Musical lounge for preschool teachers. The music room invites “Such different music...

Lesson - game

Program "Harmony", mathematics, 1st grade

teacher E.A. Fedorova,

school No. 1, Unyugan village

The lesson presented below is lesson 5 in the topic: “Composition of single-digit numbers.” He continues to study the topic: “The meaning of addition. Expression. Equality". And it will continue in the topics: “The whole and parts”, “Increase by...”, “Decrease by...”. Knowledge about the composition of numbers will form the basis for studying the topic: “Adding and subtracting numbers within 100.”

Lesson topic: Composition of single digit numbers. Composition of number 7.


1. Introduce the composition of the number 7, reading mathematical notations and writing the number 7 as the sum of two terms.

2. Continue working on developing tabular addition skills.

3. Develop mathematical observation, the ability to compare, classify, and generalize.

4. Foster independence, interest in educational activities.


Soft toy- a bear cub, sets of circles for children, domino cards, an envelope with tasks, a key, illustrations of cars, posters with circles, a beam, cards with equalities, a winding machine.

Lesson plan.

I. Organizing time .

Good morning. Smile at each other and let’s conduct our lesson in such a joyful mood. Sit down please.

Today in mathematics lesson we will count objects, write down equalities, work with the number ray, make drawings and discover new ones necessary knowledge for further study of mathematics and, of course, we will work together, helping each other.

Walking to school today, I saw a bear cub near the car. He was very upset. The robbers took the key from him, and the bear cub cannot start the car. They promised to return the key if the bear cub completed these tasks. (I show the package with tasks). Shall we help the little bear? The teacher opens the envelope and reads the first task.

II. Verbal counting. 1 task.

We need to find the meaning of the expressions written on the board.

Please stand in 2 columns. On my command, go one after another to the board, write down the meaning of the expressions and stand at the end of the column.

Compare the resulting equalities (consider pairs of equalities written by both teams).

What do you notice in each couple?

How are pairs of equalities different?

Why are the sums in each pair of equalities the same?

Did we help the bear cub complete 1 task?

What knowledge did you use? (Composition of numbers, commutative property of addition).

III. Learning new material.

1. Discovery of new knowledge.

Let's see what the next task the robbers have prepared. Reading the second task.

Task 2.

There are mugs on your desks. Lay them out in front of you. How are all the mugs alike? (Same shape). What is the difference? (Color, size, flower on one circle). Divide the circles into 2 groups based on one of these characteristics. I looked at your work and saw that I got exactly the same groups. (The teacher hangs pictures with circles on the board).

Let's say on what basis did we break the circles in the first picture? (By color). How many yellow circles? (4) How many blue circles are there? (3) How many are there together? (7) Choose the equalities that correspond to the given figure. (Equalities are printed on the board, students go out, choose equalities and hang them under this picture). 4+3=7 3+4=7

On what basis were the circles divided in the following picture? (All without a flower, and 1 with a flower). How many circles are there without a flower? (6) How many circles with a flower? (1). Select equalities. 6+1=7 1+6 =7

Let's look at figure 3. On what basis were the circles broken in this picture? (To size). How many small circles? (5) How many big circles? (2) How many circles are there in the picture? Select equalities. 5+2=7 2+5=7

Let's check. Look at the blackboard. Did the guys choose the equations for each picture correctly? Why?

Why did you choose 2 equalities for each picture?

What is the value of the expressions in all equalities? (7)

2.Message of the topic of the lesson.

So we have discovered new knowledge. Who guessed what the topic of our lesson is? So, the topic of our lesson is the composition of the number 7. You need to know the composition of the number 7 by heart. Why do you think? Let's repeat it in chorus again. (7 is...).

3. Message about the number 7.

4. Physical education for the eyes.

(We look left and right, up and down, in a circle, blinked, opened wide, looked at the board, at me, we continue working).

Our eyes are rested, but we cannot relax. Shall we help the little bear complete his next task?

Let's read task 3 and complete it to help the little bear.

