Code of health Veles. Evgeniy Barantsevich - Slavic gymnastics

Chapter 17. Complex “16 gifts of Veles”

In order for the foot to generate Power, it must be prepared—“opened.” The internal basis of Slavic gymnastics is the vital Force, the external basis is the feet.

A person is most stable from all points of view when the weight is evenly distributed between the nine zones of the foot. These nine zones are the projection of the main stognas on the foot, which, when standing, should be in close contact with the ground (for stognis, see the book “Slavic gymnastics. Zdrava Khorsa Code,” pp. 46–47).

Body weight should be distributed evenly across these zones (photo 16). If you can't use these active areas of the foot, then it's like sailing on a boat without using all the rowers.

Photo 16. Active zones of the foot

Study and remember the topography of the foot zones well. It will be necessary when mastering and using energy foot massage.

Before starting the “16 Gifts of Veles” complex, we strongly recommend performing an exercise called “Antenna” (famous for “Ost”). The essence of the exercise is to recreate the energy tension between the legs of Vedogon and their projections on the foot (photo 17).

Photo 17. Exercise “Antenna” (“Ost”)


Stand up straight. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Take the “Coachman” pose. Concentrate your attention on the Source pillar and its projections on the feet, both right and left at the same time.

On inhale– create an ideomotor tension from the points on the feet to the Source. Try to physically feel these “threads”.

On exhale– increase the tension in the direction from the Source to the feet.

Maintain your attention on these tensions for up to 60 seconds. Next, using the same scheme, create tension between the remaining pillars and their projections on the feet.

The result is a stable structure, externally similar to an antenna, which is held in place by spacer cables. Feel your resilience.

A start. Now we move on to the keys of the “16 Gifts of Veles” complex.


The foot is stretched. The toes and heel tend to rise up. The foot becomes concave. The sole stretches like a bowstring. Hold this position for 30 seconds (Plate 18).

Photo 18. Key 1


The foot contracts, as if grabbing a handful of earth. The arch of the foot becomes convex and tense. Hold this position for 30 seconds (Plate 19).

Photo 19. Key 2


The foot twists towards the heel. The direction of movement is upward. The heel moves inward, the toe is fixed. Stay in this position for 30 seconds. At the same time, you need to feel how the ascending spiral of Force constantly rises through the foot and lower leg (photo 20).

Photo 20. Key 3


The foot twists towards the toe. Direction of movement – ​​screwing, downward. Stay in this position for 30 seconds. At the same time, a downward spiral of Force passes through the foot and lower leg. The heel is fixed, the toe moves inward (photo 21).

Photo 21. Key 4

I consider it necessary to provide explanations for the implementation of keys 3, 4 and subsequent ones. During the execution of the key, the foot itself does not actually move. We create a strong intention and, to a greater extent, internal potency to move along given trajectories, which is associated with tangible efforts on the foot.


The foot “gathers” towards the inner surface (rib). The direction of movement is collecting. The foot is fixed on the outer edge and tends to expand towards the inner edge. Hold this position for 30 seconds (Plate 22).

Photo 22. Key 5


The foot “gathers” towards the outer edge. The direction of movement is repulsive. In this case, the foot is fixed on the inner edge and tends to expand towards the outer edge. Hold this position for 30 seconds (Photo 23).

Photo 23. Key 6


The force of the foot is centrifugal, stretching the center of the foot in all directions. The point of mental fixation is the physiological center of the foot. The expansion goes into the upper and lower surfaces, heel, toe and lateral edges of the foot, constantly capturing more and more of the surrounding space. Hold each extension for 30 seconds (Plate 24).

Photo 24. Key 7


The force of the foot is centripetal, pulling the foot towards the center. Compression is performed volumetrically, gradually concentrating into a point. Hold each position for 30 seconds (Plate 25).

Photo 25. Key 8

Keys 7 and 8 together represent “foot breathing.”


The force of the foot connects the lower leg to the foot, bringing them closer together. In this case, the foot tends upward and the lower leg downwards. Hold each position for 30 seconds, gradually increasing the alignment of your lower leg and foot (Plate 26).

Photo 26. Key 9

KEY 10

The force of the foot separates the lower leg and foot, moving them away from each other. In this case, the foot moves down and the shin goes up. The point of mental fixation, as in key 9, is the ankle (supratalar) joint. Hold each position for 30 seconds, gradually increasing the effort (Photo 27).

Photo 27. Key 10

KEY 11

The force divides the foot longitudinally in half (in the horizontal plane) into the sole and instep. At the same time, its “lower” half rushes down, pressing into the ground, expanding. Hold each position for 30 seconds, gradually increasing the effort. The points of mental fixation are located on a conventional line dividing the foot in the middle (photo 28).

Photo 28. Key 11

KEY 12

The force splits the foot in half, as in key 11. It is associated with the upper part of the foot (instep), which rushes upward, trying to tear itself away from the sole, as if you were trying to tear a glued foot off the floor. The points of mental fixation are located on a conventional line dividing the foot in the middle. Hold each position for 30 seconds, gradually increasing the effort (Photo 29).

Photo 29. Key 12

KEY 13

The force is aimed at separating the foot and lower leg, in which the lower leg moves forward and the foot moves backward. The point of mental fixation is the ankle (supratalar) joint. Hold this position for 30 seconds, constantly increasing the effort (Photo 30).

Photo 30. Key 13

KEY 14

The antithesis of key 13. The effort is aimed at spreading the foot and lower leg, in which the lower leg moves back and the foot forward. The point of mental fixation is the ankle (supratalar) joint. Hold this position for 30 seconds, constantly increasing the effort (Photo 31).

Photo 31. Key 14

KEY 15

The force bisects the foot along a line running across the foot. In this case, the front part of the foot - the toe - tends outward, and the back part - the heel - tends inward. Hold each position for 30 seconds, constantly increasing the force (Photo 32).

Photo 32. Key 15

KEY 16

Represents the opposite of key 13. The force splits the foot in half transversely. In this case, the heel tends outward and the toe inward. Hold each position for 30 seconds, constantly increasing the effort (Photo 33).

Photo 33. Key 16

Repeat each key 3, 5, 7, 9 times, pairing inhalation with expansion in a given direction, and exhalation with maintaining and increasing tension on the foot.

It is best to perform the complex while standing on the Earth with bare feet. In this case, its effectiveness is maximum. There is a kind of dialogue with the Earth. She receives information from us about our needs and gives everything we need.

It is not for nothing that in ancient times, before sowing, our ancestors walked on the Earth barefoot, and it produced a harvest in accordance with their condition, in accordance with their physical and spiritual needs.

The habitual implementation of this complex develops a person’s “non-tiring”, harmonizes the energies of the subtle plane to maintain the body, soul and Spirit.

The number of keys, equal to sixteen, is not accidental. This is one of the sacred numbers of the Slavs. The number 16 meant Krugolet, that is, a complete completed circle - a cycle. In the Svarozh Circle there are 16 palaces, in the Slavic-Aryan day there are 16 hours, every 16th summer of the Circle is the Sacred Number of God.

Attention! The complex “16 Gifts of Veles” is a Magi complex. It must be executed only completely and only in the specified sequence of keys.

Let's perform an energy massage of the feet.


To do this, prepare your hands in ways known to you: the “Mitten” exercise (book “Slavic Gymnastics. Zdrava Khorsa Code”) or “Breath of Perun” through your hands. You can simply rub your palms together vigorously. Next, massage your foot with circular rubbing and stretch your toes. Then, with the thumb of your right hand, perform acupressure massage of the zones shown in photo 6, in the appropriate sequence - from the 1st to the 9th zone. It is better if the massage is performed by a partner. In the absence of this, you can do automassage.

When performing a massage, it is necessary to link the points on the foot with the corresponding points. Make vibrating circular movements as if you were trying to dig a hole. Start working on a specific area on the foot, and you will definitely find an active point. You can't go wrong - your patient or you yourself will feel the reaction of the corresponding stogne. Having found the point, start working with it in the manner indicated above. You can use the spell: “Fire flares up, Kolovrat and Salting.” Finish the massage by lightly tapping the sole with a cupped hand. But we beat the heel with a “fist-hammer”, using the spell: “Strike, strike the shoe - give it, grandma, a hammer. If you don’t give me a hammer, I won’t hammer the boot.”

The feet are an expression of reflexogenic zones and a reflection of the glands and internal organs of the body. They are similar to a remote control. Through the feet you can very effectively influence the entire body, launching natural self-regulation processes.

The “16 Gifts of Veles” complex occupies a central position among Slavic practices. This is a kind of “roots” of all gymnastics, pay special attention to it. It is enough to do it once a week – and the results will not take long to arrive.

And at the end of the study of the “16 Gifts of Veles” complex, there are three essential tips.

1. The efficiency of the complex will increase significantly if you imagine, or even better, actually immerse your feet to a depth of 10–15 cm into the Earth (wet coastal sand). It turns out that you grow from the Earth, drawing Strength, like the epic hero Svyatogor.

2. There is a sacred number of repetitions of each key. This is 33 - the number of laws of government created by God for people. But this is for those who have seriously decided to engage in their improvement.

3. This rule is generally relevant for all Slavic practices, including martial ones. If you are in a state of Suspension, you are already rooted. We should feel a constant tension between Heaven and Earth (to do this, do the “Suspension” exercise).

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Even with an inexperienced eye, in these two scenes it is not difficult to discern the correspondence of the images of Mora-Yuda and Putana, the Black Stork and the demon Bakasura, the Dragon and Agasura in the image of the Serpent. One can easily come to the conclusion that Kolyada-Kryshen and Krishna are one and the same person, who has always been revered and glorified by the followers of the true teachings of the Vedas both in Slavic countries and in India,

Gradually, this knowledge underwent transformation under the pressure of political, religious, and cultural influences. Thus, over time, the traditional medicine of China, India, the Slavs and other peoples arose. But at their core, all these medical systems are children or close relatives of the same mother of ancient Aryan medicine.


It is necessary to pay tribute to classical medical science, which has currently achieved impressive successes. However, any process, like a two-faced Janus, has its second face, and, as medicine progresses, we increasingly have to face problems caused by this same progress. One of these problems is related to the implementation of successful and safe pharmacotherapy. In recent years, the production of synthetic drugs has been increasing at an increasingly rapid pace. With hundreds of new drugs appearing every year, it is sometimes difficult for a practicing physician to understand further, not to mention ordinary people, the “consumers” of these drugs. Advertising of some, frankly speaking, not the best drugs, which often takes a militant, directive form, does not play the most positive role here.

In the minds of many people, the belief in a “saving pill” that will solve all their problems has strengthened. This situation cannot be encouraging, since it leads a sick person to lack of initiative and passivity, depriving him of the impulse to fight for his health.

In addition, the risk of developing unwanted side effects of drugs increases, and the frequency and severity of the so-called “drug disease” increases.

All this and much more forces medicine to look for a way out of this situation, to look back into the historical past and look for unrealized opportunities there. As popular wisdom says, “Look to the past and you will find the present there.”

“Zdrava” is a deeply original system based on the centuries-old experience of the people. It is in many ways similar to other eastern practices, but it is a completely different, unique system of healing. This system includes such treatment methods as:

· optimization of lifestyle and nutrition;

· hygienic and therapeutic exercises;

· use of healing natural factors;

· special massage and other methods of manual influence;

· the use of medicines created on the basis of natural medicinal products of plant, mineral and animal origin"

“Zdrava” suggests returning to a natural lifestyle, living in harmony with nature, following its natural cycles. In life, everything should be subject to common sense, which is the measure in everything.

Man is a part of nature, and according to the Vedic canons, he was created by the four elements from which everything that exists is composed. These elements are Earth, Water, Air and Fire. All four elements are represented in a person in a certain proportion, which depends on the moment of his birth. The balance of elements is always constant, and if it is disturbed, diseases appear. In order to avoid such a violation, it is necessary to adhere to four principles, each of which reflects one of the states of the natural elements.

Water. Clean drinking. By the way, this principle recommended a strict approach to alcohol. It was allowed to drink only two times: the first - to relieve fatigue; the second is for joy. We never drank a third glass.

Earth. Clean food. You should not eat stale food. You should not eat food that has been heated a second time.

Fire. Proper use of your body heat. You should not overheat or overcool.

At Zdrava, much attention was paid to cleansing the body. The means of purification were fire and water. The most effective remedy was considered to be a bathhouse, where fire was combined with water, creating steam. As a result of deep heating and profuse sweating, metabolic products (toxins) were removed from the body. After this, the body was washed abundantly, for which a large amount of water was used. All this meant the rebirth of the body. The bathhouse was especially effective if the lunar and solar cycles were taken into account, or, as they said in Rus', “good and evil hours”

The rooms where the patient was located were “burnt” with fire, and incense prepared in a special way was burned in incense burners.

FOST (complete cleansing of one's own body) was widely used as abstinence from certain types of food, and at the same time, specially prepared infusions were taken to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract. Following the cleansing procedures, vitality was restored with the help of herbal medicine, and the strength necessary to fight the disease was strengthened.

“Zdrava” is, first of all, a school of spiritual health, the formation of a harmonious life.

Those who did not live according to the Truth, did not observe the laws of the circle of life, were visited by Morena, who confused the feelings and the will to perfection And brought a person to death. Our ancestors knew that the origins of diseases of the body lie in diseases of the soul. Diseases of the soul begin with sin, and healing begins with victory over sin.

Thanks to this, “health” deserves to take its place among other health systems and successfully compete with them, giving people health and that unforgettable feeling that gives a person the opportunity for creative self-development of the individual.


Psychophysical training among the Slavs was not a random, chaotic phenomenon. They interacted with each other, complemented each other and united into a coherent system based on the Vedic worldview. There was a certain structure in this system. All methods corresponding to a single goal were brought together into groups, which were called “Health Codes”.

The well-known were the Khorsa Arch, the Veles Arch, the Perun Arch, the Stribog Arch, the Mokosh Arch, the Lada Arch. Let's look at them in more detail.

Arch of Zdrava Khorsa (element of Water)

Horse- the god of the Sun, one of the most powerful sorcerer gods, who can heal and revive or deprive and kill with a touch. The root underlying this name has firmly taken root in modern language: “good”, “mansions”, “banner”, etc.

The Horse arch combines exercises aimed at developing joints, increasing the elasticity of ligaments and tendons, as well as a number of techniques similar to those of modern manual medicine.

This is gymnastics Alive, which removes internal “wraps” in the body (in manual medicine they correspond to the concepts of “dysfunction” or “functional blocks”). Automobilization techniques are based on similar principles in the arsenal of manual therapy.

This Code also includes gymnastics Veiga, aimed at developing muscle flexibility and elasticity.

These gymnastics are associated with the element of Water, they reflect its qualities. Thanks to them, energy flows freely throughout the body and leads to a healthier body.

Code of Health Veles (element of Earth)

Veles(or Volos) - “cattle god”. However, it should not be understood that he exclusively patronizes livestock.

Veles is the god of wisdom. Slavic tradition believes that Veles brought people a lot of knowledge, taught agriculture and cattle breeding, fishing and hunting, and various crafts.

Vladislav Eduardovich Meshalkin is a doctor-instructor of health groups in “Slavic gymnastics”, a specialist in oriental methods of treatment, and a master of a number of martial arts. For many years he has been researching the combat and healing heritage of the Slavs. Together with the chief neurologist of the North-West region, Professor Evgeniy Robertovich Barantsevich, he heads the foundation’s program for the study of the Slavic healing heritage “Slavic Health”.

Slavic gymnastics is an original health system based on centuries-old folk experience. It is in many ways similar to eastern practices, but its roots are Slavic. In the Slavic tradition, the doctrine of four primary elements was formed: Water (Horsa Arch), Earth (Veles Arch), Fire (Perun Arch) and Air (Stribog Arch). A person who knows how to maintain the harmonious interaction of the four primary elements gains real health - physical and spiritual.

Our ancestors knew well how to maintain a healthy mind in a healthy body. We can take advantage of this unique knowledge!

On our website you can download the book "Slavic gymnastics. Code of Health Veles" Meshalkin Vladislav Eduardovich for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.

Chapter 5. Codes of the ancient Slavic healing system “Zdrava”

Psychophysical training among the Slavs was not a random, chaotic phenomenon. They interacted with each other, complemented each other and united into a coherent system based on the Vedic worldview. There was a certain structure in this system. All methods corresponding to a single goal were brought together into groups, which were called “Health Codes”.

The well-known were the Khorsa Arch, the Veles Arch, the Perun Arch, the Stribog Arch, the Mokosh Arch, the Lada Arch. Let's look at them in more detail.

Arch of Zdrava Khorsa (element of Water)

Horse- the god of the Sun, one of the most powerful sorcerer gods, who can heal and revive or deprive and kill with a touch. The root underlying this name has firmly taken root in modern language: “good”, “mansions”, “banner”, etc.

