Why do you dream about red fish: interpretation of the meaning of the dream according to various dream books for men and women. Sandwich with red fish

Seeing a sandwich in a dream means that you may have a rival in love affairs. Cutting a loaf of bread for a sandwich means saving money; black bread means you will have to go through grief before ensuring yourself guaranteed income for the rest of your life.

Buy sandwiches - expect a salary increase. Eating a sandwich means success in business.

Sausage sandwich - you will be lucky and surrounded by constant attention in the family and at work. A sandwich with cheese - to disappointment and sadness; with fish - you will achieve prosperity thanks to your enterprise; with boiled pork - to satisfy your passion.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Cooking

Cooking some dishes in a dream means that a pleasant task will soon pass to you; in the near future, expect a visit from your dear friends. If something doesn’t work out for you during cooking, events may await you in reality that will cause anxiety and disappointment.

Cooking potato dishes in a dream foretells a job suitable for you. Cooking some kind of meat in a dream is a sign that others will be the first to achieve what you are striving for. To dream that you are making coffee foretells failure in business.

Preparing a cocktail means that you will mislead your friends about your inclinations and will enjoy the company of dishonest, frivolous men and women, posing as their equal.

If you dream that you are cooking sausage, it means that in reality you will be successful in many of your endeavors. Making dumplings in a dream means making a new useful acquaintance in real life.

Cooking breakfast in a dream means that in reality you will soon fall into a trap set by your enemies. Cooking dinner - what seemed uncertain will acquire clear clarity, which contains the grain of future well-being; after such a dream, a turn for the better is inevitable. Cooking dinner - you will be overcome by gloomy thoughts and a state of mental decline.

Frying something in a dream means changes in business. Roasting coffee - a possible salvation for you in a hopeless situation may lie in marriage to a foreigner. Roasting seeds - you will find hope, pancakes - for sensual pleasures.

Baking pies in a dream means in reality allowing yourself to flirt with unfamiliar men. Baking confectionery means that you will be deceived by a very cunning person. Preparing sweet cream for confectionery means you will soon receive an important guest in your home. Making candy in a dream means improving your well-being thanks to diligence, diligence, and hard work.

Making ice cream in a dream means failure caused by your selfishness and cold rationality. Making marmalade means illness and dissatisfaction with fate, an unpleasant home atmosphere.

Cooking jam in a dream means disappointment and empty dreams. There is jam made from exotic fruits, for example, pineapples - good news awaits you. Making jam or confiture from fruit means that peace and prosperity will come to your home and you will find loyal and reliable friends.

Cooking compote means that, despite all the rumors and rumors, the reputation of the person you care about will remain untarnished. Cooking jelly means that you may soon get a mild form of a cold. Cooking porridge means a desire to improve relationships with someone close to you.

Cooking kvass in a dream foreshadows an abundance of empty and crude inventions about you.

Interpretation of dreams from

A dream about making a sandwich is a sign of a wonderful appetite. You feel cheerful, constantly dreaming of delicious food. The feeling of hunger is one of the most important instincts, but the constant desire to eat can negatively affect your health.

Try to control your insatiable appetite, otherwise you will forever have to forget about your beautiful figure, and probably develop significant health problems. Find out what causes the desire to eat: it is very important to get examined.

I dreamed about cooking a hot dog

If in a dream you happened to cook hot dogs, sandwiches, pancakes or other fast food while working as a salesman, get ready to have a good time. A fun party, get-togethers with friends, a wonderful unexpected acquaintance or a joyful surprise awaits you.

It doesn't matter what episodes took place today - warm positive emotions play a decisive role. Appreciate what is happening, positive moments are rare. Do not forget about the gifts of fate, and she will certainly reciprocate.

I dreamed that I was eating a sandwich

There is a sandwich - a plot that dreams of a difficult choice. They will make you a tempting offer that can change your entire existence for the better, as well as radically change your financial situation. Perhaps the invitation will concern the labor sphere.

Approach making an important decision with all seriousness and responsibility. Do not make hasty conclusions, think everything over carefully before making a verdict. Know: if you agree, success is expected, but not without difficulties.

