Who are weiners on YouTube? Who are the Viners and why do they earn millions online?

(1931-2005) - Russian writer, screenwriter and playwright;

  • Weiner, Georgy Alexandrovich (1938-2009) - Russian writer and journalist.
    • Weiner, Jacob (1892-1970) - American economist.
    • Weiner, Lazarus - American Jewish composer, music teacher, conductor, pianist
    • Weiner, Leonid Isaakovich (1878-1918) - participant revolutionary movement in the Urals.


    • Weiner (commune) (German) Weinähr) - a commune in Germany, in the federal state of Rhineland-Palatinate

    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

    See what "Weiner" is in other dictionaries:

      Arkady Aleksandrovich Weiner (January 13, 1931, Moscow April 24, 2005) Russian writer, screenwriter and playwright. Brother and co-author of the writer and journalist G. A. Weiner. Contents 1 Biography 2 Works 2.1 Prose ... Wikipedia

      Georgy Aleksandrovich Weiner (born February 10, 1938, Moscow) Russian writer and journalist. Brother and co-author of the writer and screenwriter A. A. Weiner. Author of one hundred and fifty books and scripts for twenty-two films. Contents 1 Biography 2 Essays 2 ... Wikipedia

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      Writer; born January 13, 1931; worked as a criminal investigation officer; author of numerous popular books detective genre, including “The Cure for Fear”, “A Visit to the Minotaur”, “The Noose and the Stone in the Green... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

      - (b. January 13, 1931), Russian writer, screenwriter, actor. Awarded the Order Honor (2001). Graduated from the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University. Former senior investigator for particularly important cases of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. Together with his brother Georgiy, he wrote detective novels. The largest... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

      - (b. February 10, 1938), Russian writer, screenwriter. Co-author (with brother Arkady) large quantity detective novels. Since the early 1990s he has lived in NY e. 1971 I, investigator. . . (see I AM AN INVESTIGATOR) 1974 Night visit (see NIGHT VISIT... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

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      Samuel Wainer (port. Samuel Wainer, born Samuil Khaimovich Weiner; December 19, 1910, Edintsy, Khotyn district, Bessarabia province; September 2, 1980, Sao Paulo, Brazil) is a prominent Brazilian journalist and editor. At the age of two... ... Wikipedia


    • Arkady Weiner, Georgy Weiner. Favorites (set of 3 books), A. A. Weiner, G. A. Weiner. The three-volume set includes selected works famous Soviet writers

    The Internet world has been taken over by vines (translated from English vine means “ vine") - short videos with meaning. This does not surprise anyone, because everyone values ​​their time, and new video jokes last a few seconds. Anyone can remove the Vine, to do this you need to install special program on your smartphone, record a video and surprise your friends with funny short videos.

    What are vines

    Vines are videos ranging from 2 to 22 seconds in length, but more often they are 6 seconds long. This time interval is set by the VineVideo application of the same name, with which the shooting takes place. Essentially, a Vine is a tweet in video format. The main feature of the mini-video is not only its size, but its semantic meaning. Author for short time must convey to the viewer a capacious story of a humorous or other nature. There is any Vine script, it needs to be thought out in such a way that it is understandable to everyone and brings a smile.

    Many people confuse vines with ordinary humorous videos, but this is not entirely true. The sketches are filmed and posted on social media or YouTube, while vines are created through a specific application with a short duration. They are not always entertaining in nature, they can be short advertisements for goods and services, so the shooting of such videos can easily be called profitable business.

    Popular online platforms are:

    • Instagram. This is one of the most popular social networks, the main purpose of which is the exchange of photographs, videos and pictures. The authors have taken over this Internet platform to post their videos. Here you can download and edit uploaded files without the help of additional programs, apply various filters, etc.
    • Twitter. The social network Twitter was created for messaging, but it is also easy to transmit video messages, which are essentially what vines are.
    • YouTube. This is the most popular video hosting site where you can post videos of various lengths, including vines. For Weiners, this video hosting site has become one of the favorite platforms for posting mini-creations. Interesting feature: You can post several vines on YouTube in one video. As a result, the viewer will be able to watch the entire series without interruptions.
    • VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook. These are three social networks that have conquered the world with their Internet capabilities. There is an active exchange of photos, videos, and text messages here. These platforms are ideal for starting a career, creating groups and finding subscribers for Viners.
    • SlickJump. This is a network in RuNet in which brands are promoted. An excellent start for viners who want to make money from their creativity. This is where clients gather who are willing to pay money for advertising goods and services. It is clear that they are looking for authors who will film interesting video, which will contain a link to their company.


