Success story: Vera Brezhneva. Vera Brezhneva: Star sickness did not visit me

The dream of becoming a star haunts many, but not everyone believes that this can be done without connections, influential producers and money. The show Success will prove otherwise. It's easy to become famous, but only if you have talent and perseverance. Thousands of Russians will be able to test their fate this fall. The project starts at STS. In terms of scale, it is already being compared to the American Idol show, which gave the green light to many popular performers.

Real "Success"

“Success” is a grandiose vocal show with a million-dollar budget. The participants have at their disposal luxurious decorations, real stars as mentors of fresh talented young people, broadcast of episodes on the STS channel with Vera Brezhneva, whose audience numbers many millions of Russians and residents of neighboring countries. Very soon the young performers will win their hearts, but for now they have to win the battle with their rivals and win the sympathy of one of the star teachers.

New super show

Anyone who loves such projects will be sorry to miss at least one broadcast. You can watch all episodes in the television video archive. All of them are saved online in excellent quality and are offered to viewers absolutely free. Latest issue is already “on the shelf” and awaits fans of the “Success” program.

Very soon, literally in a few days, it will start on STS. The host of the new music competition will become a singer, actress, Ambassador good will UN, three-time winner of the title “Sexiest” (Maxim rating) and simply beautiful (35). PEOPLETALK talked with the artist about the new “VIA Gre”, pregnancy and success.

At the VIA Gra casting I... I listened to others sing and thought that they were cooler. But then I realized that not only the voice is important for an artist. My formula for success is 10% luck and 90% hard work. Yes, I was lucky that I even found out that a casting was being held, but then everything was in my hands - whether I could prove that I was worthy of this place. After five years at VIA Gre, of course, it was difficult to leave, but it was my deliberate, firm decision. New girls (in 2013, viewers were presented updated composition"VIA Gra". – Approx. ed.) I perceive them as younger sisters - I help when necessary, I am proud of their successes and love their songs.

My new show “Success” opportunity to discover new talents to the world. Our main feature is that the participants will not have coaches, mentors or producers. Show yourself and make yourself! If you are talented and charismatic, you will be able to prove yourself. In addition, there will be a selection of participants every week. You can fly out at any time if you relax and someone more interesting comes along.

star fever ... didn’t visit me, I am very grateful to the people who are attentive to me and my work. Live communication for me is the strongest motivation to become even better. We are all close people to each other (Smiles). People recognize me on the street, take pictures, sometimes ask me to sign (even on my body with a marker), and I always try to pay attention to the person if there is such an opportunity. I can only refuse if I really don’t have time or feel bad. Probably, they first began to recognize me in 2003, after the release of the video “Don’t Leave Me, Darling” and “Komsomolskaya Pravda”. (Laughs.)

The strangest rumors about me… well, first of all, I’ve been pregnant for three years. If I’m actually expecting a child, I’m unlikely to tell anyone about it, so journalists write just in case. I’m even grateful to them - if I suddenly gain a little weight, I don’t have to worry, after all, everyone writes that I’m pregnant. And, of course, plastic surgery! I read somewhere that I had my nose done (some doctor even posted on Instagram that it was his work). Doctor, relax! I haven't done it yet plastic surgery on your face, only care. I am now 35 years old, and this moment I don't see the need dramatic changes, and in the future - we'll see. We all grow up, we get old, I don’t know any Benjamin Buttons.

What I'm most proud of my husband and my children (I am the same mother who can come to children's party and cry with emotion). As for my career, this year it will be 15 years (I came to VIA Gro in November 2002) and it’s great that I’ve been in the ranks all this time, and also manage not only to build solo career, but also to be a UN Goodwill Ambassador.

In my life... I wouldn't change anything. She had to be exactly like this - with all the difficulties, obstacles and people I met. Thanks to this, I am who I am. Maybe this is immodest, but I really like everything now. (Laughs.)

Popular singer Vera Brezhneva will become the host of a new large-scale STS show“Success”, in which the best vocalists from all over the country will fight for a place on the musical Olympus without the help of producers.

Vera Brezhneva became famous while working in the group " VIA Gra", now she is studying solo career

Vocal show The world press has already called it a replacement for the super popular project American Idol.“Success” is based on a new global format The Final Four companies Armoza Formats, which has more than a hundred projects implemented around the world. In parallel with STS An American TV channel is preparing its version of one of the most promising shows Fox, rights to the project were also acquired by companies from France, Norway, Denmark, Italy and Spain. But Russian viewers will see the project first - already in the new season of the STS TV channel.