If you dream of a sandwich with caviar

The meaning of a dream about a sandwich smeared with caviar is very favorable. Having a chance to eat it is a harbinger of incredible luck. The stars are unusually favorable to you today; with due diligence, ability to work and activity, you are able to move mountains.

There is a possibility of unpreparedness for unheard of and unexpected gifts of fate. Be lenient with Fortune, success does not choose time and place, be grateful to Providence. Take advantage of the moment of well-being effectively.

We saw a sandwich with red caviar in a dream

Red caviar as a component of a sandwich is a sign of material well-being. Very soon you will be lucky, thanks to this you will be able to significantly improve your financial affairs. The money will probably come easily - in the form of a win, an inheritance, a gift.

You should not attach much importance to green bills: wealth, contrary to your expectations, will not create happiness. Get ready to easily part with the banknotes you suddenly receive. Give a pleasant surprise to your family or treat yourself.

Interpretation of a dream about a sandwich with sausage

Seeing a sausage sandwich in a dream is a symbol of a white stripe that can bring you universal recognition. You will have to constantly be under the lens of prying eyes, and you will feel like the center of attention both at home and at work.

Instead of worrying, rejoice - they are counting on you, they are counting on your personal qualities - try to justify the trust placed in you. You should also not relax, be on your guard, try to show your best side.

Dreaming about a sandwich with butter

Why do you dream about a sandwich with butter? The meaning of the vision for people of different sexes varies, but invariably concerns love disappointments. Women will face a struggle with their rival for the heart of their lover, and men will be deceived in their hopes of happiness with their chosen one.

Do not despair, most likely the verdict in the Amur field is not final; with the proper efforts, there is a chance to emerge victorious. Be alert, fight for the heart of your loved one to the end, never give up.

Seeing a sandwich in a dream means that you may have a rival in love affairs. Cutting a loaf of bread for a sandwich means saving money; black bread means you will have to go through grief before ensuring yourself guaranteed income for the rest of your life.

Buy sandwiches - expect a salary increase. Eating a sandwich means success in business.

Sausage sandwich - you will be lucky and surrounded by constant attention in the family and at work. A sandwich with cheese - to disappointment and sadness; with fish - you will achieve prosperity thanks to your enterprise; with boiled pork - to satisfy your passion.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Do

Doing renovations in an apartment in a dream means unexpected and not always pleasant events. Making a cane from bamboo means receiving a timely warning.

Making a fence portends you active creative activity and corresponding prosperity. Making bricks in a dream is a sign that you will not succeed in your quest to amass large capital. Making mattresses by stuffing them with hay or straw means that you will soon take on new responsibilities and increased responsibility.

Making some inscriptions in a dream is a sign that you will soon lose a person dear to your heart. Making ice portends failure in business due to excessive stubbornness and selfishness.

Doing something with coffee in a dream foretells failure in business. Making a cocktail means that you will mislead your friends about your inclinations and will enjoy the company of frivolous people, adapting to their tastes.

A dream in which you see yourself making sausage suggests that in reality you will be successful in many of your endeavors. Making dumplings in a dream means making a new acquaintance in real life, which will turn out to be both useful and pleasant.

Making pies in a dream means in reality allowing yourself to flirt with unfamiliar men. Making baked goods or biscuits means that you will be deceived by a very cunning person. Making sweet cream for confectionery means you will soon receive an important guest at home.

Making candy in a dream means improving your well-being through diligence, diligence and hard work. Making ice cream is a sign of failure caused by your selfishness and cold rationality. Making marmalade means illness and dissatisfaction with fate, an unhealthy atmosphere in the family.

Cooking jam in a dream is a sign of chagrin and empty dreams. If the jam is made from exotic fruits, for example, pineapples, good news awaits you. Making jam or confiture from fruit means that peace and prosperity will come to your home and you will find loyal and reliable friends.

Making compote means that, despite all the rumors and rumors, the reputation of the person you care about will remain untarnished. Making jelly means that you may soon get a mild form of a cold. Making kvass in a dream foreshadows an abundance of empty and worthless inventions about you.

Interpretation of dreams from

A complete description of the dream on the topic: “If you dream of a sandwich with caviar” with an interpretation from astrologers for people.

