Biography is given to balance personal life. Dan Balan (Dan Balan)

An insinuating voice, sweetly singing about love, plus a sexy and masculine appearance have long brought the Moldovan singer Dan Balan to the top of the musical Olympus. His songs are listened to by millions, videos are often broadcast on music channels, and he himself is a frequent guest in girls’ sweet dreams. Unfortunately for fans, Dan Balan’s personal life is carefully hidden behind the doors of his house, since he himself considers this topic taboo when communicating with journalists. For a very long time, curious fans remained in the dark about Dan Balan's wife or at least his girlfriends, drawing their own conclusions often from fragmentary information taken from the media.

To date, the sultry Moldovan singer is still not married. Although he prefers to avoid the topic of his personal life and novels, he himself shared information that only three women played a big role in his fate. And all of them were in no way distinguished by their celebrity, strong social position, or special wealth, which will undoubtedly pleasantly surprise the singer’s fans, since it makes the chances of each of them very real. Moreover, Dan Balan, by his own admission, does not put forward any increased demands on his future life partner. The only quality that must be present in her is external beauty, and he will accept all the rest unconditionally if he feels his soul mate in the girl.

In the photo - Dan Balan with his son

By the way, according to media publications, Dan Balan, it turns out, has already learned first-hand what family life is. Even before the start of his solo career, he was married to a girl named Ella Krupenina. True, this marriage turned out to be short-lived - about five years - and in 2009 the couple separated due to uncontrollable jealousy on the part of the wife. Although it is not difficult to understand. It's hard to remain calm when your husband is constantly the center of attention of numerous fans. This marriage also produced an heir - son Alan. Just a couple of years ago, the press again remembered the singer’s ex-wife in connection with a suicide attempt, again motivated by jealousy of her husband, whom she did not stop loving even after the divorce. It is difficult to judge how true this information is.

In the photo - Dana Balan's alleged girlfriend Cristina Russu

During the same period of time, there was talk that Dan Balan had already given his heart. Christina Russa, a close friend of the singer’s sister, was represented as his beloved girl. However, he himself, again, did not comment on this information anywhere or in any way, limiting himself only to admitting that he was indeed not free at the moment. What is happening in Dan Balan’s personal life is now unknown, since he usually attends all social events where journalists are present.

If you still don’t know how old Dan Balan is, you can easily calculate it. From early childhood, the boy showed interest in music and organized concerts from the age of 3. It was at the age of three that he sang his very first song. Being the presenter, the mother helped her son, one day deciding to organize a kind of audition for him. On Moldavian television, the future star performed a song by Nadezhda Chepraga, a famous singer in Chisinau, but the cameras were turned off and the debut failed. However, it was the very first performance on television that gave the boy faith in his abilities!

The boy went to the Mihai Eminescu primary school in 1986, where he began to write his first poems. A year later, one of his poems takes first place in the competition and is published in the most popular magazine “NOI”.

The future star's first real performance took place when the boy was 9 years old.

on the television show "Semaforul". In 1988, Dan entered a music school to study accordion, graduating in 1994. In 1992, parents bought their son his first guitar, on which he tried to play rock music, which became interesting to the young man. Around this time, Balan began to dance and become interested in the art of war. His idols were Jackie Chan, MC Hammer, and the musicians of the cult band Metallica.

The beginning of the career of singer Dan Balan

As the boy grew older, he continued to organize concerts for his sister and friends. Seeing such a love for creativity, the parents gave their son an accordion for his eleventh birthday. On it Dan began to perform waltzes of his own composition. His talent could not go unnoticed, and at the age of 14 the young talent was already playing in bands performing music in the style of gothic doom metal “Pantheon” and “Inferialis”. Since these timid steps to get to the big stage did not bring tangible results, the musician decided to act differently.

In 1994, he decides to perform a song of his own composition at a school festival, where he receives the first loud applause. At the same time, the young man writes a song for a show hosted by his mother on television and receives national recognition. Dan Balan, whose family is moving to Israel due to his father’s new appointment, continues to be actively involved in music. It was in Tel Aviv that the performer first recorded in a studio and entered the Scottish School. But a year later the young man returns to his native Moldova and graduates from the Gh. Asachi."

