Musical game "Humorous Orchestra" Video.

Natalya Shabalina


OBJECTIVE OF THE GAME: Bring fun to the game musical instruments, create conditions for creating a festive atmosphere.

TASKS: Development of rhythmic hearing, development of creative potential: skills to improvise dance moves under music, consolidation of concepts « musician» And "conductor".

PROGRESS OF THE GAME: Before the game starts musical the manager asks Guys: "Who it musician? (The man, who plays on any musical instrument .) Who is a conductor? (The person who runs musicians - orchestra, in chorus)" During the game we choose two teams "Conductors" And « Musicians» . Each team has 4 people (you can increase the command musicians two or three times) . Musicians are given musical instruments – maracas, bells, tambourines and jing sticks (bells). Team musicians stands with his back to the screen on which it will be broadcast Music clip . Conductors sit on chairs facing the screen (at the same time musicians should stand like this, so as not to block the view of the screen for conductors). Each conductor directs his own musician(musical instrument) : a tambourine has its own conductor, a maracas has its own conductor, etc.

Turns on when the game starts musical clip and conductors must look carefully at the screen - as soon as their musical instrument - the conductor gets up and begins to conduct, and musician, whose conductor has stood up - begins not just play your musical instrument, but also dance, improvising movements to music.

During the game, several sounds can be heard simultaneously. musical instruments.

APPLY this game possible on the holiday of March 8 (when our mothers play the role of musicians-dancers, and their children - conductors) or during the humorous leisure activities(for example, April Fool's Day).

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Pavlova Nadezhda Ivanovna

Musical director of the 1st qualification category

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city ​​of Balashov, Saratov region

Explanatory note

The musical and didactic game “Conductor” was developed for children of senior preschool age and is intended for use directly in the process educational activities, and can subsequently be used in children’s independent musical activities.

Target : Developing children's sense of rhythm.


  • Develop rhythmic ear, musical memory of children;
  • Develop auditory attention, the ability to reproduce the proposed rhythmic pattern;
  • Strengthen the ability to play in an ensemble;
  • Develop children's creative abilities;
  • Encourage independent action using knowledge acquired during organized musical activities;
  • Bring children joy from joint creative activities.

Game material:

  • Two wooden sticks for tapping rhythm
  • Children's musical instruments of choice music director in quantities of 6-14 pcs.

Preliminary work: Learning the musical application for the game “Conductor” (see Appendix 1).

Description and course of the game:

To start the game, a child is determined - the “conductor”; the rest of the children in the group are randomly divided into two teams. One team with musical instruments in their hands is located in the center of the hall, facing the “conductor”, the other team forms a circle, holding hands around the children with instruments in their hands. The child - “conductor” with two wooden sticks in his hands is located behind the circle.

Performed music app for the game (see Appendix 1), all children and the teacher sing. To the introduction and words of the game “conductor”, children with instruments in their hands perform a “spring” movement, and children forming a circle move in a circle, holding hands.

Children and teacher : “We stood in a circle together, we called the conductor”They stop and turn to face the “conductor”:"Conductor!"

Conductor: "It's me! Repeat it, friends!

At the end of the singing, the conductor taps on wooden sticks a simple rhythmic pattern of your choice. Children forming a circle repeat the rhythmic pattern proposed by the “conductor”, clapping their hands, then the same rhythmic pattern is repeated by the children standing in the center of the circle, playing musical instruments.

If the rhythmic pattern is reproduced by the children correctly, the teacher praises the children, then the children change roles - those who played musical instruments give them to the children who clapped the rhythmic pattern, and they themselves form a circle, holding hands. The game repeats itself.

If an error occurs while playing the rhythm, the teacher says: “Conductor, our friend, repeat it again.”

At the stage of familiarization with the game, the role of “conductor” can be played by a teacher. In independent musical activities, the “conductor” is selected using a children’s rhyme.

Annex 1

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The role of musical and didactic games in the development of musical abilities, in the formation of the foundations of musical taste, musical culture of preschool children.

