How to draw a beautiful picture for March 8th. What should an artist have?

According to graphologists, the size of handwriting indicates a person’s sociability. For example, someone with large handwriting can easily find mutual language With by different people. He usually has many friends. Those with small handwriting are often reserved and hidden people. Angular letters are characteristic of selfish natures, while rounded ones are characteristic of kind and sympathetic people.

Pressing the letters strongly is a sign of perseverance and willpower. Pale, barely noticeable letters are characteristic of a weak-willed person.
Calligraphic handwriting is characteristic of obligatory, neat, but dependent people. Correct handwriting is a sign of calm and balance. Active, inquisitive people with a cheerful disposition usually have sweeping handwriting.

Illegible handwriting is typical for an energetic, carefree, but rather hot-tempered person. Integrated handwriting (all letters in words are interconnected) is a sign of developed logical thinking. If not all the letters in a word are connected to each other, perhaps this is a person with good intuition.

Features of fields and rows

The fields indicate a person’s attitude towards material assets. Narrow fields are a sign of frugality, wide fields are a sign of generosity. If the edge of the margins expands towards the bottom, it means that the person may be wasteful. And the tapering left edge reveals a greedy and stingy person.

As for lines, optimists tend to go up from left to right, while pessimists tend to go down. Direct lines are most often characteristic of calm and reasonable people who have an objective view of the world. Wavy, uneven lines speak of the cunning and dishonesty of their owner.

Signature Features

The signature is of great importance. Sometimes it can even be used to determine the hidden motives of a person.
Standard, enough simple signature speaks of self-confidence and courage. Ornate is characteristic of cunning and observant people. A crossed out signature indicates energy and impulsiveness, while an underlined signature indicates entrepreneurial spirit.

Timid, introverted people usually circle their signature (or at least a few of its letters). A zigzag stroke indicates an unbalanced person, while a stroke in the form of a line indicates an emotional person. The absence of a flourish characterizes an intelligent and calculating person.

You should also keep in mind that handwriting may vary in different situations. A lot depends on the mood of the writer.

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Tip 2: A person’s character: how to determine it by handwriting

Sherlock Holmes amazed his contemporaries with his ability to describe a person's personality by his handwriting. But hardly Arthur Conan Doyle could have imagined that the detective’s fashionable hobby would not only outlive its time, but also in the 21st century would remain one of the most reliable tools of criminologists.

Now it’s time for the text itself. Calligraphic handwriting is found in those who are neat, obligatory, but at the same time have hidden complexes. The handwriting is broad and sweeping, for active, inquisitive, cheerful personalities. Illegible handwriting may indicate energy, easy character, turning into excessive carelessness and superficiality. Also, illegible handwriting indicates extreme nervousness of the subject of the study, under stress psyche. Straight handwriting without slanting reflects prudence and restraint, slanting to the right - purposefulness and emotionality. The handwriting has completely slid to the right - the person is subconsciously asking for help and support. Very strong slant of letters to the left - in


Your handwriting can tell more than 500 character traits.

According to a study conducted by the company National Pen Company in the USA, the size of letters, the distance between letters, the shape of letters and other signs can indicate various features of your character.

Handwriting analysis or graphology even used as a lie detector and to identify possible problems with health.

Graphology is considered a pseudoscience because there is not enough evidence to show how accurately it determines the psychological and physical characteristics of an individual. However, some companies use graphology in the hiring process, and these methods are also used in court cases.

Character of a person by handwriting

According to research, the size of your handwriting can tell you what type of personality you are.

1. Handwriting size:

- Small handwriting - speaks of a shy or reserved, diligent and scrupulous character.

- Medium handwriting – speaks of balance and the ability to easily adapt to new situations and people.

-Large handwriting – indicates people who are sociable, straightforward, loving attention to yourself. This also suggests that a person is inclined to put on a good face when bad game and pretends to be more confident than he really is.

2. Spacing between words

- Long distance between the words it says that a person values ​​his freedom and does not like crowds.

- Small distance between words indicates that the person does not like to be alone and can be intrusive.

3. Tilt

- Handwriting slanted to the right - a person is open to new experiences and likes to meet new people.

- No tilt – a person does not allow emotions to dominate the mind, he is logical and practical.

- Handwriting slanted to the left – a person keeps to himself and likes to work unnoticed. If you are right-handed and write with a slant to the left, it can mean rebellion.

4. Letter shape

- Rounded letters – a person of a creative and artistic bent

- pointed letters - indicate a person who is aggressive, deep, intelligent and inquisitive.

- Related letters – you are logical and methodical, making decisions carefully.

5. Page margins

- Left side margins – you tend to live in the past, and it is difficult for you to free yourself from it

- No fields – you cannot sit in one place and relax, your mind constantly wanders.

- Margins on the right side - you are afraid of the unknown and constantly worry about the future

6. Pressure

- Strong pressure – you have a strong sense of duty and take things seriously. Too much pressure indicates stiffness and a negative reaction to criticism.

