When to register for school preparation. Preparatory courses for first-graders: to attend or not

For parents of children 6-7 years old, among other pressing issues, how to enroll their child in first grade stands out. The picture paints images of long queues and scandals at the doors of educational institutions that characterized the school enrollment process just a few years ago. However, technology, gradually covering all spheres of life, has significantly simplified this process. We are talking about the federal portal of State Services. Let’s try to figure out what is necessary and how to enroll a child in school through State Services below.

Deadlines for submitting documents

The period for registering all documents necessary for admission to school varies for certain categories of families.

  • Preferential categories.

This includes children with disabilities who want to study on an equal basis with other children in educational institutions where an environment for inclusive education has been created; children from large families, children of military personnel (contract or permanent service - does not matter); children of police officers who died or were injured in the line of duty or who retired for this reason, as well as those police officers who were injured under the same circumstances that caused their death; children of internal affairs officers, except police officers.

In some schools, children whose brothers or sisters are already studying at the chosen educational institution are eligible for preferential application.

  • Children belonging to the selected educational institution by registration. Such families have the right to submit documents after January 20 and until the end of July.

During this period, schools determine the circle of “their own” in terms of the territorial affiliation of the children.

If families registered on the territory of the educational institution do not meet this deadline, then their children will be enrolled in school on a common basis, along with those who live in other areas of the locality.

  • Children living in areas that are not assigned to the chosen educational institution.

This category of applicants has the shortest application deadline. From the beginning of July to September 5. And even if the specified time range is met, a child from another district is enrolled in the school only if there are still free places and there is not 100% occupancy of children from the two above categories.

Important! The educational institution has the legally enshrined right to refuse to accept applications from those citizens who arrived later than the designated deadlines.

Features of working with the State Services portal

Before moving on to the step-by-step instructions for submitting documents for admission to school, it is worth knowing a few nuances:

Important! Only users registered on the State Services portal can submit an application.

How to enroll your child in school through State Services - step-by-step instructions

Step 1: You need to log into your personal account.

It is important to correctly set the region when registering, logging into your personal account and subsequent work. Since the available list of educational institutions and the correctness of work depend on this.

You can clearly see in the pictures where the region is reflected.

An example of a reflection of the Moscow region

What does the portal page for Khabarovsk look like?

Just below the region the inscription “Personal account” is displayed, when you click on it, a window will open for creating a login and password. You can use your mobile phone number as the first one.

Step 2: Selecting a service from the catalog

After entering the data correctly, the system displays the most popular services. If “Registration for an educational institution” is not displayed on the main page, then you need to click on the full catalog of services and select the “Education” block.

The screen will display the option to select an enrollment in an institution of additional education or a general profile. You should select “Enrollment in a general education institution.”

Worth knowing! The choice of institutional options may vary depending on the region, but the choice of a general education institution is present everywhere.

As a result of this action, the service card will open; you need to click on the bright blue “Get service” button.

Step 3: Formation of the application form

In the service receipt window, you must create a draft application.

The first stage of its preparation is the choice of the nature of the service. It could be:

  • Initial enrollment in first grade;
  • Admission to study throughout the year.

The parent of a future first-grader must select “Initial enrollment,” then click “Next.”

Step 4: Entering parent’s personal information

In addition to information about the last name, first name and patronymic of one of the parents, it is required to fill in the fields about the date of birth, SNILS number, information on an identity document, and also reflect the address of the place of registration.

Some of the data will be loaded automatically from those that were already entered into the database earlier when registering in your personal account.

It is worth paying attention to those fields that are marked with an asterisk. They are required to be filled out.

After entering all the necessary information, click “Next” and you will be taken to the next stage.

Step 5: Entering information about the child.

All the main fields here are mandatory and must be filled out in strict accordance with the birth certificate, the details of which must also be entered in the “Child’s identification document details” block.

Here, as in the parent unit, you will need to enter information about the place of registration of the future student.

After entering all the information, click on the “Next” button again.

Step 6: Choosing a school.

In the window that opens, there is initially only one field, which is filled in by selecting the required educational institution from the drop-down list.

Set the required requirements and click the “Proceed to Submit Application” button.

Step 7: Final data check and receipt of application number

The completed application template will appear on the screen. At this stage, all entered data must be verified. If you find errors or inaccuracies, you should use the “Back” button, which will allow you to return to previous windows and correct the entered information.

If everything is entered into the system without errors, then click “Submit Application”.

After this, information about the application number will appear on the screen, which will be used to track work with the application in the future.

