It burst like a soap bubble. Will burst (burst) like a soap bubble

Having seen this Putin’s miracle of deceiving people, I, as a military man, immediately realized that this ARMATA is a SHAME on Putin’s scams of the population for money. For scientific and technical thought has always strived to create in tank building an inconspicuous, light and very maneuverable, with enormous firepower and preferably without a crew, but a fully robotic complex of combat vehicles capable of performing great amount combat missions depending on the situation on the battlefield and the assigned common task with intellectual self-government and conducting combat as the situation and capabilities require. And what about ARMATA-SHAME! A huge iron monster, more of a punitive than a combat purpose, a very noticeable structure on the battlefield, little maneuverable due to the enormous pressure of the tracks on the soil. Such shameful iron is good to use on asphalt and crush striking people along the way, causing them fear and horror wrapped around caterpillars of the shame of the intestines of people and their remains. In this regard, this SHAME is what is needed. But as soon as the strikers have anti-tank weapons, this SHAME immediately becomes a piece of useless iron. Burning her is easy and simple, immobilizing her is even easier, blinding her is EASY! One has only to understand that this SHAME is not as terrible as the Putlerovites praise it, and the population will deal with it simply and without much expense. And the military with SHAME can take any action to destroy it. Nowadays there are a lot of anti-tank fire weapons, and structures through which SHAME will not pass, and traps for this kind of miracle in iron, and most importantly, tactics for fighting tanks on the battlefield have long been developed and are successfully used, where the tank does not live and the floor hours, and is easily destroyed. Although with difficulty of psycho-emotional stress.


If you don't understand anything at all this issue, there is no need to write lengthy, meaningless comments here. Instead of squashing buttons on your computer, squash bedbugs on your couch. The T-14 tank combines the most modern technologies weapons and protection, turned out to be much more compact and not too heavy compared to foreign analogues, and is ranked among the new generation of this class of weapons, which is recognized by experts around the world. Currently, more than 100 T-14 tanks are in trial operation with the troops, and field tests are being carried out. Also for the T-14, the installation of a 152mm cannon is being studied and new ammunition is being developed.
Now about the “huge pressure of the caterpillars on the soil.” Let's look at the pressure of tracked vehicles on 1 of surface: the weight of the tank is divided by the area of ​​the track's support on the ground. If for a T-90 weighing more than 46 tons, the pressure on the ground is more than 0.8 kg/sq. cm, then for a T-14 with a mass of 48 tons and a third longer, the pressure on the surface will be only 0.75 kg/sq. cm! For almost all main tanks in the world this figure is less than 1 kg/ (more than 0.8 kg/! Only the American Abrams has a ground pressure slightly higher than 1 kg/ A car presses approximately 1.3 kg/, a loaded truck - up to 5kg/ (Do you understand now why anti-tank mines are more sensitive than mines against wheeled vehicles?) An adult pedestrian (without heavy bags, of course) exerts a pressure of approximately 0.6 kg/ (a soldier with full equipment up to 50 kg in body armor will press exactly like a tank) ; but the girl is high heels- 30kg/!


For a more than THREE-METER ARMATA-shame tank, its silhouette says that this miracle tank is designed for VERY long-range detection, that is, so that the partisans would see it from several kilometers and be afraid. Because the weapons on the tank are very loud and have a very large caliber! Usually for a tank, its visibility is a huge drawback, but here this property was simply neglected. Well, they would call this disgrace - KOSHCHEY IMMORTAL! The power plant for a 70-75-80 ton monster of horror and fear is too small, only 1500 horsepower, which is not good for such a colossus, just like the old model, the robotic transmission and the tank’s turning system are bad, which will affect maneuverability and driving performance This means that this shame is easy to kill. This shame cannot change the height of the ground clearance, which means that it will sit in the mud on its belly and kick its combat capabilities, and the changing ground clearance will not give this heavy piece of iron an advantage in battle. For the brains of Putin’s designers are turned towards the Middle Ages, where there is a lot of iron and little intelligence. If this iron falls into a good anti-tank ditch, it will remain there forever, and there are also a lot of interesting anti-tank structures - shame traps, and there is firepower against this iron. A blow to the shame tower already deprives the tank of all its charms on the battlefield; this miracle becomes a useless piece of junk trying to preserve itself in the mud of Russian confusion. I note that the principles of anti-tank mines are based on different and very in cunning ways detonating a charge that destroys a tank. It is not necessary for a tank to run into the fuse of a PT mine; it can explode due to other factors of this piece of iron. It would be better if a good car was built by the Putinists, not a tank. But alas, there is no intelligence there either and hands grow out of their ass. Is this why the VAZ was given to the Renault-Nissan alliance? Is the tank a flaw, or is he a brat? SHAME!


