Is it difficult to become an actress? How to enter the acting department - exams and conditions

Many young people at one stage or another in their lives dream of becoming an actor. After all, being an actor is truly an amazing opportunity for a person who is not afraid of the public. This is fame and money, this is a career long years, This creative activity and the opportunity for self-expression.

If you feel that you cannot imagine your life without a stage, find out if there are educational institutions in your city. This is not necessarily a specialized university or college; it can also be a studio at a local theater. And remember that many great actors started out life path not at all theater stage.

Helpful advice

It is very useful to control yourself from the outside. For example, you decided to perform a one-man performance. Ask someone close to you to write it down and see what you come up with.

Regular sports can make a teenager calmer and more confident, as well as more purposeful and diligent. In addition, systematic exercise stress will improve immunity and make the teenager’s figure aesthetically attractive - you just need to motivate him to exercise in any sports section.

Propaganda healthy image brings excellent results in life - thousands of people join the classes every year various types sports Noticing how their well-being improves, their immune system strengthens and the reflection in the mirror becomes more and more attractive, novice athletes are perplexed: why didn’t they start leading an active lifestyle earlier? No wonder they want as much as possible early age instill a love of sports in your children.

What can sport give a teenager?

First of all, a young man or woman who regularly plays sports is likely to have better health than his peers. Physical activity allows you to develop and strengthen a person’s muscular frame, which is especially important in adolescence. It happens that fast growth bone growth of a teenager during the period of his transformation from a young man (or from a girl to a girl) significantly outstrips muscle growth. This causes poor posture – for example, severe stooping. Developed muscles make it possible to cope with such pathology.

In addition to good immunity and a beautiful figure, playing sports instills in a teenager determination and confidence that he can do anything. IN adolescence, when a considerable number of girls and boys acquire all sorts of complexes, this is especially important. Explain to your child how many advantages there are in the habit of devoting some part of your time to one or another sport - if your opinion is authoritative for him, then he will probably listen to you. Perhaps he admires beautiful figure famous actor, actress or model - explain to your child that such perfect physical shape is impossible without regular exercise.

To get a teenager interested in sports by your example: is it possible?

If you yourself are a devoted fan of an active lifestyle, and your child early years sees how much pleasure his dad or mom gets from regular sports, then most likely there will be no problems with introducing him to exercise. At a certain age, parents are the most authoritative people for children and the only possible role model, and your son or daughter will happily start playing the same sport as you. However, if you and your child are good friends, then you can easily start playing sports already when he reaches adolescence.

If your child categorically does not want to play sports, try to agree with him on some kind of compromise solution that suits both him and you: for example, if on Wednesdays and Saturdays you take him to the pool, then on Sundays he can go to the movies with friends . Over time, your child will get used to regular physical activity and will begin to enjoy it, and then the need to create any additional motivation will disappear by itself.

Video on the topic


  • How to instill in your child a love of playing sports

There are only four official religions: Islam, Christianity, Buddhism and Judaism. Every religion has its own direction. Christianity, for example, is divided into Orthodoxy and Catholicism. However, the most widespread in the world are unofficial religious communities - sects that have nothing to do with religion. Their goal is to enslave a person and force him to give away his last: money, property, free time etc. To avoid becoming a victim of dubious beliefs, you need to know some nuances.

Common sects in Russia:

1. Pentecostal/Charismatic(they believe in healing through renunciation of everything worldly and mandatory attendance at meetings where mass hypnosis and hysteria occur).

2. Minions of Grigory Grabovoi(believe in afterworld and resurrection).

3. "Anastasia"(obsessed with ecology, gather in nature, perform pagan rituals and walk naked).

4. Hare Krishnas(believe in freedom of sexual relations and that they are all spiritual concubines of Krishna).

5. Scientologists(they believe in the existence of a supermind - thetan).

6. Moonies(they believe in the Teacher - Sun Myung Moon, who is supposedly the second coming of Christ, a taboo on sexual relations with mere mortals - sex is possible only with those in whose veins God's blood flows - as a rule, these are elders and teachers of the sect).

Sectarians are always focused on people experiencing certain psychological difficulties: unsure of themselves, who have been subjected to violence or have quarreled with relatives, etc. Often, the target of sectarians is teenagers 14-16 years old, single pensioners and divorced women.

