Conan Doyle works list. Arthur Conan Doyle - Conan Doyle: Works of Science Fiction

There lived a miller. He lived, lived and died,
Leaving it to his three sons
Inheriting a mill, a donkey, a cat
But only. The eldest son took the mill,
The middle one took the donkey; and they gave it to the smaller one
Kota. And he was deeply dissatisfied
Your own site. “Brothers,” he reasoned, “
Having formed, they will be without need; and I,
Having fried the cat, and eaten it, and made
From the skin I’ll make a muff, which I’ll start with later
To get our daily bread? So he's out loud
Reasoning with myself, I thought;
And the Cat, then lying on the stove,
Reasonable overhearing the reasoning,
He said to him: “Master, do not be sad;
Give me a bag and boots so I can
Walking for game in the swamp - alone
Then you will see that you are not so poor
The area is yours." Although not entirely
The owner was convinced by the cat,
But it has happened more than once to notice
To him, as this Cat skillfully led
The war against mice and rats, which
He invented tricks and how
Then, pretending to be dead, he hung on his paws
Upside down, then powdered himself with flour,
Sometimes he hid in a pipe, sometimes under a tub
He lay curled up in a ball; and therefore
And he didn’t miss the words of the Cat
Ears. And truly, when he gave
Bag the cat and dress him up
In big boots, on the neck of a cat
I put on the bag and went hunting
To a place where, he knew, a lot
There were rabbits. Pour into a bag
Crumbs, he laid it on the ground;
And he himself stretched out like a dead person nearby
And waited patiently for some innocent
Rabbit inexperienced in the science of life
Came to the bag to eat something sweet
Trash; and he did not wait long; just
A fool appeared before his sack,
A fidgety, long-eared rabbit; He
He sniffed the bag, blinked his nostrils,
Then he got into the bag; and the cat quickly
The bag was pulled together with a string and without further
He greeted the guest in his own way.
Satisfied with the victory, go to the palace
He went to the king and ordered,
So that he is reported immediately.
Ordered to bring the Cat into his office
King. Entering, he bowed at the waist;
Then he said, lowering his muzzle to the ground:
"I am a rabbit, great sir,
Brought to you by my master,
Marquis of Karabas (so he decided
Name the owner); has the honor
He is your Majesty's
Express deep respect
And he asks you to accept his gift.” -
“Tell the marquis,” answered the king, “
That I thank him and that
I'm very pleased with him." to the king
Having taken his leave, the Cat went home;
When he walked through the palace, everything
They stood in front of him and shook his paw
Him with a smile, because he
Was received in the office by the king
And alone with him (and, of course,
ABOUT government affairs) so long
Conversed; and the cat was so polite,
So courteous that everyone marveled
And they thought that they had spent their lives
He is in better society. After a little
The cat went fishing again,
He sat down in the thick rye with his sack
And there I caught two fat quails.
And he immediately brought them to the king,
As before, I took the rabbit as a gift
From his Marquis of Carabas.
The hunter was king before the quails;
He ordered to call me into the office again
Having taken the cat and quail himself,
Thank the Marquis of Carabas
He especially ordered it. And so is our cat
Three or four weeks to the king
On behalf of the Marquis of Carabas
Carried both rabbits and quails.
So he once learned that the king
Going for a walk in the field
With his daughter (and the daughter was
Beauty, what a different one in the world
No one has seen) and what they
They will go along the river bank. And he,
Hastily running to the owner,
He said to him: “When now
If you obey, you will be at once
And happy and rich; That's the whole trick.
So that you now go swimming in the river;
I know what will happen next; And you
Sit in the water and rinse yourself,
Don’t worry about anything.” Such
Advice to accept the Marquise of Karabasa
It wasn't difficult; the day was hot; He
I went to the river willingly,
He got into the water and sat in the water up to his neck.
And at this time the king was already close.
Suddenly the Cat began to shout: “Robbery! robbery!
Here, people! - “What happened?” - having arrived,
asked the king. "Marquise of Karabas
Robbed and thrown into the river;
He's drowning." Here, according to the king,
With him are former court officials
Everyone rushed to catch the marquis in the water.
And the Cat whispered in the king’s ear:
"I must tell your Majesty
That my poor marquis is completely naked;
The robbers took away all the clothes.”
(And the rogue himself hid the dress in a bush.)
The king ordered that one of the former
Removed state ministers from him
He took off his uniform and gave it to the marquis.
The minister immediately undressed behind a bush;
They dressed the Marquis in his uniform,
And the Cat introduced him to the king;
And the king received him kindly.
And since he was handsome himself,
It’s no wonder that soon
And the beautiful royal daughter
Liked it; a rich uniform
(Although he's not exactly tight
He was sitting because his belly was
The king's minister looks
He gave it an excellent - in short,
I liked the Marquis; and sit down with yourself
The king invited him into the carriage;
And our smart cat is in full swing
He started to run forward. I saw it
He is in a wide meadow of mowers,
Collecting hay. The cat shouted to them:
“The king will pass here; and if you
Don't tell him that this meadow