3 task.

5. Independent work children with a textbook.

Open the textbook on page 83 No. 190. Read the assignment? I think each of you can handle this task on your own. Raise the textbook higher. Open your notebook. Place it on the corner, keeping the back straight. Find the dot in your notebook. In this line we write the first equality, skip three cells to the side and write the second equality. (The teacher walks around and checks).

When you were working with the first ray, I noticed the following equalities in your notebooks (3+4=7 3+5=7).

Let's check whether the resulting equations are true or false.

Who will use a ray on the board to check these equations?

What did we see? (The first equality is true, but the second is not).

What needs to be done for equality to be true? (Change the value of the sum or the second term).

Let's turn false equality into inequality.

How can I do that? (Let's replace the = sign with ...).

Why do we put a bigger sign? (because the number 8 is on number line stands behind the number 7).

State the equality corresponding to the second ray, etc. -What do all equalities have in common? (Value = 7).

6. Physical education minute.

Mishka stomp, Mishka, clap, squat with me, my friend, hands up, forward and down, smile and sit down.

IV. Reinforcing the material covered.

Let's move on to the next task of the robbers. To complete this we will need to split into groups.

4 task.

Work in groups.

Now let's work in groups. You and I have decided that boys will work in one group, and girls in another. Take your seats at the tables. Choose a commander. Let's listen to the task. There are cards with chips on the tables. (Domino). What's on them? (Mugs). What is written next to the chips: left and right. (Numbers). Discuss with each other what equalities can be written down. The first equality is written down on the piece of paper that lies in front of you by the commander, the next one is written down by the person sitting to the right of the commander, etc. clockwise. Whichever group completes the task first starts a shootout - reads the expression, and the second group names the result. What do all equalities have in common? (Sum value =7). During the lesson we completed various tasks and we succeeded in all of them - the number 7. Who has already memorized the composition of the number 7? This means that when you come home, you can please your parents with your knowledge. Take your seats at your desks.

Physical education for fingers.

Teddy bear, bear, little bear - flexion, extension of the hand

You are naughty child - castle

He ran away with the number - connect thumbs

And where I didn’t say - fist - palm

A new test awaits us, which the robbers have prepared...

Task 5.

Working with a text task.

There were 3 blue cars and 4 red cars in the parking lot.

Draw how many cars were parked in total.

I saw these drawings: ooooooo ooooooo.

How to find the right drawing? (Color 3 blue cars and 4 red cars)..

Change the text to match the first picture.

Let's write down the expressions for the first and second figures. We have one last task left. Having completed it, we will help the bear cub.

6 task.

4. Working with complex expressions.

Expressions are written on the board. Find the meaning of these expressions.

4+2-1= 5+1+1= 3+1+2=

Compare the meanings of the expressions. -Name those expressions whose values ​​are equal to 7.

V. Bottom line.

Open the textbook on p.83.

Find the table + adding the number 7. Let's repeat it in chorus.

VI. Reflection.

We have completed all the tasks, but the robbers want to know which car you will choose for your trip home. You have mugs on your desks, if you think that you remember the composition of the number 7 well, then put it in the pocket of the blue (racing) car, and if you need help, then in the pocket of the car - “ Ambulance" I am very pleased with your work in the lesson and the robbers are also happy with you. Look, they gave us a car key to give back to the bear. Let's see what kind of car the bear cub will hit the road in. (A large winding car drives out). The little bear is grateful to you for your help. You are true friends.

The lesson is over. - Thank you for your work.


Istomina. N.B. Mathematics 1st grade Publishing House "21st Century Association", 2015

Kovalko V.I. School of physical education (1-4). M.: Vako, 2016

Target: Introduce children to the composition of the number 7 from two smaller ones.

Program content:

  • practice counting within 10, the ability to name the “neighbors” of named numbers, distinguish and name numbers in order;
  • fix the names of the days of the week;
  • introduce the number and number 7;
  • teach children to form the number 7 from two smaller numbers;
  • improve computing skills;
  • continue to form mental operations - analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization; ability to work independently;
  • develop creative abilities;
  • cultivate curiosity, attention, and self-control skills.

