There is never more than one thing. M. Plyatskovsky

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WITH scientific point sight, the sun shines on us continuously during the day. Even if it’s behind the clouds. But we are waiting for truly bright sunlight, which brings us back to life and brings cheerfulness.

But residents of some cities in the world have already got used to not waiting for the sun, but to rejoice at his unexpected appearance as a holiday. What to do if cities are located in places where nature has not provided much sunny days. But it has its own special charm, and not to say that it is always gloomy.

Birmingham, UK

Sees the sun approximately 62 days a year

One of the largest cities in the kingdom fully corresponds to the legend of Foggy Albion, a land where the sun is a rare guest. The climate here is soft and humid, there are no sudden changes, but there is no sun either. 2 million local residents are accustomed to this state of affairs, but a sunny day becomes a real holiday and a good reason to go outside and put things aside.

Tourists are advised to prepare for the fact that the city is not too cold, but somewhat damp. But there is plenty of entertainment: numerous museums, monuments of medieval architecture, Botanical Garden, music festivals- and there is no time left to miss the sun.

Kiruna, Sweden

Sees the sun approximately 61 days a year

“White Bird” - this is how the name of the city is translated - a slightly magical place. It has always been associated with legends about alchemists, because local residents have been involved in the mining industry for centuries, and it is there, somewhere in the depths of the earth, that awaits philosopher's Stone. The “secret of darkness” of Kiruna is that it is very close to the Arctic Circle. Therefore, the sun here is on schedule - from May to July, and then twilight gets closer and closer until it turns into the polar night.

Reykjavik, Iceland

Sees the sun approximately 55 days a year

When you get to the bright and stylish capital of Iceland, you wouldn’t say that the sun is such a rare guest here. Colorful houses, friendly people, lots of activities, thermal pools, outdoor all year round. Almost a resort! But the sun rarely comes here. No wonder, because Reykjavik is the northernmost capital of the state in the world. One of the main features of the city is its incredibly clean air: there is no industry here, and houses are heated with water from hot thermal springs.

Murmansk, Russia

Sees the sun approximately 53 days a year

Murmansk is located beyond the Arctic Circle, so the night here can last long, but the polar day brings the long-awaited sun. From December to January the sun does not rise above the horizon, so the joyful holidays “First Dawn” and “Hello, Sun” are celebrated by all townspeople. Meeting " full sun"usually occurs on the last Sunday of January.

Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Canada

Sees the sun approximately 52 days a year

The gloomy city on the island of Cayenne in the Pacific Ocean is surrounded by mountains, and lovers of a dry and hot climate will never accept it as a place of residence.

It rains here as many as 240 days a year, and when it stops, the city is shrouded in thick fog. Ideal place for shooting thrillers. This is the oceanic climate.

Nevertheless, it is a large and quite significant city for the Canadian economy, and you can get to the mainland from it via a bridge.

Nikolskoye, Kamchatka, Russia

Sees the sun approximately 41 days a year

The harsh Bering Island is where this gloomy village is located. sunlight here is an amazing and rare phenomenon, but otherwise the life of the 700 residents who live there is not too different from the life of people in other Russian outbacks. In addition, the village even has its own airport for connections with major cities of Kamchatka. Nikolskoye is the only place in Russia where the rare Aleut people live compactly. They are natives of the Aleutian Islands of Alaska, and it is not surprising that the cloudy climate does not particularly bother them.