Since Dan Balan’s parents wanted their son to study law, the young man fulfills their will and enters the Faculty of Law.

The path to success in the biography of Dan Balan

Dan Balan, whose photo you see on this page, decided, together with Petru Zhelikhovsky, to create the group “O-Zone” in 1999. For this group, the musician composed all the compositions and was also involved in producing. As a result, the single “Dragostea din Tei” (known in Russia as “Numa Numa song”), popular at the beginning of the new millennium, topped the charts in 32 countries around the world! Earning third place in the UK, it sold over 12 million copies, thus becoming the best-selling and most popular in Europe. And even after the collapse of O-Zone, this particular composition is considered Dan’s “calling card”. After the band disbanded in 2005, the musician went to Los Angeles to work on his own career.

The biography of singer Dan Balan, who can be read here, was helped by producer Jack Joseph Puig in his search for himself.

Under the pseudonym “Crazy Loop,” the singer releases his first solo album, recorded in the studio, “The Power of Shower.” However, this did not bring worldwide fame and Balan refuses the pseudonym, preferring to perform under his own name. First, the audience warmly accepts the song “Chica Bomb”, then begins to sing the song “Justify Sex” and “Rose Petals”, which was recorded in a duet with Vera Brezhneva in 2010.

The year 2011 opens for Dan Balan, whose marital status worries millions of fans, with the composition “Freedom”, as well as the song “Only Until the Morning”, which do not leave the leaders of the music charts.

Dan Balan biography, whose photos are presented on our website, currently lives in New York and is working on new hits. From time to time he comes to Russia and performs at various concerts.

Personal life and marital status of Dan Balan

Since Dan is not only a talented performer, but also an attractive man, fans are interested not only in Dan Balan himself, his biography, whether he is married or not, but also in who the artist’s heart is. Unfortunately, the young man is in no hurry to talk about his affairs of the heart.

He was credited with an affair with Vera Brezhneva, but the singer denied this, explaining that the bonds of marriage are sacred to him and Vera, being a married lady, is inviolable for him. If you are interested in the performer Dan Balan, his biography, how old he is and other facts, then we will tell you the most interesting: in 2019, the performer was seen next to a participant in the show “I want to join VIA Gro” - Vardanush Martirosyan, a well-known dancer in narrow circles under the pseudonym "Varda". The girl was predicted to win the show, and the idol of millions actively supported her on the project.

Currently, the celebrity lives in the center of New York and is working on new hits. There are all conditions for creating and recording songs. And, despite the numerous novels attributed to the performer, he more than once hinted that his heart was free. Balan considers himself a complete romantic who has a negative attitude towards one-night stands and fleeting romances. He agrees only to serious relationships and real feelings, emphasizing that he values ​​​​in ladies not external data, but a spiritual connection and naturalness in everything.

In one of his last interviews, the artist said that he managed to conquer America, which tirelessly dances to his songs, and found his beloved girl. But he did not tell who she is, where she lives and who she works for.

Hobbies of singer Dan Balan

In addition to music, the man loves dancing and sports, good red wine, in particular cabernet sauvignon, and natural juices. He doesn't like meat and seafood, but prefers vegetables and fruits. From time to time he re-reads “The Tao of Love” and dreams of a house inhabited by small children. Of the performers, he respects Lady Gaga and will never forgive betrayal of a friend or family member. Friends also believe that Dana is a very calm and balanced person who loves to take risks and travel.

In this article we talked about Dan Balan, biography and other interesting facts about the most popular Moldovan performer.

For all fans, the biography of Dan Balan is of significant interest. He was born into the family of an ambassador and a famous TV presenter on February 6, 1979 in Chisinau. He was raised by his grandmother until he was three years old. Until the eighth grade, Balan studied at the theoretical lyceum “M.Eminesku”, and from 1993 at the lyceum “Gheorghi Asache”. Even as a child, Dan showed interest in music. His first public performance took place on an entertainment show at the age of 4. At the age of eleven, singer Dan Balan learned to play the accordion and performed waltzes, which he composed independently. And already from the age of fourteen he made attempts to enter the world of music, playing in the groups “Pantheon” and “Inferialis”.