Dictionary: activate quantitative and ordinal numbers, names of days of the week in speech.

Demo material: flower, typesetting canvas, set of numbers from 1 to 10, card with number 7, game “Living Week”, train with carriages, pictures of animals with examples, d/i “Number House”.

Handout: sets of cards with numbers and signs, geometric figures for construction (7 squares and 1 circle for each).

Methodical techniques:

  • surprise moment
  • use of visual material
  • d\i “Find the number”
  • working with counting sticks
  • d\i "Live Week"
  • physical minute
  • d\i "Seated in carriages"
  • d\i "Number House"
  • productive activity.

GCD move

Organizing time

We were expecting guests today

And everyone was a little worried.

Now let's get down to business.

Mathematics awaits us

Let's start counting verbally.

Math warm-up:

Ordinal counting from 1 to 10;

Count down from 10 to 1;

Name the number following the number 4, 8;

Name the number that comes before the number 3, 7;

Name the number that is between the numbers 8 and 6, 4 and 2;

Name the neighbors of the numbers 5, 9.

Show the children a flower.

Educator: Guys, what do you think the name of this flower is?

Children: The flower is called a flower - seven-flowered.

Educator: Why was the magic flower called the seven-flowered flower?

Children: Because it has 7 petals and they are all different color: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet).

Educator: That's right, this magical flower's petals are painted in seven colors. Guys, do you know where else this color combination can be found?

Children: There are also 7 colors in the rainbow.

Educator: Our air balloons on the wall remind us of the colors of the rainbow. Guys, who can tell me a poem that helps me remember the name and location of the colors in the rainbow?

Children:“Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting.”

Educator: Let's repeat it and remember it.

Educator: The petals of our seven-flowered flower are not simple, but magical. Each petal has a task written on it that needs to be completed. So, let's pick the first petal.

Exercise 1

Educator: Read a series of numbers . Is everything okay here? (Children read).

Children: The number 7 is missing.

Educator: Between what numbers does the number 7 stand? (Put number 7). Your correct answer helped put the number back in place.

Educator: Look what the number 7 looks like. What does the number 7 look like? (Children's answers).

Number 7, number 7

The number is quite easy.

I'll bring the scythe

And I’ll draw that braid.

Educator: Let's lay it out from the counting sticks.

Task 2

Educator: In what fairy tales and proverbs does the number 7 appear?

Children: Fairy tales: “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “The Tale of dead princess and seven heroes." Proverbs: “Seven do not wait for one,” “Measure seven times, cut once,” “Seven diseases cure onions.”

Task 3

Educator: Guess the riddle:

There are exactly seven of these brothers.

You all know them.

Every week around

Brothers walk after each other.

The last one will say goodbye -

The front one appears.

(Days of the week)

Educator: How many days are there in a week? What is the first day? What are the days off? What day is today? What day was yesterday? What will it be like tomorrow? Let's play the game "Live Week". You and I know that each day of the week corresponds to a certain number. I show you a card with figures, and you tell me what day of the week it is and why.

Task 4

I want to become an athlete
I'm jumping rope
I'll go to the bike.
And I’ll go faster than anyone else.
I'll bend, bend, bend,
I'll reach the floor
I can easily touch the floor -
I straighten myself carefully.
I will raise my hands up.
I don’t understand where the sky is!
I'll close my eyes and hands
I'll play with the clouds.
I'll sit down, back straight.
Let my mother praise me!
After all, exercise every day.
I'm not at all lazy to do it.

Hands to the sides, in a fist,
Unclench it to the side.
Left up!
Right up!
To the sides, crosswise,
To the sides, down.
Knock-knock, knock-knock-knock! (knock fist on fist)
Let's do it big circle (“draw” a circle with your hands).

