Complete and accurate characteristics of an Aquarius woman. A girl born under the sign of Aquarius

Yes, she is a little out of this world. Friends, family, work colleagues, and all her countless fans know about this. But this is precisely why they love and, without exaggeration, respect the unusual, original and at the same time incredibly understanding Aquarius woman. It seems that this is a psychotherapist from God. One word from her - and her despondent friends are inspired again, filled with the desire to live and rush to new heights.

But few people manage to find the key to it. Moreover, even among friends this lady feels like a lonely person. So how to win her heart, and what kind of man does she ultimately need? First things first.

There is one ancient legend. Like all legends, she is beautiful and sad. In ancient times, ancient Greek Olympus was inhabited by gods who, of course, sometimes loved to feast and enjoy wine. Once they saw in the field the son of the local king - a magnificent, slender young man. He was so good-looking that the gods brought him straight to Olympus so that he could serve them and pour wine at feasts. The young man took it with enthusiasm - he poured it generously and always gave the holiday a unique atmosphere.

How much time passed, but one day that young man passed away. The gods were sad. They decided to perpetuate the memory of their best servant and created the constellation Aquarius (Latin “Aquaris”). That's why symbol of this eleventh sign of the zodiac A young man appears pouring water from his jug, helping people in their difficult lives. Aquarius is adjacent to the mysterious fish on the right and the hardworking Capricorn on the left.

Aquarius is an air sign of the zodiac. These are sincere, open people who easily make contact with anyone, regardless of their oddities. Yes, Aquarius is a preacher of humanity, a person with principles and high concepts of honor. Colors of luck– all shades of blue: from classic ultramarine to violet. Talisman stones– jade, obsidian, amethyst.

I wonder what this unusual zodiac sign is ruled by two planets at once - Saturn and Uranus. Saturn is a majestic planet with rings, symbolizing limitations, boundaries. It is its influence that explains the Aquarius blues, which can really arise out of the blue. But Uranus is the planet of geniuses. Indeed, this planet is the only one in the entire solar system that rotates against the movement of all the others. Moreover, it lies on its side (the axis of rotation is strongly inclined). Uranus is responsible for insights, brilliant breakthroughs, real revolutionary leaps that change the course of all future events for a long time.

That is why representatives of the fair sex, born under the sign of Aquarius, always differ from their surroundings. We talk about them: strange, out of this world. And at the same time, it is with such people that we strive to establish the closest friendships. These are Vera Brezhneva and Shakira, Isla Fisher and Yulia Mikhailchik, Rachelle Lefevre and Vera Glagoleva, Gia Carangi and Oprah Winfrey. Bright, extraordinary and at the same time incredibly humane girls. Stars with a human face - these are the true Aquarians.


Who is she, the Aquarius woman: character description

Every Aquarius girl deserves to have a separate article written about her. Yes, she is unusual, and that's putting it mildly. Aquarius, even with all his desire, cannot be like everyone else - and these are not just words. Surely, every Aquarius tried to somehow adjust, format, download the necessary files and become an ordinary person. But no - very quickly he realized that this was not for him.

Endless originality

Do you know what the typical Aquarius girl hates? Not gray weather at all. She doesn't like to repeat herself. And this means only one thing: Aquarius is an original sign that constantly sets itself an invisible bar for creativity. She literally confirmed to herself: you have no right to be like everyone else. That's why many people consider this girl harmful. In fact, he simply goes his own way because he does not like the beaten path.

Yes, you will never get the usual congratulations from an Aquarius girl on her birthday or New Year. And she won’t even read other people’s poems - after all, what’s stopping her from writing her own. Aquarius is an artist of an original genre. He is in an eternal search for a better, more interesting idea that should conquer and improve our sinful world.

Vera Glagoleva, actress and director

Deep humanity

Do you want a lover and a psychologist rolled into one? Then you need to choose the Aquarius woman. These ladies look at our world a little naively. They love rose-colored glasses. And even though they have repeatedly encountered examples of obvious human dishonesty, no one and nothing will make them believe that the world is cruel and evil.

Yes, a girl of this zodiac sign tries to bestow her attention on everyone who turns to her for help. That's why she devotes so much time to her countless friends. Aquarius just loves to be needed, useful, valuable. But to put on airs, turn up his nose, suffer from delusions of grandeur - no, this is completely not his thing.

World peace

It’s hard to imagine a more peaceful creature than the Aquarius girl. This lady doesn’t like to raise a scandal, throw tantrums, or scream throughout the street. Although sometimes she behaves eccentrically, this is either from a lack of attention or from an excess of it. Yes, this lady is concerned about the problems of the whole humanity. Believe me, she really cares where the world is going and what place our society occupies on this stage.

It is impossible to communicate with an Aquarius if you do not know how to support any topics. Moreover, the interlocutor must be ready for any turns. Abruptly changing the topic of conversation, and even seeing your own logic in it, is in the spirit of Aquarius.

Freedom without borders

All air signs of the zodiac do not tolerate pressure and stop such attempts literally immediately. But in the case of our heroine, the love of freedom is simply off the charts. She herself does not put pressure on anyone, but she will not allow others to communicate with her, not just in an orderly, but even in a teacher’s style.

For an Aquarius girl there is no concept of boundaries. The whole point is that she will never do anything that directly contradicts her internal constitution. And she trusts her completely. That's why all other actions are completely normal for her. And what others think - believe me, this really does not interest Aquarius.

Attitude to work and money

Aquarius is a bad accountant. A person interested in heavenly things rarely descends to earth. Therefore, some financial difficulties quite often accompany representatives of this zodiac sign. But they have learned to deftly overcome such difficulties, and besides, they have loyal friends for this.

In fairness, the stars bring to your attention that Aquarius hates borrowing, as well as lending. But be that as it may, this lady’s friends are always ready to come to her aid, just as she is to them.

