Inhabitants of lost worlds. Relic hominid

40 years ago, in the works of the famous ufologist F.Yu. Siegel had an amazing idea that life was brought to Earth in the form of information forms-holograms that influenced certain direction on earthly evolution. This amazing hypothesis gave new impetus to cryptobiology (from the Greek “cryptos” - hidden).

The Birth of Cryptobiology

This branch of biology deals with the search mythical creatures, found in unconfirmed expedition reports, urban legends and other unconventional sources of information.
The task of cryptobiology is to extract rational grains from myths and legends and, having deciphered them, transfer the objects either to the field of zoology and botany, or leave them to mythology. This data is especially important for biology if the “traces” of creatures are preserved only in myths. Cryptobiology is a border science, at the intersection of different disciplines. It is still difficult to outline the entire scope of its activities, but it is possible to outline the main directions.

Cryptaleontology - one of the areas of cryptobiology - often uses scientific data indicating that many living beings could easily withstand an evolutionary marathon of hundreds of millions of years and survive to this day. In fact, our world is full of living fossils such as insects, amphibians and some fish.

IN Lately cryptozoologists unexpectedly received powerful theoretical support from evolutionary geneticists who started talking seriously about a “parallel biosphere”, unusual species mutagenesis and the presence of real “space aliens” among us.

Lost Worlds

Interest in the mysterious “antediluvian” animals and plants that have survived to this day arose at the beginning of the last century and was largely associated with the appearance of such scientific and fiction books as “Journey to the Center of the Earth” by Jules Verne, “The Lost World” by Arthur Conan Doyle, “Plutonia” and “Sannikov Land” by Vladimir Obruchev.

The basis for these first “cryptobiological” works was expeditions to hard-to-reach areas South America, Africa, Central and South-East Asia. For example, the plot of The Lost World was suggested to Conan Doyle by his friend Major Fossett, who traveled a lot in the upper reaches of the Amazon. There, his expedition met many amazing animals and plants - a 19-meter anaconda, a giant black jaguar and “forest people” living like in the Stone Age.

The prototype of the “lost world” itself was the Roraima plateau at the junction of Brazil, Venezuela and Guyana. The flora and fauna of this inaccessible place in the ocean of the jungle caused a lot of controversy, until the first expeditions of mountain biologists and cartographers got there in the middle of the last century. Unique varieties of plants and small animals were indeed found on the plateau, but there were no dinosaurs there, nor were there any troglodytes.

In 1982, the famous French zoologist of Belgian origin Bernard Euvelmans organized a meeting of cryptobiology lovers. At this representative forum of professional scientists and enthusiasts of searching for unknown animals, it was decided to create the International Society of Cryptozoology. Since then, the headquarters of this organization has been located in the USA, under the auspices of the Smithsonian Institution and American Museum natural sciences.

Jurassic artifacts

Under the influence of cryptobiology, a whole trend in literature (especially science fiction) appeared. Let us at least recall the very sensational art books"Memories of the Future", "Jaws", "King Kong", "The Legend of Dinosaurs", "Jurassic Park".

The outstanding writer and paleontologist Ivan Efremov created in his novel “On the Edge of the Oikumene” an unforgettable image of the fossil African monster Gishu - a cross between a hyena and a lion. Even more unusual is the writer’s reconstruction of the ominous legend about the extremely dangerous worm-like creature Olgoy-Khorkhoi.

This legendary creature, somewhat reminiscent of a fat headless worm, supposedly lives in the deserted deserts of Mongolia and kills its victims with a powerful electrical discharge.

Efremov himself spoke about this “cryptozoological phenomenon” as follows: “During his travels around Mongolian desert Gobi I met many people who told me about a terrible worm that lives in the most inaccessible, waterless and sandy corners of the Gobi desert. This is a legend, but it is so widespread among the Gobi that in the most diverse areas the mysterious worm is described everywhere in the same way and with great detail: one must think that there is truth at the heart of the legend. Apparently, in fact, in the Gobi Desert there lives a strange creature still unknown to science, perhaps a relic of the ancient, extinct population of the Earth.”

However, it must be admitted that neither the electric worm, nor the sea serpent, nor even the plesiosaur Nessie from the Scottish lake of the same name can compare in popularity with the relict hominid, known to everyone simply as Bigfoot.

