How are physical education classes taught in other countries? Physical education lessons in low-capacity gym conditions

Physical education lessons in primary school are mandatory components of any learning process. Therefore, they are improved every year and supplemented with useful exercises, according to the Ministry of Education.

In general, a clear distribution of exercises, as well as breaking the lesson into parts, is the most correct. Both methodological support and correct implementation of many elements are necessary. In general, according to modern methods, the lesson should be divided into several main parts. So, first comes the introductory part. All necessary organizational issues are resolved here. This part is one of the most important. This is especially true for elementary schools. The teacher must take the children to the gym himself, help them prepare for the lesson, and also teach them how to use commands. In this case we mean construction. Children must understand that their main task is to become clearly taller, from tallest to shortest. This resolution was called the “ladder”. Therefore, special attention is paid to construction! How to build children correctly? For high school students, this procedure is generally known and understandable. As for the kids, they don’t quite understand the essence of the matter. The children need to be lined up in such a way that they do not interfere with each other when moving. In addition, they must have a good range of vision; seeing the teacher is the main goal. And finally, when performing various tasks, the teacher needs enough space so that he can provide support in any case. That's why construction is so important. It is also recommended to rank children according to height or level of physical development. Basically, this entire process is led by the physical education teacher; he bears all the responsibility.

From the second grade, as a rule, children do everything on their own. As soon as the teacher pronounces a certain command, everything falls into place. During the lesson itself, the teacher can walk next to the students or in front, thereby showing them the way. When he addresses children, absolutely everyone should see him. Therefore, it is important here not only to arrange the children correctly, but also to choose a good place for the teacher. Most teachers try to build children around themselves, it’s much more convenient. If you wish, you can become whatever you want, the main thing is that the children remember it well. Now it’s worth stipulating the duration of the introductory part. For babies it is approximately 10 minutes. The fact is that the children change clothes rather slowly and, when they get into the huge hall, they immediately begin to get lost. Therefore, it is difficult to collect and build them. In the “older” grades of primary school, namely 3-4, everything goes a little faster. 5 minutes is enough. After the introductory part comes the preparatory part, which, like the previous one, solves a number of main problems. In general, physical education for younger schoolchildren should bring only positive emotions. Therefore, here children are given time to prepare for future loads. At this moment, as a rule, a warm-up takes place, consisting of certain exercises. They are of a general developmental nature. Basically, these are simple movements aimed at adjusting the coordination of movements. Starting from the 3rd grade, the exercises become more complex. This includes various elements with sticks, balls, hoops and flags. In this case, everything is done with elements of movement, squats, jumps and much more.

In general, preparatory exercises have a good corrective effect. That is why in the elementary grades the preparatory part consists of general developmental elements. In addition, the teacher must independently select two or three exercises that will be directly aimed at motor skills and abilities. It is allowed to use only them as a means for developing certain qualities in children. The preparatory part should include exercises that prevent concomitant defects of the musculoskeletal system. So gradually the duration of the preparatory part increases to 15 minutes, and it includes about 10 exercises.

The load in a physical education lesson for schoolchildren should be moderate. Next comes the time for the main part, which, as a rule, takes up the rest of the time. It is necessary to activate all the forces for the main exercises. These can be activities with elements of gymnastics, athletics, or games of various types. It is recommended to hold relay races and competitions. This awakens a sense of team spirit in children, which is very useful. When selecting exercises, the teacher must understand that their main goal is to comply with all of the above qualities. Simply put, all elements simply must lead to something. The Ministry of Education recommends conducting new exercises at the beginning of the lesson, and those aimed at developing one of the qualities in the main part. As for games, they should be quite active. It is advisable to give preference to running, jumping, relay races with a ball, etc. In general, many try to include as many gymnastic elements as possible. Naturally, this is good, but you still need to activate all your strength during drill exercises. Indeed, at a young age, many children experience a state of loss; they simply cannot navigate in space.

The main part of the lesson should be the most useful and lasts about 25 minutes. It is still recommended to set aside some time at the end of the lesson to summarize. At this point, you can give grades, mark the most active students and talk about acquired skills. After all, only through observation can you understand which exercises were really interesting for children. In general, the structure of the lesson can be slightly changed. Everything described above rather refers to basic recommendations. This is the modern physical education discipline program. Whether to comply with it or not, each educational institution decides for itself. In general, the teacher must understand that teaching children physical education simply must be to some extent individual in nature. Therefore, it is also necessary to take a closer look at the behavior of children and take into account their wishes. It is recommended in practice to divide all physical education lessons into several types. These can be introductory classes, when children are introduced to new material and exercises, as well as combined and test classes. Physical education for first grade should not be too difficult. Therefore, some adjustments were made to the learning process.

At the moment, there is a new regulatory framework for physical culture. The main slogan, which is “Do no harm!” " This principle was taken into account by all employees related to the field of education. From September 1 of this year, special workload standards were introduced for all elementary school students. From now on, children are divided into several groups, according to their physiological capabilities. Today, schoolchildren are negatively influenced by many negative factors. That is why some people are stronger in terms of endurance, but for others this is an incomprehensible line. Therefore, those standards that were previously simply gone to nowhere. Indeed, for most children such a load is simply incomprehensible. In addition, those disciplines that children cannot do in advance were completely removed. Simply put, previously there were exercises, the correct execution of which was harmful to the child’s health. Therefore, now everything is studied extremely carefully even before children begin to engage in physical education. In this case, it’s only hard for the teacher. After all, understanding and determining a child’s level is not always so easy. Especially if we are talking about a young teacher. Therefore, here it is necessary to monitor everything more carefully so as not to harm anyone. All exercises should be solely beneficial and not burden the child in any way. It is necessary to ensure simplicity and appropriate load at the same time.