As for work, a typical Aquarius woman masters several professions during her life. It’s just that this lady has been looking for herself for quite a long time, she wants more recognition and true pleasure from work than monetary wealth and career growth. Aquarius is an almost disappearing person who sincerely believes that money is nothing compared to eternal spiritual values.

What kind of man does an Aquarius woman need?

A typical Aquarius woman can spend hours talking about what she values ​​in people, regardless of their gender. In her mouth, the word “man” sounds much more often than “guy” or “man”. Yes, at times Aquarius generally resembles an asexual being who views his companion as a friend.

And in this approach lies the answer to the question posed. The Aquarius girl does not have a standard approach to representatives of the opposite sex. An original woman needs an equally interesting man. Moreover, for her he must first become her best Friend, and then everything else. Aquarius is far from traditional games of queen and knight; she doesn’t care whether you have a car or what your bank account is. This selfless woman in every sense is deeply concerned about the personality of her soul mate, namely, how much you can trust her with the most intimate things.

Therefore, the star portrait of the chosen one of Aquarius can be painted with the following colors:

  1. He is a Personality. For Aquarius, you don’t have to comment on this phrase, because each lady will put her own, unique meaning into it.
  2. He is a Like-Minded Man. For an Aquarius, a relationship with a person whose psychological portrait is not interesting to her is unthinkable.
  3. He is selflessly devoted to her. It must be said that this lady has very peculiar ideas about men’s, and indeed about human fidelity in general. Under certain conditions, she will turn a blind eye even to physical betrayal. But never spiritually.
  4. She is always sure that he needs him. Moreover, that is all that is needed. Aquarius is a fan of the exclusivity of the moment; she is turned on by the mere thought of “no one but me.”
  5. Finally, he must respect and understand her infinitely. Aquarius will not be able to share a roof with a stranger; she does not enter into marriage as a transaction or some kind of game where everyone has their own role.

How not to behave with an Aquarius

The Aquarius girl is a delicate, sentimental nature. But you can’t tell it from the outside. A joker, a bright star, a talented actress, almost a clown who knows how to make you laugh even in the darkest situations.

You might think that you can behave just as frivolously with her, and in many ways this is true. You just need to take into account a few important points that you definitely shouldn’t violate:

  1. Don’t even think about laughing at the views of Aquarius or, God forbid, criticizing them. This person gives his beliefs, that very inner constitution, an almost sacred character, so a disdainful attitude towards the ideas of Aquarius is a sure way to losing him forever.
  2. Further, you should not criticize the friends of this lovely lady. And also be jealous of them. Yes, she has many friends among the stronger sex. And this can be very annoying for almost any man. But don’t be dramatic – Aquarius is truly one of the most faithful signs of the zodiac.
  3. Finally, never push an Aquarius. Otherwise, you have a real chance of meeting another version of this person.

Who is suitable for Aquarius and who is not so good

Remember one important truth: if an Aquarius is friends with everyone, this does not mean that such a lady will be able to get along with almost any man. Not at all. In fact, finding a mate for an Aquarius is a thankless task. After all, this will take years, and the result is truly unpredictable. Here's what the stars say:

  1. Aquarius has a very good chance of compatibility with representatives of its own air element. She will find understanding with and. And although the everyday side of their union will be in question, in spiritual terms the tandem has very solid chances.
  2. Aquarius also gets along well with fire signs. A favorable alliance is with a progressive-minded, changeable person who, like Aquarius, is always busy thinking about the future. It’s just that his assertiveness may harm things a little, but everything can be fixed, right? An Aquarius girl will also be interested in him, but she may be annoyed by his narcissism. And the stubborn one will probably try to reforge our heroine in his own way, but will receive an uncompromising rebuff. The stars remind you once again - this approach in the case of Aquarius guarantees failure.
  3. Water representatives (, and) can give Aquarius family comfort. But ensuring mutual understanding is an impossible task.
  4. Finally, earth signs ( , and ) are the worst combination. It’s just that these men, rather, need a virtuoso housewife who works as a mistress at night according to the approved tariff rate. And the Aquarius woman will quickly begin to be annoyed by their overly correct and predictable rules of the game.

Aquarius in bed

Let's be honest: Aquarius doesn't go crazy about sex, doesn't read romance novels and doesn't dream about wild nights all day long. But of course, nothing human is alien to our heroine. Moreover, we must not forget that she is a master of the original genre. Easy improvisation, an unexpected change of rhythm and logic, coupled with her mystery - this is her Aquarius answer to the question of what men want.

An Aquarius woman is a real gift for a man who wants to get a lover and friend in one person.

Let's talk today about what women born under the sign of Aquarius are like from an astrological point of view. As a rule, they are considered very sensitive creatures, having the ability to subtly sense the people around them. Such natures also have incredible femininity, which cannot but captivate the opposite sex.

Unlike a man born under this sign, the Aquarius woman has a calmer character, not prone to, say, rebellion or revolutionary thoughts.

Characteristics of the sign

Since the Aquarius woman is a very sensual creature, when making any decisions, say, everyday ones, she relies on her own feelings, without taking into account what can really be beneficial in a given situation. Also, representatives of this air sign are extremely inquisitive. Moreover, they can have a lot of hobbies, and they are very diverse. Discovering new, interesting and exciting things, being in an endless search for fresh ideas and thoughts - this is how the extraordinary Aquarius woman differs from others. The characteristics of her sign are one of the most interesting. So, if you need help, such an airy nature will help selflessly, and even if you didn’t ask her for it. This is because Aquarius needs to feel important to the people around them.

Interesting Character Traits

There is one more quality that is inherent in people born under this air sign: straightforwardness. Trying to attract attention, they become very talkative, and this often goes beyond the bounds of reason. An Aquarius woman, whose characteristics are considered quite calm, rarely shows aggression. She will avoid the person who offended her. A combat attack is possible in fairly rare cases. It is also interesting that such natures do not accept lies, even if they are addressed to strangers.

