How to get into Naruto real ways. Does anyone know how to get into the world of Naruto?, or vice versa

Rules of behavior when talking and dating.

1. First, you must remember that conversations with unfamiliar boys with pumpkins behind their backs do not end well!
2. Never mention the name Masashi Kishimoto while talking to people! Consequences: at least Cato!
3. Don't be fooled by the offers of a man with a sparkling smile and a bowl haircut! Green kimono is not the latest fashion trend! This is at least the last pleading cry of fashion! If you fall for it, then no one will even say hello to you! Consequences: enrollment in team No. 9.
4. Never stay late at Ichiraku Ramen! Consequences: Possible meeting and subsequent hugs and tears with a local psychologist - Uzumaki Naruto.
5. Don't even think about mentioning the words: Fat-skinned hippopotamus Choji - when talking to the owner of this name! Consequences: Roll into a flat cake.
6. Do not believe the persuasion of a handsome and slender lout who looks like a woman! If he offers you unprecedented strength to take revenge on your own brother, who killed your entire family, then:
A) In return, he will want your body (and in this sense too).
b) Give him a Chidori.
V) You love guys like this, which means you’ll go with him.
G) You're wearing a green kimono, which means he won't even talk to you.
7. Remember! Words: Those are boobs! or: Hello Pamella Anderson, I saw you in a dream! – are not said out loud near Tsunade. Consequences: 6 broken ribs, severed arms, mutilated body, broken legs, knocked out teeth.
8. A dog is man's friend! This is what you must remember when trying to take away Akamaru's favorite toy! Consequences: a slow and painful gnawing of your bones.

Fashion rules in the world of Naruto.

1. The most fashionable ringtone for cell phones is considered to be “Rock” from the first opening of Naruto! Performers like Timothy, Linkin Park, Slipknot, Limp Bizkit, Evanescence, Aria, Amatori, Eminem, 50 Cents and others are considered impudent poppycock that darkens the ears of the inhabitants of this world! Consequences: In a dark alley, a couple of Ambals approach you and after the words: Do you have a smoke? Why are you without a hat?! - they take your cell phone, knock out your teeth and run away laughing loudly.
2. How many times should I tell you! The green kimono is not the coat of arms of Konoha at all! No matter what the kind guy with a sparkling smile tells you, it’s all blatant nonsense!
3. In this world, neither blondes nor brunettes rule! Your hair should at least be blue!
4. Put more bandages on yourself! You will look like:
A) Stylish, like being friends with a mummy!
b) Cool, like you just got into a fight with Gaara.
V) Boldly, as if they still said the word in front of Tsunade: Tits!
G) After all, this is better than a green kimono!
5. Read more porn, like Jiraiya's books, and the blond man, hiding his face under a mask, named KAKASHI, will become yours best friend.
6. Be sure to lose at least one battle! The glory of a beaten hero is also glory! Example: Rock Lee (the dude didn’t score a single character, but this is his second time starring in a full-length movie about Naruto!).
7. Haircut is the main attribute of a ninja! A potty haircut is the main reason for your enrollment in team number 9!
8. Each ninja wears a bandana with a corresponding village badge wherever they go. Think of a place for yourself where you will wear it! Note: (for boys) The reproductive organ between the legs is not considered such a place, (for girls) Beads, multi-colored bears and bunnies, hearts with captions: I Love Sasuke - it is not customary to put them on bandanas!

Rules of conduct in the Akatsuki organization.

1. By joining the ranks of an organization called Akatsuki, you automatically become the number one target for the local psychologist - Uzumaki Naruto and, according to a mandatory set of rules, you do not live to see the end of the manga.
2. Remember! Art is either Boom or what any puppet maker tells you! Don't you dare object to this! Consequences:
A) Are you attached to a huge number TNT.
b) you become new doll in the puppet maker's collection.
3. Itachi is always 100% right! Consequences of not complying: You hear a voice that tells you: 72 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds left.
4. Kisame is not good for stir fry! Reason: Long stay in Russia and corresponding diet of vodka and cucumbers. Consequences: Chopping off legs.
5. At every meeting with the Leader, you are required to say sentences like:
A) And your piercing doesn't look bad today!
b) I hate movies about the Second World War!
V) Redheads rule the world!
G) I never liked Jiraiya, yeah!
6. Asking Kakuzu for a loan is prohibited! Consequences: You are sold on the local market to pay off your debt.
7. Religious people - nervous people! Remember this when you want to tell Hidan something like: Jesus is risen! Consequences: You bleed and understand why the celebration of Easter is prohibited in this organization.
8. Run into the bushes “on business” with extreme caution! Zetsu doesn't sleep!
9. Conan is also a man! HE just looks as good as that handsome and slender man who looks like a woman from rule number six, section: Rules of behavior when talking and dating.
10. Orochimaru automatically becomes your personal enemy and every time you meet him, you must kick him!
11. For hygiene reasons, you should wash your red cloud raincoat - 2 times a week! Consequences of not following through: You and Toby wear fanar clothing.
12. Toby is good and funny boy! Because Madara Uchiha without an eye cannot be good or funny!