Red caviar in real life is subconsciously associated with well-being and wealth. Dreams are no exception, where this delicacy is also endowed with a positive meaning. However, there are also cases when a treat also has a negative interpretation for the dreamer. To find out exactly what red caviar is in a dream, you need to pay attention to the details of the dream.

Red caviar in real life is subconsciously associated with well-being and wealth

Why do you dream of red caviar, interpretation in dream books?

In dream books, red caviar is given different meanings. Before you begin to search for the meaning of a dream, you should remember its plot as accurately as possible. By Modern dream book a caviar dream symbolizes a luxurious life, but such a plot also contains a warning: the dreamer must be careful, otherwise all well-being may disappear in an instant. If a person eats caviar in a dream, a new addition to the family awaits him soon. If a pregnant woman dreams of such a plot, this is a sign of an easy birth. Buying this delicacy in a dream promises improved health.

Esoteric dream book claims that seeing red caviar in a dream means victory, and black caviar means separation. Buying this product in a dream foretells the emergence of obligations to other people. Moreover, the dreamer will spend a large amount of time on their implementation.

Dream book of the 21st century says that if you dreamed of any fish caviar:

  • this is for wealth;
  • to get a chance to improve your financial situation;
  • to the favor of the chosen one or chosen one.

According to the Small Dream Book opening a jar of caviar and finding something in it other than the desired product is a sign of failure and disappointment.

Red caviar in Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book gives the following interpretations of the plots of caviar dreams:

  1. Just seeing this product is a sign of a luxurious life in which you need to be careful, as one wrong step can provoke a loss of well-being.
  2. Eating a delicacy means a quick addition to the family, and if a pregnant girl dreams of such a plot, she will have an easy birth.
  3. A stale product, accompanied by a fetid odor, symbolizes imminent troubles, waste of money, and false gossip.
  4. Beautiful and appetizing caviar promises the dreamer happiness and prosperity, and also portends a quick improvement in his financial situation.
  5. If a person takes caviar out of fish, in real life he will have to treat his loved ones cruelly, which will lead to a deterioration in relationships.

Among the general interpretations of such dreams are improvements in health, financial situation, and relationships with loved ones.

Caviar in the dream book (video)

Why does a woman, girl, or man dream about red caviar?

Interestingly, the meaning of a dream can have different interpretations depending on the gender of the dreamer, as well as his age. In this case, in addition to the listed factors, the details of the dream also influence the interpretation.

Interpretations for women

Dream books pay special attention to female representatives who saw caviar in a dream.

  1. For a young girl, such a dream promises an early pregnancy. However, such a foreshadowing is reliable only in cases of desired pregnancy.
  2. If a pregnant woman has such a dream, her birth will be easy, and the postpartum period will pass quickly and without complications.
  3. If a lonely girl dreams of eating red caviar, she will soon have a successful marriage, and her betrothed will be a wealthy man.
  4. A caviar dream, which is dreamed by a woman with adult children, promises the imminent appearance of grandchildren. However, there is another interpretation of such a plot - the spread of unpleasant false rumors about the dreamer. In this case, the dream book recommends sharing your opinion about any events or objects only with close people.
Dream books pay special attention to female representatives who saw caviar in a dream

Interpretations for men

There are also several interpretations of caviar dreams for men:

  • if a delicacy comes to a young man in a dream, it promises a quick successful completion of business negotiations, the result of which will be the conclusion of a deal or agreement on favorable terms;
  • if an older man sees such a plot, in real life he will experience a serene old age and a quiet pastime;
  • For married men of mature age, a caviar dream symbolizes a subconscious desire for procreation.
Some dream books claim that red caviar, which a man dreams of, may indicate the need to realize his dreams in life

Some dream books claim that red caviar, which a man dreams of, may indicate the need to realize his dreams, desires in life, or take up an interesting hobby.

Seeing a sandwich with red caviar in a dream: what does it mean?

Red caviar often appears in a dream spread on bread. The symbolism of the caviar sandwich depends on the freshness of the product. A fresh sandwich says that in real life the dreamer will soon be able to realize his talents. For this, fate will give him a chance, and if the dreamer does not miss it, works hard, soon his dreams will come true.