Relic hominid

In our country, back in the 1950s, a commission on relict hominids was formed under the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences, chaired by SV. Obruchev. Later, the baton of searching for Bigfoot was taken up by the Moscow seminar on relict hominids at the Darwin Museum, created through the efforts of Professor B.F. Porshneva. There is also the All-Russian Society of Cryptozoologists, which, together with the Society for the Study of Secrets and Mysteries of the Earth, holds regular meetings and annual symposiums that attract media attention. Unfortunately, in these organizations there are many enthusiasts, but few people of science, especially cryptozoologists.

The very first information about relict hominids in Russia has reached us since the Middle Ages. This is a description of the secretary of the Arab embassy, ​​Ahmed ibn Fadlan mysterious creatures tall covered with wool and wrapped in skins. These strange aborigines were found at that time in the forests of Mordovia and Chuvashia.

Currently, there has been a qualitative leap in the methods of searching and researching hominids and other mysterious creatures, associated with the widespread distribution mobile phones with built-in cameras. Now instead of traditional oral histories, often reminiscent of ordinary urban legends, eyewitnesses of something unusual can provide high-quality photographs or even “mobile videos”.

Interestingly, so far this has had the opposite effect. Thus, although traditional reconstruction drawings have almost completely disappeared from the media, their place has not been taken by reliable “videomobile” materials. Skeptics believe that this fact last decades says a lot.

It should be noted that today, at the intersection of cryptozoology and folkloristics, a very interesting situation has arisen with a kind of “fairytale” science - demonology (from the word “demon”). By analyzing ancient texts and legends of different peoples, researchers are trying to find out whether they were based on real characters. For example, from some works it follows that legends about goblin, brownies, mermaids and mermen may be based on facts of encounters with real creatures. These can be relict hominids, unusual mutants, and in general “products” of the shadow biosphere.

Thus, from legends and myths one can glean detailed information about the appearance of humanoid creatures. These issues are addressed by hominology, a branch of primatology that studies the line between zoology and anthropology. This also includes infernology - a unique discipline for the study of all kinds of spirits, ghouls, werewolves and other “evil spirits”.

So what lies behind the Bigfoot phenomenon? If such creatures are not relict monkeys, but facts are known when the yeti knew and consciously used a certain minimum of our vocabulary, then who are they?

Today, the most popular hypotheses about the nature of the Bigfoot phenomenon are: these are Neanderthals who have survived to this day (and perhaps even more ancient hominids), the product of some unusual mutations, abnormal interspecific crossing, or a side branch of panspermia.

Demons of teratology

Cryptobiology can also border on very unusual areas of “non-academic research”. A striking example is cryptoteratology - the science of extraordinary physiological anomalies of animals. Cryptoteratologists study legends of basilisks, griffins and centaurs, comparing them with genetic anomalies of two-headed calves and birds, two-tailed lizards and humpback fish. Often cryptoteratological myths are based on the unusual coloring of creatures. For example, occasionally there are pigmentless individuals: albinos or, conversely, dark to black - melanists.


Radiation cryptoteratology is also developing, which has received an extensive field of activity in Chernobyl zone alienation.

Cryptobotany, which studies plants unknown to science - cryptids, has also brought a lot of new things to cryptobiology. A unique symbol of cryptobotany can be the famous fern flower, which supposedly blooms over treasures on the night of Ivan Kupala. Besides, in folk tales You can find such legendary plants as gap-grass and Tatar ram, or Scythian lamb. At the same time, the search for plant artifacts is complicated by the fact that many plants carry popular names found in myths, legends and traditions.

Sometimes cryptobiologists also participate in conferences organized by eniologists and ufologists who study psychic healing, dowsing, unidentified flying objects, poltergeists, telekinesis and clairvoyance.


More long arms, short neck length and massive lower jaw, relatively short hips, with thick hair throughout the body - black, red, white or gray. Persons dark color. The hair on the head is longer than on the body. The mustache and beard are very sparse and short. They climb trees well. It has been suggested that mountain populations of Bigfoot people live in caves, while forest populations build nests on tree branches. Carl Linnaeus designated it as Homo troglodytes(cave man). "Eyewitnesses" [ ] described encounters with specimens of varying heights, from average human height to 3 m or more.