In 1999, Dan Balan and his friend Petru Zhelikhovsky founded the group “O-Zone”, writing and producing all the compositions. The song “Dragostea din Tei”, also known as the “Numa Numa song,” topped the charts in 32 countries and reached third place in the UK. The single became the best-selling single in Europe in 2004. The group's CD "DiscOzone" topped the charts in six countries around the world. But, despite the success, the team disbanded in 2005, and all participants began their own careers. Deciding to do solo work, Dan Balan left for Los Angeles. There he was helped by famous producer Jack Joseph Puig.

Dan Balan's discography was replenished with her first studio solo album, “The Power of Shower,” which was released under the pseudonym Crazy Loop. In December 2009, the presentation of the album “Crazy Loop Mix” took place. And the next year the song “Chica Bomb” appeared under his name, this single took first place on the charts, and in 2010 won in the category “Foreign single, male vocal”. New hits began to appear one after another. Dan Balan's creativity has truly reached its peak!

The handsome singer Dan Balan, a favorite of the domestic public, has long captivated everyone with his talent and sense of smell. His popularity has successfully spread far beyond his own homeland. Dan Balan's rapidly developing solo career is very different from his work in the musical group, he literally opened up, and his hits (Only until the morning, "Chica Bomb") blew up the world of popular music!

Beautiful duets, enviable concerts and, of course, high-quality videos - the young performer can literally boast of all this, because his creativity is at its best!

Moldovan performer Dan Balan recently received recognized Russian awards and was identified as the sexiest singer of the Russian stage. What can I say, even the magnificent Vera Brezhneva herself, a Ukrainian beauty, agreed to sing a duet with him. And I was right, the success was stunning!

Articles about Dan Balan are full of information that the singer worked in Chisinau for quite a long time. There he truly became a star. However, being famous, Dan says that he rarely thought about such a future. Of course, the singer knew that his whole life would be connected with music. Dan was actively involved in his personal creativity. Parents truly did not devote much time to their child, since both mother and father were very busy people.

However, this even helped the young performer, since he could calmly choose his own path in life and the direction of his development. Nobody put pressure on him. Even when it came to choosing a higher educational institution, the singer was not at all worried that his parents would not support him in his endeavors, since his choice was entirely approved by his parents.

At the same time, the personal life of Dan Balan is of serious interest. Dan has a lot of fans who love him not only as a world-class singer, but also as a very charming guy. However, little is known about the facts from the life of Dan Balan. The singer lives in New York, works on new songs and often comes to Russia.

However, information about Dan Balan and his amorous affairs still comes out from time to time. So, it is obvious that Dan Balan’s personal life, like that of all people, is present and has its own significant stages. For example, as Balan himself claimed, there were three fatal women in his life with whom he had serious relationships. None of them were singers or other famous people. The performer liked them solely for themselves, just as they were. According to the singer himself, sometimes he is very surprised by the cunning tricks of fans who want to get a photo of Dan Balan.

Dan Balan regularly posts his photographs on social networks. As the singer himself says, he really likes to communicate with fans through this kind of sites. As for the winter holidays, for Dan they will, of course, be distinguished by a busy touring schedule. The artist celebrated the New Year on stage, which, surprisingly, he liked! The singer believes that celebrating such a celebration before or after is completely wrong, since that is the beauty of the New Year - celebrating it on time!

The name of a young performer named Dan Balan is now increasingly appearing on the first lines of the charts. The artist’s biography is of interest to both fans and music critics, because his originality of performance and bright personality always attract attention. Read about where the young performer was born and what path he took to reach the musical Olympus in this article.

Dan Balan: biography

The nationality of the popular singer and composer often becomes the subject of controversy among fans. Some consider his name to be a simple stage name and classify the artist as a Russian. But in fact, Dan Mihai Bălan has Moldovan roots. Born in 1979 in Chisinau, Moldova. Dan's parents are public people: his father is diplomat Mihai Balan, his mother is TV presenter Lyudmila Balan. From a young age the boy showed interest in music. At the age of 11, he was given his first musical instrument - an accordion, and he happily played his first compositions on it. He graduated from music school, and at the age of 18 he already created his first group, for which he himself wrote music. This was 4 years before the world knew who Dan Balan was.