The premiere of “Matilda” in Vladimir was quiet. Absolutely quiet. Almost unnoticeable. There were no protesters or even just onlookers at the cinemas. And although law enforcement agencies promised to be on alert, there was no noticeable visual reinforcement.

On this quiet, snowy, almost Christmas evening, when the most scandalous film last decade went into wide release, life in our city went on as usual. Only a few dozen people filled, and even then not completely, the halls of Vladimir cinemas.

The audience for “Matilda” was of different ages - from the mature, world-wise to the very young. Some went for beautiful story love, others for historical truth, and still others clearly wanted to understand why there was such a fuss around the painting.

After the screening, viewers shared their impressions of the new film with “Call”:

Personal opinion. After only half an hour of watching “Matilda”, bewilderment appears, a persistent feeling that you have been deceived. And we are not talking about historical authenticity here, and certainly not about religion - everything in the film is quite Orthodox, and even the German princess Alix learns prayers in Russian so cutely, everyone crosses herself and beats her forehead, and there is a lot of gold and enough crosses all around.

We're talking about cinema, just a good movie that makes you think, empathize, laugh or cry - and at least feel something. And in this sense, “Matilda” is such a huge, certainly beautiful, but meaningless soap bubble. And even everything that happened around the film recent months, - loud discussions, protests and complaints - are much more interesting than himself.

It’s especially scary to watch how unconditionally talented actors they push their talent into the narrow framework of a soap opera, turning into cardboard characters from a third-rate domestic series. Even the love story, with which Alexey Uchitel could well have saved this action, resembles a plot from cheap romance novels. Not to mention the line of Count Vorontsov (Danila Kozlovsky), who, like a jack-in-the-box, always jumps out unexpectedly and out of place.

It wouldn’t be so scary if this glossy, expensive popular film was shot by one of the Western directors. Then one could sigh and say: “They will never understand our mysterious Russian soul.” One can only guess: maybe the Teacher just got tired of his brainchild after four years of filming, crumpled it up and threw it away into life, and then whatever happens.

There is, however, an obvious plus in “Matilda”: luxurious scenery and costumes (for the film, according to “ Russian newspaper", it took $25 million, and more than 17 tons of fabric were spent on costumes). By the way, they will be sold at an online auction. All proceeds will go to charity. Good has won.

Elena Plyaskina

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What. Razg. Contempt. Something will fail or has failed. Nikolai secretly hoped that this idea would burst like a soap bubble.(Sergeev-Tsensky. Sevastopol Strada). - So, so that you, Eschke, can work and receive wages from the master, Germany had to fight continuously! If Hitler stopped, your entire economy would burst like a soap bubble(Yu. Nagibin. Pavlik). The process burst like an inflated soap bubble. Beilis was acquitted(S. Elpatievsky. Memories over 50 years). Phrasebook Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST A. I. Fedorov 2008

Meanings in other dictionaries

bursting with fat

BURNING FROM FAT. BURN OUT OF FAT. Simple Contempt. To gain weight, to become fat (from idleness, from an idle lifestyle). - Oh, your shameless eyes! - exclaimed the priest. - His lower back cramped! Not today - tomorrow you will burst with fat! Look, the image is swollen, like a farrier's fur! The robber's fat drips! (M. Vovchok. Notes of a clerk). Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST...

Burst with anger

Simple Express Be in a state of anger, strong irritation. [Zabelin:] Don’t you understand that I’m bursting with anger because I can’t immediately... get to work (N. Pogodin. Kremlin chimes). Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST A. I. Fedorov 2008 ...

Burst my eyes

Simple Express I solemnly assure, I swear most dearly (that I am right, I will do something, I will justify someone’s trust, etc.). - Wither my hands, burst my eyes, if I used the master’s goods for blue powder (Grigorovich. Migrants). Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST A. I. Fedorov 2008 ...

