Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos “Seeking the Lost” and “Joy to All Who Sorrow.” Orthodox prayer to the Mother of God of all who mourn - joy

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Prayer before the icons of the Mother of God “Joy of all who mourn” for consolation in the sorrow of lack of money

O Most Holy Lady Theotokos, blessed Mother of Christ God, our Savior, joy to all who mourn, visitation to the sick, protection and intercession of the weak, widows and orphans, patroness of the sad, all-reliable comforter of sad mothers, strength of weak babies, and always ready help and faithful refuge for all the helpless! You, O All-Merciful One, have been given grace from the Almighty to intercede for everyone and deliver them from sorrows and illnesses; you yourself have already endured fierce sorrows and illnesses, looking at the free suffering of Your beloved Son and Him crucified on the cross, seeing the weapon predicted by Simeon , Thy heart has passed through: in the same way, O beloved Mother of children, listen to the voice of our prayer, comfort us in the sorrow of those who exist, like an intercessor faithful to joy. Standing before the throne of the Most Holy Trinity, at the right hand of Your Son, Christ our God, you can, if you desire, ask for everything useful to us: for the sake of heartfelt faith and love, we fall to You, as the Queen and Lady: hear, daughter, and see, and incline Your ear, hear our prayer and deliver us from current troubles and sorrows: You are the Joy of all the faithful, as you give peace and consolation. Behold our misfortune and sorrow: show us Thy mercy, send comfort to our hearts wounded by sorrow, show and surprise us sinners with the riches of Thy mercy, give us tears of repentance to cleanse our sins and quench the wrath of God, and with a pure heart, good conscience and With undoubted hope we resort to Your intercession and intercession. Accept, our All-merciful Lady Theotokos, our fervent prayer offered to You, and do not reject us, unworthy of Your mercy, but grant us deliverance from sorrow and illness, protect us from all slander of the enemy and human slander, be our constant helper all the days of our life , as if under Your maternal protection we will always remain in purpose and preservation through Your intercession and prayers to Your Son and God our Savior, to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, with His beginningless Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever forever and ever. Amen.

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Prayers to the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of all who mourn” Troparion, tone 2 Joy of all who grieve and the offended intercessor, and the hungry nourisher, strange consolation, a refuge for the overwhelmed, visiting the sick, protection and intercession for the weak, the rod of old age, Mother of the Most High God.

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Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” (with pennies) The glory of the miraculous icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow” in Russia was born in the 17th century after the healing of Patriarch Joachim’s sister Euphemia through prayers before it.. At the beginning of the 18th century, a list from this image

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With any bodily weakness, in sorrows and sorrows. Mother of God before Her icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow” October 24 (November 6) O Most Holy Lady Theotokos, Most Blessed Mother of Christ God, our Savior, Joy to all who mourn, visiting the sick, protecting the weak

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Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” (Moscow) Russia, Moscow, st. B. Ordynka, 20, temple of the icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow” The miraculous icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow” first became famous in 1688, in Moscow, in the Transfiguration of the Sorrowful Church on Ordynka, for its healing

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Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” (St. Petersburg) Russia, St. Petersburg, Holy Transfiguration CathedralAccording to one version, in 1711 the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” (famous for a miracle in 1688) was taken from Moscow Princess Natalya (favorite

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Icon of the Mother of God “The Joy of All Who Sorrow” People pray in front of this icon for hearing loss and ear diseases. Troparion, tone 4 Today, faithful people spiritually triumph, glorifying the zealous Intercessor of the Christian race and flowing to Her Most Pure Image, we cry out to her: Oh,

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Icon of the Mother of God “The Joy of All Who Sorrow” Troparion, Tone 4 Today, faithful people spiritually triumph, glorifying the zealous Intercessor of the Christian race and flowing to Her Most Pure Image, we cry out to the Lord: Oh, Merciful Lady Theotokos, grant us an unexpected

From the author's book

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” (with pennies) The glory of the miraculous icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow” in Russia was born in the 17th century after the healing of Patriarch Joachim’s sister Euphemia through prayers before it. At the beginning of the 18th century, a list from this image

From the author's book

Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” (with pennies) First Prayer To the God-loving Queen, the inexperienced Virgin, Mary the Mother of God, pray for us to Thy Son who loved and was born of Thee, Christ our God: grant us remission of sins, give peace to the earth

From the author's book

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of all who mourn” Celebration October 24/November 6 The sister of Patriarch Joachim, Euphemia, suffered for a long time from an incurable illness. One morning, while praying, she heard a voice: “Go to the Temple of the Transfiguration of My Son; there is

Of great importance for a believer is the intercession of the Mother of God, the tradition of which has been reverently preserved for centuries, so that we can open this spiritual treasury today and find out how the icon of the Joy of All Who Sorrow helps, what its meaning and meaning is.