Into small pieces." The king, having passed,
He asked: “Who wants such a beautiful meadow?
Belongs?" - “Marquis Karabas”, -
The mowers all shouted at once
(The nimble Cat brought them into such fear).
“You have rich meadows, Marquis,” -
The king noticed. And the Marquis, humble
Having assumed the appearance, he answered: “Meadows
Fair." Meanwhile, hastily
The cat saw the forward one in the field
Reapers: they tied rye into sheaves.
“Reapers,” he said, “ours is coming close
King. He will ask you: whose rye? And if
Won't you tell him that she
Belongs to the Marquis of Karabas,
Then he will order you all to be chopped up
Into small pieces." The king has passed.
“Who owns the field here?” - He
I asked the reapers. "Marquis Karabas" -
The reapers answered him with a bow.
The king said again: “Marquis, you have
Rich fields." Marquis for that
He still answered humbly:
"Hefty ones." And the cat ran forward
And he taught everyone he met like a king
Answer them. The king was amazed
The wealth of the Marquis of Carabas.
Finally in the magnificent castle
The cat came running. There's an ogre in that castle
The Wizard lived, and the Cat already knew about him
All the ins and outs; per minute he
Figured out what to do: boldly enter the castle
When he entered, he asked the cannibal
Audiences; and the cannibal,
Having accepted it, he asked: “What need
Do you, Cat, have it in me?” On this
The cat answered: “Venerable cannibal,
There's been a rumor for a long time that it's like you
You know how to transform into anyone,
What kind of view do you have in mind? I would like to
I want to find out if such wisdom is genuine
Given to you? - "This is true; yourself, Cat,
You'll see." And instantly he appeared
A terrible lion with a thick, shaggy mane
And sharp teeth. The cat at the same time
I was so afraid that (even though I was wearing boots)
In one jump I found myself under the roof.
And the cannibal, laughing, accepted
His former appearance and asked the Cat
Go see him. Having descended from the roof, the cat
Said: “However, I would like to know
Can you, even in a small beast,
For example, turn into a mouse?” -
“I can,” the cannibal said with a grin. -
What’s so tricky about that?” And he appeared
Suddenly a little mouse. Tom's cat
And waited; he immediately: DAC! and ate the mouse.
Meanwhile, the king arrived at the castle,
I stopped and wanted to know
Whose was he? The cat, having paid off
With its owner, already waiting at the gate,
And he bowed from the waist and said:
“Would it please, sir,
Welcome to the castle at a crossroads
To the Marquis of Karabas? - “How, Marquis, -
The king asked, “And this castle is for you.”
Belongs? Frankly, I’m surprised;
And I will be pleased to visit it.”
And the king ordered his carriage
Drive up to the porch; got out of the carriage;
The marquis offered his hand to the princess;
And everyone went up the high stairs
To the chambers. There in the spacious gallery
The table was set and the afternoon snack was prepared
(To this afternoon tea the cannibal invited
Friends, but those, having learned that in the castle
The king was there, they didn’t enter and everyone went home
Let's go). And, sitting down at the luxurious table,
The king ordered the marquis to sit between him
And daughter; and began to feast.
When in the king's head
The wine began to rustle, he told the marquis
Said: “Do you want, Marquis, that your daughter
Did I give mine to you?” Such an honor
Accepted with incredible joy
Marquis. And the wedding was celebrated in an instant. Cat
Remained at court and was in rank
Produced, and in velvet appeared
On service days in boots. He quit
Catching mice, and if you caught them,
Then this is for a little
Entertain yourself and the spleen that you have made
In old age at court, in memory
ABOUT bright days dispel the past.

Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle; Arthur Ignaceus Conan Doyle; UK, Edinburgh; 05/22/1859 – 07/07/1930

Conan Doyle's books need no introduction. For many years they have been included in the classics of the detective and science fiction genres of literature. The image of Sherlock Holmes, which was created by Conan Doyle, became the basis for many modern writers. And there are countless adaptations of Conan Doyle’s works. AND we're talking about not only about books about Sherlock Holmes, but also about other books by this great English writer.