Some sects hide behind advertisements like: “Help for drug addicts and alcoholics.” Most sects are ready to help you with your work and provide you with housing, but at the same time you will live in the sects and work for them for a meager salary or just for food.

If you walk down the street with a sad or detached look, it means that something has happened to you. The sectarian's task is to gain trust. “Do you need help?”, “Is something wrong with you?”, “Isn’t it true that the world has become cruel?” - with these seemingly harmless phrases, your recruitment into the community begins.

The recruiters are smiling and sweet, they surround you like gypsies and begin to say something monotonously in a soothing voice. “We're going to be close to here. At so many hours. Come. This is perfect! - the experienced sectarian repeats the memorized words. “Why not come if I have no one to talk to? There are a lot of people there, I’ll be safe there,” you think and obediently walk.

The sect's refuge is usually an ordinary a private house, either the first or ground floor of the building. Without any signs or landmarks, only for our own people. When you arrive, everyone, as if on command, will be kind to you in a homely manner, telling you about their sorrows in the past and praising “the house that sheltered us.”

The meeting is led by a pastor or teacher. These are people with a specially trained timbre of voice that can put people into a mass trance. The lecture itself is a mournful sermon about how the world is about to collapse due to the fall of citizens, but you are the chosen ones and you will be saved if you pray together.

On some keyword(in psychology, these moments are used for hypnosis) the pastor makes a pass with an open palm into the audience and changes the tone of his voice, like a real actor. Particularly susceptible people with a sensitive psyche go into a trance immediately. If for some reason you avoided this, you will be invited again.

And then everything will flow according to the established pattern: sectarians, under the pretext of providing some kind of household assistance, will visit your home to assess the situation in the apartment. There may be mass outings into nature, ending in sexual pleasures. The more you get drawn into the world of the community, living by its interests, the harder it will be to get you out of there.

Remember that no one, under any circumstances, can enter your home and impose your way of worship. No religion implies monthly financial contributions in a certain equivalent: donations are always voluntary and do not have a fixed amount. No faith can prohibit you from communicating with friends and loved ones of another faith. If all of the above takes place, it means we're talking about about the sect.

To protect yourself from various sects, do not open doors to friendly, seemingly unfamiliar young people, do not engage in philosophical conversations on the street, do not take leaflets, magazines and books about God of dubious authorship. Freedom to choose what to believe is a value that no one can take away from you.

“Do first, think later” is one of the most important precepts of rational life in reverse. A phrase for those who dream of breaking the rules is main advice Hollywood acting coach Michelle Danner, who denies an intellectual approach to acting on stage and in front of a movie camera.
“I work with actors who are consumed by their creative passion,” Michelle tells participants at The Golden Box, a 4-day workshop she held in Moscow at the Cinemotion film school. Not only beginner, still “green” actors came to listen to the coach, but also those who graduated from college a long time ago, made their jokes in KVN, became famous in films and TV series - Mikhail Galustyan, Anastasia Sivaeva, Timur Batrutdinov, Olga Sutulova and many others.

All of them were once again convinced that an actor’s work on himself is, first of all, a deep psychological process. Michel compares each person to a castle with many halls and rooms, each of which is different from the others. Some are very beautiful, pleasing to the eye, and can be proudly shown to people. I want to hide other rooms and not open them. One room can be filled with good, another with evil, and a third, for example, with the desire for revenge. Knowing this, a person must accept himself, his castle as it is. Each of these rooms can be used usefully and opened even if it is very difficult for the actor to decide to do so. And all because in the acting profession, as Michelle says, a person must go to what he resists, look for ways to overcome this resistance. At first he may not know how to act.

“It's okay even if you don't know anything,” Danner says.

The seminar participants, together with Danner, presented their inner world in the form of a castle. She asked them to think about their dreams, about family, about aspirations, to choose between love and power, to remember funny stories from their lives and tell them - everything that would help the actors awaken emotions and pull them out. And we later talked with Michelle and learned more about her methods of working with actors.


Can anyone succeed in acting or is talent a required condition for successful results?
I don't think this activity is for everyone. Gift, talent must come first. But this alone is not enough - you need to have a certain strength of character to withstand any storm. I would compare an acting career to a battlefield where attacks await you from all sides. You need to be prepared for ups and downs, be able to maintain success and experience failure. This is a world that is not open to everyone: some can be taught the skill, but others simply cannot learn to play.