It has long been proven that physical education in schools plays a huge and decisive role in the formation and education of a child’s full-fledged personality. This subject solves the problems of not only strengthening and preserving the future health of schoolchildren, but also social adaptation, activity and sociability.

Where are school physical education lessons held?

Physical education lessons in schools can be held in gyms, available in almost every school, on a specially equipped site for classes, or on the street. Conditions for exercise must be created in the gym and on the playground in accordance with established standards. They determine how many schoolchildren can study at the same time in the allotted area, what the height of the ceilings in the room should be, and the standards also establish the mandatory presence of ventilation and heating, the necessary lighting, the number of utility rooms and locker rooms, showers and sports equipment. Sports games are held on the grounds: football, basketball and volleyball. For them, the standards establish the location of football goals, basketball baskets and volleyball nets.

What does a physical education lesson consist of?

Physical education lessons at school, as a rule, consist of three parts: introductory, main and final.

The introductory part, or warm-up, helps prepare the child’s body for the upcoming load. In the main part, children learn new physical exercises, run, jump, throw, climb a rope, play outdoor games, and conduct relay races. And in the final part, schoolchildren are invited to rest so that the heartbeat and pulse return to normal, and the body has time to rest.

It has been noted that physical education lessons in schools are usually tiring for children if they are structured strictly according to the program. Therefore, during such lessons, children are often offered independent physical activity. The teacher conducts such lessons either in the gym or on the street, with or without sports equipment. It is also very useful to carry out a certain system of exercises to music; this relieves stress in schoolchildren, helps to develop their sense of rhythm, coordination and attention.

Physical education minutes

The concept of “physical education in schools” also includes warm-ups or physical education minutes, which can be carried out in other lessons. If the teacher sees that the children are tired and are not learning the material well, you can give them the opportunity to do simple exercises, squats and bends for a couple of minutes, this helps relieve mental stress. In recent years, physical education classes have been held mainly in primary and, less often, middle classes, and, unfortunately, they have completely forgotten about high school students. But in vain. By spending a few minutes to warm up, teachers could achieve better results in their work as well as good academic performance.

The importance of medical examinations

All schools conduct mandatory routine medical examinations of schoolchildren, the purpose of which is to assess the health status of each student and the level of his physical fitness. Based on medical examination data, the doctor recommends the optimal types of physical exercises and the amount of load. During medical examinations, students are identified who, due to their physical and mental disabilities, are indicated for physical therapy; such children are exempted from physical education classes in schools. But this is wrong, since it is these children who most need the beneficial effects of physical exercise on their weakened body. Depending on their health status, schoolchildren are divided into 3 physical education groups: basic, preparatory and special medical. Classes for each group are set by the school.

Physical education: program in elementary school

A lesson in elementary school is aimed primarily at the general health and physical development of students, as well as the development of independent and creative thinking among elementary school students. Physical education in grades 1-3 is necessary for children, as it helps develop endurance, helps develop agility, flexibility, coordination of movements, and initial skills in team games.

Physical education class in elementary school is very important. The task of a physical education teacher in primary school is to convey to primary schoolchildren the physical education knowledge, motor skills and abilities available for their age, as well as the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

Physical education in elementary school helps children keep their bodies in good physical shape from an early age, develops a respectful attitude towards their health and the health of others, and cultivates collectivism, willingness to help, courage, responsiveness, and diligence in future citizens.

What exactly do primary school children do in physical education lessons? Physical education lessons in primary school are devoted mainly to sports games, various relay races and competitions. Theoretical classes usually take 3-5 minutes at the beginning of the lesson - the teacher tells the children the topic of the current lesson. In addition to games and relay races, much attention is paid to drill exercises, running, walking, jumping, climbing and throwing, and acrobatic movements. In northern latitudes, physical education lessons also include skiing. All this is aimed at developing movement and coordination.

Currently, a physical education lesson in primary school is held for 3 hours a week. The program allows the replacement of one lesson per week with a rhythm or choreography lesson.

Physical education lesson in middle school

Physical education classes at school, in middle grades, help teach children the following skills:

  • Alternating walking and running.
  • Running with obstacles.
  • Proper breathing during movements.
  • Running long jump.
  • Running high jumps.
  • Throwing a ball at a target from various distances.
  • Catching the ball with one or both hands.
  • Exercises on the gymnastic wall.
  • Swimming and skiing.

In addition to the above skills, physical education classes in middle classes teach children how to conduct hardening, massage, mental regulation and self-control - all this is part of the education process.

Physical education lessons in high school

Physical education in high school serves to form the habit of the younger generation to engage in physical education and sports after graduating from school; it should guide young people towards leading a healthy lifestyle, set them up for independent sports in the future, teach them to understand the enormous value of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and giving up bad habits .

Injuries to children during physical education lessons at school

According to statistics, children aged 12-14 years are most susceptible to various injuries during school physical education lessons. Sad figures indicate that teachers, coaches, lecturers, medical workers and parents should work to prevent injuries to students in physical education lessons. All these categories should be aware of the degree of injury risk of each sport included in the school physical education program, and also keep under constant control the causes that can lead to disastrous consequences.

Among all the numerous reasons leading to injuries in physical education lessons, the most important are:

  • Insufficient control by medical workers over the health status of students.
  • Violation of discipline during lessons.
  • Faulty equipment or its discrepancy with anthropometric data.
  • Lack of sportswear and shoes for students.
  • Adverse weather conditions.
  • Low qualifications of the teacher or trainer.

Statistics show that the largest number of injuries children receive during physical education classes at school occurs in gymnastics.