Task 5

Educator: Help the animals find the carriage number. To find out, we need to solve examples. Who will travel in the first carriage? In the second? In third? Which carriage will the fox travel in? Bunny? Name in order who is traveling in which carriage?

Task 6

Educator: Guys, we need to fill all the floors in the house with possible options for the composition of the number. Listen to the problem.

I found it in a squirrel's hollow

6 small hazelnuts.

Yes, there is still 1 lying

Carefully covered with moss.

What a squirrel! Here's the hostess!

Count all the nuts!

Educator: How many nuts does a squirrel have?

Children: Total 7 (6 and 1 more).


Five tits sat on a branch,

Two jackdaws flew towards them.

Count quickly, kids.

How many birds are sitting on the branch?

Children: Total 7 (5 tits and 2 jackdaws). Children fill the house.


Group of little ducklings

They want to swim and dive.

The four sailed away

Three dived deep.

Children: Total 7 (4 swam and 3 dived). Children fill the house.

Educator: Well done, the whole house is filled! Let's repeat the composition of the number 7.

7 is 6 and 1; 5 and 2; 4 and 3.

Task 7

Educator: And on our seven-flowered flower there remained the last petal with the task. You and I need to make our own magic flower. Look at what geometric shapes are on your table? (squares and circle) Count how many squares there are? (7) How many circles? (1). To make the petals, we need to fold the square diagonally, what shape did you get? (triangle). We fold the corners to the fold line and get a petal. How many petals should you get? (7). Why do you think we need a circle? (make the middle of the flower). Children complete the task.

Educator: Well done, what beautiful seven-flowered flowers you have created, you can make a wish and it will definitely come true.

Summing up.

Educator: Did you like the tasks of the flower-seven-flower? Well done, you coped with everything.

  • Let's remember all the colors of the petals in order that were on the seven-flowered flower.
  • Who remembers the magic phrase about the colors of the rainbow?
  • Which task did you like the most?
  • What was difficult?
  • What was the main number today?



Summary of an integrated lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts and design on the topic:

"Composition of the number 7"

Target: Introduce children to the composition of the number 7 from two smaller ones.

Program content:

  • practice counting within 10, the ability to name the “neighbors” of named numbers, distinguish and name numbers in order;
  • fix the names of the days of the week;
  • introduce the number and number 7;
  • teach children to form the number 7 from two smaller numbers;
  • improve computing skills;
  • continue to form mental operations - analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization; ability to work independently;
  • develop creative abilities;
  • cultivate curiosity, attention, and self-control skills.

Dictionary: activate quantitative and ordinal numbers, names of days of the week in speech.

Demo material: flower, typesetting canvas, set of numbers from 1 to 10, card with number 7, game “Living Week”, train with carriages, pictures of animals with examples, d/i “Number House”.

Handout:sets of cards with numbers and signs, geometric shapes for construction (7 squares and 1 circle for each).

Methodical techniques:

  • surprise moment
  • use of visual material
  • d\i “Find the number”
  • working with counting sticks
  • d\i "Live Week"
  • physical minute
  • d\i "Seated in carriages"
  • d\i "Number House"
  • productive activity.

GCD move

Children enter the group and greet the guests. They sit down at the tables.

Organizing time

We were expecting guests today

And everyone was a little worried.

Are we good at

Now let's get down to business.

Mathematics awaits us

Let's start counting verbally.

Math warm-up:

Ordinal counting from 1 to 10;

Count down from 10 to 1;

Name the number following the number 4, 8;

Name the number that comes before the number 3, 7;

Name the number that is between the numbers 8 and 6, 4 and 2;

Name the neighbors of the numbers 5, 9.

Show the children a flower.

Educator: Guys, what do you think the name of this flower is?

Children: The flower is called a flower - seven-flowered.

Educator : Why was the magic flower called the seven-flowered flower?

Children: Because it has 7 petals and they are all different colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet).

Educator: That's right, this magical flower's petals are painted in seven colors. Guys, do you know where else this color combination can be found?

