Scenario of the sports and entertainment event “Fair. Card index of games for older children

Summary of sports entertainment in the senior group with parents using folk games


  1. Promote active forms of sports recreation to promote a healthy lifestyle for children and their parents;
  2. Strengthen emotionally positive interpersonal relationships between parents and children;
  3. To develop in children strength, agility, speed, attention, and the ability to navigate in the gym;
  4. Help broaden children's horizons through folk games and traditions.


material for decorating the hall in the Russian folk style, costumes for presenters, masks “sun”, “cat”, a model of a fire, a rope, a headband for playing blind man’s buff, a carousel, dishes and treats for tea drinking.

Progress of the lesson:

Leading: Oh, you are beautiful girls and kind fellows, we invite you to a fun fair. Welcome guests gather there: dancers and players, buffoons and gudoshniks. And a fun performance begins at the fair. We set off on the little path. And so that there are no troubles on the way, let’s check whether our train can get there quickly.

Massage "Steam Locomotive"

(Children stand in pairs with adults, massage the adults first, then the children)

The locomotive is moving, moving (pat on the back)

Two pipes and a hundred wheels, (tapping with fingers)

Two pipes and a hundred wheels (fist clapping)

The driver is a red dog. (stroking with hands)

Leading: We hit the road to the fair. There is a long road ahead through the swamp, we need to cross, jump over the hummocks, don’t get your feet wet

(Adults sit in a row on the floor, legs to the sides, children take turns jumping over their legs)

Leading: We passed the swamp, and ahead we could already see the bridge, we had to quickly pass under the bridge

(Adults bend down, children crawl between their arms and legs)

(Adults lie down on the floor at a short distance)

Leading: Golden-maned horses are waiting for us, harness the horses and let's go quickly.

(Adults stand one after another in pairs and gallop around the hall)

Leading: night finds us on the road, we need to warm up, let's cut some wood.

Breathing exercise “Let’s cut wood”

(An adult and a child stand facing each other, holding hands, hands forward - exhale, hands back - inhale.)

Leading: Come to the fire, let's warm ourselves, we'll jump over the fire

(Jumping over the fire)

Leading: So the sun woke up. Smiled nicely at you all.

(A child appears in a sun costume)

Game "Sun"

Bucket sun (draw the sun with their hands)

Look out the window

Where are your kids? (stretch arms forward)

Sit on the corner (sit on their heels)

Flatbreads are lying around (“they make flat cakes”)

They are waiting for you. (they run away and the sun catches them)

Erema comes in with a rope threaded through his sleeves.

Leading: And then Erema arrived in time. What will surprise you, what will please you?

Erema: Would you like to compete with strength? Many heroes tried to cope, but no one could defeat me.

Game "Tug of War"

(Children stand on one side of the rope, children on the other)

Leading: Oh, Erema, you are so cunning! Yes, and we are not born with bastards - we are cunning in our own way! Stay at the fair and then you’ll find out that playing with the guys isn’t just a bast job of slurping cabbage soup! Every one of us is great in his own way!

Erema: Come on, children, run up and choose Vaska the cat!

Game "Cat and Mice"

(a cat is chosen from a group of children. The cat is sleeping, the mice dance in a circle, trying to wake it up)


Mice were walking across the field.

The mice wagged their tails:

Where are you. Cat. Stop sleeping!

Go out for a walk soon!

Cat (waking up):

The cat (white, gray, black) woke up.

I reached out sweetly.

Who disturbed my peace?

Come out to fight quickly!


Don't scold us, cat,

And catch them by the tails.

The mice run away, the cat catches them.

Erema: In the chain, quickly get up and play “Ali Baba” with us!

Children and adults are divided into two teams and stand holding hands facing the other team at a distance of 5-7 meters. The first team starts the game: “Ali Baba”, the second responds: “What is the rumor about?” First: “We’ll get Sasha here on the fifth or tenth.” The called child tries to break the chain with a running start.

Erema: People are having fun at the Fair, inviting everyone to play blind man's buff!

Game "Dead Man's Bluff"

(Children hide from blind man's buff in pairs with an adult)



Three-four-picked up


We ask everyone to sit on the carousel.

