Arrangement of paintings. How to hang pictures in an original way: rules and little tricks

It is convenient to arrange works of different formats (size, shape) in tiers, but not “ascending and descending” - this is a deliberately unsuccessful composition. To check how a composition of paintings will look on the wall and mark places for mounting, use this technique: trace each painting on paper, cut it out and pin it on the wall where you would like to see it.

What you should immediately pay attention to:
1. Ceiling height.
In a room with high ceilings, if the paintings are small, it is better to place them in groups, placing them, for example, around the largest piece.
In rooms with low ceilings, it is advisable to place paintings vertically rather than horizontally. Since horizontal placement will make the room even lower.
A massive, elongated painting will not look good in a room with low ceilings.
2.Genre and placement.
Landscapes and still lifes will look good in the living room or bedroom.
Remember that a portrait is a difficult genre to perceive, with a strong psychological impact, its placement should be considered separately.
Follow the theme of the room; watercolors with plant compositions are good in the bedroom. “Gastronomic” still lifes for the kitchen. Fans of the museum genre decorate their offices with canvases of battle scenes. Abstract, non-objective paintings are usually classified as the “office genre”.
3.Background for the picture. Wall color.
Paintings with bright colors will look good on dark walls, while paintings in darker and dull colors will suit light walls.
Museums often paint the walls of exhibition halls in colors that were fashionable in the era to which the paintings on display belong (for example, the works of 18th century artists were exhibited against a red wall). Sometimes they choose a color that is present in small quantities in most of the paintings on display.
Black and white photographs go well with almost any wall color.
4. Proportionality of the size of the painting. Location.
When hanging a picture, you must remember that the height of the middle of the image should be at eye level of the person looking at it (approximately 142-175 cm). This is the most convenient way to view the image. In this case, the upper canvases can be slightly tilted, adjusting the length of the cord on which the picture hangs and the height of the loops. Hang pictures of different sizes according to the principle, the higher from the eyes, the larger the picture.
It is very important to consider the proportionality of the size of the painting relative to the furniture over which it is located. The picture should neither dominate nor be lost.
Don't forget about the lighting!

Schemes for placing paintings and how to hang paintings correctly - 1

Schemes for placing paintings and how to hang paintings correctly - 2

Schemes for placing paintings and how to hang paintings correctly - 3


Schemes for placing paintings and how to hang paintings correctly - 4


Schemes for placing paintings and how to hang paintings correctly - 5

One of the most affordable ways to get rid of empty walls is to hang pictures. They do an excellent job of not only decorating, but also maintaining the overall style, color scheme, and mood. All you need is to select suitable images and choose the option for their location on the wall.

Ekaterina Domracheva

Anna Kaplun

Vera Nikitina

Basic options and methods for arranging paintings.

With one picture everything is clear. Whatever one may say, she will become the center of attraction. That is why its size must be appropriate; hanging one small picture on the wall is not worth it.

The next option is two or three images. They can be placed in a row horizontally, vertically, diagonally, or in a triangle.

Alexey Solovatkin

Ekaterina Domracheva

Denis Krasikov

If you have more than four canvases, this is much more interesting and difficult. There are many options for arranging compositions from paintings, let's look at the main ones.

A symmetrical arrangement of paintings.

To implement it, you need to draw an imaginary line (axis of symmetry) and hang the pictures equally on both sides of it. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this line can be drawn at any degree.

Maria Yangolenko

Alexander Bereznev

Asymmetry in the arrangement of images.

The main thing with this option is to balance the overall appearance of the composition so that not one of the parts catches the eye. Large and small canvases should alternate and be distributed along the wall.

Victoria Nazarchuk

Andrey Litvinenko

Alexander Reguzov

Vera Nikitina

The presence or absence of a composition center

Evenly or have a central image, relative to which the rest of the ensemble will be built. For greater effect, it is better that it differs from all others in size or shape.

Anna Chesnokova

Olga Colak

Natalia Serebryakova

Composition with or without clear contours

The most common option is when a composition of paintings repeats (fits into) one of the geometric shapes (square, rectangle, circle). By the way, you can post images in the form of a heart, a daisy, your name, an elephant, in a word, anything that seems appropriate to you in your interior.