    Photographing vines is a relatively new hobby that dates back several years. Members of groups of fans of short videos are young people under 20 years old. The app, which creates clips, was acquired by Twitter in October 2012 and has since become widespread. In 2013 it became the most downloaded on iOS App Store. Today, this tool is used by more than 40 million people from all over the world.


    Vine is easy to identify by its signs, because not all short videos that can be found on YouTube or Instagram are Vine. Features of 6-second videos are:

    • Clear, clear plot. The availability of a “catchy” script is the basis of the video. In a few seconds, the author needs to convey the story to the viewer.
    • The plot must have an introduction, denouement and end.
    • Style. Mostly vines are videos with a logical plot with funny moments, but there are others, for example, with an advertising nature.

    How to make vines

    Vines are filmed on smartphones using the Vine app, which was developed for operating systems iOS, Android, Apple. Nowadays it is very fashionable to shoot videos in the style Stop Motion. This is not new in the world of cinema and animation. The essence of this method is to create video by frame-by-frame photography. You take one shot, then make minimal changes to the scene, and repeat the shooting. The process is long, but the result is worth it. Advantages of Stop Motion:

    • The heroes can be toys, for example, Lego men, or those created independently.
    • Time-lapse photography does not require complex equipment.
    • An interesting result that captivates the audience.

    To develop a good video, it is better to use additional editors where you can make a vine video with music, for example, Magisto. This is an application that is installed on mobile device. The uploaded video is analyzed on a remote server, where the emotional component of the video is determined, “strong” shots are highlighted, and more. You can select the background music and genre in which the video will be edited.

    An application such as VivaVideo is also useful for editing videos. Here you can put together photos, filmed using the method Stop Motion, and also shoot a video up to 5 minutes long, which is enough for a Vine. Here, clips are trimmed, various effects are applied, and more. VivaVideo has advantages for Weiners. In the application, you can select the “Vine” style to create the desired video.

    In what program can I do it?

    The Vine Video application, in which video is recorded, allows you not only to film, but also to perform the necessary operations for editing. Here you can change the recording speed, overlay the sound, make the music louder or quieter, and add different filters. You can insert pictures and photos into the video. Video recording is done by simply pressing and holding your finger on the screen. The video doesn't have to be whole. It can be removed in parts. The result will be a video resembling a GIF animation.

    Who is a Weiner

    A person who makes short videos in the application of the same name is called a Weiner. Anyone can become one. To do this, install the program on a smartphone or other suitable device and come up with a funny scenario. The actor in the video is the producer/director himself or other people, animals, and objects are used. The story should be capacious and funny.

    The result is not always expected - not everyone can have the talent of a screenwriter, director and cameraman at the same time, but this is a great way to test your abilities. If you are ashamed to show your video to your friends, then this is not your strong point, or you lack the skill and experience. Try, try. Maybe you will soon become as popular a Weiner as Pavel Mikus, who has about 50 thousand subscribers on YouTube, and this figure is constantly growing.

    If you want to promote your channel and gain many subscribers, become a popular Weiner, remember:

    • The main goal is that the video should be interesting. If the viewer appreciates it, he will subscribe to your profile in anticipation of new funny stories.
    • To make the video easy to find, the file must be identified with hashtags, i.e. query words on the topic.
    • No need to shoot humorous videos, clips are made on different topics, although the priority is funny sketches.
    • Professionals recommend filming popular wine series, where each video will be one episode.

    Popular Viners

    Pavel Mikus is not the only Weiner who is very popular on social networks. American Viners are leading this creative segment of operators. The leadership belongs to these guys:

    • American teenager Our Grier, who has more than 10 million subscribers.
    • American Andrew Bachelow under the nickname King Bach, whose number of subscribers is approaching 10 million people.
    • Model Brittany Furlan, who has 8 million followers of short videos. During breaks between filming, the girl creates funny vine videos that have made her more famous than the modeling business.