The second important field that is worth paying attention to is “Status”. At the time of submitting the application, it will say “Queued for processing,” and then the status will change as the application is processed. As soon as the application is delivered to the electronic resource of the regional department, the field will change its content to “Accepted by the department.”

Video instructions for registering for school through State Services:

The final stage, which no longer directly concerns the State Services portal, is the provision of all documents directly to the selected institution. Such documents include:

  1. Passports or other identification documents of the mother and/or father;
  2. Birth certificate of the future student;
  3. Medical card;
  4. Conclusion about the child’s psychological readiness to study;
  5. Completed application form.

By analogy with enrolling a child in first grade, you can fill out an application to transfer the child to another school, the nature of the data entered will be similar, the main thing is to select the correct type of service in step 3.

So, knowing a simple algorithm for enrolling a child in school through State Services will allow parents to save their time and, what is perhaps much more pleasant, nerves. It is important to remember that the instructions described above are an average option; the nature and order of filling out data on regional portals may have minor deviations in the interface, layout of fields, etc. The parent’s task is to be careful when entering personal data, theirs and their child’s, to exclude the formation of applications with errors.

Correct and timely submission of an application is a guarantee that the child will begin studying at the chosen school or lyceum!

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For every parent, a very important life stage is the entry of his child into school. But, as a rule, before this, the child is sent to preparatory courses so that he has the minimum required set of knowledge for a first-grader.

Every year, the requirements for preschoolers entering first grade are becoming more stringent.

How to start?

In accordance with Russian legislation, a child cannot be sent to first grade if he has not reached the age of 6.5 years on September 1. The upper age limit for a first grader is 8 years.

If parents want to send their child to a general education institution at a younger or older age, then permission from the commission of the educational system at the place of registration is required.

Since in the modern world, every person is highly employed, therefore, in order to register a preschooler in the queue for courses, the law provides a fairly long period of time. Submission of an application for enrollment in the preparatory group at school begins on December 1 of the current year, and admission ends in September of the next year.

Those citizens who want to send their child to training at a location other than their place of registration should explore alternatives more carefully. The educational institution first of all accepts preschoolers with registration, and only after that the remaining places are distributed among those interested.

Highlights of the recording

Some parents don't even consider the option of pre-preparing their child. And this is very important for his future adaptation. The modern educational system places fairly high demands on the knowledge of a future first-grader. Therefore, mothers and fathers must ensure that their child has the necessary set of skills.

Important: No general education organization has the right to refuse to admit a preschooler to first grade if there is no preparation. But it should be borne in mind that without it it will be more difficult for the child to master the basic knowledge of school.

The need to enroll a child in preparatory courses is assessed based on the qualities of the child himself:

  • how quickly he gets used to new conditions;
  • readiness to become familiar with school rules, procedures, teachers and classmates;
  • obtaining basic knowledge, which is very important for future performance and self-confidence.

In recent years, the state has taken over some of the responsibilities of preschool children by providing citizens with much-needed government services. One of them is to register the child for preparation at the kindergarten address.

The selection of preparatory lessons can also be done at your place of residence or if there are free places. It is advisable to do this between April and September, since the courses themselves begin in October.

Some educational organizations begin preparing future first-graders in January, so you should check the start dates in advance.

As a rule, a preschooler receives most of the necessary knowledge in kindergarten. But preparatory courses are really necessary when:

  • the baby did not attend kindergarten;
  • parents doubt that their child has a full set of knowledge for school (some children in kindergarten do not always have time to learn all the information);
  • the baby was diagnosed for readiness for the first grade and, based on the results of the procedure, it turned out that he should take an additional course of classes;
  • It is difficult for a child to learn new information for various reasons (low concentration, small memory capacity, difficulty remembering and retelling, etc.);
  • the child does not speak well enough;
  • it is difficult for the baby to communicate with new people;
  • he has psychological trauma and is in a stressful state;
  • the child has diseases of the nervous system.

It is important to know: Only the child’s parents can correctly assess their child’s condition for readiness for school; diagnostics only help them make this or that choice.

Diagnosis of readiness for school should be carried out in advance, about a year before the first grade. In this case, mom, dad and child will have enough time to make up for the lack of existing knowledge.

Registration for school: in the standard way and via the Internet

By July 10, the management of all secondary schools must have a ready list of children for admission to the first grade who have received places by registration. After this, the school will consider applications from other applicants.

The list is compiled by September 5, so parents must provide the following documents to the school by this date:

  • child's birth certificate;
  • passport of one of the parents or official guardian;
  • baby's SNILS;
  • a certificate indicating the child’s place of registration (not always required).