The Horse arch combines exercises aimed at developing joints, increasing the elasticity of ligaments and tendons, as well as a number of techniques similar to those of modern manual medicine.

This is gymnastics "Alive" removing internal “blockages” in the body (in manual medicine they correspond to the concepts of “dysfunction” or “functional blocks”). Automobilization techniques are based on similar principles in the arsenal of manual therapy.

This Code also includes gymnastics "Veiga" aimed at developing muscle flexibility and elasticity.

These gymnastics are associated with the element of Water, they reflect its qualities. Thanks to them, energy flows freely throughout the body and leads to a healthier body.

Code of Health Veles (element of Earth)

Veles(or Volos) - “cattle god”. However, it should not be understood that he exclusively patronizes livestock.

Veles is the god of wisdom. Slavic tradition believes that Veles brought people a lot of knowledge, taught agriculture and cattle breeding, fishing and hunting, and various crafts.

The keys of the Veles Arch are aimed at strengthening muscle strength. Cultivation of Power is possible only with good “roots”. The keys of Veles are strengthening the “roots”, and through them – filling the muscles with the life-giving Power of the Earth. It is from the “mother of the damp Earth” that the epic Slavic heroes and mythological characters of the epic works of most peoples draw strength and resilience.

Gymnastics belongs to the Veles Arch "Boyarga". In folk tradition, it is associated with the element of Earth, and its task is to accumulate Power.

Code of Health of Perun (element of Fire)

Perun- god of heaven and lightning. The root of the name “Perun” means in a broad sense “to hit, to hit.” Perun is “the one who struck,” the Supreme God of the Slavs, the master of thunder and lightning, defeating the Serpent in the process of cyclical transformation of nature. As the supreme deity, Perun occupies the same position as Indra, Mithra, Zeus, Jupiter - patriarchal gods, father gods, heads of the clan.

As the supreme deity of pre-Christian Novgorod and Kievan Rus, Perun was also considered the patron saint of the prince and his squad; he simultaneously assumed the functions of the god of war.

Perun's Zdrava Zdrava is a volitional psychosuggestive gymnastics, which aims to develop the ability of volitional control over the activities of the whole organism. The Perun Code includes such techniques as "Breath of Perun" In fact, not a single technique can do without an internal component, and therefore the Arch of Perun is the basis for almost all methods of psychophysical exercises.

Gymnastics (a set of exercises) can also be included in the Perun Arch "I'll stay".

In tradition, all Perun’s techniques are correlated with the element of Fire. They are designed to activate the body and mind. Without them, the inner Power will remain dormant.

Code of Health of the Stribog (element of Air)

Stribog- lord of spaces, in Slavic mythology - “god of the four winds”. The origin of his name is associated with the word “stroy” - “swim, jump.”

The Stribog Code of Health includes gymnastics based on the wave effect. They develop control over the body, allow us to master the surrounding space, fill it rationally and ensure the full functioning of our body.

This includes technicians “Stribga Keys”, “Svilya” or "Cossack dance" and "Tree of Life" or "World Tree". They set the internal Force in motion, distribute it throughout the body, thereby strengthening the nervous system and circulatory system.

In folk tradition, all Stribog techniques are correlated with the element of Air.

Code of Health Mokosh

Mokosh (Makosha) is a subject of controversy among scientists. Sometimes she is considered a male and sometimes a female deity. In Rus', Makosha is represented as the mother of a happy lot, who, together with her assistants Dolya and Nedolya, determines the fate of people and gods. Makosha is one way or another closely connected with the elements of the Earth.

According to Academician B.A. Rybakov, Makosha is the Russian goddess of the harvest, fertility, and also good luck in the broad sense of the word (“kysh”, “kosh” in the Old Russian language - “lot”, as well as “wicker basket”).

Zdrava Mokosh’s Code – exercises that affect the reproductive system, correcting the sexual sphere of human life.

The Mokosh Code includes the technique of keys "Nine Laws of Mokosh". At its core, it is a combination of two elements: Earth and Water. Mokosh's keys, on the one hand, accumulate Power in the pelvic area, and on the other hand, set it in motion, thereby positively influencing the reproductive sphere.

Zdrava Lada Code

Lada in Slavic mythology is the goddess of love. She personified spring, the awakening of nature, and patronized marriage and family. In addition, this image denoted such abstract concepts as light and beauty.

The root "lad" can also be found in the word "to own." In addition, the word “okay” in the ancient Russian sense meant “exactly”, “equally”. We can say that in a broad sense, “harmony” is identical to such concepts as “space”, “order”. The Code of Lada is the instructions of the ancient Magi about such concepts as God, People, Motherland, Nature, Kin, Family, etc., instructions on the creation of space, Lada in the world around man. The Code of Lada revealed the laws of the Rule. Without all this, human health and well-being could not be imagined.

It was said above that man, like all things, according to the ideas of our ancestors, consists of four principles: Earth, Water, Fire and Air, which are in dynamic balance - Lada (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Ancient Slavic arrangement of primary elements in the individual energy-information space - “Lad”

Psychophysical practices of “Zdrava” are aimed precisely at bringing into balance these four principles, restoring their balance. Through these practices we “adjust” our body, bring it into a state Lada.

Rice. 7. The impact of the Divine Vaults on human consciousness and energy

From Fig. 7 it is clear that:

– the keys of the Arch of Perun activate consciousness, awaken internal Forces;

– the keys of the Arch of Veles accumulate, accumulate Forces coming from outside;

– the keys of the Horse Arch open our body, making it passable for Force or energy;

– the keys of the Stribog Arch set in motion the internal Power.

Thus, all these practices are inextricably linked and, performed together, they will quickly give significant results, allow you to do without medications and restore good health.

You just need to remember the main thing: To solve a problem, you must first decide to solve it!

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Russian Zdrava PrefaceRussian Zdrava is based on the correct – Natural and Ancestral – worldview, and not on a set of any written rules. The Natural, Natural Path is based primarily on the Lada in the Heart, and only then on the commandments of ancestors and established

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From the book Slavic gymnastics. Code of Health of Perun author Barantsevich Evgeniy Robertovich

Chapter 4 Activating the Energy System Dear Ones, Kryon welcomes you to this beautiful space of Love and Light that you have already learned to create where you are. We help you fill your life with even more Love and Light, we bring you Light

From the book To Make Home Feel Like Home by Violeva Lada

Chapter 3. Revival of the young digestive system Destroying infections in the stomach My Heavenly beloved God of the Universe, I, the Spirit of God, the mighty Spirit, the omnipotent Spirit, the Spirit that instantly heals all diseases, I ask for Your help. I am the Spirit of God, I, Your beloved son, Father

From the book of Sri Aurobindo. Yoga Synthesis – I by Aurobindo Sri

Chapter 4. Improvement of the genitourinary system


Psychophysical training among the Slavs was not a random, chaotic phenomenon. They interacted with each other, complemented each other and united into a coherent system based on the Vedic worldview. There was a certain structure in this system. All methods corresponding to a single goal were brought together into groups, which were called “Health Codes”.

The well-known were the Khorsa Arch, the Veles Arch, the Perun Arch, the Stribog Arch, the Mokosh Arch, the Lada Arch. Let's look at them in more detail.

Arch of Zdrava Khorsa (element of Water)

Horse- the god of the Sun, one of the most powerful sorcerer gods, who can heal and revive or deprive and kill with a touch. The root underlying this name has firmly taken root in modern language: “good”, “mansions”, “banner”, etc.

The Horse arch combines exercises aimed at developing joints, increasing the elasticity of ligaments and tendons, as well as a number of techniques similar to those of modern manual medicine.

This is gymnastics Alive, which removes internal “wraps” in the body (in manual medicine they correspond to the concepts of “dysfunction” or “functional blocks”). Automobilization techniques are based on similar principles in the arsenal of manual therapy.

This Code also includes gymnastics Veiga, aimed at developing muscle flexibility and elasticity.

These gymnastics are associated with the element of Water, they reflect its qualities. Thanks to them, energy flows freely throughout the body and leads to a healthier body.

Code of Health Veles (element of Earth)

Veles(or Volos) - “cattle god”. However, it should not be understood that he exclusively patronizes livestock.

Veles is the god of wisdom. Slavic tradition believes that Veles brought people a lot of knowledge, taught agriculture and cattle breeding, fishing and hunting, and various crafts.

The keys of the Veles Arch are aimed at strengthening muscle strength. Cultivation of strength is possible only with good “roots”. The keys of Veles are strengthening the “roots”, and through them – filling the muscles with the life-giving power of the Earth. It is from the “mother of the damp Earth” that the epic Slavic heroes and mythological characters of the epic works of most peoples draw strength and resilience.

Gymnastics belongs to the Veles Arch Boyarga. In folk tradition, it is associated with the element of the Earth, and its task is to accumulate strength.

Code of Health of Perun (element of Fire)

Perun- god of heaven and lightning. The root of the name “Perun” means in a broad sense “to hit, to hit.” Perun is “the one who struck,” the Supreme God of the Slavs, the master of thunder and lightning, defeating the Serpent in the process of cyclical transformation of nature. As the supreme deity, Perun occupies the same position as Indra, Mithra, Zeus, Jupiter - patriarchal gods, father gods, heads of the clan.

As the supreme deity of pre-Christian Novgorod and Kievan Rus, Perun was also considered the patron saint of the prince and his squad; he simultaneously assumed the functions of the god of war.

Perun's Zdrava Zdrava is a volitional psychosuggestive gymnastics, which aims to develop the ability of volitional control over the activities of the whole organism. The Arch of Perun includes such a technique as the “breath of Perun”. In fact, not a single technique can do without an internal component, and therefore the Arch of Perun is the basis for almost all methods of psychophysical exercises.

Gymnastics (set of exercises) can also be included in the Perun Code I'll stay.

In tradition, all Perun’s techniques are correlated with the element of Fire. They are designed to activate the body and mind. Without them, inner strength will remain dormant,

Skod Zdrava Striboga (element of Air)

Stribog- lord of spaces, in Slavic mythology - “god of the four winds”. The origin of his name is associated with the word “stroy” - “swim, jump.”

The Stribog Code of Health includes gymnastics based on the wave effect. They develop control over the body, allow us to master the surrounding space, fill it rationally and ensure the full functioning of our body.

This includes technicians “The Keys of Stribga”, “Svilya” or “Cossack Dance”, and "Tree of Life" or "World Tree". They set in motion internal strength, distribute it throughout the body, thereby strengthening the nervous system and circulatory system.

In folk tradition, all Stribog techniques are correlated with the element of Air.

Code of Health Mokosh

Mokosh(Makosha) is a subject of controversy among scientists. Sometimes she is considered a male and sometimes a female deity. In Rus', Makosha is represented as the mother of a happy lot, who, together with her assistants Dolya and Nedolya, determines the fate of people and gods. Makosha is one way or another closely connected with the elements of the Earth.

According to Academician B.A. Rybakov, Makosha is the Russian goddess of the harvest, fertility, as well as good luck in the broad sense of the word (“kysh”, “kosh” in the Old Russian language - “lot”, as well as “wicker basket”).

Zdrava Mokosh’s Code – exercises that affect the reproductive system, correcting the sexual sphere of human life.

The Mokosh Code includes the technique of keys "Nine Laws of Mokosh". At its core, it is a combination of two elements: Earth and Water. Mokosh keys, on the one hand, accumulate force in the pelvic area, and on the other hand, set it in motion, thereby positively influencing the reproductive sphere.

Zdrava Lada Code

Lada in Slavic mythology - the goddess of love. She personified spring, the awakening of nature, and patronized marriage and family. In addition, this image denoted such abstract concepts as light and beauty.

The root "lad" can also be found in the word "to own." Except Togo, the word “okay” in the ancient Russian sense meant “exactly”, “equally”. We can say that in a broad sense, “harmony” is identical to such concepts as “space”, “order”.

The Code of Lada is the instructions of the ancient Magi about such concepts as God, People, Motherland, Nature, Kin, Family, etc., instructions about the creatures of space, Lada in the world around man. The Code of Lada revealed the laws of the Rule. Without all this, human health and well-being could not be imagined.

It was said above that man, like all things, according to the ideas of our ancestors, consists of four principles: Earth, Water, Fire and Air, which are in dynamic balance - Lade.

Psychophysical practices of “Zdrava” are aimed precisely at bringing into balance these four principles, restoring their balance. Through these practices we “adjust” our body, bring it into a state Lada.

From the diagram it is clear that the keys of the Perun Arch activate consciousness and awaken internal forces.

· The keys of the Arch of Veles accumulate, accumulate forces from the outside.

· The Keys of the Horse Arch open our body, making it passable for strength or energy.

· The keys of the Stribog Arch set in motion internal strength.

Thus, all these practices are inextricably linked, and, performed together, they will quickly give significant results, allow you to do without medications and restore good health. You just need to remember the main thing: To solve a problem, you must first decide to solve it!


Before directly proceeding to the presentation of the “Zdrava” methods, it is necessary to note the importance of the direct transfer of knowledge from person to person, from teacher to student. On the territory of modern India there is still a never-broken chain of disciples – parampara, through which Vedic knowledge is transmitted, including healing. The Slavs call such a chain ROD. This is how a powerful energy-informational impulse is transmitted to subsequent generations, who enrich ancestral knowledge with their experience and creativity.

The main thing is to never lose this divine life-giving thread, not to consign your history, traditions, and with them your spiritual aspirations to oblivion.

“Health” carries within itself this same Ancestral Power. It can not only become healing for the physical and subtle bodies, but also direct you on the path of spiritual search and self-realization.


...The sun was setting. A little more, and it disappeared behind the peaks of the mountain range. Dusk fell on the Podkumka valley. They also penetrated into a small gully where two dozen Cossacks were on patrol duty. This beam was called Makhova in honor of a certain constable Makhov, who once founded a Cossack picket here. The nearby hill on which the Cossacks' observation post was located was also called Makhov Kurgan. Their task was not to miss the approach of the enemy highlanders and, with the help of signal fires, to report this to the Essentuki village.

Night has come. Overhead hung a cloudless dome of the southern sky with myriads of bright sparkling stars. The Cossacks, free from duty, settled around the fire. Among them, the figure of a Cossack about seventy stood out. Despite such a venerable age, he was a fairly strong, lively old man. Everyone else treated him with great respect and respect. And not without reason. Kolotyga, who had seen a lot in his life, was the old man’s name, was not an ordinary Cossack, but a character, a warrior marked by God.

- So you, Khariton, are interested in where our Savior came from? – Kolotyga slowly asked the young Cossack sitting opposite. Then he looked around and said: “Well, throw some logs.” Give food to the fire and listen to what our legends say.

Khariton stood up silently, took several logs, put them on the fire and just as silently sat back down.

“It was a long time ago,” continued old Kolotyga. – On the twenty-first day of the month of Beloyar, two thousand eighty-four of the Trojan Ages, over Kiev Antsky, which is located near the Alatyr Mountain, a bright star named Chigir-eel shone in the dark sky. And she flew like a dragon in the fire, shining with golden light. That same night, the Most High God sent a son to Prince Dazhin. And forty sorcerers-stargazers came from forty nations, and they brought gifts to the baby, and said: “The princely son will accomplish great deeds and glorify the Anta Land, the Most High Himself will greet his birth with a star! And they opened the Star Book, given by our ancestor Kolyada, and read the ancient prediction: “And Ovsen will lay a bridge. And the first to cross it is Roof, and the second is Kolyada, the third is Bus.”

And therefore they called the baby, according to the written word, Bus, and they nicknamed him Beloyar, for he was born on the last day of the month of Beloyar, at sunset on the day of Svarog. And his other name was Yar Bus. The prince grew up and grew up, and when he was six years old, he was sent to be trained by the magicians. In the great temple, the temple of the Sun, in the Holy Mountains, in holy Belogorye, Yar Bus studied the wisdom of the Antes. The Anta people are a very ancient people. They walked in the ways of the Lord and it was not for nothing that they were called that. For “anta” means “one who is at the pinnacle of knowledge.” That temple was located on the threshold of the sacred country of Iria. The temple was built many thousands of years ago by the wizard Kitovras and the bird Gamayun at the behest of the Sun God. The Temple of the Sun was sixty cubits long, twenty cubits wide, and fifteen cubits high. The number of windows and doors was twelve. In its upper part there were also twelve holes for observing the course of the Sun. The temple was decorated with many precious stones and there were signs inscribed on its walls that indicated future events and warned against incidents before they took place...

On the threshold of the temple, Bus was met by an old gray-haired sorcerer named Zlatoyar. In his hands was a staff made from the Vyshnya tree. The sorcerer touched Busov’s forehead with his hand. Took me on as a student. And the years of study began...