The name of the icon is filled with warmth and hope and already carries within itself that deepest connection that has made it closest and dearest to the hearts of the Orthodox people. In any trouble and illness, in any constraint there is Joy, you just need to find it.

Icon of All Who Sorrow Joy: description

In the Russian Orthodox Church this icon is considered miraculous. Due to its wide popularity, the image has different variations and a single, complete iconography has not emerged. There are many lists of the icon, and from each such list, as if in a generous scattering, new miracles emanated. Dozens of miraculous and locally revered icons are known in different cities of Russia. For each of the decommissioned images, there is an independent legend that carefully describes and preserves the history of a separate copy, the miracles that happened from it and the reason for veneration.

As on all lists, the central place on the icon is occupied by the Mother of God, depicted in full growth, standing in a mandorla (radiance). In other versions, the Mother of God may be depicted standing on a crescent moon (the image of a Woman clothed with the sun, Rev. 12:1), or a cloud. In her hands she holds a scepter, a scroll, a rosary or bread. In the Moscow prototype, the Mother of God is holding the Child Christ in her arms. On the sides are depicted people who turn to her in prayer and receive what they ask for. The Virgin Mary is surrounded by angels and the New Testament Trinity.

There are three most famous and revered icons of the Joy of All Who Sorrow:

Each of the variations of the Joy of All Who Sorrow icon has its own history and meaning. The day of celebration of the icon is set on October 24 (November 6).

The meaning of the icon of Joy of All Who Sorrow

The icon appeared in the Moscow church on Bolshaya Ordynka in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord in 1683. Since it contained images of locally revered saints, the researchers concluded that it was written specifically for this place. Nowadays it is a church in honor of the icon of the Joy of All Who Sorrow, the Mother of God, where the shrine is kept to this day.

Initially, the icon did not depict people asking. On the Moscow and subsequent St. Petersburg lists there is no image of people praying. Probably, the characteristic type of writing appeared later, after the glorification of the prototype.

Around 1711, Tsarevna Natalya Alekseevna, sister of Peter I, made the first copy of the icon and took it to the new capital, newly built St. Petersburg. The new image also became famous for its miracles and participated in the military campaigns of Peter I. Today, the original copy has not survived, but in St. Petersburg you can find a third copy, which was kept with the icon of the princess. The shrine is located in the Transfiguration Cathedral of the northern capital.

But the image of All Who Sorrow, Joy “with pennies,” received the most love and reverence. According to legend, the icon was found on the banks of the Neva by the merchant Matveev. When he was caught in a storm and called out to the Mother of God, having in his mind the image of a home icon, he received help: the Virgin saved him from imminent death. In gratitude, the merchant donated his shrine to the Tikhvin Chapel, where after the storm it was washed out by a wave.

In 1888, a unique event took place in the chapel: after a fire, when everything seemed to have burned down, the icon was found almost untouched by the flames. Miraculously, the face on the icon, darkened by time, brightened and was renewed. 12 coins stuck to it in different places. The pennies lay in a mug for donations, and during the fire, in an incomprehensible way, they evenly and quite harmoniously stuck to the icon (at the same time they were not pressed into the paint), and firmly adhered to it, without affecting the face of the Mother of God.

From this time on, a new wave of miracles began, when through prayers in front of the shrine people received healings from illnesses and injuries.

Based on the number of people who received help, there was a need to build a church for the icon in order to accommodate everyone who wanted to venerate the shrine. On August 2, 1898, a stone church was consecrated in honor of the miraculous icon, which was subsequently blown up by the Bolsheviks.

In the icon with pennies, the Mother of God appears before worshipers in simple clothes with a white covering on her head, without the signs of royal power, which are the crown and scepter, and without the Infant Christ. She spread her arms in a generous gesture to the people around her. Coins are depicted on lists with paint.

The miraculous image is kept in the Trinity Church “Kulich and Easter” in St. Petersburg.

How does the icon of the Joy of All Who Sorrow help?