Bigfoot drawing.

Ideas about Bigfoot and its various local analogues are very interesting from the point of view of ethnography. The image of a huge scary person may reflect innate fears of darkness, the unknown, relationships with mystical forces among different peoples. It is quite possible that in some cases snow people people with unnatural hair or feral people were accepted.


Most modern scientists are skeptical about the possibility of the existence of Bigfoot.

At least, I don’t know any laws of nature that would directly prohibit existence in the mountains Central Asia relict hominoid - “ape-man”, or simply large ape. It must be assumed that, contrary to its name, it is not connected in any way with the eternal snows (except for the fact that it sometimes leaves traces there), but should live in the belt of mountain forests, where there is ample food and shelter. It is clear that any reports about North American “bigfoot” can be thrown out with a clear conscience without reading (for there are no primate species on that continent and never have been, and in order to get there from Asia through circumpolar Beringia, as people did, you must at least have fire), but in the Himalayas or the Pamirs - why not? There are even quite plausible candidates for this role, for example, Meganthropus - a very large (about two meters tall) fossil ape from South Asia, which had a number of “human” features that bring it closer to the African Australopithecus, the direct ancestors of hominids […]

So, do I admit (as a professional zoologist) the fundamental possibility of the existence of a relict hominoid? - answer: “Yes.” Do I believe in his existence? - answer: “No.” And since we are talking here not about “I know/don’t know”, but about “I believe/don’t believe”, I will allow myself to express a completely subjective judgment on this matter, based personal experience: […] where a professional has once set foot, not a single animal larger than a rat has a single chance of remaining “unknown to science.” Well, since by the end of the twentieth century there were almost no places left where a professional would not have set foot at all (at least on land) - draw your own conclusions...

Currently, there is not a single representative of the species living in captivity, nor a single skeleton or skin. However, there are allegedly hairs, footprints and several dozen photographs, video recordings (poor quality) and audio recordings. The reliability of this evidence is questionable. For a long time One of the most convincing pieces of evidence was a short film made by Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin in 1967 in Northern California. The film allegedly showed a female Bigfoot. However, in 2002, after the death of Ray Wallace, for whom this filming was made, evidence appeared from his relatives and acquaintances, who said (however, without presenting any material evidence) that the whole story with the “American Yeti” was from beginning to end. the end is rigged; The forty-centimeter “footprints of the Yeti” were made with artificial forms, and the filming was a staged episode with a man in a specially tailored monkey suit.

However, it should be noted that Patterson’s film aroused genuine interest among researchers from the National Geographic Channel. In the section “Reality or Fiction” (broadcast in December 2010), an attempt was made to study and examine Patterson’s film from the point of view of the possibility of its falsification. Experienced make-up artists, a tall actor imitating a gait, special effects specialists and scientists were brought in as experts. The appearance of the creature in the film, its fur adjacent to the muscles, the proportions of the limbs, the dynamics of movement were assessed, the shooting distance was taken into account, etc. As a result, according to the unanimous opinion of the experts involved, even at modern level development of the media industry and video effects, not to mention the level of 1967, it is almost impossible to achieve such a degree of realism in the plot of Bigfoot [ ] .

On the Discovery Channel, the series Best Evidence (episode "Bigfoot", 2007) gives a more balanced and critical, scientific look at the problem of the existence of Bigfoot. The basic elements of “Patti’s” gait were reproduced in laboratory conditions and experts were inclined to believe that this was a person in a suit.