Crazy speeds and space budget the appearance of a railgun on warships was supposed to completely change the character of not only sea ​​battle, but also military operations in general. According to the plan, electromagnetic guns installed on Zumwalt-class destroyers gave the ships the ability to hit enemy targets on sea and land from distances of 200 kilometers. In theory, such a weapon could really work effectively - the flight speed of an electrically “heated” blank was close to 6M. American developers stated that at such speeds, any air defense systems located on warships or on land ceased to work effectively. Since 2005, the US Navy has not provided a working model electromagnetic gun, designed for installation on stealth destroyers. The stumbling block was the power plant - according to experts and rough calculations, each shot of such a weapon requires at least 25-30 megawatts of electricity. The relative success of testing on a stand in this case should not be taken into account - an external power source in combat conditions on a ship there won’t be, and American engineers have never created a compact ship power plant.
Engineers and designers of naval equipment note that in combat conditions, without such a “super-battery”, even the slightest efficiency would have to be forgotten.

“The railgun has several serious purely technological problems. The need to have on board a huge battery with capacitors to power the rails, and constant wear of the rails due to the effects of an electric arc,” military expert, engineer Sergei Ivanov said in an interview with the Zvezda TV channel.
At the same time, over 12 years of development, a huge amount of money was spent on bench tests, prototype construction and demonstration of effectiveness - only officially, not counting related expenses, at least $500 million was allocated to contractors. The absence of at least one proven kinetic defeat of the target does not bother the developers at all, since no one asked the developers of other “breakthrough” projects, for example the aircraft with the YAL-1 combat laser, to report expenses. Gun vs rocket For many years, military experts were constantly confused by the obsession of the American companies General Atomics and BAE Systems to use special projectiles with high flight speed and high accuracy for combat operations. At the same time, the American military declared a good rate of fire of the new weapon - at least 10 rounds per minute.
“The idea was that the projectile is ultimately cheaper than a missile, and due to its small size and high speed, it is practically invulnerable to interception by air defense systems,” military expert Yuri Lyamin explained in an interview with the Zvezda TV channel.
The electromagnetic gun did not produce the fire rate characteristics recorded in the technical specifications - instead of 10 shots per minute, the American “miracle weapon” fired only 4 (in in some cases during bench tests 5). The declared range of 200 kilometers was also not achieved - according to experts, the maximum result “on the bench” was only 55-60 kilometers. This is more than three times less than the data stated in the technical specifications.
Such circumstances have forced experts around the world to reconsider their opinions regarding the combat effectiveness of weapons. In terms of defeating enemy ships, the railgun turned out to be significantly weaker than the cruise anti-ship missiles already in service. The electromagnetic gun, according to experts, is a weapon of exclusively kinetic destruction. The shells cause damage not due to the amount of explosives inside, but due to their speed and mass. This tactic is well suited for hitting compact objects, but in destroying area targets, such weapons are seriously inferior to traditional weapons. Combat shooting at ground targets in the light of the results obtained is also not possible - even the Tomahawk missiles developed decades ago are much better in combat effectiveness and launch range The only thing that American specialists can take from the practically abandoned project is the technology for manufacturing hypersonic artillery shells HVP, which the developers propose to use for conventional ship artillery installations. However, after 12 years and half a billion dollars, the American military does not have the main thing - a promising platform for using such weapons . Iron ship It is necessary to understand that the project of the American electromagnetic gun consisted of several components - the creation of a ground stand, a high-capacity ship power plant, the gun itself, as well as a ship with modern system weapons control. The Arleigh Burke class destroyers already accepted into the US Navy are not suitable for deploying an electromagnetic gun - the ship's displacement and type power plant do not involve the use of weapons with high energy consumption.
Unlike the Arleigh Burke destroyers, the Zumwalt-class stealth ships, in addition to technical problems, turned out to be incredibly expensive to produce. Largely due to this circumstance, the number of serial ships was first reduced to 24, and then to three units. The main armament of the stealth destroyers were Tomahawk cruise missiles, located along the starboard and port sides in launch containers. This decision de facto puts an end to the electromagnetic gun project and the idea of ​​“shooting beyond the horizon” with artillery shells as such.