A unique phenomenon in the Orthodox world: a wonderful icon scattered coins, “pennies” for everyone to enjoy, which stuck to the paint layer. We are structured in such a way that we often ask not for spiritual things at all, but for quite material things. And the Mother of God comes to meet us, understands our weakness, takes pity, and so, scatters coins for us on her icon. Having spent her entire life in poverty, without a home or income, wandering with her Son among relatives and kind people, she seemed to have saved everything, to the last penny, for us.

Sometimes it is ashamed to ask a shrine for such mercantile things as money. But in front of this icon you can. Reasonably, for the benefit of relatives, with the understanding that material wealth is less important than unanimity in the family, leniency towards neighbors and spiritual peace. The Mother of God herself hinted at what to pray for, showing a new image that miraculously appeared, and the glory of which spread throughout the world.

How the icon of the Mother of God helps the Joy of All Who Sorrow has been known since the 17th century. Below is an attempt to list only a small, most expressive part of coma, how it helps and who it is for people. These are the words from the prayer to the icon, translated into modern speech:

  • the hungry - the nurse;
  • those who have lost hope - hope;
  • for those who are offended - an intercessor;
  • naked - clothing;
  • for the sick - healing;
  • to those who are despondent - joy;
  • those who repent of their sins are saved.

The help of the icon is also sought by everyone who finds themselves in straitened circumstances, who has been wronged or harmed. In prayer to the icon, she is also called the helper and intercessor of all Christians.

Miraculous Icon of All Who Sorrow Joy

The image first became famous in 1688 in a Moscow church. It was there that the first miracle happened: the sister of the Patriarch of Moscow Joachim, named Euphemia, who was seriously ill and bedridden, heard the voice of the Mother of God after prayer. The Virgin reproached her for still not turning to the common Healer of all and ordered Euphemia to be visited by a priest with the icon of the Joy of All Who Sorrow, which is located in the Transfiguration Church. The priest served a prayer service, after which she received healing.

The event took place on October 24, and since that time the icon has shown many miraculous healings. The right aisle of the temple was consecrated in honor of the miraculous image, and the church became famous among the people as the Sorrowful Church.

Icon of the Mother of God of All Who Sorrow Joy: prayer

Texts of the prayer before the icon of Joy of All Who Sorrow:

Troparion, voice 2:
For all those who grieve, the joy and the offended are the intercessor, and the hungry for the nourisher, the strange consolation, the overwhelmed refuge, the visiting of the sick, the weak protection and intercessor, the rod of old age, You are the Mother of the Most High God, the Most Pure One: we strive, we pray, to be saved by Thy servant.

Kontakion, tone 6:
There are no other imams of help, no other imams of hope, except for You, the Lady. Help us, we rely on You and boast in You, for we are Your servants, let us not be ashamed.

Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, Most Blessed Mother of Christ God our Savior, Joy to all the sorrowing, visiting the sick, protection and intercessor of the weak, widows and orphans, patroness of the sad, all-reliable comforter of sad mothers, strength of weak infants, and always ready help and faithful refuge for all the helpless! You, O All-Merciful One, have been given grace from the Almighty to intercede for everyone and deliver them from sorrow and illness, for you yourself have endured fierce sorrow and illness, looking at the free suffering of Your beloved Son and Him crucified on the cross in sight, when Simeon’s weapon was predicted by Your heart let's pass. Moreover, O beloved Mother of children, heed the voice of our prayer, comfort us in the sorrow of those who exist, as a faithful intercessor of joy: standing before the throne of the Most Holy Trinity, at the right hand of Your Son, Christ our God, you can, if you wish, ask for everything useful to us. For this reason, with heartfelt faith and love from the soul, we fall to You as the Queen and Lady and we dare to cry out to You in psalms: hearing, Daughters, and see, and incline Your ear, hear our prayer, and deliver us from current troubles and sorrows; You fulfill the requests of all the faithful, as if they were joyful, and you have given peace and consolation to their souls. Behold our misfortune and sorrow: show us Thy mercy, send comfort to our hearts wounded by sorrow, show and surprise us sinners with the riches of Thy mercy, give us tears of repentance to cleanse our sins and quench the wrath of God, and with a pure heart, good conscience and With undoubted hope we resort to Your intercession and intercession: accept, our all-merciful Lady Theotokos, our earnest prayer offered to You, and do not reject us, unworthy, from Your mercy, but grant us deliverance from sorrow and illness, protect us from all slander of the enemy and slander human, be our constant helper all the days of our life, so that under Your maternal protection we will always achieve our goals and be preserved by Your intercession and prayers to Your Son and God our Savior, to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, with His beginningless Father and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Finding support and consolation in the Mother of God, Christians come to the image in an endless stream today. How does an icon help? The meaning of the icon of All Who Sorrow Joy - in any sorrow there is spiritual joy. After all, sometimes we need sorrow to cleanse our souls. Not everyone will come to God when everything is going well for them. A person is designed in such a way that in cramped circumstances his will and other valuable qualities of the soul are formed. For people who are only broken by suffering, who are embittered by the injustice of this world, the Lord may also call for generosity, who knows.

The icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow” is one of the most popular and revered icons of the Mother of God. Correct prayers offered to her help get rid of many troubles and illnesses.

What does the icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow” look like?

Among believers, the icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow” is considered miraculous. According to legend, thanks to a prayer service at the image of the Mother of God, the sister of the Moscow patriarch received healing from a serious illness. Since then, many sick and mourning people, turning to the Mother of God, received healing from their troubles, and the suffering were delivered from adversity.

The offended and oppressed, in despair and sorrow, pray before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, in search of consolation and protection, in case of incurable diseases, asking for the protection of an orphan.

The name already contains consolation. We turn to the Mother of God at a time when we despair of finding a way out of the current situation, without losing hope of help. In the Mother of God we see a protector who will always come to the rescue and guide us on the true path, washing away burdens from the soul and freeing it from the shackles of sorrow, healing the body and spirit through prayer to the Lord.

What to pray for in front of an icon

Many people go through difficulties, hardships, illnesses and sorrows throughout their lives. When you can’t find a time to visit church, and despair overwhelms you, remember that they pray and venerate not a specific icon, but the one depicted on it.

Choose the right time to pray. It can be spoken in your own words with sincere faith and pure thoughts, and then it will definitely be heard.

When asking the icon of the “Joy of All Who Sorrow” for help and protection, you should remember your spiritual thoughts. You must be honest with yourself, not hold a grudge in your heart and not ask for revenge. A sincere request and repentance increase the chances of getting rid of hardships and worries as soon as possible.

Before turning to the Mother of God, light a candle and put on clean, loose clothes. Ask the Lord for forgiveness and say a prayer "Our Father". For convenience, write down the text of the appeal to the Mother of God by hand on a piece of paper. Make a request and pray using the following words:

Most Holy Lady Theotokos, my Queen, save me and shelter me from adversity, deliver me from illness and send down the joy of life, do not leave me as a rootless orphan, give me consolation and restore the joy of life.

There are many icons to which you can direct your prayers. You can turn to them for help in fulfilling your desires, ask them for help in choosing a life partner. There are no hopeless situations. Find the strength to strive for the light, and luck will not leave you. Love yourself and your loved ones and don’t forget to push the buttons and

05.11.2016 06:45

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The icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow” is a completely unique phenomenon in the history of icon painting. All icons of the Mother of God have miraculous power, since Her gracious prototype is contained in each of them. But the number of testimonies about the miraculous properties of this image is one of the most striking manifestations of Her care and concern for us. Most of the most famous plagues have the gift of healing in cases of severe, sometimes irreparable, illnesses.

Merchants took her with them on trade trips and placed her in shops, praying to the Mother of God for help in business.


Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, Most Blessed Mother of Christ God our Savior, joy to all who mourn, visitation to the sick, protection and intercession of the weak, widows and orphans, patroness of sad mothers, all-hopeful comforter, weak babies for strength, and always ready help and faithful refuge for all the helpless! To you, O All-Merciful One, was given grace from the Almighty to intercede for everyone and deliver them from sorrow and illness, for you yourself endured fierce sorrow and illness, looking at the free suffering of Your beloved Son and Him crucified on the cross in sight, when the weapon Simeon predicted Your heart passed . Moreover, O beloved Mother of children, heed the voice of our prayer, comfort us in the sorrow of those who exist, as a faithful intercessor of joy: standing before the throne of the Most Holy Trinity, at the right hand of Your Son, Christ our God, you can, if you wish, ask for everything useful to us. For this reason, with heartfelt faith and love from the soul, we fall to You as the Queen and Lady, and we dare to cry out to You in psalms: hear, daughter, and see, and incline Your ear, hear our prayer, and deliver us from current troubles and sorrows: You You fulfill the requests of all the faithful, as joy to those who mourn, and give peace and consolation to their souls. Behold our misfortune and sorrow: show us Thy mercy, give us consolation to our hearts wounded by sorrow, show and surprise us sinners with the riches of Thy mercy, give us tears of repentance to cleanse our sins and satisfy the wrath of God, and with a pure heart, good conscience and With undoubted hope we resort to Your intercession and intercession: accept, our all-merciful Lady Theotokos, our fervent prayer offered to You, and do not reject us, unworthy, from Your mercy, but grant us deliverance from sorrow and illness, protect us from all slander of the enemy and human slander, be our constant helper all the days of our life, so that under Your maternal protection we will always achieve our goals and preserve through Your intercession and prayers to Your Son and God our Savior, to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, with His beginningless Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages, Amen.