Evgeny Zhdanov

Galina Ryazanova

Olga Dubrovskaya

Do not forget that the pictures can be arranged absolutely chaotically; no one forces you to adhere to any rules in this matter. You shouldn’t limit yourself to limits, especially if the style of your interior is modern, youthful, and relaxed.

Nina Romanyuk

We pay our main attention to options for the arrangement of paintings, while forgetting about such an important point as free space. It is very important to choose the correct distance between images. You can place images close to each other that are similar in style, color scheme, size, and in the same frames. If the paintings are too different, then the distance between them should correspond to approximately a third of their size.

Inna Mikhaiskaya

Olesya Kubiv

It is impossible not to mention the rapidly gaining popularity of modular (composite) paintings. They represent a ready-made composition of several canvases, which are obtained from one image. Most companies that sell them provide a custom-made service. You will be able to select the image, its size, quantity and options for the arrangement of modules. There are no fewer online services with similar offers on the Internet; they offer delivery throughout the country.

In conclusion, let me remind you that paintings are not only square or rectangular. Round, oval, triangular, and diamond-shaped canvases look much more interesting. In addition, there are many more ideas for arranging paintings of such unusual shapes.

Daria Arkhipova

Nina Romanyuk

Tatiana Povarova

Olga Colak

The use of paintings as a fashionable element of modern design is becoming increasingly widespread. Modern and classic, romantic and melancholic - the images create a special mood, enliven the interior and give it individuality and aesthetics.

Basic rules for placing paintings

In order for the paintings to look appropriate, fit harmoniously into the design and deliver aesthetic pleasure, you need to follow several general rules for their placement.
  • A wall in a bright room is ideal for a painting, but it is undesirable for it to be exposed to direct sunlight. Under the influence of such rays, paint images quickly fade, and the picture itself begins to glare, which interferes with its correct perception.
  • If the painting is placed in a dark room, it is recommended to illuminate it with a halogen lamp. should be as uniform as possible, so you should not place the light source very close to the canvas.
  • The height of the paintings is selected individually, but their location at eye level or slightly higher is considered traditional. Most of the image should be above the person's direct gaze.
  • At home, paintings are usually hung without a slope - close to the wall. To do this, the fastening elements to which the holding ropes (chains, cords, etc.) will be attached are located at the top of the picture or baguette. If you want to hang an image at an angle, the mounts are installed lower (the greater the distance from the top, the greater the angle of inclination).

Attaching paintings using classic methods

Most often, paintings are hung simply and unpretentiously - on a nail or screw mounted into the wall. However, the walls are different, and the traditional method has to be slightly modified.

Wooden walls- the most convenient material that allows you to hang a picture without hassle. Take a hammer and an ordinary nail, which is driven in at the desired height. A picture or twine is hung directly on it, with which it is attached.

Concrete walls– to secure the painting on this durable surface, it is necessary to use an impact drill or hammer drill. Using one of the tools, a hole of the required diameter (usually 6 mm) is drilled in the intended location, into which a dowel of the appropriate size made of plastic is inserted. A screw or a special hook is screwed into the dowel, and the canvas is hung on it.

Brick walls– durable but fragile brick requires a special approach. You can also drill holes in brick and fasten screws, nails or hooks of the required size into them, with or without a dowel, but with additional precautions. It is necessary to pour a cement mortar into the drilled hole, which will prevent the formation of cracks in the brick, and only then insert a dowel or hook. It is also possible to use special brick brackets, fastened at a distance necessary to place the picture.

Plasterboard walls– are not resistant to loads, so they are suitable for placing only light paintings. In order for the picture to be held firmly, a special “butterfly” dowel is inserted into the hole on such a wall, the special spacers of which prevent the mount from slipping out.