“Why are you always turning something in your hands, do you want to be... like those people who catch burning torches in the circus?” He was almost sure that his mother would have said so if she saw in his fingers a yellow plastic egg from a Kindersurprise, which he either tossed to the height of his own nose, or shook lightly, as if wanting to make sure that there wasn’t a hidden dinosaur or a dude lurking there. a small helmet on his head. But no, he will not open the shell. It doesn't contain anything interesting.
He felt its emptiness by the lightness of its weight and the absence of the knock that a toy hidden in it usually makes. And this is for the best, because if he had taken some toy out of the egg, he would not have been able to stand it, and he would have had to reach for a handkerchief, and his eyes were in Lately and so constantly in a wet place. Trying to stop the tears that were coming, the boy hid the yellow shell in the desk drawer and took his eyes off the bookshelves - now it’s empty, as empty as it is in his soul, where something very important has gone, something he didn’t want to, not at all. wanted to leave. Yes, you need to occupy yourself with something so as not to think, not to think about anything, and most importantly - not to worry.
He sat down at the computer and began to pursue a gang of criminals, carefully watching the gray ribbon of the road flashing on the screen. The game quickly got boring, and he looked at the phone. At least they would call. The phone was silent, and he himself did not want to dial the number of someone else’s apartment, where his brother and sister now lived - five-year-old Antosha and eight-year-old Katya. There, along with them, he lived new husband mother, and the independent Gromov - that was the boy’s last name - did not want to talk to him.
It was boring. And there was a melancholy in my soul that had not passed since my usual life fell apart like a house of cards. The mother he adored took and went to a stranger, leaving him, Gromov, alone with his grief.
He walked aimlessly around the apartment, trying to drive away bad thoughts from himself, but they, as if on purpose, entered his head, leading with them some memories, conversations, images, scenes, tightly twisted into an unraveled knot of insoluble problems. He remembered how his mother, before leaving, told Gromov: “It’s up to you to decide who you will live with...” The door had not yet slammed behind her, and Gromov stood in the cramped hallway between his father and mother and felt that his heart is breaking. In his mind, mom and dad were inseparable, and their family, so good and friendly, seemed to him indestructible and not subject to any external blows. And suddenly everything collapsed. And Gromov had to perform a very important act for the first time in his life. Pictures flashed through his imagination that simply could not have occurred to him before. He imagined how he would stand before the judges, and they would torture him: “Who do you want to live with?”
With whom, with whom - of course with both. How will he say “with mom” if by doing so he betrays his father and goes over to the side of the hated Khmyr. To express another solution: “with dad” means to separate yourself from the kids and betray your mother. So think about what to do here. And yet Gromov solved this difficult problem. At the same time, he proceeded from a reluctance to change anything in his life. After all, this is his home, he has a separate room and here is his dad, whom he will not leave alone. After all, mom now has this Khmyr, she is not alone, but dad... Dad will feel completely bad alone. Having made this decision, Gromov felt that he had grown wiser in his own eyes, he even grew two centimeters, and the new sneakers he bought last summer suddenly became too small for him.
Now I had to learn not to become limp, not to succumb to melancholy and despondency. And Gromov achieved something. He convinced himself that it could have been worse, that the main thing was that everyone was alive and healthy...
Besides, dad and he, unattended and female hand they won’t stay because grandma Lina has moved in with them, and with her presence and selfless standing at the stove she creates an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. In fact, she manages the house in a wonderful way: cups break, porridge burns, light bulbs burn out as soon as she touches them, hinges on cabinets fall off as soon as she slightly pulls the doors to open them. Pala teases my grandmother, and she says that her energy is higher than others, because of this everything breaks down. As for energy, this is true.
Grandmother is a fidget, spinning around all the time, doing something, washing, tidying up, and then suddenly she’ll bury her face in a book - she can’t tear it away - and the porridge burns.
The worst thing, it can’t get any worse, Gromov continued to think, is that mom didn’t leave alone, but took Antoshka and Katya with her. Gromov is used to fiddling with them, and he misses the “small ones” - as he called them. He cannot understand at all how it is possible to cut a family into pieces. Hmm... He heard his mother say to his father; "This is Love!" At her age... Hmm... So, there is no love for him and dad, but there is love for someone else's uncle... This thought makes Gromov feel uneasy. She stopped loving her... Well, he will stop loving her too. Although this is not correct. All wrong! She and her dad are abandoned, they are orphans. They didn't get what that damned Khmyr got. Poor dad, it seems he still doesn’t believe that mom is gone. “Well, these are all women’s things,” he said in an artificially cheerful voice. “He’ll come to his senses and come running.” How does it feel for him to be in the role of a losing loser and understand that someone else was preferred to him - taller, bassier and richer... Of course, richer...
Gromov can’t even imagine what’s going on in his father’s soul and how he even endures it all: gets up, goes to work, returns home... Handkerchief.. Where is the handkerchief? If mom knew what she had done, if she had looked into his, Gromov’s, soul even for a minute... Did she really have no pity left? Why did she trample everything, destroy everything, destroy everything... What will happen to dad, how will they both endure the grief that has befallen them?
From these questions, from his own rushing around the apartment, Gromov fell into a state close to insanity.
Not wanting to endure the unbearable anymore heartache, he rushed to the phone, dialed the hated number and, hearing his mother’s voice, hoarsely shouted: “I hate you!” You ruined everything! You killed dad, and I... I will kill your Khmyr!
She babbled something into the receiver, but Gromov did not hear her and continued screaming and crying until the all-clear signal was heard in the receiver...
Half an hour later they banged on the door. Gromov let his mother in and began to watch as she pulled off her boots with trembling hands and looked for slippers. Her face was white as paper.
- Do not come to me! - Gromov shouted, retreating back. At that moment, the grandmother appeared on the threshold and, without hesitation, attacked the unexpected guest.
- You are rubbish! - grandmother’s exclamations reached Gromov. - You are not a man, but a monster. You are a moral monster. You are worse than the maniac Chikatilo! He killed his victims with a knife, and you cut without blood with your meanness. And who are your victims - the people closest to you. Your husband is the most honest, crystal clear, kind, decent, wonderful family man. You didn't take anything into account. I ruined the nest for the sake of... Get out of here, scoundrel, otherwise I will throw you down the stairs..
And then a bad word came out of his grandmother’s lips, which Gromov sometimes heard from the “cool” guys. For some reason, he was amused and mentally approved of his grandmother for throwing her mother’s boots and jacket out the door and threatening to throw her down the stairs if she didn’t leave the apartment right away. The offended mother followed her boots, and
Gromov and his grandmother, inspired by their victory, headed to the kitchen for tea. But they rejoiced in vain.
When dad found out what happened, he got angry and started scolding grandma.
- Why are you interfering where you shouldn’t! As always, your tongue runs ahead of your work. Think before you fight.
- Gromov felt funny: he imagined a long grandmother’s tongue running along the road, and behind it a car trying to catch up with it.
“And in general,” dad continued, “you behave like a girl...
Grandma really looked like a guilty schoolgirl. She threw her spoons and bowls into the kitchen sink and sat down on a chair, resting her cheeks on her palms, which were probably burning with shame.
“And you stopped shaving,” Gromov noted, glancing over his father’s overgrown face, and was surprised at how instructive his voice turned out - exactly like teacher Vera Maksimovna: “You didn’t complete the task again.”
The father winced, as if from the smell of herring, which always drove him out of the kitchen.
“I’m growing a beard,” he muttered and started working on his grandmother again.
- I don't understand: an old man, but you don’t understand anything. After all, you actually slammed the door in front of.. (here he faltered, saying “wife” is stupid, and the name of the guilty mother was stuck in his throat)... in front of the children,” he finally said.
“Here we come,” sang the grandmother, who was sitting miserably, “it means you’re hoping for something, you’re afraid of offending the traitor.”
Father winced again, this time as if from the smell of grated radish, which he could not stand.
- None of your business! - he rapped.
- I earnestly ask you: maintain neutrality.
Gromov felt sorry for his grandmother. She blinked her eyes to keep from crying and looked even more like a girl. And Gromov had to make one more remark to his father.
“Actually,” he said freely, “they don’t scold grandmothers in front of children.”
After these words, the grandmother sniffled and wandered into the room assigned to her.
“Bab Lin, okay,” he said after her as a consolation.
Eh, grandma, grandma, you always get into trouble because of your irrepressible character. Perhaps the father is right after all. There was no need to kick mom out. After all, anything can happen. At this thought, Gromov cheered up. Grandma will have to change her behavior. After all, she, well, yes, she doesn’t look at all like the grandmothers they depict in children’s books: a plump bun with a gray knot on the back of her head, long skirt and in a blouse with flowers. No, Grandma Lina is completely different: in her youth she jumped with a parachute, walked through the mountains, ran 400 meters and is still running somewhere along with her long tongue. This allows her, as she says, to keep in shape. She begins every lesson with a weigh-in. Noticing that the scales go over seventy, she is horrified: “She overate!” And he begins to fight his healthy appetite. Yeah, nothing from the “kolobok”, he wears jeans and short haircut, dyes her hair and a little face. From a good salary in the “good old days” she was left with “lordly manners” and sparkling stones in her ears. And another apartment, which had to be exchanged when dad got married.
The adults are not telling them something, and Gromov has to be cunning to find out true position business When to visit them himself Aunt Olya showed up and dad began to help her take off her coat. Gromov was once again convinced of how different they were, how different they were from each other. Dad is light and compact, like a folding penknife, and Aunt Olya is fat and slow, with a big belly and a mind of the same size, which is of course necessary for the invention of rocket engines. She wears a wig so she doesn't have to worry about her hair, and wide pants, hiding its completeness. Having quickly greeted Gromov, Aunt Olya went to the kitchen, where important conversations usually take place with the door not tightly closed. However, they seemed to have forgotten about the existence of Gromov and vigorously began to discuss something that “defies description” and “can’t get my head around.”
Gromov hung around the door all the time, pretending that he, once again, needed to go to the toilet. He heard Aunt Olya repeating in a respectable voice the word “cardinally,” which she probably took from “The Three Musketeers” by Dumas.
- What is cardinal? - the father was nervous. - Deprive her of her maternal rights?
Gromov went into the kitchen to pour milk, although he didn’t want to drink.
“In any case,” said Aunt Olya, “we need to consult a lawyer.” I have one as an example.
Gromov took the cup to his room and decided to record the conversation taking place in the kitchen on a voice recorder.
Creeping up to the door, he extended his hand with the recording device and held his breath. The voices sounded louder, then quieter, and suddenly Aunt Olya asked her “cardinal” question:
- Have you talked to the children, explained to them what happened?
Dad’s answer sounded rather weak: “Is this really necessary?” She didn't think it was necessary, but I didn't. I was against it.
- How did she justify her wild act? - Aunt Olya asked.
Oh, well, that’s a different question,” her dad interrupted. - Now she says that we should remain friends and raise children together.
- The devil knows what! Hit the house. - Father is bleeding, and
they offer him friendship!
The sound of a chair being pushed back was heard, and Gromov jumped away from the door along with his voice recorder. A wheel of fire began to spin in his head. Really, why didn’t we talk? He is already an adult, but they continue to feed him semolina porridge. At this thought, something inside him broke, and he felt a cold surge of calm. Now I’ll go to them and tell them everything. - he thought. And, in fact, he went to them, opened the door and said: “There’s no need to be naughty here.” Here. I'm no longer a child.
Dad raised his head and looked at Gromov in surprise.
“Through the lips of a baby...” said Aunt Olya and commanded: “Let’s drink tea.”
... Days dragged on, Gromov, as usual, sat over his lessons, leafing through the pages of books, but his gaze slid along the lines absentmindedly, and it began to seem to him that nothing, not even Moby Dick, could captivate him. Thoughts about his mother and her incomprehensible act were constantly spinning in his head. With his immature mind, not burdened by experience, he tried to understand what caused the collapse of the family. One day he heard his grandmother, with all her characteristic straightforwardness, make a suggestion that included the word “bed”... While talking on the phone with one of her “dandelions”, she apparently forgot about the presence Gromov in the next room. And Gromov immediately imagined what he had seen once in a furniture showroom, where he and his dad had looked in the hope of buying a bedside table for the TV, a very beautiful white bed, covered with pink silk with frills. Yes, of course, they don’t have such a bed in their apartment, and if mom was flattered by another, then she’s simply stupid. Do they really abandon their family because of furniture? Some kind of hidden knowledge - dark, shameful, living in the depths of his consciousness, as if by itself, without any hints usually received in the company of all-knowing boys, gradually took possession of him and forced him to think about the secret side of life , which both confused and worried him. Apparently, the grandmother did not at all put a furniture meaning into the word “bed”. But grandma can be too harsh, and her judgments, in relation to mom in any case, indicate a desire to hurt her as much as possible. No, no, he won’t think badly of his mother. She is a serious person, she has a mathematical mind, her articles are published in scientific journals. Gromov is trying to understand how intelligence and stupidity coexist in a person. That damned word “love” comes into my head again. And after him, the red caps of boletuses slip out. The parents are at odds, and they sort things out while sitting on the terrace in front of a pile of mushrooms. A pile of forest debris, remnants of leaves and pine needles, cleared from strong redheads, has already grown on the table. Both have knives in their hands, and on the floor there is a bucket of water, where peeled mushrooms fly along with irritated words.
- So, it means that I have no right to happiness, and my feelings can be ignored? So, you can trample me, not let me breathe, and not consider me a human? - says mom, throwing the boletus into the bucket. Dad is silent, and mom repeats the same thing:
-I fell in love, it’s stronger than me.
Gromov did not listen to further conversation. Nonsense! - he decided then. What other love is there, if there is dad and us, there are four of us, who else to love? Bullshit... Mom is just crazy.
Since then summer day Five whole months have passed. The “little ones” sometimes come to visit him, Gromov, and dad. From them Gromov learned that they live in a very big apartment, so big that you can ride a bicycle there. Imagining this skating, Gromov felt a pang of jealousy. Will the “little ones” really get out of the habit of him and dad, riding a bicycle on the varnished floor of someone else’s house? This thought made him feel sick... Yes, this is not a Mexican series with its toy experiences. This is what happened in his life for real. He felt unbearable pain in his chest, as if someone with an invisible hand, using a harsh thread, the kind used for cutting cheese, was cutting his heart into pieces. It seemed to him that his heart really ached, and he thought about dad, who increasingly takes a bottle and drops medicine that smells of valerian into a glass. It’s already six, he’ll soon come home from work, they’ll sit down at the table and think about how it was before. These thoughts envelop them like fog, and seem especially heavy if their grandmother is not nearby, who now lives, as she says, in two houses. Dad will joke, tell an anecdote, and Gromov will notice how he has changed lately, how deeply sunken his eyes are, how haggard, lost his face is. Then, perhaps, the bell will ring and Antoshka’s voice will be heard on the receiver: “Dad, take me to your place.” Dad will begin to promise something, to console Antoshka, his voice will break.
Well, what are you doing, dad? Do something. Take the gun and kill the hated Khmyr and bring mom and the kids home. If you don’t do this, then I myself... Having finished the conversation, dad calls Aunt Olya. Gromov hopes that dad will ask her to get him a “gun,” but dad tediously explains that “taking away children is impossible - such is the inhumane law in our country: the father has no rights.” Gromov immediately grasps the “legal issue” and tries to find a solution in his own way. If the country does not want to think about such “little things” as the fate of children, and nothing can be changed in a good way, then we must act in a bad way. And Gromov began to mentally unwind the operation of “selecting children.” Dad waylays them on the street, puts them in a car and takes them to another city, where no one knows them. No, it’s even better to go to another country altogether. And let the mother rage, beg the police to find the stolen children, they won’t even scratch the surface for such a trivial matter. They have more important things to do: houses are exploding, cars are flying into the air, there are pools of blood all around. And you won't catch anyone. Are children here? And even better, Gromov continues to think, hire riot police and let them shoot Khmyr.
In the end, Gromov stops imagining scenes of kidnappings and bloody reprisals against the culprit of their misfortune, because he is overcome by fatigue. Out of the corner of his ear he hears his father talking on the phone. Gromov hears irritated words: “What should I do? Who should I talk to? She doesn’t hear me... The lawyer thinks that nothing will come of it. The mother works, doesn’t drink, raises the children... But the father doesn’t give a damn, let him die in a mental hospital... Yes, I know, I know... Where can I get the money? Do you know how much a session with a psychoanalyst costs? This is all nonsense. There is only one thing left for me - to throw myself out of the window...”
Gromov covered his ears with his hands. He's tired. Tired of thinking, tired of hating my mother, tired of feeling sorry for my father... That's it. He's had enough. He needs to get some sleep and go to school in the morning. For another deuce.
He can't fall asleep right away. He again remembers the summer in the village, where he and his grandmother were, and no one thought then what clouds were gathering over their heads. Gromov rode his bike for hours. The kids were playing in the fence. And suddenly the postwoman appears and hands the grandmother a strange telegram: “Take care of the children, don’t let them out of the house. I’ll explain when you arrive.”
The grandmother immediately dragged everyone into the hut and began to bolt all the doors and windows. The kids didn’t understand anything and asked to go outside. It was a bit scary. Gromov climbed into the attic and asked one guy to tell Sevka to come. Sevka immediately appeared from the direction of the garden and began to build a staircase to the attic. The two of us became more cheerful, and we took up an observation post to watch the passing cars. After a while, the postwoman appeared again and began shouting out to the grandmother. She came out, took the telegram and, after reading it, put it in her trouser pocket.
- What's happened? - Gromov shouted from the attic.
“Father will come and explain everything,” the grandmother responded.
Then Gromov jumped down.
- Show me the telegram.
The grandmother held out a crumpled piece of paper on which was written in ink: “Be on the lookout. Grandfather".
Goosebumps ran down Gromov’s spine. That's it. Something bad is brewing... Assessing the complexity of the situation, Gromov decided to take responsibility and ordered:
- Everyone stay in their places. And wait.
The quiet kids began to draw, and Gromov and Sevka went to their observation post.
“Listen,” said Sevka, “your parents are talking about how
divide the children, who will get who.
Gromov said: “You have glitches.” And there was a stone on my soul. Is it really true?
Well, after that, on Friday, the comedy began. Gromov was the first to see the car in which father and mother were sitting. Both smiled as if nothing had happened and everything was fine between them.
I didn't understand anything. But what about the telegram, grandmother’s screams, sitting locked up, fear at the sight of passing cars?.. Some kind of nonsense. Well, let them figure it out themselves... And he will go fishing...
Before Gromov’s eyes, pond water overgrown with duckweed dimly turned black. He sat motionless, watching the float, and thought about events that he had not previously attached importance to, but which, it turned out, were not random at all. For example, my mother’s late returns home... She enrolled in some courses and entrusted the care of the family to her grandmother, whom she could not stand. Now it was clear to him why she suddenly “became kinder” to her grandmother - she needed her help. And so, it turns out that her grandmother helped her hide something from her dad, go somewhere, return home late, explaining her lateness either to courses or urgent work, now think what you want. Either they had made peace or something very bad was brewing... He imagined a fat man in striped swimming trunks walking along the path leading to the pond and looking around with the air of a master. Gromov even jumped up as if he had been bitten by a wasp. If this scoundrel appears here, everything will be over, goodbye to Privalovka, where he grew up, where he knows every path, every pebble... Gromov began to sniffle and, picking up a short branch from the ground, began to plan it with a pocketknife. He pressed the blade so hard on the wood that he cut his finger, blood gushed out, and Gromov was glad of this pain - it distracted him from terrible thoughts. Footsteps were heard, Gromov looked back and saw his little sister.
“Oh, you’re bleeding,” she said in fear, “I’ll bring iodine.” - and ran to the house - thin, in a light sundress, with pigtails peeking out from under a straw hat.
Gromov began to cry, tears dripped onto his cut finger, he tore off a plantain leaf, pulled it out along with the long threads of the stem and applied it to the wound. At that second he was gripped by horror: he might never see not only Privalovka, but also his sister and brother. Forgetting about the fishing rod lying on the slingshot, he looked in the direction where his sister ran. And here she is, and not alone, but with her mother. Both are in a hurry to quickly pour iodine on his wounded finger. Gromov looked at his approaching mother, and it seemed to him that he was not seeing her, but some other woman. It suddenly seemed to him that a wide knife flashed in her hand, with which in a second she would cut off his head. Gromov was eagerly awaiting this moment; he wanted the strong pain to muffle the other one that was tormenting his soul.
The woman, out of breath, stopped near Gromov and began frantically opening a bottle of iodine.
- I don’t care about this iodine! - Gromov shouted in an unexpectedly hoarse voice. - I don’t need anything from people like you..
Smearing tears down his face, he quickly walked towards the house.
- That's it, it's over, I know what you're up to.
His voice, interrupted by hoarseness interspersed with a childish falsetto, echoed throughout the garden and neighboring yards and was heard by his father. He embraced his son, saying:
- Well, calm down, don’t do this...
They retired behind the stove, where their father’s cot stood, and Gromov absorbed, along with the warmth radiating from his father’s shirt, his mutterings that everything would be okay, that these telegrams were a misunderstanding, that grandfather had mixed everything up.
Having pulled back the curtain that separated the baking corner from the rest of the room, Katya looked in at them.
-What are you whispering about here?
Thank God, she has no idea about anything and still doesn’t understand anything at seven years old.
Gromov looked at her as if he was seeing her for the first time. What a lovely face she has - you can’t compare her with any girl. The eyebrows are velvety, beautiful, the forehead is open, and the eyes are an unusual gray-blue color. She looks like a girl with old postcard. Or a little poetess. However, this is not an exaggeration. Katya really writes poetry. And this extraordinary creature, which Gromov knew from infancy, when they bathed her in a bathtub, placing a palm under her head, taught her to walk, wiped away her tears, this creature, so closely connected with his, Gromov’s, life, is taken away from him. No, It is Immpossible! Who will he wake up in the morning, secretly admiring her curls scattered on the pillow, her thin hand hugging the Bear that dad played with in childhood... Who will he quarrel with, make peace with? Who will be brought up with spanks or a menacing expression on his face?.. He will not agree, will never agree to part with Katya. That’s why mom won’t agree to part with him, with Gromov - she loves him... So, all this is nonsense. They will be together, and dad is right when he says that everything will work out. Throwing back the curtain, Antoshka ran up to the folding bed.
- Ah, here you are...
A heap formed, fuss and laughter washed away all the bad things from Gromov’s heart. And he felt the relief that he had been missing.