- Light pressure – you are sensitive and empathize with people, but you lack vital energy.

7. Writing speed

- You write quickly – you are impatient, do not like to waste time or wait

- You write slowly - you are collected, methodical and rely on your own strength.

8. Signature

- Illegible signature - you are secretive and can be difficult to understand

- Easy to read signature – you are confident and do not pretend to be someone you are not

What else can you tell from handwriting?

- High blood pressure – Writing with varying degrees of pressure can be one of the signs of high blood pressure, especially if you start writing lightly and end up writing with a lot of pressure.

- Schizophrenia – when the slope changes frequently within a sentence or word, this may indicate a lack of constant contact with reality and indicate schizophrenia.

- Parkinson's disease – very small, condensed handwriting known as microphagia. Sometimes the handwriting can be so small that even the author himself cannot read it.

- Alzheimer's disease – handwriting deteriorates as mental abilities deteriorate. Handwriting may become uneven, with altered letters and trembling when writing. The writing begins to slow down.

Cluttered, illegible, neat, small, large, ornate, beautiful, careless... Whatever handwriting there is. Each of us has our own. It begins to form at approximately the age of 8–10 years, is finally formed only at 20, but can change throughout life. And it can tell a lot about us. Scientists have long established that there is a certain connection between a person’s handwriting and his character: when writing, hand movements are controlled by the brain, and therefore bear the imprint of the mental processes occurring in it. So, do you want to draw a psychological portrait of a person? Analyze his handwriting!

General information

Graphology is a scientific field of knowledge that studies the laws of the relationship between handwriting and personality, human character. Graphological analysis is carried out on the basis of a number of parameters: the direction of the line is important (with a shift to the left, right, up and down), and the features of writing letters, and the slope and degree of compression of the handwriting, the location on the sheet... From the combination of these and many other parameters, a individual characteristic. A good graphological analysis gives full description– from perspectives personal growth, determining abilities to sexual preferences and propensity for drug addiction.

IN Lately Many companies use the services of handwriting experts to compile characteristics of specialists hired, as well as to assess some of the characteristics of competitors. So don’t be alarmed if, when applying for a job, you are offered a blank sheet of paper, a slate pencil and asked to write a couple of sentences on a free topic. It is unlikely that you will be able to deceive a graphologist, but by artificially distorting your handwriting, you can do yourself a disservice by receiving a description of a person who is not suitable for the given position.

The basic principles of graphological analysis are shared by a psychologist, graphologist Mikhail Petukhov.

What do you need?

For graphological analysis, handwritten text is required. clean slate paper. At least four sentences with signature. The larger the text, the better (for example, an A4 sheet).

It is better to write with a slate pencil or fountain pen– this makes it easier to evaluate the pressure.

Not every handwritten text is suitable for analysis. For example, a congratulation in a postcard is not the best option, since when signing, a person, as a rule, makes some effort to do it as beautifully as possible. The document being analyzed should be written under circumstances when the person is calm and in no hurry. It is best to have several copies written at different times.

Main stages of analysis

1. Press

Strong pressure is typical for self-confident and energetic people with high performance. Such people are usually very sociable and attract people with their determination and optimism.

Light pressure most often occurs in extremely sensitive and romantic natures. These are dreamers, focused primarily on their inner world. They are responsible, but unhurried, they do everything carefully, trying to avoid mistakes. Often such pressure is a sign of weakness.

2. Tilt

A slight tilt to the left is most often found among individualists: they always put their own interests above group interests. Such people have a critical mindset.

Strong tilt to the left. Owners of such handwriting are self-sufficient and independent, they always have own point perspective on any problem.

A slight inclination to the right is the most common inclination of handwriting, characteristic of calm and balanced people. Always open to communication, but also not averse to being alone for some time. Prone to mood swings.

A strong tilt to the right indicates determination and perseverance. Such people, as a rule, are maximalists and strive to be the first in everything, so if they decide to do something, it is on the condition that they get either everything or nothing. They are amorous and very jealous.

If the handwriting is vertical, then this speaks of internal harmony, a balance of rationality and emotionality at the same time. People with this style carefully analyze the situation and only after that make decisions. The most main feature character - stubbornness.

3. The size of handwriting indicates a person’s sociability.

For example, those with large handwriting (more than 3 mm) are open, emotional and easily find a common language with people. By nature they are leaders and the soul of any company. They can convince anyone that they are right.

Small handwriting (less than 3 mm) indicates that its owner is a reserved, calculating, secretive and reserved person. He can be trusted with responsible work, as he knows how to fully concentrate on the task at hand.

Broad handwriting – broad soul! This is how creative and talented people write. Narrow letters are a sign of rationality and frugality.

4. Outlines

Round letters indicate kindness and responsiveness, as well as the ability to compromise. If you meet a person with such handwriting, know: you can rely on him, he will always support you in difficult times.

Angular handwriting is a sign of selfishness. A person with such a style strives for independence and does not like being told how and what to do.

