taiga at night.

Its wings are furry - membranes between the front and hind legs.

The flying squirrel was sitting on the very tree that grew above me. Some husks and pieces of bark fell from above - the flying squirrel descended. He was either peeking out from behind the tree or hiding, as if he wanted to sneak up unnoticed.

Suddenly he looked out very close to me, at arm's length. His eyes, dark and wide, stared at me.

“Will he catch it or not?” - I was thinking, apparently, a flying squirrel.

He sat huddled in a ball and looked at the fire.

The fire stirred and crackled.

The flying squirrel jumped to the ground and then noticed a large dark hollow. It was Pyotr Ivanovich's boot lying on the ground.

Whistling in surprise, the flying squirrel dove into the boot.

At the same instant I rushed to grab the boot, but the flying squirrel jumped out and ran, ran along the outstretched arm, along the shoulder and - jumped onto a stump.

But it was not a stump. It was Pyotr Ivanovich's knee with a large round cup.

Looking into his flaming glasses with horror, the flying squirrel coughed, jumped onto the tree and quickly climbed up.

Pyotr Ivanovich felt his knee in amazement.

“What a light one,” he said hoarsely.

Having flown to another tree, the flying squirrel descended again. Apparently, he was attracted by the dying fire of the fire, beckoning him like a lamp on a summer evening attracts a moth.

A dream came over me. Or rather, not a dream - a wolf's slumber. I either closed my eyes and fell somewhere under a spruce root, then opened them and then saw a beard of lichen hanging from the branches, and behind it a completely brightened sky and in it a flying squirrel flying from peak to peak.

With the first rays of the sun, the flying squirrel disappeared.

In the morning, over tea, I kept pestering Pyotr Ivanovich, asking him to give me a boot that had been worn by a flying squirrel. And Lyosha said, finishing his second mug of tea:

Was it not Kozma and Demyan who sent him to us?

Children's travel stories

In previous posts on this blog, I shared my own experiences on how to take children with you and how to fly safely with them on an airplane. Among my most wonderful pieces of advice was the following: tell your child about the country in advance, or even better, give him a book to read.

« And what book will you, a lover of giving advice, give to a small child to read when you are going, for example, to China?“- I decided to ask myself, especially since my six-year-old daughter has finally begun a period of nightly vigils over a mountain of books, mixed in Russian and French, with which she falls asleep. I can’t understand how she sleeps on them. By the way, a week ago she was just getting ready to fly to China without me (instead of her girlfriend, who doesn’t really want to go to China. She’s probably afraid that they’ll leave her there with her great-grandfather who lives there).

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And so I went to the websites of Russian bookstores, imagining myself in the place of an average person from an average residential area, who was going on a trip with a child and who does not have time to go buy books. And he goes online. At the same time, I’ll order books for my parents and have them bring them to me in Paris. At least a couple. So, what will a complete novice, who for the first time set out to search for children's books about other countries, that is, me, find on the Russian-language Internet? Report, first part.

Interesting geography. Photo: kmrz.ru

I started with ozon.ru. I don’t know how not to be distracted, so along the way I read a story about how insanely fast the site is growing ($140 million in profits in 2010, according to forbes.com) and how its CEO, Frenchwoman Maëlle Gavet, has grown in less than two years to his position, while simultaneously learning to drink a lot of vodka. How much exactly was not specified. And this is not a joke, the site venturebeat.com sagely declared - they meant vodka, not Mael’s dizzying career. Happy for the expatriate, as we are all happy for successful people, I finally got to ozon.ru itself, the appearance of which, despite the insane profits, for some reason does not change at all (what if it gets worse?), and began to click on buttons.

My first option was the “Children’s World” button. Finding out that we were not talking about books, I clicked on “Books,” then on “Children and Parents” (later I discovered that online bookstores sell literature for children and about children mixed together). I decided that “Educational and Reference Literature” would suit me. It all started with books about what is good, what is bad, what friendship is and, in general, what is the meaning of life. This is probably for those who don’t travel anywhere. Those who travel frequently do not ask themselves such questions. If you don’t believe me, watch “Smesharikov”, about “kuzinatra”. Did you think I would refer to Lev Nikolaevich?

And now - hurray! “St. Petersburg, an illustrated guide for parents and children” by Anna Rapoport. On the website you can see photographs of the book, although they are not very large. Text layout in small blocks, cartoon characters, clear font... Cool stuff! Let's take it. There is a similar guide for Moscow. Again, for children and parents. Children are not left alone with a book. The comics are wonderful. But I would like China. Or at least Italy. Go ahead.

Traveling through other people's tables. Photo: clubs.ya.ru

Book Andrey Usachev “Entertaining geography. Russia. Europe". The cover is funny, but unfortunately there are no photos of the book inside. I type in Google and search in other places. The website labirint.ru is “Interesting geography. Asia. America. Africa", also Usacheva. In general, this is an illustrated collection of poems by a famous children's poet. Shall we take it? But how much do we learn about a particular country?

Next is a wonderful series for children project by Lyudmila Ulitskaya “Other, others, about others”, aimed at developing tolerance in children. I was attracted to books “Family for us and for others”, “Is the spirit of home at home?”, “A journey through other people’s tables”. From them, the child will undoubtedly learn a lot about other cultures. But for my six year old they are difficult. Books instill curiosity and openness in children—and that’s a wonderful thing. But we need people to tell you about Italy! And in a playful way. For the little ones. I want to teach my child something fun, does this happen? What if he suddenly decides that traveling is boring, and will stay at home all his life? I wanted a minimum of didactics, a maximum of “action”. Children are going to France, Italy, India! Children need to be told about the country! So that you just want to “eat” it! Huh?