Message on the topic of the Petrashevsky circle. Circle M.V.

Russian revolutionary, Soviet statesman and military leader, military theorist, one of the best military leaders of the Red Army in the Civil War of 1918-1920.

Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze was born on January 21 (February 2), 1885 in the family of military paramedic Vasily Mikhailovich Frunze (1854-1897), a Moldovan by nationality, who served in the city of Pishpek, Semirechensk region, Turkestan region (now Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan).

After graduating from the Pishpek City School, M. V. Frunze entered the gymnasium of the city of Verny (now Almaty in Kazakhstan), from which he graduated with a gold medal. In 1904, he became a student in the economics department of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute. Actively participating in student and workers' circles, in the same year he joined the Bolshevik faction of the RSDLP. After his arrest in November 1904, M. V. Frunze was expelled from the capital, becoming one of the professional revolutionaries.

During the Revolution of 1905-1907, M. V. Frunze conducted party work in, from May - in and (he was known under the pseudonym “Comrade Arseny”), became a member of the RSDLP committee. In May - July 1905, he was one of the leaders of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk general strike of textile workers. At the head of the fighting squad of Ivanovo-Voznesensk and Shuya workers, M. V. Frunze participated in the December armed uprising of 1905.

In 1906, M. V. Frunze was a delegate to the IV Congress of the RSDLP in Stockholm, where he met. In 1907, he was elected as a delegate to the V Congress of the RSDLP, but was unable to take part in it due to his arrest.

In March 1907, M. V. Frunze was arrested in, in 1909-1910 he was twice sentenced to death penalty, replaced first by 10 years of hard labor, and then by lifelong exile. After 7 years of imprisonment in the Vladimir, Nikolaev and Aleksandrovsk convict prisons, in April 1914 he went to settle in a village in the Irkutsk province. In August 1915, M. V. Frunze was arrested for creating a political organization of exiles in the village. On the way to the Irkutsk provincial prison, he escaped in the village of Oek, from where he initially went to, and then to, where he worked under the name Vasilenko in the statistical department of the Chita Resettlement Administration and in the editorial office of the weekly newspaper "Zabaikalsky Review".

In 1916, M. V. Frunze, on instructions from the party, launched revolutionary work in the army. Under the name Mikhailov, he served in the committee of the All-Russian Zemstvo Union on the Western Front, and headed the Bolshevik underground in Minsk with branches in the 3rd and 10th armies.

After February Revolution 1917 M. V. Frunze was the head of the people's militia of Minsk, a member of the soldiers' committee Western Front, member of the executive committee of the Minsk Council and chairman of the Council of Peasant Deputies of the Minsk and Vilna provinces. During the fight against the Kornilov rebellion, he was the chief of staff of the revolutionary troops of the Minsk section.

In September 1917, M. V. Frunze was sent to, where he was elected chairman of the Council and the district committee of the RSDLP (b). During October revolution 1917 arrived on October 30 (November 12) with an armed detachment of Ivanovo-Voznesensk and Shuya workers and took part in battles with counter-revolutionaries. In 1918, M. V. Frunze was simultaneously the chairman of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk provincial party committee, the chairman of the provincial executive committee, the provincial economic council and the military commissar of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk province. In August 1918 he became military commissar of the Yaroslavl Military District.

Since 1918, M. V. Frunze took an active part in the Civil War. In December 1918, he was appointed commander of the 4th Army of the Eastern Front. Since March 1919, M. V. Frunze commanded Southern group(4th and Turkestan armies), which in April also included the 1st and 5th armies. During the counter-offensive of the Eastern Front in 1919, he carried out a number of successful operations against the admiral's troops. From July 1919, he commanded the troops of the Eastern Front, liberating the Northern and Middle Urals.

From August 1919 to September 1920, M. V. Frunze commanded the Turkestan Front, carried out the Aktobe operation of 1919 to defeat the White Guard troops in Southern Urals and restored contact with Turkestan, and then led the defeat of counter-revolutionary forces in Central Asia and the overthrow of the feudal regimes in Khiva and Bukhara.