Organization of physical education lessons in schools in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards (Federal State Educational Standards)

Forms of organizing the process of physical education at school (FSES) are directly physical education lessons, sports competitions and holidays, healthy warm-ups during the day, participation in sports clubs and sections, physical education and sports at home outside of school. In turn, all physical education lessons are divided into 3 types:

  1. Educational and training orientation. During the lessons, students are introduced to practical material and educational knowledge of the subject (name and description of exercises, methods and techniques of implementation, etc.). In such lessons, training takes place with the gradual formation of children's motor activity - initial study, in-depth training, consolidation of material and improvement of acquired skills.
  2. Educational and cognitive orientation. During the lessons, children get acquainted with the basics of independently organizing physical education classes, learn to directly plan and carry out activities for general physical health. In the learning process, they actively use textbooks and teaching aids.
  3. Educational and training orientation. It is carried out directly in physical education lessons to develop children’s physical abilities and their activity.

Teaching practice

Future teachers and physical education teachers undergo mandatory practice in physical education schools during their training. During the internship, students are asked to complete a number of tasks:

  1. Familiarization with the student intern's instructions and the program. The necessary information is presented in the trainee's diary. The program includes visiting the school at an agreed time to get acquainted, conduct physical education lessons in elementary, middle or high school. Each student trainee must teach 6 lessons independently and 6 lessons as a teaching assistant. The total internship load is twelve hours per week.
  2. Attend 3 physical education lessons from a fellow student. The purpose of such visits is to conduct a complete pedagogical analysis of the lessons.
  3. Develop an independent plan for teaching some motor action for the period of practice.
  4. Write a holiday script for students, develop it and hold the event.

Why is ski training provided at school? We talk about the requirements for the educational process, the types of ski training lessons and give the structure of a ski lesson.

Almost throughout the entire territory of our country, winter is associated with winter sports, such as skiing, sledding, and skating. Ski training at school is a mandatory element of a child’s physical development program. Classes strengthen children's immunity and pump up all muscle groups. Ski training is carried out from 1st to 11th grade. The program allocates 16 teaching hours to this area.

Goals and objectives of ski training at school

Currently, there is a sharp decline in interest in ski training at school. One of the main reasons for this phenomenon is the monotony of classes. During the entire lesson time, schoolchildren run several circles in a row, then run the standard in the same circles, after which, tired and sweaty, they go to other classes. Few people will like it. In addition, the equipment is quite burdensome: a large number of changes of clothes, skis that you have to carry to school and back, plus the lack of a shower. As a result, children develop a persistent antipathy to ski training at school.

A person loves what he is good at and what he is good at. Children need to be taught technique - proper movement on skis - and then they will love this wonderful sport. It is worth noting that the technique of such movements remains in a person for the rest of his life, and endurance is lost over time (and quite quickly). This means that there is no point in spending a lot of time developing endurance. Working on technique, in turn, increases endurance. This leads to the main goal of ski training at school: students must master different ways of skiing. The teacher's task is to teach them this.

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Objectives of ski training at school:

  1. Teach schoolchildren the basic techniques of skiing: descents, ascents, ski moves, turns, braking
  2. Instill in children a healthy lifestyle (health improvement and hardening, the benefits of being in the fresh air)
  3. Instill a sustainable interest in systematic skiing (using skiing games)
  4. Develop endurance, strength, agility - the main physical qualities
  5. To cultivate moral and volitional qualities in children (fearlessness, perseverance, composure, organization)
  6. To develop in students the skills and abilities necessary for independent study.

Requirements for the educational process of ski training at school

There are a number of requirements for the entire educational process of ski training at school and for each lesson separately.

  1. At each lesson, tasks are solved: educational, educational and health problems. Educational objectives are necessarily planned and are precisely formulated for each lesson. Educational and health tasks, as a rule, are not planned for each lesson. They are carried out by the entire system of ski training classes, the use of exercises, and a system of extracurricular activities.
  2. Each lesson is inseparably linked with the previous and subsequent lessons. A unified system of lessons emerges. At the same time, each lesson is a completely independent and integral part of the educational work.
  3. The key requirement for a winter physical education lesson is the leadership role of the teacher. A teacher, conducting a physical education lesson on skis, must have organizational skills in preparation for the lesson, must lead students, directing them and showing high demands. Its task is to motivate students to solve assigned problems.
  4. The content, load, teaching methods and development of physical qualities in the lesson must invariably correspond to the program material, the age of the students and their gender, and the assigned tasks.
  5. The methodology and content of the lesson should always stimulate students to be active, consciously learn new material, and safety precautions. To make skiing physical education lessons more emotional, it is recommended to include elements of games, competitions, and game tasks.
  6. In lessons, it is necessary to optimally combine collective and individual work of students. In the beginning, when students learn a new method of skiing, collective learning is used. However, due to the fact that the degree of preparedness of students is different (some are behind, while others, on the contrary, are ahead of their classmates), they are divided into subgroups taking into account the level of preparation. This way, students can master the technique without interfering with each other. Students who perform worse move around the inner ski circle, closer to the teacher.
  7. Active activity of students during the winter exercise lesson. The use of various exercises (imitation, leading, basic) in skiing in various combinations (alternating practice on a training slope and on a training ground, on a ski track) with varying degrees of intensity allows not only to switch the attention of students, but also to maintain their performance throughout classes.

In addition to those listed, there are a number of requirements for the ski training process at school. They depend on the age of the students, their physical fitness and other factors.

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Types of ski lessons at school

Depending on the objectives, the following types of ski training lessons at school can be determined:

  • introductory
  • educational
  • training
  • mixed
  • control

Each of these lessons has its own characteristic features, differing in structure, methods of organization, and activation of students.

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Introductory lessons are held at the beginning of the school year in all classes, without exception. At them, the teacher introduces students to the content and requirements of the ski training section at school, provided for by the program specifically in this class. It also provides theoretical information about this sport, introduces schoolchildren to safety precautions and at the same time reveals the characteristic features of the class, the physical readiness of schoolchildren to master new material.