Rules of conduct when enrolling in teams.

1. Remember! Whatever sensei you get, he’s better than Guy!
2. Once on team No. 7, you must know and be able to:
A) Lots and lots and lots and lots of crying and snot.
b) Never beg for mercy, even if they cut off a chunk of your loved ones. pink hair.
V) Make fun of Naruto all the time and get kicked by Sakura.
G) Be sure to betray your team and run away to Orochimaru.
d) Try to remove the mask from Hatake Kakashi's face at least once.
3. Once on team number 9:
A) You automatically become mediocre, and the boy with white eyes becomes a genius.
b) You are being forced to wear a mega light green kimono, don’t be fooled!
V) They shave you like you were in a foreign legion.
G) Don't try to hook up with Tenten! The girl has a dark past, but no one knows about it!
4. Once in team number 10:
A) Your sensei is automatically killed by Hidan and Kakuzu.
b) Start smoking – sooner you’ll get used to it, you’ll be stronger!
V) The words: Fat cormorant are prohibited here!
G) Talk less to Ino - the emptiness of her brain can drag you down!
d) Shikamaru doesn't shit! In this position he thinks!
5. Once on team number 8:
A) Don't you dare crush bugs or kill flies!
b) Bring toys to training to keep Akamaru occupied, otherwise he will occupy you!
V) Kurenai is not a drunk! Red eyes are not proof!
G) Hinata will be with Naruto. No dude. Do not even hope…
6. Once on the Sand team:
A) Consider this foreign Legion– cut your hair under the pot!
b) Gaara is in charge. Proven by the hand and foot of Rock Lee.
V) Temari is a good bitch, but it’s better not to mention her boobs!
G) Kankuro is a puppet maker, which means art is what he says.
d) Your sensei's name is Baki. No, not Baka, but Bucky!!!

Rules of combat in the world of Naruto.

1. At the words: Cato! Gokakyu no Jitsu - fall to the ground and start screaming: I give up!
2. The maximum damage from the Rasengan is indigestion, so feel free to finish off Naruto!
3. Beware of shadows if you don't want to be stuffed like a scarecrow.
4. Ino - takes over the opponent's mind. To win, repeat the multiplication table all the time. She cannot break through such a powerful barrier of thoughts!
5. One of Tsunade's techniques is striptease. There are no witnesses to this technique, as it is considered lethal. He came, he saw, and he died!
6. Zabuza dissolves into the fog. Carry a fan with you!
7. Haku doesn't use mirrors for combat. So he puts on field makeup and gets his nails done soon.
8. Chidori is what kills Orochimarov!
9. Snakes from hands look awesome! It’s only when these same snakes crawl under your clothes that the sugeness ends!
10. Mangeku is nothing more than an overdose of hashish!
11. Remember! If your opponent falls and does not move, it means that in a minute he will get up, use chakra that came from nowhere and finish you off!
12. Be sure to swear a lot during the fight! Get the enemy!
13. Flashbacks during battle - ordinary thing.
14. Stretch out the battle for at least 5 anime episodes!
15. Once you win, don’t forget to work as a psychiatrist and set your opponent on the right path!

I know some ways, but haven't tried them. I want to ask you ^^

1. On Friday at midnight you go out into the street with a tambourine, first painting your cheeks with mascara or lipstick. you hit the tambourine, dancing (at your discretion), and shout at the top of your voice: “kage bushin no jutsu, Naruto, come!” and so on thirty-three times. Just don’t mix anything up, otherwise it won’t work!

Draw on paper -- - ! Write the names of those being called along the edges! At five minutes to midnight on a new moon (and this is not a mistake), put the sheet on the floor (under no circumstances should you turn on the light, only after midnight) and pronounce the names in order, starting with the one you want to see most (and then, as on the sheet from this list the person to the right) with eyes closed and so on until midnight. After midnight, look around the room, has anything changed?! If not, wait until morning and look around the room again!