Zlatoyar Yar led Bus to the witch’s stone, located above a deep valley. From there a marvelous view of Iriy Antsky with the seven hills of Veles and Alatyr Mountain opened up. It was not an ordinary stone, a stone of power. On this stone Zlatoyar revealed the ancient wisdom of Yar Bus...

The old character fell silent and thought about something. Only Podkumok, making noise in the gorge, broke the silence. After a moment of silence, Kolotyga continued his story:

– Yar Bus spent his entire childhood in the Temple of the Sun, listening to the wisdom of Zlatoyarova. And having become a prince, Bus strengthened the Vedic faith, taught about the Path of Rule, clarified the days of national holidays and was revered as an enlightened teacher, the Pobud of all ancient Rus'. We still live according to the Busov calendar, for many of our Orthodox holidays are ancient Vedic ones. On the Nativity of Christ, earlier there was the day of Kolyada, on the day of Elijah the Prophet they celebrated Perun's day, on the Nativity of the Virgin Mary - the Nativity of Golden Maya, on the day of John the Baptist - the days of Kostroma and Kupala. Easter in Ukraine is still called Great Day. Our Orthodox Church still adheres to the Busov calendar. It is from him that our Savior comes. Although before him there were ancient knights who mastered the art of Sharovary... This is the story, Cossack brothers.

Here Khariton asked the old Cossack:

– Please tell us about the wisdom of the ants and the Savior himself.

Kolotyga said:

- Well, it looks like the night will be calm, why not tell me. – And, having spread his burka, he lay down and continued his story: – Zlatoyar taught Yar Bus many times: “Our world is a struggle between Truth and Falsehood, then one will win, then the other. The warrior’s task is to establish the Truth on Earth. To do this, he needs to kill the beasts of Krivdu in himself and around him. Only after this will he be able to defeat the Snake over the Smorodina River, guarding the bridge leading to Buyan Island, without falling into the river of oblivion - Smorodina. Only a selfish person who does not suffer from selfishness can do this.

Whoever lives in falsehood is one who is desperate for the Lord. That soul will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. And whoever lives by the Truth is one who longs for the Lord. That soul will inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.

Whoever does not free himself from Krivda will not be free. But Freedom is a God-given Property. Freedom means dependence on God the Creator. Man is a dependent being, for he depends on the One who stands at the origins of all things. Therefore, a person who does not trust God the creator is in great uncertainty, fear and doubt and has no freedom.

Only that one. whoever is truly free can be called a character, delivered from Death by the Love of God. And only such People are subject to the elements, time and space, only they will be endowed with Sharovara...

“That’s it,” said Kolotyga, “in our opinion, Cossack brothers, this is the Savior.” After all, Sharovara in the language of the Gods and Sorcerers means “protection from arrows.” And what is protection if not the Savior? So it turns out that faith in God is Savior. But besides this, you also need to have certain qualities. A warrior must be raised from childhood. You've all heard the fairy tale about the turnip. Does anyone know what its meaning is?

And Kolotyga fell silent, waiting for an answer.

- We don’t know, father. And if you don’t tell, then we won’t know.

“Well, listen,” Kolotyga looked at everyone with a sly glance, “In this fairy tale, the grandfather is the personification of real male strength; grandma - worldly acumen and ingenuity; granddaughter - enthusiasm; dog - soldier's courage; cat - warmth at home, family; but a mouse is that little thing, almost nothing, that is enough for a whole family to overcome a turnip.

A warrior keeps all this in his soul and uses it to protect his homeland.

So our Savior is developing the qualities necessary for this. They are multiplied by witchcraft and boyar practices. And then a fearless warrior is born, strong in spirit, climbing the ladder upward to God - that’s what the Savior is.

Spas makes a Man, raising him from the level of Life. Everyone around the fire fell silent for a long time. All that could be heard was the crackling of logs and the snorting of horses.

Khariton broke the silence. He asked:

– Father, they say that the keys of the Savior give strength. Tell us about them.

– Yes, in fact, the Savior reveals great power to man. But this requires a lot of work and a lot of patience. There are many different techniques in Spas, each with its own purpose, but they all add power. And whether you are a warrior or a healer, how can you manage without strength? Without strength you can't go anywhere.

And the Savior is also strong by law. These laws are combined into codes. There is the Arch of Khors, the Arch of Veles, the Arch of Stribog, the Arch of Perun, the Arch of Mokosh, and the head of everything is the Arch of Ladushka.

How could it be otherwise, because force is nowhere without law. Power tends to run amok, but the law keeps it in check. Remember how our Podkumok floods, what troubles it brings to the people. The channel for him is the Law. Likewise, a person who breaks arches brings trouble to himself. Two more Cossacks, freed from service, approached the fire and silently sat down next to them. Kolotyga continued:

– Let’s take the Arch of Perun. A special thing. He talks to us about mental strength, about the power of thought. So can you say what our thought is? And I will say that thought is the key to strength and the Code of Perun teaches how to use it. There are such practices as Pobuda, Wheel of Perun. They correspond to fire. If you don't awaken the thought, there will be no point. All efforts are in vain and there is no point in going further. Smart power is the core of all practices.

And then we give part of it to the Khorsa Code. He rules our body and brings harmony to it, but when the body is fine, the living thing runs through it, oh, how merrily it runs. Good for the man. There is no harmony, and illness is at the doorstep. A person gets sick and suffers. Khorsu Zhiva and Veiga obey, they are servants of the water element. There is a special practice in Veiga that belongs to the Mokosh Code. It seems to be standing on the sidelines, but you can’t go anywhere without her. These are the nine laws of Mokosh, they give birth to a person. Without them, our Family would have withered away long ago.

The arch of Veles is connected with Mother Earth. He feeds her boyar practices with strength. Gives a person strong roots. What kind of warrior is without deep roots?

– What does boyar practice mean? – asked one of the Cossacks.

“Military,” Kolotyga answered. - Boyar used to be a name for a person endowed with great inner strength, ardent, furious. It was she, the yara, who multiplied the boyars. Power is all around us, but not everyone knows how to take it. This is the purpose that Velesov’s keys serve.

Another vault is the Stribog Vault. He sets the collected force into motion and drives it through the body. It’s as if the wind is walking in the body, so the force moves and makes a person invulnerable to evil thoughts. You can’t sport something like that, you can’t jinx it. Such a one is not afraid of either a saber or an enemy bullet. Our ancestors used Svilya as a talisman. And Stribog’s other keys were not inferior to it. With the vault of Lada, all the keys of the Savior are united. Lada fills Spas with meaning, teaches that there is a Motherland, a people, a family. It teaches you to live according to the Truth. For a long time, old Kolotyga talked about the Savior to the young Cossacks, who eagerly listened to his words.

Before sunrise, Khariton climbed the Makhov Kurgan, undressed to the waist, despite the cool morning, and stood facing east. Soon the solar disk appeared from behind the Dzhinalsky ridge. Khariton greeted him with Pobuda, and then began to spin in the Svili Dance. Over the Podkumka valley the chant of the character singer sounded:

Love-a-a, love-a-a.

Ho-o-o-mm!!! Ho-o-o-mm!!!


Om-mm, Om-mm.

If someone were nearby, they would feel the air vibrating around them.

Hom-m-a-a, hom-m-m-a-a.

Hum-mm, hum-mm.

Hi-ah-ah, hi-ah-ah.

Bus A-u-mm.

Old Kolotyga watched Khariton. In his soul he rejoiced: “No, our Savior has not died and will not die. And as long as there will be people like Khariton. Rus' will stand strong, its enemies will not overcome it, they will break their teeth and choke!”

The sun rose above the valley, flooding the surrounding mountains with bright light. A new day has begun...

The historical and practical basis of Slavic gymnastics is “Zdrava”, which gave seven main complexes, which we reworked and adapted taking into account the circumstances of time, place and experience. These seven complexes are: “Pobuda”, “Zhiva”, “Svilya”, “Veiga”, “Boyarga”, “Stribga” and “Velesova gymnastics”. Along with the main complexes, additional exercises tested in practice are included: “Shields”, “Pendulums” and physical vocal gymnastics, a number of energy-accumulating practices, “Beregini”, “Sharovara”, “Coachman”, “Bear Step”, “Contrast Gymnastics”, “Rain”, and for those who want to master the art of healing: “Images - the primary elements”, imago training “Mirrors”; diagnostics and restoration of Vedogon and others.

Before we begin, we would like to point out that Slavic gymnastics is aimed not only at strengthening physical health, developing stable protection from energy-informational influences, expanding one’s own energy capabilities, but is also intended to become a path to self-realization and spiritual development. It sets the task of mastering the state of allergy and the principle of complementarity. In other words, possession of flexible strength and the most adequate reaction to external influences (the “key in the lock” principle). This state can be called “volume consciousness” - when things, people and events are seen as they are. “Volume consciousness” makes it possible to act in an energy-saving mode, which significantly reduces the aging process of the body, the harmful effects of stress, etc.

Slavic gymnastics teaches you to master your feelings and regulate their fluctuations. People say: “All diseases come from nerves.” The statement is somewhat exaggerated, but not without foundation.

If the heart is open to love for God and people, the mind guides the feelings, energy fills the body - it means that the personality is in harmony, life acquires a higher meaning, and with it true happiness.

Part II. Principles of Slavic gymnastics


1. Principle "Faith"

There is no point in studying our system for a rigid, arrogant atheist. Slavic gymnastics– for those in whom Faith lives or is just awakening.

After all, Faith is a stronghold of will, the main power of reason, inherent only to man.

Within the framework of this principle, we consider three volitional efforts necessary for training Slavic gymnastics, and in life in general.

Begin! Decide to change your life for the better. In practice: purchase our teaching aids or come to classes with an experienced instructor.

Fulfill! (The most difficult and important principle.) It’s good if you constantly study in a group with an instructor, but it’s most valuable when you can do daily independent study (5-10 minutes), this gives the greatest effect.

2. The “Laziness” principle

No more than 30% of energy is spent on physical exercise. That is, we work as long as we feel comfortable. After exercise, you will feel cheerful, energetic, but not tired. With physical comfort, the mind - will - imagination work with maximum efficiency.

3. The principle of “Will”

Will is power, that is, the energy of the Mind. Subject to the will imagination. During the basic training period, you need to concentrate as much as possible on the images of the corresponding exercises. The brighter you manage to create a mental image, the faster sensations will appear on the physical plane. You will learn to really feel the movement of energy flows, be able to influence them, and at a more advanced level, perform techniques for healing yourself and others.

4. The principle of “Consistency”

Slavic gymnastics must come in V your life forever. You need to exercise every day, at least a little, over time devoting more time to your studies. Imagine a car that was filled with gasoline in Pskov and wants to get to Vladivostok - It won’t work. Constant refueling is required.

Likewise, a person must be able to charge himself with the energy of the Cosmos and the Earth, otherwise he begins to take it (energy) from other people or gets sick and dies without fulfilling his destiny*

5. The “Instructor” principle

Anyone who has mastered and learned to use complexes effectively Slavic gymnastics, can teach family, friends and acquaintances, thereby significantly increasing his own level of skill.

6. Principle “Love”

All exercises must be performed with love for yourself: your body, your energy, feelings, mind. Love yourself healthy and joyful. By loving myself and realizing that I am a soul, a small particle of the Almighty, it is easy to learn to treat others kindly or at least neutrally. We need to realize that all those around us are the same particles of God, our direct spiritual relatives, although we may not like certain qualities of their material shells. Understanding the essence, it is easier to move from benevolence to real divine love. Remember - any of our rude words or negative deeds will sooner or later overtake us.


In fact, there are no hard and fast rules Slavic gymnastics The good thing is that it can be performed anywhere, anytime and by anyone; We offer only more preferable options.

The best place to practice is nature. The choice of location is yours. Your heart will tell you that you are where you need to be. It’s good if there is a hill and there is wide open space around. Water spaces (seashore, lakes, rivers and others) are also useful. Try not to exercise near railways or high-voltage transmission lines.

A few more recommendations for activities in the lap of nature. It’s a good idea to take into account the properties of trees. Aspen and birch take away negative energy, cleanse Vedogon. It is enough to hug a birch tree or lean against it with your crown (“spring”), folded into your waist, and you will feel lightness and purity in your body and thoughts. Coniferous trees take energy in winter and release it in summer. Powerful sources of positive energy are blooming, lilac and poplar (but individual tolerance must be taken into account).

For training, morning hours are preferable; the ideal option is early morning in nature. The fact is that in the city the space is arranged like beehives. Every minute we collide with each other, if not with physical bodies, then with Vedogons (etheric-astral double). Therefore, they (Vedogons) cannot relax for a second, straighten their forms, or fill with fresh energy. In the mornings, human activity is clearly reduced, so there is an opportunity to refresh your energy. If Vedogon is strong and full, it means that the body is in excellent condition without pills, coffee, cigarettes and other artificial stimulants.

Slavic gymnastics is primarily ideomotor training. The etheric, that is, energetic, body is controlled by the will of the mind - the power of thought. You can control energy using a unique simulator that each person has - we are talking about imagination (hereinafter referred to as mental image). Only people suffering from severe mental illnesses, whose inadequacy does not allow them to gain knowledge, will not be able to do this gymnastics. All other categories of patients, including those bedridden, can perform exercises ideomotorally, that is, moving in the imagination. Even pregnant women who are prohibited from stretching movements, sitting or lying down with the help of mental images can significantly improve their condition.

So, to perform the complexes Slavic hymns suitable for gyms, workplaces, vehicle cabins, balconies and rooms of city apartments, parks and front gardens. What is important is your faith in success, your will, that is, a very strong intention to change your life for the better, and everything else will follow. For relatively healthy people there are no restrictions at all. There are recommendations for age groups. The younger the student, the bolder you can use physical activity; accordingly, the ideomotor and respiratory aspects are more suitable for the elderly Slavic hymns. Further, for each complex we will give separate recommendations. And individual advice from an experienced instructor, if possible, will be very helpful.


What you need to know about your energy for successful classes Slavic gymnastics? Please remember the image of our nesting doll. The smallest, indivisible doll inside is soul, and around it are shells of bodies: physical, etheric, astral, mental (mind), buddhic (mind), causal body (ego). The Supreme Lord is the source of individual souls, that is, separated particles of spiritual energy, possessing, like God, eternity, bliss and knowledge. The individual soul becomes separate in the material body by creating the causal body or ego (personal aspect). The soul radiates energy (Spirit) that permeates all the material bodies of a living being. We need to understand:

· what is the field of activity Slavic gymnastics?

· who is the figure?

· who is the performer?

· who is the “instrument”?

· the soul is a doer;

· personal mind is a performer acting by willpower through imagination;

· mind, feelings (astral), ether (energy double), physical body - both tools and a field of activity.

Vedogon is a combination of mental, astral and etheric bodies that surround and permeate the physical body. It has its own boundaries, shapes and sizes.

When acquiring the skills of Slavic gymnastics, you will learn to determine these boundaries tactilely, that is, by touch, and for some, visually. The internal border is no less than 40 cm away from the physical body. If further - great, the person is strong, active and practically healthy. But if the boundaries are narrowed, the person gets sick. If the border is less than 20 cm from the body, then the person is in mortal danger. The internal boundary corresponds to the etheric body, which repeats the physical body in shape.

External border corresponds to the body of the mind (mental sheath). It has a pear-shaped (or teardrop-shaped) shape, forming above the crown "edge of spirit"(remember the combat helmets of Russian knights). The dimensions of this shell are very individual and on average range from 3 to 6 meters. More than 6 meters are already outstanding personalities.

Conventionally, the distance between the inner and outer boundaries is filled with the astral shell (determined visually (aura)). Conventionally, because these bodies do not follow one another linearly, but interpenetrate each other volumetrically.

The power of influence of bodies can be simplified as follows: the larger and thinner the body, the greater the capabilities it has. The physical body can only influence itself. The etheric (energetic) controls the physical. The ego and mind, having consciousness, are able to control the mind, feelings and energy. The soul, through the spirit, supports all the material structures of the personality.

Why do we write and depict all this? In order for you to learn to really consider yourself, or more precisely, your bodies from the side of the soul, to gain the skills of rational distribution of energy among the shells, that is, to finally acquire the self-healing mechanism embedded in you by the Creator.

It's time to once again, more carefully, consider the energy flows and active centers acting on us. Let us dwell on the concept of “Yar”. This is the main, most powerful energy center. It is in this divine sphere that the soul resides. The quintessence of Yar is the energetic heart: among the Slavs - yar-lo, among the Hindu Aryans - ana-hata.

Yar itself is the Copper Kingdom, the core of consciousness, covering the area of ​​the physical heart along with the solar plexus. All energy flows that support and influence us converge in the Yara. Let's consider their direction and dynamic characteristics. At this stage we will need two main flows: vertical and horizontal.