How will acting skills help a person in life if he does not intend to become a professional actor?
This experience has a very strong impact on a person! Acting lessons influence his behavior, how he deals with his emotions, and also allow him to get to know himself much better. This is exactly what the right and opportunity to be an actor lies in - in knowing yourself. For an individual, acting can be therapeutic.

Where should you start? What advice do you give to new actors?
First of all, they must work on their emotionality, on their diction, on their knowledge, and learn as many great authors as possible. It is important to find a place where you would be taught the technique, the basics of this craft and where you could realize that you are on the right way and you do what you need to do. I'm working out acting school in Los Angeles, and many young actors from Russia study there. Compiled for them full program training, which includes learning English as a second language, taking into account how actors should speak it.

One of your favorite exercises to develop emotionality?
Everything is very simple. You need to find a place where you feel comfortable. And alone with yourself, fill your thoughts with memories, think carefully about the many moments in your life that made you laugh or cry, that inspired you or scared you.

What do you recommend doing to overcome your fear of public?
Fear is normal. I never tell people not to be afraid. It's a great experience. When you are not sure of what you are doing and fear gets the better of you, this is, of course, bad. But when you know what you are doing and feel strong excitement about it, it has a right to exist.

What is the process like working on a role with an actor who comes to you with a script?
First, we analyze everything written in the script, analyze it in detail and look at what is happening and what the plot is based on. We study every page, every line, every character and every event described. Then we start talking about the hero that the actor got. We are trying to understand what is special and interesting about him, how an actor can play him, so that on the screen we see something new that we have not seen before. We are looking for something unique. Then we make a choice in which direction we should move forward with this character.

Why even successful actors at some point may need the help of a coach, what problems do they face?
They come to us if the difficulty is related to the character. He may have a character that in some places makes the actor feel a certain danger, takes him out of his comfort zone. Or when they come across a hero who is completely different from those the actors have met before. Something that an actor has not encountered before can be challenging. But there are also universal actors, the best ones are those who can play roles equally well in comedies and dramas. Some people have different abilities - some actors are better at comedy, others at deeper dramatic roles. Meryl Streep, for example, is good at everything.

Actor(from French acteur, from Latin actor - performer; feminine- actress) - this professional performer diverse roles in plays, films, commercials, video clips. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in world artistic culture (see choosing a profession based on your interest in school subjects).

Profession actor is one of the most ancient. The shamans also staged performances for the entire tribe. As an art, acting originated in Ancient Greece and was considered very prestigious. However Medieval Europe she considered the acting of actors to be demonic, and in Rus' it was even dangerous to be an actor. The Church persecuted actors, jesters, and buffoons. Church officials could destroy musical instruments, and the perpetrators beaten or imprisoned. It was only during the Renaissance that attitudes towards acting changed.

The art of acting is constantly evolving. Until the beginning of the 20th century, stereotypes and one-dimensionality of characters and types prevailed in the acting. The revolution in the acting profession was carried out by the founder of the Moscow Art Theater K.S. Stanislavsky (1863 - 1938). He is the creator of the famous acting system, the so-called Stanislavsky System, the purpose of which is to achieve maximum psychological authenticity in the acting of actors. Stanislavsky encouraged actors to feel what the hero feels, to experience genuine experiences in order to convey reliable emotions on stage. For more than a hundred years, the famous acting system of Stanislavsky has been extremely popular in Russia and all over the world, and the phrase he expressed “I don’t believe it!” became winged.

Currently acting profession is popular and desirable. Many are attracted by fame, wealth and interesting life. However, few people understand how thorny the path to achieving their goal is, and no one can guarantee that you will succeed in this field. There are so many graduates of theater universities, and only a small percentage of them become famous and highly paid actors. Young actors have to make a place for themselves in the sun, gradually earning fame. There are, of course, lucky ones who were noticed and became famous overnight. For them, what they studied for and strived for will gradually begin to come true.

The basis of acting is the principle of transformation. This transformation can be external or internal. In the first case, the actor uses makeup, costumes, masks, develops intonation, facial expressions, and gestures. In the second case, the actor needs to reveal spiritual world your hero, show his character, convey thoughts and experiences. An actor, regardless of his place of work, creates a certain artistic image and brings something of his own into the hero, portrays him in his own way. The main goal of any actor is the desire to influence the audience, to evoke in them a response, emotions, and feelings.