Mounting pictures without drilling walls

In cases where the household does not have a hammer drill or a hammer drill (and this happens), or you simply don’t want to make holes in the walls, you can use one of the alternative methods:
  • A light and small picture is attached to the wall using double-sided acrylic foam tape. One side of this miracle tape is glued to the painting, the other to the prepared surface - the painting is successfully hung. Manufacturers guarantee retention of 4 kg. weight of one square centimeter of tape, but maximum load is best avoided. This method of fastening is not very durable, and the tape leaves noticeable marks.
  • Clothes hooks and special fastenings for pictures on a sticky basis. The principle of attaching to the wall is the same as in the previous method, only the picture is hung on a hook.
  • You can hang a picture on a plasterboard wall using a pin or paperclip placed under the wallpaper and secured there with Moment or PVA glue. In principle, a similar method is suitable for a concrete wall, but the picture should not be very heavy.
  • Objects also hold well “”, which can be used both for attaching the picture itself and for gluing the hook on which it will be hung. With the help of “liquid nails” the painting is attached for a long time, because tearing off such a work can only ruin the appearance of both the wall and the painting itself (if it is glued directly to the wall). Using this method, you can hang heavy pictures, as well as decorate the interior in the bathroom and kitchen, without fear of changes in humidity and temperature.
  • “Liquid nails”, “Hot nails” and “Superglue” are also suitable for the next method. A small piece of wine cork, cork material or just wood 0.5-0.8 cm thick is glued to the cleaned surface of the wall, and a nail or screw is fixed in it, on which the picture is hung.
  • There are special hooks with nails made of extra-strong refractory metal for sale, designed for different types of walls. These nails can be easily inserted into any wall without leaving any marks, and are capable of holding a fairly heavy load. A picture on such a hook can be placed in any room of the house.
Video example of attaching a picture without nails (with special Velcro):

Mounting pictures on a bracket

A separate method that does not spoil the walls with holes, but requires the use of an impact drill or hammer drill, is ceiling mounting. A curtain rod (or other durable rail) is attached near the wall to the ceiling using special brackets. Pictures are hung on it, the height and location of which are regulated by fastening ropes.

You can come up with many more original options for hanging a picture on the wall - your imagination is not limited in this regard. If you don’t want to rack your brains and have no desire to invent your own “bicycle,” use one of the proven and reliable methods.

There are situations when you really need to hang a picture on the wall without nails or drilling: for example, the apartment is rented, you don’t want to spoil the wall with holes, bother the neighbors, or your husband is simply not at home. This is when very simple and effective methods come to our aid that will help you hang a picture, panel, poster or photograph on the wall without using a drill. Choose which one you like best!

1. How to hang a picture on the wall without drilling the wall: a paper clip or a coat hook

If you have wallpaper on your wall, make a small horizontal cut in it, fill it with superglue and place a paper clip, bent into a hook or a regular coat hook, and then cover the cut with wallpaper. You can read step-by-step instructions for “implanting” a paperclip into wallpaper .

2. Button

This method is similar to the previous one. Here, too, the base itself is “hidden under the wallpaper” and glued, and the protruding part acts as a nail on which you can hang a not very heavy picture. In the video below you can learn how to effectively hide the base of a button behind wallpaper.

3. Spider hook

In a hardware store you can purchase a special device called a “spider hook”: o but has four pointed ends, which are easily attached to the wall with a hammer and leave practically no marks on it.This hook holds securelyon any wall, you can hang a picture or frame weighing up to 2 kg on it.

4. Needle

Another way to place light paintings is to stick a sewing needle into the wall. For example, you can carefully drive it into the wallpaper at an angle tailor's pin with head. Another option: break off the eye of a sewing needle with pliers and simply hammer it into the wall with the sharp end. This way, the hole in the wall is small and unnoticeable, unlike nails or screws. At the same time, withama needle, steel and durable, holds the frame securely.

5. Double-sided tape

This method is suitable for walls with thin paper wallpaper or plasterboard partitions. Just apply regular double-sided tape to the edges of the frame and attach it to the wall. True, the disadvantage of this method is that the tape can leave marks on the wall; to prevent this from happening, it is recommended to keep the tape under glob 90 degrees in relation to the wall when removing the painting.

6. Command Velcro

The special technology of Command Velcro allows you to glue them to almost any surface and easily hang pictures weighing up to 2 kg on them. The advantage of this brand of Velcro is that it can be easily removed without damaging the walls. They Sold as a set of several strips: one strip is glued to the frame, the other to the wall. The more stripes, the heavier the painting can be.