    Among Russian viners it is worth noting following authors:

    • Nastya Ivleva. This blogger's work is on Instagram, where she has 3 million subscribers.
    • Andrey Glazunov. The young author of humorous videos has many fans on social networks.
    • Evgeny Kulik. This famous actor, which in free time is engaged in filming vines.
    • Polina Trubenkova. The videos of this author-blogger were filmed on popular topics with great humor.
    • Alexandra Lukyanova. This girl captivated lovers of short sketches with her charisma.
    • Huseyn Hasanov. This is a young businessman who is interested in creating mini-videos, which he does very well.


    The Weiner brothers are famous Soviet writers who specialized in the genre of detective novels. Together they wrote many books and film scripts. Their most famous novel is “The Era of Mercy”; it was based on it that the television series “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed” was filmed, in which Vladimir Vysotsky played one of the main roles.

    Biography of writers

    The Weiner brothers are the most famous tandem of Soviet detective writers. They have worked together since 1967.

    The eldest of the brothers, Arkady, was born in 1931, and the youngest, Georgy, in 1938. Both were born in the capital.

    Elder brother - investigator

    Graduated from Moscow State University, received a law degree. After university, he began his career as an investigator and rose to the post of head of the investigation department.

    He was actively involved in sports and received the title of Master of Sports in freestyle wrestling. Since 1971 he became a member of the Union of Writers of the USSR. Already in Russian reality he was a member of the domestic Academy of Cinematographic Arts, which was called “Nika”. Honorary head of the international detective film festival.

    He was married to Sofya Daryalova, a famous doctor, Doctor of Medical Sciences. She specialized in cancer. She worked at the capital's Oncology Research Institute. They had a daughter, Natalya. In the future, a well-known television journalist, ex-head of the Daryal-TV channel (now the Peretz channel).

    He died in 2005 in Moscow at the age of 74. He was buried at Vostryakovsky cemetery.

    Georgy Weiner

    The younger brother studied at the correspondence law institute in Moscow. At first he worked as an engineer, and later became a correspondent for TASS. A year later than his brother, in 1972, he was admitted to the Russian Writers' Union.

    The younger Weiner emigrated from Russia in 1990. He moved to permanent place residence in the USA. In America he continued his journalistic career, heading the newspaper "Novoe Russian word", in which Sergei Dovlatov once worked. Moreover, Arkady Weiner has been collaborating with the New Russian Word since the late 80s, when he headed the Moscow branch of the editorial office. It was located right in his apartment, but did not last long. Already in America was one of the editors of the publication and was also a member editorial board newspaper "Russian Bazaar", which actively covered social and political life in the USA, Russia, Israel and Germany.

    Died in New York in 2009. Buried in a cemetery in New Jersey, he was 71 years old. The writer is survived by his wife and children. Brother and sister Stanislav and Anna remained to live in America, and another son, Konstantin, eventually moved to Israel.

    Collaborative creativity

    The Weiners are one of the most widely read Soviet writers. The total circulation of their works amounted to more than one million copies.

    In 1967, they made their debut on the literary Olympus with the novel “Watches for Mr. Kelly” about investigator Tikhonov, who is investigating thefts from a watch factory and the sale of stolen goods abroad. In 1977, this story was filmed under the title “Certificate of Poverty,” and in 2016, like a number of other works about investigator Tikhonov, it was included in the series by Alexander Rodnyansky, which was called “Investigator Tikhonov.” The main roles were played by Mikhail Efremov in a duet with Svetlana Ivanova.

    They published subsequent works at intervals of one or two years. “I, Investigator”, “Groping at Noon”, “Visit to the Minotaur”, “Vertical Races”, “The History of District Police Officer Pozdnyakov”, “Medicine for Nesmeyana”, “Don’t Lose a Person”, “The City Received It” were published! , “Kara Raid”, “The victims have no claims”, “The Marriage of Stratonov, or Sentimental Journey bride to groom", "Testament of Columbus", "Two Among Men", "The Gospel of the Executioner".