What else is interesting about the Aquarius woman?

The characteristics of this sign are quite light, calm, and airy. So, if any disagreement arises, the lady will try to get away from it. In controversial situations, she is able to make concessions. However, if she is proven right, she will certainly rub the debater’s nose into it. When achieving their goals, beautiful creatures rarely use cunning plans and combinations. And all because they prefer to earn money honestly and openly. It is also interesting that the Aquarius woman, whose characteristics, as we see, are very entertaining, is not such a selfish person. She is able to help people with great pleasure.

The amorous relationship of an Aquarius woman

What about love? Let's answer this question too. It is believed that Aquarius is the zodiac sign whose compatibility is best with the same sign. However, the union of Aquarius with Aquarius, according to astrologers, is complex and unpromising. Well, it's up to you to decide.


So, we figured out what Aquarians are. The characteristic is quite peaceful, but do not forget about the pitfalls that everyone has in any case.

Representatives of this sign are charming and creative individuals. The sign of Aquarius is a woman whose characteristic is extroversion; she knows how to be the center of attention and cause everyone's delight. They know how to look amazing no matter what they wear. Being good communicators, they know how to listen to someone else’s point of view without imposing their own.

Representatives of this sign are reasonable and logical by nature, therefore they value smart men.

Women of the zodiac sign Aquarius who were born under

Horoscope Aquarius Woman

patronage of Uranus, are complex and contradictory. It is almost impossible not to notice this bright, fashionable woman. Her unique way of dressing, with her inherent subtle style, makes her stand out in any company.

Fashion & Style

Aquarius is a regular at all kinds of events, where he can show off his outfits and greedily absorb all the new items. She can easily afford to show up to an elaborate reception in a simple, comfortable outfit, which will create a sensation with her appearance.

This lady can appear in society in an ultra-fashionable suit, and in a long-forgotten old grandmother's dress. All other details of the appearance, for example, hairstyle, are also distinguished by their originality and uniqueness.

Behavior and inner world of an Aquarius woman

Such a natural characteristic of the Aquarius woman as natural curiosity and curiosity can even end in an attempt, as they say, to reinvent the wheel. She is capable of completely forgetting about herself and plunging headlong into “saving the whole world.”

Despite their impressive appearance, such women are a common sight among pundits, inventors and celebrities.

Aquarius finds the strength to consistently and gradually work on the task ahead of her. Through trial and error, this energetic lady finds exactly her own business, which she will happily do for the rest of her life.

Positive and negative traits

Even people who understand the secrets of psychology are often discouraged by their actions. Aquarians do not accept conventions and avoid obligations in any way. Society often perceives their actions as a daring challenge, although they have completely different goals and motives, which will remain a mystery to others. Despite all their openness, these ladies still have secrets that they will not divulge even to their closest people.

Career and work of an Aquarius woman

According to the horoscope, Aquarius women prefer to realize

In their work, representatives of this sign stand out for their non-standard decisions and creativity.

yourself in the creative field. They will make excellent fashion designers, florists, teachers, educators. Representatives of this sign are considered people focused on the future.

This absolutely does not mean that they live only by building castles in the air. When it comes to serious matters, superficial and absent-minded Aquarians become punctual and collected.

Leadership skills

Thanks to their creative and unconventional potential, these women climb the career ladder quite quickly and just as easily lose all interest in the summit they have conquered. If her plans are disrupted and something goes wrong, Aquarius will not become depressed, since she is sure that she needs to learn from her own mistakes. And this will only be an impetus to try your hand again.

Aquarius woman's attitude towards love, sex, marriage and family

An Aquarius woman tends to rush from one extreme to another in love; she can be hot, energetic and passionate, and at the same time cold and distant. Despite the fickleness and infantilism of her nature, she will be a faithful life partner to the man whom she loves with all her heart.

How do feelings manifest themselves?

  • No matter what passionate emotions Aquarius experiences, this will not change her love of freedom and independence;
  • For her, the financial and social status of her future chosen one does not matter at all;
  • An insightful and intelligent woman, with all her perseverance, will help unlock the potential of her partner.

Sex life

Aquarians have absolutely no complexes or restrictions in their intimate life; they are ready for complete dedication, just to satisfy their lover. This sensuality and sexuality miraculously dissolves with marriage and over time becomes a boring performance of family duty. But this will not be a reason for withdrawing and denying intimate relations to your spouse.

Marriage and family

Before deciding to tie the knot and sacrifice their freedom on the altar, Aquarius will weigh everything for a very long time and collect as much information as possible about their future partner. But despite this thoughtful approach, nothing guarantees a happy marriage.

She is afraid to dissolve in one person and completely devote herself to family life. With all her love for family members, she will not sacrifice her views and habits for them. The husband must be prepared for her many friends and those around her, whom she will fully try to help in all their life’s troubles.

You can’t keep an Aquarius at home in four states; she always strives to attend parties, the theater, and so on, and if the spouses have the same hobbies and interests, then such a family has every chance of living a long and happy life.

Domostroy was written for anyone, but not for her. She is not at all concerned with maintaining sterile cleanliness and preparing ten-course family dinners. She just believes that the time that will be spent on daily cleaning and cooking can be usefully spent on something else more important.

Aquarius arranges the family nest according to the latest fashion trends; her house always has the most modern technology, exquisite furniture, and fancy decorative elements. This comprehensively developed woman has such diverse friends that in her house you can always meet a biker and a hacker, a salesman and a banker, a politician and a janitor, and it would seem that completely different people will be connected by friendship with this amazing, unstoppable woman.

With the appearance of a child in her life, she will be very worried about the loss of freedom. She will never become a crazy mother who will blow away dust from her child, but she will be a completely loving and caring mother. Children love and appreciate their mother very much. Freedom-loving by nature, she will never infringe on the freedom of her children.