7. Liquid nails

Liquid nails are a special glue that securely connects surfaces. Simply apply liquid nails to the back of the frame in small dots (if the painting is heavy, you can coat the entire frame). Then press the painting flat against the wall surface and hold for a few seconds.

8. Polymer glue

Polymer glue is convenient because it does not leave greasy marks behind. The principle is the same as with liquid nails: we glue the heavy picture around the entire perimeter, and the light one only around the edges. For better adhesion to the surface, the frame needs to be pressed firmly and even left for a day, propped up with something.

9. Wine cork

The wine cork is cut into circles approximately 1 cm thick and glued to the wall with quick-drying glue (Moment glue or BF-2). After the glue has dried, a small nail is stuck into this cork, onto which the picture is hung.

People have always strived to decorate their homes. Figurines, decorative panels, all kinds of vases with bouquets sometimes have no practical meaning, but they create a feeling of comfort and stability. Paintings or framed photographs are still popular. These can be originals, copies, reproductions. How to hang pictures on the wall? Options may vary. They will be discussed in our article.

To hang or not to hang?

Having wondered how to hang pictures on the wall beautifully, you will be surprised by the very idea that hanging them is not at all necessary. Frames with paintings can be arranged in different ways:

  • hang;
  • put on the floor;
  • put on stretchers;
  • place on a large but shallow shelf.


The most popular option is, of course, the first. It has a lot of advantages:

  • a picture hanging on the wall is quite difficult to damage;
  • the work of art hangs quite securely;
  • you can draw the attention of guests to a certain wall.

However, this method also has disadvantages:

  1. You need to determine in advance exactly where the masterpiece will hang.
  2. If you decide to change the interior, the paintings will have to be re-hung, and the places where they hung before will have to be repaired.

Important! If there are animals and small children in the house, pictures definitely need to be hung:

  • A canvas can inspire a young artist to achieve creative achievements, so that before you know it, a completely different piece will appear in the frame.
  • For cats and dogs, a picture standing on the floor also arouses genuine interest. They often perceive it as a scratching post or an object that they can chew with pleasure.

We don’t hang it, we put it

If adults live in the house, other options are possible. How to hang a large picture? You can simply place it on the floor. Small works can also be placed on stretchers.

This method of placement also has advantages:

  • decorations can be rearranged;
  • a kind of creative disorder is created in the room, testifying to the creative abilities of the owners.

The negative points include the fact that both options are suitable only for large rooms. Stretchers are extra pieces of furniture that need to be placed somewhere.

Important! The problem disappears if the painting is on the floor, but in this case you need to be very careful in choosing the color and subject - a well-chosen work can visually enlarge the room, but a poorly chosen one can do the opposite.

Room style

The answer to the question - to hang or put up, largely depends on the style in which your apartment is decorated:

  • The fact is that the option of hanging on the walls is almost universal; it is suitable for rooms in the classical style, and for Provence, and for Minimalism. Basically, your kitchen or living room turns into a small museum - the works hang in rows or in beautiful groups, you can look at them for a long time.
  • But canvases placed in the corners on stretchers are only suitable for interiors decorated in a style that imitates an art workshop, when the room is something like a Parisian attic or looks like a room filled with random things bought from a junk dealer.

Picture on the shelf

This option for hanging a picture is extremely good if there is a shallow niche on one wall. This is just a gift - it can be laid out with thin slats of beautiful wood, turning one of them into something like a very narrow shelf, on which one or several paintings are placed.

But you can also make a separate shelf. The main thing is that it should be high enough. You can put one relatively large work on it, or several small ones.

Important! You can also create an interesting composition by placing a large picture in the center and surrounding it with small ones hanging on the walls.

The third option is a shelf divided into several compartments, each of which houses a painting.

Types of artwork

Before you beautifully place pictures on the wall, it makes sense to think about what exactly you want to place:

  • painting;
  • graphics;
  • straw panel;
  • panels of plants;
  • a scorched picture;
  • embroidered fabric or panel made from shreds;
  • icons;
  • photos;
  • reproductions;
  • posters.