5. Line layout

For optimistic people, the line rises towards the end, for pessimists, on the contrary, it goes down. Straight lines are typical for calm, reasonable, balanced people. Uneven lines indicate frequent mood swings or instability of a person.

Graphologist Mikhail Petukhov agreed to analyze for us a series of texts with different types handwriting A small disclaimer: these remarks cannot be considered a full-fledged personality characteristic. A real graphological analysis is a scrupulous study of how, from what angle, and with what pressure a person writes. It is advisable to have an example of how to write all the letters. Only in this case will the specialist give a complete and detailed description of the person.

However, these brief characteristics will give you an idea of ​​how a graphologist works and what conclusions are based on what significant elements does. Take a closer look, maybe you will find handwriting that is somewhat similar to yours?

Is it possible to compose general idea about a person without even seeing him? It turns out you can - by handwriting .

And this opportunity is provided Graphology , which studies the relationship between handwriting and personality.

Graphology(from ancient Greek “I write” and “teaching”) - a doctrine according to which there is a stable connection between handwriting and individual personality characteristics. ( Wikipedia).

People began to pay attention to this connection back in ancient times. There is a well-known saying Emperor Nero: “I am afraid of this man, his handwriting shows that he has a treacherous nature.”.

U Confucius: "P a sketch can reliably indicate whether it comes from a generous person or from one who is vulgar.”.

Handwriting can sometimes tell a handwriting specialist about a person more than he himself can tell about himself. This happens because handwriting is formed not so much by consciousness as by subconscious processes of the brain.

Writing is a complex psychomotor skill, and if it is perfected in school, it is stored in the brain and is not lost.

How can handwriting tell about a person?

I invite readers to do a little research on this topic.

As always, we will approach the issue systematically, starting with history and ending with a book review.

History of graphology

About the connection between handwriting and personal qualities man was guessed back in the era of antiquity. Aristotle wrote: “Just as there are no people who speak alike, there are no people who write alike”.

Suetonius Gaius Tranquillus(about 70-140 AD), a biographer of Roman emperors wrote that Emperor Augustus did not begin a new line of verse if the verse did not fit on one line, but added it under the last word of the verse.
A modern graphologist would define this as the characteristic of a thrifty person, having a strictly deductive, practical mind.

After the collapse of the Roman Empire, interest in graphology disappeared, but it was revived again in the Middle Ages, when writing became the property of wider sections of society.

However, before early XVII V. There were no independent works devoted to this issue.

First famous history a treatise on the study of handwriting belongs to an Italian doctor, professor at the University of Bologna Camillo Baldo(Camillo Baldo), who lived in Bologna and published his work in 1622 “ How you can learn from a letter the character and properties of the writer ».

This was the first fundamental work on graphology. As the epigraph to his work, Baldo took the proverb “ you can recognize a lion by its claws ».

Camillo Balbo(1550 – 1637)

For the first time the word "graphology« appeared in 1871 in the book „Graphology system“, French abbot Jean Hippolyte Michon. He is considered to be the father of modern graphology.

Abbot Michon systematized the features of handwriting and tried to establish correspondences between them and personal qualities.

Jean Hippolyte Michon(1806-1881)

In 1879, the abbot began publishing the magazine “ Graphology", he was one of the founders of the Paris Graphological Society. It is also known about Michon that for thirty-five years he studied the autographs of prominent Frenchmen and was able to recognize 350 feelings and abilities from handwriting.

The simplicity of Michon's method made it popular. He studied and compared individual elements of writing: strokes, letters, words, lines, etc. His method assumed that the presence of one graphological feature means one specific character trait, and its absence means the opposite trait. At present this seems only partly correct.

Michonne's followers, including his student, Jules Crepier-Jamin disagreed with this principle, as well as with the practice of attributing rigid interpretations to individual features of handwriting. Crepier-Jamin assigned a range of possible meanings to each element in handwriting.

He argued that meaning and interpretation can change depending on other features of the letter. Modern graphology accepts precisely this theory.

Despite the mystical touch, many outstanding minds At that time, they turned to the topic of determining character by handwriting. Names such as Leibniz, Shakespeare, Goethe, Lavater, George Sand, Alexandre Dumas fils, Walter Scott, Edgar Allan Poe.

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646 - 1716) - German philosopher, mathematician, and Johann Wolfgang Goethe(1749 - 1832) - great poet and natural scientist, recognized that a person’s individuality is reflected in his writing.

George Sand, in turn, believed: “It is possible that I am mistaken in everything, since I do not have a system; but I receive a lot of letters, and the observer’s instinct allows me, based on the general impression, to judge the writer by the handwriting.”.

Goethe wrote: " there is not the shadow of a doubt that handwriting has something to do with the character and mind of a person and that it can at least give an idea of ​​​​his feelings and actions».

C. Lombroso outlined his views on handwriting and personality in the book Graphology, published in 1899.

Cesare Lombroso ( 1835 -1909) - Italian psychiatrist, founder of the anthropological trend in criminology and criminal law, whose main idea was the idea of ​​a born criminal.