Children: There are also 7 colors in the rainbow.

Educator: Our balloons on the wall remind us of the colors of the rainbow. Guys, who can tell me a poem that helps me remember the name and location of the colors in the rainbow?

Children: “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting.”

Educator: Let's repeat it and remember it.

Educator: The petals of our seven-flowered flower are not simple, but magical. Each petal has a task written on it that needs to be completed. So, let's pick the first petal.

The teacher plucks the petals one by one and reads the assignments.

Exercise 1

There is a typesetting cloth on the board and number series without the number 7.

Educator: Read a series of numbers. Is everything okay here?(Children read).

Children: The number 7 is missing.

Educator: Between what numbers does the number 7 stand?(Put number 7).Your correct answer helped put the number back in place.

Educator: Look what the number 7 looks like.(Hang up a card with the number 7).What does the number 7 look like? (Children's answers).

Number 7, number 7

The number is quite easy.

I'll bring the scythe

And I’ll draw that braid.

Educator: Let's lay it out from the counting sticks.(Working with counting sticks).

Task 2

Educator: In what fairy tales and proverbs does the number 7 appear?

Children: Fairy tales: “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”. Proverbs: “Seven do not wait for one,” “Measure seven times, cut once,” “Seven diseases cure onions.”

Task 3

Educator: Guess the riddle:

There are exactly seven of these brothers.

You all know them.

Every week around

Brothers walk after each other.

The last one will say goodbye -

The front one appears.

(Days of the week)

Educator: How many days are there in a week? What is the first day? What are the days off? What day is today? What day was yesterday? What will it be like tomorrow? Let's play the game "Live Week". You and I know that each day of the week corresponds to a certain number. I show you a card with figures, and you tell me what day of the week it is and why.

Task 4


I want to become an athlete
I'm jumping rope
I'll go to the bike.
And I’ll go faster than anyone else.
I'll bend, bend, bend,
I'll reach the floor
I can easily touch the floor -
I straighten myself carefully.
I will raise my hands up.
I don’t understand where the sky is!
I'll close my eyes and hands
I'll play with the clouds.
I'll sit down, back straight.
Let my mother praise me!
After all, exercise every day.
I'm not at all lazy to do it.

Hands to the sides, in a fist,
Unclench it to the side.
Left up!
Right up!
To the sides, crosswise,
To the sides, down.
Knock-knock, knock-knock-knock!(knock fist on fist)
Let's make a big circle
(“draw” a circle with your hands).

Task 5

Educator: Help the animals find the carriage number. To find out, we need to solve examples. Who will travel in the first carriage? In the second? In third? Which carriage will the fox travel in? Bunny? Name in order who is traveling in which carriage?

Task 6

Educator: Guys, we need to fill all the floors in the house with possible options for the composition of the number. Listen to the problem.

I found it in a squirrel's hollow

6 small hazelnuts.

Yes, there is still 1 lying

Carefully covered with moss.

What a squirrel! Here's the hostess!

Count all the nuts!

Educator: How many nuts does a squirrel have?

Children: Total 7 (6 and 1 more).The child goes to the easel andfills the house. Children work with cards at tables.


Five tits sat on a branch,

Two jackdaws flew towards them.

Count quickly, kids.

How many birds are sitting on the branch?

Children: Total 7 (5 tits and 2 jackdaws).Children fill the house.


Group of little ducklings

They want to swim and dive.

The four sailed away

Three dived deep.

How many ducklings are there in the pond?

Children : Total 7 (4 swam and 3 dived).Children fill the house.

Educator: Well done, the whole house is filled! Let's repeat the composition of the number 7.

7 is 6 and 1; 5 and 2; 4 and 3.

Task 7

Educator: And on our seven-flowered flower there remained the last petal with the task. You and I need to make our own magic flower. Look at what geometric shapes are on your table? (squares and circle) Count how many squares there are? (7) How many circles? (1). To make the petals, we need to fold the square diagonally, what shape did you get? (triangle). We fold the corners to the fold line and get a petal. How many petals should you get? (7). Why do you think we need a circle? (make the middle of the flower).Children complete the task.

