How to make a disco at home. Disco

The desire of young people to lose excess energy, have fun and socialize is fully realized in entertainment establishments such as nightclubs and discos. The popularity of these establishments continues to remain high, despite the change in musical tastes and trends. A disco differs from a nightclub in that it has more affordable prices and less stringent face control requirements. However, a disco, if properly organized, can become no less profitable business than running a nightclub.

When creating a business based on a discotheque, it is very important to come up with a concept that will distinguish its events from many others.

It is the originality of the disco that is the main advertisement for attracting visitors. Experts recommend changing the disco concept every two years to maintain its popularity. The profitability of a disco directly depends on the number of visitors, so its organizers need to allocate great attention creating an appropriate party atmosphere.

No less important are creative and professional arrangement of sound and lighting equipment, careful planning of parties and professional preparation of scripts.

As for the design of the room, it is secondary in comparison with the organization of sound and light. Often popular are discos held in virtually unequipped premises, with bare brick walls, or even in simple metal hangars.

As for the selection of premises, it is necessary to be guided by the following basic requirements:

  • the disco premises must be separated from residential premises, otherwise lawsuits cannot be avoided;
  • the area of ​​such a room should be at least 200-400 square meters, with a ceiling height of 4-5 meters.

Since the majority of disco visitors are young people under 35 years of age, its premises should not be located too far from public transport stops, otherwise the risks of low attendance increase sharply. In addition, it is advisable to have a parking lot next to the premises. Since there are not so many premises that meet such requirements, for organizing and holding discos you can use the rental of other people’s premises, such as Sport halls, fitness centers, industrial clubs. During the day, such premises usually operate on their own schedule, so to use them in the evening and at night, it is necessary to be able to quickly convert the premises into a disco.

To implement such a business idea, it is necessary to have quickly assembled equipment, including bar counters, modular light furniture, and collapsible structures for installing light and music equipment.

Such structures should be easy to assemble and disassemble within 1-2 hours. This allows for maximum use of the premises, both during the day and at night. The owners of the premises receive additional income, the organizers of the disco are freed from the need to maintain the building, the costs of security and utilities.

A business that hosts school and student discos can work on a similar principle.

In this case, it is convenient to have sets of dismountable equipment and use the premises of schools, secondary and higher schools for holding discos. educational institutions. The organization of such discos shows high profitability, since the costs of organizing them are much lower than the creation of stationary discos.

Concerning initial costs for the organization of such mobile discos, then they can amount to from 300 thousand to a million rubles, spent mainly on the purchase of light and sound equipment. In the case of using your own premises, it is necessary to provide for significantly larger costs for repairs and decoration of the premises, organizing access control and security, providing fire extinguishing systems, purchasing furniture, and so on. In this case, the initial costs of creating a disco as a business can be up to 10 million rubles.

Current expenses discos consist, except wages personnel, also from the costs of attracting subcontractors for the organization sound design and laser show.

Very important for the success of a disco is the presence of good creative teams capable of preparing interesting scenario, make a high-quality selection of popular music, organize high security for the disco.

To increase popularity, you can conduct various promotions, announce conditionally free entry, and organize interesting competitions.

When planning disco income, you should count on receiving income, first of all, from sales entrance tickets. The sale of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes can generate significant income, but often disco visitors, especially young people, do not buy alcohol on the premises, so the sale of drinks can only be planned as additional income.

The profitability of organizing a disco is high.

Even when using a stationary premises, profitability can reach 25%. When organizing mobile discos, profitability can reach 100 percent or more, allowing you to quickly recoup the initial costs. Naturally, the profitability of such a business greatly depends on the popularity of the disco and the ability of the organizers to use all opportunities to attract visitors.

D Iskoteka is one of the most important holiday events for children. However, discos often fail due to improper performance of the DJ. The person who is responsible for carrying out school disco, at a minimum, must imagine what they are listening to now, and get the appropriate music library. In addition, the disco host needs to know several basic techniques for creating a program, be able to feel the audience, etc.