« Just as an idiot cannot get rid of a bouncing gait, and a paralytic cannot get rid of a shuffling gait, so an ordinary “average” person cannot help but show his peculiarities in the movements of his hand when writing.».

Handwriting " criminal man", according to the teachings of Lombroso, are characterized by special graphological features, which are divided into two groups. Some signs supposedly characterize the handwriting of murderers, robbers and robbers, others - thieves.

But Lombroso’s teaching about the handwriting of a “criminal man,” like his entire theory, turned out to be scientifically untenable.
Subsequently, graphology began to spread throughout Europe.

Wilhelm Preyer, a professor of physiology at Jena, suggested that writing is controlled by the brain, not the fingers, and that it is the brain, not the hand, that actually writes.

German graphologists contributed to the theoretical basis of graphology Hans Busse And Ludwig Klages.

The most prominent figure in the Swiss graphological school is Dr. Max Pulver, a psychologist at the University of Zurich who, in 1934, discovered three zones in handwriting.

In England Robert Soudek, Hans Yaakobi and Hans Eysenck conducted studies that confirmed the validity of handwriting analysis.

Sigmund Freud, Carl Gustav Jung and Alfred Adler recognized the importance of graph analysis. Freud and Jung accepted graphology as a way to penetrate into the human unconscious, and therefore aroused their interest.

Also studied graphology Alfred Adler, he clearly recognized the importance of graphology and himself practiced handwriting analysis.

In the 40-50s of the 20th century, concepts appeared graphometrics and psychology of handwriting (Scriftpsychologie). Graphometricians are beginning to measure the characteristics of handwriting and use statistical methods to prove the validity of conclusions about the relationship between handwriting characteristics and psychological qualities.

Throughout the twentieth century, graphology has occupied an increasingly prominent place in European science as a psychological testing tool.

Graphology in the world today

In many countries, graphology is accepted by the academic community and the state, and is studied as part of higher education.

Currently, in Europe, graphology is included in the compulsory curriculum in many countries. Universities in Heidelberg, Kiel, Munich, schools in Holland, Switzerland, Italy and France have official permission to work in this field. The newest courses are taught at the Sorbonne (France).

In Italy and Hungary, the profession of “graphologist” can be studied at a university, like any other specialty.

In Holland there are two professorial departments (at the universities of Leiden and Utrecht) and two graphological societies (in Amsterdam and The Hague).

In the USA, the Handwriting Institute (New York) was created, as well as the American Graphological Society. In the USA, a course in graphology is taught at New York University, at the Social Research School. In some universities, graphology is studied after completing a psychology course; in others, it is read as part of a medical course.

Many companies use the services of handwriting experts who write characteristics for specialists hired.

According to American graphologists, more than 500 US firms use handwriting analysis to determine the professional characteristics of a person who is newly hired or promoted.

Graphology is successfully used in business, medicine, sports, pedagogy and other areas.

On the status of graphology in others European countries the following facts say:

The British Academy of Graphology (BAOG) was founded in 1985.
The British Institute of Graphology (BIG) was founded in 1983.
In 1986, the Hungarian Society for the Study of Handwriting was created, in 1991, the Institute of Graphology in Budapest under the leadership of Tamás Agardy.

Can also be called:
American Society of Professional Graphologists (ASPG).
Association of German graphologists.
French association of graphologists-consultants.
Swiss Association of Graphologists.
Italian Graphological Association.
Italian Association of Graphologists.
Spanish Graphological Association.
Israeli Association of Graphology.

Graphology has developed in many countries and especially in France, Germany, Holland, Israel and the USA.

Graphology in Russia

Before the revolution of 1917, Russia had its own graphological school, which had two directions: forensic and, actually, graphological.

Graphological direction was presented by N.D. Akhsharumov, F.F. Tishkov, V.V. Mayatsky and M.I. Popyalkovsky. Theoretical background graphology presented by I.F. Morgenstern.

Graphology was first introduced to the general public by Ilya Fedorovich Morgenstern’s book “Psychographology” in 1903.

In 1915, V. Mayatsky’s brochure “Graphology” was published.

Since the 20s of the 20th century, graphologist-expert D.M. Zuev-Insarov has been working in this direction, who wrote many articles on graphology and monographs: “The structure of handwriting and character,” “Handwriting and personality.”

Forensic direction founded by forensic handwriting experts E.F. Burinsky, S.M. Potapov and psychophysiologist-graphologist M.I. Popyalkovsky.

In 1903, a book by E.F. was published. Burinsky " Forensic examination of documents, its production and use" He was the first to describe in detail the features of handwriting as a way of identifying a person from a manuscript. Thus, Burinsky was the founder of modern graphometry. He laid the foundation for forensic handwriting as a field of knowledge that studies methods for identifying individuals for the purpose of solving crimes or establishing identity in civil cases.

Evgeny Fedorovich Burinsky(1849-1912) - an outstanding Russian forensic scientist, one of the founders of forensic science, founder of forensic photography, technical study of documents and forensic handwriting in Russia.