According to the terms of the new show “Success”, already in the first episode, TV viewers, together with three star mentors, will choose four vocalists who will receive all-Russian fame and all the tools to conquer show business on their own. TO every week no less bright and talented performers will do anything to throw new stars off musical Olympus and take their place. Future stars are expected to record songs, shoot videos, work on stage images and master classes from popular musicians, actors and TV presenters. Producers of the project -Vyacheslav Murugov, Daria Legoni-Fialko, Alexandra Groysman.

But participants can lose success as quickly as they gained it. Vera Brezhneva will inspire those daredevils who will challenge the top four each week to take their places. 15 years ago, the singer herself showed courage when she attended a concert of the group “VIA Gra” in Dnepropetrovsk, which became fateful for her.

Vera Brezhneva, singer:

“At that time, they held various interactive events - for example, a competition for look-alikes of the group members. And then the girls come out - fair, red, dark. They are given microphones and asked to perform "Attempt No. 5", and suddenly the blonde refuses to sing. At that moment I was standing in front of the stage and quickly reacted: “I will sing!” For the performance to take place, I was invited to the stage. That’s where it all started – I was noticed.

There are many in the world successful examples self-made celebrities who achieved success on their own - Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, Oxxxymiron, Max Korzh. All of them, having destroyed the laws of show business, showed what they were capable of and received the love of millions. Their example confirms the rules of the new time: now the only thing that matters is how talented, charismatic, and cool you are, in the end. It’s great that the STS channel decided to take a risk and show the whole country that real talent doesn’t need a producer.”

Vera Brezhneva never ceases to delight her fans with new images. The Russian singer continues to publish photos from her photo shoots and shared her plans for the near future.

Vera Brezhneva and Dan Balan, news: together or not, watch the “Our Summer” video, Brezhneva is divorcing Meladze

Longtime friends and stage colleagues Vera Brezhneva and Dan Balan present an exquisite black and white video called “Our Summer”.

“In the new video work “Our Summer” there is a certain magic of the past that is familiar to everyone. Any person who has at least once in his life encountered nostalgia for a past young relationship will immediately feel this song as personal history, because it is impossible to turn back time and you can only return to the past only in your memories...” commented Dan Balan on the premiere.

The video was directed by Sergei Solodky, who is collaborating with the duet Dan Balan and Vera Brezhneva for the second time. In 2010, it was Sergei who directed the video “Petals of Tears,” which became popular in a matter of days.

The video was filmed on the island of Elba in Italy. The author of the words and music was Dan Balan himself.

Let us recall that the history of the creative relationship between Dan Balan and Vera Brezhneva is quite long. After the release of their first joint video, “Petals of Tears,” there were rumors that the artists were connected by something more than creativity, but then Dan and Vera did not comment on their status.

Some media outlets dare to suggest that the “Our Summer” video has a biographical meaning.

Dan Balan & Vera Brezhneva - Our Summer (Clip Premiere 2017)

The video by Dan Balan and Vera Brezhneva “Our Summer” received 5 million views

Dan Balan and Vera Brezhneva, in the absence of new hits, decided to team up again to repeat the success of the hit “Petals of Tears”, this time the couple recorded the track “Our Summer”.

The new work is in many respects stylistically reminiscent of the former successful single: romance, lyrics and minimalism in the video clip - just him and her. However, Dan and Vera have not yet succeeded in repeating the “bomb” effect: new job with 5 million views cannot compete with the 33 million views of the hit 6 years ago.

But all is not lost, teenagers will soon return from their dachas and the musicians still have a chance to increase their view count.

Vera Brezhneva admired the image from a new photo shoot

Recently Russian singer Vera Brezhneva showed off her image from a new photo shoot.

In the photo, the singer walks down the street in a light trench coat, leopard print shoes and sunglasses. Vera's image is full of elegant negligence and lightness.

“After a busy day of filming with the coolest crew. You can go home beautiful, why not?” Vera Brezhneva commented on the photo.

Fans of the singer, as often happens on Brezhneva’s page, rushed to express love and admiration. “Vera, you always look charming and beautiful. There is no person like you, with such a big soul and love. Vera, always smile, because if you don’t smile, the whole world will go out, because, Vera, a smile always suits you”, “You came out of May with a flying gait!”, “Well done, beauty!”, “ Businesswoman", "Magic!". In a few hours, Vera’s photo collected more than 100 thousand likes.