Outdoor game "Carousel"

Erema: Oh, out of nowhere, turkeys have appeared, greeting the sun, inviting spring!

Outdoor game "Freeze"

The turkeys came running (flapping their wings)

And they told everyone to “freeze”

Who will die first? (they shake a finger)

He'll get a bump in the forehead (image clicks)

He'll get a bump in the forehead (image clicks)

Don't laugh, don't chat, (stand still)

And stand like a soldier.

Erema praises the children

Leading: What's a fair without a golden-maned horse? Choose a horse for yourself, Emelya.

Rhythmic exercise “On a horse”

A horse walks along the bank

Black on green,

He shakes his head

Shakes his black mane.

The golden bridle rattles

All the little rings are blink-blink-blink

They are golden, clink-clink-clink.


Oh, yes, black horses,

They have golden manes

If only I had money

I would buy myself a horse.


You, Emelya, wait

Walk around the fair.

They sell pots here

Admire what they are like!

Outdoor game "Pots"

2 drivers are selected: “seller” and “buyer”. Children sit in a circle on their knees. These are "pots". The “buyer” and the “seller” walk around the circle towards each other.

Dialogue at the meeting:

How much are the pots?

For the money!

Aren't they full of holes?

Try it yourself!

The “buyer” walks in a circle, choosing a “pot”. The “seller” walks behind, persuading him: “Excellent pots! New, shiny! Choose, buy, you won’t regret it!” and so on.

When the “buyer” has finally chosen a “pot,” he stops and says: “I’ll take this one!” They shake hands and run in different directions. Whoever reaches the “pot” first becomes the “seller”, and the “pot” becomes the “buyer”. The loser sits in a circle, he is the “pot”.


Russian fair

It doesn't happen every day

Who hasn't visited

He will visit again.


What you can't hear enough of here

What you don't see enough

Everyone will be happy

Nobody will be offended.

Game: "Ears"

Adults and children stand in pairs facing each other and clap their hands, saying the words:

Mom beat, beat, beat

And I reported everything to dad.

Dad beat, beat, beat

And he reported everything to the woman.

Baba beat, beat, beat

And I reported everything to my grandfather.

Grandfather beat, beat, beat

And she reported everything to the sisters.

The sisters beat, beat, beat

And they reported everything to the brothers.

The brothers beat, beat, beat

And they rolled it into the tub.

And there are two frogs in the tub

Close your ears quickly.

(Whoever closes their ears first wins)

The presenter brings in the pancakes:

I am Erema for you

I cooked and baked:

Two troughs of jelly,

fifty pies

I didn't find any eaters.

Erema: Look quickly

The eaters are ready

Here's some bagels for you

Pay rubles for them.

The host invites everyone to the table. Children and adults drink tea together.

State budgetary educational institution

secondary school No. 323 of Nevsky district of St. Petersburg

( GBOU secondary school No. 323 Nevsky district of St. Petersburg)

Center for Continuing Education





“Play is the way for children to understand the world in which they live and which they are called upon to understand.”


Project business card

Ermolina Irina Borisovna, methodologist, additional education teacher.

Name: “Games of the Russian House”, educational and gaming project.

Subject area: The project was carried out as part of the additional educational program “Game. Creation. Holiday".

Number and age of participants : 15 students aged 7-12 years under the guidance of a teacher.

Objective of the project: developing children's interest in the folklore traditions of the Russian people through play activities, enriching their play experience, and developing skills of tolerant behavior during games.

Learning outcomes (competency skills developed during the project implementation):

    • Acquaintance with Russian gaming culture and game rules.

      Identifying the organizational abilities of children participating in the project, teaching basic techniques for managing a gaming audience (organizing a game with younger friends).

      Formation of tolerant communication skills with peers and younger comrades during games (mutual understanding, mutual assistance, sympathy, goodwill, etc.)

      Creating positive motivation for socially useful activities (preparing and conducting a game program for 1st grade students, kindergarten students).