Educator: Well done, what beautiful seven-flowered flowers you have created, you can make a wish and it will definitely come true.

Summing up.

Educator: Did you like the tasks of the flower-seven-flower? Well done, you coped with everything.

  • Let's remember all the colors of the petals in order that were on the seven-flowered flower.
  • Who remembers the magic phrase about the colors of the rainbow?
  • Which task did you like the most?
  • What was difficult?
  • What was the main number today?

Summarize the children's answers. Distribute chips.

Leading activity in preschool age- a game. That is why all training should take place in a playful way.

The composition of numbers begins to be taught in the preparatory group for school. The material for a preschooler is difficult, but game techniques will help you successfully cope with the task.

Examples of games and tasks. (All games are given to study the composition of the number 5)

1. Game with colored circles.

To play, you need to prepare double-sided colored circles. One side is red, the other is blue (for example)

How many circles are there in total?

You flip one circle, blue side up.

How many circles are there?

You find out that the quantity has not changed, but the number 5 was made up in a different way by 1 + 4.

Carry out similar work until all the red circles are upside down.

2. Solving “fun” problems.

This is what tasks are called - questions in poetic form. Before starting the game, you need to prepare the same circles that we used in the first task and make a selection of problems.

For example:

Two red cats were sitting on the porch (the child puts 2 red circles aside)
Three black cats were looking out the window. (3 blue circles)
Well, who is ready to answer,
How many cats are there in total?

The child counts the circles and says the answer. If you manage to create pictures that you can use to check the solution to the problem again, you will receive additional opportunity consolidate the composition of the number.

3. Game "Who lives in the house?"

The child must enter a number that complements the number in the first column to 5.

4. Game "Guess - ka"

You have a box of cubes. Together with your child, count the number of cubes (B in this case there are 5 of them), then cover the box with a napkin and take out a certain number of cubes from the box.

I took out 1(2, 3, 4) cube. How many cubes are left in the box? How did you guess?
- There are 4(3, 2, 1) cubes left. 5 is 1 +4.

5. Game "Shop"

You can sell whatever is convenient for you - books, cups, spoons, pencils... The only condition is that the price of the product is the same (in our case, 5 rubles) and corresponds to the number being studied. The child needs to be given a set of numbers so that he can add 2 numbers to get the desired one. If you give him “real” children's rubles, the game will become more attractive.

Abstract of educational activities for children 6-7 years old for the educational organization “Cognition” (mathematical and sensory development) “Composition of the number 7”

Target: consolidate knowledge about the composition of the number 7.
1. Educational:
Strengthen the ability to decompose the number 7 into two smaller numbers;
To consolidate knowledge about the days of the week, the colors of the rainbow;
Strengthen the ability to use a ruler to draw segments;
Strengthen the ability to perform graphic dictation dictation;
Learn to color pictures using numeric color symbols;
2. Developmental:
Develop spatial and logical thinking;
Develop attention, memory, speech, imagination;
Develop the ability to evaluate your work independently;
Expand children's horizons.
3. Educational:
Cultivate a sense of compassion, a desire to do good;
Develop the ability to listen to other children without interrupting.
Didactic material:
1. Ballpoint pens, colored pencils, rulers, glue stick for each pupil;
2. Checkered sheets (2 pieces) for each student;
3. An envelope with painted buckets and a set of colored paper fish for each student;
4. A4 sheet of paper with an image of an octopus for each pupil;
5. A4 sheet with an image of ladybugs for each pupil;
6. Color by number sheet for each student;
7. Self-assessment sheet “Seven Flowers” ​​and a set of seven petals for each student;
8. Illustration from the fairy tale “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”;
9. Illustration “Rainbow”;
10. Illustration “Nuts”;
11. Image of a ladybug.