In September 1920, M. V. Frunze was appointed commander of the Southern Front (took command on September 27) and led the operation to defeat the troops of General P. N. Wrangel in Northern Tavria and the Crimea.

From December 1920 to March 1924, M. V. Frunze was the authorized representative of the Russian Military Socialist Republic in Ukraine, the commander of the troops of Ukraine and Crimea and at the same time a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine, deputy chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the Ukrainian SSR (from February 1922) and deputy chairman of the Ukrainian Economic Council . In November 1921 - January 1922, the military leader headed the Ukrainian diplomatic delegation that concluded a treaty of friendship between the Ukrainian SSR and Turkey.

On March 14, 1924, M. V. Frunze was appointed deputy chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR and People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs, and from April 1924 he was simultaneously the chief of staff of the Red Army and the head of the Military Academy.

Since January 26, 1925, M. V. Frunze has been chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR and People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs, and since February 1925 also a member of the Labor and Defense Council. Under his leadership, the military reform of 1924-1925, begun by L. D. Trotsky, was completed in the USSR.

M. V. Frunze was a member of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of all convocations since January 1918. Since 1921 he was a member of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), since 1924 - a candidate member of the Politburo of the Central Committee.

For skillful military leadership during the Civil War, M. V. Frunze was awarded the Honorary Revolutionary Arms and two Orders of the Red Banner.

Great methodological and practical significance for strengthening defense Soviet state got theoretical work M. V. Frunze: “Reorganization of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army” (1921, together with S. I. Gusev), “Unified Military Doctrine and the Red Army” (1921), “Military-Political Education of the Red Army” (1922, published in 1929), “Front and Rear in the War of the Future” (1924, published in 1925), “Lenin and the Red Army” (1925), “Our military development and the tasks of the Military Scientific Society” (1925), etc.

M. V. Frunze died on October 31, 1925 as a result of an unsuccessful medical operation. He was buried near the Kremlin wall behind the Mausoleum on Red Square in.

Relevant to populated areas:

He took part in the December armed uprising of 1905 in Moscow, as well as in the suppression of the anti-Bolshevik rebellion in the city in October 1917. Last years spent his life in Moscow. He died on October 31, 1925 as a result of an unsuccessful medical operation, and was buried near the Kremlin wall behind the Mausoleum on Red Square.

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Biography, life story of Mikhail Vasilievich Frunze

Frunze Mikhail Vasilievich - Soviet revolutionary, statesman, military theorist.

Childhood, youth

Mikhail Frunze was born on February 2, 1885 (according to the old style - January 21) in the city of Pishpek (on modern style– Bishkek). His father was a paramedic, Moldovan by origin, his mother was Russian.

Mikhail studied at the local city school, after which he entered the gymnasium in the city of Verny (now Alma-Ata). Young Frunze graduated from high school with a gold medal. In 1904, Mikhail began studying at the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute in the economics department. During his student days, Frunze actively took part in all student circles. It was then that Mikhail Vasilyevich joined the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party. For this he was first arrested.


During the revolution of 1905-1907, Mikhail Frunze continued his party activities. He worked in Moscow for some time. Mikhail was one of the organizers of a mass strike of textile workers in Ivanovo-Voznesensk. In 1906, Mikhail Vasilyevich was lucky enough to meet at the IV Party Congress in Stockholm. A year later, Mikhail Frunze was elected as a delegate to the V Congress of the Social Democratic Labor Party, but he was arrested. Frunze received a sentence of four years of hard labor.

While a prisoner, Mikhail, with the support of Pavel Gusev, attempted to murder a police officer. A month later, Frunze was arrested in Shuya and charged with resisting police and attempted murder. At first, Mikhail Vasilyevich faced the death penalty, but a little later the punishment was changed to hard labor for six years.