Actor training takes place in higher educational institutions, secondary vocational schools or studio schools. But become good actor It is possible only if you have talent; educational institutions will only develop it and direct it in the right direction.

Required professional knowledge and skills

  • artistry, ability to transform, get into character;
  • knowledge of genre and role specifics;
  • the ability to create an image from a verbal description;
  • knowledge of psychology (in terms of facial expressions, speech characteristics, etc.);
  • lack of fear of the stage, camera lens, audience;
  • availability of musical and choreographic skills;
  • impeccable articulation;
  • literary abilities;
  • creativity, sense of harmony, sense of rhythm, developed aesthetic and artistic taste;
  • possession of stage presence (expressiveness, the ability to communicate naturally with partners on stage, the ability to attract the audience);
  • the desire for continuous professional improvement.

Personal qualities

  • good memory;
  • observation;
  • diligence, efficiency;
  • physical endurance, patience;
  • ability and desire to work in a team;
  • creativity;
  • responsibility;
  • abstract thinking;
  • oratorical skills;
  • determination;
  • self confidence;
  • energy.

Pros of the profession

  • interesting, creative profession;
  • fame, popularity, people's love (when gaining fame);
  • tours abroad, travel;
  • opportunity to try yourself in the role different people, with different professions, destinies, to be both a positive and negative hero.

Cons of the profession

  • the need to devote oneself to the profession entirely (filming, rehearsals take a large number of time);
  • the need, at times, to live in camp conditions with a lack of necessary amenities;
  • the acting profession is associated with the risk of injury (performing stunts);
  • in addition to fame and success in acting career There may also be a lull due to the lack of invitations to plays or films.

Place of work

  • theaters;
  • film studios;
  • TV;
  • advertising agencies;
  • music video production companies;
  • circuses;
  • event companies...

Salary and career

Salary as of 02/27/2019

Russia 20000—75000 ₽

Moscow 35000—90000 ₽

Usually actors begin their careers by participating in theatrical productions. The actor's salary in this case is very small, if he is actively involved in performances - a little more. In general, income depends on the prestige of the theater and the number of performances in which the aspiring actor takes part.

A professional actor can act in a movie or TV series. But this work is not permanent, so the security is relative. Prices for the participation of actors vary greatly, on average from 500 rubles to 100,000 rubles per day, but the latter figure is offered if you famous actor or National artist. An actor's salary depends on his fame and the financial capabilities of the employer.

Sometimes in childhood we dreamed of becoming singers or artists, seeing ourselves on the big stage in the spotlight or in leading role cool movie. If you still dream about it, but don’t know how and where to show your acting talent, this article is for you. TopCity will tell you how to become an actor.

If you don’t know how to become an actor, but you see talent, potential and a great desire to understand this profession in yourself, you should know that acting consists of talent and titanic work in developing one’s abilities. Without it real actor You're unlikely to succeed.

Where do you study to be an actor?

Famous theater and film actors, before becoming masters, go through a long and thorny path study. If you are seriously interested in becoming an actor, be prepared to enroll in a theater university or at least a special school. The biggest difficulty is not to graduate, but to enter the appropriate educational institution. After all, in the end there are many people like you, and everyone wants to become an actor. The chosen ones become theater students, those who have that very acting talent that cannot be confused with falsehood.

If we talk about admission, then men are more likely to enroll in theater than the fair sex. The girls will face strict competition that they will have to withstand. So be prepared to fight for your place in the sun.

It's easier to become a film actress than a theater actress, since you have the opportunity to show your abilities in screen tests without theater education.

Some lucky people are lucky enough to become actors without any effort.. They just happened to be at the right time in the right place. The director saw them, saw something special in them, and they are already starring in films. However, you should not blindly trust such offers coming from strangers. The person who introduced himself to you as a director may simply be a swindler. Be careful and vigilant.

Preparing for admission to the theater

Are you still wondering how to become an actor? Then serious preparation awaits you, which should begin not a month, but at least a year before admission to the desired theater.

remember, that a well-memorized text is not enough to please the commission members. You must “pass” it through yourself, feel it and understand well what you are talking about. Start learning the text two or even three weeks before the exam.