Biography of the O-Zone group

Real fame came to the artist after creating the O-Zone trio. The group was born in 1999, Dan wrote songs and was the group's producer. In 2001, the trio was re-formed, and in 2002 Balan signed a contract with a Romanian recording company. Songs from the first album, which was called “Number 1,” became hits in Romania and Moldova. The second album pleased listeners with the hit “Dragostea Din Tei”, which brought real fame to the guys. They were loved all over the world - Europe, Japan, America danced to the fiery composition (Dan Balan was also its author).

Biography of the artist after the breakup of the group

2005 was the year the group collapsed. All participants began to build solo careers. Dan Balan gathered his team, called it Balan and moved to Los Angeles. But despite the fact that he was already recognizable thanks to the sensational success of O-Zone, it was not easy for him to implement a solo project; it took him several years. At the same time, the artist worked in two directions: Balan sang in the rock style, Crazy Loop (second stage name) - in the electric dance style. But one person managed all this - Dan Balan. The biography of the young performer indicates that he is a purposeful, talented, versatile and selfless artist. Otherwise he would not have become what he is now.

First solo successes

The composition “Chica Bomb”, released at the beginning of 2010, became a real hit on dance floors. In the summer of the same year, a second song called “Justify SEX” was presented in Moscow, and it immediately hit the top lines of the Russian charts. The fall of 2010 presented listeners with the composition “Petals of Tears” - a duet work with Vera Brezhneva, and again Dan Balan became the leader of the charts.

The biography (a photo of the first duet is presented in the article) already includes several collaborations with famous world pop performers. And this is already a good achievement. And the artist is not going to stop there. His ascent to the musical Olympus has just begun!