All these events took place in the summer. And now it was winter. The house is empty. Mom’s dresses, fur coats, boots and various women’s nonsense disappeared from it. Thin out bookshelves. The children's toys have disappeared. Gromov cannot get used to this devastation, and his mother’s frequent phone calls (she now has a mobile phone) do not calm him down at all. Mom asks what he does and how he eats. He doesn't need her care. He answers, barely unclenching his teeth. She gets angry: “Why are you talking to me like that?” “It’s my own fault,” he mutters gloomily. A voice mixed with tears is heard on the phone: “You will understand everything when you grow up.” And he, Gromov, is not going to understand her. His mother betrayed him, that's the main thing. She took Katya and Antoshka from him and dad. And now he gives out kids, as if on cards, in tiny doses - only on weekends, and not always. When the kids are brought to a ruined house, Gromov doesn’t know whether to cry or rejoice. He understands that children have lost the concept of normal life. They, like young bushes, were pulled out of their native soil and transplanted into another. Their consciousness is fragmented, and they are capricious, wanting to find in themselves what was taken from them. It's difficult for dad with them. He doesn’t want to punish them - why, they are not guilty of anything, but it’s also wrong to disband them. Grandmother is silent and tries to save the situation with freshly baked buns, which children love very much. In the end, the atmosphere of their home returns children to a good mood. They still have friends here - several plush animals, the kids habitually sit on the carpet and build castles with gates and towers from cubes. Gromov watches Antoshka’s play. He puts the wooden cubes - the longest ones - on his butt, places a “Kinder” little man near them and quietly pushes the outermost cube. It falls on the previous one, on the next one, and, in the end, the entire structure collapses on the innocent “dude.”
“Khmyr was crushed,” Antoshka reports with the air of a winner.
- I want too! - Katya perks up and begins to arrange the cubes in a row. Khmyr finds himself under the rubble once again. Gromov offers to bury him. They build something like a sarcophagus and place the crushed body of their enemy in it.
Everyone is having fun. They put an end to the one who got into their family and ruined it. The illusion of fair punishment unites them together, and the children think that no one will take them away from here, and that they will live as before, in this house, with their beloved dad and Gromov. Only Katya remembers her mother. Looking at the buried Khmyr, she suddenly says: “But in America, children are explained from childhood that divorce is a common thing, one girl even shed a tear because she has only one dad, and not two, like some.” her friends...
“What a fool America is,” Gromov interrupted her. - There is never more than one dad, remember. And all these fairy tales about divorce were invented by adults to justify their crimes.
After listening to this tirade, Antoshka brushed aside the building made of cubes and suggested building a garage.