You can also register your preschool child for school via the Internet. This is a very convenient procedure that allows you to avoid confusion and queues. All interested citizens can use it, and each applicant can track the status of their application online.

Parents will be notified of the refusal or acceptance of the baby via an email sent to the previously specified email address. The period for reviewing the application and drawing up a return letter takes 30 days from the date of submission of the application to the State Services.

Step-by-step instruction

To gain access to the full range of portal services, you must first register and log in by entering information from your personal documents.

  1. In the list of services you need to click on “Registration for 1st grade”.
  2. In the form provided, enter all the necessary information about the baby (full name, birth certificate number, date of birth and addresses of actual residence and registration).
  3. In the menu displayed, you need to select 3 educational institutions (minimum) in order of priority.
  4. When specifying the second and third additional schools, a reason must be given why the child will be comfortable studying there. The child will be assigned to the main institution in any case, but to the additional institution in the order of priority.

Within a month, the management of the main educational institution at the place of registration must contact parents with a proposal to prepare and submit a package of documentation for the enrollment of their child in 1st grade.

If necessary, you can wait for distribution to other specified institutions, but in this case you will need to wait until the end of August. In no case should you risk the baby’s future, so mom or dad should regularly find out about the availability of places in the institution where they want to send their preschooler to receive secondary education.

Your baby will become a first-grader in a year. Should I take him to school for preparation? How much does it cost and what do they teach there?

When I realized that my daughter would start school next fall, it was May. We had another whole year ahead of us in kindergarten. In a good speech therapy center, where in the preparatory group they really worked with the children. But I still decided to enroll my child in preparatory classes at school.

It is important for a little person to get used to a new educational institution, to new children who will soon become his classmates, to classes in a real classroom with a large blackboard.

Attempt No. 1
We live across the street from a school with in-depth study of the English language, and we are assigned to it. In the area it is considered prestigious - and expensive. Public school education has long cost money, and a lot of it. No matter how hard officials try, it is impossible to convince parents that our education is free. Parents know: the school will still collect money, not from the teachers and the principal, but from the parent committee. And they will collect for everything - from holiday gifts to new curtains. At each school, collectors have different appetites. Somewhere they chip in 2,000 rubles a couple of times a year, somewhere 15,000-20,000 and almost every month. According to rumors, there was a big competition for parents at the school to which we were registered. Who, what and in what quantity can donate to an educational institution in order for a child who does not live in the school district to be enrolled in the first grade. We did not participate in this competition, since by law we were required to be accepted, which I informed the school secretary about when I called to register my child for preparation. “We don’t have any preparation,” the secretary answered sourly. “We invite future first-graders to a meeting with the head teacher in October, and you will bring documents for enrollment in the spring.”

Let's get to know each other better?
A meeting with the head teacher is a good cover for an interview with a child, which the school does not have the right to conduct. But we still went to meet each other, and there they asked my daughter to count and read. Moreover, the head teacher sat with such an air as if I had accidentally gotten an audience with a member of the royal family and - what a fool! - For some reason, she didn’t curtsy, didn’t kiss her hand, not to mention falling on her face. “Well, we’ll take your girl, you’re registered with us,” the royal hissed at the end of the audience, and I, twice a fool, did not throw myself at her feet from such stunning news. On the contrary, I realized that it would be bad for my child here. Here no one will teach her, much less love, pity, or help. But this is how schools should treat at least first-graders, this is my firm personal conviction. So I am very glad that we did not go to this school, despite its obvious advantages - a new, beautiful and comfortable building, excellent equipment, proximity to home.

The preparatory group is your chance to get to know the school better and understand whether your child should study here at all. If there is no training at school, try to communicate with the future teacher, because you will have to entrust your most precious things to this person. Be prepared for your opinion of the school to change.

Attempt No. 2
When the school we were assigned to didn’t have preparatory courses, I started thinking. There was a temptation to give up on this preparation, just wait until spring and take the documents for admission to first grade. Fortunately, I didn’t do this, but decided to take my child to courses at another school. I talked to mothers in kindergarten, in the yard, asked around on a forum on the Internet, in short, in May I managed to make inquiries and choose the best educational institution within a 20-minute walk from home.

Having called there, I found out that registration for the preparatory courses will begin on September 15. By the way, in some schools this happens a month earlier, and even in the spring. Classes are paid, and each educational institution determines the cost itself. Somewhere 750 rubles, and somewhere 6000 rubles. We paid 3000 a month. Everyone is usually accepted for training; there are no tests or competitions. Children studied three times a week, from 16.00 to 18.00 (three lessons of 30 minutes plus breaks). Reading, speech development, drawing, mathematics, English twice a week. I know that many people think that a foreign language is not needed for children. My daughter was interested in these lessons; at home she happily named colors and toys in English.