The vertical flow passes through us along the spine. It is (conditionally) divided into descending (the flow of the sun) and ascending (the flow of the moon). Next, be more careful! Remember the directions and times of intensification of these flows.

Downdraft(or Direct Cosmic) enters through the “Spring” (sahasrara, suprapietal region), moves down clockwise, according to the sun “Posolon” ​​(glorified), that is, from left to right. This flow is active in the first half of the day, somewhere until 14-15 hours, and is intensified by EXHALETION, exits through the “Source” and tends to the center of the Earth.

Downdraft determines the activity of the central and peripheral nervous system, psyche, endocrine system, carries programs and ideas from outer space, calms physical activity, stimulates mental activity, reduces blood pressure.

Updraft(or Reflected Cosmic) enters through the “Source” (muladhara; an area approximately a palm below the perineum), moves upward counterclockwise, against the sun “KOLOVrat” (glorified), that is, from right to left. This stream is active in the afternoon, as it is a cosmic stream reflected from the Earth; it is intensified by an INHALE and comes out through the “Spring” towards the sun.

Updraft strengthens physical strength, tones the activity of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, increases blood pressure; together with Downward flow supports the activity of the excretory system, reproductive (genital) sphere, strengthens the skin and hair covering of the body.

“Spring” (sahasrara) and “Source” (muladhara) are a kind of modulators that transform vibrations Descending And Rising flows into our individual energy “Sobe”. The trouble with our contemporaries is that, for a number of reasons, O which we will talk about further, these chakra centers are closed, disrupting the Ascending (“Source”) or Descending (“Spring”) flows, respectively. In more severe cases (for example, generational curse, severe depression and unbridled self-abasement), both flows are blocked. All this ultimately leads to the development of diseases of the physical body, and in some cases leads to death. These conditions can and should be effectively combated using techniques Slavic gymnastics.

Horizontal flowenergy generated on our planet. It runs parallel to the Earth's surface at different heights. Gives strength to the body, strengthens feelings, ensures the birth of offspring. This flow is conventionally divided into entering us from right to left, from front to back. Localization of the entrance is also Yar: it front gate - center of the sternum, and back gate - interscapular region. Yar and Yar again. Take this concept as the basis for all Slavic gymnastics.

Yar is the beginning and completion, expansion and contraction, the pulsation of the heart and the vital energy itself, a point from the account of our being.

When working with mental images of energy information flows, it is necessary to remember that in the Universe there are no angles or straight lines, there are waves, circles and spirals. A wave, placed in a time coordinate, gives a spiral, constantly collapsing, then twisting, then unclenching in space. A kind of volumetric pendulum.

So, we discussed everything necessary to start classes. Further, as necessary, the information will be supplemented and expanded.

Part III. Practical


As you already know, working with the energy body requires a developed imagination. Working with imagination shifts our attention to a somewhat unusual and unfamiliar plane for many. In order to successfully operate on the astral-etheric level, it is necessary to learn the simplest techniques for cleaning and protecting Vedogon. So:

Exercise "Rain"

To successfully complete this exercise, you need to remember the image and feeling when you, exhausted from the summer heat, covered in dust, tired, finally fall under the life-giving streams of pleasantly warm and at the same time refreshing summer rain. At the same time, next to the thundercloud, the newly washed Sun shines brightly. This makes the streams of rain sparkle and sparkle, and radiant Ra spreads his seven-colored arc on the horizon. It could be simpler: after a hard day of work, you take a refreshing and rejuvenating shower, not hot, not cold, but very comfortable, with pleasure turning into bliss. Remember these feelings.


Stand up straight. Face the sun or in the direction where it should be at the moment. Place your feet parallel to each other, slightly narrower than the width of your shoulders. The knees are slightly bent, so much so that the hips make it possible to relax the lower back, the shoulders are slightly raised, thereby relieving tension from the back muscles; arms are freely lowered; The top of the head is directed upward, but so that the neck does not strain. Imagine, using the “inner screen in the area between the eyebrows” (che-lo is a Slavic word, ajna is an Aryan word), that from an unimaginable height a soft, warm, but at the same time tonic stream of golden rain is approaching your head.

Inhale strive to pull in the top of your head and shoulders V this stream.

On the exhale let streams of rain flow along the front surface of the body, merging them into the Earth with toes. In this case, the socks (hereinafter referred to as toes (glorified)) rest against the support. Repeat 1-3 times. Next, we wash both sides of the body at once. Also while inhaling, being drawn into the flow, you can raise yourself on your toes to get the full experience.

On the exhale merge the flow from external lateral surfaces of the feet, resting them on the support.

Repeat 1–3 times. Then we work in the same way with the back surface of the body, but we drain the flow already on the heels, pushing them into the ground. And finally, we wash the inner space of the body, merging the flow with inner surfaces of the feet. It is good during this exercise (washing the inner surface), slightly twisting the spine, to see how a black, viscous liquid is squeezed out of the intervertebral spaces and flows down the tailbone into the Earth. Repeat 1-3 times. After finishing the exercise, lightly shake your body and limbs. It is advisable to leave this place, since negative energy can remain on the surface of the support (especially if it is not earth, but a hard surface (concrete, asphalt, etc.) for some time (from 5 minutes to 72 hours in special cases) .

In the future, when you learn to get a vivid feeling of washing and cleanliness of your Vedogon, the exercise can be unified by “washing” all surfaces and internal space at the same time.

The “Rain” exercise can be performed at any time, anywhere in order to improve well-being, relieve tension, headaches, lower blood pressure, reduce the impact of energy-informational shock as much as possible. It must also be performed before and after complexes and exercises. Slavic gymnastics.

Exercise “Chamber”, or “Surroundings”

We are all familiar with the expression: “Cross the line,” eh. also one of the names: evil spirits - “devils”. Meaning of the word trait can be understood as: a border, a dividing line, with this word our Slavic ancestors denoted the transition from the world of Revealing (that is, the human world) to the world of Navi (the world of otherworldly power). According to the beliefs of our ancestors, the world of Navi is inhabited by creatures who, for one reason or another, do not have physical bodies, that is, who are not able to fully enjoy the material creation. Most of these Navi are hostile to people and do not miss the opportunity to enter the body of a person subject to such vices as anger, envy, meanness, etc. This condition is known as "obsession." Knowing this, our ancestors knew how to fence and protect their living spaces: villages, houses, cities, as well as their Vedogons, since it is on them that the Navi have the opportunity to influence. The Slavs have a ancestral God - Chur, who protects all generations from evil spirits. This protection will be effective for believers who try to live according to the laws of the Rule and pray to the Almighty. In everyday life, religious, magical and military practices, special gestures, spells, ornaments and images were used. To protect your psycho-suggestive space (Vedogon), we propose to study and perform the “Chamber” (“Okrest”) exercise at the beginning of the gymnastics complex. It consists in a mental image in the space around us of two sacred images connected together: a sphere and a cross placed in it. The sphere symbolizes the strengthening, delineation of the boundaries of Vedogon, joining the power of the Family, the cosmic power of the Universe. The cross, the center of which is the soul residing in Yar, is designed to strengthen the strength of the individual energy sphere, spiritualize existence, and make our palaces absolutely impassable for the forces of Navi. These symbols are widely used in Christianity.

It is very good if, when performing the “Chamber” (“Environment”) exercise, a prayer to the Almighty sounds in your heart.


Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, tune in to protect your living space. Mentally create an image of a sphere around and then a cross placed in it (see Fig. 11). This exercise is organically connected with the strengthening of the Ascending energy flows “on inhalation” and the Descending energy flows on “exhalation” and, naturally, adds power to the right and left flows of the Earth.

Initial position. The crown and shoulders tend upward, the feet are rooted in the ground (support), the arms are lowered down and the palms are crossed so that the index and middle fingers overlap each other (for men right palm on top, for women left) the fingers formed a “point” cutting through the space (see, photo 1).

Then while inhaling We raise the joined hands up, above the crown, slightly stretching the body (from the umbilical line, the upper part of the body tends to the sky, the lower to the Earth, this creates a “tension”).

On the exhale from the “Spring” (Zenith) point, spread your arms to the sides and slowly lower them to the starting position, again crossing your fingers at the “Source” (Nadir) point. The most important thing is to literally cut through the surrounding space ideomotorically (with the power of imagination) with the “point of your hands”, outlining a sphere of white gold color. There is a sphere. Now while inhaling From the “Source” point, we raise our outstretched and crossed arms up to the “Spring” point and on exhalation we lower them down along the same trajectory to the “Source”. Thus, with the power of thought and body movement, we restore the vertical post of the Cross, also the color of white gold.

Again while inhaling we raise our outstretched and crossed arms up, but only to the level of the center of the chest (the front gate of the Yar), on exhale heh we spread them apart in a horizontal plane. Further, while inhaling, we return our hands, horizontally, again to the point of the center of Yar (the level of the center of the chest). The crossbar of the cross has been created. Then on exhalation We connect our palms with the inner surfaces, bend our elbows, slightly tilt our head forward, taking a praying pose. We examine the created protection with our inner gaze for a few seconds. Everything is fine. We can move on. No navi, or, in modern language, negatively charged elementals, will bother us. The energy of our body is strengthened.

It is recommended to apply the principle of synkinesis - synchronous work of gaze, breathing and body movement. In relation to the exercise “Okrest”; the gaze is directed through the crossed fingers into the distance, rises with the hands as you inhale and falls as you exhale (remember: inhale - intensifies the upward flow, exhale - intensifies the downward flow), while the head slightly rises and falls accordingly. When spreading your arms to the sides, your eyes also tend to the periphery, creating three-dimensional vision or, as we say, “concentration in space.” It would seem that “concentration” and “space” are incompatible concepts. But this approach makes it possible to perceive reality three-dimensionally, ensures mobility and fluidity of consciousness. This leads to awareness (that is, intellectualization) of other, more subtle formations of our personality. In particular, the energy-astral-mental phantom of our gross body. We see in Fig. 11 that the wings of the Cross correspond to four characteristics of space. Depth is added to height, length and width. But our consciousness is accustomed to three-dimensional perception. So it turns out that the “Chamber” or “Okrest” exercise (South Russian tradition) is also a mystical key that opens an approach to self-awareness in the 4th energy-information space. It is advisable to perform the “Chamber” exercise once, without repetitions, but with maximum concentration of part of the consciousness on the image of the “baptized sphere”.

Finally, your Vedogon is washed with “Rain” and strengthened with “Okrest”. It's time to wake him up, straighten him in space, prepare him to accumulate fresh energy for a successful, joyful journey through life. The Pobuda complex (South Slavic tradition), known in other regions of Russia as Bodra, serves these purposes. (Listen to the names of the complexes and individual exercises, they contain the essence of the result.) However, first, let’s work with our imagination. This training is especially necessary at the beginning of Slavic gymnastics classes. Then, when your imagination completely submits to the power of the mind and becomes a familiar tool, you don’t have to do these exercises. In the meantime, they are needed, especially for those who have not previously practiced ideomotor gymnastics.

Exercise to develop imagination “Shields”

The “Shields” complex is designed not only to train the imagination, but also, due to the differentiation of colors, their rotation, and pulsations of the mental image, it is able to dynamize and strengthen the work of Vedogon’s energy centers. Before starting the exercise “Shields” - be sure to follow"Rain" and "Okrest".

To warm up, please remember your school years, when relationships between boys and girls were spiritual and romantic. A time when the bright image of a lover or beloved, appearing in the imagination or in a dream, resonated in the heart with some longing, and if the object of love dreams did not pay attention to you, then the chest would explode with pain, strong, but at the same time sweet. This is Love - the greatest Power in all three worlds and beyond. This is how the heart works - the anahata chakra, the yar-lo - the place of residence of the soul. Good for those who have retained the ability to open their hearts to the world in adulthood. Such individuals bring Divine Light into the darkness of our time. This theme is wonderful. I hope we will have another opportunity to talk about the main issues of our existence. In the meantime, let’s become pragmatists, let’s pay attention only to the power of imagination, which can instantly change consciousness and paint life with bright colors. Please try to remember at least a small part of these magical sensations, literally “anchor” this taste in your consciousness and turn to it while performing all the “Slavic” complexes and exercises.


Let us turn to the rounded variety of the Slavic shield. Look closely at the image and remember it (Fig. 12). This image will be useful to us more than once. Now stand straight, swaying slightly, or sit comfortably, but also sway your torso. Cover your eyes. Try not to cover them completely. It is necessary that part of the consciousness interacts with the environment and only a small segment of it trains with mental images. There is no point in completely immersing yourself in the exercise. Don't tense up. Train with interest and enjoyment. By force of will, form a mental image of a shield on the outer border of your Vedogon. We remind you: the outer border is usually located at a distance of 3-6 meters from the body. The approximate parameters of the “Shield” mental image are as follows: the outer diameter is 1.5 meters, the inner, or small, diameter is equal to the size of your head. The color of the shield is neutral, that is, bluish, transparent beige, grayish. Now mentally color the inner small diameter as Red color. Hold the image for 10-15 seconds. It's nice if the seconds match your heartbeat. The pulse is your individual stopwatch, or “internal pendulum.” Further, while inhaling From the center of the small diameter, spread the red color evenly over the large diameter, that is, paint the entire shield. Try not to make the picture static. For 10-15 seconds of holding the mental image, rotate it clockwise (“Posolon”) and counterclockwise (“Kolovrat”). On the exhale speeding up the rotation while inhaling– slowing down slightly. Changing the direction of rotation of the mental image should be done instantly, like a camera flash. Further, on exhalation collect, concentrate the color from a large volume to a small one. Hold the picture for 10-15 seconds. Also, if possible, rotating the image. The color of a small diameter should be brighter, more saturated, powerful, sparkling.

Then while inhaling separate the bright red sphere from the shield and exhale literally screw it into the “Source” (muladhara (Aryan)), the area located a palm width below the perineum - the 1st energy center). The direction of rotation is NOT important YET. Do inhale slightly expanding the “Source” activated by red vibration. On exhale return it to the original settings. Next, disconnect from the “Source” mental image with the following action: while inhaling Raise your bent arms up so that your palms are at eye level and your arms are crossed at the wrists. On the palms of your hands, connect your thumb and middle fingers tightly, engage the nail phalanges, getting ready to click your fingers. On the exhale sharply lower your arms down and to the sides, snapping your fingers. By the way, such a simple manipulation is an effective instant protection against the evil eye, when trying to take away your energy (vampirism), and can disconnect you from unpleasant sensations after a difficult conversation or meeting.

The “Rain” exercise can be performed at any time, anywhere in order to improve well-being, relieve tension, headaches, lower blood pressure, and minimize the impact of energy-informational shock. It must also be performed before and after working with the complexes and exercises of Slavic gymnastics. As you might guess, Bye there are seven of them. Let's name the remaining colors and centers:

· 2nd energy center "Zarod" ( svasthisthana– area of ​​the pubic plexus) – orange;

· 3rd energy center “Zhivot” ( manipura– supra-umbilical region) - yellow;

· 4th energy center “Yar-lo” – “Heart” (anahata– the area above the xiphoid process of the sternum, just above the solar plexus) – green (niveral color, harmonizes all centers) or smoky, golden, the color of white gold;

· 5th energy center "Gor-lo" ( Vishuddha– area of ​​the jugular fossa, interclavicular space) – deep blue;

· 6th energy center "Che-lo" ( ajna– area between the eyebrows) – transparent blue;

· 7th energy center "Rodnik" ( sahasrara– supra-umnar region) – transparent lilac.

After the seventh cycle of the “Shields” exercise, “click” three times and be sure to perform the “Rain” exercise. The system of chakra colors and their number are specially unified with Ayurvedic for better initial assimilation. It will get more complicated further.

General comments . We strongly DO NOT recommend holding the images longer than the specified time, that is, 10-15 seconds. Don't take all ideomotor practices too seriously. Play and enjoy it.


Mobilizing, energy-activating exercises: “Pulse”, “Breathing through the palm”, “Breathing in a circle”, “Physical gymnastics”, “Coachman”.

These exercises are basic, leading us to the main complexes Slavic gymnastics. Without mastering them, it is almost impossible to move on. Treat them with due care and diligence. In the future, constantly return to working on them. The general goal of these exercises is to learn to harmonize breathing, heart pulsation, and consciousness.

Exercise "Pulse"

“Pulse” is the key to all Slavic gymnastics, as well as to the “Zdrava” healing system. Without mastering this simplest exercise, Slavic gymnastics classes generally lose their meaning.