Nothing darkens the heart more than the suffering of children whose eyes are turned to you with a silent question; “Can’t you really help me too?” Having caught the gaze of her grandson turned to her face, as if sizing up in her mind the ability of an adult to fight for a just cause, Polina Antonovna, immediately, switching Gromov’s attention to the dull need to sit down for homework, rattled the dishes with such force, as if there were no people in the sink. dinner plates and cups, and at least iron knightly armor. “That’s it,” she told herself, “stop being almond-y and playing at nobility, letting events develop as they please. It's time to take action. It is useless to explain things to Sergei - he is morally depressed and is not even fit to express to his wife, now ex, the words that she deserves. He asked me not to interfere in anything. And I stepped aside and took the position of an observer. But this did not lead to anything. Having received complete freedom of action, the former daughter-in-law, with her teeth in her mouth, set about creating new family on “civilized” principles. We have our mouths open and do not want to believe that this is possible. There remains only one explanation for all this pandemonium: she has gone crazy. She was carried away. She wants to prove to someone that she is unique, that she has the right to do as she pleases - they call this extravagance. Yes, you’ll throw up your hands as you imagine how she managed to grab some... but no, not just some, but, according to rumors, a wealthy man. Well, okay, let's not delve into this dark story. There is an antidote for every poison, so let’s look for it...”
With this decision, Polina Antonovna bought newspapers virtual content and began to explore them, naturally, secretly from her household. There were many announcements. A whole swarm of clairvoyants, removing damage and returning husbands to the bosom of the family, flaunted on the pages printed publications. From the photographs they looked at the faces of ordinary people, proclaiming their amazing magical abilities, inherited from their grandmothers.
“Mura,” thought Polina Antonovna, having studied advertising tricks. However, something caught her attention. A quiet announcement in a modest frame read: “The Orthodox grandmother will help unite divorced spouses, and with prayers and faith will strengthen the shaky foundations of the family.” Oh, this seems like it will do. Having written down the phone number on a piece of paper so that it could be easily read, Polina Antonovna called the mentioned grandmother and made an appointment with her.
And so she enters the monastery of the owner of a miraculous gift and sees in front of her a not-yet-old, sultry brunette, on whose chest, in the rhythm of her breathing, a golden cross of unusually large size rises and falls. gold chain snakes through the sparkling fabric, shimmering with shiny threads, large ring-shaped earrings sway when the woman bends or raises her head above the table where the magic crystal ball is installed.
“Orthodox, but she wears a cross on her dress,” thought Polina Antonovna and realized that she had fallen into a trap. It was not interesting to retreat, and Polina Antonovna decided to see what would happen next.
“Sit down,” she heard the brunette’s voice, “and calm down.”
The room was semi-dark; in the right corner hung an icon Holy Mother of God in a rich silver setting. The lighted candles in the tall candlestick placed in front of the icon crackled slightly. Polina Antonovna looked at the image and lowered her eyes. She felt uneasy and wanted to get up and leave, but she still overcame her confusion and asked, putting all the intelligence she was capable of into her voice:
- What is your name?
“Iraida,” the brunette answered and immediately added. - Your name doesn't interest me. Although its sound somehow influences a person’s fate. A misfortune has happened in your family. But if you look into the past, it turns out that? And what you started, and your daughter-in-law, multiplied your sin threefold. Polina Antonovna was dumbfounded when she heard this.
- What does it mean?
- You seem to have forgotten that you yourself committed a sin by leaving your husband and thereby depriving your child of a father.
“No, I didn’t forget,” Polina Antonovna began to justify herself, “but with me it was completely different.” I didn’t go to someone else, I just left... To no one... And I had one child, not three.
Having babbled these words, Polina Antonovna felt that her face had turned red and that beads of sweat appeared on her forehead. Only then did she give vent to her amazement.
- You didn’t ask me anything, but you already know about everything.
The woman did not react to her remark and, peering intently into the depths of the sparkling ball, continued.
- The child grew up without a father through your fault, and you expect some decisive actions from him, who has become an adult. You are to blame for him. And he did not forget his orphanhood. There was no normal family - you looked for another father for him - and found nothing. It is your fault that he is destined for loneliness.
Polina Antonovna covered her face with her palms, pressing them tightly to her eyes.
- So, my son is paying for my mistakes...
- Errors? - the brunette asked.
“Yes, mistakes,” Polina Antonovna repeated hotly. “After marriage, I passionately fell in love with a married man and for this reason I broke up with my husband.” Of course, now, in my old age, I understand everything, but you can’t get it back and fix nothing.
“You came for help,” the brunette’s voice sounded with some degree of solemnity, “but help must come from you.”
- What should I do? - Polina Antonovna interrupted.
- Remember everything and repent.
- But I will not be able to atone for my sin due to the lack of time allotted to me.
Her voice broke, she fixed her eyes on the face of the “witch” sitting in front of her and was frightened by her deep, all-seeing eyes.
“Don’t judge, lest you be judged,” came to Polina Antonovna’s ears.
And she, unable to withstand the test to which the brunette pretending to be an “Orthodox grandmother” subjected her, finally threw down her trump card:
- Why don’t you have a cross on your body?
The woman grinned.
- Through this cross I receive the knowledge that is not available to you.
- Is there really nothing that can be fixed? - Polina Antonovna said, opening her purse to take out a scarf.
“I’m ready to die for the sake of the children,” she said through tears.
- Death does not justify sin, but transfers it to posterity.
- My God! - Polina Antonovna exclaimed. - And this chain has no end?
Polina Antonovna’s heart was beating so hard that it seemed to her that in another second she would need an ambulance.
“Be comforted,” she heard the dispassionate voice of her interlocutor. - God not only punishes, but also has mercy.
Polina Antonovna continued to cry, her tears flowed so abundantly that she could not even remember when last time I cried so bitterly.
“Now you will calm down,” the brunette said monotonously. - And you will go home to your son and grandchildren. Your heart will tell you how to behave in difficult times for your family...
Polina Antonovna made a movement to pull out and open her wallet, but the brunette stopped her...
- Go...
Polina Antonovna did not immediately go home, but wandered around the streets for some time. Amazed by how easily and simply the witch “saw through” her, she asked herself the same question: “How did she know? How can this be seen for the first time? stranger and bring out the secrets deeply hidden in him, his past delusions, which the person himself does not want to remember.” Does the sultry brunette really have a unique gift of clairvoyance? Has she really been given extraordinary vision, allowing her to sense the passage of time in its length and volume? Be that as it may, believe it or not, the sorceress picked at an old, unhealed wound and brought a severe accusation against Polina Antonovna. “My God, my God,” Grandma Lina mentally repeated, shocked by the revelations of the “witch.” “After all, I really have a grave sin, but I didn’t think about it.”
It was so long ago. She made a mistake by marrying a school friend, and then realized that there was no love in her heart - this irreplaceable secret that seals the bonds of marriage. A man appeared who, without wanting it, destroyed the family. She left her husband and achieved nothing but the bitterness of loneliness. Her life is heading towards sunset, and she maintains good relations with her ex-husband - now the legal grandfather of their common grandchildren. Why didn’t the thought ever occur to her that the search for the cause of the misfortune that befell her son should be in herself, in her youth, when she submitted to her feelings, despite the understanding of the upcoming tragedies...
Polina Antonovna believed that something good and pleasant was bound to happen in the spring. Her short forays into the dacha, where a small piece of land awaited her with a house roughly put together by hacks, all in cracks, with a stove that took up too much space, with an unfinished attic, brought her incomparable peace. Every now and then she looked up from earthly, earthly work and fixed her eyes on the sky - very beautiful, constantly changing its shades - from pearl gray to bright turquoise and scarlet at sunset.
The ground is still cold and the house is damp. Firewood has difficulty igniting, having absorbed the gloomy moisture that has accumulated under the house where it was stored. Polina Antonovna suffers for a long time, slipping either crumpled paper or rags soaked in kerosene under the logs. Finally, somehow the firewood begins to flare up and little by little turns into hot coals. Polina Antonovna opens the stove door, looks at the fire and remembers the time when she was young.
Happiness is a capricious thing. It does not appear on order and does not always reward those who have been waiting. Why did what happened to her?
She turned 23. She didn’t want to stay in girls and accepted the proposal of a school friend who had been in love with her since the fifth grade. Fear is not a trivial matter. Of course, it cannot be compared with the feeling of a climber hanging over an abyss in the mountains. But who said that in the most ordinary life, sometimes called philistine life, there are no dangerous moments, fierce battles, failures, accidents that cause the edifice of life to collapse.
The fear of loneliness was the inner spring that forced Lina to take the wrong step. Marriage, even an unsuccessful one, still gives a feeling of confidence.
After the divorce, Lina, of course, tried to find new family. But, alas, the “novels” that sometimes dragged on for years did not live up to her expectations and brought her nothing but disappointment.
Thank God, she has grandchildren, adored creatures with whom her son, the child of her unsuccessful marriage, made her happy.