On the other hand, from enthusiasts of this topic one can hear accusations against “official science” that its representatives simply brush aside the available evidence. Here is a typical text of this kind:

In fact, those who say “there is no reason” simply do not even want to get acquainted with what has been “dug up” by enthusiastic researchers. “We hear countless examples of this in history.” I will give only two. When the Canadian Rene Dahinden at the end of 1971 brought us a copy of the film shot by Patterson in 1967, I personally once approached the then director of the Institute of Anthropology of Moscow State University V.P. Yakimov and offered to show the film to him and the staff of the institute, he literally put his hands forward, like would recoil from the proposal and say; "No! No need!" But this did not stop him from declaring that there was no reason...
And when on international symposium, at which he (Yakimov) presided, Professor Astanin went to the podium to present to those present the materials of an anatomical study of the hand of the Yeti from the Pangboche monastery (Tibet), Yakimov did not let him speak and drove him from the podium in violation of the democratic traditions of such forums - to the protests of the participants … As a result, some of them left the symposium meeting.
And a recent example: when I came from the USA after a five-week “investigation” of the events at the Carter farm in the fall of 2004, where, according to the owner, a clan of Bigfoot lived, and I offered to speak and talk about the results in the anthropology department of the Institute of Ethnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, its head. S. Vasiliev declined under the pretext of being busy with other issues.
At the same time, when there was a noise in the press about the existence of a “bigfoot” in the Shoria mountains (south of the Kemerovo region), the same Vasiliev stated without hesitation: “Alas, we do not have data on the existence of humanoids anywhere in the world"…
I. D. Burtsev, Ph.D. ist. Sciences, Director International Center Hominology, Moscow.

The Soviet scientist B.F. Porshnev paid much attention to the topic of Bigfoot.

Genetic research

In 2013, a report by Oxford University genetics professor Brian Sykes was published. According to analyzes of two hair samples - from the western region of the Himalayas and from Bhutan - it turned out that the DNA samples are completely identical to the DNA of an ancient polar bear, which existed more than 40 thousand years ago and was closely related to the brown bear.

In 2014, another study was published in which 36 specimens of putative Bigfoot were sequenced. 34 samples belonged to well-known animals (cows, horses, raccoons, people, deer, wolves, Malayan tapir), two samples from Ladakh and Bhutan turned out to be closest to the subspecies that became extinct 40 thousand years ago polar bear (Ursus maritimus) .

Commission of the Academy of Sciences to study the issue of “Bigfoot”

Society of Cryptozoologists


Yeti on a postage stamp of Kyrgyzstan. 2016

Russian biologist Vladimir Vitaliev suggested in 2004 that yetis are feral oligophrenics.

Opponents of the version of the existence of Bigfoot, which include most professional biologists and anthropologists [ ], indicate the lack of unambiguous evidence (living individuals or their remains, high-quality photographs and video recordings) and the possibility of arbitrary interpretation of the available evidence. There are frequent references to a well-known biological fact: the long-term existence of a population requires a minimum size of the order of hundreds of individuals, the vital activity of which, according to critics, simply cannot be invisible and not leave numerous traces. The explanations put forward for the evidence generally boil down to the following set of versions: the Pamirs the most dangerous beast- a bear, which, as proved by E.M. Murzaev, the Central Asian peoples called “Bigfoot” and, like the peoples of Siberia, attributed to him a consciousness even higher than that of a person. However, he was not considered a man... and in the 2nd century. BC e. There was no confusion due to the literal translation of the metaphor.

This version partly coincides with the above results of genetic examination, and poor Tibetans themselves will not refute such a reliable source of income under any circumstances.

see also


  1. Migdal A. B. From guess to truth // Chemistry and life. - 1979. - No. 12.
  2. Eskov K. Yu.“Cryptuh, sir!” // Computerra. - 03/13/2007. - No. 10 (678) . - pp. 36-39.
  3. Patterson's film Archived December 8, 2011.
  4. Porshnev B.F. Current state of the issue about relict hominoids. - M.:VINITI, 1963
  5. Hill, Matthew (27 December 2011). "Tracing the origins of a "yeti's finger"". BBC News Online.
  6. Jennifer Cockerell. Has the Yeti mystery been solved? New research finds “Bigfoot” DNA matches rare polar bear (undefined) . The Independent (17 October 2013). Retrieved October 17, 2013.
  7. Bryan C. Sykes, Rhettman A. Mullis, Christophe Hagenmuller, Terry W. Melton, Michel Sartori Genetic analysis of hair samples attributed to yeti, bigfoot and other anomalous primates Proc. R. Soc B 2014 281, 20140161, published 2 July 2014

In fact, everything is much simpler. The fact is that Neanderthals probably did not die out completely, although they were forced out of the territories where Cro-Magnons lived compactly. Some scientific cryptozoologists suggest that Neanderthals today are known as relict hominids, which are often called “Bigfoot”, “Bigfoot”, “troglodytes”, etc., and, as in ancient times, today they live in all corners of the earth. Visual contacts of these humanoid monsters with people are very frequent; they are seen and encountered constantly. On African continent There live entire tribes of hairy people, almost speechless, who are well known to the local residents. In Tennessee, in the foothills of the Appalachians, local residents They even feed the Bigfoots. A lot of data about them comes from the Asia-Pacific region and Indo-China.