It all starts with the DJ

Music for a disco should not only be good, but dance. So if a DJ is into Russian rock or “heavy metal” and treats the kids to it, the kids are unlikely to be able to get pleasure and have a lot of fun listening to such music. Rock compositions work well as “slow tracks” or as an apotheosis in a block.
A block is several (from three onwards) compositions sounding one after another without stopping, as a rule, between slow ones. The tempo of the music in the block usually increases gradually, as if climbing a hill. The top of this slide is a super hit. Before a slow song, the tempo slows down. For example, rap or soul is played. There is no need to alternate between fast - slow - fast - slow. It's boring and not fun.

Don't forget about age

Conventionally, disco can be divided into two types - for younger (from 5th to 8th grade) and for older teenagers (from 9th to 11th grade). Accordingly, the disco for the younger ones should be more “pop”: a lot of Russian hits, songs of all times and peoples such as samba, lambada and macarena.
For high school students you need to pay more western music, dance hits, something heavy. Songs that have everyone jumping and jostling like crazy are best played in the middle of the evening. Slow dances should be performed more often closer to the end (that is, the fast block is shorter and more energetic). The last fast block can be made very short, one or two songs. The last composition is definitely a long, slow ballad.

Get the dancers going

It's great if the DJ has a good tongue. This avoids awkward pauses when there are problems with the equipment. The DJ can also hold competitions, lotteries, etc. Feel free to chant into the microphone: “Wider the circle!”, “Have more fun,” “Light up!” Talk to the people: “And now a slow dance, rather invite each other.” Boys are often timid - so announce it White dance(so that the girls don't get bored).
If a fast song “doesn’t work” (they don’t know it, or everyone is tired of it), you can imperceptibly - without cutting it off mid-sentence, without a pause - to mix it with another, more “cutting” one. This is what it is intended for mixer.
But never interrupt a slow moment, especially the last one - this is very frustrating for teenagers. And it doesn’t matter if the disco ends a minute later than the scheduled time.

The main thing at a disco is fun

You should have fun at the disco! For younger students It can be boring at a disco if no one is entertaining them. With them you need to dance in a circle, play trickle, do round dances and snakes, loudly shout “yoo-hoo”, that is, show, how to have fun. Therefore, for younger children, it is mandatory to have an adult on the dance floor who will help them have fun. Disco for kids – fun with music.
All this is also true for older children. However, for high school students, it is first of all important to attract the attention of people of the opposite sex. A disco is a specially prepared place where you can show your affection. And many are excitedly awaiting this opportunity.

Dance etiquette

It’s a good idea if the teacher explains to the children the basics of dance etiquette in advance, such as:
– a disco is not a sports competition, so boys’ clothing should be different from that in which they play football;
– if the guy just “bang” low break and all sweaty and dusty, you shouldn’t be surprised if the girl refused him a dance;
– if the girl refuses, there is no need to invite her right away standing nearby girlfriend;
– too bright lipstick and greasy mascara in clumps will not add attractiveness young creature;
– mascara sometimes runs;
– if a girl (boy) goes through the third disco in a row, finally pay attention to the child. Maybe his first love came or some other misfortune happened. Carefully carry out explanatory work, try to carefully find out what is in the child’s soul.
The teacher's boring and dissatisfied face does not contribute to the cheerful mood of the class. On the contrary, your good (no matter what) mood is the key to the success of any event.

Entertainment options at the disco

Disco can be diversified in several simple but entertaining ways, giving it unusual shape. Here are some tried-and-true ideas.
– Arrange costume ball .Preparing costumes - what not to do exciting activity for the class!
Great optionreverse disco . Boys dress up as girls, girls as boys.
- Don't forget about classic game V trickle .
– Enter fulfillment of wishes . Children often ask the DJ to say hi to each other. It’s better that they write their greetings on pieces of paper. To avoid wasting precious time, do not give children a microphone (from sad experience, do not give it to anyone at all).
– Organize order box. It is hung in advance in the foyer or dining room, and then the songs are played “by request.”

