Review of the fairy tale “Ashik-Kerib. Retelling of the Turkish fairy tale Ashik Kerib: Lermontov's version Beloved makes itself felt

The fairy tale “Ashik-Kerib” by Lermontov is based on a popular oriental story, which, in turn, came from more ancient times. Similar episodes are found in such works as Homer's Odyssey, Boccaccio's Armageddon and many other masterpieces of world literature.

The beginning of a fairy tale

In the city of Tiflis there lived a poor man nicknamed Ashik-Kerib. He was in love with the daughter of a rich nobleman. His feeling was unrequited, and he suffered greatly from this misfortune.

Magul-Megeri, that was the name of the object of his love, once walked with her friends along the street, and saw a fan lying under a tree in deep sadness. The girl approached the young man and started a conversation with him. Ashik-Kerib began to complain about fate, which did not give him the opportunity to be with the woman he loved. Magul told him to go to his father and ask him for her hand.

Since her dad was a very wealthy man, it was not difficult for him to arrange their wedding and subsequent personal life. The young man said that he did not want to ask for alms from the rich man, but would rather go wandering in order to earn money for their subsistence in distant lands. Magul-Megeri said that if he did not return within seven years, she would marry Kurshud-bek, who had been wooing her for a long time.

The wanderings of Ashik-Kerib

So, Ashik-Kerib, having said goodbye to his mother and sister, with whom he lived in Tiflis, left the city with the intention of traveling around the world in the hope of gaining wealth.

As soon as he crossed the border of the settlement, he heard that someone was riding a horse behind him. It was his rival Kurshud-bek. He asked the young man to take him as a traveling companion. Although Ashik-Kerib was not happy about this, he still had to endure the company of this person.

Together with him he reached the river that flowed near Tiflis. Ashik-Kerib decided to swim, Kurshud-bek remained on the shore to guard his clothes. As soon as the guy entered the water, the treacherous fellow traveler took his things and rode off with them to Tiflis.

He went to Ashik-Kerib’s mother and sister and told them a made-up story about how their loved one drowned in the river. He showed his clothes as evidence. The guy, who was left without his belongings, had to walk around the surrounding villages in only a light shirt and earn his daily bread by singing and playing the saaz. But soon luck smiled on him. By the will of fate, he was brought to Khalaf, where the local pasha, who was a passionate music lover, heard about him.

Lermontov's fairy tale "Ashik-Kerib" continues with the fact that the protagonist's wanderings stopped for a long time, since the ruler of the city made him a court musician.

For seven years he lives in the ruler's palace, not knowing the needs. The author of the work says that he does not know whether Ashik-Kerib forgot his Magul-Megeri at that time or not. However, for some reason he was in no hurry to return to Tiflis.

The beloved makes herself known

The fairy tale “Ashik-Kerib” continues with the fact that Magul-Megeri, who did not believe in the death of her lover and tried to calm his mother and sister, began to worry about the fate of her fiancé by the end of the term.

She told a merchant she knew, who led caravans to many cities in this country, to take the golden dish from her. He must announce in every locality that he will give this jewel to whoever turns out to be its owner.

The turning point of the fairy tale “Ashik-Kerib” is the appearance of the main character in the merchant’s shop. The young man recognized the dish that belonged to his bride, and remembered the deadline set by Magul, which was already coming to an end.

He took a bag of gold with him and, mounting a horse, rushed to his hometown. However, he soon realized that no matter how fast he drove, he still could not make it to the target date. Then the main character of the fairy tale “Ashik-Kerib” decides to commit suicide by jumping from a cliff.

Help of St. George

At this time, another rider was riding along the same road. It was Khaderiliaz. That's what they called St. George the Victorious in those parts. He told Ashik-Kerib not to commit suicide, since he himself could finish him off.

One fine moment, the horseman with whom the main character of the fairy tale set off on a journey offered him to fulfill his wish. Ashik-Kerib said that he wanted to get to the nearest city. St. George instantly transports them to this locality. Ashik-Kerib says that he was mistaken and again asks his savior to take him to the next city on the way to Tiflis. Saint George does not refuse him this time either. Next time the young man asks the miracle worker to help him find himself in Tiflis itself.