    Weiners have always been an indicator of high-quality and fascinating literature.

    "Era of Mercy"

    Their most famous novel, “The Age of Mercy,” stands apart. The Weiner brothers wrote it in 1975.

    The action of this work takes place in 1945. Young Vladimir Sharapov, yesterday’s front-line soldier, comes to serve in law enforcement agencies. He has a lot of practical experience (he served in intelligence), but his theoretical basis is weak, and his legal savvy is not good.

    He is sent for an internship to a group of operatives of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department. It is headed by an ace in his field who oversees the fight against banditry in the capital.

    The case they are working on this moment, this is the liquidation of the Black Cat gang. The criminals received this nickname because of the live kitten that is always left at the crime scene. As a last resort, they draw a cat with charcoal on the wall. If earlier the gang robbed ordinary citizens, now they have switched to larger matters: their target is warehouses and grocery stores.

    At the same time, the operatives have a case of the mysterious murder of Larisa Gruzdeva, in which her husband is immediately suspected. Over time, it turns out that these crimes have something in common.

    "Meeting place can not be Changed"

    The Weiners' "Era of Mercy" is one of the most famous works this writing tandem. After all, it was this novel that became the basis for a television series called “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed.” The Weiner brothers, whose books were often filmed, always wrote detective novels that were organically transferred to the screen. This film turned out to be the most famous and popular among others.

    The director was the plot of the novel, filmed in great detail. The film owes much of its success to the strong cast. The roles in the film were played by Vladimir Vysotsky, Vladimir Konkin, Zinovy ​​Gerdt, Sergei Yursky, Svetlana Svetlichnaya, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Alexander Belyavsky, Alexander Abdulov, Evgeny Evstigneev, Leonid Kuravlev, Stanislav Sadalsky, Larisa Udovichenko.

    Interesting fact: when the Weiners first released the book, Vladimir Vysotsky came to them, saying that he wanted to stake his claim to the role of Zheglov. The writers did not understand him at first. Then he explained to them that he was sure: soon a film would be made based on this novel, in which he dreams of playing main role.

    The film was first shown on television in 1979. For a week, one episode a day, on Soviet Central Television.

    Vayner Arkady Aleksandrovich (born in 1931)

    Weiner Georgy Alexandrovich (born in 1938) Russian writers

    Soviet writers never particularly shone in the detective genre, but they also had their idols among them. The first among them were the Weiner brothers, whose works were in great demand. By 1990, their total circulation had well exceeded one million copies. Detective stories The Weiner brothers were distinguished by their authenticity, psychological depth, good knowledge how crimes are solved. Both Georgy and Arkady Weiner really knew all this first-hand.

    The youngest of the brothers, Georgy Weiner, immediately after graduating from school entered the Faculty of Law of Moscow University. But Arkady Weiner did not make his choice right away. At school he was interested in mathematics and physics and wanted to become an engineer. After graduating from school with a gold medal, Arkady entered the Moscow Aviation Institute, but studied there for only one semester, after which he moved to Moscow State University, where Georgy was already studying.

    True, after graduating from university, the brothers' paths diverged. Georgy Weiner chose a career as a journalist, and Arkady got a job in the police. He started as a detective officer of the 21st Moscow police department, which was located not far from VDNKh. This work gave the future writer excellent knowledge Everyday life district inspector and brought a bright texture to each of his books.

    Arkady Weiner worked in the police for more than twenty years and went from an ordinary inspector to an investigator for particularly important cases. The vast experience accumulated over the years was later used in the process of creating novels.

    The Weiner brothers began writing in 1965. Arkady once said that he and his brother were inspired by the example of a friend who worked in intelligence for many years, and when he retired, he wrote three novels.

    Their first story, “A Watch for Mr. Kelly,” was published in the Smena magazine. In it, the Weiners were just feeling out their future style. But already in the first novel it appeared main feature their subsequent works - an impeccably constructed plot and factual accuracy. The reader remains in suspense until the very end of the action. In the same work, their regular hero, inspector Stanislav Tikhonov, first appeared. In the Weiner novels, he went through the same ladder of positions as Arkady himself. The novel was republished several times, and then a film was made based on it.