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Yulia Borisovna Tyryshkina, teacher of theoretical disciplines

Explanatory note

This development presents a lesson scenario on the subject “Development of musical abilities” for children in the third year of early childhood education. aesthetic development and is aimed at creating conditions for the development of musical creative potential young students. The lesson uses various games and musical activity taking into account age characteristics children (6 years old). The unifying point of the lesson is the inclusion of batons (claves, baton, etc.) in each task.

The lesson or its individual components: tasks, games, numbers, can be recommended to teachers of children's schools and children's music schools for working with children of preschool and primary school age.

The purpose of the lesson:develop children's musical and creative abilities through different kinds musical and gaming activities.


Develop hearing, memory, sense of rhythm, vocal and singing skills, sense of the whole (form), coordination of movements;

Develop creative imagination and the imagination of children through figurative and playful entry into music with the help of movement, creative tasks, activation of mental activity;

Continue teaching children to master DMI;

Develop attention and endurance;

Foster friendly relationships between children.


● verbal (conversation, explanation);

● visual (rhythmic cards);

● gaming;

● practical;


● sticks-claves of different lengths;

● children's noise instruments (tambourines, triangles, drums, maracas, “rain stick”);

● rhythm cards;

● conductor's baton;

Lesson plan:

1.Greeting. Shaking hands.

2. Communicative song - dance “Let's be friends.”

3. Song - improvisation “These are the sticks”

4. Song “The goat walked in heels”

5. Rhythmic game - improvisation “Signal into space”.

6. Rhythmic game “Say the name.”

7. Definition of meter. Exercise "Take and give".

8. Rhythm declamation, canon “Left, Right”.

9.Definition of meter. Movements to three-beat music.

10.Movement in space to change parts in music, reading rhythm.

11. A game for coordination of movements, the ability to move to music, play in rhythm at the “Ski Slalom” performance art competition.

12. Game "Conductor".

13.Musical number on drums “Radetzky March”, I. Strauss.

During the classes

Hello children! Today we have unusual activity. Why do you think? (answers) That's right, because we have guests today.

What's your mood? Let's convey our mood to each other by shaking hands.

1. Handshake Game

Will playing with your friend improve your mood?

2. Communicative song-dance “Let’s play” (see Appendix 1)

Now we have received a real boost of energy and can get to work.

Today's lesson is called "Magic Wands". Why do you think? (answers).

What kind of sticks do we use in our classes? (answers).

Today we will see how you can come up with many games with sticks, we will remember the games that we have already played, and we will learn new ones.

Why did I call the wands “magic”? (answers) Yes, because magic wands help a person in everything he thinks or desires. Let us also wish ourselves that everything will work out for us.

Let's remember the song about sticks.

3. Song - chant “These are the sticks” (see Appendix 2)

What song did we sing and decorate with sticks? (answers)

4. Song “The goat walked in heels” (see Appendix 3)

I offer you the game “Signal to Space.” Have you ever talked to aliens? And now we will try it with you.

Give sticks of different lengths or colors a name-syllable, for example “zum”, “drik”, etc. Using a set of sticks, we lay out the drawing and pronounce it (2 options).

5. Game “Signal to Space”

We have sent wonderful signals into space. Now I suggest you come up with a signal-pose that we will use in class when one of you gets spoiled or becomes inattentive (children's suggestions).

So, as soon as you see this signal, you all take this pose.

The next game is called “Say the Name.” Look at these cards and come up with names that have two syllables and three syllables. We pass the “rain stick” around in a circle and say the name according to this card to the music.

6. Rhythm game “Say the name”

And now this task: stand to my right those who have the same name as this card

What was the name of the gentleman who lived on the “Island of Rhythmic Figures”?

What was he doing on the island?

What were the names of his steps?

How did he count his steps?

In music, that means we count two beats or three beats.

Now let’s do the “Take and Give” exercise.

7. Movements to two-beat music: “take and give” exercise

8. Rhythm declamation and the canon “Left - Right” (see Appendix 4)

Now let’s make the following movements: for one, two we walk and knock with chopsticks, for three we curtsey.

9. Movements to three-beat music

Children, let's go to the board and look at some more cards and read the rhythmic figures. And now we listen to two-part music, for part A we move around the hall and improvise the rhythm with sticks, for part B we come up and knock the rhythm on a card, naming the rhythm syllables. Just let's add more instruments that we play with sticks. What are these tools? (answers). Triangles, xylophones, metallophones.