Biography of Conan Doyle

Arthur Conan Doyle was born in 1859 into the family of Irish artist Charles Altemont Doyle. He received the name Conan in honor of his father's uncle. Conan Doyle's mother was Mary Foale, who was a passionate lover of literature and instilled this love in her son. Until the age of 9, Conan studied at preparatory school Godder. Later he entered the closed Jesuit College Stonyhurst. Moreover, his education here was paid for by wealthy relatives, because due to the fact that Conan Doyle’s father suffered from alcoholism, the family of the future writer was constantly in a deplorable financial state. At Stonyhurst College, physical punishment was practiced and due to Doyle's dislike of mathematics, he was often punished. In addition, he often had to endure the Moriarty brothers, which later formed the image of the villainous mathematics professor Moriarty.

After graduating from college in 1876, Conan Doyle was forced to take over all his father’s papers, because due to drunkenness and mental problems, he was placed in a mental hospital. Under the influence of the tenant who lived in their house, he chose future profession trained as a doctor and entered the University of Edinburgh. But the passion for literature, instilled by my mother, has not gone away. Therefore, in his third year, Conan Doyle tries himself in literature. Conan Doyle's first story, "The Secret of Sasas Valley", is published in a university magazine. Doyle's second story is already published in one of the London magazines. In September 1880, he set off on a whaling ship to the Arctic waters. On the ship “Nadezhda” he works as a doctor and receives material for his next story “Captain of the Polar Star”.

In 1881, Conan Doyle received a bachelor's degree in medicine and tried his hand at medical practice. In 1882, he made another sea voyage as a doctor, but this time to the shores of Africa. In 1884 he met his first wife and was already next year they are having a wedding. In 1886, the writer completed work on the first work about Sherlock Holmes. This story was published in 1887, with illustrations by Conan's father. This literary hero is becoming very popular and becoming popular quite quickly business card writer. In an attempt to achieve recognition as the author of serious works, he writes historical novels, in which the influence is clearly visible. He writes poems and plays and they get positive reviews from critics, but the public demands a continuation of Conan Doyle's stories about Sherlock Holmes.

In 1900, Conan Doyle takes part in the Boer War as a field surgeon. Based on those events appears work of the same name Conan Doyle, which brings him closer to ruling circles, and the writer himself receives the nickname “Patriot”. In 1906, the writer's first wife died, but a year later he married Jean Leckie, with whom he had been in love for a long time. From that time on, he began to devote more and more time to protecting human rights, and it was largely thanks to his influence that the Court of Appeal was created in England.

In 1912, Conan Doyle's story " lost World”, which the author wrote against the backdrop of popularity and hostile relations with him. And although at that time the story was not received public recognition, but subsequently its influence on modern science fiction is difficult to overestimate. In 1914, with the outbreak of World War I, Conan Doyle volunteered for the front, but was not accepted into the army. Then he took up his journalistic activities with redoubled zeal, exposing German policies. In 1916, he visited the front lines to maintain the morale of soldiers, which resulted in Conan Doyle's book On Three Fronts. After the end of the war he traveled a lot. At the same time, he becomes more and more interested in spiritualism. It was precisely the issues related to the persecution of mediums that became the writer’s last effort. Almost immediately after a conversation with the British Minister of the Interior, he suffered a heart attack, from which he died in 1930.

Books by Conan Doyle on the Top books website

Conan Doyle's books are still popular to read today. Many of his works took high places in our ranking. His works are presented among. But of course, Conan Doyle’s works occupy the most significant positions among. And given the stability of interest in Conan Doyle’s books, we can assume high positions of his works in our subsequent ratings.

List of books by Arthur Conan Doyle

Series about Professor Challenger:

Cycle about Captain Sharkey:

  1. How the Governor of St. Kitts returned to his homeland
  2. How Captain Sharkey and Stephen Craddock Outsmarted Each Other
  3. How Copley Banks finished off Captain Sharkey
  4. Captain Sharkey's mistake

Cycle about Brigadier Gerard:


  1. Brigadier Gerard
  2. Diamond tiara. Evening with Mr Sherlock
  3. Waterloo
  4. Jane Annie, or the Prize for Good Conduct
  5. Variegated ribbon
  6. Sherlock Holmes.
  1. 1. Study in crimson tones
  2. 2. Sign of four
  3. 3. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes:
  4. Scandal in Bohemia
  5. Union of redheads
  6. Identification
  7. Boscombe Valley Mystery
  8. Five orange seeds
  9. Man with a split lip
  10. Blue carbuncle
  11. Variegated ribbon
  12. Engineer's finger
  13. Noble Bachelor
  14. Beryl tiara
  15. Copper beeches