Having practically not developed after the revolution, in the USSR in 1940 graphology was officially declared bourgeois pseudoscience.

IN Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1952) said: " Graphology (from the Greek grapho - I write and logos - word, teaching) is a pseudoscientific theory according to which a person’s handwriting can allegedly be used to judge his character and even his appearance... Such conclusions are not scientific».
But in the encyclopedia published later ( 1972) says: " Graphology (from grapho... and... logic) is the study of handwriting, its study from the point of view of the properties reflected in it and mental states writer. Graphology data is used to study individual characteristics of a person in psychology, as well as in medicine and criminology.”. Nothing has been said about the pseudoscience of the theory of graphology.

The situation of graphology and specialized literature did not change much after the collapse of the USSR.

In Russia it is strong handwriting school, although leading Russian criminologists and handwriting experts wrote that there is a rational grain in graphology. But the development of graphology somehow did not go beyond this.

The increased availability of foreign sources of information has increased the interest and popularity of graphology, and the number of Russian-language books has increased.

All this generally reflects the very heterogeneous state of Russian-language graphology.

In Russia and the CIS, he is engaged in professional graph analysis and training in it. International School of Graphic Analysis. This is the Inessa Goldberg School of Graphoanalysis, it is the most authoritative graphological organization in the Russian-speaking space (

Let's also add the Moscow School of Graphology. Founder and head of the School T. V. Efremova (
Courses in graphology using the author's methodology, taught by Svetlana Sibirskaya (

Although, of course, I do not rule out that I missed something in my research and I will be glad if my readers correct me.

Graphology and handwriting science

Graphology and handwriting science- these are not synonyms.

Handwriting Science is a practical branch of criminology, and graphology- This is the doctrine of the connection between handwriting and character.

Handwriting examination conducted by forensic experts and can determine, for example, whether two autographs belong to the same person, but in no case does it determine the character of the writer.

Handwriting examination has a developed methodology that meets scientific criteria and has clearly defined goals, for example, it will help determine whether a handwriting or signature is genuine or fake.

The science of graphology

Graphology is not exact science V mathematical sense words.

Despite the theoretical basis, systematic patterns, tables, etc., a high-quality graphological analysis of handwriting is impossible without the participation living specialist, whose experience and psychological instinct are indispensable for the most accurate interpretation of options.

Companion of Cesare Lombroso, Italian professor of forensic medicine Salvatore Ottolenghi wrote in the early 20s: “ Graphology is not yet a science, although there is no doubt about its scientific basis...”

In his book "On the trail of a crime" professor of criminology G Eza Katona and Imre Kertesz write: " It may be possible to find out in the future individual issues, for example, to detect certain signs of temperament from handwriting, but today anyone who claims to be able to determine character from handwriting is usually either a deceiver or a sincerely mistaken person» .

Domestic criminologist O.M. Glotov characterizing modern graphology, flourishing in the West, he notes that it “ most often borders on charlatanism, so to speak, in its pure form " (Glotov O. M. About criminology // From crime to punishment / Edited by N. S. Alekseev. L., 1973. p. 182).

The opinions of criminologists are clear; graphology is not a scientific discipline.

Although research shows that handwriting analysis can characterize some psychological characteristics personality. And the US Supreme Court in 1978 recognized the legality of the use of graphology in hiring.

And yet it must be recognized that the assumption about the possibility of diagnosing personality traits by handwriting has not yet received convincing scientific confirmation.

Perhaps Graphology is in the development stage and after some time the necessary arguments will be found that will satisfy the academic authorities for its recognition as a science. In the meantime, graphology, according to graphologists, is a combination of science and art.

From general to specific

Any graphological analysis should begin with an assessment of the general appearance of handwriting. According to Zuev-Insarov general form includes: harmonious, geometric and graphological letters. These three categories are present in all graphological schools in the world to this day.

1. Degree of harmony.
pay attention to general impression from handwriting: does it create a feeling of a unified whole?

Handwriting harmony is the degree of harmony between the individual letters that make up words.

The higher the degree of harmonious writing, the higher the degree of giftedness of the individual.

2. Degree of geometricity.

The degree of geometric consistency of the letter is determined by: the evenness of the lines of lines and margins, the uniformity of intervals between words and lines, and the uniformity of pressure.

A high degree of harmony indicates that a person has a large reserve internal energy, developed volitional efforts, allowing him to always maintain internal balance, inhibit unwanted emotions, and act deliberately.

3. Degree of graphological writing.

The degree of graphological writing is determined by the degree of deviation from the calligraphic pattern.

1. Pressure when writing.

Strong pressure characterizes people who are energetic and ready to overcome obstacles on the way to what they want.

Weak pressure indicates a sensitive nature, prone to idealization, to the influence of other people's opinions.

Uneven pressure is an indicator of imbalance, impressionability, and impulsiveness.

If the pressure when writing is weak, and also uneven, then the author of such handwriting is most likely insecure, prone to constant doubts.