The most mysterious hero of the fairy tale “Ashik-Kerib” fulfills the young man’s wish this time too. Once in his homeland, the musician asks the saint to give him some proof that he was able to move so quickly in space. St. George the Victorious told him to take a lump of earth from under the hooves of his horse. Khaderiliaz promised Ashik-Kerib that he would be able to heal a blind man. To do this, he will only need to anoint the eyes of the blind person with earth.

Meeting with family

Ashik-Kerib comes to his mother's house, but neither she nor his sister recognize their relative. Even when he takes the saaz hanging on the wall and starts playing.

Nevertheless, the mother of the protagonist of the fairy tale “Ashik-Kerib,” a summary of which is given in this article, is deeply touched by the stunning art of her guest. The young man asks her permission to take the instrument and play it at the wedding, which at that time was taking place in a nearby house. The old lady agrees to this.

Wonderful musician Ashik-Kerib

When he came to the celebration, he introduced himself as a traveling musician. He began to play the saaz and sing. His bride Magul-Megeri immediately recognized the voice of her beloved and rushed to him. None of those present could believe that Ashik-Kerib was able to get from Khalaf to Tiflis so quickly.

At that moment, his mother, who was blind, entered the house. He anointed her eyes with earth, the one he took from under the hooves of St. George’s horse, and she received her sight.

The ending of Lermontov's fairy tale “Ashik-Kerib” is unusually happy. The main character marries his bride, and invites Kurshud-bek to become his sister’s husband.


The heroes of “Ashik-Kerib” appear to the reader of this tale as quite realistic. The main character is a person who has both positive and negative qualities. While he deserves respect as a virtuoso musician, he at the same time has such a not-so-best quality as excessive caution, which manifests itself in the fact that he asked to be moved not immediately to Tiflis, but first to the nearest populated area.

An important detail is that he forgot about his bride for some time, enjoying the benefits of a prosperous life. At the same time, the characterization of the hero Ashik-Kerib would be incomplete without mentioning his strong love for his bride, for whose sake he overcomes all troubles and difficulties.

About the meaning of the fairy tale

The main idea of ​​Lermontov's "Ashik-Kerib" is that love overcomes all obstacles encountered on its way. She is omnipotent, and her heavenly patron saints are always ready to help her.

The power of art

In the fairy tale “Ashik-Kerib”, the idea of ​​love and its power is not the only message of this work. Throughout the entire plot, the masterly performance of the main character helps him achieve his desired goal. Therefore, we can say that the book contains the idea of ​​​​the high purpose of the artist and the power of his art.


The fairy tale “Ashik-Kerib” by Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov was published only after the death of the great poet. Nevertheless, this work entered Russian literature along with other great works of the author. For several centuries, the fairy tale has touched the souls of not only children, but also people of mature age.

Mikhail Lermontov conveyed in prose a beautiful Turkish fairy tale with all the flavor of this country: names, realities, beliefs... All this creates the atmosphere of an oriental fairy tale.

As often happens, we are talking about a king (a rich Turk), a princess (his daughter), a poor man who is in love with a girl. The main character, a poor man, Ashik, earned money by playing music. At one festival, the musician fell in love with a beauty. She reciprocated his feelings. But the poor man is not a match for her - according to her father, he was marrying his daughter to someone more worthy. Then Ashik promises to get rich, and for this he decides to leave for seven years, leaving his mother and sister. The rich man's daughter agrees to wait, but if the groom does not keep his promise, she will be married off to someone else.

And so the poor man sets off on his journey, and a rival follows him. He steals the poor man's things and runs back to tell everyone that Ashik has drowned. The poor man moves on, wanders, and is captured. There he begins to play, and everyone likes his skill so much that he becomes a court musician.

The years go by. The bride is waiting for him, not believing the rumors of death. When her wedding has already been scheduled, she sends Ashik’s dish with a friend so that he can find the owner. Ashik recognizes his thing and understands that it is time to return.

Having driven his horse, he himself is about to die, but then the Spirit helps him - he carries him home. There he makes it to the wedding, and the bride, who was also planning to kill herself, recognizes her lover. Love wins. Even Ashik’s mother, blinded by grief, begins to see.

Picture or drawing of Ashik-Kerib

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The main idea of ​​the fairy tale “Ashik Kerib”

All roads lead... to our own doorstep

The plot of the fairy tale is not new; it has been used many times in world literature, both in the East and in the West. The heir of a family, rich or poor, goes on a journey around the world in order to return as a winner, matured, more serious, partly a philosopher, the owner of material and spiritual wealth. A faithful wife or bride is waiting for him at the doorstep. The most famous stories on this topic were told by Homer and Henrik Ibsen. Odysseus and Peer Gynt, Penelope and Solveig became the personification of an irresistible thirst for travel and sacrificial loyalty.