Aquarius is able to develop various creative talents and imagination in children, and also teach them to always be honest and sincere. She will never put pressure on children with her authority and experience, or overload them with excessive activities. Children will completely trust such a cheerful and interesting mother.

Gifts for Aquarius

  • For Aquarius, it is difficult to guess with a gift, but you can be sure that this lady will perfectly master the latest model of a fashionable gadget or kitchen appliance;
  • She will be sincerely happy to organize an unexpected adventure or trip;
  • Anything related to her interests and hobbies will always be a welcome gift.

The Aquarius woman has a sharp mind and a rebellious character. She has her own opinion on everything, and she does not consider it necessary to keep it to herself. She is determined and extravagant. She loves to shock the public and does it often. Her extravagance is not banal bad taste, but, on the contrary, a tastefully chosen style that is simply not the same as everyone else’s.

An Aquarius woman never adapts to the situation. Her rebellious nature simply does not allow this. She is creative and never uses standard methods in her work or in solving problems. The Aquarius woman loves to travel, make new acquaintances, not forgetting about old friends. She does not tolerate monotony and boredom.

Despite the name of the zodiac sign, the element of Aquarius is air. It influences the character of this sign. Aquarians are slightly frivolous and flighty. Freedom for them is one of the main values. They love to always be on the move.

Aquarians are recommended to choose an outdoor home. A house on a hill suits them best. If they move into an apartment, then only on the upper floors. Enclosed spaces without air will cause them depression and health problems. If an Aquarius woman or girl is unlucky and gets such housing, then air conditioning can solve the problem. It will make the air fresh, and the lady will feel good in such a room.

Aquarius women who work in an office need to place their desk closer to the window. This will make her feel comfortable.

Women of this sign need to spend more time outdoors. Walks, picnics, hikes - these are the recreation options for her.


For each zodiac sign there are amulets that suit it better than others. Here are the amulets for the Aquarius woman:

  • Angel figurine. She will attract happiness for a woman and protect her from everything bad. Suitable materials for the figurine are crystal or glass. If an important event is planned in life, you can carry the angel with you, wrapped in colored fabric. An angel figurine is a good gift for ladies of this sign.
  • Butterfly. Such a talisman will attract good friends and colleagues and reliable partners into the life of an Aquarius woman. A dead butterfly is not suitable as an amulet. It stores negative energy, which it can transfer to a person.
  • . This gem is suitable for an Aquarius woman with creative professions. Thanks to the stone, inspiration will not leave them. Lapis lazuli can be given as a gift to actresses, singers and other talented ladies.
  • . This stone will bring good luck.
  • . It will help enhance the positive aspects of your character. Zircon can be presented as a gift to Aquarius ladies with a complex character, and it will change for the better.
  • . It will relieve fatigue and tension.
  • . Increases charm. Jewelry with amethyst is a good gift for Aquarius women.
  • . Such gems are suitable for married women of this sign and pregnant women. With their help, mommy will give birth to a healthy baby.
  • . The stone prolongs life and improves health.

Character of an Aquarius woman

If a woman’s zodiac sign is Aquarius, then she has a bold, strong-willed character. She also has such aspects of character as strength and perseverance. She is always at the center of all events. Women of this sign follow new events and news. They want to be aware of everything that is happening around them. They enjoy receiving new information and growing intellectually.

Aquarius women are sympathetic and kind. They cannot ignore the grief of others and will always help a person in trouble. They are generous and will always help out friends and family financially. There is no need to think about how to communicate with a lady of this sign. It's easy to get in touch with her. She is able to support any conversation on a wide variety of topics.

Women of this sign have highly developed intuition. Sometimes they can tell with certainty what will happen next. This helps them avoid many troubles.

Aquarius women are devoid of prejudices. There are no stereotypes, models or rules of behavior for them. They act as they see fit, without focusing on anyone. It’s not without reason that they say that Aquarius ladies are rebels who can break all existing stereotypes.

Women of this sign do not like obligations and value their freedom. Therefore, they delay marriage until the last minute.

Aquarius women do not know what betrayal and lies are. They have their own secrets that they do not reveal even to their closest people, but they are not prone to deception. They are also incapable of cheating on their loved one.


Aquarius women are not known for their good health. They often experience ailments, which are usually associated with their pace of life. Frequently attending events, meeting with friends, searching for new information, striving to improve one’s intellectual level - all this requires large amounts of energy. This cannot but affect health, so women of this sign often feel unwell.

The weak points of the ladies of this sign are the heart, blood vessels, joints, ligaments and organs of vision. The nervous system is also often affected. Aquarius women may experience psycho-emotional disorders, neuralgia and other similar problems.


Every Aquarius woman has a creative side, so ladies of this sign can choose creative professions. She can also realize herself in activities in which she can apply innovative work methods and creative thinking.

Aquarius women are responsible workers. You can entrust them with any task and not have to worry about its completion. They will do everything on time.

This zodiac sign gives women the gift of oratory. They can win over the audience in a matter of moments and convince the crowd of the correctness of their judgments. They make excellent public relations officers and good politicians.

Suitable professions for Aquarius ladies are a teacher, a kindergarten teacher, and others. She easily connects with children. An Aquarius woman in the teaching profession is always looking for a new, interesting presentation of information so that her lessons are not only informative, but also not boring.

Aquarius women are good trade workers. They easily sell goods and enter into the most profitable contracts for the supply of products.

Women of this sign can become good businesswomen, but they will not have much profit. Their main task that they set for themselves is to gain new knowledge. Money doesn't matter much to them.

Love and family

As the Aquarius woman loves, no lady of any other zodiac sign loves more. She is full of surprises and does not like boredom. She likes interesting conversations on a variety of topics, so the ideal partner for her is an intellectually developed man who can easily support any conversation.