So, “Pulse” can be performed standing, sitting and even lying down. We need to get used to listening to the beat of our heart, remembering the rhythm of its pulsations. Press the radial artery on your wrist - doctors often use this method to determine the rhythmic characteristics of cardiac activity (remember that the normal resting pulse is 60-80 beats per minute). Feel the rush of blood under your fingers. Try to hear your heart with your “inner hearing”, or even better – with your “inner eye” to see your “life engine”. Now let's work with another natural pulsation point on the body. This is a pulsation of the carotid artery. For us, this method is immeasurably more important and contains a certain mystical meaning. The area of ​​the carotid artery is considered deadly in martial arts. Its defeat leads to death in a matter of seconds. Therefore, even a light touch of this area causes a reaction of compression and fear in different people to varying degrees. This is an instinct - an innate, animal fear of death. During constant work with the Pulse exercise, we will often touch this point. This action is a kind of vaccination against the fear of death.

For those who will listen to the pulse on the carotid artery for the first time, we will explain how to find the pressure point. Feel the cartilage that protects the larynx, from the submandibular region to the jugular fossa. Next, palpate the anterolateral neck muscle, which runs from the inner corner of the clavicle, slightly obliquely, to the musculoskeletal region (cleidomastoid muscle). Eat. Please note that when the head is in a straight position, a groove is formed between the larynx and the anterolateral neck muscle. This is where the carotid artery is located, carrying blood to the brain. Mentally divide the segment from the earlobe to the corner of the collarbone into three parts. The point between the top and middle third is what we need. Now we’ll tell you how to press the artery. By the way, the same practice is used to stop bleeding from the carotid artery. The artery is pressed against the second cervical vertebra with the index finger or thumb. The index finger can be strengthened by the middle finger. The direction of pressure is from the front inwards towards the spine and slightly from bottom to top. Press the artery, feel the pulse. Now let's get to the important stuff. Keeping your fingers on the pulse, we pay close attention to inhalation and exhalation. And now - the quintessence of the exercise, so to speak, the “secret of secrets.” Start the countdown by comparing your breathing with the “internal pendulum”, that is, the pulse. Attention: 4 heartbeats - inhale, 4 heartbeats - exhale. Work in this mode until you clearly remember the heart rhythm. Then the fingers can be removed from the carotid artery. Breathing, from memory, continues in rhythm 4-4 . Let's add to this the work of consciousness. During inhalation mentally expand your Vedogon in volume (4 beats), while exhaling, concentrate Vedogon at the central point of Yar (4 beats). Work like this for 3-5 minutes. It’s a good idea if you help your Vedogon with physical movements, straightening and contracting your body in the same rhythm.

Thus, we synchronized consciousness, energy, breathing and body. This is already a serious achievement. Moreover, you didn’t even notice how you brought your vibrations into harmony with the vibration of the Universe.

Vedogon also has a name - an individual “Settled Bubble”. In Eastern cultures it is known as Microcosmos. But the Universe (Logos, Macrocosm) is also a “Settled Bubble”, since the Lord settled living beings in it. This means that the properties of the Universe and personality are identical in quality, but not comparable in size and power. Like a drop and the Ocean, Macrocosmos is a living pulsating organism. For each of us there is our own “Settled Bubble”, our own Universe, our own individual pulsation rhythm. The ancient Slavs knew that the Axis of rotation of the Universe Meru (“Svilya” – slav.) passes through the heart – Yar – of each of us, therefore the diastole and systole of our heart is the expansion and contraction of the Cosmic “Settled Bubble”.

The ancestors knew a secret: when we inhale in 4 heartbeats, the Universe expands, and when we exhale in 4 heartbeats, it contracts. As soon as the resonance is broken, the person loses strength, gets sick or dies. By performing the “Pulse” exercise, we learn to be aware of the rhythm and harmony of the Macrocosm, and it is from this Creative volume that we draw energy, and not from our neighbors, 4-4 is the general Universal rhythm. It has an invigorating, activating, energy-giving effect on us. The entire even number series has these characteristics. At this stage we will be interested in the numbers: 2, 4, 8.

The music of numbers is vibration. It is speech, wind, atom, sunlight, cycles of history, strength of spirit, the movement of galaxies... to infinity - which itself is an eternal vibration. Keep in mind that every organ, every system of our body has its own vibration, comparable to the pulsation of cosmic objects in the solar system. Knowing the principle of Unity, you can learn to heal yourself, and at a higher level, others.

There is a law: “Change yourself for the better, and the world around you will become more beautiful.” Agree, it makes no sense to “make revolutions while standing up to your ears in sewage.”

So, the 4-4 rhythm has been mastered. Now let’s complicate the task slightly: 4 heartbeats – inhale – expansion; 2 impact - holding your breath - continue to expand; 4 beats – exhalation – compression; 2 beats – holding your breath – concentration at the central point of the Yar, etc. The duration of the exercise is 5-7 minutes. Homo sapiens must consciously begin every day by synchronizing the rhythms of the Macro- and Microcosm. This is useful not only for health, but also for relationships in society and spiritual development.

You know the saying well: “A healthy mind in a healthy body.” It must not only be known, but also methodically executed. Next you can try the rhythms: 8 inhale – 4 hold – 8 exhale. Then: 8 inhale – 4 hold – 8 exhale – 4 hold... Carefully try 8 inhale – 8 hold – 8 exhale. The main rhythm is still 4-2-4.

And now about the extension parameters. Expand your volume (Vedogon) to sizes controlled by consciousness, that is, imagination. With training, the power of consciousness will increase, the imagination will give greater volume, and Feel energy power. Once again I ask you to realize the importance of the “Pulse” exercise as the key to all Slavic gymnastics.

After finishing, don’t forget to “snap away” from the mental image 1-3 times.”

Exercise "Breathing through the palm"

This exercise is mobilizing and energy-charging.

A few words about the hand as the main instrument of the “Breathing through the Palm” exercise. Emmanuel Kant said: “The hand is the brain coming out.” Think about what our hands can do: create majestic masterpieces, fight, exert magical effects, heal, provide us with everything we need, even read on special occasions, and, most importantly, our hands are capable of love. Their role in our lives is enormous. The left hand is an energy-informational expression of our internal state, and the right hand influences the world around us. The left collects inward, and the right gives out. For true left-handers (tested by encephalography), all of the above provisions change places. So, for most people the necessary tool will be the left brush.


Stand straight, feet parallel. You can sit down with your back straight. Bend your elbows to an angle of 90? between the shoulder and forearm. The palms, with the inner surface up, are relaxed, forming indentations. The elbows touch the body in the area of ​​the floating ribs (ribs 11-12). Knees slightly bent. The lower back is relaxed. The feet are rooted into the support. Shoulders raised. The top of the head is “suspended”. The gaze “through the left hand” is directed into space. Now mentally place your heart in your left hand. Let's start working. Inhale – 4 heart beats– we expand the heart – the left hand in volume, about 40 centimeters. The palm also has its own energy center – the palmar Yar (Fig. 13). This is the starting point for the expansion and contraction of the palm-heart. Breath holding – 2 beats, continue the expansion by another 3-5 cm, the hand itself is straightened and tense as much as possible. The body remains relaxed. When the energy hand, the heart, expands, the increased volume gains strength. Now exhale – 4 beats– transfer this force with a wave of will from the hand to the true Yar (chest area), while relaxing the left hand. If everything is done correctly, and this is not difficult, you will immediately feel a pleasant warmth in your chest or simply a state of comfortable cheerfulness. The exercise “Breathing through the palm” is repeated 3-5-7 times. It has a quick mobilizing, tonic effect on a person. Having mastered this exercise, you can perform it on the go, driving a car, a tank, an airplane, at a lecture at the institute, before an exam, before an important meeting, in the morning instead of a cup of coffee, etc. “Breathing through the palm” is universal and simple, requiring 1-3 minutes of attention.

Exercises "Breathing in a circle"

These exercises are more of a meditational nature and serve to further master the technique of synchronizing consciousness, breathing, pulse, and energy. By performing “Circle Breathing,” we gradually wean our consciousness from the bad habit of tunneling, “hanging” on something or someone, and offer our consciousness constant dynamics and progressive development. I think you are familiar with the saying “Movement is life, stopping is death.”

So, once again, Yar is the most powerful core of consciousness, the container, source and dispatcher of energy-informational waves of our personality. The ability to control and manipulate the Copper Kingdom (Yar) permeates all seven shells with intellect, manifesting itself in psycho-suggestive capabilities, curbed feelings, clarity of thinking, and good coordination of movements. Let's start the exercise.


Stand up straight. Feet are parallel. Yes, by the way, “a few words about feet.” It is no coincidence that I constantly mention them. With a small piece of consciousness you must check their position, which also adds fluidity to consciousness. The feet are turned with their toes outward - energy is given off into space, the tables “look” inward - you are too closed in on yourself. The third option is suitable for us - the feet are parallel to each other. Please, in the future, avoid evenly distributing weight on your feet (50% left foot, 50% - right). This is static, we don't need it. This situation can be eliminated by uniformly swaying the body left and right. The weight, that is, the consciousness of the force of gravity of the Earth, will flow within you.

And again stand straight, swaying slightly (“Big Pendulum”), feet parallel, knees slightly bent, lower back relaxed, back straight, shoulders raised, top of the head “suspended”, arms freely lowered, palms facing each other. While rocking, relax, but do not lose the integrity of your body (swing with your whole body). Feel comfort in the chest area. Now examine Yar. It should glow with a white-gold glow. Inhale to strengthen the upward flow of energy, and exhale strengthen the downward flow. Yar's power has been increased. With a strong-willed impulse, separate from Yar a small luminous sphere the size of a tennis ball. Place her 40 cm below the level of the feet.

Exercise A

Inhale for 4 beats Raise this thought form along the left side of the body to the area between the eyebrows. At the same time, the body performs a slight swing to the left. The left side becomes lighter and rises up. The thought form “Ball” reached between the eyebrows.

Breath holding – 2 beats. The body is in a suspended state.

Exhale – 4 beats, the thought form descends along the right side of the body to a point under the feet, while the right side becomes heavier and tends to take root in the ground.

Breath holding – 2 beats, the thought form at the lowest point is preparing to rise again (Fig. 14). Usually perform 5-7-9 breathing cycles “4-2-4-2”.

When performing the exercise, try to achieve the feeling of swinging on a swing. Inhale - up; holding your breath - instantaneous inertial freezing; exhale - down; holding your breath again - accumulation of potential for the next rise.

Exercise B

The technique of execution is identical to the previous one. Only the “ball” from below will rise on the right side and fall on the left. Repeat 5-7-9 times.

Exercise B

Ideomotor is more complex. The thought form is down again. Now while inhaling – 4 beats, we lift it up along the central ascending canal to the area between the eyebrows. The thought form moves in a spiral, twisted counterclock-wise, that is, from right to left. The body becomes lighter, as if suspended.

Breath holding – 2 beats, thought form in the area between the eyebrows. By an effort of will we divide the “ball” into two “balls”, right and left.

On the exhale We simultaneously lower the “balls” on the right and left sides. The body becomes heavier and tends to take root. Breath holding – 2 beats, At the bottom point, the “balls” merge again into a single “ball”. We repeat the exercise as desired 5-7-9 times (see Fig. 15).

Exercise D

Initial position. The thought form “Ball” is at the lowest point. By force of will we divide the “ball” into two “balls”. Inhale – 4 beats, raise the “balls” on the left and right sides of the body. While holding your breath – 2 beats, in the area between the eyebrows (Brow) we connect the “balls” into a “ball”. The body becomes lighter and tends to rise upward. Exhale, 4 beats, The “ball” goes down through the central descending channel, twisting in a spiral directed clockwise, that is, from left to right. Down position holding your breath – 2 beats, the thought form is ready to repeat the next cycle. Repeat 5-7-9 times. After completing the exercise, return the “Ball” thought form to the Yar, that is, dissolve it in it. If you forget to carry out this simple manipulation, you can lose some of your energy, which is undesirable, because the goal of the “Slavyanka” exercises is to become more energetic.

Exercises “Breathing in a circle”, in addition to developmental tasks, also have a therapeutic and preventive effect. With heavy physical or nervous stress, an increase in heart rate (tachycardia) and an increase in blood pressure are observed. Exercises “Breathing in a circle” in combination with “Rain” give a quick harmonizing effect. Blood pressure and pulse return to normal values. In pathological conditions - various arrhythmias - constant performance of these exercises eliminates symptoms and improves the general condition of the patient.

Attention! General principle: after all meditative, psycho-suggestive and imago practices, you need to “snap away” from working mental images 3 times and perform the “Rain” exercise.


Let's take a little break from meditation, energy and other things to work with sound vibrations. The very term “physical-vocal” contains the essence of the exercises: synchronization of bodily, energy-informational and sound vibrations, as if we were tuning a concert piano. If we sound (vibrate) purely and beautifully, space also sings harmoniously. If a person’s personal power is high, then he is able to tune not only space, but also other people into a high mood, even if they do not really want this.

There is a huge number of sound resonance practices; it will be enough to mention the physical vocal training of L.L. Popov or the acting gymnastics of harmonic perfection by A.V. Boyarshinova. Here are three typical exercises that we consider very simple and effective. Their goal is to optimize your condition, increase energy power and get rid of negative thoughts and emotions.

Exercise "Victory"

In this exercise they work with the sound “O” - more than universal. If you expand the “O” scale, you get a long “A”, a deep “U” and an almost inaudible but vibrating “M”. We pronounce “M” when closing our mouth, without noticing it. It turns out “Aaa-U-M” - that is, “OM”-kara. According to the ideas of the ancient Aryans and Slavs, “OM”-kara is the sound embodiment of the Absolute Truth, that is, God. Almost all Vedic mantras and spells begin with this sound. The sound “O” expands and deepens space, while simultaneously strengthening and dynamizing it.


Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, arms hanging freely. Remember a bright, joyful event: the victory of your favorite football team, passing the last exam, a big win, the birth of a long-awaited child, etc. Try to evoke similar emotions in yourself, at this moment sharply throw your arms up, straighten your shoulders, raise your head and powerfully, from Yar, shout: “Oh-oh-oh.” After this, listen to yourself and the space around you for a few seconds, try to catch the changes.

Exercise "Eagle Jump"

The sound “A” pronounced in this exercise expands the psychosphere and mobilizes energy.


Feet shoulder-width apart, half-squat, spread your arms back and to the sides, spread your fingers, bend over, throw back your head, distort your face with a grimace of aggression and tense all your muscles. Next you need to get into a state of readiness to jump. Start counting to ten. With each count, squat lower, increasing the tension, as if cocking an “internal spring.” When the count is “10”, the “inner spring” sharply straightens, shouting “A-a-a-a”, you jump up, throwing up your arms and bending over.

Note. For older people, physical movements can be reduced to a minimum, the main thing is to create a feeling of an “inner spring”.

Exercise “Roaring Bear”

The next exercise is very ancient. It is known in the martial practices of many Slavic and Aryan peoples. The essence of the exercise is connected with one of the interpretations of the origin of the word “knight” - “roaring king,” that is, a great warrior rushing into battle with a menacing, bearish growl, from which his enemies’ “soul went to their heels.”

That is why the exercise is called “Roaring Bear”. Its goal is to relieve negative feelings and activate your energy.


Standing straight, relax completely. Form a ring with your hands and lift it to chest level. In the center of this “ring” place your negative quality, the image of a person unpleasant to you. Start counting to ten. With each count, increase the energy potential in Yara (“internal TNT”). On the count of ten, explode from Yar with a bear roar. At the same time, the body performs a movement, as if the bear got out of the water and shakes itself.

Note. These practices have a pronounced stimulating effect, so after them it makes sense to perform the Veiga, Boyarga and Stribga complexes. Don't do these exercises before bed. Overexcitation can be leveled out with “Rain”.

Get acquainted with several exercises that are key to understanding and mastering sound resonance practices. As you already understand, sounds should be made as if from the heart, from the center of the Yar, which makes the exercises energetic, positively affecting the psyche. You need to learn to reproduce sounds in a special way, “concentrating on space.”

Take a thin plastic glass. Place it on the back of your hand and bring it to your mouth. Close at first. Using the sounds “O” or “A”, try to knock down the glass. Make sure that the glass is knocked down by the sound wave, and not by breathing. To do this, you need to use the Yar force in the exercise. If successful, the distance from the object to the mouth can be increased. This exercise strengthens the respiratory system and vocal cords, helping to prevent upper respiratory tract diseases.

Exercise “I-A-U-OM-I”

Sounds and consciousness are closely related. Through sounds and sound combinations it is possible to actively influence consciousness, expand its boundaries and capabilities, which is extremely necessary in healing and military practices. In the Slavic tradition there were so-called chants, in which sound combinations were repeated many times, introducing the adept into a state of altered consciousness, significantly enhancing energy and forming a powerful defense against external influences. Rhythmically repeated, the chants were accompanied by characteristic movements called the “Svili dance.” Thus, our ancestors turned to the one God and received the protection of Navi Iria from Navi Pekla, from enemies, and became invulnerable to arrows and swords.