    Real popularity came to the Weiners after the publication of their second work in the magazine “Ogonyok” - “groping at noon” (1968). After its publication, the brothers realized that they had found their true calling. However, Arkady Weiner left the police only after the release of his third novel, “I am an Investigator,” which was soon made into a film. He played the main role in it Georgian singer V. Kikabidze. And Georgy at that time still continued to work as a TASS correspondent.

    Since the beginning of the seventies, two lines have been clearly defined in the work of the Weiners. One of them is purely detective novels, the best of which is considered to be The Age of Mercy (1966). Almost immediately after the release of this work, the brothers wrote a film script based on it, and a few years later the famous serial film “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed” was filmed based on it. The main roles starred Vladimir Vysotsky and V. Konkin.

    In addition to novels, the Weiners wrote a series of stories united by the image of detective-storyteller Stanislav Tikhonov - “Don’t Lose a Person” and “The City Received”.

    The second direction in the creativity of writers is the creation of multifaceted works in which detective story combined with a historically specific image. The first such experience was their novel “A Visit to the Minotaur”, on which a multi-part film was also made.

    The action of the work skillfully develops around the story of the investigation into how the Stradivarius violin was stolen. The intrigue was based real event- theft of a valuable instrument from famous violinist D. Oistrakh. And the actions of investigators to solve this high-profile crime are just as real. In parallel, the reader is presented with the life story of the great violin maker. But the Weiners don't just connect the two storylines, but use them for frank conversation about problems artistic creativity and the responsibility of the artist.

    The second work in this series is the novel “Medicine for Nesmeyana” (or “Medicine against Fear”). It combines a detective story with a story about the life and work of the famous German physician Paracelsus. Biography famous figure again becomes the background for the development of action.

    The Weiner brothers used exactly the same technique to create their next novel, “The Kara Raid” (1983), in which a detective intrigue is built on the basis of a real historical event, a story about the history of the expedition to the North Pole.

    Weiners always skillfully confuse the reader, either speeding up or slowing down the action, or introducing false plot devices. But it almost always ends in an unexpected ending. In the eighties, writers first turned to the genre of historical detective fiction. The novel “The Noose and the Stone in the Green Grass” (1990) is dedicated to the investigation of the villainous reprisal against the artist S. Mikhoels. The Weiners have collected a huge amount of factual material. The story of a political assassination has turned into a real indictment of one of the darkest periods of Russian history.

    Note that along with Anatoly Rybakov, author famous novel“Children of the Arbat”, the Weiner brothers were among the first to attract the attention of the general public to the everyday details of the period of the totalitarian regime and, to some extent, lifted the veil of secrecy over the affairs of bygone days.

    This novel had big success, and the Weiners had the idea to write a new work in the genre of political detective story - “The Gospel According to the Executioner.” Starting point for writers it became the life story of one of Lavrentiy Beria’s henchmen, around which they built a story about murderers and criminals from the MGB-KGB. An ordinary executor of criminal orders turns into a large-scale figure, using the example of which writers show the criminality of any totalitarian society.

    In 1991, the brothers' paths diverged again. Georgy Weiner left for the USA, and this happened at the peak of the popularity of their writing, and many called this step a real suicide. However, he did not leave because he wanted to greater glory. As the writer himself states, he was tired of the society that surrounded him.

    In the USA, Georgy Weiner did not remain idle: he soon became editor-in-chief of the magazine “New Russian Word”. Gradually continued and literary work, having written two film scripts for American and Italian television.

    Despite the fact that the Weiner brothers now live in different countries, their creative collaboration continues. They are currently working on a novel about the activities of transnational criminal groups. The co-authors call their idea ultra-modern.

    Arkady Weiner continues to live and work in Moscow. He's busy preparing a new one television project- continuation of the series “The meeting place cannot be changed.” It will use the surviving footage of Vysotsky’s filming, which was not included in the previous film.

    Great popularity in last years Another representative of this family, Natalya Daryalova, daughter of Arkady Weiner, also acquired it. She works as a correspondent for one of the Russian-language television companies. But this work is a small part of what Daryalova does. She was the author and presenter of the “On Everyone’s Mouth” program on RTR, and is the producer of a series of films about Russia, which is being filmed together with ABC. Daryalova has amazing energy and achieved the appearance of her own TV channel in decimeter range. The channel is called “Daryal-TV”.