Oh, Most Holy and Most Blessed Virgin, Lady Theotokos! Look with Your merciful eye on us, standing before Your holy icon and praying to You with tenderness: raise us from the depths of sin, enlighten our minds, darkened by passions, and heal the ulcers of our souls and bodies. There are no imams of other help, no imams of other hope, except for You, the Lady. You weigh all our weaknesses and sins, we run to You and cry out: do not abandon us with Your heavenly help, but appear to us ever and with Your ineffable mercy and bounty, save and have mercy on us who are perishing. Grant us correction of our sinful life and deliver us from sorrows, troubles and illnesses, from sudden death, hell and eternal torment. You, Queen and Lady, are the quick Helper and Intercessor of all who flow to You and the strong Refuge of repentant sinners. Grant us, O Most Blessed and All-Immaculate Virgin, the Christian end of our life to be peaceful and unashamed, and grant us, through Your intercession, to dwell in the heavenly abodes, where the unceasing voice of those celebrating with joy glorifies the Most Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.">

icon of the Virgin Mary"JOY TO ALL WHO SORRY"


Description of the icon:
The Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” was first glorified as an icon of the Mother of God in 1688, during the reign of Tsars John and Peter Alekseevich. The sister of Patriarch Joachim, Euphemia, who had long suffered from an incurable disease, one morning during prayer heard a voice calling her to go and pray before the image of the Most Holy Theotokos “Joy of All Who Sorrow” in the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord on Ordynka and order a prayer service with the blessing of water. Euphemia fulfilled what was said, and after performing a prayer service with water in front of the icon, she received healing. Since then, many sick and mourning people, prayerfully turning to the Mother of God through Her miraculous image, began to receive healing and deliverance from troubles.

In 1711, when the royal residence was to be moved from Moscow to St. Petersburg, the sister of Emperor Peter I, Princess Natalya Alekseevna, was filled with special reverence for the miraculous icon “ Joy to all who mourn", made a list (copy) from it and transported it, among other shrines, to St. Petersburg. According to other sources, a copy remained in Moscow, and the princess took the true image with her. On the site of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord, in the 18th century, a temple was built in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow,” where the miraculous icon of the Mother of God is located to this day.

There are two iconographic views of the image of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow”: on one, the Mother of God is depicted with the Eternal Child in her arms, on the other - without Him. Sometimes the image of the Mother of God is called “ Joy to all who mourn».


Image of the icon "Joy of All Who Sorrow" sent by our visitor:


Before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Joy of All Who Sorrow” pray to all the offended, oppressed, suffering, in despair, sorrow, in search of consolation and protection, with incurable diseases, for the protection of orphans and the poor, suffering from seizures, weakened hands, throat disease, tuberculosis.

Prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos before her icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow”

Hope of the unreliable, strength of the helpless, refuge of the overwhelmed, protection of the attacked, intercession of the offended, bread-loving, delight of the hungry, nectar of heavenly rest for those thirsty, Mother of the Most Blessed God, Most Blessed and Immaculate Virgin! I alone resort to You, to Your protection I wholeheartedly bow my knees, Lady. Do not despise crying and tears, the joy of those who cry! Even if my unworthiness and the damnation of my sins terrify me, but this whole-bearing image assures me, on it Your grace and power, like an inexhaustible sea, I see: the blind who have received their sight, the galloping lame, wandering as if under the canopy of Your charity, those who have been laid to rest, and those who have abounded at all times. ; Looking at these images of pardon, he came running, blind with his spiritual eyes and lame with his spiritual feelings. Oh, Unstoppable Light! Enlighten and correct me, weigh all my sorrow, weigh all misfortune, do not despise my prayer, O Helpful One! Do not disdain me, a sinner, do not despise me, a foul one; We know that you can do everything, the greatest will, oh my good hope, my hope comes from my mother’s breast. I am committed to You from the womb of my Mother, I am left to You, do not leave me, do not depart from me, now and ever and to the ages of ages. Amen.