The symbolism of the caviar sandwich depends on the freshness of the product

A sandwich with a spoiled product is a warning that the dreamer’s business partner will try to conclude a deal in a fraudulent manner. This plot takes on the same meaning for people whose activities are not related to business - in real life they will be deceived. Therefore, the dreamer needs to be vigilant and exercise caution in his work.

Why do you dream of black caviar?

Black caviar in a dream in most cases also has positive symbolism. The only difference between its meaning and the interpretation of red caviar is that it warns: for the successful completion of all planned plans, you need to work hard. There are the following interpretations:

  • if a man dreams of black caviar on the eve of a business meeting, he will expect a successful completion of negotiations and further strengthening of his authority;
  • if the product is laid out on a plate standing on a festive table, the dreamer will soon be greeted with universal recognition of wealth;
  • if tasting caviar occurs in a dream, the dreamer will soon have the opportunity to relax in an unusual and interesting place;
  • buying black caviar means making the right decision;
  • if a person treats his friends to black caviar in a dream, in real life he will have to help his relatives;
  • buying a product from a bank promises unexpected wealth, for example, an extraordinary bonus, winning a lottery, or an inheritance.
Black caviar in a dream in most cases also has positive symbolism

If a person dreams of black caviar inside a fish, it means that he is moving in the right direction towards his goal.

Other interpretations

There are other interpretations of caviar dreams.

  1. If your loved one eats this delicacy in a dream, it means that he is ready to move to a new stage in the relationship.
  2. If such a product comes to an elderly person in a dream, a long happy life awaits him.
  3. Raw caviar symbolizes profit in the form of valuable gifts and unexpected financial gains.
  4. If a fish spawns in a dream, soon long-awaited guests with children will come to the dreamer.
  5. Red caviar laid out on a saucer has a negative meaning. In this case, it symbolizes a temptation that the dreamer must resist.
  6. If a businessman dreamer eats just one egg, this means that his start-up business will soon bring him huge profits.

Why do you dream about caviar (video)

Before turning to the dream book with the question of why caviar is dreamed of, you need to remember your dream. After all, the reliable interpretation of the dream depends on its details. Most often, caviar dreams have a positive meaning, however, there are exceptions to this rule. If the dream book gives a negative interpretation of the dream, the dreamer just needs to wait out the unfavorable period of his life, since it will soon end and everything will fall into place.

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Red caviar in a dream is a symbol of prosperity, wealth and a luxurious life. In addition to the positive interpretation, there are several negative designations. You can find out in more detail why red caviar is dreamed of using our dream book. However, before this, you should remember your dream, identify key points and remember the overwhelming emotions.

Dream books clearly explain why you dream of buying delicacies, which are red and black caviar, which portends receiving a substantial fee in real life. For people working in an office, the dream is interpreted as an increase in wages and successful management of their affairs.

A negative one is a dream in which you happen to buy a jar of a delicacy, open it and see a completely different product inside (or a completely empty jar). The meaning of such a dream is not very successful negotiations, interference from competitors, and deterioration in financial condition.

For young girls, eating red caviar in a dream means pregnancy. For respectable women, this vision can promise untrue and very unpleasant rumors concerning her personal life. You should be very careful in expressing your opinion in public, and you should not appear in a public place arm in arm with strange men.

If in reality a person is at the stage of negotiations, or is participating in competitions or selection for a certain position, eating a delicacy is interpreted as a victory over competitors or a worthy completion of assigned tasks.

In a dream, eating a sandwich with red caviar and getting great pleasure from it, according to the dream book, means that a person is being realized correctly in life. For aspiring businessmen, the picture promises solid income from their own enterprise.

For married men, seeing red caviar in a dream speaks of a person’s subconscious natural desire to continue his family line. Also, such an image can denote certain sexual preferences and unusual interests of a young man.

If you have to get caviar directly from the fish, it means that in real life the dreamer will be in for a great surprise.

Other dream books

Different dream books give several explanations of what the delicacy means in dreams. And depending on the details of the vision, a complete interpretation of the image is formed.

According to the Small Velesov Dream Book, seeing red caviar in a dream means surprise and great surprise; eating it means bitter tears, an unforeseen situation.

Esotericists suggest that in a dream, fish with caviar promises a long-awaited victory and a feeling of triumph about achieving success in business. Also, this picture speaks of the onset of a period of rest and pleasure. Seeing a fish spawning in a dream means that the dreamer will witness a spicy situation that will put loved ones in an awkward position.