September 5, 2011, 12:10

Dan Balan was born on February 6, 1979 in the capital of Moldova, Chisinau, in the family of Ambassador Mihai Balan and TV presenter Lyudmila Balan. Until the age of three, Dan lived with his grandmother Anastasia Balan in the village of Trebuzheny. His mother Lyudmila Balan was a very popular TV presenter, so Dan Balan got acquainted with the world of show business by coming to her work. Dan sang his very first song when he was 3 years old. On Moldavian television he presented a song by the famous singer Nadezhda Chepraga. His mother, being a television presenter, gave him this opportunity, but, unfortunately, no one saw this performance because the cameras were turned off. It was his mom's idea to make her son believe he was a superstar. From grades 1 to 8, Dan Balan studied at the Theoretical Lyceum "M. Eminesku", at which time he began writing poetry. In 1987 he won his first competition and after that one of his poems was published in the most popular magazine at that time, NOI. In 1988, Dan made his first appearance on the television show "Semaforul". Then his parents bought him his first musical instrument - an accordion. In 1990, at the age of 11, Dan began composing his first melodies. At that time his favorite style was the waltz. In the early 90s, he became interested in martial arts and dancing, following the example of Jackie Chan and MC Hammer, his idols. Later he completed an accordion class at the music school "A. Stircea", and then - in music. school "N. Seaga". According to some sources, Dan Balan was involved in choreography. In 1992, his parents bought him his first guitar and Dan turned his attention to rock music. At that time, the band "Metallica" became his new idol and he began writing rock songs. In 1994, at the school Festival, Dan performed on stage for the first time with one of his songs along with his friend. That same year, Dan wrote a song for his mother's television show and received national recognition for the first time. In 1994, Dan's father Mihai Balan was appointed Ambassador of Moldova to Israel. Dan and his family moved to Tel Aviv (Israel). There he entered the "Tabetha school", where he studied for 1.5 years. While in Israel, Dan continued to compose new songs. There he first recorded in a studio and went to the Scottish School. After which Dan Balan returned to Chisinau. His parents always wanted him to study law and, after passing the exams, he entered the Faculty of Law of the Moldavian State University. That same year, his parents bought him his first synthesizer. Dan Balan In January 1997, Dan decided to become a professional musician. He left the University of Law and changed it to the University of Music "St. Neaga". There he studied musical compositions, double bass and piano. At the same time, he also took bass guitar courses. Dan played in Pantheon bands, and later formed his own team Inferialis, which played in the style of gothic doom metal. Dan Balan was responsible for the keyboard part and composed the music. The group became very popular in the underground environment of Moldova. In January 1998, Dan Balan changed the musical direction of "Inferialis" to pop rock, but he soon realized that he needed to leave this style for a while, since rock was not popular. But Dan knew that he would return to him. The group Inferialis disbanded in 1998. Dan acquired the necessary equipment to perform popular dance music and began to learn how to create arrangements. His first work "De la mine" was released that same year in October. It was followed by the biggest hit of 1999 in Moldova - “Dar, unde esti...”. However, his desire was to create a boy band because boy bands were very popular at that time. Therefore, in September 1999, Dan Balan created the first fight band in Moldova, “O-zone,” consisting of two people: Dan Balan and Petru Jelihovski (soloist of “Inferialis”). In the fall of the same year, the guys went to Romania and recorded 3 songs there: “Timpul trece fara noi”, “In doi”, “M-as trezi”. The first single released by the group "O-zone" was "Timpul trece fara noi". A few months later, "O-zone" became the number 1 group in Moldova for a long time. In the same year, Dan Balan and his mother made a TV show "Tanti Ludmila Show", which became the most successful TV show ever in Moldova. Balan was the producer of this show, wrote the script and music for it. On June 3, 2000, the first album of the O-zone group, Dar unde esti, was released, consisting of 11 songs written and produced by Dan. The album was a huge success. 7 singles from this album became mega-hits, including "Fiesta de la noche", "Crede-ma", "Te voi iubi", "Ciao bambina", "In doi", "Dar, unde esti...", "Timpul trece fara noi". In the summer of the same year, the O-zone group began their first tour in Moldova. The tour was crazy. The whole country sang O-zone songs. In December, Dan Balan wrote the Christmas song "Sarbatorile de iarna" for the Christmas special of "Tanti Ludmila Show". Since then, it has become a national song for Christmas and New Year and was heard everywhere in Moldova at this time. In the spring of 2001, Dan Balan decided to take things to another level and chose the Romanian market for this. However, his O-zone bandmate Petru was not so interested in Dan's grandiose plans, since performing in the group was more of a hobby for him. Balan needed a serious attitude towards the project he was preparing, so at this stage the guys parted peacefully. All O-zone fans were extremely disappointed. They blamed Dan for everything, declaring that they would not love the new lead singers of the O-zone group. Dan decided to hold a casting to select new members for his group. He wanted there to be 3 people in the new "O-zone", but he didn't choose anyone. However, when the casting was already completed, his vocal teacher introduced him to a young man in whom she saw potential. His name was Arseniy Toderash. He was a very nice guy with a lot of potential, but he had some problems with vocals since he just started doing it. But Dan believed in this guy and gave him a chance to prove himself, as it turned out later Dan was not mistaken. At first, Arseny only read rhymes in some songs from the first album. In the same original way, Dan met the third member of the O-Zone group. One morning the young man called Dan and said that he missed the casting because he found