Project duration: September-January (80 academic hours)

Project progress

During the project it was put forwardproblem:

“Modern children, for the most part, are familiar with only one type of games – computer games. They do more harm than good: they take you away from reality, disrupt your posture and vision, and develop neuroses. Insularity, lack of communication skills, and mental disorders often develop in children into aggression towards peers. This is especially noticeable when observing the behavior of elementary school students during breaks.”

Questions that arise:

“What can be opposed to computer and “telephone” games? Is it possible to teach schoolchildren how to properly organize their leisure time? How to do without moralizing, cultivating a culture of behavior in a group of peers, developing communication skills?”


“Game is a voluntary and most attractive activity for primary schoolchildren. The folk game is a wise educator. Having taught your child to strictly follow the rules of play communication, you can talk to him about the most important principles of tolerant behavior in everyday life.”


1. Conduct a survey of children about their familiarity with folk games.

2. Study the gaming traditions of the Russian people using the example of descriptions of games and works of fine art (paintings by Russian artists).

3. Master the rules of several folk games (5-6), most suitable for playing indoors.

4. Select or make, together with the children, props for games from natural materials and fabrics.

5. Create a script for a theatrical play program based on the studied games.

6. Organize a “school of presenters” for the gaming program.

7. Develop sketches and then sew Russian costumes for the presenters of the game program, and elements of scenery.

8. Prepare and conduct a game program for younger friends - first graders, kindergarten students.

Research methods:

1. Method of analysis of literary sources, Internet resources.

2. Method of conversation and interviews (children, teachers).

3. Game method (mastering games).

4. Method of practical work (making props, costumes, scenery).

The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the results of the work, in the form of recommendations and visual aids, can be used by primary school teachers and additional education teachers.

Project product :

    Multimedia presentation “This is how they played in the old days.”

    Scenario of the theatrical game program “Visiting Aunt Arina” using Russian folk games.

    Game props and decorations made of natural materials and textiles.

    Russian folk costumes for the presenters of the theatrical play program.

    Organization of a “leading school” for the most active children participating in the project.

    Conducting a game program “Visiting Aunt Arina” for first-graders, where children participating in the project act as presenters.

Control and evaluation:

    Results of psychological and pedagogical observation of children participating in the project.

    Conducting a theatrical play program “Visiting Aunt Arina” for pupils of the preparatory group of preschool educational institution No. 15, reviews from teachers.

    Questioning of participants in the project “What I Learned”

    Photo report on the game program

    Video report

    Presentation of experience at the regional competition “I Give My Heart to Children” (display of the game program “Visiting Aunt Arina” with the participation of child presenters)



    Internet services

Used literature for students and teachers

1. Metyagin A.S. Moral education of schoolchildren based on the traditions of Russian culture. - PIPKRO, Pskov, 1995.

2. Pokrovsky E.A. Children's games: Mostly Russian. - Moscow, Terra, 1997.

Annex 1

"Visiting Aunt Arina"

(scenario for a theatrical play program)

Audience: children 9-11 years old (no more than 25 people).

Characters: Lyubushka, Annushka – girls 10-12 years old.

Dressed in Russian folk costumes. The presenter “reincarnates” into Aunt Arina during the program (throws a bright scarf over her shoulders).

Location: a spacious room stylized as a Russian hut (benches, windows with curtains, interior elements). The floor and soles of the shoes of those playing should not be slippery.

Props: a chest, a bast shoe, a ring, a wooden rolling pin or a smoothly planed stick 50 cm long, logs with an even cut 30 cm high (5 pcs.), a clay pot, candy, souvenirs - chests with descriptions of games according to the number of players.

Musical accompaniment : phonograms of Russian folk dance melodies or “live” musical accompaniment.

Literary script

The playground is decorated with interior elements of a Russian hut (the decorations can be mounted on a screen). There is a bench against the wall, covered with a homespun rug, and on it is a chest. The remaining items for games are arranged in random order. The middle of the site is free, spectators are located around the perimeter.

Two girls in Russian costumes run out and, without noticing the audience, “rehearse” their text:

Lyuba: Hey girls!

Anya: Hey boys!

Lyuba: Everything is behind us!

Anya: Everyone's skipping!