We included one such chant in Slavic gymnastics. Here it is: “I-A-U-OM-I.” Let's look at the characteristics of sounds:

"I"– initiating” it denotes your individual soul. By pronouncing it, you begin to perceive reality from the point of view of the soul. “I” awakens and activates consciousness. Pronounced abruptly 3 times, so that the chest (Yar) “clicks” like a leather belt folded in half. At the same time, you can lightly knock with your fingers on the center of Yar (localization of the Soul), as if awakening your true “I”.

"A"– has an expanding effect. Its vibrations are light and bright. Through “A” we call upon the Divine Power around us. Sung in a drawn-out manner, from Yar. The chest unfolds, arms spread wide to the sides. "A" corresponds to the Copper Kingdom (middle). It sounds like a one time thing.

"U"– denotes narrowing, deepening. Pronounced drawlingly. While pronouncing this sound, you “fold” into the central point of Yar (the center of the chest) and, diving into your soul, you find a boundless spiritual ocean there. The Vedas say that we qualitatively identical to the Lord, but not comparable to him in Power and all-pervasiveness. The body assumes the “Coachman” pose (we will discuss this position in detail later in this book). In the chest area, we ideomotorically form a funnel, into which the arms bent towards ourselves try to penetrate. The chin drops to the chest. Buttocks tighten. We close the spinal energy channel (“sushumna” - ind.) – The sound “U” corresponds to the Silver Kingdom (lower). It sounds like a one time thing.

"OM"– divine syllable, denotes the Absolute Truth. With this sound vibration we approach the energies of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. With the sound “U” we plunge into the Divine within us, and by pronouncing “OM” we connect the inner transcendental essence with the spiritual force around us. At the same time, the chest opens. The arms are spread wide to the sides. The body is permeated by the vibration “M”. Pronounced drawn out, once. The sound “OM” sets Vedogon in motion.

"AND"– tension, concentration. Has a mobilizing effect. Serves to compact our energy information sphere (Vedogon). It is pronounced drawlingly, while Vedogon and the body vibrate in resonance with the sound. Corresponds to the Golden Kingdom (upper), pronounced once.

Note. The sounds in the chant are pronounced from Yar, follow one after another, smoothly flowing: I-YA-YA?U?OM?I... The length of the sound is individual. Make sure that the length of the sound is slightly shorter than the exhalation, then the energy potential remains. During this exercise, energy is gained. You can repeat the chant 3, 5, 7, 9 times.

· Pronouncing sounds at medium volume is considered optimal.

· When spoken quietly, the practitioner can easily feel where the sound waves are penetrating, and even get a resonance effect. This helps to understand the essence of the exercises.

· Pronouncing sounds very loudly creates an increase in tension and prevents the passage of force. Use during training is not recommended.

Sound resonance key – exercise “Pipe”

The purpose of the exercise is to activate Vedogon’s energy centers, let’s list them from bottom to top:

1) Spring,

In the “Pipe” exercise the sound combination “AU” is used. We have already said that “AU”, merging, gives “O” and provides dynamics to consciousness, expanding and contracting Ogo, making consciousness pulsate.

“AU” refers to ancient spells that sacralize space. It’s not for nothing that a person, finding himself in the forest, shouts: “A-a-a - Oo-o-o-o.” With this, the lost person protects himself from the forest Navei, while simultaneously turning to the Higher Powers.


Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms hanging freely along your body. Place part of your consciousness in the “Source”. Pronounce the sounds “AU” so that the energy center begins to resonate, expanding and contracting. Next, carry out the same manipulation one by one with all energy centers: from “Source” to “Spring”, activating and leading to harmony. In the future, we will need this technique when treating internal organs. Each organ has its own chakra, with which you can come into resonant contact, thus stimulating the energy of a particular organ. Exercise “Pipe” is repeated 9 times.

Exercise "Coachman"

This exercise accumulates energy and activates the entire body. Separately, we highlight the “Coachman” stand, which is included in all complexes and exercises Slavic gymnastics. This pose is a little reminiscent of a coachman sitting on the beam of a carriage. Mastering it allows you to relax and improve mobility (as well as blood circulation) of the shoulder girdle and lower back. Mastering this stance is very simple.


Go to the wall, stand with your back to it. Now press your entire back against the wall, so that there are no free spaces. From neck to sacrum. What didn't work out very well? Then take half a step from the wall and bend your knees slightly, but do not disconnect your back from the wall. And How? Legs bent at the knees allow the thigh muscles to release and relax the lower back. Now the lower back moves freely, and it is not difficult to press its entire area against the wall. The tailbone tends slightly downward and forward. Now the shoulders. Imagine that they put a coat hanger behind your collar, creating a triangle: shoulder-head-shoulder, and pulled it up. Next, inhale with Yarom, and as you exhale, the front wall of the abdomen tends to the lumbar spine, and the sternum - to the thoracic spine, the shoulders are slightly raised up and forward, the chin is slightly down, the top of the head is up, the arms form a ring. Please note that a powerful crater has formed in the Yar region. This is the classic “Kuchera” stance.


Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, arms down.

Inhale – 4 beats, unfold your chest, straighten your body, move your arms wide to the sides, place the mental image of the Sun in your Yar.

Breath holding – 2 beats, continue the expansion, add power and brightness to the mental image.

Exhale – 4 beats, Taking the “Coachman” pose, form a funnel in the Yar area and draw the Sun into it, twisting clockwise.

Again holding your breath – 2 beats, compress the mental image of the “solar funnel” to a point. Repeat the exercise 3-7 times. This exercise is energy-nutritive, so it and all energy-accumulating complexes must then be completed with the “Settled Bubble” exercise (we will present this exercise later in this book).

Pay attention to photo 2. Image A shows the correct body position. The energy wave passes through it freely, there are no obstacles for it anywhere, consciousness also flows freely, the muscles are in a state of elastic force, the spine is not deformed.

Look at the picture b. Many girls – “models” and boys – “bodybuilders” now like to walk with this position of the pelvis, considering it sexy. BUT! Please note - there is no body wave, the spine is deformed, which means that the muscles in the shoulder and lumbar regions are tense, that is, all the prerequisites have been created for the occurrence of serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and other diseases will not keep you waiting, since the flow of the main Vertical energy is disrupted flow. The innate reserves of energy will be enough for some time, but then what? “Living life is not a field to cross,” and it is better to die healthy.

We, of course, do not suggest walking through the streets in the “Coachman” pose, waddling like a bear from foot to foot, although the masters do this unnoticed by the public. But in class Slavic gymnastics strive to harmonize yourself and the world around you as much as possible. After all, we are just isolated fragments of the Great Cosmic Waves; it makes sense to be in resonance with them.


Practices of the “Perun Arch”: “Breath of Perun” or “Internal Pendulum”; complex "Pobuda"; exercises “Solar Breathing”, “Settled Bubble”, complex “Palaestra”.

Exercise “Breath of Perun” (“Internal Pendulum”)

The pulsation of our heart is an individual “internal pendulum”. The task of “Breath of Perun” is to learn to synchronize breathing, the pulsation of the psycho-suggestive energy sphere and the beating of the physical heart through key rhythms. These rhythms harmonize the personality with the breath of the Universe.

Let us once again turn to the ideas of the ancient Slavs about the interaction of energies. It is necessary to introduce the concept of “energy windows” - a kind of portals, through which there is a constant exchange of energy information flows of the Macro- and Microcosmos.

If we talk about windows, it means there is a house and a roof. The house is a Yar, forming a “roof” in front of the body and a “foundation” behind it. The soul lives in Yaru - eternal and beautiful. The windows themselves have shutters that will open, letting fresh energy inside the house. Look at photo 3 and remember this image. It will be needed in almost all Slavyanka exercises and complexes.

The image shows: 2 humeral windows directed upward at an angle of 45°, 2 windows of the axillary plexus directed in a horizontal plane; 2 windows corresponding to the hip joints, directed at an angle of 45° downwards, and, finally, two powerful windows corresponding to the “Spring” and “Source”. Directions of breathing: on expansion through windows into space, on compression to a point - the center of the Yar. Now let's describe the rhythms used, familiarize yourself: 4-2-4; 8-4-8 and more complex rhythm: 1 heartbeat - inhalation - expansion, 1 heartbeat - exhalation - compression.


Take the “Coachman” stance. Do the Pulse exercise. Choose a rhythm to work with: 4-2-4 is more invigorating, 8-4-8 accumulates energy more, the rhythm is 1-1, or dog breathing,” teaches you to breathe shallowly, paying more attention to the energetic aspect of breathing. Then, according to the well-known scheme, inhale - expand, hold your breath - continue expansion, and exhale - compression. Repeat 3-5-7 times. Sometimes, for greater concentration of energy, a delay after exhalation is added to the breathing rhythm: 4-2-4-2; 8-4-8-4, If the exercise was performed separately, then after it the “Settled Bubble” complex is performed. But, as a rule, the “Inner Pendulum” is part of other exercises, filling them with sacred meaning and pulsating energy.

Complex "Pobuda" ("Bodra")

In ancient times, this gymnastics was used as a universal remedy for relieving fatigue, awakening, and preparing Vedogon to accumulate energy. This exercise is based on the natural stretching of a person after sleep or prolonged inactivity. It is necessary to let the body and Vedogon wake up. These structures are more inert than the mind, therefore they are included in the necessary rhythm more slowly. Based on this point of view, we are against running in the morning. Human physiology is such that intense exercise (even light running) in an “unawakened” body causes increased secretion of lactic acid, which, in turn, creates a real threat of the formation of blood clots in the lumens of blood vessels with all the ensuing consequences (heart attack, stroke, etc.). d.).

We offer a natural, practice-tested alternative - the Pobuda complex. This complex has two characteristic features:

1) performed once, without repetitions;

2) while inhaling- this means that we activate consciousness and imagination precisely at this phase of the cycle.

It is very important to connect mental images that indicate the movement of energy. Consciousness works with the energy sphere (Vedogon), and the physical body only accompanies internal transformations, ensuring harmonization of all levels. This is how Slavic gymnastics compares favorably with numerous practices that involve only the mind and energy, depriving attention to the physical body. This, in our opinion, violates the integrity of sensations and significantly reduces the healing effect of exercise.

The Pobuda complex must be performed after sleep or at any time when you need to cheer up and renew your energy.

To more effectively perform this complex, we recommend that you precede “Pobuda” (“Bodra”) with the following exercises: “Rain”, “Okrest” (“Chamber”), “Big Pendulum”, “Pulse” (use the rhythm 4-2-4) , “Internal Pendulum” (3 times).

The Pobuda complex consists of the following exercises:

1) "Rostock"

2) "Roots"

3) “Bear pulls” (“Reversal”, “Reversal”)

4) “Earth - sky” (4 positions)

5) “Veles foot” (4 positions)

After completing the “Pobuda” itself, perform the “Internal Pendulum” again 3 times and finish with the “Settled Bubble” exercise – 1-7 times.

Attention! Do the Pobuda exercises with 30% physical effort, that is, easily, freely, and with pleasure. We reproduce mental images brightly, dynamically, and volumetrically. We concentrate on volume. All exercises should flow smoothly and without stopping into each other.

Now we will describe the exercises of the “Pobuda” (“Bodra”) complex.


Take the “Coachman” pose. The arms hang down and are brought slightly forward with the shoulders and elbows (elbows pointing forward, palms facing each other with their backs). Feel how a powerful upward flow of energy flows to your feet. A look at the feet. Try very hard to visualize the mental image. Get started inhale on 4 hits hearts, transport the Ascending Stream of sediment to the top of the head (“Spring”) and further to infinity. At the same time, the gaze and hands accompany the movement of the energy flow. First, the shoulders rise up, then the elbows, and then the arms rush up, the palms also turned with their backs towards each other. The body stretches out, stands on its “toes” (“socks”). The gaze follows the palms as they move, from bottom to top. Breath holding – 2 beats, the body rushes upward as much as possible. Further exhale – 4 beats, the body stands back up on the “entire foot.” The hands and gaze are directed downwards, while the palms turn with the inner surface towards each other and in the area of ​​the center “Zarod” they press tightly against each other, turning their fingers downwards (see photo 4, a, b , V ).

Note. While inhaling, that is, raising your arms, slightly twist your body in a spiral. Counterclockwise (from right to left), repeating the movements of the increasing Updraft.

The “Sprout” exercise also uses the image of a growing young tree.


“Coachman” position, looking down through the hands, palms pressed tightly against each other with the inner surfaces, fingers extended in the direction of the Earth. Create a mental image of a Downward Stream approaching the “Spring” (top of the head).

Inhale – 4 beats, pass the Downward flow from the “Spring” down through the feet to the center of the Earth, while twisting the body clockwise, synchronizing with the Downstream.

Breath holding – 2 beats, strengthen the movement of the thought form towards the center of the Earth, the body squats a little, the feet take root in the support. We use the image of the root system of a young tree growing deep into the Earth (see photo 5).

Bydoh - 4 hits, the body straightens, the chin rises, the arms are spread to the sides, slightly down and back, as if you are tearing the finish line, take the starting position for the next exercise “Bear U-turn”.


A "Bearish reversal"

This exercise is designed to work out and activate the horizontal flow of the Earth passing through our body.

Inhale4 hits we turn our chest, arms to the sides, slightly down and back, head rises, legs straighten at the knee joints, it is necessary to create a “tension” running horizontally through the chest, arms and out through the hands, between middle and nameless fingers. Pay attention to photo 6. This position of the fingers is used in the “Bear Pull” exercise.

On exhalation - 4 beats, move to the starting position of the next exercise (photo 7).

B. "Bear turn"

In this exercise, the entry point for the Earth’s energy flow will be "back gate" of Yar. Bring your arms forward and slightly downward, so that they cross at the level of the elbow joints (attention! For men, the right hand is on top, for women, the left). The body takes the “Coachman” position, the chin is lowered to the chest, the back is rounded, the position of the fingers is the same as in the “Bear Turn” exercise. Thought form horizontal flow enters the interscapular space and rushes to infinity. Form a “tension” running along the mid-horizontal line of the shoulder blades, the arms and between the middle and ring fingers of the hands (photo 15). While holding your breath - 2 beats, strengthen the “tension” and power of the thought form of the Earth’s flow (photo 8). On exhalation - 4 beats, straighten the body. Extend your arms horizontally to the sides.

V. “Earth-Sky”

Stand straight, arms out to the sides parallel to the ground, fingers spread wide. Mentally draw a plane dividing the chest and arms in a horizontal direction, forming two parts - upper and lower (photo 9). In this exercise, the Ascending and Descending flows are worked out in their volume-plane aspect. A conventional dividing line divides the hands into inner and outer surfaces. These surfaces will serve as a guide in working with flows.

Position A (Updraft)

The body is in the starting position shown in photo 16. The arms are extended to the sides, inner surface down, fingers spread wide.

Inhale – 4 beats, pull in Updraft all lower body plus inner surfaces of the arms and hands. The body performs a slight rotation counterclock-wise, that is, from right to left, thus integrating into the Ascending energy flow.

Delay – 2 hits, We also stretch our arms to the sides, strengthening the mental image of the Ascending Stream.

Exhale – 4 beats, arms and palms turn with the inner surface up, preparing to be saturated with the downward flow.

Position B

The body is positioned as in the previous exercise, but the arms and hands are “looking” upside down with the inner surfaces. The head is raised, following the principle of “syncinesis”.

Inhale – 4 beats, we accept Downward flow.

Breath holding – 2 beats, We strengthen the mental image, expand in space.

Exhale, 4 beats, we remain in the same position, relax, and the removal switches to external surface of the hands and palms. In this exercise "B" we are working on The flow is downward, so we twist (“twist”) the body along clockwise.

Position B

Now our consciousness concentrates on outer surface of the arm and palm. We remain in the previous position, and I repeat, move your attention to the outer surface of the hand, facing down.

Inhale – 4 beats, we accept Ascending energy flow.

Breath holding – 2 beats, We strengthen the mental image and “internal tension”.

On exhalation - 4 beats, We turn our arms and palms with the outer surface up and raise our head. When working on the Upward Stream, we rotate the body counterclockwise, that is, from right to left.

Position G

Our body is in a straightened position, legs are slightly narrower than shoulder width, feet are parallel, arms are spread to the sides, with the outer surface up, fingers spread wide, as if trying to capture the volume.

Inhale4 hits pull in Descending energy flow twist the torso clockwise,breath holding, 2 beats, we strengthen the “internal tension” and increase the power of the thought form.

Exhale – 4 beats, we lower our hands down, preparing for the next exercise of the Pobuda complex.