Bab Lin! - Gromov shouts, flying into the kitchen, - Do you have thirty rubles?
- Why do you need it?
- I need to buy a book.
- Which one?
- "Secret materials".
- Lord, what nonsense are you into!
- You do not understand anything. Because you... African zusul...
- Nice to hear. But maybe Zulu?
- Well, you old one - do you understand?
- And you explain what I don’t understand about your secret materials.
- Well, there are different horrors there, the dead, or vice versa, they live and never die.
“Oh, woe,” said the grandmother, making some movements over the stove and kitchen sink.
- Why? - the grandson retorted. - On the contrary, it’s cool to live all the time.
- It'll get boring.
- Nope, interesting.
- Okay, I’ll give you thirty, but on the condition: you learn twenty English words.
- Okay, it's covered...
The grandson runs away, and the grandmother notes with cautious joy that the boy has become calmer and has somehow adapted to the family misfortune. Of course, there would be no need to encourage his passion for all sorts of horrors, but in order for him to have at least something to distract him, it is worth sacrificing educational work.
Oh, Polina Antonovna would give a lot so that this whole nightmare would end and the family would be restored. Is her heart (Polina Antonovna meant her daughter-in-law) really so cruel that the fate of her children is indifferent to her!

Days passed by days, Gromov began to get used to his new existence and even found for himself some advantages of physical distance from his mother. Now he can watch TV whenever he wants, his grandmother has become completely “tame” and allows him to sit at the computer longer than the time allotted to him by his father.
However, the silence that followed turned out to be deceptive. Phone call threw dad off balance. He shouted that this was vile, disgusting, that he could not bear such shame, that it would kill him.
Then Gromov listened to why they were fighting again, and suddenly it dawned on him: a child! This is the number! Besides the three of them, mom will have a fourth. Very interesting. Who will he have to be? Some kind of abnormal brother: the mother is the same, but the fathers are different... Wow! Gromov’s eyes darkened. He imagined his mother with a huge belly, the kind she had when she was preparing to give birth to Antoshka... And with such a big belly, she will show up here to please Gromov with the pleasant prospect of finding a new onesie. Just let him come,” Gromov thinks, holding back his angry sniffles. Who gave her the right, so old, to give birth to someone else... well, it's on his head. Just let him come, he will tell her what dad will never say: “Get out of our house! Your place is with your Khmyr, for whom you are preparing a gift.”
Thinking over his future speech, he fidgeted with some pieces of paper in his hands and automatically tore them into pieces. Then he went to his father's room. He was holding telephone handset in his hand, although the conversation was already over. Gromov was frightened by his appearance, his eyes directed into emptiness.
“Come on, dad,” he said casually. - There’s no way she’ll give birth... At that age...
Dad woke up, his son’s words reached his consciousness.
- You think? - he asked.
- I don’t think, but I know.
“Yes, yes, yes,” dad spoke, “maybe... But... this one is hers...
“Khmyr,” prompted Gromov...
-Yes, Khmyr, he’s...
And he didn’t finish. And he went to whisper with his grandmother.
- So what, what about a gynecologist? – Gromov heard her unrestrained voice. – Forty-five is not eighteen.
While they were there discussing their diapers, Gromov put on headphones and immersed himself in world music… “As I said, so it will be,” he whispered to the music. And if he shows up, I’ll kick you out.”