out about it too late. This is how Dan met Radu Sirbu. Radu had a wonderful voice, but had many noticeable problems with his image and dancing. This did not bother Dan Balan. Thus, the new formula "O-zone" was born: Dan, Arseniy and Radu. By that time, Dan had written 4 songs for the group (“Numai tu”, “Number 1”, “Nopti fara de somn” and “Am sa te chem”), which were recorded in Romania within 2 weeks. In the fall of 2001, two songs “Numai tu”, “Number 1” were released in Moldova, but “O-zone” was not popular with its new lineup... Then Dan began to make plans to conquer the Romanian market. Nobody believed that musicians from Moldova could become popular in Romania. Nevertheless, Dan Balan knew that nothing was impossible. To begin with, he needed more financial resources to prepare the project: he bought a studio and recorded a video for the song “Numai tu” with a large budget for Moldova and Romania at that time. Several more songs were then recorded, including "Sarbatoarea noptilor de vara" and "Nu ma las de limba noastra" (which was the number 1 song for O-zone under the new lineup). In 2002, the group signed a contract with the Romanian record company Media Services and released the album Number 1 (Russian Number 1). The songs Numai Tu (Russian: Only you) and Despre Tine (Russian: About you) became hits in Moldova and Romania. In 2003, the album DiscO-zone (Russian: DiscО-zones) followed with the worldwide hit Dragostea Din Tei (Russian: First love or Love in the linden trees). Which became an absolute hit not only in its native Moldova and Romania, but also in Europe, Russia, Japan, and also reached the USA and Latin America. A huge number of covers and parodies have been created for this song in many languages ​​of the world. On the European Hot 100 Singles chart, the song stayed at number one for 12 weeks and sold 12 million copies worldwide. The melody "Dragostea din Tei" did not leave indifferent even such stars as T.I and Rihanna, who used it in their composition "Live Your Life" (2008), which became a super hit in the USA and lasted 6 weeks at first place on the Billboard Hot 100 chart . At the beginning of 2005, the O-zone group ceased to exist, the members began solo projects. Dan Balan decided to return to where he started - rock music. He selected the best musicians in his homeland and moved with them to Los Angeles that same year. Despite the fact that Balan came to the United States as a member of a popular group, it took him about two years of hard work to realize his solo project. In search of his own signature sound, Dan was helped by the famous producer Jack Joseph Puig, who had previously worked with John Mayer, Sheryl Crow, No Doubt, and the Rolling Stones. As a result of the experience gained, the bright project “Crazy Loop” was born, which surprised and amazed his fans. Under this name, Dan released the dance hit "Crazy Loop - Mm Ma Ma" (2007). This song revealed new qualities of the artist, including an excellent sense of humor and a fair amount of self-irony. The song received a great response in the Internet community, including thanks to the excellent video, shot by director Marc Klasfeld in Los Angeles. Later, under the pseudonym Crazy Loop, the album The Power of Shower (Russian: Energy of the Soul) was recorded, which was released on December 1, 2007. On December 1, 2009, a presentation of a new album called Crazy Loop Mix took place in Chisinau. The name of the album is explained by the fact that it combines the results of the singer’s work under the pseudonym Crazy Loop and under his own name (on the album itself the artist is listed as Dan Balan). As an artist with a bright personality and versatile talents, Dan decided not to stop there and move further towards the most progressive direction at the moment - electronic dance music. In February 2010, the single Chica Bomb was released, which took first place in the charts around the world. And again Dan gave everyone a surprise and demonstrated new sides of his talent and a new image. In support of the single, a frank and attractive video was shot, emphasizing all the pressure and passion that Dan put into the composition itself. The director of the video was the famous Hype Williams, who had previously directed videos for such superstars as Missy Elliot, Kelis, LL Cool J, Jay.Z and others. On July 31, 2010, Dan presented in Moscow a new song, Justify SEX, which topped the official Russian chart. On October 29, 2010, the Love Radio radio station premiered Dan Balan's joint song with Vera Brezhneva - Petals of Tears; the song also topped the official Russian chart, becoming the 3rd of Dan's three singles that peaked at number 1. Also, the song “Chica Bomb” at the end of 2010 became the winner in the category “Foreign single, male vocal” (511 thousand repetitions on air) and took 2nd place in the final TOP 800 chart for 2010. The most famous record labels in our country fought for the right to collaborate with Dan Balan. As a result, he settled on one of the oldest domestic recording companies, Gala Records, with which the contract was signed in February 2010. Today Dan released a new fiery track Freedom, the presentation of the video for this song sparkled with the number of Russian pop stars. Freedom is already heard on all radio stations in the country. O-zone-Dragostea Din Tei Dan Balan- Chica Bomb Dan Balan/Vera Brejneva- Petals of Tears Dan Balan- Freedom Updated 05/09/11 12:29: Date of birth: 02/06/1979 Place of birth: Trebujeni village, Orhei district, Moldova Height: 190 cm Weight: 80 kg Hair color: black Eye color: dark brown Zodiac sign: Aquarius Marital status: single What I like in women: naturalness, sociability Values: trust Cannot stand: betrayal Favorite place on Earth: Chisinau Favorite animal: dog Favorite food: chicken, salads Favorite color: black Favorite music: Black Eyed Peas, Bon Jovi, Outcast Favorite instrument: guitar Hobbies: chess, driving your car Audi A6, music What you can’t do without: “Well, you know Maslow’s pyramid. It's about human needs. Everyone needs physical first. Food, sleep. Always. No matter how romantic we want to answer, this is how it is. So we wait until we get rich so we can buy ourselves everything we’ve been dreaming about.” (Elle Girl) The first kiss “happened” at the age of 11, the first sex at the age of 15. If not for my musical career, I would have become an athlete.