How to draw a cactus in a pot with a pencil. Test: Draw a cactus and you will be surprised at how accurately we describe your character

Cacti are different: low, tall, green, yellow, flowering, prickly... These cute plants came to us from tropical regions, where they grow in wildlife arid deserts. Nowadays, many decorative cacti delight us with their festive appearance on the windowsills of apartments and remind their owners that somewhere on earth there is eternal summer. Many of them are blooming all year round and surprise us with their exotic appearance. Every child has seen this funny indoor plant at least once in their life, and therefore today we will try to figure out how to draw a cactus in a pot. In fact, it is not as difficult as it seems at first glance!

First stage

The first question will be, of course, how to draw a cactus step by step? As with any other drawing, you should first prepare. In order to draw a cactus, it is enough to stock up on sheets of paper, simple and colored pencils. You can draw a cactus using paints.

In order to know how to draw cacti, you need to understand what they are. As a rule, a cactus consists of one not very long green stem covered with spines. Sometimes on a cactus there are bright flowers. Where should you start?

General form

To begin with, you should draw with a simple pencil There is a small oval approximately in the middle of the leaf. This will be the body of the future cactus. It is worth considering that this plant usually grows directly from the ground.

Sometimes cacti have a more branched structure. How to draw cacti with branches? To do this, it’s worth adding a few more unique “buds” to the main body.

You can also add features typical of such plants, such as thorns. In addition to these small needles, which will decorate the cactus and give it a natural look, for greater truthfulness and realism, you can draw convolutions or longitudinal stripes on the cactus. For this purpose, long lines can be drawn in dark green on a light cactus, and black or dark brown on a dark green one.

Drawing details

How to draw cacti - light green or darker - depends on the desire of the author.

Sometimes Although this is, unfortunately, a very rare phenomenon, it is still bewitchingly beautiful. Some cacti bloom with small flowers that grow directly on the stem, others produce entire inflorescences and even arrows with flowers on them! look like small flowers of regular shape, similar to miniature daisies. Their colors can be completely different: from white to red and purple.


As a rule, at home, cacti do not grow in open ground and do not stand in vases. In the rooms these tropical plants are kept in small pots. In order to draw a cactus pot, it is enough to draw a small object of a cylindrical or semicircular shape. The pot can be of any appearance and can be painted in any color.

Now the cactus is ready! How to draw cacti? And it's very easy! In order for him not to be bored alone, you can even draw several of these flowers. And besides, when great desire If you have free time and extraordinary imagination, you can depict an entire desert with giant cacti of all shapes and sizes. Indeed, in the desert, cacti can reach up to several meters in height!

This article will show and tell you how to draw a cactus. Any person can draw a flower; to do this, it is enough to divide the drawing into simple figures: circle, straight line, curve, cylinder, ellipse, etc. Using this approach, it will be quite easy to depict this exotic plant.

For children

How can a child draw a cactus? Very simple! Let's look at this example.

On a sheet of paper with a black marker, draw an elongated vertical oval with the lower end cut off - this will be the main figure. Along its left edge, draw another similar, already reduced figure, extending from the lower third at a slight angle. Draw the same design near the right contour, slightly higher than the left one. Paint the flower green.

Spend two horizontal lines inside the trunk of the plant and two each inside the shoots. The lines should be at equal distances from each other and from the contours of the plant. Using small strokes, about two centimeters each, mark the spines.

Draw three small flowers - one on the trunk and two on the shoots. Color them with a red marker. The flowers are depicted in the form of several drop-shaped figures, thin edges converging with each other.

Cactus in a pot

Very often people plant these plants in pots and place them on the windowsill, so let's let's take a pencil and draw a cactus in a pot.

So, let's draw three cacti in pots with a pencil. Each of them is an inverted pyramid with almost vertical edges. Upper part The pot should be depicted as an elongated rectangle. Then we will depict three cacti. The first one as a set standing nearby, highly elongated oval-shaped objects. The second is in the form of a zucchini, adding shoots to it that look like ovals, curved upward. The third is in the form of a semicircle, inside of which there are vertical grooves. At its top, simple oval lines indicate the contours of the flower.

Color the entire drawing. This can be done using watercolor paints or colored pencils. When working with watercolors, you need to be careful when painting the edges, as this paint can bleed.

With a little imagination and using the method described above, you can get drawings like these.

Draw with a pencil

We continue to learn how to draw a cactus with a pencil.

In the center of the sheet, draw with a pencil something between a rectangle and an oval. On the sides of it there are drop-shaped processes, from each of which there are a couple more small processes.