Progress of educational activities:

Teacher: Hello, guys! Look, guests came to our lesson today. They want to see what you can do and what you know. Therefore, we need to try and not be distracted.
Introduction to the game situation:
That very day has come!
We are not too lazy to study.
Let's hold hands tightly
And let's smile at each other.
We'll look at the guests
It will be instantly more fun!
Now let's take a look -
We got up early today.
To kindergarten come,
Show us what we know!
Teacher: Guys, you are already quite big and in a few months you will go to school. And which of you will answer my question: “How old will each of you be when you go to school in first grade?
Children: answers.
Teacher: Of course, 7 years! This means that you are already very big guys. But the number 7 is not a simple number at all. And that’s why I invite you today to learn something new about her, and repeat what we already know about her. Ready? Let's begin!
Guys, look what's on your table?
Children: answers.
Teacher: Each of you has a piece of paper with the image of “Seven Flowers”. Why is this flower called exactly that?
Children: answers.
Teacher: That's right, it has 7 petals. And you also have 7 petals of different colors. Guys, you and I will now start doing different interesting tasks. For each correctly completed task, you will stick a petal on your “Seven Flowers”. If at the end of the lesson you have all the petals glued on, it means you tried hard and you completed all the tasks correctly.
Teacher: this morning on my desk I found an envelope with a letter. This letter is from the evil Kikimora from the forest and it is addressed to the guys from preparatory group, which means you. Shall we read it?
Children: answer.
Teacher: opens the envelope and reads the letter.
“I, Kikimora, was walking through the forest and met ladybugs. I looked at them - they were all so beautiful and colorful. She got angry and bewitched them. And until they find out how to place their 7 black dots on their wings different ways, they will remain enchanted. But these cows can’t count. Do you know how?
Guys, can we count?
Children: answer.
Teacher: Can we decompose the number 7 into two smaller ones?
Children: answers.
Teacher: Then let's help ladybugs. Place dots on their wings in different ways. But first, let's stretch our fingers:
Finger game "Small bead".
A small bead landed on a flower.
Red back, black dots –
This is how we decorate our flowers.
She sat a little and flew up to the sky,
She opened her wings and soared in the air.
Children: complete the task.
Teacher: Now let's check how you coped with the task?
Children: answers.
Teacher: Those who completed the task correctly, stick a petal on the “Seven Flowers” ​​for yourself.
Teacher: Guys, please tell me, have you ever heard the proverb “Measure seven times, cut once”? What do you think she teaches us?
Children: answers.
Teacher: Well done, of course, she says that there is no need to rush in any matter. But now we will also play a game called “Draw a segment.” We take a piece of paper in a box, a ruler and a pen. Let me remind you that we start drawing from mark zero. Draw a line 7 centimeters long. Now draw a segment 1 cm larger than the first. Draw a segment 2 cm smaller than the second one.
Children: complete the task.
Teacher: Let's check what you drew. Whoever gets everything right glues a petal to the “Seven Flowers”.
Teacher: Let's relax and walk along the rainbow!
Physical education lesson “Along the Rainbow Arc”:
Hello, rainbow-arc,
Multicolored bridge!
Hello, rainbow-arc!
Welcome us as a guest.
We're running across the rainbow
Let's go for a run barefoot.
Through the rainbow-arc
Let's jump over while running
And run again, run
Let's go for a run barefoot.
Teacher: Well done guys! Have you rested? Let's continue. Look, guys, on your table there is a piece of paper with a picture of an octopus. His name is Vasya. He will also go to his maritime school, but in next year. And he really wants to learn everything as quickly as possible. Shall we help him?
Children: answers.
Teacher: So, first of all, Vasya would like to learn the names of the days of the week in order. Guys, how many days do we have in a week?
Children: answers.
Teacher: And our Vasya also has 7 legs and a number is written on each leg. Look, on your table there are small buckets with the names of the days of the week. Glue them onto a piece of paper, following the pattern: 7 numbers - 7 days of the week.