Mostly, "yetis" steal food, climbing into plantations, gardens and vegetable gardens at night. But there are cases of abductions of human women and children by Bigfoot people. In Kashmir's Narang region, "vanmanas" (monkey people) often kidnap young girls to start a family. Moreover, after girls are subjected to sexual violence, they change greatly mentally. After this, they do not leave their rapist, and even when returned to native home, strive to run back to their roommate in the forest or cave. The fact that “snow people” have developed psychosensory adaptations has been noticed for a long time. There are cases of abductions of even adult men.

Relict hominids were caught several times, but as a rule, thanks to their remarkable strength, as eyewitnesses said - “muscles of steel”, they managed to escape. Some were simply released. Based on numerous descriptions of contacts with relict hominids, we have more detailed descriptions of who Neanderthals are and what their offspring are like when crossed with humans.

Photo of a mysterious exhibit displayed at a fair in Burganeff
in France a few years ago. Russian and French hominologists
they consider him to be a real frozen corpse of Bigfoot

Currently, under pressure from official scientific circles, hominology has been elevated to the rank of non-scientific disciplines and classified as cryptozoology, i.e. pseudo-scientific fiction. For all serious research related to “Bigfoot”, an unspoken taboo has been imposed, or misinformation and discrediting of the topic are used. It would be foolish to think that not a single such creature has yet been captured and comprehensively studied. Of course it was caught and examined. There is reason to suspect that after all the classified analyzes were carried out, details emerged that should not be made widely public. This may be due to the fact that the publication of scientific results may exacerbate racial contradictions between peoples, since the theory of the origin of races will receive an explanation, and not in favor of their equality. If it turns out, and moreover, it will be scientifically substantiated, that the human race is heterogeneous and among it there are ethnic groups, some of which are genetically close to the Neanderthal types, and others not, then the descendants of the Neanderthals will, of course, try with all their might to hide the results of studies that reveal them true origin. They will be interested in maintaining the myth that all humans are descended from apes through evolution and that these apes have not maintained their population as they were. That is why all the “exhibits” of frozen corpses of “Bigfoot” quickly disappear after their appearance in public, and sometimes their owners themselves disappear without a trace. There is reason to believe that it is not the Cro-Magnon type, but the Neanderthaloid type of person, i.e., distant descendants of Neanderthals mixed with Cro-Magnons, who have captured the bulk of leadership positions in science and politics and filter information in all spheres of scientific knowledge.

Soviet anthropologist prof. B.F. Porshnev described in detail the case of the capture and detention of a relict female hominid that took place in Abkhazia. In his book “The Struggle for the Troglodytes” the scientist wrote:

"The date and place of her capture are obscure. According to one version, she was caught in the mountain forests of Zaadan, according to another - near the sea coast of the present Ochamchira region or even further south - in present-day Adjara... Perhaps she was resold before she became the property of the sovereign Prince D. M. Achba in the Zaadan forests. Then the captive came to his vassal H. Chelokua. Even later, she was received as a gift by the visiting nobleman Edgi Genaba, who took her tied up to his estate in the village of Tkhina, on the Mokvi River, in 78 km from Sukhumi...

Abnauayu's skin was black or dark gray, her entire body from head to toe, and especially in the lower part, was covered with black-reddish hair, in places it was as long as the width of a palm, but not very thick. The hair on the feet almost disappeared. The palms were completely hairless. On the face they were very rare, small. But on the head, like a hat, rose a disordered, matted mop of completely black, coarse, shiny hair, which hung in a mane over the shoulders and back.

