Ptah called Guf an ideological inspirer. Ptah Biography - Collapse of Centr, Conflicts, Solo Creativity

On the night of February 19, another resonant battle Versus took place, in which former members of the Centr group Guf and Ptah fought. Guf won it with a score of 3:0. “360” talks about expectations from the battle and its results.

The conflict between Ptah and Guf lasts for many years. The Centr group, which also included Slim, was founded in the mid-2000s. After the release of her first album “Swing” in 2007, she instantly gained popularity and became the main rap group in Russia. A second album followed in 2008, and then the group broke up - Guf took up a solo career, and Ptah and Slim remained in Centr.

The collapse of the team was accompanied by a scandal - the rappers released diss songs against each other and did not communicate for several years. However, the reasons for the collapse are still unknown. Later, the musicians reunited and in 2016 released the album “System,” which was noticeably inferior to the two previous releases. A few months later, the group broke up again, but this time Ptah was left behind, and Guf and Slim released two more joint albums.

As expected, Versus between the two old comrades turned out to be controversial - although both rappers have something to say about each other, they have never participated in battles before. Guf regularly forgot his words (at the beginning of the battle he warned that he was suffering from logoneurosis), and Ptakh’s performances did not resemble a battle at all, but a listing of the enemy’s dirty laundry. All three judges gave Guf the victory.

Many people liked the battle. In their opinion, Guf won.

However, many were disappointed by both participants.

In August 2009 (36), better known under the pseudonym Guf, after a quarrel with Vadim Ylev (35) (Slim) And David Nuriev (35) (Birdie) left the group Centr, which appeared in 2004 and managed to win the love of thousands of fans. However, in 2013 the group reunited, and not so long ago the band’s new studio album “ System" But along with this came new bad news: the team broke up again. And recently Guf spoke about the reasons for another split.

Ptah, in one of his interviews, blamed Guf for the next breakup of the group. In his opinion, Alexey was irresponsible about his work. However, the rapper did not ignore his colleague’s statement and offered his version of events. “I was, of course, very “pleased” that again I was to blame for all this,” said Guf. - In fact, I made this decision a long time ago, even during the recording of the “System” album. I was not satisfied with absolutely everything, especially the framework and deadlines into which I was driven. In two months they forced me to write fifteen verses, but I can’t do that, I always need to think! Something has to happen in life before I write a verse, I can’t churn them out like pancakes.”

In addition, Guf believes that the reason for the unsuccessful reunion of the group was the low quality of the lyrics. “I think that while listening to the album, it’s clear that all the verses were written by me out of ***. Yes, I was not satisfied with Ptakh’s behavior, the group’s approach to work, behavior on tour, and so on. Apparently, over the years while we were at loggerheads, our views completely diverged. I felt terribly uncomfortable being around this person. Vadik and I expressed complaints to him about the reading and performance of his verses - I was absolutely not satisfied with what he was doing and how he treated the album. In the end, we got this album, I don’t know, maybe someone likes it,” the rapper said.

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On Tuesday, February 6, the Versus battle between rappers Guf (Alexey Dolmatov) and Ptakhi (David Nuriev) took place at the 1703 bar. For participation, Guf asked for 2 million rubles, Ptah - 1 million. These are one of the largest fees in Russian battle rap. The results of the battle have not yet been officially announced.

In the 2000s, Guf and Ptakha were part of the Centr group and wrote tracks together. When Guf left the group, the rappers began to release diss songs against each other and talk about the breakup in interviews. In 2014 they united again and again - this time finally - separated.

"Paper" tells the backstory of one of the most expensive and anticipated rap battles, which the host of Versus Restaurateur calls “a battle about nothing,” some viewers call it “a deal,” and others call it “one of the oldest conflicts in Russian rap.”

Photo: Vadim Motylev

Guf and Ptah have known each other since 2000. They quarreled after Guf left their common group

Rappers Guf and Ptah met on the set clip group "Casta" "We take it on the streets." How their relationship developed at that time is not known for certain. In 2007, as part of the Centr group, they released the album “Swing,” which tells about life and experience of using hard drugs.

At that time, the group, considered underground, became popular throughout Russia: in 2007–2009, rappers gathered venues of 4–5 thousand people in Moscow, won MTV Russia 2008 in the “Hip-Hop” category and released two albums and five clips.

Unexpectedly for fans, in August 2009, Dolmatov announced his departure from the group and gave interview, in which he explained this by saying that “the two participants probably did not have enough attention, the public” and they were guided by “some kind of envy, money, something else.” By official version, the reason for the artist’s departure was “the events of June 6, 2009 in Lugansk” - there are still rumors among fans about what happened then. Later, Guf will only say that on that day “a boiling point was reached within the group,” and Ptah will refuse to explain anything, “fearing for Guf’s moral and mental health.”

The video was filmed after Guf left the group. Dolmatov did not meet either Ptah or Slim during filming

Soon Guf published video “100 Lines”, where he compared the former members of the group to “two crows pecking at your head.” In response to this, Ptah and Slim (another member of the Centr group) released Spice Baby video - a parody of hit(only one of the uploaded videos on YouTube has more than 3.5 million views) Guf Ice Baby, which he dedicated to his wife.

After this, the artists practically did not remember the conflict either in interviews or in tracks. Guf was actively engaged in a solo career, and Ptah and Slim were in the Centr group.

In 2014, the rappers reconciled and began performing at Centr again. But they had a fight two years later

As Guf explained in an interview with Life his reconciliation with Ptakha, the latter called him in the fall of 2014 “to support him after his divorce from his wife.” According to Dolmatov, this touched him, and they made peace. Soon Guf again joined the Centr group.

From 2014 to 2016, they released an album together, which immediately entered the top iTunes, published two videos and gave more than 20 concerts. The group's concert activities were interrupted when Guf and Slim were detained during a Federal Drug Control Service operation after their concert and sentenced to five and six days of arrest, respectively, for drug use.

On April 30, 2016, the group gave its last scheduled concert and, unexpectedly for fans, announced its final breakup.

It later turned out that Guf was the initiator of the breakup: he explained that he did not like his own verses on the album, which the rapper, according to him, was given two weeks to prepare. He also added that he could not work well with Ptah. “Vadik (Slim) and I - approx. "Papers") expressed to him (Ptah - approx. "Papers") claims regarding the reading and performance of his verses. I was absolutely not happy with what he was doing and how he treated the album,” said Guf.

Ptah said that it was he who could not work well with Guf:

Lesha started to stress me out because I was partying. I chose a profession for myself so that I can hang out. I don’t think it’s anything terrible to go on stage with a joint and a bottle of whiskey. I'm a rapper. And when they try to tell me that I should work specifically... That’s it, as soon as I heard the word “work,” I said: “Okay. I’ll go play music, and you guys work.” We had a huge quarrel over this.

Later, Guf in an interview on the “vDud” program said about Ptah as “a friend with whom it was unbearable in everyday life and on tour,” and Ptah, in an interview with Ren TV, called Guf “a vile, two-faced person, mercantile, and also a gigolo.”

In 2017, the rappers agreed to a battle. The restaurateur decided to spend 3 million rubles on it

In September 2017, rapper Ptah on the YouTube channel of the TsAO Records label