Educational lessons are conducted mainly in primary classes. The purpose of such lessons is to learn new material. In addition to new knowledge, such lessons improve the knowledge already acquired. The lesson program includes exercises to develop physical qualities, and the methods of skiing previously learned are improved.

Training lessons are most often held in high schools. In elementary schools, such lessons are not taught at all; in middle classes, they are extremely rare. In the program for grades IX-XI, very little new educational material is included in the ski training section at school. In this regard, training lessons have the main goal - the development of physical qualities of students through skiing. Training lessons are widely used in extracurricular activities in skiing, when classes are held in school sections.

Blended ski lessons at school are common across all grade levels. In such lessons, all kinds of learning problems are solved. Schoolchildren improve their skiing techniques, develop endurance, strength and agility. Current monitoring of students' mastery of academic material is carried out.

Control lessons on ski training at school are held to sum up the results and take into account the progress of students. First of all, in such lessons, schoolchildren pass distance standards. Grades are given for the technique of performing specific methods of skiing. The grade can be given by the teacher both during the test lesson and during other classes (current recording of progress). At the end of each quarter, after taking academic standards, a final grade is given.

The structure of a ski training lesson at school

The structure of a ski training lesson at school has not changed for a long time and corresponds to the generally accepted one in the domestic system of physical education. A skiing physical education lesson at school consists of three interconnected parts:

  • introductory and preparatory;
  • basic;
  • final

The introductory-preparatory part of the lesson solves the issues of initial organization of students, familiarizing them with the upcoming work, and safety precautions for skiing. In addition, schoolchildren are psychologically prepared to master cross-country skiing techniques. At this stage, the students’ bodies are gradually prepared for subsequent loads in the main part of the lesson. The duration of the introductory and preparatory part is on average 8-12 minutes.

The main part of the lesson solves the main task - educational. Schoolchildren learn new ways of cross-country skiing, developing in the process physical qualities: strength, will, endurance. The main part of the ski training lesson at school is structured according to the following scheme: first, the material already covered is repeated (3-5 minutes), after which students begin to master new ways of skiing, provided for by the lesson plan and program material for this class. The main part of the lesson takes 25-35 minutes. The duration depends on many factors: content, tasks, methods, etc.

In the final part of the lesson, the results are summed up, the students’ bodies are brought into an optimal functional state for attending the remaining lessons. After finishing a ski lesson at school, the teacher can assign homework to the children. The duration of this segment of the lesson is 4-5 minutes.

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State budgetary educational institution

additional professional education

Rostov region "Rostov Institute of Advanced Studies

and professional retraining of educators"

Pedagogical project on the problem:

“How to conduct a physical education lesson profitably”

Shapovalova N.A. physical education teacher at MBOU Secondary School No. 7 named after A.P. Berest




Modern man lives in conditions of constant updating of knowledge, receiving a large amount of information every day. Television, the Internet, and printed materials, offering a huge amount of information, require new ways of mastering it. Already in elementary school, the student realizes the need to learn throughout his life, because it is the need for constant self-development that can ensure successful socialization in the information society.

The ability to learn throughout life is especially important for younger schoolchildren and is ensured by the purposeful formation of universal learning activities in him. The need for targeted formation of UUD is normatively enshrined in the Federal State Educational Standards of NOO. The basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO is a system-activity approach to learning.

The idea of ​​combining systemic and activity approaches belongs mainly to domestic scientists. A significant impetus to the development of this idea was given by the work of foreign and domestic psychologists and teachers in the 1960s-90s. who developed the issues of teaching and raising a child (L. N. Vygotsky, V. V. Davydov, L. V. Zankov, A. N. Leontiev, D. I. Feldshtein, L. M. Friedman, D. B. Elkonin, E. Erickson and others).

The implementation of new standards largely depends on the teacher, who will no longer be the sole bearer of knowledge, but will play the role of a guide in the world of information. The teacher’s task is not just to form and develop the necessary qualities, but also to interact with the environment in which the child grows up and, as an adult, can take a worthy place in society. Give students the opportunity to make a choice, argue their point of view, take responsibility for this choice, and not give them something ready-made. The student himself understands the goal, chooses ways to achieve it and evaluates the result himself. We must teach the child to quickly respond to changing conditions, cultivate the habit of change, so that children are confident in themselves and do not feel afraid of difficulties.

Physical education lesson is the most traumatic lesson of all subjects. Therefore, safety precautions have an important place in the methodology of teaching physical movements. Safety precautions are present everywhere. This includes preparation for the lesson: sportswear, shoes, condition of the sports ground and sports equipment. This is a technique for mastering the movements necessary for life, these are rules of behavior and rules of communication with peers. This is an awareness of the danger, importance and necessity of movement. Much attention in the lessons is given to the practical side of physical education. The moment of awareness of physical culture is often missed as a matter of course. The result is poor mastery of technique, low physical fitness, injuries, low level of physical development and, as a result, poor health. Physical education problems force students to think about important aspects of learning movement.


physical education lesson No. 1for 1st grade students.

Class: 1, lesson No. 1

Lesson topic: Choosing clothing and equipment for exercise Purpose of the lesson: Identify and discuss the correct choice of clothing and equipment for sports

Lesson objectives:

    Introduce students to a new school subject - physical education; with requirements for clothing and footwear.

    To form a general idea of ​​physical culture, its importance in human life, its role in promoting health and physical development.

    Teach formation in a line, column.

    To instill interest in physical education lessons, independent physical exercises, outdoor games, forms of active recreation and leisure.

Location: gym.

The date of the: 5.09.2014

Inventory and equipment: a basketball, two volleyballs, a multimedia projector, a disk with recordings of the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!” Issue No. 4, presentation.