This exercise in the Pobuda complex is key, as it fully demonstrates the “internal tension” or, in other words, the level of activation of the psychoenergetic sphere (Vedogon). Stand straight, your legs are slightly narrower than your shoulders, your arms are lowered along your body, your palms are pointing down, your shoulders and crown are pointing up. Now shift your body weight to your right leg and your left...

Position A

The straight leg rises slightly upward so that the heel lifts off the support. If for some reason it is difficult to work while standing on one leg, it is quite acceptable to lean on the other leg. On your left leg, pull your heel down and point your toe up and towards you, so that the calf muscle is slightly tense. The shoulders are pulled up, the hands are directed down. The fingers are tightly folded together, except for the thumb. The thumb is set away from the hand at an angle of 90?, so that the tendon between it and the index finger is strongly stretched “like a string” (photo 10). Mentally divide the left, raised leg lengthwise into two surfaces: external and internal. In this position “A” we are interested in the inner surface of the leg (photo 11).

So: inhale – 4 beats, pull the heel of your left foot and hands down, the top of your head and especially your shoulders up (this is very important, otherwise you will lose your balance). At this moment we pull Ascending energy flow into the back of the left leg. Hold your breath, increase expansion, strengthen your thought form. On exhalation - 4 beats, the foot extends with the toe forward and down.

Position B

The body is in the same position (position A), BUT! The foot is extended with the toe forward and down. A thought form, that is, a part of consciousness has moved to outer surface of the leg which is preparing to receive Downward energy flow(photo 12). We carry out inhale – 4 beats, we pull the toe forward and down, the hands in the same direction, the crown and shoulders tend upward. Downward energy flow impregnates outer surface of the leg.

Breath holding – 2 beats, thought form, tension and expansion increase. Exhale – 4 beats, We place our left foot on the ground, while lightly striking the support with our left heel. The thought form moves to the right leg.

Position B

Absolutely identical to position A (photo 11), only for the right leg. Thought form in the inner surface of the right leg, work with Upward flow.

Position G

Position D is the same as position B (photo 12), only for the right leg. The thought form is in outer surface of right leg and pulls in Downward flow. At the end of the exhalation, lightly tap the ground with your right heel.

How to practice the Pobuda complex?

1. We recommend starting with the “template level”. First, study, remember and repeat the movements of the physical body many times. Then compare breathing and heartbeat. Next, from the template level, you can move to the ideomotor level, that is, connect a “color picture” of energy flows to movements, breathing and pulse. This is the basis Slavic gymnastics– very simple, once you learn it, and very effective, V how You see for yourself. The colors of the streams are an individual matter, but, as always, we offer our own, proven options: golden, silver or the universal color of white gold.

2 . Mentally direct energy flows to strictly indicated zones. Work with the power and intensity of the image, as it is a reflection of the volitional influence of the Mind. Over time, you can add to the thought forms of energy flows images of Yar and “tensions,” that is, the directions of expansion and contraction of Vedogon.

With constant practice, the result will not be long in coming. From imagination you will move on to sensations on the physical level, which is the desired effect, since then a higher level of expansion of the capabilities of consciousness and personality energy begins.

3. All of Vedogon’s “energy pulls” in the “Slavyanka” are carried out from the center of Yar.

4. All instructions regarding concentration of attention, strengthening mental images, etc., must be understood from the point of view of “volumetric consciousness”. The more processes, objects, phenomena you can realize at the same time, dividing consciousness, and at the same time being able to interact with individual segments of consciousness with an object, the more powerful your energetic and psycho-suggestive capabilities. This determines the level of immunity and health status.

Key exercise “Settled bubble”

Modern physics comes to the conclusion that around the emitting point there are quantum shells - concentric spheres of various diameters, consisting of leptons. On the surface of the human body there are a large number of emitting points, which, working in unison, make a person a single pulsar. The radiation creates total quantum shells of the body, which are shaped like spacesuits located one inside the other. Remember again the Russian nesting doll. Our Slavic ancestors had a great understanding of the structure of the Macro- and Microcosmos. So, let’s return to the shells: one’s own physical body is not the whole person, but only a visible, tangible core, around which its information-energy “doubles” are located. When two people are close, their quantum shells intersect. These intersections can serve as channels through which intuitive information is exchanged - which may explain the ability to understand and sense each other's thoughts and intentions. The farthest - closing quantum shells are common to all people and objects in the Universe; they form a single leptonic field (Fig. 16).

In India, sages and mystic yogis talk about unity with all humanity, with the entire Universe. This is not an artistic image, but a phenomenon of the material world. Yogis can “connect” to the leptonic field of humanity and read information from it; they call this omniscience.

In the system of the Slavic “Spas” and healing “Zdrava” there were seven main levels of personality - seven “Settled Bubbles”. The seventh level was called the “Universal Bubble” (see Fig. 16) and was considered common to all living beings. All this is reflected in the “Settled Bubble” key complex, which, in essence, is integrative, that is, uniting you with the entire Universe. Along with the exercises “Around”, “Pulse”, “Breath of Perun”, “Settled Bubble” has a key mystical meaning, regardless of whether you believe in it or not. It is repeated seven times, each time expanding the mental image in space. The seventh shell, relative to us, is infinity. For effective ideomotor performance of the exercise, it is necessary to introduce another important mystical image. This is the image of our luminary - the Sun. The ancient Slavs revered the Sun, considered it the “eye” of the Almighty in our Universe, a source of energy for everyone and everything.

The rhythm of the exercise can be tied to the already known “4-2-4-2”, but this is not necessary. The main thing is ideomotor work, mental images. And one more truth that is relevant for all Slavic gymnastics: it is very important to track and record new sensations and changes that appear during your classes. This is a kind of monitoring of the training process, the criterion of which is good health, a sense of energy comfort. It is advisable for the “settled bubble” to complete all activating energy-accumulating practices. Sometimes it is acceptable to perform this exercise once, but you will have to work ideomotorically, expanding all seven shells at the same time.


Stand up straight, focus 30% of your attention on the Sun or where it should be at the moment.

Inhale – 4 beats, extend your arms up, in the direction of the Sun, cross them at the level of the wrists, the palms with the inner surfaces are directed towards each other, respectively, the thumbs look down. Grab the Sun with your hands, then from your hands create a corridor for the luminary leading to your Yar, the palms, after turning the hands, also look at each other with their inner surfaces. Continuing inhale, draw solar energy into your Yar (copper kingdom), then, also while inhaling, raise your hands vertically up and draw the solar power into the Golden Kingdom (that is, “Spring”, “Brow”, “Throat”).

Then, holding your breath – 2 beats, spread your arms to the sides to shoulder level, your fingers should outline the boundaries of the “Settled Bubble”.

From this position, exhale – 4 beats, bring your hands down, forming a ring out of them.

The body takes the “Coachman” stance, the chin drops to the chest, the knees bend slightly, the pelvis slightly By is given forward, shoulders up and forward, the chest goes inward towards the spine. In the Yar region, a powerful funnel is formed, spinning “salting”, that is, clockwise, from left to right), intensively sucking solar energy inside.

Delay – 2 hits, we concentrate the received power to a point, the center of Yar. Repeat 7 times, each approach expanding to the next boundary of your energy-information space. After 7 times, inhale, unfolding your arms, and as you exhale, clap your palms at chest level 3 times. Thus, we “closed” the “Settled Bubble” key set (photo 13).

Exercise “Solar Breathing”

The next exercise, “Solar Breathing,” is a very effective energy-accumulating and activating exercise. Often used as an alternative to Pobuda. Has 3 distinctive features:

· performed only until 12 noon;

· the presence of the Sun is necessary;

· We accompany the exhalation with attention.

Before we begin to describe the exercise itself, let me remind you of the following: The yar is a volumetric energy structure that has a front gate located at the level of the lower third of the sternum and a back gate located in the interscapular region. We will need these starting points to correctly understand the Solar Breathing exercise.


Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down, shoulders and top of head pointing up, feet parallel. Look at the Sun and place its mental image in your Yar.

Position A

Place part of consciousness to the back gate of Yar and from this point trace two channels running inside the hands. Extend your arms to the sides.

In front of us, create an image of a sphere on which our body seems to rest. This sphere is connected to us by the front gate of Yar.

Inhale – 4 beats, We stretch the channels of the arms in a horizontal direction, while the top of the head tends upward and onto the sphere, the feet – downwards under the sphere.

Breath holding – 2 beats, we increase the expansion.

Attention! Exhale – 4 beats, with effort we roll energy through the channels of our hands. We also exhale part of the energy through the front gate of Yar directly into the sphere, enhancing its power and density. Repeat the 4-2-4 rhythm 3 times (Fig. 17).

Position B

Everything is the same as in position A, only with part of the consciousness we accompany the channel coming from the back point (gate) of Yar, through the crown to the sphere (Fig. 18). Repeat 3 times.

Position B

Identical to the previous positions A and B, but now, as you inhale, consciousness accompanies the channel that runs down the spine and divides in the lumbar region into two, flowing inside the legs. Also the rhythm is 4-2-4, Repeat 3 times.

Position G

We cover all 3 directions with part of our consciousness: arms, crown, legs. We work through everything together 3 times, with each inhalation increasing the volume of the sphere, and with each exhalation - its power and density. Do not forget about the Sun in Yar and in the Sky (Fig. 19).

Position D

So, holding the images of three energy directions - the sphere in front of you, the Sun in the Yar and in the Sky, we perform a turn at an angle of 90° to the right. We perform a 4-2-4 cycle and another turn and a breathing cycle. Finally, we turn 90° to the right for the fourth time and return to the starting position.

Please note that we have worked through all directions of the world and found ourselves already inside the enhanced energy sphere.

Now we perform the “internal pendulum” once in volume. And we complete the set of energies with the “Settled Bubble” exercise 1-7 times (Fig. 20).

Complex "Palaestra"

These exercises do not apply To traditions of the Slavic “Zdrava”. They are taken from the gymnastics of the ancient Greeks and, in our opinion, are very useful and effective, which is why they were included in Slavic gymnastics.

In ancient Greece, there were palestras - private gymnastics schools for boys 12-16 years old. There: they taught how to use the muscles of the body correctly and holistically. The goal was good coordination of movements and control of muscle function. As a result, the Greeks achieved physical perfection.

Proper use of muscles and coordination of their actions means a complete absence of overstrain and overfatigue, which indicates a high level of endurance development. The secret lies in the firmness and elasticity of the muscles and ligaments. When muscles are elastic, body weight is evenly distributed along the ligaments without concentrating at any point, which ensures proper circulation of energy.

In class Slavic gymnastics, and in life in general we need to take into account the two most important laws of physiology.

I. Aried-Schultz Law “Weak stimuli increase the intensity of force, large ones inhibit it, and the strongest ones destroy it.”

II. Vir's blood law Professor of Medicine August Wier said that blood circulation is activated in the working muscle, which leads to the harmonization of metabolic processes, that is, our blood has a beneficial effect on the activity of the musculoskeletal system. If we apply considerable intensity of effort, then the muscles will compress the vessels, and as a result - a circulatory disorder, causing negative reactions in the body. Instead of elasticity and energy intensity, ligaments and muscles become stiff, overstrained, and the energy in them stagnates or disappears altogether. The consequences are clear - there are numerous injuries: sprains, dislocations, ruptures, etc.

Let me remind you again! IN Slavic gymnastics the mind and will are tensed, and all other structures of the body enjoy it.

Exercise “Palaestra” solves two main problems:

· improves the elasticity of ligaments and muscles;

· increases flexible strength, that is, energy intensity.

It is advisable to perform “Palaestra” from 10 to 12 o’clock in the morning and from 18 to 21 o’clock in the evening. At this time, muscles and ligaments are naturally predisposed to stretching exercises in general. The “Palaestra” movements are usually repeated 3-5 times.

Consciousness accompanies exhalation. I would especially like to highlight the “Long Arms” exercise from the “Palaestra”. It “tears off” the brushes, increases their energy and sensitivity. Prepares the so-called “psychic hands” - so necessary for us for diagnosis, treatment and self-healing. Let us remember that this phenomenon was once called “magnetism”.

When performing exercises, we do not give a specific reference to heart rate; we leave the proportions of the respiratory cycle to the discretion of your intuition. Let me remind you that in the Palestra the most important thing for us is exhalation.


The purpose of the exercise is to learn to divide the body into 2 sectors - upper and lower, relative to the horizontal umbilical line (we will further call the reference lines of movement radicular). It has a clear therapeutic and energy-filling effect. You acquire the skill of simultaneously pulling the upper half of your body towards the sky and rooting the lower half into the ground. This, in turn, provides a smoothing and gentle stretching of the muscles and ligaments that support the spinal column from the first thoracic vertebra to the coccyx, and also slightly relieves the load on the intervertebral hyaline cartilage.

Stand straight, feet parallel, feet shoulder width apart, hands with open hands strongly cut into the sides at the umbilical line (the root line of this exercise).

Inhale– we expand in space: the crown and shoulders go up, the legs and pelvis go down, the back is straight (do not bend the lower back), the stomach tends to retract and “join” the back (photo 14).

Exhalation– stretch as much as possible from the radicular line up and down. Repeat 3-5 times.

Ideomotorally we hold the mental image of Vedogon’s energy “tensions”. We try to accompany the stretching of the body with very light wave-like movements and swaying.


The starting position of the body is the same as in the previous exercise. We raise the radicular line to shoulder level. Now we are interested in the cervical spine. It will be great if you can see all seven cervical vertebrae with your inner eye. This gives you the opportunity to make a more subtle, one might say, “jewelry” correction in this section of the spinal column.

Inhale– the whole body, starting from the shoulders, is in place. You should feel yourself driven into the Earth up to your shoulders. For convenience, you can cross your arms over your chest and use your palms to support your shoulders. The head moves up very carefully, a little swaying. The gaze is directed straight ahead, the top of the head moves upward. It is better if you manage to create the impression that it is not you who are stretching your head, but that you are being pulled from above by the top of your head.

Exhalation– slightly increase the stretch and easily return to the starting position. Repeat 5-7 times (photo 15).


The starting position is standard, the arms are lowered along the body, the palms are stretched, especially tightly between the index fingers and the palms set to the side (90 e) thumbs. The shoulders, crown, hip joints, knee joints, or more precisely, their energy kinetic spheres are directed upward. The root line divides the foot into two parts - the toe (toe) and the sole with the heel. So only the toe goes down, and the rest of the foot goes up. A very difficult exercise from a balance point of view. After all, you must stretch higher and higher with each inhalation and exhalation. It is ideal if during the exercise you do not fall on your heels at all. Yes, this exercise is not easy, but it clearly reveals the presence of internal “tensions” in you and their integral interaction (photo 16).

Repeat 3-5 times. Remember the image in photo 16. You will need it soon to perform the preparatory exercise “Suspension”.


Stand straight, feet parallel, legs narrower than your shoulders, the top of your head and shoulders pointing upward, place your arms bent at the elbows behind your back at lumbar level. Imagine a thought-form of a sphere behind you, clearly larger in size than your Vedogon. Secure your legs at the knee joints, do not let them bend throughout the entire exercise. Inhale, “roll” onto the sphere, bending at the lower back. The head and shoulders point up and toward the sphere, straight legs point down and under the sphere.

Exhalation– increase the “tension”. Repeat 3-5 times (photo 17).


This exercise can be performed individually or in pairs with a partner. There are several necessary conditions here that provide clear advantages over similar exercises. The whole trick is again in ideomotor skills, that is, active work with energy tension. First we will describe the individual option. You need to clearly imagine that there is a wall behind you, against which you are pressed tightly, especially with your shoulder and hip joints. These four physical points must be fixed throughout the exercise. Now raise your left leg to a comfortable height (the optimal angle is 90?, who can). The leg should be straight, the toe pulled towards you, the heel forward. You need to feel a slight stretch in the posterior thigh muscles and popliteal ligaments. Let me remind you that the hip joint is strictly fixed in place. Inhale, stretch the bliss forward, and the mental image of the “energy leg” expands far forward and 40 centimeters back. Exhale - increase tension. Repeat 3-5 times. Do the same with the right leg (photo 18).

In pair work, the same principles are followed, only the position of the exerciser is now horizontal on the ground. The shoulders and hip joints rest against real support. The assistant helps by slightly increasing the tension on the thigh, especially on exhalation(photo 19).


This exercise exactly repeats the “Veles foot” from the “Pobuda” complex. Look again at photos 10-12 (exercise “Veles foot”). The only difference is that consciousness accompanies exhalation, strengthening internal “energy pulls”. At the physical level, we stretch the muscles of the lower leg and the ligaments of the ankle joint. We start with the left foot. We pull the heel, then the toe, then work with the right leg. Repeat each foot position 3-5 times.


This exercise, as we have already said, is very important, key in mastering the skills of interaction, control and manipulation of the energy body with one’s own, and in the future with other Vedogons.

