Name of school discos. Material on the topic: Game disco "Dance and have fun"

Tatyana Khokhlova
Disco scenario for children from 3 to 7 years old


Track 01, 08, 11, 37, 40.

DJ 1: Hello children!

DJ 2: Hello, all the kids - pencils!

(Children answer sluggishly, and even if they answer.)

DJ 1: Darina, do you hear anything?

DJ 2: No. Our children probably haven’t woken up yet this morning! Let's say hello to them again.

DJ 1: Hello kids! Girls and boys!

(children scream at the top of their lungs)

DJ 2: Now it’s a different matter! Now you are great!

DJ 1: Let's get acquainted first! My name is….

DJ 2: and my name is. What is your name.

DJ 1: I do not understand.

DJ 2: Let's do this, guys. On check: three or four, you all shout out your name together. Agreed?

DJ 1: So, are you ready? Three, four.

(children shout their names)

DJ 1: Darina, did you hear everyone’s names?

DJ 2: Of course everyone. Now that we have all met, we can begin our disco.

DJ 1: Well, who's ready? "spark off"? Oh, what great guys!

DJ 2: And since it is still morning, what do all the people do in the morning, who can say?

(children begin to list : wash, brush teeth, etc.)

DJ 1: What else do people do in the morning? morning exercises. It's time for you and me to do it. Everyone lined up amicably and beautifully. Let's start.

Track 42. (1,31)

DJ 2: Oh, what great fellows! You're doing great! And since we are so good and obedient, we need to praise ourselves and dance to a cheerful song.

Track 03. (2,15)

DJ 1: Now let’s go to kindergarten!

Track 10 (2,46)

DJ 2: Guys, how great you dance! Who's having fun? Then let's play fun game "If life is fun". Who wants to play with me? Then let's begin.

Track 21 (1,18)

DJ 2: Now I see how fun you all are, then let’s continue our disco.

Track 18. (3.03, track 28 (2.20, track 36 (2,14) .

DJ 1: Well done! Do you like to solve riddles?

Then listen carefully and guess quickly; whoever guesses right will receive a prize.

In the cold he sleeps in a den

Quietly snoring into holes

When he wakes up, well, cry,

And his name is... bear

DJ 2:

He tells everyone - ha-ha,

Where are you from and where?

I'm not afraid of anyone

Well of course it's... a goose

DJ 1: Well done! And now the riddles are more difficult.

An orange root sits underground,

It stores a lot of vitamins,

Helps children become healthier

What kind of vegetable is this, can you tell? carrot

DJ 2:

There are red fruits on the green bed,

Round, pot-bellied, do you recognize them?

How large berries hanging in clusters

It’s as if they’re asking for a vegetable salad. tomatoes

DJ 1:

Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz,

A beetle is running down the street.

And they burn in the beetle's eyes

Two shiny lights.

DJ 2: And the last riddle.

Light lumps of cotton wool

They are floating somewhere in the sky.


Oh, you guys are not only funny, but also so smart! Well, did you rest a little? Then it's time to dance. And our dance will be unusual. And it's called "four steps forward". For this we all need to do a big round dance.

(children line up in a round dance)

Track 20 (1,46)

DJ 1: This is the funny dance we learned. Now you can safely continue dancing.

Track 04 (2.32, track 30 (3.09, track 31 (2.04, 09) (2,15) .

DJ 1: how do you like dancing? Are you having fun? Maybe we can play?

DJ 2: Who will join my team?

(children split into two teams)

DJ 1: Our team is called.

DJ 2: And our team is called.

DJ 1: (Explains the rules of the game).

Track 12 (3.30)

DJ 1: I won. Friendship! All participants in this relay receive prizes. And ours the disco continues.

Track 04 (2.32, track 26 (1.46, track 29 (3.53, track 35 (3,06) .

DJ 2: Well done! And who knows who else is doing well today?

And today we have well done mothers! And who knows why?

(children talk all about their mothers)

And our mothers are great because they brought you to us disco!

We need to thank our moms and dads! Let's dance the funniest dance in the world "Dance of little ducks". Who knows this one? And whoever doesn’t know, we will teach him.

Track 50 (2,52)

DJ 1: Well, moms and dads, did you like the dance? Then clap loudly for your little ones! And we continue our disco. Today we will learn one more dance. This is the tumbler dance.

Track 22 (1,43) .

DJ 1: Here they are, smart guys. You can come home and dance this dance to your grandmothers, believe me, they know this dance very well. And we continue our disco. Everyone is invited to the dance floor. Moms and dads, join us!

Track 53 (2.56, track 57 (1,58) .

DJ 2: Dear friends, today our guest is a student from a professional training_studio of theater and cinema "FRAME", winner of the children's karaoke championship "karaolka" Sofia Kapralova. Meet me. Today we dance and sing with her!