Planned results:

    Universal competencies– the ability to actively participate in collective activities (relay race “sideways ball race”, game “in their places”), interact with peers in achieving common goals (correctly pass the ball to someone standing next to you in a line, quickly line up in a line);

    Personal– active involvement in communication and interaction with peers; development of goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness; understanding and empathy in the relay race “sideways ball race”, the game “in their places”; developing skills of cooperation with peers; the ability to avoid creating conflicts and find ways out of controversial situations; show discipline in achieving goals; develop motives for educational activities and form the meaning of learning (awareness of the significance of the role of physical education in promoting health and physical development);

    Metasubject– objective assessment of actions in accordance with the task; determining the most effective ways to achieve results; detection of errors when performing a task (forming in one line); developing the ability to understand the reasons for the success/failure of educational activities and a way to act constructively in situations of failure (in the event of a team losing a game or relay race, or performing an exercise incorrectly); willingness to resolve conflicts constructively; analyzing the results of your own work, searching for opportunities and ways to improve them;

    Subject– formation of initial ideas about the importance of physical culture for strengthening human health, its positive impact on a person’s physical development, about physical culture as factors of successful study and socialization; mastering the skills to organize health-saving activities (morning exercises, recreational activities, outdoor games, etc.); interaction with peers according to the rules of outdoor games); providing all possible assistance and moral support to peers when completing educational tasks;

Universal learning activities:

    Cognitive: general education– familiarization with the content and organization of physical education lessons, the role of physical education in human life; with requirements for clothing and shoes in physical education lessons; with the rules of the game “in their places” and the relay race “ball race on the side”; performing a drill exercise: formation in one line; performing exercises for coordination of movements;

    Regulatory– accept and maintain goals and objectives when performing exercises and participating in games and relay races; accept the teacher’s instructions and strictly follow them; plan, control and evaluate the correctness of actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation: determine the most effective ways to achieve results; adequately assess your own behavior and the behavior of others;

    Communication– the ability to negotiate and come to a common decision in joint gaming activities; interact with peers in the game;

    Personal: self-determination– strive to win games and relay races; show responsibility when performing group and individual tasks; meaning making– show cognitive interest in studying the subject, understand the importance of physical exercise; moral and ethical assessment– know the basic moral and ethical standards, evaluate their actions, treat their peers with respect and kindness.

Lesson Project

Lesson stages, time

Teacher's actions

Student actions


Introductory part of the lesson

Psychological mood for the lesson

Reads the poem “School Sports”

Do you think there are such students among you?

Children's answers

Preparatory part of the lesson

What does physical culture mean?

Children, today is your first physical education lesson. Physical culture is physical exercise to improve health and improve physical development. During physical education lessons you will run, jump, and play. These lessons will teach you to be healthy, strong, fast, and resilient. And physical exercises and games will help you become like this.

Charger. Morning exercises are a set of exercises performed after waking up. Exercise has a huge positive effect on the body. Helps us wake up and recharge with vigor.

Hardening– a way to increase the body’s resistance to hot and cold weather, colds and infectious diseases. There is hardening with air, sun and water. “Sun, air and water are our best friends.” Anyone who hardens his body gets sick less often. Does not miss school due to illness. He has more strength and energy to master knowledge.

Classes in the sports section allow you to achieve achievements in a particular sport. They cultivate will, discipline, and determination. Even if you do not become champions, you will gain health. In our city you can sign up for the following sections: swimming, judo, handball, football, boxing, acrobatics, rhythmic gymnastics, basketball, volleyball.

Fikultminutka– minutes of physical exercise aimed at relieving fatigue. Are you probably tired of sitting since the beginning of the lesson? So let's do some physical education.

Dialogue between teacher and students about the importance of physical education in the life of every person.

What games do you know?

What sports do you do? Why did you choose it?

What should you do to be healthy?

Why do you need to do morning exercises?

Children's answers

Children's answers. Can be held in the form of competitions between groups (rows)

Children's answers

Children doing physical education

Slide show #3-6

Main part of the lesson

A story about the main forms of physical education and sports included in the school curriculum.

Queen of Sports- This is athletics. This sport is called that because it is practiced by the largest number of athletes. After all, athletics is running, walking, jumping, throwing. Athletics exercises were done by people in ancient times. First, in order to become stronger, faster, stronger. And later they started holding competitions. An athlete who participates in athletics is called an athlete.

Gymnastics- means “to train, to exercise.” Athletes who practice gymnastics are called gymnasts. They perform various exercises on apparatus (uneven bars, balance beam, pommel horse, rings, crossbar) and also without apparatus. Thanks to these exercises, they become strong, flexible, and resilient.

Let's look at what kind of equipment and what kind of sport the wolf from the cartoon “Well, just wait!”

Physical education lesson will always begin with a formation in a line where students stand shoulder to shoulder.

Formation in a column

Game “Ball Race Sideways”

Do you know what sport this is? What is the sports uniform for athletes called?

What is the name of the sport that allows you to be flexible, graceful, strong?

Who knows what equipment the athletes train on?

Teacher asks riddles

What kind of sportswear and shoes do you think would be most comfortable to wear during physical education lessons?

Screening of the cartoon “Well, wait a minute” issue No. 4

The wolf sent us a letter and asks us to name what sports the hare does and on what equipment?

This Slide shows how you will line up at the teacher’s command “Stand in one line!” you will have to line up according to height: first girls, then boys.

What do you think the rules are for in a game?

Children's answers

Children's answers

Children's answers

Children solve riddles and show answers

Children's answers


Working with cards

Children indicate the type of sport, sportswear and equipment

Formation in a line Game “In your places”

Children's answers

Slide No. 7,8,9,10

Slide No. 11

Slide No. 12

The final part of the lesson

Self-assessment of what has been covered in the lesson is organized by students.