10. Rhythm reading and rhythmic improvisation

Children, tell me, in what sport do athletes move only with the help of sticks? (answers)

Now we are going to play ski slalom, we need to build a ski slope using sticks and mark the obstacles. Fans take instruments (tambourines and triangles) and stand at the edges of the track. From

We invite guests to a “judge” who will monitor the correct passage of the route and award zloty or silver medals.

11. Game “Ski Slalom”

What do you call a musician who controls an entire orchestra with a baton? (answers)

Who wants to be a conductor?

The rest are divided into 3 groups of instruments (tambourines, maracas, wooden)

12. Game "Conductor"

Guess the riddle:

Wooden girlfriends

They dance on the top of his head,

They beat him, and he thunders -

He tells everyone to keep pace.

Now let's take real drums and perform them using magic wands wonderful music by composer I. Strauss “Radetzky March”.

13. Noise orchestra“Radetzky March” (see Appendix 5)

Our lesson is coming to an end. How is your mood still as good as at the beginning?

Which game did you like the most?

I thank you for good activity, you are all great. Goodbye.

1.Game “Shaking hands”

Children join hands. The presenter sends a signal standing nearby with it to the child through a handshake, the signal can be transmitted to the left or to the right, but you cannot talk. When the signal comes back to the leader, he raises his hand and reports that the signal has been received. Then invites the children to send a signal with eyes closed. The game is played 3-4 times. The main condition is communication without words.

2. “Signal to space”

The game involves sticks of different lengths or colors, for example, 2 long and 4 short. Together with the children, come up with a syllable name for the long and short stick. For example, the long one is “zum”, the short one is “chik”. Children place the sticks in any order and read the resulting “message”. You can come up with and execute several options.

3.Say the name

Children are shown a card with thinking quarter notes



Children call names that correspond to this rhythm, for example Ma-sha, Di-ma, Sa-sha. Then, to the accompaniment of two-beat music, we call the name in a circle and pass the “rain stick”. Also with three-part names

to three-beat music, for example, Mashenka, Dashenka, etc.

4. Exercise "take and give"

Children sit on the floor in a circle on their knees. There are two sticks on the floor in front of each child. Children take the word “take” right hand sticks, for the word “give” they put the sticks on the floor of the neighbor on the right, etc. This exercise can be performed with or without words, to music. This exercise works on synchronization of actions, sense of meter, and coordination of movements.

5. Rhythmic declamation and the canon “Left - Right”

When learning a poem, together with the children we figure out how to decorate it with the sound of sticks, for example:

Left-right, left-right, sticks walk on the floor

A detachment is going to the parade. knocking a stick on a stick

A detachment is going to the parade. knocking a stick on a stick

The drummer is very happy knock on the floor with two sticks

Drumming, drumming beat like a drum

An hour and a half straight. knock the ends of the stick against the stick

To perform the canon, we divide into two teams (two circles).

6. Game “Ski Slalom” We lay out two paths from sticks - the boundaries of the “ski run”. A path of cards is laid out inside the ski slope different sizes and colors.

Rule for passing the route: jump on a blue card on one leg, on a yellow card with two legs. The movements are made to the music. The rest of the participants play instruments. The “judge” chooses who can complete the “course” better without mistakes and awards a “gold” or “silver” medal (cut from self-adhesive film).

7. Game "Conductor"

The conductor is selected by the reader. The remaining students are divided into 3 groups of instruments (wooden, maracas, tambourines). The conductor uses his baton to indicate which group to play when changing parts of the work. Next, a new conductor is chosen, and the children change instruments.

Appendix 3


sl. rus. folk, music by E. Poplyanova

l.The goat was walking in heels.

Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!

In fashionable red boots.

Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!

Along the path: tsk-tsk-tsk,

Chock, chock, chock, chock.

I broke my heel.

2.Here is a goat on one leg

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Jumped along the path

Jump-jump, jump-jump.

Got caught on a twig

Chock, chock, chock, chock.

She broke her heel again.

Z. Here the goat took off her boots,

Well, well, well, well.

She ran along the path.

Well, well, well, well.

I started jumping high.

Wow! Wow!

How easy it is without heels!

Wow! Wow!