Let’s figure out what options there are and how to beautifully place the paintings:

  • It is better to insert paintings and graphics into frames, as well as straw panels or floristry.
  • A painting made on a board using the burning method does not need to be framed; it is best to beautifully design the natural cuts to emphasize the texture of the wood.
  • If you want to hang a panel made of fabric, then, as they say, there are options.
  • An embroidered landscape or still life with roses or lilacs is essentially no different from a painting painted with paints, so it is better to use a frame.
  • But a panel made of scraps or a large tapestry will look great on a bar, which is attached only from above and from which, in fact, the picture is hung.
  • Photos may be framed or unframed. A very large photo panel can be glued directly to the wall or placed on a tablet of the same size.
  • Posters are most often used in the manner of photo wallpapers.


Any element of the interior, be it a sofa, an armchair, a wardrobe, a vase or a landscape on the wall, must not only correspond to the overall style, but also create a feeling of security for the inhabitants. First of all, you should like the paintings.

Bad ideas

There are other things to avoid when choosing a plot:

  • there should be no aggressive scenes on your walls;
  • You should not post images of very elderly people if they are not your favorite relatives;
  • Still lifes that depict broken dishes are not suitable.

Important! Scenes of murders, fires, natural disasters, and wild animals fighting create a feeling of anxiety, even if you don't realize it. Psychics call this negative energy, psychologists call it the impact of negative phenomena on the senses. Be that as it may, such scenes in a peaceful apartment are completely unnecessary.

A portrait of an unknown old man, as well as a still life depicting a broken jug, can put you in a philosophical mood, but do you want your loved ones to constantly think about the frailty of all earthly things? The only exception is your beloved great-grandfather, a kind spirit who protects your hearth.

What stories are suitable?

A lot depends on where exactly you plan to hang the pictures:

  • in the living room;
  • in the bedroom;
  • in the nursery;
  • in the kitchen;
  • in the hall;
  • in the bathroom.

Living room and bedroom:

  • In principle, everything can hang on the wall in the living room. Genre scenes depicting gallant scenes, sea and mountain landscapes, images of noble animals, and still lifes with flowers are suitable. The scenes depicted can be dynamic, because here people are doing interesting things, talking, celebrating holidays.
  • Calm views of nature will look best in the bedroom. This room was created specifically for relaxation; there should be nothing disturbing or stimulating unhealthy thoughts. Abstract paintings are also appropriate in rooms for adults.

Important! You should not place paintings next to each other that are very different in mood.


As for the nursery, then:

  • Illustrations for favorite books or scenes from interesting cartoons are suitable for a preschooler. In this case, reproductions can be used. Developmental panels are also suitable.
  • If a schoolchild lives in the room, there may be photo wallpapers and posters on the walls with sports scenes, space and seascapes, dedicated to scientific discoveries - in a word, everything depends on the interests of the occupant.

Important! The only thing to avoid is abstractions.

Kitchen and bathroom

Water landscapes are simply perfect for these rooms. By the way, they are recommended not only by psychologists, but also by those who follow the traditions of Feng Shui. It is believed that rivers and streams will definitely attract cash flows into the house.

Genre scenes depicting meals, still lifes with food and beautiful dishes will look good on the kitchen wall. In the bathroom there are sea scenes, fish, dolphins and other inhabitants of the depths.

Important! There is high humidity in the bathroom, so it is better to hang decorative tile panels rather than paintings.

Big or small?

Before hanging pictures on the wall, decide whether it will be one large picture or a group of small ones. There are several reasons why in a modern apartment you should not overuse paintings covering the entire wall:

  1. Such paintings have quite a lot of weight, which requires the use of powerful fasteners.
  2. Originals, even if they were created by amateur artists, are quite expensive.
  3. As a rule, the subjects of such paintings are heavy or aggressive, which does not contribute to creating a peaceful, calm environment in the house.

Important! If you absolutely need to decorate the entire surface of the wall, choose several small or medium-sized elements. They can be hung close to each other, but the composition will still look light and elegant.

How to place paintings on the wall?