You definitely need to be praised for your attentiveness, discipline, and activity. Winners in games and exercises should be praised for their victory, and losers for their will to win and diligence, in order to encourage children to show motor initiative and a desire to engage in physical education in the future.

Children share their emotions and express what they liked during the lesson.

I. Introductory part.

School sports

Our boys are “athletes”
After all, at every break
There is no way to stop them:
They're practicing again!

…Training, training –
For sports, knowledge, dexterity.

Here at the start Kolya and Tolya,
That they're rushing through the school like a rocket,
Oleg catches up with them -
This sport is called "RUNNING".

Sports running is CROSS,
There is a huge demand for it!

Boy Borya is friends with BOX,
That's why with a swollen nose:
Yesterday he had a fight with Vasya,
That he was “colored” in the game.

If there is a crowd of fighting -
It's not a fight, but a FIGHT.
But not at all “free”
And fist-school.

Gleb is a famous “champion”
In the sport “School BIATHLON” –
For shooting, but very nasty:
At animals, with a slingshot!

He's shooting at the school of birds,
And, unfortunately, it hits.

There are other sports -
TENNIS, just not on the court:
Jumps briskly like in PING-PONG
A ball on the tables, on the books.

If hats fly above us,
Or pencil cases, or folders -
This is not a party at all
This is school THROWING!

Each other is HORSE RACING,
Where you need a strong back.
The rider must hold on
To reach the finish line.

Floors of wet soil,
Which is not at all beautiful
And obviously dangerous!

These are the sports...
Where are the prizes - not cakes at all,
No medals, no recognition.
Instead of a cup - censure!

Natalie Samoniy

Dialogue between teacher and students about the importance of physical education in the life of every person. About the main forms of physical education and sports included in the school curriculum. A story about the requirements for clothing, shoes, and appearance.

Show Slide 2. Presentation .

Teacher. Children, today is your first physical education lesson. Physical culture is physical exercise to improve health and improve physical development. During physical education lessons you will run, jump, and play. These lessons will teach you to be healthy, strong, fast, and resilient. And physical exercises and games will help you become like this. What games do you know?

In addition to physical education classes, there are other forms of physical education classes.

Show Slide 3.

For example, morning exercises. Morning exercises are a set of exercises performed after waking up. Exercise has a huge positive effect on the body. Helps us wake up and recharge with vigor.

Show Slide 4.

Hardening is a way to increase the body's resistance to hot and cold weather, colds and infectious diseases. There is hardening with air, sun and water. “Sun, air and water are our best friends.” Anyone who hardens his body gets sick less often. Does not miss school due to illness. He has more strength and energy to master knowledge.

Show Slide 5.

Classes in the sports section allow you to achieve achievements in a particular sport. They cultivate will, discipline, and determination. Even if you do not become champions, you will gain health. In our city you can sign up for the following sections: swimming, judo, handball, football, boxing, acrobatics, rhythmic gymnastics, basketball, volleyball.

Show Slide 6.

Fikultminutka – minutes of physical exercise aimed at relieving fatigue. Are you probably tired of sitting since the beginning of the lesson? So let's do some physical education.

Main part.

And now I will tell you what sports are included in the school curriculum. We will study them in physical education lessons.

Who knows which sport is called the queen of sports?

Show Slide 7.

The queen of sports is athletics. This sport is called that because it is practiced by the largest number of athletes. After all, athletics is running, walking, jumping, throwing. Athletics exercises were done by people in ancient times. First, in order to become stronger, faster, stronger. And later they started holding competitions. An athlete who participates in athletics is called an athlete.

The next sport is gymnastics.

Show Slide 8.

Gymnastics means “to train, to exercise.” Athletes who practice gymnastics are called gymnasts. They perform various exercises on apparatus (uneven bars, balance beam, pommel horse, rings, crossbar) and also without apparatus. Thanks to these exercises, they become strong, flexible, and resilient.

There is a sport in the school curriculum that cannot be studied without one subject. Now I will make a riddle about this item. And you can guess it.

He doesn't want to lie down at all.
If you throw it, it will jump.
You hit me a little, jump right away,
Well, of course – this is …………. (ball).

Show the basketball.

Show Slide 9.

Look at the Slide and guess the riddle for which sport this ball is needed.

In this sport the players
Everyone is agile and tall.
They love to play ball
And throw it into the ring.
The ball hits the floor loudly,
So this is………………(basketball).

Show Slide 10.

Look at the Slide and guess the riddle about the next sport.

I don’t understand, who are you guys?
Birders? Trappers?
What kind of mesh is in the yard?
You wouldn't interfere with the game.
You'd better go away.
We play………….(volleyball).

This Slide shows volleyball players playing volleyball. In volleyball, players pass the ball over the net with their hands. They try to prevent the ball from touching the floor on their side. (Show the volleyball.)

Participating in physical education is only possible in special uniforms. In the hall, this is a T-shirt, sports shorts, socks and sports shoes: sneakers or sneakers, with laces tightly tied. In warm or cool weather, wear a tracksuit for outdoor activities.

Show Slide 11.

A physical education lesson will always begin with a formation in a line where students stand shoulder to shoulder. This Slide shows the teacher standing up to the line and raising his left arm to the side. At the teacher’s command “Stand in one line!” you will have to line up according to height: first girls, then boys.

Show Slide 12.

This Slide shows a line-up, one at a time, with students standing behind each other's heads. In a column we will usually walk or run in the gym.

Line up in one line according to height. Separately boys and girls. The teacher chooses the tallest student and places him first - on the right flank. Then, as he passes, he touches the shoulder of the student, who should stand next in height, he goes to the line and stands next to the one on the right flank, etc.