Disco games

To enhance the fun at the disco, use different games: You can play by dancing, you can dance while playing. One process complements the other.

Dances of the peoples of the world
The squads each stand in their own circle.
At the command of the leader, everyone begins to dance together to the music, as follows:
happy hippos;
drunk policeman;
mad hedgehogs;
blooming cacti;
old Papuans;
etc. (full scope for imagination).
At this time, several people - the jury - evaluate these dances.
If during the performance they liked someone individually or the entire dancing group as a whole, then this person or group is given a colored piece of paper.
The game lasts continuously for about 20 minutes. The DJ changes the music, the presenter gives a task, and the jury evaluates. The group (or class) with the most a large number of pieces of paper

Dancing stars
Children change clothes and make-up in advance, doing their best to imitate the performance of some pop stars.
The entourage is a poster posted in advance at the school and a stage on the disco area.
Success is ensured by:
using the latest or most hackneyed hits as a soundtrack.
artistry and improvisation;
irrepressible imagination and almost complete lack of logic when making costumes;
dressing up boys as girls and vice versa.

The rules of the game are as follows: the players (there must be both boys and girls) join hands, and the leader becomes the center of the circle. He closes his eyes, extends his arm forward and spins in place. At the same time, the rest of the children lead a round dance with the words: “Aram-shim-shim, aram-shim-shim, aramiya gusliya, point to me!”
At a certain moment, everyone stops and looks at whom the presenter pointed to. That person is invited to the center of the circle. He stands back to back with the leader. The crowd shouts: “And one, and two, and three!”, clapping their hands. On the count of three, both children in the center should turn their heads in any direction. If they turned their heads in one direction, they should kiss, if they turned their heads in different directions, they should shake hands. After which the person chosen by the previous leader remains in the center, and the game continues until the point of insanity.

Each child is given his own number. The class is set Mailbox, put paper and pens or pencils nearby. Children write to each other everything that comes to mind or has long wanted to be said. You can write anonymously.
It is best to distribute letters after a disco, otherwise, instead of dancing, time will be spent on endless searches for children with the necessary numbers.

Oleg SLUTSKY, Moscow
Based on site materials

At all times, people have loved and will love to relax. Therefore, entertainment establishments that offer leisure time in a wide variety of ways are always popular. Creating and opening a disco is very profitable, but quite difficult.

If 15 years ago everyone clearly understood what this meant, today, basically, disco is perceived as part of a whole range of services. And this is understandable: it’s difficult to make money on night dances alone. Therefore, the owners organize entire entertainment centers, with bowling alley, restaurant, even a bathhouse, sauna, karting tracks and much more. If you are well versed in the types of entertainment events and are able to organize them efficiently, then start planning your business - a disco. Let's try to plan a profitable business only on this type of entertainment.

Coming up with an idea

Before writing a business plan, you need to come up with some idea that will differentiate you from other establishments. This is exactly what you can build on to promote your business, attracting a large number of visitors. Disco – entertainment event, where, in addition to dancing, various competitions are held, there are story line, undergoes special training. The execution of the entire action can be carried out in person high level. Come up with lighting elements, musical effects, multi-tiered dance floors, and relaxation areas.

You can hold different discos on each day of the week. For example, on Monday there is a disco for the older generation, on Tuesday - for people from 40 to 50, on Wednesday - from 30 to 40, on Thursday and Friday - from 20 to 30, on Saturday - for all categories, and on Sunday - morning disco for children.

You can also focus on different directions music: hold a disco for lovers of “Old songs about the main thing”, with popular music 80s, 90s, 2000s, for rock lovers, even disco with only slow compositions. Can be allocated for themed discos songs by one singer. Of course, they will only be in the first part of the event, for 1-1.5 hours, and then they should play songs in the same style, but from other performers.