In 1914, Mikhail Frunze was sent to a village called Manzurka ( Irkutsk region). Literally a year later, Frunze fled to Chita, as he managed to create an organization of exiles in Manzurka and was arrested. In Chita, Mikhail changed his passport and became known under the name Vasilenko. In 1916, the opponent of the system moved to Moscow, and from there - with a new passport and a different name (Mikhailov) - to Belarus.


At the beginning of the February Revolution of 1917, Frunze was the leader of a revolutionary organization, the center of which was located in Minsk itself. Mikhail Vasilyevich took part in the preparation of the October Revolution of 1917. Having won, Frunze became the head of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk Executive Committee. At the same time, Mikhail took the post of deputy of the Constituent Assembly from the Bolsheviks.

Since 1918, Mikhail Frunze was one of the most active participants in the civil war. In 1919, under his command, the army of the Eastern Front defeated the troops of the Turkestan Front led by.

In 1924, Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze was appointed deputy chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR. A year later, the prefix “deputy” disappeared. In parallel, Frunze held the positions of People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs and Chief of Staff of the Red Army and the Military Academy.

Personal life

Mikhail Frunze's wife's name was Sofya Alekseevna. The marriage produced two children - daughter Tatyana and son Timur.


On October 31, 1925, Mikhail Vasilyevich died due to blood poisoning during surgery for a stomach ulcer. According to another version, the cause was cardiac arrest due to an allergy to the anesthetic.

There is also an opinion that Frunze’s death was staged

"Die is cast"

Mikhail Frunze was born in 1885 into the family of a tradesman paramedic and the daughter of a Narodnaya Volya member. His birthplace was Pishpek (that’s what Bishkek was called at that time). In 1904, Frunze became a student at the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute, after which he joined the RSDLP. On January 9, 1905, he took part in a procession led by Georgy Gapon. A few months after this event, Frunze wrote to his mother: “Dear mother! Perhaps you should give up on me... The streams of blood shed on January 9 require retribution. The die is cast, I give myself all to the revolution.”

Review of the sentence

Frunze did not live long, but his life could have been even shorter. The fact is that in connection with the attempted murder of a police officer, the revolutionary was arrested and sentenced to hang. However, Frunze managed to avoid such an outcome: the case was reconsidered, and the death penalty was replaced by hard labor. The military prosecutor of the Moscow Military District Court wrote in 1910 to the head of the Vladimir prison in which Frunze was kept: “On this date, I sent the prosecutor of the Vladimir District Court a verdict in the case of Mikhail Frunze and Pavel Gusev, for whom the death penalty was commuted to hard labor: Gusev to 8 years, and Frunze for 6 years. In reporting this, I consider it necessary to add that, in view of certain information, it seems advisable to ensure that Frunze does not escape in one way or another or exchange names during any transfer from one prison to another.”

Mikhail Vasilievich Frunze

“Hard labor, what grace!” - Frunze could have exclaimed in this situation, if, of course, by that time this poem by Pasternak had already been written. The prosecutor's fears were not groundless: a few years later, Frunze still managed to escape.

The mystery of death

It is difficult to say what exactly caused the death - or indeed the death - of Mikhail Frunze. There are several versions, each of which researchers find both refutations and confirmations. It is known that Frunze had serious problems with the stomach: he was diagnosed with an ulcer and sent for surgery. This was written about in party publications, and confirmation was also found in the personal correspondence of the Bolshevik. Frunze told his wife in a letter: “I’m still in the hospital. There will be a new consultation on Saturday. I’m afraid that the operation will be denied.”

The People's Commissar was not denied the operation, but this did not make things any better. After the operation, Frunze came to his senses, read a friendly note from Stalin, which he was sincerely glad to receive, and died some time later. Either from blood poisoning or from heart failure. However, there are also discrepancies regarding the episode with the note: there is a version that Stalin conveyed the message, but Frunze was no longer destined to become acquainted with it.