Teacher: You will always be built in this order. Remember who your neighbors are.

Game “In Your Places”

Children sit on a bench. Then, at the teacher’s command: “Get in line in your places,” the children line up in the same place and in the same order (separately, a line of girls and a line of boys). The line that forms the fastest wins. Repeat 2 times.

Relay race “Side ball race”.

Two lines with an equal number of children compete. The right-winger has the ball. At the teacher’s command, you need to pass the ball from hand to hand to your neighbor on the left; when the ball reaches the left flank, pass the ball back. The team that passes the ball back to the right winger the fastest wins. Repeat twice.

Final part.

Exercise to develop balance.

Place your feet together, arms along your body. At the teacher’s command, close your eyes and stand still until the count of ten. Then complicate the exercise. Place one foot in front of the other in one line. The front leg should touch the heel of the back leg. Also stand until ten counts.

Reflection of activity.

Self-assessment of what has been covered in the lesson is organized by students. Children share their emotions and express what they liked during the lesson. You definitely need to be praised for your attentiveness, discipline, and activity. Winners in games and exercises should be praised for their victory, and losers for their will to win and diligence, in order to encourage children to show motor initiative and a desire to engage in physical education in the future.

Remind students to have their sports uniform ready for the next lesson.

Announce that the lesson is over.

List of used literature.

    Physical Culture. 1st grade: system of lessons based on the textbook by A.P. Matveev / author.-comp. A.Yu.Patrikeev. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2012.

    Lesson developments in physical education: 1st grade. /aut.-state V.I. Kovalko. – M.: Vako, 2010.

    Physical Culture. Work programs. Subject line of textbooks A.P.Matveeva. Grades 1–4: a manual for teachers of general education institutions / A.P. Matveev. – M.: Education, 2011.

    Physical education in 1st grade: Lesson plans. First half of the year / N.I. Sorokina, S.A. Sorokin. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2004.

State budgetary educational institution


Krasnogvardeisky district of St. Petersburg


Problems of a physical education lesson

through the eyes of students

Ivanova Anna Gennadievna

Physical education teacher GBOU No. 628

Saint Petersburg


Leading a healthy lifestyle, physical education and sports have always been important in our country, and over the past 5-6 years they have taken the leading positions in importance. Suffice it to recall the introduction of the third lesson into the physical education program at school, the revival of the GTO complex. A huge impetus for this was the holding of the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. But, despite this, a strange trend is observed: interest in physical education lessons at school is falling.

The purpose of the work is to reveal the essence of the issue related to the motives and interest of schoolchildren in the physical education lesson.



In the main part of the work, we want to find out what place physical education occupies in school in general and in our gymnasium in particular in order to understand whether interest in physical education lessons is fading or not.

Today there is a lot of literature on this issue. In our work we used teaching aids and textbooks on physical education.

Having studied the available literature, we received the following information: physical education is part of the general culture of society, which is aimed at strengthening health, developing a person’s physical abilities, and is also crucial for the education of a full-fledged, holistic personality of a schoolchild. That is, without physical education the educational process is impossible.

How should physical education take place at school? Physical education at school takes place either in a specially equipped gym, or on the street, also on a specially equipped site, if available. Both in the gym and on the playground, certain conditions must be created, in accordance with the standards. In the gym, standards regulate how many schoolchildren can exercise in a given area, what the ceiling height, ventilation and heating should be, how many locker rooms there should be, how many shower rooms, what sports equipment should be present. On the court, regulations govern how soccer goals, basketball hoops, and volleyball nets should be positioned.

The lesson is the main form of organizing physical education classes at school. The distinctive features of the lesson are the following: a constant composition of students, compliance of the educational material with the approved program and work plan, an accurate schedule of classes, the use of various teaching methods, and the leadership role of the teacher.

Each lesson consists of three parts: introductory, main and final. The introductory part, or warm-up, prepares the body for the load. The main part of the lesson provides theoretical information, teaches movement techniques, and develops physical abilities - strength, speed, endurance, agility, flexibility.

The final part is designed to ensure that the body returns to normal in the correct way, breathing and pulse improve. At the end of the lesson, special exercises are carried out to help reduce the functioning of all body systems to the original level, removing the increased emotionality of students


Physical education at school also solves the problem of not only preserving and strengthening health, but also increasing the level of sociability and social activity of children.

But the social activity of modern children is now realized mainly through social networks, sitting at the computer, and the lack of physical activity among schoolchildren inevitably leads to irreparable losses in physical development, weakening of the body’s defenses and serious health problems.

Motor abilities and skills acquired at school age, as well as physical, intellectual, volitional and other qualities, become the basis for the rapid and complete mastery of professional, military and other special motor actions, and further physical improvement in adulthood. Of no less importance is the contribution of school physical education to the development of the personality of young people, the formation of their worldview and life position, moral character, intellectual and aesthetic culture, and strong-willed aspiration.