3. vision in a dream is phenomena from other worlds, also, if you tune in, you can see the future, or yourself in this or that world, I also read that the soul can leave the body and hang over it within a meter, that’s why we see visions. We tune in to see a dream about this anime, and, trying not to awaken the mind, otherwise the soul will enter the body, slowly, as if the soul leaves through the world that was revealed to us in a dream (well, for example, as if a hole has formed under a puddle, and in this hole was carried away by the water from the puddle into that hole. (hole = one of the worlds, puddle = shell, body (- holding the soul, cell). Water = soul)) this is a theory, but it needs to be proven in practice.

4. you need to stand in front of the mirror at night, put your hands and say: Peace Naruto, peace Naruto I will come to you in the morning (3 times). get up at 6 o'clock in the morning. Go to the mirror, put your hands and say: "Peace Naruto, peace Naruto I came to you in the morning!" (also 3 times)

5. At night at 00.00, using exactly red lipstick, draw on the wall in your room the door through which you would go, and then on the door - the symbol from Sasuke’s headband. Then show two seals with your hands - the Bird and the Tiger, and the portal will light up with fire and then open. If you go out into the forest, I hope they will find you quickly. Don't be afraid, the people there are friendly and when you get there you will look like you are in an anime. Everything will work out if you do everything exactly. you will stay there exactly one day, and the next evening you will do the same on any tree, but if you don’t succeed before dawn, you will stay there forever. It’s very beautiful there, everything is bright. and don’t be afraid for the war - events there are a little behind, so there is still peace and quiet there! By the way, when you return it will be exactly morning, nothing will be drawn, and you will be lying in bed and you might even think that it was a dream. One day in the anime world is 0 seconds in ours

6. You need to draw a picture from the computer monitor of the person you want to summon (or just copy, draw) Just whatever it looks like. Next, make a call, just say the name of the one you drew, and don’t forget about the seals!

Method 1.
To do this you need a window (no, no need to jump out of it), a chair and ramen. This way you can lure a hungry Naruto.
And so we put a chair near the window (if you have a table or something else there, you don’t need it), put the ramen on the chair and open the window a little and wait.
After a couple of minutes, a hungry Naruto will come to you, sit on the floor and eat his ramen. If you don’t have to, then you can calmly eat the ramen yourself, but don’t fall for the good.
Method 2.
We climbed a tall tree. Sit on a branch, bend your legs and close your eyes and fall down to the ground (no no, I don’t want you to die ^_^) and then you will wake up in the world of Naruto, or it will seem so to you because you hit your head on the ground haha.
Method 3.
Put on Naruto's bondage, hit the wall with your head and at that moment shout the word rasengan. Or you will wake up in a hospital or in the Naruto world.
Method 4.
At 00:00 go to the mirror I agree (very dark) preferably a mirror than more topics better. Place your hand on the mirror behind your eye and watch as Naruto pulls your hand into the mirror. And all of you in the Naruto world.
Method 5.
Dress up in something similar to your favorite character and do the same hairstyle (well, whoever can) and pretend all day long that you are him. And there you won’t even notice that you are in the world of Naruto or in a mental hospital XD.

Method 6. Walk more in the evening. Especially in dark corners, scary parks and gateways. If you don’t meet a crowd of cute and gloomy guys there, dressed in black raincoats with cool clouds, rejoice, because it’s better to take “Narutovites” one at a time, since a whole horde of hungry, ill-mannered people will destroy your house and leave you without a penny of money (it’s amazing how girls they don’t understand this =="). But hunt them down one by one. Separately from each other, they are not terrible, since in most cases their power does not act in our world.

Having tracked down one of them, steal it and bring it home in a bag (how you do this is not my problem, you have your own head on your shoulders, yeah), then release it, and let him think that you saved his life. Just choose wisely who you will steal - from Akatsuki only Deidara is possible, since he can talk his teeth on the topic of art and cry into his raincoat. And Naruto can be stolen. And Rock Lee. And Choji - and for this character you have to be able to cook well.

It is forbidden to steal Shikamaru, because he will provide you with incurable brain damage; girls, since you do not know all their strength; Toby - and this for two reasons: firstly, he will destroy your house and you, and then he will make excuses that it happened by accident; and secondly... who wants to mess with a psychopathic schizophrenic who thinks he's Madara Uchiha?