Disco can start with a performance local group, it will definitely attract numerous friends and acquaintances of the artists. You can invite any star, but carefully study the technical and general riders before doing so; perhaps the price will be unaffordable for you. But if it turns out to be acceptable, then such discos can be held occasionally.

Parties-competitions can become a separate type of discos. These are “Miss Grace”, “Best Dancer”, “Dancing Without Stopping”, “Mr. Dance”, “Best Couple”, and many others.

Discos called “Master Class” are now gaining great popularity. I will dwell on them in more detail, because I have personally seen how well you can make money from them. Moreover, these are practically alcohol-free discos for people aged 25 to 50 years, who want not just to “jump” to the music, but to dance competently and beautifully.

For such parties you will need to find experienced teacher, who would have the skills of many popular dances. If some knowledge is missing, then the teacher must learn. There is a website for this on the Internet. great amount video lessons that you can download for free.

So, the disco party is held as follows. The theme of the disco “Master Class” is announced, for example, tango. Visitors who come will learn how to dance tango professionally this evening, as well as dance plenty of other dances. A coach, that is, a teacher, must definitely buy a remote microphone that is attached to the ear or with a soft bandage on the head. Definitely wireless! By equipping the driving coach with such equipment, you will provide him with freedom of movement and excellent audibility of his comments.

Then you negotiate a plan with him. dance lesson. After the greeting at the beginning of the evening, you need to properly get the people going; for this, the history of the dance is very briefly told and a dancing group to demonstrate it. This is followed by a fun warm-up that includes both dance and aerobic movements. The music is fast and energetic. Then there is a 10-minute block on learning one or two elements of tango. Everyone, without exception, breaks into pairs and repeats all the teacher’s movements.

After most of the students begin to get the movements, a short dance is performed, and then there is a block of free dance for 15-20 minutes. Next - the next part of the lesson, and then - free time for relaxing or free-style dancing. And so gradually the students master all the elements of tango. At the finale, the “big tango” is announced, and the entire team of those gathered performs a learned dance.

You can distribute small attributes of this dance, skirts - in best case scenario, flowers - at least. Best couple we need to award a prize and medals to the activists. The party ends with a big dance block. Such parties can be held according to themes - salsa, lambada, sirtaki, even Russian Kalinka and lady! How interesting Indian dances, northern peoples, Japanese. You can also invite ladies to seduction dance lessons, they are a huge success.

Business plan

After you have come up with your idea for your disco, you need to start planning your business. First, select a room and agree on the rental price. This will probably be the most difficult thing. It’s good to find a room of at least 250 square meters. It will need to be equipped for dancing.

It is best to make the floor wooden, but without burrs, smooth but not slippery. Along the edges of the hall it is necessary to equip seating areas, in one of the corners there should be a mini-bar with drinks, in the other - a place where you can leave outerwear, bag, package, shoes. Required in close proximity There should be a sanitary room with mirrors where you can fix your makeup.

All this will require considerable investment if you rent a completely bare room. But if there is at least something already there, then you can build on this equipment, only slightly adapting and modernizing it. Don't forget about soundproofing. It will be very good if you decorate the walls with sound-absorbing material.

Near one of the walls, preferably in the middle, you need to set up a small stage with an elevation so that the coach can be seen from anywhere in the hall. Workplace There is no need to allocate a DJ in such a hall, but you can equip separate stands for him.

Then talk to experts who will tell you how best to equip sound reinforcement equipment in your hall. This will be a speaker system that will provide high-quality sound, excellent acoustic effect, and audibility of all frequencies in all points of the hall. This will be the most expensive item of expenditure, but without such decoration in the hall there will be just noise pressing on the ears, and not a harmonious musical sequence.

Next, take care of purchasing playing equipment. Amplifier, equalizer, laptop, software for it, stationary and remote headphones, a standard and wireless remote microphone, a set of plugs and wires, basic equipment for repairs, stands, speakers - all this will be advised to you by a specialist who will work on your sound. It is best not to skimp and hire a good, high-quality sound engineer.