Miller's dream book explains what red caviar means in dreams, based on the freshness of this product. Stale caviar with a distinctly unpleasant odor warns of impending troubles, false gossip and a waste of money. Beautiful, fresh and appetizing-looking caviar speaks of future luxury, wealth, happiness and prosperity.

Caviar taken away in a dream is quite symbolic. In most dream books, this delicacy is interpreted as a positive sign, foreshadowing the dreamer’s profit in all its forms.

The options will entirely depend on the person to whom Morpheus gave such a dream.

This could be career growth, the fulfillment of a desire, a long-awaited increase in salary, or even pregnancy. Details will also be important for the correct deciphering of what you see.

I dreamed about red caviar in a dream, what is it for?

  • When you dream Red caviar, you need to pay attention to every little thing. A sign promising profit and pleasure can also mean acquisitiveness if the dreamer tries to eat alone, hiding in a secluded place.
  • Black in a dream most often means the same thing, but in some cases the color of the product is the determining factor.
  • If a girl dreams of orange or black eggs, then the meanings will be identical, and they will relate to an early marriage or addition to the family.
  • A delicacy thrown into the trash is a sign that the dreamer should take a timeout. The dream is warning in nature and ambiguously indicates the need to rest and relieve tension.
  • Spawning fish are a sign of prosperity. Catching it with your hands is a particularly good sign, promising a huge jackpot in reality.

Why does a woman dream of red caviar?

For representatives of the fair sex, a dream where there is red fish caviar portends different things. The meaning of what you see will depend on the social status of the dreamer.

  1. for unmarried girls who do not have a relationship with anyone, the dream means meeting the man of their dreams and getting married soon;
  2. young women who managed to find a couple dream about the delicacy during pregnancy;
  3. for a pregnant woman, such a dream means a successful birth;
  4. a woman with adult children can count on the long-awaited appearance of grandchildren.
  • At the same time, for a mature woman there is another interpretation of the dream, promising gossip directly related to the dreamer and the intimate side of her life. If you are not careful, a scandal may break out because of other people’s slander, which is also far-fetched.
  • Not only women can see such dreams; if a young man dreams of a delicacy, then career growth or success in promoting his own business awaits him. For an elderly gentleman, the dream foreshadows a calm, prosperous old age.

Why do you dream of eating red caviar?

Eating any sturgeon caviar, including black, is most often dreamed of by a woman as a sign of pregnancy or other types of profit. In this case, any nuances of the dream are very important.

When it comes to love and relationships, the interpretation changes depending on the color of the delicacy. Orange eggs in this case mean an important victory regarding personal life, and black ones portend separation for lovers.

Why do you dream about a lot of red caviar?

Miller claims that a dream in which a person saw a warehouse filled with delicacies or a filled refrigerator foreshadows a well-fed life in contentment and prosperity.

Freud has a different point of view on this matter. In his opinion, dreams of the delicacy in large quantities signify the ability to conceive.

In general, all of Freud’s interpretations of dreams with the presence of a delicacy are related to the intimate side of life.

Bright orange promises a sophisticated life, black - financial excess. And the conclusion that the father of psychoanalysis makes is ambiguous and promises the dreamer satiety in his sexual life.

If you dream of red caviar in a jar

  • Miller's Dream Book portends a good deal for a person buying a jar of red caviar for himself. The benefit in this case directly depends not on the size of the jar, but on the quality of the product.
  • Spoiled eggs threaten disappointment. Even worse is a dream in which the opened jar turned out to be empty or filled with something else. Such a dream is a direct warning about deception in reality.
  • Hiding an uneaten delicacy from the table in the refrigerator is a sign of profit and financial stability.
  • Watching someone buy it means getting a promotion.

Eating red caviar in a dream, what is it for?