Funeral of Mikhail Frunze

To version accidental death Few believed. Some were convinced that Trotsky had a hand in Frunze’s death—only a few months had passed since the former replaced the latter as People’s Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs of the USSR. Others explicitly hinted at Stalin's involvement. This version found expression in “The Tale of the Unextinguished Moon” by Boris Pilnyak. Circulation of the magazine " New world", on the pages of which the work appeared, was confiscated. After more than ten years, Pilnyak was shot. Obviously, “The Tale of the Unextinguished Moon” played an important role in his case.

Frunze was buried on November 3, 1925 with all honors: his remains rest in the necropolis near the Kremlin wall.

Frunze through the eyes of Brusilov's wife

In the diary of the wife of General Alexei Brusilov, you can find the following lines, written a month after the death of Frunze: “I would like to write down for memory a few details about the deceased Mikhail Vasilyevich. From a distance, from the outside, from rumors, I know what an unfortunate man he was, and it seems to me that he is subject to a completely different assessment than his other “comrades” in crazy and criminal political nonsense. It is obvious to me that retribution, karma, was clearly revealed in his fate. A year ago, his favorite girl, it seems, only daughter, through childhood carelessness, gouged out her own eye with scissors. They took her to Berlin for an operation and barely saved her second eye; she almost went completely blind.”

Frunze with children

Nadezhda Vladimirovna Brusilova-Zhelikhovskaya also pointed out that the car accident that Frunze got into shortly before his death was obviously staged. In addition, the general’s wife wrote that she talked with several doctors who were sure “that without surgery he could still live a long time.”

Mikhail Frunze is a famous party leader and military leader of the Red Army during the Civil War. During revolutions and wars he was known under the pseudonym Arseny. Frunze is known as a military theorist.

Mikhail Vasilyevich was born into the family of a military paramedic. Place of birth was the Kirghiz SSR. His father, Vasily Mikhailovich, served in Pishpek, where his son, the future “red” military leader, was born. The mother was the daughter of a Narodnaya Volya member.

He received his education in the city of Verny (modern Alma-Ata) - the gymnasium gave the future revolutionary not only good knowledge, but also for the first time showed the breadth revolutionary ideas. Frunze studied in a self-education circle. After high school, he studied at the university in St. Petersburg. During his years of studying at a higher educational institution, he became a real revolutionary, joining the Bolshevik Party.

Beginning of party work

Having joined the Social Democratic Party, Frunze began to actively participate in political and public life countries. He was first arrested, and during revolutionary events On Bloody Sunday he was wounded.

After Bloody Sunday, the revolutionary said that it was this event that became decisive in his future activities. The revolution of 1905-1907 developed in him an active personality, a revolutionary with excellent organizational talent. Conducted party activities during the entire revolution in Moscow. Became a member of the RSDLP committee.

In May-July 1905, a strike of textile workers in Ivanovo-Voznesensk was organized. Frunze was not only an active participant, but one of the organizers of the events. In addition, he became one of the participants in the uprising in Moscow in December 1905.

The development of Frunze's personality was influenced by his acquaintance with V. Lenin. This event took place during the congress of the RSDLP, which took place in Stockholm in 1906.

After being elected as a delegate to the Fifth Congress, he was arrested and convicted of party activities. Frunze was sentenced to several years of hard labor. When Mikhail Vasilyevich was serving his sentence, he participated in several acts of armed resistance to the police. For attempting physical violence against a security guard, he was sentenced to death, but the sentence was commuted and replaced by tougher conditions and 6 years of hard labor.

At the time when the First World War began in Europe World War, Frunze was in places of exile and several convict prisons. In 1915, he managed to escape - he lived under an assumed name and worked as an extra. Frunze's goal was to return to Moscow - for this he had to change his name again (he was known under the name Mikhailov).

The Zemstvo Union sent Frunze-Mikhailov to Belarus, where he dealt with supply issues for the Western Front. Frunze's competence extended to providing the rear. At the time when the 1917 revolution began in Russia, Frunze was appointed as a law enforcement officer in Minsk. During the war, Mikhailov-Frunze continued to engage in party revolutionary work.