Possible options...

A few more ideas for a disco that are recommended by members of the professional entertainment business community.

Youth parties in hangar buildings, abandoned workshops of factories and factories. Yes, there are huge halls that do not require special repairs or beauty, since the image of the event is just that appearance, bare walls and brick. No sound insulation is required here, because such premises are usually located outside the city. Young people are happy to come by their own transport in order to have fun for a long time, which is why such discos go on until the morning.

An increase in price can only occur due to lengthening of wires, additional connections, more powerful speakers, increasing the number of microphones and the number of service personnel. In this case, you will have to take care of security, hire a private or government structure for posting. By law, large events of this kind require the deployment of a medical patrol; one ambulance with a paramedic will be enough. These services are inexpensive, all services are willing to conclude long-term contracts.

Another disco option - beach parties. Here you will need to come to an agreement with the city authorities and obtain permission to hold mass event. Otherwise, everything is very similar to a disco in a hangar, with only one addition. Water is a potential hazard, and you can't have a party without alcohol. Decide for yourself whether to take risks or not.

The popularity of such parties in the summer is enormous, the profits are very good, just figure out how to fence off the event area so that everyone who comes can take money for entry. This will be your main source of income if you do not sell alcohol yourself.

I would especially like to say about the entertainment discos in the city squares. You can make a profit here only if you attract sponsors to the event. Many companies selling youth clothing, shoes, computer equipment, cars, love to take part in such open airs. For this, you will have to hang their banners next to the stage and voice sponsorship information throughout the evening. Such discos bring a huge image effect if you have a disco in indoors, then such an exit “to Fresh air"will add to your fame and popularity.

But it’s best to use all these types of discos together, alternating, so your promotion will be much more effective.

E. Shchugoreva

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Not a single noisy party in Moscow is complete without musical accompaniment and a fun disco. A disco in Moscow is always a bright event with lights, music, smoke and sound effects. Music for a disco always serves as a kind of addition to the main program, and sometimes, on the contrary, it is the main event for a scenario for a wedding, birthday, anniversary and any other holiday or party.

The festive event agency "Banquet Moscow" knows a lot about organizing and holding discos at parties, birthdays, anniversaries and weddings. They work with us best djs in a team. To reproduce sound, light and smoke, we use only high-quality equipment and technology. We also specialize in themed parties and discos such as "80's disco", "90's disco" and "80 90's disco". After all, people have always loved to dance. However, not everyone likes universal songs. Many people want to hear only disco 80 or exclusively at the Moscow disco foreign performers in techno style. Many examples can be given on this matter. That is why there are professionals who specialize in holding discos. Everyone wants to move to the sounds of their favorite songs. Besides, it’s much more interesting to do this at a disco, where everyone is dressed in a certain way, the hall is decorated thematically, and dishes and drinks correspond to the cuisine of one nationality. The scenarios themselves can be so varied. It absolutely depends either on your imagination or on the imagination of the one who is organizing the disco. After choosing a specific theme for the script, our specialists will select a unique playlist, necessary equipment, will adjust the light and projector as needed. Additional special effects such as bubble, smoke and snow. It depends on the script you like. We will also help decorate the hall where the dancing will take place and, if necessary, arrange a buffet.

What are discos in Moscow like? This is a kind of evening for dancing, where previously specially selected theme music. The specificity of disco music is that it creates a kind of festive atmosphere in which everyone present has fun and dances to the rhythm of their favorite songs. The lights at such an event are usually dimmed and light music is used for special effects. The sound, thanks to high-quality equipment, sounds clear and loud. Often there are DJ discos there who are responsible for a pre-compiled playlist of tracks certain direction in music. People come there to relax, dance, enjoy music and relieve stress from work and personal problems, or just relax. This general characteristics such an entertaining event. As for highly specialized disco scenarios, only details in the design and direction of the music can change.