Lyuba: We'll play until we drop

Anya: Thirty minutes straight.

Lyuba: And our games are newfangled -

Together: Russian national!

Anya: (notices the children) Oh, Lyubushka, look, the guys really came.(Points to the audience)

Lyuba : (Surprised) Guys, we’re just rehearsing...

Anya: Better come tomorrow. Or the day after tomorrow!

(the girls are about to leave, but suddenly they stumble upon the presenter, who comes out to meet them)

Presenter: Guests enter the yard - and we leave the yard?! What happened, beautiful girls?

Girls: We are rehearsing...getting a new way, and the guys came.

Presenter: Gatherings? Interesting. And what should we call you today?Anya: Annushka.

Lyuba: Lyubushka.

Presenter: Then I will(throws a bright scarf over his shoulders) Aunt Arina. (Addresses the audience) Hello, dear, invited, welcome guests! Will you show off your prowess in games and fun?

Children: Yes!

Arina: That's great!(to the girls) How are we going to play today?

Lyubushka: This is how they played in the old days, when man did not fly to the moon,

And everyone rode horses and came to the holiday in bast shoes.

Annushka: They sang songs and danced in circles. Look how our great-great-grandfathers lived.(Video “This is how they lived in the old days”)

Lyubushka: And they bequeathed to us that we should not forget Russian games.

They carefully put them in a chest, and they have survived to this day.

Arina: Let’s open the chest and see what’s in it.(Opens the chest, but there is nothing in it) That's it! You started playing games, but didn’t collect the chest?

Girls: We didn't have time......

Arina: Don't worry! Now we'll come up with something together. Let's look in our room for something to play with.

Lyubushka: There's nothing suitable here.

Arina: That's not true! The first game is looking at you from under the bench.

Annushka: Lapota? He's the only one(picks up a bast shoe)

Arina: One is enough for us to play. Good fellows, beautiful girls, can you jump?

Children: Yes!

Arina: No doubt! But not everyone can jump higher than a bast shoe. Don't believe me? Let's check.

Description of the game “WHO WILL JUMP HIGHER” : children stand in a circle. In the center is the driver. He spins the bast shoe on the string, turning around himself so that the bast shoe slides along the floor under the feet of the players. Children jump in place the moment the bast shoe comes near them. The one who was hit by the bast shoe leaves the game. They play until the most dexterous one remains in the circle. He will twist the bast shoe.

Arina: Ay, well done. Yes, just one game is not fun. Sit down and relax. And we will put the bast shoe in the chest.

Lyubushka: Why do you look so mysterious, Annushka?

Annushka: I came up with something else to play with.

Lyubushka: With what?

Annushka: Guess! A river runs, a river flows, I took it off my finger.....

Lyubushka: Ring?!

Annushka: Yes, let's play rings. Guys, cup your hands.

I'll discreetly put a ring in someone's hands,

Well, you keep the secret until I tell you:

Ring - ring, go out onto the porch!

The one with the ring should run to me.

And those who are sitting next to him, try to hold him.

Don’t hold back - be “water” to him.

Description of the game "RING" : children sit in a semicircle, the palms of the right and left hands are folded in a “boat.” The driver holds a ring in his closed palms. His task is to quietly pass the ring to one of the children without the others knowing about it. To do this, the driver walks along the players and imitates passing the ring to everyone. After this, he moves away from the players at a distance of 4-6 steps and says the words: “Ring, ring, go out onto the porch!” The one in whose hands the ring is must run to the driver and touch him with his hand. Then it becomes "water". And those who sit next to him must try to hold him. If they hold, the driver remains the same. While the driver walks around the players, everyone sings:

Ivanushka acted out near a white pebble.

I have the white stone, I have it,

Talk to me, to me.

Who laughs at the one, at the one

Talk about him, about him.

Lyubushka: But I want to play differently!

Anyone will like my game. I will…. snake(“revives” a rag belt.) He who is brave will play with me!