While waiting for dad, Gromov boiled potatoes and hid the pan under the pillow, covering it with a cotton blanket for good measure. Dad was delayed, the potatoes were waiting, Gromov was also waiting and even began to get nervous - suddenly something had happened. Bad thoughts, when dad was late for some reason, came into his head more and more often, because bad things, if they happen, lead to another bad thing. This happened with Gromov: you grab a couple by the unlearned lesson, it won’t seem like it’s enough, your neck will also be bruised in a childish brawl, or the ticket inspector on the subway will ask: “show me your ticket,” but the ticket was left in another jacket. And when something as big as bad happens to him and dad, be on your guard, something else will certainly happen. Gromov felt a pain in the pit of his stomach, the clock hands showed nine, but dad was still not there. It occurred to him to call the police, they would give them a telephone number about accidents. This is what the overactive grandmother Lina sometimes did, frightened by the long absence of her household members who had disappeared somewhere.
When the unknown and fear reached such a vibrating force that pictures of road accidents, gang wars, malicious explosions and even, God forbid, theft of a child began to spin in my grandmother’s head, my grandmother grabbed the phone and began torturing the police about incidents. However, as soon as she sounded the alarm, the “missing” people immediately showed up, cheerful and unaware of the grandmother’s fears.
And now Gromov was deciding what to do... Wait or dial the police number. Of course, you could ask Aunt Olya for advice, but would you ever get through to her - she, as usual, is on the run. Grandma isn’t here either - she’s gone to her plot of land to take a sip fresh air", as she put it. While he was thinking, looking first at his watch and then at the telephone receiver, a call rang. In one leap, Gromov reached the hallway and, without looking through the peephole (he was sure it was dad), pulled back the door bolt.
- Where were you, why did you stay late? - he bombarded his father with questions.
“In the hospital,” he answered, taking off his black leather jacket.
- In the hospital? - Gromov asked in surprise.
- Yes. “Mom’s,” the father explained, pulling off his shoes.
- Has it already started? - Gromov suggested cautiously.
“Just the opposite,” it ended,” the father answered sharply, as it seemed to Gromov.
Gromov suppressed an indecent feeling of glee and politely reminded:
- I predicted that she’s old...
- What do you understand! - the father exploded. - Foreteller, favorite of the gods.
- Why are you? – suddenly it dawned on Gromov. -You, not Khmyr, he is supposed to sit there, not you.
- It’s supposed to be, it’s not supposed to be, but they called me because..., in general, he wasn’t there...
“That’s a good deal,” Gromov muttered, following his father into the kitchen.
- I cooked some potatoes for you, will you?
- Will. What besides potatoes?
- There are cutlets, grandma prepared them.
While his father was eating, Gromov sat at the table, opposite him, and, as usual, twirled some kind of rubbish with his fingers.
- What do you have? - the father asked nervously, glancing at his son’s hands.
- Yes, nothing, the wire from a child’s phone...
“You keep turning and turning,” the father muttered, “are your hands itching?”
“It’s because of my nerves,” Gromov said meaningfully.
And the father became silent, as if believing in his son’s explanation.
“It’s still strange,” Gromov, who doesn’t understand anything, began his song again, “you’ve separated, she’s nobody to you, and you’re stuck in the hospital like your own husband...”
“Yes, we parted ways,” the father said, pushing the plate away. - But we remain your parents, do you understand this, garden head?
- Understand. But I would never go. Now it’s their problem, not yours, let them sort it out themselves.
- And you don’t feel sorry for her? - Sergey Petrovich asked, looking into his son’s eyes.
- W-well. Of course, as a person, it’s a pity...
And Gromov imagined his mother lying on a hospital bed. If you look at what happened abstractly, as if everything that happens doesn’t concern you, then you can probably regret it... But if all this concerns you personally, then there is nothing to worry about, and everything is so confused, but with this child in general Everyone would go crazy.... Just about, things have reached the point of general insanity. Here he is, for example, Gromov, what was he thinking about just recently? What kind of speech were you preparing and what were you going to say to your mother? And now, when he sees his shocked father in front of him, so inhumanly kind, what is he, Gromov, thinking about? About how everyone has gone crazy. The divorce turns out to be untrue, the mother’s departure is a show and a misunderstanding, Khmyr looms somewhere in the distance, who is always not there when you need him, and the kids... Yes, who are the kids with now? Dad, can you hear?
- For now with my mother’s friend, Sasha, - you know her, - and tomorrow they will be with us. So you will pick up Katya from school,
and Antoshka from kindergarten - me.
Gromov was happy because he missed his sister and brother. And he looked at the clock - it showed 11. Hurry to bed, get a good night's sleep - tomorrow is a happy day.

Sergei Petrovich became a frequent visitor to the St. Danilov Monastery. There he talked for a long time with the monks, seeking strength from them to overcome adversity. The monks advised me to humble myself and accept what happened as God’s will.
Sergei Petrovich returned home, trying not to lose the knowledge he had acquired about humility along the way.
- How are you doing here? - he asked his son cheerfully.
“You have to kill him,” said Gromov, twirling a toy pistol in his hands. - There is no other way to return everything.
“That’s not true,” the father objected. - Even if this person...
“Bastard,” Gromov corrected.
“..He will die,” the father continued, “my mother will not return, because she does not love me.”
- Why then did you give birth to us? - Gromov boiled.
- Well, that's another question.
- They messed up the wood, and it’s up to us to sort it out..
“We must come to terms,” repeated Sergei Petrovich the monk’s advice.
- There are things in the world that you shouldn’t do! - Gromov almost shouted the last word. - You gave birth - live. Whether he loves or doesn’t love is of no concern to us. You, parents, should be with us while we are alive. It's clear?
- Okay, what should I do? Cut your own throat? - the father turned pale and fell silent.
“Dad,” Gromov whispered. - Not this. Then I too... You shouldn't...
It was somehow uncomfortable without my grandmother, who was running about her business. At least someone would scold them or cheer them up with something.
“Don’t slouch,” said the father, surprised at how quickly his son stretched.
“The jacket is already too small for me,” responded Gromov.
“It’s okay, the younger ones will do,” the father reassured.
And this was said very opportunely, because both needed
to feel again that they are inseparable, that there is someone to give from your shoulder, not even a thing, but a feeling of kinship and the warmth of your blood.
And then the bell rang and grandma appeared at the door. Without wasting time on “hello,” she inquired: “How are you here?” (implied - “without me...”)
“He’s in the hospital,” said Gromov, confident that clarification was unnecessary, and added with a touch of pride
- Dad took it.
The grandmother pursed her lips to sing her “Have we arrived...”, but changed her mind and left these two near the hanger. They looked at the empty hooks and dreamed of children's jackets hanging on them. And this was a sign that everything in their lives would work out.

Trick riddles are riddles with a common question and a non-standard answer. At first glance, the answer may seem strange and incorrect, but if you read the riddle more carefully and think about the answer, it will turn out to be quite logical. Riddles with a trick, as a rule, are not without a sense of humor. They not only develop intelligence and out-of-the-box thinking, but are also fun. Tell tricky riddles to your friends and relatives, have a fun and useful time.