To my queen, my hope, to the Mother of God, friend of the orphans, and strange intercessors, those who grieve with joy, those who are offended by the patroness! See my misfortune, see my sorrow; help me as I am weak, feed me as I am strange. Weigh my offense, resolve it like a will; for I have no other help but You, no other intercessor, no good comforter, except You, O Mother of God, for you will preserve me and cover me forever and ever. Amen.

Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, Supreme Cherub and Most Honest Seraphim, God-chosen Youth, Joy to all who mourn!

Give consolation to us who are in sorrow, for you have no other refuge and help from the imams. You are the only intercessor for our joy, and as the Mother of God and the Mother of Mercy, standing at the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity, you can help us, for no one who flows to You leaves in shame.

Hear also from us, now on the day of sorrow before Your icon and praying to You with tears, take away from us the sorrows and sorrows that are upon us in this temporary life, so that through Your omnipotent intercession we are not deprived of eternal, endless joy in the Kingdom of Your Son and Our God, to Him is due all glory, honor and worship, with His Originless Father, and with His Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, Most Blessed Mother of Christ God our Savior, Joy to all who mourn, visiting the sick, protection and intercessor of the weak, widows and orphans, patroness of the sad, all-reliable comforter of sad mothers, strength of weak babies, and always ready help and faithful refuge for all the helpless! You, O All-Merciful One, have been given grace from the Almighty to intercede for everyone and deliver them from sorrow and illness, since you yourself have endured fierce sorrow and illness, looking at the free suffering of Your beloved Son and Him crucified on the cross, seeing, when the weapon predicted by Simeon, the heart Yours will pass; In the same way, O Mother of loving children, listen to the voice of our prayer, comfort us in the sorrow of those who exist, as an intercessor faithful to joy, standing before the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity, at the right hand of Your Son, Christ our God, you can, if you wish, ask for everything useful to us; For this reason, with heartfelt faith and love from the soul, we fall to You, as the Queen and Lady, and we dare to cry out to You in psalms: hear, daughter, and see, and incline Your ear, hear our prayer, and deliver us from current troubles and sorrows; You fulfill the requests of all the faithful, as if they mourn, you fulfill joy, and you give peace and consolation to their souls, behold, behold our misfortune and sorrow, show us Your mercy, send comfort to our hearts wounded by sadness, show and surprise us sinners with the wealth of Your mercy, grant We receive tears of repentance to cleanse our sins and quench the wrath of God, so that with a pure heart, a good conscience and undoubted hope we may resort to Your intercession and intercession. Accept, our All-merciful Lady Theotokos, our fervent prayer offered to You, and do not reject us, unworthy of Your mercy, but grant us deliverance from sorrow and illness, protect us from all slander of the enemy and human slander, be our constant helper all the days of our lives. ours, for under Your maternal protection we will always remain safe and preserved by Your intercession and prayers to Your Son and God our Savior, to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, with His Beginning Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Let us now be diligent to the Mother of God, sinners and humility, and let us fall in repentance calling from the depths of our souls: Lady, help us, having mercy on us, struggling, we are perishing from many sins, do not turn away Your slaves, for You are the only hope of the Imams.

For all those who mourn, the joy and the offended intercessor, and the hungry for nourishment, the strange consolation, the overwhelmed refuge, the visiting of the sick, the weak protection and intercessor, the rod of old age, You are the Mother of the Most Pure God, we strive, we pray, to be saved by Your servant.

There are no other imams of help, no other imams of hope, except You, Most Pure Virgin, help us, we rely on You and we boast in You, for we are Your servants, let us not be ashamed.

We magnify You, Most Holy Virgin, God-chosen Youth, and honor Your holy image, through which you bring healing to all who come with faith.


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_________________________________ - Charitable Foundation "Ray of Childhood"- these are kind and generous people who have united together to help children who find themselves in difficult life situations! The fund supports children from 125 social institutions in 8 regions of Russia, including babies from 16 orphanages. And these are orphans from the Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk, Kurgan, Orenburg and Samara regions, as well as children of the Perm Territory, the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Udmurt Republic. The main task remains to provide everything necessary for children from children's homes, where our smallest charges are located - children aged from 1 month to 4 years.

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