Description of the game "SNAKE": the driver alternately approaches one or the other sitting and asks: “do you want to be my tail?”, if the answer is: “yes, of course, I want to!”, then the driver offers to stand behind him and hold tightly to the belt ). Thus, a “snake” of 6–8 people is recruited. The first is the head, the last is the tail. On the command “catch!” the head catches the tail. If caught, he becomes the head. A game continues until the snake “breaks” (someone cannot hold on and unclasps his hands).

Arina: While we were catching the snake's tail, we forgot about the chest. Let's put a ring and a belt that looks like a snake in it.

(The girls put the attributes in the chest)

Arina: (picks up a rolling pin lying on the bench) Who took my rolling pin and didn’t put it back?

Annushka: Why remove it, let’s come up with a game with a rolling pin!

Arina: Well, try it.

Lyubushka: You can throw, who is further, you can knock down the pins.

Annushka: And you can beat someone up.

Arina: Of course you can.

What if you put it on your palm?(shows). And try to hold it - who can hold it longer?

Annushka: Can I try?(beret).

Arina: And we will all say these words together:

Malechina - crippled,

How many hours until evening?

Description of the game “BAD-CALECHINA”: a smoothly planed stick is placed on an open palm. After the words “Kalechina-malechina, how many hours until evening?” The player tries to hold it for as long as possible without dropping it.

Lyubushka: And I’ll hold it until I’m a hundred! (Tries to hold it, but drops it)

Annushka: Eh, you haven’t eaten much porridge!(My dear, offended

Turns away.) Lyuba, why are you pouting your lips?

Lyubushka: I want porridge!

Annushka: Take it and cook it!

Lyubushka: I broke the pot.

Annushka: Go to the market and buy!

Lyubushka: No money left.

Annushka: But today they don’t sell pots, they just give them away!

Lyubushka: Yah?!

Annushka: For the awl, for the soap, for the white towel!

Lyubushka: So this is our favorite game “Pots”!

Arina: And the kids will like it too.(Arina picks up a clay pot). Sour cream, butter, and porridge were previously stored in clay pots. And they sold pots at the market. Godfathers and gossips traded them. This is how we will play now: someone will be a pot, and someone will be a seller, godfather or godmother.

Description of the game "POTS" : The players are divided into pairs. In a pair, one is godfather (godfather), the other is a pot. The pots are squatting in a circle. The godfathers (they are the sellers) stand behind their pot facing in a circle. The driver is a buyer. He walks around, choosing a pot. Having chosen, he begins a dialogue with the seller:

- Godfather, sell the pot!

- What will you give me?

- Sheel, soap, white towel. Deal?

- Deal.

The buyer and seller run in different directions along the outside of the circle. After running around the circle, they try to touch the pot. Whoever is late becomes a buyer and goes to choose a pot. If they run at the same time, the running competition is repeated.

Arina: Well done! The market is closing because a new game is starting.(Picks up the logs)

Annushka: Is our new game called "Firewood"?

Arina: Not firewood, but logs. Arrange them without haste.

We invite strong and resilient guys to play it.

(10-12 people are selected).

Description of the game “POLESHKI”:The players stand in a circle, holding hands tightly. In the center of the circle, on the floor, 5-7 logs are placed. Starting the game, the children run around in a circle, then begin, without opening their arms, to push each other towards the logs. The one who drops the log leaves the game. If someone opens their hands, two people leave the game. The competition continues until one or two of the most dexterous remain in the circle.

Arina: Well done boys. And every young man would like a cucumber from the garden. Just while you were looking at us, the hares ate the cucumbers in the garden.

Annushka: (putting the logs into the chest) Look: there is no free space left in the chest!

Arina: So it's time for us to end the gatherings

Lyubushka: And now let the games live in the chest.

Arina: Let them live, and you play them more often.

Lyubushka: We played today and learned new games.

Annushka: All the guys are great - dodgers and daredevils. We treat everyone who was with us today to candy!

Annushka: Let's say "thank you" to the chest. We could still play, but we have a rule:Together: Business before pleasure.

Lyubushka: So let’s say goodbye together: “Goodbye!”

Arina: And thank you to all viewers for your attention.