Stand straight, arms extended forward, shoulder joints fixed. Imagine that instead of hands you have hollow flexible pipes originating from the back gate of Yar. Do inhale ideomotorically extending his arms far forward. Either to infinity, or to a certain visible distance. Exhale, continuing to expand, extend your arms, relative to the longitudinal axis, inward. Repeat 3-5 times. Then, as you exhale, twist your arms outward. Repeat 3-5 times. When performing the “Long Arms” exercise, keep your palms “tight” (as indicated in photo 10). The shoulders are strictly fixed in place (see photo 20).

After the final twisting and exhalation, it is necessary to close the energy of the “long arms” so that flexible force does not leak into space. For this while inhaling Raise your arms vertically up and close your hands into half fists (photo 21). Holding your breath lower your arms to the sides and stretch them along the seams so that your half fists are pressed to the upper third of your thighs, while pulling your shoulders up. Continuing to hold your breath, clench your half fists as much as possible and relax your whole body. Hold your breath until discomfort begins to appear (photo 22).

Next, as you exhale, take the “Coachman” stance, bending your arms at the elbows, so that an angle of 90° is formed between the shoulder and forearm, while the elbows are pressed tightly to the body. Then unclench and relax your hands as much as possible. Watch how warm, pleasant waves flow from your palms into the Yar (photo 23). This energy received from the outside seeks to strengthen and renew your energy.


First, let's think a little. Let's try to find a key term for all phenomena, processes, events, personalities, objects and everything that our inquisitive Mind can imagine. In our opinion, this term is “vibration”. The universe, planets, people - everything moves and therefore vibrates. There is no static, there is only movement. A stop can only happen in our consciousness, and even then for a certain moment, then we hit the road again. Endless, multi-frequency vibrations make up waves. Waves, twisted into spirals by time, are the structural substrate of all things. Naturally, man, like the Microcosmos, exists according to the laws of the Macrocosmos. In order to learn to consciously integrate into the vibrations of the vast world, that is, to minimize their destructive effect, it is necessary to determine the conditional component of spiral waves. Imagine a table with a metronome on it, used in music classes. What we see: a support, a fulcrum and a certain lever moving in a single-plane space relative to the central axis. Quite rightly, this periodically moving structure can be called a “pendulum” (Fig. 21).

Further, let us assume that this table with a “pendulum” is located in the cabin of a liner making a transatlantic crossing. Our pendulum has a more complex trajectory of movement. Go ahead. The Atlantic Ocean, through which the liner floats, is located on planet Earth, rotating around its axis and rushing at cosmic speed around the Sun. What is the dynamics of our pendulum now? It's as breathtaking as you can imagine. And if you think about how the Solar System pulsates inside our Galaxy, which in turn vibrates like a tiny swastika in the Universe. And the Universe itself floats like a tiny bubble among other “universal bubbles” in the unimaginable space of material creation. And what is the current situation with the trajectory of our “pendulum”? It's hard to imagine, but it's possible.

The body of a person who appeared on Earth is a reflection of the structure of the solar system and our Universe. And we have such pendulums within us. Having learned the methods of working through the most basic of them, we receive tuning fork keys for use, which are able to regulate the state of our health.

So, the task of the “Pendulums” exercise is to feel how the relaxed body, with a slight deviation, returns to its original position without the participation of our will, in a natural way. And with some development of internal, energetic “tension” - due to inertia, it gives a swing in the opposite direction. This dynamic state of antagonist muscles, where F flexor = F extensor, is called the optimal physiological position and uses only up to 30% of our energy in any activity. Here it is necessary to introduce the principle alertness, that is, relaxed flexibility or intuitive correctness of movements. This principle ensures the inclusion of the energy of the right hemisphere of the brain, that is, the subconscious, which makes up about 80% of the energy-informational potential of the individual.

Alertness reveals another principle of harmonious coexistence - complementarity, or "key in the lock". It provides a precisely calibrated, adequate response of the individual to the constantly changing external environment. In other words, we no longer need to spend physical energy, unprecedented efforts of consciousness, amplitude throwing of feelings, but accurately, without unnecessary words and movements, solve the tasks that Fate sets before us. A powerful amount of energy released in the process of harmonious life will be used to maintain good personal health, and in special cases, to heal others. These principles are widely used by athletes. Many of us have heard about the “pendulums” of the legendary SMERSH. We need to remember that the “Pendulums” exercise not only develops our psychosuggestive abilities, but is also mobilizing and strengthening for our Vedogon.

Before moving on to writing off the “Pendulum” exercises, let’s consider a very important preparatory exercise “Suspension”. It is fundamentally similar to the “Toes” exercise from the “Palaestra” complex. In “Suspension” the ideomotor “picture” becomes a little more complicated and it is not necessary to stand on your “toes” (Fig. 22).

Inhale, pulse beats can be ignored, imagine that a hook has appeared above the top of the head, which pulls up our central energy channel. Next, one by one, we connect the Golden, Copper, and Silver Kingdoms to this “hook.” Then, through the central channel, we suspend the energy spheres of the shoulder, hip, and knee joints there. So your entire energy-bodily structure is suspended in space, everything except your feet, or rather, your toes, which tend to root deep into the ground.

On the exhale increase the tension upward. Repeat 3 times. Remember the sensations of lightness, suspension, wholeness that appear.

In order to master Pendulums better and faster, it makes sense to remember several key provisions from biomechanics.

The human body is a biomechanical chain, where joints are inertial nodes, and the bones of the limbs and the spine are links in this chain (Fig. 28).

Also, the human biokinematic system includes a frame, frame points and cross tensions between them. If, when performing the “Pendulums” exercise, you use a “picture” of the frame and internal tensions, the effect of the exercise will appear instantly (Fig. 24).

The “Pendulums” exercises include their main types connecting them: “Large Pendulums”, two versions of the pendulum “Clock”, “Knapsack”, “Spring” and the most important “Inner Pendulum” - “Pendulums”, which we have already studied in the “Breath of Perun” exercise. Can be done individually or in pairs. At the beginning of the study, it is preferable to work in pairs. The most important thing is to learn to distinguish when you use volitional force to move, and when the process is carried out due to internal flexibility, that is, the interaction of internal tensions (Fig. 24). When working correctly, the “Pendulum” makes itself felt with a very pleasant, comfortable feeling in the gel. And one more reminder - think about the names of the exercises, model the image of these objects, they contain the key to movement and the desired result.

Exercise "Clock"

Two options: “Metronome” and “Scarecrow”


Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, arms down, “Suspended” state. Let's mentally imagine that the Earth is at the level of the hip joints. The fulcrum of the pendulum is “Zarod”. Short inhale, deviate the upper body to the right, very slightly. We try to feel the internal tension that has arisen on the opposite side. Using this tension, we release the body to swing to the left. We carry out subsequent oscillations in exactly the same way, without pauses. The only stimulator for free pendulum movements should be breathing. Inhale to the right, exhale to the left, or vice versa, as desired. This operating principle is valid for all types of “pendulums”. I will not repeat it further, but will describe only the external side of the exercises. There is also combat, or “dog” breathing, but more on that later for those who need it.

The paired version of this exercise is called “Vanka-Vstanka”. The partner gives a gentle push to the shoulder in the direction of the given movement (right-left or back-and-forth). When the “pendulum” fades, we also push, supporting the partner’s oscillations.


The direction of movement of the “pendulum” changes: oscillations occur around the central axis (Fig. 26, a B C).

The paired version of the exercise is called the “Grinding Wheel”. The partner pushes the shoulder in the anterior-posterior direction, launching the “pendulum” of the handhold. This is the easiest of the “pendulum” exercises to master.

Exercise “Big Pendulum”


Stand up straight legs almost together arms are freely lowered, “Suspension”. The fulcrum of the “pendulum” coincides with the natural support of the body – the earth and is located in the middle, between the feet. The swaying is carried out entirely, with the whole body. Use the "big shoulder" image of the frame structure. Oscillations are also stimulated by breathing (rms. 27, a, b).

The combined version of the “Big Pendulum” is “Mortar”. This exercise combines the previous two. The body will draw a volumetric cone in space, where the top of the cone is the point between the feet, and the base - an ellipse - is formed by the trajectory of the head and shoulders (Fig. 28). Movements are carried out clockwise and counterclockwise. Ideomotorically, I would like you to be able to create in yourself the feeling of the rotation of the cosmic rope “Swili”, of which you are a small fragment. The feeling that it is not you who are spinning “Svilya”, but it is spinning you. This is very important for further fruitful work.

Small addition. At Mortar, pay special attention to the tables. If they work correctly, they should “come to life”.

Exercise "Knapsack"

The exercise is performed individually and in pairs (the latter is preferable), in three variations: right-left, forward-backward and the combined version “Spindle”.

This exercise is truly therapeutic, as it eliminates congestion in the lumbar region. This most unpleasant phenomenon is observed in many people, since the current sedentary lifestyle does not provide the opportunity to move correctly and to the required extent. Stagnation of energy in the lumbar region leads to poor circulation and pathological changes in this part of the spine. All this gives rise to a whole range of diseases: from impotence and kidney failure to inflammation of the sciatic nerve and hemorrhoids.


So, the mental image of this exercise, as always, is in the name. Let's imagine a wall, a nail is driven into it, and a knapsack hangs on it. Swing it, and here you have a pendulum (Fig. 29). This same nail is “hammered” into the space between the eyebrows, and that same knapsack is your pelvis (Fig. 30).

The paired option is much preferable. Unfortunately, as experience in group classes shows, few people are able to master this “pendulum” on their own. The reason for this phenomenon is a huge number of problems in the lumbar region of literally everyone who comes to class. Slavic gymnastics.

With a partner, “Kotomka” is much easier and faster to master. To do this, it is necessary that the partner gives impulses with his hand to the hip joint in a given direction. And everything will work out.

Exercise "Spindle"

Next comes the combined version of “Spindle”. This exercise has a basic and at the same time mystical character. Despite its apparent simplicity, it has several depths of execution. We will return to “Spindle” more than once. This is the basis for the study of the legendary “Svili” and the Slavic “Spas”.


Starting option. Stand straight, legs slightly narrower than your shoulders, feet parallel, perform the “Suspension”. Repeat “Knapsack” several times, left and right and back and forth. 1 feel the state of the “pendulum” (that is, allergy), only after that, easily, without straining, begin to rotate the “spindle” around the central axis (Fig. 30). Try to achieve a feeling of initiation of rotation from the outside. This will help avoid “jumping” into trivial, unhelpful, and often harmful rotation of the pelvis. Unlike the “Pendulum”, where actions are carried out due to internal energy tension, that is, they are of an energy-informational nature, simple rotation of the pelvis only increases the friction of the articular surfaces, bringing their physiological wear closer. Please do not be deceived by the apparent simplicity of “Pendulums”. “Pendulums” are the most powerful key to entering the energy-informational plane.

And a few more instructions for performing the “Spindle”.

Option I

Working with your arms down. Try to organize your breathing as follows: half a turn of the “Spindle” - inhale, half a turn - exhale. As you inhale, slow down a little, strengthening the “Suspension”; as you exhale, speed up—spurt down. It turns out a kind of “gravity slide” - a swing, where the spurt - downward acceleration - gives a charge for a new revolution - a kind of prototype of a “perpetual motion machine”. This approach will make it possible to quickly achieve the feeling of initiation of rotation from the outside. Once you “catch” the Spindle Pendulum, trust us, you can’t go wrong. A voice will sound inside you: “This is it!!!”

Option II

It is performed in exactly the same way, the changes concern only the position of the hands. Take two school notebooks or thin books of the same format, hold them under your arms, bend your arms at the elbows so that the forearm is at an angle of 90° to the shoulder, and begin the “Spindle”, holding the notebooks tightly. Pay attention to your extended hands, where your fingertips begin to describe the same trajectory in the air as your pelvis.

Change the direction of movement through “hovering” in the “suspension”. In this way, you can very quickly achieve the most important quality of bodily movements - integrity (Fig. 30).

Exercise “SPRING”

This exercise also solves the most important problems of energy kinematics. It makes it possible to feel within yourself the “internal spring” acting along the axis of the spine, as well as in each inertial node of the body, that is, the joint. “Spring” teaches the skills of discharging negative energy, compacting one’s own Vedogon and, most importantly, includes the process of “detonation” - “revival” of our energy. This is the most important moment in mastering energy protections, the ability to flicker in space, but more on that later.

To master it, you need to remember the picture of the human biomechanical chain in profile and remember the zones of consistent elasticity of the body and its etheric double, corresponding to the crests of the body wave. Let us remind you that the mechanics of the physical body are almost identical to the mechanics of the etheric body. It’s just that the ethereal has more possibilities for action in space (Fig. 31).


The exercise can be performed either in pairs or independently. Take the “Coachman” pose, ask your partner to push your chest towards the Earth. Try to feel the “internal spring” around the spine and joints, and due to this elasticity, enter into the oscillations of the “Spring” pendulum. Next, independently work out various frequencies and amplitudes of vibrations (see Fig. 32, a, b).

“Pendulums” are a very pleasant exercise to perform, so we do not specify the number of repetitions. Act according to intuition, that is, inner sensations. Learn to listen to your true self, and not the ravings of an excited mind. “Pendulums”, with small amplitudes, can be performed anywhere, which, in fact, many people do subconsciously: rocking, swinging their legs, rotating their fingers. They provide the body with constant energy recharge, just like in a car: the movement of the car constantly recharges the battery, and it, in turn, is always ready to start the engine. Go for it, and everything will work out. Your health is your choice.

Finally, let's look at three moves to instantly relieve muscle tension. At first, perhaps, such tension will manifest itself, but with experience it will sink into oblivion.


From a straight position, tilt your body slightly to the right, “hang” your right shoulder and relax your right arm. Then, by oscillating the body, set the pendulum “Knapsack” in motion for the right hand. Rock it a little. As soon as the blood weighs down your fingers, raise your hand up and, lowering it, shake it several times, as if you were putting mercury in a thermometer. Do the same with your left hand. Then “suspend” both shoulders and imagine that instead of your hands you have two ropes with weights at the ends dangling. And again, using the Scarecrow pendulum, transfer wave-like vibrations to your hands. The shoulder girdle is relaxed.


Stand straight, pull your right hip joint up so that your right leg becomes “shorter” and hangs in the air, its foot parallel to the spore. Let your leg swing freely. Do the same with your left leg. This relieves tension from the lumbar region.


An exercise that relaxes the whole body, you just need to understand it and perform it correctly. Imagine yourself as a wet shirt that is about to be dried after washing. The hostess takes you by the shoulders and lifts you first a little up and then forward through wattle fence Remember this "through"– an important principle for further studies. You are hanging on the fence, bent in half at the level of your chest pockets, that is, diaphragm, and not belts, as some students often try to do. Avoid this mistake. And they also try to leave the “collar” standing up, that is, they do not relax their neck. The point of the exercise is lost.

Inhale create a mental image of a barrier in front of you - a “fence” - at chest level, raise your arms up, and completely relax.

On the exhale“throw” yourself onto this “wattle fence.” Head, arms, chest - on one side; pelvis, legs, stomach - on the other. Go limp, sag on this narrow support. Now swing your upper body in one direction and your lower body in the other at the same time. The result is a “pendulum” oscillatory system similar to a flywheel. Work like this a little and get back to business, that is, study complexes and exercises Slavic gymnastics.


At the end of our first meeting, I would like to remind you once again: be kind, do not take your classes too seriously, do the practices with ease, and most importantly, have fun. Then a serious positive result will not take long to arrive. Remember the words from the pioneer song of Soviet times, “Let's study cheerfully so that we can study well.” At first glance, the practices of Slavic gymnastics may seem complicated. But in fact, one principle of training is laid down everywhere - this is the ideomotor component of physical exercises. Having understood and mastered it, you will be convinced that all Slavic gymnastics is simple and accessible. It will be a little difficult only at the beginning, however, as in any business in general. Many practices of Slavic gymnastics, which you will become acquainted with in our books, have multi-purpose significance, but are based on the volitional work of consciousness, supported by precise movements of the physical body. Takal health activities undoubtedly have a positive effect on the human psyche and energy. Which, in turn, will enable the individual to effectively solve their life problems. In fact, we are talking about psychodynamic therapy.

In the next edition we will talk about the complexes included in the Khorsa Arch. I would especially like to highlight the “Zhiva” and “Bloki” complexes , which have a pronounced healing effect and are aimed at eliminating the so-called “patches”, that is, places of stagnation of energy flows occurring V mainly due to our wrong attitude towards ourselves, others, life in general, or due to negative energy-informational influences from the outside.

Constant work on one’s improvement makes a person whole, self-sufficient and gives the opportunity to enter the flow of Eternal Divine Love - and this is the goal of a person’s life!

See you again!

Best wishes, Vladislav Meshalkin