In total, the school took three preparatory groups of 15 children. The administration promised that all of them would be enrolled in first grade, and that’s what happened. Children belonging to the school by registration were also accepted. There were no more empty seats, so we were lucky.

If you have chosen a school where the number of people wishing to enroll is much greater than the number of places in the first class, it is worth going to preparatory courses. This is not a 100% guarantee, but other things being equal, the administration will choose a child (and parents) it already knows.

After spending a year preparing for this school, we realized that we didn’t want to go to any other. Even if she is not close to home, even if she has an old building. But there is a calm atmosphere here, friendly teachers who know how to interest a child in learning. My daughter went to first grade without fear. On the contrary, I was happy - I was looking forward to meeting my friends. And I think this is the main benefit of preparatory courses. You can teach your child to read and write at home.

Anastasia Nikolaeva

The end of summer is a time of worries and troubles. Parents need to get their child ready for school without forgetting a single detail. The Moscow government has somewhat facilitated this process by including another section on the city website. Now, with its help, you can choose a suitable school and enroll your future first-grader in it without leaving home.

In this article we will look at:

  • Who can use this service;
  • What is the cost of the service;
  • How to write and submit an application through.

For whom is access to the electronic service available?

For parents or guardians of children. In this case, two conditions must be met:

  1. The child is registered in the capital;
  2. The child must be at least six and a half years old before the start of the school year.

If your children attend special preschool institutions at schools, they will be enrolled in them. To do this, you will need to personally write an application addressed to the manager.

What is the procedure for registering on the site?

Let’s look step by step at what parents of future first-graders should do:

  1. Register on the mos.ru portal;
  2. Among the sections in the left column, select “Education, studies”;
  3. Among the windows that open, open “School Registration”;
  4. Select the first line – “Enroll in 1st grade”;
  5. Let's get acquainted with the information provided;
  6. Click on the blue “Get service” button;
  7. Fill out the application;
  8. We check and send.

How to fill out an application

Let's fill out the main parts of the application together.

  1. Information about the child

Here we indicate the full name, gender, date of birth, series and number of the birth certificate, SNILS, registration information in Moscow, address.

  1. School

Based on the previously entered information, the system will provide you with a list of suitable institutions. At this stage, you are allowed to select up to three schools.

  1. Parent/Guardian Information

We indicate the full name, relationship with the child (father, mother, guardian) and contacts (telephone and mail). We check the box to select the method of notification of the results of the application review - by mail or SMS.

  1. Submitting an application.

What is the processing time for an application?

The school enrollment service provides a period during which the application is processed - no more than a month.

Where are submitted applications stored?

If desired, you can return to previously completed and submitted applications. To do this, go to your personal account, section “Services, Notification Center”.

Is there an electronic queue for 1st grade?

No, there is no waiting list for admission to 1st grade.

Parents can be completely confident that their child will be admitted to one of the schools of their choice.

Are there any special features for enrolling in grades 2-11?

The algorithm for writing to other classes does not differ from that described above. You only need to indicate the class number at the second stage.

The difference is that when transferring to another school, the processing time for the application is reduced to five days.

There seems to be plenty of time until the next school year. And you can think about choosing a school for your almost first-grader later. Alas, no. Registration begins in winter, and it would be good to at least decide on a school. And prepare in advance for the list of documents that are needed for admission.

How to prepare your child and yourself for going to first grade

1. When to send your child to school

Children are admitted to school from 6.5, but not later than 8 years(as written in the Law “On Education”). The school administration can accommodate parents and enroll a first-grader under this age. To do this, you need to submit an application for training on an individual basis plus permission from a psychologist.

2. When and how to submit documents

In municipal schools We accept applications from February 1. Until July 1, the list of applicants includes children who live in the area assigned to the school. After this, documents are accepted from everyone.

Children assigned to a particular school may be rejected only due to a lack of available places. But if this suddenly happens, parents can contact the Department of Education to help enroll their child in another school. If your registration does not give you the right to enroll in a school in the first place, then it is better to find out in advance whether there will be places later and how many. For example, I was convinced from my own experience that without registration you may not get into the school you want - there were catastrophically few free places. On the very first day, the acceptance of documents was closed and the school administration refused everyone. And we urgently had to look for another one.

Those who have “registration at the place of residence”, or temporary registration, should not worry. This certainly won’t stop you from enrolling your child in school.

Registration through “State Services”

Documents have been accepted electronically since December 15, but in some cities the “admission campaign” is divided into several stages.