Draw all over the flower vertical lines. Use small, frequent strokes to designate the spines on the trunk and shoots.

Color the drawing. Use dark green and light green colors to give the plant volume, and at the base barely indicate the soil with light brown shades.

Drawing step by step

Let's look at how to draw a cactus step by step. This instruction will help you see the simplicity of painting when the process is divided into simple step-by-step actions.

Stage 1
Draw a trunk. Draw lines from the bottom edge of the sheet vertically upward, turn them in a semicircle at the top and continue downwards - you get something cigar-shaped. Using the same lines we depict L-shaped processes.

Stage 2
We make the image three-dimensional by drawing horizontal grooves in the body.

Stage 3
And finally, the thorns. We draw them with frequent short strokes along the contour of the flower and in the form of small dots inside the image.

Blooming cactus

How to draw a blooming cactus? Just like a regular one, just don’t forget to draw on a flower.

Draw a circle in the middle of the sheet, and a semicircle under it. After that, additional lines in a semicircle - this will give it volume, and in the end you will get a pot.

Flowers are depicted at the top of the circle. They consist of circles, inside of which lines stretch towards the center, and leaves in the form of arbitrary rectangles with rounded edges. Please note that some flowers are not fully depicted, as they are covered by flowers in the foreground.

Color the pot brown, the cactus green, and the flowers purple.

Giant cactus

Also, we suggest you draw a giant cactus in the desert.

An unusual example

Well, at the end of our article, we invite you to look at a very unusual example. Instead of the usual green shades, the plant received a cosmic coloring.

We continue the topic “Indoor plants - drawings” and today we’ll figure out how to draw a cactus.

This is where it turns out that there are many types of cacti, and they look different! I chose the options that seemed the most spectacular to me.

Drawing the prickly pear cactus

Surely you have seen Opuntia - the most common genus. The plant looks like a bush of flat oval cakes on which nests with bristles and spines are arranged in a regular pattern. It is on the prickly pear that Charlie (Chaplin) sits in the film “Sunnyside Up,” so this cactus is glorified by cinema.

As you, of course, know, the green part of a cactus is its stem, not its leaves. Modified leaves are turned into spines.

But let's start drawing, but the drawing will be simpler. We outline the stems with a pencil. If I see that the drawing is good - it looks harmonious and the balance is maintained, then I can strengthen the lines.

Now there is painstaking work ahead - we will distribute the nests with thorns in regular rows. The bristles are actually white, but I can’t show this on paper.

This is how the picture turned out. You could say a Cactus coloring book. So get down to business - paint around the thorns.

But now, we got acquainted with prickly pear. Now - we will draw Cereus - a tall cactus of the American deserts that looks like a candelabra.

How to draw a Cereus cactus

But our drawing of a cactus will be more interesting - let’s draw a branched bush.

Having made a pencil sketch, we move on to the drawing itself:

The stems of this cactus do not have a smooth surface - they are folded or ribbed. It is on these protruding ribs that the spines grow.

Let's color it:

Well, we learned how to draw two types of cacti. The third very common species - the spiny ribbed ball - echinocactus will not be discussed here because everything is described step by step in the article - read it.

Marina Novikova told you how to draw a Cactus.

Although this article is on the topic of “drawing” houseplants", I in every possible way avoid drawing plants in pots. Well, I don’t like to depict these pots. The plant should enjoy freedom, open ground. If they were domesticated, then it is not a fact that flowerpots and other containers will decorate the image so directly. And also, I know from experience that if children are given the topic “draw a houseplant,” then they will dashingly, quickly and crookedly draw a huge pot that will take up three-quarters of the sheet, and the flower will be completely reduced in size. Well, you don’t have to choose between evils. Therefore, I draw popular indoor plants, but I don’t plant them in pots, and I don’t recommend them to you.

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Cacti are one of the most amazing and mysterious plants on earth. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine a more unpretentious plant. In the wild, they grow in the most unsuitable conditions for life - areas where during the day the air temperature fluctuates up to fifty degrees and there is very little precipitation. Plants of this species are also unpretentious when grown at home - even a novice plant grower can cope with this.

With their unusual appearance, cacti often attract the attention of cartoonists and authors. fairy tales. If you've come across this plant on a field trip, or watched one of the many cartoons with your child that features the cactus (perhaps as one of the characters!), you'll probably want to know how to draw cacti. Let's try to understand this issue further.