Aquarius ladies don't like talking about relationships. She doesn’t even let her close people know about her experiences. It is useless to try to get her to have a heart-to-heart conversation. If she considers it necessary to have such a conversation, she will do it herself.

Women of this sign, like men, value their freedom. A wedding for her is a serious and responsible step, which she postpones until the last moment. Even ladies who fall in love are in no hurry to get married, preferring to live in a civil marriage. If, after all, she agreed to the wedding, then she will advocate for equal rights in the family. With a woman of this sign you will not get a family where the head will be a man. She doesn't like to obey.

The Aquarius woman does not like to do household chores. She believes that she can spend this time much more usefully. Therefore, her house is often in disarray. Not every partner is willing to put up with this, so he needs to think carefully before starting a family with her.

A lady of this sign does not cheat on her husband. If she chose him as a husband, it means that he suits her in everything. She does not limit his freedom. If the partner of a woman of this sign had some hobbies before the wedding, then she will not force him to give them up after the wedding. She herself is also not ready to sacrifice her hobbies or communication with friends for the sake of her husband.

The Aquarius woman is a good mother. She will pass on to her children all the knowledge that she herself possesses. She will read books to them, take them to museums, and so on. The only gap in her upbringing is that she will not instill in them a love of cleanliness, because she herself does not pay enough attention to housekeeping.

Aquarius woman in relationships

How to win an Aquarius woman is a question that sometimes arises among men. For this there are 10 commandments:

  1. You can conquer a woman of this sign by having common interests. Find them and you can consider half the job done.
  2. If the woman is Aquarius, then the surest way to win her is to amaze her with your extravagance. The lady of this sign loves unusual people and will not leave such a man without attention.
  3. A man must be interesting. This is one of the options for making a person of this sign fall in love with you. A woman or girl of this sign will not like a mediocre personality. Communication with a man should be varied and exciting.
  4. A man must have intelligence so that he can support any topic of conversation. Communicate with the lady more often, she likes it.
  5. There is no need to forbid her anything or dictate any conditions. She won't stand for this.
  6. You can't be henpecked. Only a strong man can make a woman of this sign fall in love with him.
  7. You need to achieve great success in your professional activities. Money is not important for a woman of this sign, but success is of great importance to her.
  8. A man should value friendship. This is important for a woman of this sign.
  9. You cannot deceive a lady of this sign. She does not tolerate lies and feels them acutely, so you need to be extremely honest with her.
  10. Consider all her preferences. For example, Aquarians love colors from a cold palette. If a man chooses the tones of clothes of this color scheme, then the lady will turn her attention to him. This is a surefire way to please an Aquarius woman.

A man does not always strive to win a lady of this sign. Despite her bright appearance, the stronger sex sometimes bypasses her. How then can a woman find her man? To do this, she needs to take a closer look at her surroundings. Maybe there is someone nearby who is worthy of her attention, who simply does not dare to express his sympathy.

What kind of man does an Aquarius woman need in order for them to have a strong relationship? He must have high intelligence and a good sense of humor. The gentleman should be strong, but not despotic, cheerful, but not untidy, sociable, but not flighty. The Aquarius lady is honest in relationships and her partner should also be the same. If a man has all these qualities, then his relationship with an Aquarius woman will be ideal.

Getting a lady of this sign to please her does not mean starting a family soon. You also need to know how to keep an Aquarius woman near you. When she falls in love, she does not forget about herself. Her freedom cannot be limited. She should be able to spend time with friends and family. She shouldn't be bored. If she is interested in the relationship and feels free, then there is every chance that it will last a very long time.

The lady of this sign loves surprises. What to give an Aquarius woman to surprise her? The best gift for ladies of this sign is a work of art. It is not necessary to buy expensive paintings by famous artists. She will be pleased even with a drawing drawn by herself. She doesn't like standard gifts. You can please her only with an extravagant present. A hand-painted scarf, a hand-made teddy bear - these are the things she will appreciate more than an expensive phone.

The best flowers for Aquarius are rare flowers that are difficult to get. Women of this sign will not be surprised by roses, lilies, or any other popular flowers. They will be happy with calathea, red azalea, arrowroot and any other rare flowers.

Quarrels happen in any couple. If there is a breakup, how to get an Aquarius woman back? If a lady of this sign leaves, then she does not plan to return. This is a feature of how Aquarians break up. If a man begins to think about how to make peace and how to get his beloved back, then he needs to be prepared for a long process. If you broke up, then give her time to understand the whole situation. The man does not need to go far, and when the passions subside, he can make attempts to reunite.

The surest way to make peace with your lady love is to have a heart-to-heart talk. Tell her about your feelings and experiences. Perhaps the woman did not plan to break up, the quarrel just went too far. Having learned about her lover’s experiences, she can immediately return to the relationship.

Reconciliation can be facilitated by a man’s detachment, which is not surprising. If a lady feels that she is not interested in a man, this may hurt her self-esteem. Then she will no longer think about how to part with her beloved, but will try to return and keep him.

If the quarrel was not serious, then he will not have to think long about how to make peace with his beloved. In this situation, she breaks up not seriously, but rashly. After thinking a little, she herself can take a step forward, forgetting about differences.

How do Aquarians break up if love is irretrievably gone? They do it quickly, not expecting the feelings to return again. They believe that if love leaves, it will not return. In this case, return it or not return it, everything will be useless.

Another feature of how people of this sign break up is that they do not waste time on empty talk. They can leave without words, leaving a message in the form of a note or message. Therefore, it is very difficult to build a love relationship with Aquarius.

Famous Aquarius women

Talented and sometimes brilliant people are born under the sign of Aquarius, so Aquarius celebrities are a natural phenomenon. This applies to women and men. Famous people of this sign are found in science, acting and singing, and so on.

Famous Aquarius women: singer Anna German, actress Irina Ant, Bulgarian seer Vanga, artist Yoko Ono, poetess Agnia Barto, ballerina Anna Pavlova, philosopher and esotericist Elena Roerich and others.