From December 15 Applications are accepted for children of police officers or military personnel. From January 20 register children according to their registration, and from July 1- everyone else. The application is filled out in your personal account, copies of documents are attached to it (the list is published there). Applications can be submitted to a maximum of three schools. The school sends an invitation to your personal account, and the child’s enrollment is issued seven working days after the documents are received in person.

3. What documents are needed for registration?

  • Application for admission to the school, which is filled out on site.
  • Child's birth certificate (copy and original).
  • An identification document of the applicant to establish the fact of family relations and the powers of the legal representative (in other words, the parent’s passport).
  • Certificate of registration of the child at the place of residence or place of stay (copy and original).
  • Medical insurance policy (copy and original).
  • Medical card and vaccination certificate.
  • Two 3x4 color photographs.

The first four items from this list are required when submitting an application. The rest must be provided when ready, but no later than August 30.

The most difficult thing on this entire list (unless, of course, all the documents are irretrievably lost and do not need to be urgently restored) is processing a medical card. If the child goes to a municipal kindergarten, the task is simplified. Usually in kindergartens in April-May there are visiting medical commissions that examine children on the spot and fill out everything they need. All you have to do is get the card certified by the local pediatrician and the head physician of the clinic.

Or you will have to apply for a card yourself. This can be done at the children's clinic at your place of registration or at any private clinic.

Clinic at the place of registration

It's free, but expensive and time-consuming. You need to get referrals from your pediatrician to all specialists and make an appointment. In this case, it may turn out that everything is planned for several months in advance. After that, go through all the doctors and put marks on the card, and then go through the pediatrician again. In general, for this adventure you need to be patient and it is best to start early to avoid.

Private clinic

To save time (but not money), you can undergo such a commission in a private clinic. They will do everything to ensure that you complete this procedure as quickly as possible. But there are downsides here too. For example, hospital management, referring to various orders of the ministry, can expand the list of specialists and procedures.

For example, in order to get a medical card for school for my eldest son, I had to additionally see a psychiatrist, and also have an ultrasound of the heart, scrotum and gastrointestinal tract. Without this, they didn’t want to give us a finished card. As a result, a couple more extra thousand rubles were spent, but now I am completely sure that everything is fine with my child’s health. Everywhere.

Child vaccination certificate

If you missed some scheduled vaccinations, it is better to do them when you register your card or create an individual schedule of vaccinations with an immunologist and give it to the health worker at school. Well, if you are against vaccinations, a refusal is pasted into the card.

4. By what principles can you choose a school?

Primary school teacher

Some parents do not even choose a school, but rather a teacher, in which class they would like to enroll their child. In elementary school, a child learns from one teacher, and it is on this person that future interest in learning depends. Talk to the teacher: ask what kind of workload he usually gives in first grade, find out about the program the children will be studying, and figure it out in advance. For example, if the teacher is very active, then it will be difficult for a slow child to learn in his class. And vice versa: a hyperactive student in the lessons of a leisurely teacher will quickly get bored.

One of the largest and most important ratings is produced by the Moscow Center for Continuing Mathematical Education - Separately for Moscow - 292 schools. When compiling ratings, formal criteria are taken into account. The results of the OGE, the number of winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, participation in the All-Russian testing work. But if a school is in the top 25 year after year, that definitely says something. There is also a rating of RAEX schools.

Reviews from parents of schoolchildren and graduates

You definitely need to “be behind enemy lines” - collect as much information as possible about the educational institution. The principle here is good - the more sources, the better. Read reviews from parents of students who are already studying (or have studied) at this school. And preferably not on its official website (there is unlikely to be anything bad there). Word of mouth also still works: find friends or acquaintances whose children are studying with them.

Location and school from inside

For working parents who cannot drop off and pick up their child from school, walking distance is a priority so that the child can easily get home after school. Be sure to go to the Open Day. Some schools hold them in the fall, others in the winter. This needs to be found out at every school.

An open day is a great opportunity to look around at (and around) the school. Go to the cafeteria and find out what they feed the children. In the toilet, check if there is toilet paper and soap. And does the door close? Is there a roadway near the school and how safe is the traffic? Take a walk around the school after school ends. Try to evaluate from all sides the place where your child will spend most of his time for 11 years.

5. How to prepare for a school interview (or test)

We hope you have decided on the main question. Now you need to find out whether the school will have an interview or test. The standard school interview is most often conducted in late winter or early spring. This is essentially an introduction between the teacher and the future student and an assessment of his overall level of development. It lasts 20-30 minutes in the presence of one of the parents. No grade is given based on the interview results (no matter how many correct answers the child gives).