October Revolution and Civil War: the activities of Mikhail Frunze

After the Kornilov uprising, Frunze was one of the fighters against this anti-revolutionary movement. He showed himself most actively and fully during the October Revolution. He arrived to fight anti-revolutionary elements with an armed detachment from the city of Shuya, where he was engaged in party work.

During the revolution, Frunze was a military commissar, and at the end of 1918 he was appointed commander of the “Red” detachments on the Eastern Front. He led an active fight against the “white” troops. The most successful operations were those carried out by the “Reds” against the troops of Alexander Kolchak.

Under the command of Frunze, the Red Army successfully advanced to the East - towards the Urals. At the second stage of the war, this region was under the control of the “whites” for some time. Frunze managed to knock out the “whites” and capture the territories of the Middle and Northern Urals.

At the third stage of the fighting of the Civil War, Frunze was sent to Central Asia. On the Turkestan front, he successfully carried out an operation, during which the “Whites” were defeated, and Bolshevik Russia restored contact with Turkestan. In Central Asia, Frunze’s activities did not end with operations in Turkestan - he continued the fight against the anti-Bolshevik regimes in Bukhara and Khiva. In Central Asia, the Bolshevik regime was established largely thanks to Mikhail Frunze.

After the events in Central Asia, Frunze's troops were sent to Crimea. There he fought against Wrangel’s “white” troops. Frunze successfully carried out operations in Tavria and Crimea and was appointed commander of the Ukrainian troops.

As a commander, he proved himself to be a decisive leader, accurately calculating every blow, an excellent tactician and strategist, always accurately identifying the main points of attack in order to weaken the enemy as much as possible.

In 1921-22, when an important peace treaty was signed between the Ukrainian SSR and Turkey, Frunze was the head of the diplomatic mission.

After the end of the Civil War

When fighting ended, Frunze became deputy people's commissar for military and naval issues. In addition, he served as head of the military academy. In the mid-20s, when military reform was carried out, he was one of the leaders and ideological inspirers this event. He occupied a significant place in the Central Committee of the RCP (b).

After the war, Frunze published his works based on his war experience. Frunze's writings were aimed at strengthening the military power of the USSR.

Frunze's death is one of the mysteries of history. Main version– the cause of death was blood poisoning after gastric surgery. Unofficial sources said that Frunze's death was a consequence of his political influence - he was killed by opponents.

The military leader died in 1925.

Frunze Mikhail Vasilievich short biography party statesman and military leader, military theorist is presented in this article.

Frunze Mikhail Vasilievich short biography

Frunze Mikhail Vasilievich was born on January 21, 1885 in the city of Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. At the age of 12, the boy lost his father. His mother, left with 5 children, put all her efforts into their education. Mikhail graduated from high school with a gold medal. He dreamed of becoming an economist and even entered the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute. During his studies, he became interested in revolutionary ideas.

In 1904 he became a member of the RSDLP party. He was expelled from educational institution. When did the demonstrations begin in St. Petersburg on Palace Square, Frunze was in the forefront. In party circles he received the nickname “Comrade Arseny”. For his activities, he was twice sentenced to death, which was commuted to 10 years of hard labor in Aleksandrovskaya, Vladimirskaya and Nikolaevskaya prisons. After serving 7 years of imprisonment, Mikhail Vasilyevich was sent to a settlement in the region of the Irkutsk province. Having created an underground organization here, he runs away to Chita, where he lives on a fake passport. Returns to Moscow in 1916.

After the end of the February Revolution, he was appointed to the post of chief of the Minsk police. Later he was elected to the post of Chairman of the Council of Deputies.

In 1918, Mikhail Frunze became military commissar in the Yaroslavl Military District. When did it start Civil War, he led the Turkestan army. Then he is transferred to Turkmenistan to the Eastern Front.