Appendix 2

Game props and costumes

Appendix 3

Presentation “This is how they played in the old days”

Following the history of the games of the peoples of the Penza region

Location: gym

Goals: introducing schoolchildren to folk games, developing friendly relations in the classroom, teamwork skills, raising the mood of students

Games are allotted 10 minutes

Age: 1 - 4 grades

Good afternoon, dear guys! How smart, smart, and inquisitive you all are! Guys, do you know what holiday our city has this year? Do you like to learn something new? Active and friendly boys and girls like you probably not only answer questions, but also love to play?

Guys, yes, you are all right, our city is turning 350 years old. All these years, representatives of different nations lived here peacefully. Do you know what peoples live in our region? They all had different and interesting games that children love to play!

And now we invite you to play these wonderful games with us!

You know that the largest people living in our country and region are Russians. Representatives of this people have always been brave, strong and faithful! Do you want to be like that? Where then should you start? Of course, from Russian folk games!

Guys, did you like the game? That’s great, because it was just a small warm-up before the next game.

Let's start with a very interesting game called geese. You see that we have 2 lines. These are 2 houses. In one there are geese, in the other their owner. We choose the “wolf” - the driver who lives between the “houses”, “under the mountain. The “master” and the “geese” conduct a dialogue with each other: “Geese, geese!”
- Ha-ga-ha!
- Do you want something to eat?
- Yes Yes Yes!
- So fly!
After this, the “geese” try to run over to the “master”, and the “wolf” catches them.


Equipment: ropes for lines

On the site, at a distance of 10–15 meters, two lines are drawn - two “houses”.
In one there are geese, in the other their owner.
Between the “houses”, “under the mountain”, lives the “wolf” - the leader.
The “master” and the “geese” conduct a dialogue with each other, known to everyone from early childhood:
- Geese, geese!
- Ha-ga-ha!
- Do you want something to eat?
- Yes Yes Yes!
- So fly!
- We are not allowed. The gray wolf under the mountain won't let us go home!
After these words, the “geese” try to run over to the “master”, and the “wolf” catches them.
The caught player becomes a "wolf"

Guys there are so many bright colors around! What colors do you like best? Great, that’s what we’ll talk about in our next game, called “Pretties”. For this game you need to choose a driver - a “monk” and a leader - a “seller”. All other players make a secret secret from the “monk” of the colors of the paints. Colors should not be repeated. The game begins with the driver coming to the “shop” and saying: “I, a monk in blue pants, have come to you for paint.”
Seller: “For what?”
If there is no such paint, then the seller says: “Walk along the blue path, you will find blue boots, wear them and bring them back!” and starts the game over. If there is such a paint, then the player who has wished for this color tries to run away from the “monk,” and he catches up with him. If the monk has caught up, then the “paint” becomes the driver; if not, then the colors are guessed again and the game is repeated.

Pretty girls

The driver is selected - the “monk” and the leader - the “seller”.
All other players make a secret secret from the “monk” of the colors of the paints. Colors should not be repeated.
The game begins with the driver coming to the “shop” and saying: “I, a monk in blue pants, have come to you for paint.”
Seller: “For what?”
The monk names any color, for example: “For blue.”
If there is no such paint, then the seller says: “Walk along the blue path, you will find blue boots, wear them and bring them back!”
"Monk" starts the game from the beginning.
If there is such a paint, then the player who has wished for this color tries to run away from the “monk,” and he catches up with him.
If you catch up, then the “paint” becomes the driver; if not, then the paints are guessed again and the game is repeated.

Now let's play one of the most famous and beloved games. Its elements are also used in many folk dances. This game is a trickle. One person will be the driver. The rest need to split into pairs and, holding hands, stand in two columns at some distance from each other and raise your clasped hands high above your heads, forming a tunnel. The driver enters the tunnel, where, taking the hand, he chooses a couple for himself, breaking one of the old pairs, the new couple stands on the opposite side of the “stream” from the entrance, and the freed person becomes the driver.


Participants are divided into pairs, holding hands, they stand in two columns at some distance from each other, raise their clasped hands high above their heads, forming a tunnel. The driver enters the corridor, where, taking his hand, he chooses a couple for himself, breaking one of the old pairs, the new couple stands on the opposite side of the “stream” from the entrance, and the freed person becomes the driver, etc.