In our gymnasium, physical education takes place three times a week, each lesson lasts 45 minutes, regardless of the age of the students. Once during school, children have the opportunity to study in the pool for one lesson a week throughout the school year, usually this is a parallel to the third grade. During the school year, in physical education lessons we engage in athletics, gymnastics, sports and outdoor games, and cross-country training. The gymnasium has two gyms measuring 24x12 meters with appropriate markings. The halls have equipment for gymnastics, athletics, and sports games. For gymnastics there are equipment: gymnastic horse, gymnastic goat, gymnastic beam, parallel bars, Swedish walls, gymnastic ropes, benches with holds for passing obstacle courses. There is also a variety of equipment for gymnastics: gymnastic mats for acrobatic exercises, hoops, jump ropes, medicine balls (weighted balls), gymnastic mats. For outdoor and sports games (in our case, basketball, volleyball and pioneer ball), the halls are equipped with basketball backboards (4 pieces each) and volleyball nets. There are also basketball and volleyball balls, the exact quantity of which we do not know, but they are usually enough for all children involved, that is, approximately 25-30 balls of each type. Athletics classes take place in the fall and spring, in the first and fourth quarters. It is most convenient to practice athletics outdoors. Short- and long-distance running, long-distance throwing, and running long jumps cannot be done in the gym. But the gymnasium does not have a stadium, and weather conditions in St. Petersburg do not always allow you to go outside. In the gym you can only practice the technique of individual elements: the correct starting position for long and short runs, starting positions for jumping and throwing, passing the relay baton. But there are also standards and exercises in athletics that can be practiced in the gym: standing long jump, accuracy throwing, shuttle running, circular relay. For this purpose, there is equipment in the form of tennis balls (they are suitable for throwing in the hall), relay batons, various cones (with their help you can mark the distance for shuttle running), there is also a special stationary marking for long jumps, targets for throwing for accuracy, stands and bar for high jumps, starting blocks.

When we compete at regional competitions for our gymnasium, we visit other schools and can compare. Very many schools were initially designed in such a way that they only have one gym; very few schools have gymnastic equipment, namely apparatus; even the number of basketball backboards more than two in the hall is rare.


But, despite the excellent opportunities of our gymnasium, we observe a decline in interest in the lesson during physical education lessons in our class. The information that physical education teachers gave us about the situation in other classes of our gymnasium suggests that children began to engage in physical education less willingly than before. And the older the children are, the less desire they have for activities. It was then that we became interested in finding out the reasons for these changes. In order to understand the reasons, we decided to interview children of different ages using a questionnaire. Children from 1A, 3B, 5A, 5B, 7B and 8A classes, totaling 164 people, took part in the survey. The questionnaire included the following questions:

  • do you like physical education class?
  • What do you like most about the lesson and why?
  • what don't you like and why?
  • what would you like to add to the lesson?
  • Do you do physical education and sports anywhere else besides the gymnasium, where do you like the classes more and why?

Below we present the results of the work done.


Diagram 1. Do you like the physical education lesson?

Diagram 2. Do you like the physical education lesson? Class distribution

Diagram 3. What do you like most about the lesson?

Diagram 4. What do you dislike most about the lesson?

Diagram 5. What would you like to add to the lesson?

Diagram 6. Do you engage in physical education and sports anywhere else besides the gymnasium?

Diagram 7. Distribution by class of those studying and not studying outside the gymnasium


After we conducted a survey of children on a topic that interested us, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • In our gymnasium, the attitude towards the physical education lesson is generally positive. According to general statistics, 86% of students like the physical education lesson. According to statistics, grades 1 and 5 approve of the physical education lesson more than other classes surveyed. Children enjoy playing sports (115 votes). The personality of the physical education teacher also plays an important role; in our case, many children like the physical education teacher (93 votes).
  • As students grow older, interest fades from class to class for the following reasons: what children of all ages don’t like most is cross-country training (127 people voted) and theory classes (40 people voted), a differentiated approach to students in the classroom is not sufficiently implemented, which leads to inadequacy of physical activity in classes (25%); The interests of schoolchildren are not taken into account when choosing physical exercises that are included in the FC program at school (22-32%)
  • The following factors may influence the formation of increased interest in a physical education lesson:
  • Individual selection of exercises.
  • Differentiated physical activity.
  • Increasing the amount of time allocated to sports games.
  • Increasing the number of activities conducted outdoors.
  • Increasing the number of lessons per week.

Physical education classes at school are very important because... the survey showed that 66% of students do not participate in sports clubs after school.


In conclusion, I would like to say that the problem of loss of interest in a physical education lesson is really relevant for a modern school. This is confirmed by the studies we have studied, conducted among students of city schools, and by a survey conducted among students of our school. In order to maintain students’ interest in the physical education lesson, and as a result, in leading a healthy lifestyle, we offer the following ways and methods of solving the problem:

  1. Increasing the time allocated for sports games, as well as introducing additional sports games into the lesson, such as football.
  2. Differentiate the approach to physical activity and meeting standards, taking into account the physical characteristics of a particular student.
  3. The great desire of all students at our school to have the opportunity to exercise in a swimming pool and on a specially equipped outdoor playground would also greatly influence the increase in interest in physical education lessons.

The goals we set at the beginning of the work, namely to identify students’ attitudes towards physical education lessons at school, what a physical education lesson is, and what significance it has, were achieved in the course of the work. We found out that the attitude towards the lesson is generally positive, but there are a number of problems that we can solve together. Both teachers and students should pay especially close attention to this.


Anishchenko V.S. Physical culture: Methodological and practical classes for students: Textbook. - M.: RUDN University, 1999

Evseev Yu.I. Physical Culture. Rostov - n/a: Phoenix, 2003

Bogdanov G.P. Management of physical education of schoolchildren.- M.: Education, 1972.-

Volkov L.V. Methods for developing the physical abilities of schoolchildren. – K.: Glad. school, 1980.

Bezverkhnyaya G.V. Age dynamics of schoolchildren’s motivational priorities for physical education and sports. – M.: Logos, 2004.

Shutkin S.N. Pedagogical conditions for teaching the basics of personality self-organization in a physical education lesson. – Lipetsk: Leningrad State University, 2003.

Saikina E.G. Fitness technologies at school. Publishing house of the Herzen State Pedagogical University, St. Petersburg, 2013

Kuzmina S.V., Chernyaev E.A. Factors in the formation of interest in physical education lessons among schoolchildren. Collection of materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference physical culture and sports in the Russian education system: innovations and development prospects, St. Petersburg, 2015.