How to choose the subject of a future drawing with a cactus

It would seem that you can draw an image of this simple plant? However, in fact, the choice of subjects and methods of depiction is quite large. For example, you may need to paint a room, then adding a potted cactus to the interior will help to better play out the space of the sheet and add some life to the room.

Or maybe you want to put on paper your impressions of the Mexican cactus valleys? Here, their variety of shapes and sizes will help create a truly breathtaking landscape. No less interesting story have drawings depicting this plant as a character, with the investment of different emotions and feelings in them. Alternatively, you can depict a warrior cactus from popular game, where plants fight zombies. But more often, when this character is animated, they make him into a Mexican merry fellow in a hat or, conversely, into a sad lover.

Whatever plot you choose to transfer to paper, further instructions on how to draw cacti will help you successfully implement your plan.

How to draw cacti in a pot

Depicting any flower in a pot is not difficult. This is especially true for such a simple plant as a cactus.

The variety of their types allows your imagination to run wild during creativity, but we will look at how to draw a cactus in a pot with a pencil step by step in the most common shape - an oval:

  • The image should begin by marking the leaf and determining the location of the plant. In our case, the drawing will be large and will occupy the entire surface of the paper.
  • Having decided on the size and position of the picture, we will designate the container in which the cactus grows - a pot. It should be small in size and not very conspicuous. To do this, draw a narrow rectangle located horizontally - this will be the top of the pot, and from it we will draw two lines tapering downwards - these will be the walls.
  • On the narrow top element we will draw vertical stripes - they will set the volume and serve as decoration.
  • Next, let's proceed directly to the image of the cactus. To do this, stepping back a little from the edge of the pot, draw an arc with a pencil free form. This will form the basis for the plant.
  • The next step is to mark the additional shoots that are attached to both sides of the main cactus.
  • Finally, let's add the main one distinctive feature This plant has thorns. Let's mark them with small checkmarks across the entire surface of the plant.

If desired, you can add color to your plant using pencils or paints. So we looked at how to draw a cactus in a pot with a pencil step by step. For beginners, this will also not be a problem if you use the above diagram.

How to draw a valley of cacti

It may also happen that you need to learn how to draw cacti growing in the wild. To resolve this issue, you can use the following sequence of actions:

Cactus - animated character

The images of these plants as animated characters deserve a separate description. Usually in this case they draw a cactus whose shape resembles the outline of a person or a chosen animal. It may also be in a pot, or have a couple of painted shoots to replace its legs. The extra sprouts on the sides are arms.

How to draw cacti to look like a person? Feel free to add expressive eyes to the hero, the rest of the face and a flower that replaces the headdress. The cute cactus welcomes you!

Indoor cacti rarely have smooth outlines. Usually these plants look unusual and even strange, so draw a cactus in a pot very simple. No matter how it bends, it will not contradict reality.

Draw a funny cactus with your child

  • The plant starts with roots, but they are not visible because of the pot. Therefore, the first thing that appears in the album is a pot. It should be small in volume and low, because the root system of the cactus is superficial.

  • Then we draw the outline of the cactus with a pencil: the left “ear”, then the top of the trunk and the right “ear”. Let us repeat that the height and width are not strictly specified, so the child will immediately get a cute succulent.

  • Alone, the cactus will probably get bored - you need to finish drawing a comrade for it. And my friend also starts with a pot, only of a slightly different shape.

  • The trunk of the second plant looks like a cucumber, with “ears” growing on the sides.

  • What is a cactus without thorns? We need to add features to it.

This is the beginning of a home collection painted cacti. By the way, you can make eyes for them. Sometimes flower growers and store sellers also do this, attaching plastic eyes to living plants. Despite the thorns, they turn out to be very cute and kind interior decorations.

When will a child be able to independently draw a cactus in a pot, it makes sense to expand the topic and “relocate” the thorn to the desert, its natural environment. Yellow sand will appear at the bottom of the picture, and the scorching sun will appear at the top. And a lot of huge cacti. It will be interesting to spend a free family evening "Cactus" test and evaluate state of mind household members. The criteria for deciphering the picture can be viewed on psychological sites.

Details cactus for children's appliqués are very simple, you can see them in the picture in front of you. Plant elements are cut out of smooth paper different shades green, and the pots are made of velvet paper any color that harmonizes with the cactus. The beauty of the succulent is emphasized by yellow and pink flowers.

P.S. The cartoon metaphor “Ball and Cactus” has been posted on the Internet. Its meaning is that loving people– always support each other, and together they will overcome any “cacti” in the world life path. Nice three minute video.