There are several rules to follow, regardless of whether you have one picture hanging or several:

  1. Everything that hangs on the walls should be in harmony with each other and with other objects.
  2. Groups of paintings or photographs are best placed closer to the furniture, visually creating a square.
  3. If the ceilings are very high, you can make a rectangular group of four, six or eight elements, placing them very close to each other.
  4. If you want to create a window effect, use thin, light-colored frames, wooden or metal.

How to hang pictures on the wall if there are a lot of them?

The most difficult, but at the same time interesting option is to hang many paintings of different sizes. There are two possible principles:

  • symmetric;
  • asymmetric.

What to give preference to?

With symmetry everything is simple. When thinking about how to properly hang pictures of different sizes, keep in mind that the asymmetrical option is more difficult. You need to choose a central canvas, and hang works of the same size in pairs on both sides. In this case, size and color are more important than subjects.

Asymmetry is another matter. Of course, in this case, the largest work is often hung in the center of the group, but this is not at all necessary. For example, there may be the following options:

  • on the left is a large picture, on the right are several small ones, or vice versa;
  • a large picture above or below a group of small ones;
  • all the paintings are arranged in a “chaotic” order, which is actually carefully thought out).

Important! With an asymmetrical arrangement, it is very important that the works are close in plot.

What to consider

Having decided on the quantity, frames and subjects, do not forget to consider a few more points:

  • lighting;
  • height;
  • orientation;
  • grouping.


You have probably been to museums many times and seen that a special lamp hangs above each painting or graphic work. There is no point in following this principle at home. It is necessary to provide good natural lighting.

Important! Backlighting is only needed if natural light produces glare or if you want to draw attention to a specific work of art. In this case, LED lamps should be used.


You don't have to hang all the pictures on the same wall. It won't be very good. It is best to distribute them evenly, but it is necessary to take into account the conditional “weight”:

  • If a large painting hangs in one corner, it should be balanced by several smaller paintings located on the other wall.
  • If there is a dark painting on one wall, the other should have the same color, not a light one.

Important! You can also use a trellis arrangement - when the paintings hang close to each other. This method is suitable for both works of the same size and different ones. Artworks of the same size can also be hung in rows at equal distances from each other.

At what height should I hang a picture on the wall?

Any painting in the room should be clearly visible, that is, hang at such a height that it can be easily seen. It is also necessary to take into account the distance between the walls:

  1. Measure the long side of the fabric.
  2. Multiply it by three - this will be the distance to the viewer.
  3. Mark the desired distance on the tape measure.
  4. Determine the point where the viewer will be.
  5. Using a tape measure, find the place on the wall where you want the picture to hang - it will be approximately at eye level.


Most often, paintings are horizontal. If you are not going to group them, keep two things in mind:

  • a vertical picture visually increases the height of the ceiling:
  • horizontal - can visually lengthen the wall.

Based on this, choose a place:

  • It is better to hang vertical canvases in narrow walls or in spaces between pieces of furniture.
  • When thinking about how to properly hang pictures above the sofa, keep in mind that it is best to choose works in horizontal frames.

Tilt angle

There are two options for placing paintings on the wall:

  • close to the surface;
  • inclined.

Usually the first option is used. The second is acceptable if it is not possible to hang the picture at eye level. In the first case, the rope is tightened tightly, in the second, it is loosened.

Important! In a group of three paintings, the middle canvas is the main one.

Hanging pictures

No need to immediately grab the drill:

  1. Create a composition on the floor.
  2. Measure the distances between jobs.
  3. Determine the point from which it is best to view them.
  4. Mark on the wall a place where the center of the composition will be.
  5. Put a period there.
  6. From this point, set off the distances to the remaining paintings.
  7. Install the fasteners:
    • for small paintings, finishing nails will be sufficient;
    • Large works hanging at an angle are best placed on brackets.

A few words about the background

It is important how the walls you are going to decorate look like. Their surface can be:

Having dealt with all the nuances and all the options for how you can hang pictures on the wall, you only have one more time, and maybe more than once, to look at your room, at the pictures, and then try to correlate it all into one artistic line, taking into account the received information. I wish you creative success in decorating the interior of your apartment!