There are different ways to eat red and black caviar in a dream:

  • Doing this with a spoon means an unexpected gift, which will ultimately upset you. An exception would be a dream that a pregnant woman had. This portends an easy birth for her. There is another transcript that promises expensive entertainment.
  • Seeing a saucer with a delicacy in front of you in a dream means experiencing temptation in reality.
  • Trying just one egg means that the business you have started will bring enormous returns in the distant future.
  • Eating a sandwich with red caviar means realizing your talents. Perhaps the dreamer will be given a fateful offer that can turn life in a profitable direction. At the same time, if a person dreams of a sandwich with a spoiled delicacy, then in reality he should be wary of a trick on the part of his partners.

ratings, average:

What if you dream of a sandwich with caviar. Azar's dream book suggests moving to the side. Eating a hamburger or a hot dog in a dream - according to the dream book, you will receive an offer for an interesting or well-paid job. However, it is very difficult to implement, so a person will face a difficult choice.

How does Azar's Dream Book interpret your dream?

Chewing a sandwich in a dream means temporary unemployment. Making a sandwich means a good appetite.

Positive. | Neutral. | Negative. . Why do you dream about a sandwich with butter? The meaning of the vision for people of different sexes varies, but invariably concerns love disappointments. Women will face a struggle with their rival for the heart of their lover, and men will be deceived in their hopes of happiness with their chosen one.

Many sandwiches in a dream identify the proverb “If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either.” There will soon be a ghostly chance to buy dividends, but by pursuing insignificant gains, you will miss out on something really important. Why do you dream about a sandwich with black caviar?, there is a possibility of unpreparedness for unheard of and unexpected gifts of fate. be lenient with fortune, success does not choose time and place, be grateful to providence. Take advantage of the moment of well-being effectively.

Dream symbols:

Instead of worrying, rejoice - they are counting on you, they are counting on your personal qualities - try to justify the trust placed in you. You should also not relax, be on your guard, try to show your best side. It doesn’t matter what episodes took place today - warm positive emotions play a decisive role. Appreciate what is happening, positive moments are rare. Do not forget about the gifts of fate, and she will certainly reciprocate. Dog in the dream book Seeing a huge cemetery, receding into the sky In a dream, a mummified corpse means that a serious illness will destroy your

Eating a sandwich or hamburger in a dream means you will be recognized in society, business circles, and reliable business partners will appear. At the same time, the more difficult it looked, the more difficulties you can successfully overcome.

Help your fortune.

With fish - you can achieve prosperity by using all your enterprise.

If in a dream you happened to cook hot dogs, sandwiches, pancakes or other fast food while working as a salesman, get ready to have a good time. A fun party, get-togethers with friends, a wonderful unexpected acquaintance or a joyful surprise awaits you.

Sandwich according to the dream book.

You saw bread with lard in a dream. Then there is reason to believe in improved well-being.

Why do you dream of cooking many different sandwiches? The dreamer may miss something very important, getting carried away by small, insignificant details.

A woman's dream of a hamburger promises a very pleasant, romantic relationship with a business man. Don't ignore warnings.

Ate vegetable caviar - to a strong financial situation.

Seeing a sausage sandwich in a dream is a symbol of a white stripe that can bring you universal recognition. You will have to constantly be under the lens of prying eyes, and you will feel like the center of attention both at home and at work.

A beautifully decorated sandwich with lard, despite its ordinariness, promises the sleeper an improvement in his well-being.

Success in business. Business success awaits you.

Why do you dream about a sandwich with black caviar in other dream books?

  • Assyrian dream book
  • Azar's Dream Book
  • Dream Book of David Loff
  • Vanga's Dream Book
  • Lunar dream book
  • Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus
  • Ukrainian dream book
  • Miller's Dream Book
  • Dream Interpretation of Yuri Longo
  • Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

Seeing a sandwich in a dream means that you may have a rival in love affairs. Cutting a loaf of bread for a sandwich means saving money; black bread means you will have to go through grief before ensuring yourself guaranteed income for the rest of your life.

Buy sandwiches - expect a salary increase. Eating a sandwich means success in business.

Sausage sandwich - you will be lucky and surrounded by constant attention in the family and at work. A sandwich with cheese - to disappointment and sadness; with fish - you will achieve prosperity thanks to your enterprise; with boiled pork - to satisfy your passion.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Caviar

If you ate caviar (black or red) in a dream, then you will soon get rich.

Ate vegetable caviar - to a strong financial situation.

Just saw caviar - you will definitely have a chance to get rich or achieve reciprocity from the person you really like.

Interpretation of dreams from