Guys, you are all so great! Did you enjoy playing? Do you want more?

And so, the next games that we will play were invented by the Tatar, Mordovian and Chuvash peoples, our closest neighbors and true friends! And we begin our acquaintance with the games of the peoples of the region with the Tatar game “Selling Pots”. For this game, you first need to choose a leader. The rest are divided into 2 groups. The first group - pots, sit on the floor and form a circle. Behind each pot stands a player - the owner, from the second group, his hands are behind his back. The driver stands behind the circle. The driver approaches one of the owners of the pot and starts a conversation: - Hey, buddy, sell the pot!

- Buy it.

- How many rubles should I give you?

- Give me three.

The driver touches the pot three times (or as much as the owner agreed to sell the pot for, but no more than three rubles), and they begin running in a circle towards each other (they run around the circle three times). Whoever runs faster to an empty space in the circle takes that place, and the one who lags behind becomes the driver. You are only allowed to run in a circle without crossing it. Runners do not have the right to touch other players. The driver starts running in any direction. If he started running to the left, the stained one should run to the right.

We sell pots (Chulmak ueny) (Tatar folk game)

The players are divided into two groups. Potty children, kneeling or sitting on the grass, form a circle. Behind each pot stands a player - the owner of the pot, with his hands behind his back. The driver stands behind the circle. The driver approaches one of the owners of the pot and starts a conversation: - Hey, buddy, sell the pot!

Buy it.

How many rubles should I give you?

Give me three.

The driver touches the pot three times (or as much as the owner agreed to sell the pot for, but no more than three rubles), and they begin running in a circle towards each other (they run around the circle three times). Whoever runs faster to an empty space in the circle takes that place, and the one who lags behind becomes the driver.

You are only allowed to run in a circle without crossing it. Runners do not have the right to touch other players. The driver starts running in any direction. If he started running to the left, the stained one should run to the right.

We sold pots, bought paints, now let's play the Mordovian game. It's called Paradise. Now you will need to choose two who will be the gates, the rest of the players are the mother and children. the gates raise their clasped hands up and say: Heaven, heaven, I let you through, but I leave the last ones. The mother herself will go through and see the children off. At this time, the participants in the game, having become a train, must go through the gate behind their mother. The gate, with its hands down, separates the last child and in a whisper asks him two words - a password (for example, one child is a shield, the other is an arrow). The responder chooses one of these words and joins the team of the child whose password he named. When the mother is left alone, the gate loudly asks her: a shield or an arrow. The mother answers and joins one of the teams. The gates stand facing each other, holding hands. The remaining members of each team line up behind their half of the goal. The resulting two teams pull each other. The winning team is considered the winner. You must not eavesdrop or give away the password.

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Number of players: any
Optional: red scarves or headbands
All players are divided equally into two teams. Players from the same team are designated as "People": they are marked either with bright red scarves around their necks or with bright red wide tape wrapped around the biceps of both arms. Players on the other team are designated as “Vampires” and do not have any headband markers. The goal of the “Vampires” is to capture as many “People” as possible, who, after capture, also become “Vampires”. The main charm of the game is that the “Vampires” do not have any bandage markers and the “People” are in constant tension and ready to run away from the “Vampires” filling the playing area.

Snowballs - winter game for children

Number of players: any
Additionally: snow
In winter, you can remember this old Russian pastime.
The game usually involves two teams throwing snowballs at each other.

Monkey tag - a game for children

Number of players: any
Additional: no
The driver must imitate the one running away like a monkey. For example, if the person being pursued unexpectedly (the runner will do such things on purpose) jumps on one leg, then the driver should jump after him on one leg. If the driver did not manage to repeat the movements of the runner in time, then the “greasing” does not count and the runner is given 5 seconds to run away again.

Gates - an outdoor game for children

Number of players: child and adult
Additional: no
If you have a very small but overly active child, then you can try to captivate him in this way.
Let's play outside! The child runs up to you, you spread your legs... and, as it were, “step over” him. He comes back, runs up to you, you again let him pass under you, as if through a “gate”. The main thing is energy in a peaceful direction. The game can be improved and furnished with jokes, add additional objects and tasks like “take the ball, carry it through the gate, put it in the stroller...”.