It is better to prepare for the exam not alone, but in the company of a person who understands acting and knows the commission’s reaction firsthand. It would be better if you were coached by a theater teacher or at least a student, because the fact that he was accepted already says a lot. Don’t give away your tutor, let it be a little secret for the committee members.

At theater universities there are acting classes, which teach rhythm, principles stage speech and other important things. During the course you will have the opportunity to meet people who may be useful to you in the future. Do not miss your chance.

TopCity told you how to become an actor. If this is the dream of your whole life, feel free to go for it, but remember that acting is a calling, and only the gifted can get into the world of theater and big cinema. Don't be afraid to try, then you will succeed!

Such wonderful questions are often asked by young people and girls who are searching for themselves and yearning for creative realization. Let's think about what it really takes to become an actor. What qualities do you need to develop or cultivate in yourself in order to join the ranks of the acting fraternity? What should you work on and what should you be prepared for when choosing acting as a profession? And immediately think, maybe you want to be not an actor, but someone else? There are a lot of professions that require creativity, creativity, acting talent and skill.

It is not easy to become an actor; it is even more difficult to start working professionally as an actor. Those who think that this is easy, pure entertainment and eternal applause, may not read further.

Decide whether you want to work as an actor or just play?

If working is a career and your main occupation that brings you money. If you just play, it's a hobby. No need to go anywhere, find a theater or theater studio and play there quietly on weekends. It's much nicer and meets your desires. Of course, we cannot help but offer our theater studio DramaSchool in Kyiv.

So, if your goal is precisely the career of an actor, then you will really need such qualities as:

First of all, it is advisable to learn the language.

Learn not only to write correctly, but also to speak competently, beautifully and confidently. Eliminate from your speech any “eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee),” “supposedly,” “as if,” etc.

Purposefulness, ability to set clear goals and achieve them.

Arrogance, disruptive character and even impudence. These qualities are simply necessary if you want to build a career. The world of actors is rough, treacherous and sometimes cruel. Reality is very different from what you see on screens and imagine in rosy dreams.

For a career, you also need to be able to step on yourself and your pride, to step over yourself and your principles. You won't always do what you want, quite the opposite.

Unpretentiousness matters. The work is difficult, the pay is often low, there is often no money, the work is one-time, etc. Your requests must be met.

Be able to accept criticism with dignity and correct mistakes. The director (and not only him) will often say nasty things.

Be stress-resistant. Your colleagues may hunt you down, the director may yell at you because the deadline is running out, the producer will refuse you for the 70th time, and the cameraman may blurt out a taunt. Not to mention what happens, you work overtime or too fast, or under unrealistic conditions.

To be able to look at the world through the eyes of a child, when everything is interesting, everything excites, you want to try and find out everything. Live without pressures and complexes, enjoy every day and feel inner freedom.

But at the same time remain not vulgar, not vulgar and not tasteless.

Must have enormous power will to overcome your laziness, ignorance, complexes, vulgarity.

Work very, very, very hard. Over yourself, over tasks, over works.

At the same time, a person who wants to become an actor must constantly develop. Necessary:

Remember everything interesting and everyone you need around (emotional memory), overcome your laziness, be constantly busy with something

Reflect and think so that there is something new to create from

All these points apply not only to professional actors, but also to those for whom theater is a hobby. If you don't make money with your game, this doesn't mean you can play haphazardly and not develop. Acting is a lot of work.

To be an actor, you must first of all be not empty inside. You must have something very important that you must tell the person, the audience, the world. There must be something that needs to be said. You must light up and light up others.

There must be something in you that speaks to the viewer for you: Yes, believe me, I will now tell you the truth that you have been looking for for a long time.

After reading this article, you may get the impression that acting courses are not for you at all. But even despite this, we recommend that you come to a trial acting class and learn about everything from your own experience. After all, despite all the difficulties and costs of the acting profession, actors, and directors too, are in no hurry to look for another job.

What exactly should I do?

To begin with, you can read K. Stanislavsky’s book “The Actor’s Work on Oneself”; and not just read, but also take notes, understand, comprehend and remember. Also work through the chapters of this book.

Play at least a little, study in a theater studio or in acting courses.

Again, we advise you to come to our theater studio DramaSchool. Why? Well first of all this real chance understand whether you want to do this or not. And this is very, very important, it is important to really represent the acting craft.

Secondly, if you don’t like acting, you will still gain a number of useful skills. Everyday life skills.