The main idea of ​​the fairy tale is that the self-worth of an individual is verified by the attitude of his native environment, his father’s home, towards him. Wherever you are, wherever fate takes you, whatever continents you cross, whatever roads you take, you will still have to answer in your parents’ house, in places dear to your heart. What have I achieved, what am I worth? How did you fulfill your father's order? Can I be proud, am I worthy to represent my homeland?

Not a boy, but a husband

There is only one storyline in the tale, but there is a lot of subtext. Ashik goes on a hike to earn money, because he is an excellent musician on the saz (an instrument like a balalaika). But there is no particular need for this departure. The bride is a quite wealthy girl, and her money is more than enough for future children and grandchildren, and for a comfortable life in her father’s rich house. But the fact of the matter is that a boy, a youth, but not a man, can reason this way. It is not appropriate for a representative of the stronger half of humanity to become a parasite (in modern times, such people are ironically called “gigolos”). This is impossible, unacceptable, unmanly. And not in a human way. Ashik seems to be passing an exam for maturity and masculinity. And he passes it with honor.

A very important part of the story is dedicated to the return of the main character to his native Tiflis. He was daydreaming, thoughtful, and didn’t follow the calendar (still young!) Nevertheless, at the first reminder he sets off on his way back. Despair overwhelms the guy. Is it possible to cover a distance that takes several months in a couple of days, or even hours? It turns out that it is possible. But only if you have faith and a great desire to fulfill your plans. The fairy tale instills optimism in readers and listeners and gives strength to the disillusioned. She seems to be saying: never despair, fight, go to the end. Magic and heavenly help are, of course, useful. But if they are needed, they will not come to someone who complains every minute. In a magical or “earthly” way, problems are resolved for those who seek, fight, strive for a goal, and move forward.

Gratitude to the mother, trust in the beloved

Ashik leaves the city without a shadow of a doubt that his bride will wait for him in seven long years. True love requires no guards, no detective investigations, no oaths, no threats, no promises, no suspicions, no evidence. Love and lies, love and betrayal are simply incompatible. And if this is not so, then there is nothing to talk about. There was, therefore, no love.

The mother's epiphany at the gathering of people and all the riches that the singer brought into the house represent the return of his filial debt. For her upbringing, for her science, for raising and nurturing, cherishing and taking care of her son and daughter, Ana (mother) receives gratitude. And also for the fact, the author emphasizes, that she taught children the most important things: not to be lazy, to rely on their own strengths, to respect and not let people down, to value the good name of the family.

Do all adults think about the baggage with which they send their grown-up offspring on a long voyage? After all, the time will come, and they, like Ashik’s mother, will have the opportunity to reap the fruits of parental education.

Finally, the main character sets an example of a noble attitude towards his opponent. The maneuver of stealing clothes did not help the cunning Kurshud-bek, and the obsessive courtship of the main character did not bring the wedding day closer. But now, when the enemy is defeated, and the heart of the beautiful Magul-Megeri is given to the triumphant, Kurshud-bek does not have to act with anger and hatred. Ashik extended a brotherly hand to him and offered to become a relative. Another victory for a wonderful musician, and what a beautiful one. A triumphant, intelligent, noble person will not humiliate the loser, will not gloat, it will not even occur to him.

What does the fairy tale Ashik Kerib teach?

So, the main and main idea of ​​the fairy tale “Ashik Kerib” fits into three main conclusions and teachings:

  • take care of your honor and dignity, go through life with your head held high, set goals and systematically achieve them
  • remember the house where you were born, where you received your first lessons, don’t forget your father and mother, teachers, be grateful
  • if you find love, do everything to preserve this treasure, work for the good of your family, appreciate what you have, success and happiness are in your hands.


Ashik Keriba was made rich by a certain pasha who lived in those places. Ashik Kerib actually became rich thanks to his beautiful voice. Pasha loved to listen to the songs of Ashik Kerib, although he did not like any of the singers. And when Ashik Kerib spoke to him, the pasha generously thanked him, making Ashik Kerib rich.

The first person who recognized Agik Kerib was his sister.