On Soccer game the same person always came. Before the game started, he guessed the score. How did he do it?
Answer: Before the game starts the score is always 0:0

More than an hour, less than a minute.
Answer: Seconds (hand of some watch models)
Tag. Anna

What language is spoken silently?
Answer: Sign language

Why is the stop valve on trains red and on airplanes blue?
Answer: Many will say: “I don’t know.” Experienced people will answer: “There are no stop valves on airplanes.” In fact, airplanes have a stop valve in the cockpit.
Makarova Valentina, Moscow

The boy paid 11 rubles for a bottle with a cork. A bottle costs 10 rubles more than a cork. How much does a cork cost?
Answer: 50 kopecks
Orlov Maxim, Moscow

One French writer I really disliked the Eiffel Tower, but I always dined there (on the first level of the tower). How did he explain this?
Answer: This is the only place in all of vast Paris from where it is not visible
Borovitsky Vyacheslav, Kaliningrad

What city did you hide in? male name and side of the world?
Answer: Vladivostok
Mezhuleva Yulia

Seven sisters are at the dacha, where each is busy with some kind of business. The first sister is reading a book, the second is cooking, the third is playing chess, the fourth is solving Sudoku, the fifth is doing the laundry, the sixth is taking care of the plants. What does the seventh sister do?
Answer: Plays chess
Gobozov Alexey, Sochi

Why do they often walk, but rarely drive?
Answer: By stairs

It goes uphill, then downhill, but stays in place.
Answer: Road

Which word has 5 "e"s and no other vowels?
Answer: Migrant
Radaev Evgeniy, Petrozavodsk

Two people approach the river. There is a boat at the shore that can only support one. Both people crossed to the opposite bank. How?
Answer: They were on different banks
25 25, Vladivostok

Vasily, Peter, Semyon and their wives Natalya, Irina, Anna are 151 years old together. Each husband is 5 years older than his wife. Vasily is 1 year older than Irina. Natalya and Vasily are 48 years old together, Semyon and Natalya are 52 years old together. Who is married to whom, and how old is someone? (Age must be expressed in whole numbers).
Answer: Vasily (26) - Anna (21); Peter (27) - Natalya (22); Semyon (30) - Irina (25).
Chelyadinskaya Victoria, Minsk

Jackdaws flew and sat on sticks. If they sit down one at a time, there’s an extra jackdaw; if they sit down in twos, there’s an extra stick. How many sticks were there and how many jackdaws were there?
Answer: Three sticks and four jackdaws
Baranovsky Sergey, Polotsk

Where does it happen that a horse jumps over a horse?
Answer: In chess
)))))))) Renesmee, L.A.

What table has no legs?
Answer: Dietary
Boyko Sasha, Volchikha

Do not write anything or use a calculator. Take 1000. Add 40. Add another thousand. Add 30. Another 1000. Plus 20. Plus 1000. And plus 10. What happened?
Answer: 5000? Wrong. The correct answer is 4100. Try using a calculator.
Ivanova Daria, Daria

How can a person not sleep for 8 days?
Answer: Sleep at night
Sone4ka0071, Sosnogorsk

What animal do people walk on and cars drive over?
Answer: Zebra
Tanya Kostryukova, Saransk

Which word uses “no” 100 times?
Answer: Moans
Muslimova Sabina, Dagestan (Derbent)

What's an elephant without a nose?
Answer: Chess
Ksenia Prokopieva, Moscow

Mr. Mark was found murdered in his office. The cause turned out to be a bullet wound to the head. Detective Robin, examining the murder scene, found a cassette recorder on the table. And when he turned it on, he heard Mr. Mark's voice. He said: “This is Mark speaking. Jones just called me and said that in ten minutes he would be here to shoot me. There is no use in running. I know this footage will help the police arrest Jones. I hear his footsteps on the stairs. The door opens..." The assistant detective suggested that Jones be arrested on suspicion of murder. But the detective did not follow his assistant's advice. As it turns out, he was right. Jones was not the killer, as was stated on the tape. Question: why did the detective become suspicious?
Answer: The tape in the recorder was reviewed at the beginning. Moreover, Jones would have taken the tape.
Katarina, Moscow

Sherlock Holmes was walking down the street. And suddenly he saw a dead woman lying on the ground. He walked over, opened her bag and took out her phone. Tel. in the book he found her husband's number. He called. Speaks:
- Come here urgently. Your wife has died. And after a while the husband arrives. He looks at his wife and says:
- Oh, honey, what happened to you???
And then the police arrive. Sherlock points his finger at the woman's husband and says:
- Arrest this man. He was the one who killed her. Question: Why did Sherlock think that?
Answer: Because Sherlock didn't tell her husband the address
Tusupova Aruzhan

Two fifth-graders Petya and Alyonka are walking home from school and talking.
“When the day after tomorrow becomes yesterday,” said one of them, “then today will be as far from Sunday as the day that was today, when the day before yesterday was tomorrow.” What day of the week did they talk?
Answer: On Sunday
Khrushka, Ololoshkino

There is a rich house and a poor one. They are burning. Which house will the police extinguish?
Answer: Police don't put out fires, fires are put out by firefighters

What route has no one ever walked or ridden before?
Answer: Milky Way
Tikhonova Inessa, Aktyubinsk

How many years are there in a year?
Answer: one (summer)
Maksim, Penza

What kind of stopper can't stop any bottle?
Answer: Road
Volchenkova Nastya, Moscow

In what word is the drink and natural phenomenon “hidden”?
Answer: Grapes
Anufrienko Dasha, Khabarovsk

What sign must be placed between 6 and 7 so that the result is less than 7 and greater than 6?
Answer: Comma
Mironova Violetta, Saratov

Without what can nothing ever happen?
Answer: Untitled
Anyutka, Omsk

Union, number then preposition -
That's the whole charade.
And so that you can find the answer,
We need to remember about rivers.
Answer: i-sto-k
Nazgulichka, Ufa

What muscle is the strongest in the human body?
Answer: The common belief is language. In fact, it is the calf and masseter muscles.

You can tie it, but you can’t untie it.
Answer: Conversation
Dasha, Chelyabinsk

To what mere mortal does even the president take off his hat?
Answer: Hairdresser
Nastya Slesarchuk, Moscow

How to put 2 liters of milk in a liter jar?
Answer: Turn it into cottage cheese

Once upon a time there lived an orphan girl in a thicket; she had only two kittens, two puppies, three parrots, a turtle and a hamster with a hamster who was supposed to give birth to 7 hamsters. The girl went to get food. She goes through the forest, field, forest, field, field, forest, forest, field. She came to the store, but there was no food there. It goes further, through the forest, forest, field, field, forest, field, forest, field, forest, field, field, forest. And the girl fell into the hole. If she gets out, dad will die. If she stays there, mom will die. You can't dig a tunnel. What should she do?
Answer: She is an orphan
I'm Yulechka, Omsk

They are metallic and liquid. What are we talking about?
Answer: Nails
Babicheva Alena, Moscow

How to write "duck" in 2 cells?
Answer: In the 1st - the letter “y”, in the 2nd - a dot.
Sigunova 10 years old Valeria, Zheleznogorsk

Name a word in which one letter is a prefix, the second is a root, the third is a suffix, and the fourth is an ending.
Answer: Gone: u (prefix), sh (root), l (suffix), a (ending).
Little Daniel

Guess the riddle: who has the heel behind the nose?
Answer: Shoes
Lina, Donetsk

There were 20 people on the bus. At the first stop 2 people got off and 3 people got on, at the next - 1 got off and 4 got on, at the next - 5 got off and 2 got on, at the next - 2 got off and 1 got on, at the next - 9 got off and no one got on, at the next - 2 more came out. Question: how many stops were there?
Answer: The answer to the riddle is not that important. This riddle with an unexpected question. While you are telling the riddle, the guesser begins to mentally count the number of people on the bus, and at the end of the riddle, with a question about the number of stops, you will puzzle him.

There lived a husband and wife. The husband had his own room in the house, which he forbade his wife to enter. The key to the room was in the bedroom chest of drawers. They lived like this for 10 years. And so the husband went on a business trip, and the wife decided to come into this room. She took the key, opened the room, and turned on the light. The wife walked around the room, then saw a book on the table. She opened it and heard someone opening the door. She closed the book, turned off the light and locked the room, putting the key in the chest of drawers. It's my husband who came. He took the key, opened the room, did something in it and asked his wife: “Why did you go there?”
How did the husband guess?
Answer: My husband touched the light bulb, it was hot.

A husband and wife, a brother and sister, and a husband and brother-in-law were walking. How many people are there in total?
Answer: 3 people
Arkharov Mikhail, Orekhovo-Zuevo

This name in full sounds like Danuta. What is it abbreviated as?
Answer: Dana
Hanukova Danuta, Bryansk

A river that “fits” in your mouth?
Answer: Gum
Bezusova Anastasia, Overyata village

Know that there is no boat without a river,

Holiday - without song, bread - ... (without flour),

Rain - without clouds, roses - ... (without thorns).