Appendix 4

Left-right, left-right,

A detachment is going to the parade,

A detachment is going to the parade,

The drummer is very happy

Drumming, drumming

An hour and a half straight.

Words by Agnia Barto

Appendix 5


1. Alekseeva L.N. Game solfeggio for kids, To help teachers and parents. Edition 4.- 48 pp., ill., notes. - (Series “Game Solfeggio”.)

2. Vasilyeva N.N., Novgorodtseva N.V. Educational games for preschoolers. A popular guide for parents and teachers. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1996.-208 p., ill.

3. Kuprina N. G. Communicative musical games in social development children. Ekaterinburg: Ural. state ped. University, 2002.

4. Mikhailova M.A. Gorbina E.V. We sing, play, dance at home and in the garden. A popular guide for parents and teachers. – Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1996. 240 p., ill.

5. Poplyanova E.I. Come on, Earth, spin! (Dances of the peoples of the world, arranged for Russian children). – Chelyabinsk: AutoGraph, 2006.

6. Poplyanova E.I. Jumping rope sticks. Games, songs and dances for kids, fun company and the whole family.

7. Teach children to sing: Songs and exercises for voice development in children 6-7 years old: Book. For educators and musicians. Head of Det. garden / Comp. G.M.Orlova, S.I. Bekina. - M.: Education, 1988.- 143 p. : music

Feasibility of carrying out :

Materials: spacious room.

Progress of the game: Presenter: Divide into groups of five people. Sit in a circle on the floor and hold hands. Try to stand up all together at the same time, without letting go of your hands. You can discuss in advance who will stand where to better accomplish this task.

After one of the groups completes the task and gets back on its feet, the second part of this game will begin. Each group will turn into a blossoming bud. To do this, children must lean back, holding each other's hands tightly. Here too it is very important that the group is very well balanced.

When the whole group has completed this task, you can try to make larger buds by adding one child to each group.

Game analysis:

How much did you like this game?

How did your group cope with this task?

Were you able to get up quickly? Did you have any difficulties doing this?

Have you discussed with each other how you will deal with these difficulties?

Game "Painting"

Feasibility: a game of unity and interaction.

Necessary materials: a platform that allows you to stand or sit in a circle.

Progress of the game: Everyone sits or stands facing in a circle. Presenter: “Now we will all draw a picture together, and we will do this not with pencils or paints, but with words. I take a large sheet of paper (shows with hands) and draw a horizon line on it. Now I pass this picture to you, ... (name of the participant sitting next to him). The participant takes a picture and says: “I see in this picture the horizon line that I drew... (name of the presenter) and I draw on it (names what he wants to bring into the picture), now I convey this picture... (name the next participant in the circle)". Thus, each participant names everything that others “drew” before him, in the order in which these objects appeared in the picture, while adding to the name of each object: “... which was drawn by (author’s name).” When the picture has gone around the circle and each participant has added something of their own to it, it again ends up with the presenter, and he again lists all the objects and authors in order. Then the presenter sums up: “This is the picture we got.” If the children, having heard the instructions, express concern that they will not be able to remember who “drew what”, the presenter reassures them with a promise to prompt them.

Game "Conductor and Orchestra"

Feasibility: a game of unity and inclusion.

Necessary materials: a platform where all players can stand in a circle.

Progress of the game: Each of the participants chooses a musical instrument for themselves, which they will subsequently “play”. It's best if the children choose different instruments. The leader - “conductor” - is selected. He faces the “orchestra”, and at a signal the “orchestra” begins to play! The conductor makes movements as if he is playing his instrument (for example, he imitates a drumbeat, puffs out his cheeks as if he is playing a flute, etc.). The rest of the orchestra members make movements as if each were playing their own instrument, but at the same time they do not take their eyes off the conductor. Suddenly the conductor “switches” to another instrument - he begins to pretend to play a musical instrument chosen by another participant. The player whose instrument the conductor began to play must immediately stop all movements and cover his ears with his hands. All other participants in the game now switch to the instrument chosen by the conductor. After some time, the conductor returns to his original instrument, and the orchestra members also return to their instruments. So, the conductor “plays” either his own or someone else’s musical instrument, and the players try to catch all the movements and not make a mistake.