2. Consistency of the line.

A “straight” line speaks of the balance and restraint of the writer, the ability to bring the matter to the end.

“Wavy” lines indicate that the person has flexibility of thought and diplomacy, which allows him to get around difficulties, although he may lack determination.

The lines that rise towards the end belong to people who are energetic, self-confident, proactive and striving for success.

If the lines, on the contrary, fall towards the end, then the author of the handwriting most likely lacks the energy to complete the task.

3. Slant handwriting.

Handwriting that is too slanted - one can quite expect its owner to display extreme traits and flaunt his feelings and preferences, as well as enthusiasm for the perception of everything new.

Handwriting kneeled to the left often indicates a discrepancy between a person’s personal inclinations and the external conditions of upbringing and life.

If the handwriting is vertical, without a slope, then this indicates a balance between the mind and feelings and at the same time a person’s restraint.

4. Letter size.

Large handwriting often indicates sensuality of desires, energy in communication and impracticality in life, as well as a lack of objective self-esteem.

Small handwriting is more typical for people who are reserved, observant and at the same time very private, not inclined to talk about themselves.

Concise handwriting characterizes its owner as very thrifty, economical and reserved.

5. Spacing between words and lines.

If there are almost no spaces in the handwriting and it seems that the words are creeping on top of each other, then we can talk about the person’s frugality, sometimes turning into stinginess.

If the text is full empty seats both between words and between lines, this is evidence of generosity, sometimes bordering on wastefulness.

6. Signature.

A signature without a flourish is evidence of taste and restraint.

If the signature is supplemented with a direct stroke, then this indicates the person’s energy, determination and courage.

A wavy stroke indicates diplomacy and the ability to get around “sharp corners.”

Emphasizing the painting is a sign developed sense self-esteem.

A signature rising upward indicates ambition.

If the signature ends with a period, we're talking about about a person prone to introspection and able to get things done.

If the signature is written in very large letters, this indicates that its owner is concerned about his image and is probably trying to create a deceptive impression of himself among others.

Here's a short summary of some of the points. Of course, you can’t judge a person by them alone, there must be comprehensive analysis handwriting For those who want to expand their knowledge, there is literature, which we will consider below.

Calligraphic handwriting

It is believed that excessive calligraphy in ordinary everyday handwriting (if it is not a congratulation on a postcard) reflects the manifestation of an enhanced Super-Ego to the detriment of a person’s individuality and originality.

Those. adherence to the standard, combined with decoration and stylization, reflects stereotyped, stereotypical perception and thinking.

That is why teachers should not demand from students, especially primary classes excessive external beauty of handwriting. It is much more important to teach a child to harmoniously distribute pressure in handwriting.

For information: Handwriting as an indicator of character and individuality was noted in the 11th century Chinese philosopher and the artist Guo Jo Su in his book “Notes on Painting.”

Guo Ruo-xu. “Notes about painting: what I saw and heard.” Publisher: Nauka. 1978

National features of handwriting

A short excerpt from the book I.V. Belova “Secrets of handwriting. 20 personality types, 20 handwriting types.”

“It is not difficult to see the differences in the spellings of letters used by people in different countries. These handwriting features reflect only the most typical manifestations of national characteristics.

Spaniards tend to write capital letters in an elaborate and curly manner, which speaks of their proud and romantic nature.
The French write much smaller, and their handwriting reflects a more logical approach to life.
The Italian script, with its simple small letters and graceful capital letters, demonstrates a sense of rhythm and grace.
Russian emotional, sociable nature is reflected in the sweeping, large handwriting.

German handwriting is more angular and careful than that of other nations.

The British have a restrained handwriting, simple, without flourishes or curlicues.
American handwriting - free and sweeping".

Intelligence and handwriting

An intelligent person is first and foremost high level individuality, independent thinking.

So how do these signs show up in handwriting?

The most important thing is that the handwriting is not banal. Not necessarily original, but definitely bearing its own individual characteristics.

Excessive exaggeration through various handwriting decorations is not a manifestation of intelligence, but only a desire to impress, i.e. seem, not be.

The “smart” form of handwriting is productive, saves hand effort, and reduces the time of writing letters.

The higher a person’s development, the more sides of the soul his handwriting reveals.

It turns out there are so many hidden meaning in normal handwriting. Even for this reason, it is worth paying more attention to Graphology.

Temperament and handwriting

Each temperament, in addition to its inherent gestures and movements, also has inherent features of handwriting.

People are refined, elegant by nature - this also affects their handwriting - refined, graceful with beautifully rounded letters, even and neatly placed lines.

Direct, open natures have a handwriting devoid of frills, words are written in abrupt diverging lines.

In the writing of cruel, determined people, the letters are usually sharp, while those of soft and good-natured people are rounded.

Rude and vulgar people write ornately, decorating their capital letters with absurd flourishes.

Here, for example, is how Inessa Goldberg defines the preconditions for handwriting analysis in her book “The Language of Handwriting, or Problems on Paper.”