Like everyone else, abnauayu (that’s what the Abkhazians called these relict hominids, - approx. auto.), Zana did not have human speech... She could only mumble, make inarticulate sounds, and in irritation - inarticulate cries. She had keen hearing, followed her name, carried out some of her master’s commands, and was afraid of his shouts.

Abnauayu was very tall, massive, and wide. Excessively large breasts. Tall fat butt. Muscular arms and legs, but lower leg from knee to ankle was strange shape- without any thickening in the middle. The fingers were thicker and longer than human fingers. On the feet, the toes had the ability to move widely apart... the big toe especially moved away.

The most important thing that Zan was able to teach: she could strike fire from flint onto tinder-lichen and fan it - it was similar to the innate knocking of stone on stone. But beyond that labor education, in essence, it didn’t work out. She was only trained to carry out simple orders in word or gesture: turn hand millstones, bring firewood or water from a source in a jug, take it to a water mill by the river and bring bags from there, take off the owner’s boots. That's all... As you can see, Zana did not become human.

But she became the mother of people, and this is the most amazing side of her story. Important for genetics. Repeatedly a Neanderthal became pregnant from various men and gave birth. She gave birth without any help. She carried the newborn to rinse in water, even if it was ice cold. But the mestizos could not withstand this forest ablution and died. Later people They began to take the newborns from Zana in time and feed them.

And then a miracle happened four times: Zana’s two sons and two daughters grew up as people - full-fledged people with speech and intelligence, although they had physical and mental oddities, but still quite capable of work and public life. The eldest son was named Janda, eldest daughter- Kojanar, second daughter - Gamasa (died forty years ago), younger son Khvit (died 1954). All of them, in turn, had offspring who settled throughout different places Abkhazia. I visited two of Zana’s grandchildren - son and daughter Khvita from his second marriage to a Russian - in 1964 in the city of Tkvarcheli, where they work at the mine. Rumor claims that the father of Gamasa and Khvit was Edgi Genaba himself. But they were recorded in the census under a different name. It is significant that Zana was buried in the family cemetery of the Genaba family, that these two youngest children were raised by her wife Edgi Genaba.

Many residents of those places remember and describe Gamasa and Khvit well. Both of them were men of powerful build, with darkish skin and some others who seemed Negroid characteristics. But they inherited almost nothing from Zana from Neanderthal traits: a complex of human characteristics turned out to be dominant, it suppressed another line of heredity. These were by no means hybrids. Khvit, who died at the age of 65-70, is described by fellow villagers as a person with only slight deviations from the norm. At dark skin and large lips, the hair, unlike the Negroid race, was straight and coarse. The head is small in relation to the size of the body. Khvit was endowed with physical strength beyond measure, but had an intractable, pugnacious, and violent disposition. As a result of clashes with fellow villagers, Khvita was cut off right hand. However, his left hand was enough for him to mow, cope with collective farm work, and even climb trees. He had a high voice and sang well. He was married twice and left three children. In old age, he moved from the countryside to Tkvarcheli, where he died, and was brought back to Tkhina for burial and buried near the grave of Zana’s mother.

Gamasa, according to stories, also, like her brother, was twice as big stronger than people. Her skin was very dark and her body was hairy. The face was hairless, but there was some hair growing around the mouth. Gamasa lived to be sixty years old.

From my first glance at Zana’s grandson and granddaughter - Shalicua and Taya - I was struck by the impression of a slight darkness of the skin, a very softened negroid appearance. Shalicua has unusually strong jaw muscles, and he is famous for being able to hold a chair with a seated person in his teeth and dance at the same time. Shalicua is endowed with the gift of imitating the voices of all wild and domestic animals."

Direct descendants of Zana: 1 - daughter Natalya; 2, 3, 4 - grandchildren - Raisa, Shaliko,
Tatiana (children of Khvit); 5 - great-grandson Robert (son of Raisa)

In this description, the anthropological details of Zana's offspring from humans are very interesting. Despite the assurances of Prof. Porshnev that Zana’s children and grandchildren were supposedly not hybrids and were almost no different from people; we see that they inherited characteristics that the scientist himself calls “Negroid.” In addition, various psycho-physical anomalies are evident; they were barely capable of socially useful work. At the same time, the process of sapientation (humanization) progresses as generations move away from Zana.