Children: complete the task.
Teacher: Let's check if you taught Vasya the days of the week correctly?
Children: answers.
Teacher: Well done! Now you can glue your petal on. Before we begin the next task, let’s stretch our fingers.
Finger game “How many legs does an octopus have?”
On one sliding leg
House, head and horns.
Give me your fingers here!
Those are not fingers - horns.
Here are seven toes -
The result was an octopus.
How many legs does an octopus have?
- A lot of!
“How much dust, how much litter -
I won’t get to the door soon,” -
And sighs heavily
Our turtle.
Teacher: Guys, our octopus Vasya loves to catch fish. There are fish on your table different colors. Now I will name the color of the fish and the day of the week, and you stick the fish, listening carefully to what I say.
On Monday Vasya caught a red fish.
On Friday - blue.
On Wednesday - yellow.
On Sunday - purple.
On Tuesday - orange.
On Saturday - blue.
On Thursday - green.
Teacher: Guys, look carefully at the fish. Have you noticed anything unusual? Look at their colors. What do they remind you of?
Children: answers.
Teacher: Of course, a rainbow. How many colors are there in a rainbow? That's right - seven! Let's look at the rainbow and name them in order.
Children: complete the task.
Teacher: To check the correctness of the task, look at your fish? starting from the first? and compare their colors with the rainbow. If everything is correct, glue the petal to your “Seven Flowers”.
Teacher: Guys, guess which fairy tale the words are from:
The little goats opened the door
And... did everyone disappear somewhere?
a) The goat left, and the kids began to play hide and seek. Six kids ran to hide, and one kid stayed to lead. How many kids play hide and seek? Write an example.
There were 7 kids, 6 ran to hide. How many kids are left?
There were 7 kids, 1 went to lead, how many kids hid?
b) They ran around, played enough, and decided to rest: 5 kids read books, and the rest play checkers. How many kids play checkers?
4 kids went to eat cabbage, the rest stayed to play. How many kids are playing? Write down an example.
Teacher: Let's check how you solved the problems.
Children: answers.
Teacher: Whoever has everything correct glues a petal. Now, let's take a rest.
Physical education lesson “Bear”:
A bear walks through the forest
Wanders from oak to oak.
Finds honey in hollows
And he puts it in his mouth.
The clubfooted one with a sweet tooth licks his paw,
And the bees swoop in and drive the bear away.
And the bees sting the bear: “Don’t eat our honey, thief!”
A bear is walking along a forest road to his den.
He goes to bed, falls asleep and remembers the bees!
Teacher: Look what I found in the group today! Yes, these are nuts. How many are there? But whose are they, guys? Let's guess who brought them here. And for this we need to complete a graphic dictation. Take checkered leaves and pens. Listen carefully and make no mistakes.
Children: complete the task.
Teacher: Well, who did you get? Yes, these are squirrel nuts. If you have a squirrel, stick on a petal.
Teacher: Guys, we have one last task left. Do you remember the fairy tale "Snow White"? and who else was in this fairy tale? That's right, gnomes. Who remembers how many there were? That's right, seven. There are pictures of gnomes on your tables. But the artist forgot all the numbers and colors and did not color them. Let's help him. Look, each number corresponds to a specific color. Follow this pattern and you will succeed. But first, let's stretch our fingers.
Finger gymnastics “Gnome”:
Who lives under the ceiling? - Dwarf!
Does he have a beard? - Yes!
What about the car and the vest? - No!
How does he get up in the morning? - Myself!
Who drinks coffee with him in the morning? - Cat!
How long has he been living like this? - Year!
Who's running around on the roof with him? - Mice!
He's being capricious, right? - Never!
Well, what's his name? - Skrut!
Children: complete the task.
Teacher: Our lesson has come to an end. You all worked hard today. Well done! Let's now check who did how. Whoever has all the “Seven Flowers” ​​petals pasted on, raise your hand. Who is missing one petal? Who's missing two? Who has more?
Well done everyone, you tried your best
Everyone turned out to be smart.
The tasks were done correctly
It's time for everyone to go to school!