Catch-up games - an active game for children

Number of players: any
Additionally: 2 spools of thread or very long threads in two colors (preferably blue and red)
We choose a leader. A thread is tied on everyone's hand in a visible place, but the knot is not tightened tightly. Boys and girls have different colors.
The task is to catch up with any person and break the thread from him. The difficulty is that the one who is caught can also tear the thread from the hand of the person who is snatching it. The one whose thread was torn off goes to the leader.

Dungeon Escape - Game for Kids

Number of players: any
Additional: no
The game is reminiscent of the old game "Cat and Mouse". The participants of the game, holding hands, form a circle. Inside is a prisoner or captive, outside is his or her friend. The prisoner must break out, his assistant must deceive the guards. The one who lets the prisoner go takes his place.

Bells - an outdoor game for children

Number of players: any
Extras: bell
Children stand in a circle. Two people come out into the middle - one with a bell or bell, the other with a blindfold. Everyone sings:
Tryntsy-bryntsy, bells,
The daredevils called:
Guess where the ringing comes from!
After these words, the “blind man’s buff” catches the dodging player.

Bottomless Barrel - a game for children

Number of players: any
Additionally: barrel without bottom, ball
An ordinary barrel without a bottom is suspended on the playground at a height of three meters. The player on the run must throw the ball into the barrel with an accurate blow from the bottom up. The one who does this three times wins.

Tatar folk game “Selling pots” Task. Introduce children to the Tatar folk game. To cultivate a respectful attitude towards the culture of the peoples of the Urals, to create an emotional positive basis for the development of patriotic feelings. Organization of the game. The players are divided into two groups. Potty children, kneeling or sitting on the grass, form a circle. Behind each pot stands a player - the owner of the pot, with his hands behind his back. The driver stands behind the circle. The driver approaches one of the owners of the pot and starts a conversation: - Hey, buddy, sell the pot! - Buy it. - How many rubles should I give you? - Give me three. The driver touches the pot three times (or as much as the owner agreed to sell the pot for, but no more than three rubles), and they begin running in a circle towards each other (they run around the circle three times). Whoever runs faster to an empty space in the circle takes that place, and the one who lags behind becomes the driver. Methodical techniques: a surprise moment - the introduction of a skullcap, examination of the Tatar headdress, national ornament. Additional recommendations: running is only allowed in a circle, without crossing it. Runners do not have the right to touch other players. The driver starts running in any direction. If he started running to the right, the stained one should run to the left. Material: skullcap.

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Programs at preschool educational institutions

“Davydov-Elkonin system” - Subjects studied. Literary reading. Primer. History of the system. The highest feat. Child's activity. System D.B. Elkonina-V.V. Davydova. A situation of success. Russian language. Principles of learning. Developmental education system. Authors of the system. The world. The purpose of developmental education. Features of the lesson.

“Preschool education program” - Preschool course. Development of hand motor skills and the formation of initial writing skills. Expected results. Our street, our home. What is needed for classes. Development of abilities. Be able to clearly pronounce all speech sounds. Tasks. Getting to know your immediate environment. Number 5 and number 5. Program goals. Animals.

“Preschool education “School 2100”” - The principle of a holistic picture of the world. Educational and methodological kit. Relevance of the problem. OS. The situation at school. Features of our preschool education program. The result of the development and upbringing of a preschool child. Productive activities within a comprehensive program. World and man. The concept of preschool education in the OS "School 2100".

“Kindergarten - a house of joy” - Hourly development. The need to ensure integrity. Argument. Intellectual culture. Dynamics of growth of professionalism. Study. Activity as a system. Pedagogical technology. Innovation. Preschool specialist. Introduction of technology. Spirituality. Activity. House of joy. Implementation of the program.

“Educational program of a preschool institution” - Educational area “Socialization”. Educational field "Physical education". Educational field "Labor". The first document in the history of Russian education. Educational area "Cognition". Formation of a holistic picture of the world. Sections. New software and methodological support for preschool education.