Kapralov's track "Don't dance". (3,34)

DJ 1: Well, guys, let's thank Sophia for her performance. Did you, dear parents, like our Sophia’s performance? These are the types of people our studio produces, bring yours children study with us and they will also delight you with their talents. And we continue to have fun!

DJ 2: Do you like cartoons? Who loves songs from cartoons?

Let's remember the most best songs from our favorite cartoons. We will sing and dance. Who wants? Then let's begin.

Track 24 (6 :00)

DJ 1: Darina, look at the children we have here today! They can dance, and they can solve riddles, and they even sing so well. What smart guys. Well, aren't you tired yet? Then new song to which you and I will dance.

Track 29 (3:53, track 55 ( 3 :33, 64 (3 :22, 71 (2,18) .

DJ 2: The time has come for us to say goodbye to you. Did you like it with us? More come visit us?

DJ 1: Dear parents, thank you for giving your children a holiday today. We remind you that today disco"Baby Boom" conducted for you by students senior group professional training - theater and film studios "FRAME". We are waiting for you to come to our studio for training, and every Sunday at disco, which will begin at 11.00.

Goodbye, guys!

School events and school holidays


The scenario is suitable for holding a disco in the evening after school for students in grades 5-8.

Location: Assembly Hall.

Number of participants: 30-80 people.

Age of participants: 13-15 years old.

Event duration: 4 hours.

Material support:

for room decoration: balloons, posters with invitations to dance, drawings of dancing couples;

musical accompaniment;

props for competitions: newspapers for the “Dancing on Ice” competition, balloons;

prize fund.

Room decoration

The decoration of the room may correspond to the time of year when the event is held, or to a specific dance that will be learned during the evening. You can decorate the room balloons, invitations to dance, posters with dancing couples. For dance evening Color music and various lighting effects are required.

The original decoration of the room is cords stretched under the ceiling, on which you can attach balloons, New Year's rain, stars and crescents cut out of cardboard and pasted over with foil. These objects should be hung so that children can touch them by jumping.

Preparing for the event

The host of the holiday needs to learn a fairly simple dance in advance. It could be popular dance(for example, Macarena), forgotten dance (for example, Letka-enka), simplified version ballroom dance(eg tango, cha-cha-cha, jive). You can come up with some original dance moves of your own.

When preparing for the evening, special attention should be paid to musical accompaniment.

Event plan

  1. Dance quiz.
  2. Dance competitions.
  3. New dance.
  4. Games.
  5. Dancing.
  6. Natural selection.

Games are held if the activity of those present decreases. At the same time, most of the games and competitions are held to music, which allows those who do not participate in competitions to dance the way they like.

1. Dance quiz

Host: Greetings to all guests of our disco club. Let's check your “dance literacy” - how much do you know about dancing, do you know how to dance?

Competition 1

The guys must list the names of the dances. The most active participants receive prizes.

This competition can be held in following form. Participants list the names of the dances in random order. After each word named, the presenter counts to three, and if during this time no one names new dance, victory is awarded to the player who said the last word.

Competition 2 - quiz

The host asks a question related to dancing, and the participants answer in random order.

The guys who give the most correct answers receive a prize.

Examples of questions for the quiz

  1. Polish dance, the name of which is derived from the name of the city in which it was invented. (Krakowiak)
  2. Ballroom dance, a “relative” of rock and roll (Jive)
  3. Gopak is the folk dance of which country? (Ukraine)
  4. Greek dance, which was danced by gods and heroes Ancient Hellas. (Sirtaki)
  5. Sailor dance. (Bullseye)
  6. Which of the following dances does not actually exist: mamba, papamba, samba? (Pa-pamba)
  7. J. Strauss was called the king of what dance? (Waltz)
  8. What kind of dance can you dance to this music? (Several musical fragments are played)

Competition 3

The presenter offers not only to name, but also to show several movements of the named dance. Participants who name and demonstrate the most dances receive prizes. When choosing winners, preference is given not to those who pronounce the name of the dance, but to those who show it.

Leading: I see that you are well prepared for coming to the disco club. Welcome!

(30-40 minute dance block)

2. Dance competitions

The following competitions can be held between dances.

Dance competition Dancing on an ice floe

Participants are given newspapers. They must dance without leaving the newspaper. At each signal from the host, the newspaper is folded in half and the dance continues. Music changes all the time. If anyone steps off the newspaper during the dance, they are eliminated from the competition. The last participant remaining in the game receives a prize.

The game can be played for dancing couples.

Dance competition Originality

Participants dance to the music. At the same time, the music is constantly changing. The audience jury evaluates the dancers and awards prizes.

Examples of nominations for awarding prizes

The most original dance.

The most flexible dance.

Most fiery dance.

The best dance technique.

The most resourceful dancer.

The most tireless dancer.

The most inventive dancer.