“Maximum information content and reliability depend not only on the professionalism of the graphologist, but also on the quality and quantity of the material being studied”.

“Rules for preparing high-quality material for handwriting analysis.

1.Writing instruments, desk.
Only a clean white sheet (without cells or stripes) of A4 format is suitable for the sample, under which should be placed several sheets of paper (too hard or soft forsurface distorts handwriting). The surface of the desk is free of cracks and unevenness.
Write only ballpoint pen(preferably blue), does not leak and works well.

2. Condition, posture.
Pose - comfortable, sitting at the table; the mood is relatively calm.

3. What and how to write.
Text: volume - arbitrary; the content is arbitrary, it does not matter. Byany will come free theme that comes to mind: suggest writing about yourself, aboutvacation, about children, etc.The most important requirement is to write at a familiar pace, spontaneously, without copyingvaya, not dictation, and not poems in a column. Then sign.

4. Language.
Write to native language, for bilinguals - in both languages. Languages ​​can be any(except hieroglyphs).

Why all this is needed is better to learn from the book itself. I Goldberg.

So, we got a general idea of ​​the subject of Graphology. To deepen our knowledge, let's turn to book sources.

But let's remember that experience comes with practice. Of course, self-study deserves respect, but from time to time questions arise that require explanation that are difficult to find in books. It is important here that these explanations are given by an experienced professional.

Review of books on the topic “Graphology”

Zuev-Insarov D.M. "Handwriting and Personality". Publisher: LTD, Perlite Production. 1992

D.M. Zuev-Insarov is the largest Russian graphologist, chairman of the Russian Scientific Graphological Society.

Republished for the first time since 1929, the book sets out in a simple and accessible form the principles of assessing a person’s character traits based on handwriting.

The book provides various handwriting samples and gives them detailed characteristics. Characterological transcripts of handwritings are also given. famous people, for example, Sergei Yesenin, Leo Tolstoy, Maxim Gorky, Alexander Pushkin and others.

A bibliography of books published at that time in various countries is provided.

You can start with this book, at least it is written by a practitioner.

One of the most famous books, published in St. Petersburg in 1903 and republished in 1994, is by I. F. Morgenstern. “Psychographicology. The science of determining the character and inclinations of people by their handwriting."

Two editions:
1.I. Morgenstern. "Psychographicology". Peter. 1994
2. I. F. Morgenstern. “Psychographicology. The science of determining the character and inclinations of people by their handwriting." Printing house "Science". 2006

The book by the famous psychographologist I. Morgenstern tells about the history of graphology and provides a psychographological description of several hundred handwritings.

Here are some interesting excerpts from the book:
« The letters are straight, continuous, without decorations; equal distance between words; mostly lack of large letters, some are illegible; round letters. Usually c, c, d come out not quite finished».

« Elongated, sparsely spaced letters with originally decorated hooks. Uneven distances between words, sometimes pressure in capital letters - when they try to display them architecturally, give them a rounded shape and make them thin and graceful; You should pay attention to unequal pressures."

High growth
“The letters at the end of the line end in an even stroke, the handwriting is unsteady, but there is pressure in places. The letters are not tangled and are in neat rows; for the most part words are not transferred to another line".

Short stature
“Letters with decorated sweeping strokes, strongly elongated, as if they wanted to give them growth; the end of the word is either left unfinished or moved to another line, leaving free space.”.

“Rising lines; in addition, the letters are very carefully drawn, with the desire to give them beautiful shape, which is especially noticeable in the hooks of capital letters; the letters themselves are raised".

“Straight lines, small letters; at the end of the line the letters become narrower; The handwriting is legible and not drawn out.”

The book provides detailed analysis psychographological laws of handwriting. All letters and their graphological features are described.

A separate chapter is devoted to children's handwriting. Handwritings of people with mental and physical disabilities are presented.

An analysis of the handwritings of famous historical figures is given. The reader will learn how the nature of writing changes with age and will be able to determine his hidden capabilities from his own handwriting.

V. Mayatsky V. Graphology. Moscow, 1907. Republished in 1990 (reprint).

Mayatsky. "Graphology". 1990

A very simple, small book - a brochure, written back in Tsarist Russia. Contains microstructural typological analysis each letter. As a complement to other books. Below is the content of the book.

Author's book series “Secrets of Handwriting” by Inessa Goldberg in includes 8 editions:
1. Textbook "How to decipher handwriting or Graphology step by step."
2. Textbook “Handwriting and personality types.”
3. Book “Handwriting and Your Success.”
4. Book “Handwriting and Your Personal Life.”
5. Book “Handwriting - Mirror of the Soul”.
6. The book “Secrets of Handwriting - What is written in the family.”
7. Book “The Language of Handwriting or Problems on Paper.”
8. Selected selections from the “Psychology of Handwriting” series.

These are systematic textbooks on the basics of the graphological method, as well as popular scientific publications dedicated to various aspects application of graphology.