In order for your disco to amaze guests with its luxury and chic in addition to amazing music, you need to carefully prepare for it. If you cannot organize it yourself, then trust the specialists, namely the festive event agency “Banquet Moscow”. We know how, where and what to advise you for a youth party for a birthday, wedding, anniversary or other holiday. We also provide the services of a disco host. The script, location, time and other details are discussed with him in advance. The disco host comes up with a unique disco competition to break up the monotonous musical evening. Our presenters do not have template competitions - only individual approach with a unique scenario awaits you when ordering the services of the festive event agency “Banquet Moscow”. The organizers carefully consider the program based on the age of the audience and the reason for the celebration. Whether it’s a wedding, anniversary or birthday - organizing discos will be unique and unforgettable in in a good way this word.

If you want to shine on the best disco in Moscow, we recommend that you do not hesitate in choosing specialists who will carry out all this, but call directly the best in the capital - the festive event agency "Banquet Moscow". You can contact us at the contact phone numbers listed on the website, or in any other way convenient for you. Our friendly manager finds an individual approach to everyone, regardless of income level or purpose of the call. And don’t forget that the order must be placed in advance so that the artist or equipment is not booked by another client.

Discos and dancing to music at a disco with presenters, competitions and scenarios from dj in the style of the 80s or 90s

The disco scenario and execution can be varied: it can be of an entertaining nature at a youth party, wedding, birthday or anniversary, or it can be educational, where the presenter acts as an actor and conveys some information to the public. Most often, a disco party includes two parts of the holiday. These are dances and disco competitions. For the second case, you definitely need a presenter who will competently not let the audience get bored during musical breaks. And the DJ, in turn, is obliged to warm up the crowd in dance with fresh youth songs or modern hits in own processing. The success of a youth party, a birthday party, a wedding party, or a disco anniversary largely depends on the organizers and the celebration itself. In the absence of a host, the DJ plays the role of an entertainer at the console, not letting the audience get bored for a second. Special effects, sound tricks and encouragement into the microphone help him in this. Often, to warm up the audience without a host, they hire professional dancers, thanks to which you can avoid embarrassment and go to the dance floor or just enjoy beautiful performance. Such dancers subconsciously encourage people to imitate their movements, accordingly provoking guests to dance. There are also singers or artists with performances that will fascinate those present with bright and unforgettable performances or youth competitions.

Particularly popular in Lately Disco 80 90 began to be used. For several years it has not slowed down and is number one during orders. It’s nice to remember everyone’s favorite artists, singers of our youth and hear them again. It's like going back to your youth. Many hits of past years still live in people's heads. That's why it's so easy to remember the words in the chorus and sing along with your favorite performer while twirling to a slow dance with someone special in your life. While listening to music at disco 80 or disco 90, you are subconsciously transported to those times where there were no worries and problems, and you indulge in the memories of your youth. We are happy to organize for you evenings of nostalgia for dancing and singing hits of those years.

If you want to plunge into the atmosphere of those years, then we can specially offer you DJs and presenters who will hold unique competitions to the tunes of past years. We will help you create an unforgettable holiday atmosphere affordable price. The best professionals in the capital work with us, as numerous people say positive reviews about their work done. Theme parties have recently gained enormous popularity due to the fact that, firstly, it is extremely fun, secondly, you yourself create a festive atmosphere, and thirdly, after such an event good mood on for a long time guaranteed, and there will be plenty in the photo album good clips and photographs.

If you and your friends are nostalgic and want to throw a 90 disco, then you don’t have to worry about the script and competitions. We will do everything for you, and you will be able to spend more time with friends, family and loved ones. Call us right now and get a high-quality service for holding discos in Moscow! We will take care of every detail to make this evening unforgettable and ideal for the client and his guests. Our managers have an exceptionally individual approach to each client. You will be satisfied for a long time! Don't forget to hire a photographer, because you will want to remember this day for a long time.