Aquarius ladies are interesting, comprehensively developed personalities with natural charm. Building a relationship with a woman of this sign is difficult, but it will never be boring and monotonous. There is no need to part with her, because she may not want to return.

The Aquarius woman is not an ideal housewife, but she is a faithful wife. She is entirely made up of contradictions and it is sometimes difficult for even her family to understand her, but if she disappears from the life of her loved one, friends or colleagues, it will become an irreparable loss for them.

Compatibility horoscope: Aquarius zodiac sign woman characteristics - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

A woman born under the zodiac sign of Aquarius is active and charming. She becomes the life of the party wherever she goes, thanks to her bright appearance and sharp mind.

The Aquarius woman loves to dress unusually and stylishly, even if she does not dress according to the latest fashion.

The representative of this zodiac sign loves to do as she sees fit, despite public opinion. In general, by nature this person is quite flighty and freedom-loving. It is the variability of character and mystery of Aquarius that attracts representatives of the opposite sex.

The characteristic of a woman with the Aquarius zodiac sign is that she can analyze any situation thanks to her excellent intuition. It should be noted that many psychics and clairvoyants are born under this sign.

Aquarius woman: characteristics

The Aquarius woman is endowed with an excellent ability to conduct intelligent conversations and debates. She respects the opinions and feelings of her interlocutor and does not try to force him to think the same way as she does.

Despite the fact that she is outwardly modest and reserved, no one in the world can force her to take any action.

A representative of this zodiac sign does not tie the knot with someone she knows little. Before this, she must fully study all the possibilities, financial capabilities, social status and character of her future husband.

This lady approaches marriage with particular seriousness, as she is afraid of losing her freedom and devoting herself to one single person. She can have a successful marriage with someone who is ready not to make jealous scenes and not try to limit her freedom.

Aquarius woman character

A woman of the Aquarius zodiac sign never remains lonely, because she has so many friends and admirers. Despite this fact, if she is already in love, she will not cheat on her other half.

The Aquarius girl prefers not to share her secrets even with her closest people.

This lady is very patient, thanks to which she does not create scandals or scenes of jealousy. In addition, she does not rummage through her husband’s personal correspondence and does not spy on him, but it should be remembered that she will not tolerate betrayal, since she herself is not capable of betrayal.

As a mother, this lady often does not advertise her feelings. In fact, she is very proud of her child and nurtures his personality right from birth.

Aquarius: characteristics and description

Find out all the most interesting things about Aquarius. This information will help you succeed in your relationship with a representative of this sign, avoid quarrels and find common interests.

Aquarius Woman

Appearance and health

The Aquarius woman loves to look bright and unusual. A slender figure, proud posture and smooth movements, combined with a manner of dressing boldly and extravagantly, attract the interested glances of others to Aquarius women. It is impossible to describe the appearance of a representative of this zodiac sign without describing her radiant smile and the open look of her huge eyes. The Aquarius girl looks like a princess from Disney cartoons.

Despite her energy and surprisingly strong energy, the health characteristics of this zodiac sign indicate that she often feels unwell. This is usually explained by the crazy pace of life on the edge of possibilities and the dependence of health on the psychological state. Vulnerable places are the heart and blood vessels, vision, tendons and ligaments. There is a high probability of developing nervous disorders and neuralgic problems in Aquarius.

general characteristics

The astrological characteristic of Aquarius states that a woman born under this sign has the following qualities:

  • sense of humor and sociability;
  • disregard for conventions and extravagant behavior;
  • love of freedom;
  • creative approach to any business;
  • independence.

The Aquarius woman loves to make acquaintances simply out of curiosity and a desire to get to know people better. This zodiac sign can behave unpredictably and illogically. But, oddly enough, men find this trait very attractive.

The Aquarius woman is used to looking to the future. All her thoughts are directed forward, she perceives the past only as experience. This zodiac sign is not vindictive, so it goes through life with ease, quickly forgiving offenders. The astrological characteristic notes that she has very developed intuition. Some Aquarians have the gift of foresight, which helps in work and relationships.

Work, career and professions

An Aquarius woman is suited for a job where she can express herself, use non-standard solutions and creative methods. Usually, an uncollected sign becomes serious and responsible when given an important task. The employer need not worry about the work entrusted to the representative of this sign. She will work at night, mobilize all her strength, but will complete everything on time and in the best possible way.

A female Aquarius has extraordinary oratorical abilities. ABOUT knows how to be convincing and find the key to even the most difficult interlocutor. Professional characteristics indicate that the Aquarius girl can achieve significant success in trade or mediation. The sign has original creative thinking, thanks to which it often finds itself at the origins of creating completely new things or projects.

The Aquarius woman is an excellent boss for her subordinates: wise and fair. But sometimes work can suffer from this; the sign does not like to give orders and control other people. A representative of this astrological period may not get along with management if an atmosphere of psychological pressure or total surveillance is created at work. It is best to set a goal for Aquarius according to the zodiac sign and give complete freedom of action, then the result will exceed all expectations.

An Aquarius girl can become a talented teacher. She loves to share knowledge, has a keen sense of other people and does not put pressure on her with her authority. Children love and respect such teachers. Representatives of this zodiac sign are suitable for creative professions in which they can reveal their talents.

An Aquarius woman can be successful in business. This is facilitated by an intuitive understanding of what will bring profit, a careful calculation of all risks and playing ahead. Unfortunately, she will not be able to earn a lot of money. The sign does not value material wealth; what is more important to him is the process of creating something new.

Relationships, love and marriage

A man often cannot understand his beloved, born under this zodiac sign: her attitude can change very quickly without any apparent reason. An Aquarius woman in love either pushes her partner away or is drawn to him. A loving man should leave her enough personal space and not worry about the fidelity of his chosen one. The sign will not cheat as long as he has at least a drop of romantic feelings.