Fairy tales - without a beginning, forests - ... (without mushrooms).

Know that there is no sea without a wave,

Jokes - without a smile, March - ... (without spring),

Pilots - without sky, armies - ... (without regiments),

Schools - no breaks, fights -... (no bruises).

Know that there is no friendship without friends,

Stairs - no steps, houses - ... (no doors),

Morning - without dawn, smoke - ... (without fire) ...

S. Marshak. Ball

My cheerful, ringing ball, where did you run off to?

Yellow, red, blue, I can’t keep up with you!..

I smacked you with my palm. You jumped and stomped loudly.

You jumped into the corner and back fifteen times in a row.

I. Demyanov. Jump rope

Galochka really loves fast jumping rope.

Leap and hop... Leap and hop... Galochka doesn’t feel sorry for her legs,

And sometimes it’s a pity for a fast jump rope.

Rest, jump rope! - Galochka barely whispers.

A cheerful friend is my ball! I push the doll Natasha in a stroller,

Everywhere, everywhere he is with me! I'll put you to sleep and your eyes will close.

One two three four five! How quickly the breeze lulled her to sleep!

It's good to play with the ball! Riding in a stroller is good for

I. Gamazkova. We are drawing. Paints

We sit at the table and draw a Christmas tree, I’ll draw strawberries

There is a house next to the Christmas tree, and I will paint it red.

There's a chick near the house. I collected it in the forest

Here is a bird flying, here is a fox running. Last summer...

The fox has red fur. I'll draw our river

Whose drawing is the best? And I'll color it blue:

I knew a fishing place

Black night black cat Last summer...

Jumped into a black chimney. I draw an oak tree at the edge,

There is blackness in the chimney. I paint oak green.

Find the cat there! I made it to the top

Last summer...

Multi-colored arc

If the tomato is red, then it’s ripe, obviously.

If the traffic light is red, then walking is dangerous.

Well, if your nose is red, it means it’s frosty outside.

Yellow lemon looks like a chicken

Only you can’t find his legs.

Yellow chicken looks like a lemon

But it doesn't grow on a tree.

Nastya likes blue colors:

Blue dresses, blue eyes,

Blueberries in the forests, blue ones have given,

Blue miracles - choose any.

Very sour - lemon color.

Very white - the color of acacias.

Very sad - window color

At the hour when it begins to get dark.

Blue river color is cool

On a hot afternoon in the middle of summer.

My favorite is chocolate

There is simply no tastier color!


Alyosha gives a signal to Ulyana,

Ulyana will hear and find Alyosha.

Egorka played with Igorka -

He rolled down the hill head over heels.

Makar gave Roman caramel,

And Roman Makar is a pencil.

Margarita collected daisies on the mountain.

Margarita lost her daisies in the yard.

Lyalya has a Lelya doll.

Lelya is made of flax -

Lala likes her.

Lara plays the piano at Valya's.

Lenya climbed up the ladder and picked Lenya's peaches.

Lenya rolled down the stairs with songs and peaches!


We shared the orange, there were many of us, and he was alone.

This slice is for the hedgehog, this slice is for the swift,

This slice is for ducklings, this slice is for kittens,

This slice is for the beaver. And for the wolf... peel.

He is angry with us - trouble!!! Run away in all directions.

Do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-si! The cat is taking a taxi.

And the kittens latched on and took a free ride!

Hedgehog-hedgehog, eccentric, sewed a prickly jacket.

Once upon a time, once upon a time, was it me or you, an argument arose between us.

Whoever started it was forgotten and we are still not friends.

What if the game will be able to reconcile us this time?

Tomorrow a blue-blue-blue whale will fly from the sky.

If you believe, stand and wait, but if you don’t believe, come out!

We spin the jump ropes faster - we run out more fun.

Count your jumps, if you get caught, fly out!

The counting begins: on an oak tree there is a starling and a jackdaw.

The starling flew home. And the countdown ends.

The sun is in the sky, salt is on the bread,

The cherry is in the garden, and you are in plain sight:

No matter how you hide, I will find you! I'm on my way!


Organization of listening

Georgy Ladonshchikov. Best friend

If you buy a book, don’t throw it on the shelf -

It won't do any good.

From it you will learn about everything in the world,

She will answer any question without difficulty.

Everyone benefits from reading silently and out loud.

A book is the most faithful, best friend!

It contains poems and fairy tales... Everything is at your service!

Take care of the book! Become her friend too!

Elena Mogilyanskaya. good friend

Sashka had a friend. Kind, wise and cheerful. He told Sashka fascinating stories, amused him. But he taught more to the mind.

It cannot be said that Sashka did not love his friend. But he loved him in a strange way. Listen here.

Sashka almost never parted with his friend. He often wore it on himself, under his belt. My friend was not very comfortable, but he did not complain.

One day Sashka was making a plane, and his mother asked him to cover the pan with a lid. Not finding the lid, he entrusted this task to his friend. True, my friend was slightly scalded. His side even twisted, but he completed the task.

Another time, a treacherous nail came out of Sashka’s heel under his heel and prevented him from even taking a step. The friend was again called to help and gave Sashka part of his shirt. So what if his friend’s clothes became short and uneven, but Sashka, running a race, took first place.

At the football match, when I had to climb a tree with Sasha in order to better see the whole match, my friend meekly lay down on the prickly branches. So Sashka could sit as if on the podium. But it was terribly disappointing when the satisfied fan descended to the ground, leaving his friend high on the branches. Even the birds kept their distance, not understanding what kind of curiosity had appeared on the tree. For a long time, the mischievous wind tossed Sashka’s friend. Then he tore off and scattered his kindness, wisdom, and fun throughout the world.

Who was this friend? Didn't you guess? It's hard to believe this was a book.


- Remember how the story began.

Organization of speaking

Games for attention

"Guess a riddle"

Fixed title 2000

no There is a general logic. What is it? It consists of something. Let's say two options. This is, in general, general logic. There is something correct in general logic, because everything in the world, in general, is correct.

Two options? If a person lives, these two options are profitable. But there is also an underlying logic: the equality of good and suffering. Are there two options in our wealth? It would be nice if they belonged. But do two options belong to our wealth? What are the two options? It would seem that life is good. So this is highest ideal, even very successful. * If there are not two options, then the world is one-way. The question is whether we have it or not. If we had, we would simply be worshiped, that’s all, see the name. * Therefore, such nuances are possible when considering, see the title, figuratively speaking, two options. * Not just figuratively speaking two options. And who benefits from this and who doesn’t?


What is the meaning is clear to any person in life. There is a right, there is a left. So the meaning is always the same.

In at least two versions, the right one is always contained.

You can try to hit one. Is the right Rubik's cube contained in the left? Contained. We are not superhuman. So we say one thing. On the way there might be star fever. But the essence is the same. And the point is simple, we are not superhuman.

How to record what I knew in 2000, two options. I knew it. What does this knowledge mean? At least PROFIT. This idea can then be interpreted side by side. But no matter how you interpret it, this does not contradict the axiom. Let's say the truth is not in the left. Fine. But isn’t this the same thing said in two versions? * In the ascending direction - happiness first has complexity, and the left two options have even greater complexity.

R.K. club. See the title. Two options. Profit, not the second left. FIGURALLY SPEAKING two options. "Classics of the third millennium."

What I said in 2000. I definitely said profit. On one side there are two options. Or something else on the other side. But I definitely said profit.

It is enough and simple, what I discovered in 2000: Two options for profit, not the second left. Figuratively speaking, there are two options. You don't have to sweat the details. There is no error in this definition.

In fact, there is only right. You can do anything compactly.

There is one significant theme - the presence of the right and the absence of the second left. The relativity of philosophy. And in general, a person, figuratively speaking, wants to live better, not worse. Only in a partial case is the absence of a second left considered. * This is an essential topic. But the absence of a second left isn’t interesting either. Therefore, the topic is see the title. There is simply one topic: the important topic is that there is no second left. That is, the absence of a second left is no less close to the name than a second left. And by and large, the second left is a bad topic.