Solomevich V.I. Ulasevich V.I. "Handwriting and character". "AST" 2009

In addition to the basics, this book will introduce you to a graphological analysis of the handwriting of some famous politicians, athletes and popular pop and film artists.

Judith Norman. “What does the handwriting say? Graphology for Beginners." Vector. 2010

Sarah Dorothy. “Secrets of handwriting. How to determine your character traits from your handwriting". AST. 1998

Books by Ilya Shchegolev

Ilya Shchegolev- specialist in the field of graphology and management psychology, educated at the Faculty of Psychology of St. Petersburg State University, author of the bestseller “Secrets of Handwriting”. He and his team are working to popularize and disseminate applied graphology methods in Russia and the CIS countries.

Ilya Shchegolev. "Secrets of handwriting." Phoenix. 2011
Ilya Shchegolev. "16 types of handwriting." Peter. 2005
Ilya Shchegolev. “Mysteries of handwriting. From a small letter to a great destiny." Phoenix. 2011

Books by Yuri Chernov

Yuri Georgievich Chernov— Candidate of Technical Sciences, software developer, psychologist with a certificate in business psychology, employee of the Swiss Graphological Society, regularly takes part in various congresses and conferences on handwriting analysis.

Ilya Shchegolev, Yuri Chernov. "Secrets of Handwriting"(+ CD-ROM). "Exmo". 2008

On the disk is a unique program for analyzing handwriting and composing psychological portrait person's handwriting.

Yuri Chernov. " Psychological analysis handwriting." Genesis. 2011
The author examines the problem at the intersection of disciplines - psychology, medicine, criminology, touches on issues of diagnostics, forensic handwriting, etc. But the main focus is on the psychology of handwriting.

Yuri Chernov. “Handwriting analysis in working with personnel.” BHV-Petersburg. 2012
The book talks about how to use handwriting analysis in personnel diagnostics. The book systematically examines all stages of working with personnel through the prism of handwriting analysis.

1. I. Belov. “Secrets of handwriting. 20 personality types. 20 types of handwriting." Harvest. 2007
2. Isaeva E.L. “Practical graphology: how to recognize character from handwriting.” Ripol Classic. 2010
3. Hayk Naj (O.K.Nadzhimov). “Recognizing a person’s character by his signature or practical graphology.”
4. Vladimir Taranenko. “Handwriting, portrait, character. Hidden psychodiagnostics in practical presentation.” Nika-Center. 2008

5. Irina Ulezko. "Character and handwriting." AST. 2009
6. Vera Nadezhdina. “Secrets of handwriting. Step by step". Harvest. 2009
7. Alexander Farmagey. “Graphology as a science and more.” Nika-Center. 2010
8. A. Sokolova. “Graphology is the key to character.” Ripol Classic. 2013

9. E. P. Ishchenko. “Let's talk about graphology. Handwriting is the mirror of the soul.” Avenue. 2015
10. S.Yu. Aleskovsky, Ya.V. Komissarova. "Fundamentals of graphology." Yurlitinform. 2008
The educational manual examines the main provisions of the graphological (psychological-handwriting) method of personality research, as well as the history of the formation of graphology and its current state.
11. T. I. Eremina. "Visual psychodiagnostics". Phoenix. 2012
In addition to physiognomy, other visual means of personality research are provided (psychogeometry, graphology, analysis of color preferences, clothing, interpretation of human drawings).
12. B. Khigir. "Graphology. Find out character by handwriting." Publisher: Amrita-Rus 2014

13. Potemkina O. F., Potemkina E. V. “Psychological analysis of drawing and text.” Publisher: Speech. 2006
14. E. Sudilovskaya. “We are solving handwriting. Graphology (+ CD with program).” Peter. 2007
15. Kravchenko V.I. "Graphology: character based on handwriting." Educational and methodological manual SUAI. 2006
16. Petrosyan A.E., Petrosyan Yu.S. “How to make handwriting talk (practical graphology).” Publishing house of Tver University of Business. 1995

And definitely several books on handwriting.

17. Orlova V.F. (scientific ed.). "Forensic handwriting examination: general part." The science. 2006
18. Mantsvetova A.I., Orlova V.F., Slavutskaya I.A. "Theoretical (natural science) foundations of forensic handwriting." The science. 2006
19. Bastrykin A.I. "Forensic study of writing." Tutorial. 2002
20. Orlova V.F. "Forensic handwriting diagnostics." Tutorial. Unity - Dana. 2012

And at the end of the review I will add a magazine "Scientific Graphology"

International journal in Russian "Scientific Graphology" is non-profit project Institute of Graphanalysis Inessa Goldberg. She's the same Chief Editor magazine.

Like this in general outline we met Graphology. I think many people are interested in this topic.

Start with the basic books listed at the beginning. Each book gives something new, not in the sense basic principles– they are repeated, but in the sense of nuances. But it is the knowledge of the nuances that defines the Master.

I wish you success in mastering new Knowledge!

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Best regards, Nikolay Medvedev.