    Now on the Russian book market there is great amount detectives foreign authors, young Russian writers also write novels in the detective genre. Against this background, Soviet detective literature has largely lost its former attractiveness. Many writers who previously worked in this genre have also been forgotten. But the Weiner brothers were sensitive to the needs of the time. In addition to the novel about the activities of international criminal groups, they are developing another project - a script for a 52-episode documentary film about the activities of Interpol. The film will be filmed on English television and is scheduled to be shown in 177 countries that are members of this organization.

    Unlike his brother, Arkady Weiner not only lives permanently in Russia, but also demonstrates his clear commitment to to my native fatherland, he basically rests in his native Malakhovka, where he gathers his family, consisting of his wife and two granddaughters. They are strictly forbidden to speak English.

    Together with his daughter, the writer appears at various social events. In connection with the anniversary of the release of Russian paper money he took part in the preparation of the new bill and even posed in front of it. As a reward, the heavy smoker received a Japanese cigarette holder.

    Weiners on the Internet are those people who make short videos with a specific theme and semantic load, with average duration 6 seconds. Vine is a video that can last up to 22 seconds. Time is a valuable resource in our lives, and vines allow us to relax, unwind, and laugh heartily at any time and anywhere.

    Today this direction is very popular among young people, mainly under 20 years old. The dedicated Vine application requires no preparation. With it you can download, edit, edit videos.

    Important condition: the video must contain some interesting meaning. For Vines, the most in demand is a platform with a humorous and relevant direction. Parodies of films in a funny format may be used.

    Accommodation sites

    It's not difficult to shoot and post a video. It is much more difficult to come up with your own theme, a plot that you will want to watch again and again. And so that it evokes a reaction, preferably a positive one. At the same time, in a matter of seconds you need to convey the entire meaning contained in this video.

    It should be noted that not all funny and interesting videos with a duration of up to 20 seconds can be classified as vines. Distinctive features are as follows:

    • logics;
    • a clear script with a beginning, denouement and ending;
    • the story must be clear and it is important to convey it to the viewer.

    People must clearly understand what we're talking about. The most popular are videos that are broadcast as a series. Those who were able to catch the right wave and find themselves in the trend can achieve success. Then the number of subscribers will increase significantly. Any placement site can become a starting point.

    What does a beginner need to know?

    Anyone can become a successful Weiner and make money from it not bad money. The application is available for any device. You need to download it and install it on your device.

    May also be useful additional programs for installation. For example, Stop Motion, Viva Video, Magisto will allow you to change or add the necessary elements.

    You don't have to be a director to do this., operator. Editing videos will not be a huge task. Here, as in other films, it is important to find your niche, update the content, upload exciting stories so that the viewer appreciates your talent.

    To begin with, let your friends and acquaintances appreciate the resulting creativity. It’s not a fact that the first work will become mega-popular. But it's worth it.

    Who will be the main character of the plot? Of course, it can also be anyone or anything. The subject, the Weiner himself, friends. Special attention you need to pay attention to the image.

    Some popular bloggers note that they worked on creating an image to make it humorous, wearing wigs, false mustaches, glasses, giving a special style. And the image becomes gradually recognizable.

    Viewers are starting to actively subscribe to the channel and leave comments. Images can also be taken from movies and cartoons.

    Another secret for successful wine promotion: adding hashtags, which are frequently requested among viewers in in this direction. Moments from your life, parodies of actors or programs that captivate the viewer’s attention can also be popular genres.


    Can be removed for everyone reaching a wide audience, or select only the target one, for example, for students, schoolchildren, etc. IN in this case the viewing circle will narrow, which will also affect the number of subscribers.

    The main thing is to have inspiration and a little talent in writing a script. For some, creating a masterpiece is not difficult, but for others it is difficult. Moreover, the first one makes a minimum of effort, practically does not prepare and funny stories come to mind on their own.

    Good thing, today there are programs applications that allow inspired people to write their stories and post them in short video. And social networks and advertisers can help earn money.