For Aquarius, the financial situation and social status of the chosen one is not particularly important. A man may be as naked as a falcon at the beginning of a relationship, but if the sign sees potential in him, he will be able to lead his loved one to career heights and good earnings.

In sex, not only the intimate part is important for the Aquarius woman, but also spiritual intimacy. A man must first interest the representative of the sign with her personal qualities, and only after that can he count on a closer relationship. According to astrologers, the Aquarius girl is not too passionate and temperamental in bed.

A woman born during this astrological period does not seek marriage. The sign fears that the man will restrict her freedom and prohibit her from leading an active social life. The Aquarius female family will be strong if the spouse can maintain the same lifestyle. In this case, she will make concessions and will be happy to spend more time with her family.

The Aquarius woman is not made to be a good housewife. The dust on the cabinets and the tasteless dinner are compensated by the cheerfulness and sincere cordiality with which she greets guests. From the cradle, a mother with this zodiac sign raises a personality out of the baby, becoming not a mentor, but a friend to her child.

Characteristics of women of other zodiac signs:

Aquarius zodiac sign woman characteristics

  • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 – 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 – 22.07
  • Leo 23.07 – 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
  • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 – 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 – 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Aquarius woman horoscope

Aquarius woman: appearance

Women born during this period have great charm, elegance, and amazing grace. Their appearance is usually bright, which is emphasized by their unique image and manner of dressing. Aquarius women can wear both something trendy and vintage things that their grandmothers shone in. In other details of their appearance, for example in their hairstyle, they also differ from others in their originality. Even if Aquarius is not a beauty, she can turn out to be one of the most interesting women in the company.

Aquarius woman - behavior characteristics

It is impossible to get bored in the company of Aquarius; many acquaintances always revolve around her, and they can belong to very different circles. Aquarius always tries to delve into other people's situations and help. Their intuition is so developed that it allows them to look into the future; every Aquarius woman has something of a sorceress, a prophetess.

Their actions often discourage even those who consider themselves experts in psychology. Aquarius women neglect conventions and avoid obligations in every possible way. Often their actions are perceived as a challenge to the public, although Aquarius themselves have completely different motives and goals that remain a mystery to others. Representatives of the sign behave modestly and with restraint, but do not allow anyone to impose a different point of view on themselves, and they themselves do not try to convince anyone of anything. They have their own secrets, which they do not trust even to close people. These women do not like to deceive - they simply hide some information, do not strive for excessive frankness, although they are open.

Zodiac sign Aquarius - woman in work and career

Aquarians are called people who are focused on the future. But this does not mean that all they do is build castles in the air. Women of this sign are able to work conscientiously and create very real benefits with their own hands. They are distinguished by creativity and non-standard solutions. If we are talking about serious matters, then often absent-minded and superficial Aquarians become collected and punctual. The older such a woman gets, the more practical she is, she knows how to benefit from her skills and abilities.

Aquarius woman in love

In love, they behave very differently; it is typical for them to rush to extremes. The character of an Aquarius woman is such that she can either be distant and even cold, arrogant, or strive for ideal, sublime feelings. If Aquarius truly fell in love, then she will not think about other partners. But even passionate feelings will not change her desire to preserve at least some of her personal freedom. Aquarius pays little attention to a man’s career successes and wealth; it is more important for her that he be her true friend, a faithful companion. An intelligent and insightful woman will definitely help her chosen one to reveal the potential that lies dormant in him.

Aquarius woman in sex

The sexual desires of Aquarius exist in close connection with their mind. As for men, for women of this zodiac sign the physical side of love is not the cornerstone of a relationship, but this does not mean at all that Aquarius is cold in sex and incapable of pleasure.

Aquarius woman in marriage

Before Aquarius walks down the aisle, she will think long and hard about whether she should decide to take a step that threatens to take away her freedom - the main value in life. These women usually collect as much information as possible about their future life partner, trying to understand whether the match will be successful. She can be such only if the husband does not make attempts not only to subordinate his wife to his will, but also to limit her in anything at all. As the horoscope warns, the Aquarius woman will continue to spend time in the circle that formed before marriage and will not give up life experiments and research.

No matter how much a woman loves her family, it will belong to her no more than to everyone else. She is aimed at an extremely honest and transparent relationship with her husband, so there is no need to fear for her fidelity, and if she finds out that her husband has cheated on her, this means the end of the relationship. At the same time, she will not torment him with jealousy and suspicion, or arrange surveillance: her inner instinct will unmistakably work.

Zodiac signs: Aquarius woman - mistress of the house

The role of a housewife was invented for anyone, but not for Aquarius. Such women do not have any “fantasies” about sterile cleanliness in the house and a daily three-course lunch, although she keeps her home in order, if only because she very often has guests with whom she needs to keep up her appearance. And if particularly picky visitors notice small “sins” anywhere, they are ready to forgive everything to this amazingly charming, sociable, friendly hostess and interesting woman.

Characteristics of an Aquarius woman - mother

Usually, Aquarians do not become “crazy mothers”, do not allow themselves strong emotions in connection with the birth of a baby, or demonstrative manifestations of love. However, the woman will invest a lot of effort in the child, seeing him as a person from the cradle. Aquarius mothers never overprotect their children, and their punishments are not too harsh either. They are most satisfied with the role of their children’s friend, helping them explore this wonderful world.

Who is suitable for an Aquarius woman according to her horoscope to start a family?

What to give an Aquarius woman

If women have long gained a reputation as mysterious creatures, then Aquarius women are even more so, and this complicates the task of donors. A gift for an Aquarius woman may be related to her curiosity, desire to deal with new products, no matter what they concern. There is no doubt that such a lady will be good at mastering the latest model of some fashionable gadget, kitchen appliances, and will “make friends” with car accessories if she drives a car herself. A gift for an Aquarius woman may consist of organizing a small adventure, her participation in some interesting social event - depending on individual preferences. You can also choose things with the symbolism of a zodiac sign or element, i.e. Air - birds, aircraft, etc.

  • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 – 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 – 22.07
  • Leo 23.07 – 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
  • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 – 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 – 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Full characteristics of an Aquarius woman

The Aquarius woman is a mystery both to herself and to those around her. Free-spirited, with personality, smart and dreamy, this lady is unlike any other you've ever encountered.

Characteristics of an Aquarius woman

There are some character traits of representatives of this sign that may indicate their belonging to the constellation Aquarius. For example, unpredictability. Even the people closest to her cannot always guess who she really is. She can lead a lifestyle that seems beyond the understanding of others. She may come up with such an unusual and revolutionary idea that it will confuse and confuse many people. The characteristics of the Aquarius woman zodiac sign suggest that she is prone to freedom and values ​​it above all else. And anyone who dares to limit this woman in any way risks immediately losing her. This deadly combination of unpredictability and freedom can make her do some of the craziest things in life.

Intellectual characteristics of an Aquarius woman

Sometimes she may seem distant, distracted and even confused, but in reality it's all an act - she's very smart.

Despite the fact that she may miss some details, the event that left a mark on the soul will certainly be reproduced in memory in the smallest detail. What else will the characteristics of the Aquarius sign say? This woman is the strongest of all signs. This is probably one of the reasons for her loneliness. She takes care of herself better than anyone else can.

Characteristics of an Aquarius woman in love

In amorous affairs, she acts as unpredictably as in any other area. She can be loyal and honest, or she can suddenly become dispassionate and distant. This allows you to remain in a purely platonic relationship for many years. Indeed, passion is not her strong point; she lacks that passion that is so important in a romantic relationship. She is in search of a partner who will be able to mentally stimulate her, honest and courageous, able to stand up for himself. She is not at all interested in material wealth, the sense of commercialism is simply unfamiliar to her.

Characteristics of an Aquarius woman. Compatibility

The freedom-loving Aquarius woman, being an air sign, gets along best with other representatives of Air, that is, Gemini and Libra. He will also find a common language with Aries and Sagittarius, representatives of the element of Fire. With Libra, an intellectual union will be especially fruitful, which can be reflected in a long, strong friendship. Aries will be an excellent partner in terms of passion. Sagittarius is seduced by the unpredictability of this woman, they sign up for adventures together. You can have long, productive conversations with Gemini, the topics for which will never be exhausted. The Aquarius woman is the calmest, provided that the people around her are sympathetic to all oddities and needs. She is full of surprises, she is an incorrigible intellectual and an adventurer.

Zodiac sign – Aquarius woman

Doesn't like haste. If this is your first time with her, then don’t even expect to end up in her bed. And the second date does not oblige her to anything at all. The Aquarius woman is not a prude, but you need to make it clear that you don't view her as a one-night stand.

The Aquarius woman is sensitive and has a strong intellect. She is mainly driven by the mind.

Communication with friends inspires her. She likes parties and society in general, gets along with people easily and is always ready to accept an invitation from someone she likes. Honest and open, she does not like and does not know how to lie. When she likes someone, she bares her soul, often very recklessly.

The Aquarius woman is a true friend, giving herself to others, sympathetically delving into people's lives. Sometimes he gives advice to those who do not need it at all.

A woman of the Aquarius zodiac sign does not object to a man's business. She will do the work of an auto mechanic, a road worker, a bricklayer, if necessary, but most often you will find her in a responsible position in some large company.

She is interested in competition; the Aquarius woman welcomes a new field of activity, accepts any new responsibility, as she is confident that she will cope with what is required of her.

Since the Aquarius woman is smart, loves to experiment, and understands what motivates people, she usually wins. She is at her best when working as a team. For this, as John D. Rockefeller once said, he would pay more for this than for any other quality.

A true philanthropist Aquarius woman very concerned about the problems of the world in which she lives. Look for her on the front lines in the battle for social justice and. you will find her defeated. Her natural ability for empathy and compassion makes her take the suffering of others to heart. At the same time, a woman of this zodiac sign does not seek recognition of love in response to her efforts. The work absorbs her so much that the Aquarius girl almost loses sight of the people for whom she does this work, even if she loves them very much.

As a rule, the zodiac sign Aquarius has strong convictions and will defend them to the end. If the project ends in failure, he will not become depressed, because he knows that one can gain just as much from defeat as from victory. A “loud” defeat is more attractive to her than a small success, because she does not refuse the opportunity to gather her strength again and try.

Although the Aquarius woman is sexy, charming, funny and imaginative, she can be stubborn. Thus, many of them are ardent adherents of the occult, and it is completely useless to try to discourage them from this. If they are confident that they know something, no arguments or even facts can sway them. Women born under the zodiac sign of Aquarius know that the truth of a “fact” is not so unshakable. Only they themselves can change their decisions (and they do, sometimes quite unexpectedly).

Because of her deep need for love and connection, the Aquarius woman finds the opposite sex very attractive. But he is looking for the perfect companion, and therefore has great difficulty in choosing. It is not surprising that she is prone to late marriage. And when he does make a choice, he often surprises his friends. (Indeed, her views on

controversial issues always shock conservatives.) The Aquarius woman is looking for a man who will make her feel like a woman. Nationality, skin color, religion do not matter to her.

The Aquarius woman loves everything beautiful, including the human body. Don't forget to compliment her on how good she looks naked. A woman of this zodiac sign needs to be appreciated.

She's neat. Right after you've finished rolling around in bed and you're feeling groggy and lazy, she'll get up and change the sheets.

An Aquarius woman can be tense and nervous when she is upset. Her other drawback is that she is too concerned with personal comfort and is wasteful. Of course, she will not agree that this is a disadvantage, considering people who devote their lives to the pursuit of money as empty or a little crazy. The only use of money is what it can buy. AND Aquarius woman