3. New dance

Leading: I made sure that you all dance beautifully. But do you know such an amazing, fiery dance as... ( name of the dance being learned ). Do not know? It's horrible! How could there be guests in our club who don’t know how to dance the most fashionable, most popular... (name of the dance)! Well, it’s okay, the matter can be fixed - now I’ll teach you.

The presenter is learning a dance with the guys. This can be done not by the presenter, but, for example, by a rhythm teacher.

4. Games

After learning the dance, the disco continues. In between dances, the host offers the following games to those present:

Game Brook

Everyone becomes pairs one after another. The players of each pair join hands and raise their clasped hands in a “house” so that a corridor is formed between all pairs. The driver, who does not have a pair, walks along this corridor, chooses any player and becomes the last pair with him. The player left without a pair becomes the leader.

Game London Bridge

This is an antique English game. All participants sing a song. Two drivers take both hands and lift them up in the form of a bridge, and the rest pass “under the bridge.” When the line "My Fair Miss" is sung, the "bridge" is lowered and the one who is caught replaces one of the drivers. To make the game more interesting, you can play with several “bridges” (several pairs of drivers). And in order for one of the participants to be caught every time the bridge is lowered, those passing under the “bridges” join hands, forming a chain. The driver who was replaced takes the place of the caught player in the chain.

It is better to learn the words of the song in advance, but you can play the game under music recording songs.

Lyrics of the song London Bridge in Russian

Falls, collapses
London Bridge,
Falling, falling down.
Who will fix it?
London Bridge,
My fair miss?

So as not to fall down.
We will build a bridge from clay and wood,
My fair miss.

It will wash away, no matter how hard you try.
A tree with clay will be washed away by a wave,
My fair miss.

He won't fall down.
We will build a bridge of iron and steel,
My fair miss.

The bridge still cannot be saved.
Iron and steel will bend and crack,
My fair miss.

Let's build from gold and silver
A bridge so you don't fall down.
We will build from gold and silver,
My fair miss.

And gold protects the way.
Let a watchman watch the bridge all night,
And our bridge will not fall!

London Bridge is falling, collapsing,
Falling, falling down.
But we'll fix it
London Bridge,
My fair miss?

Game Tail of the Dragon

Participants stand in a row one after another and hold onto the belt of the player standing in front. The goal of the first player in the chain is to catch the last one. The chain should not break.

Game Centipede

The players stand in a row one behind the other, and each one holds onto the belt of the player standing in front of him. The presenter gives the “centipede” various tasks that it must perform.

Game of Shapes

All participants are divided into pairs. Then, together with the leader, the pairs learn several figures. After this the game begins. The presenter says the name of the figure, and each pair must depict it as quickly as possible. The pair that made a mistake or showed the figure later than the others performs a penalty task. Then the game resumes. At large quantities pairs (more than 7) can be played as a knockout game. In this case, the last pair remaining in the game is considered the winner. The figures in this game can be dance moves from various dances.

5. Dancing with games

It is necessary not to forget about the theme of the evening and most devote time to dancing. The dances themselves can be diversified, including from time to time non-standard music (Russian folk music, songs from cartoons, etc.) or declaring “Dance of the Papuans,” “Dance of the Snowflakes,” “Dance of Friendship.”

In addition, games can be played during dancing.

Game Little Engine

The participants become a train one after another and “ride” around the hall, between other dancers. “Train Locomotive” is started by two or three participants, and other dancers are gradually added to them.

Snake game

Participants join hands and move with side steps around the hall. When enough has joined the snake big number participants, the “head of the snake” (the first person standing in the chain) begins to twist the chain in a spiral. As a result, the snake ends up coiled in rings, the beginning of the snake is in the very middle of the rings, from where it is impossible to get out without undoing the chain. The game ends with a fun unraveling of the rings.

Game Do as I do

Participants stand in a circle. The dancers take turns showing various movements, which are repeated by other participants standing in a circle.

Game Come out in a circle

Participants dance in a circle. One of the participants goes to the center of the circle and starts dancing there. After some time, he pulls another participant into the center of the circle, and he takes his place.

The best way to end the holiday is to play a game.

Game Natural Selection

Participants stand in a circle and dance. During the dance, they pass an object to each other ( plush toy or small balloon). Suddenly the music stops, and the one who still has the object in his hands drops out of the circle. Then the music plays again and the dance continues. The last participant remaining in the circle receives a prize.

It is advisable to involve everyone present in this game. At the beginning, the pauses between musical fragments are quite long. Then the intervals between turning off the music decrease.


Goals and objectives:

· involve children in active participation in tasks dance program;

· introduce the children to musical directions different countries peace;

· rally children in groups in the process of preparing business cards, collective performance of dance of any genre;

· develop the children's dance, music, Creative skills and imagination;

· create a healthy psychological climate in the children's team.

Time spending: 1 hour 30 minutes.

Location: dance hall.

Props: football balls.

For the disco, the squads need to prepare a business card (a 3-minute dance of any genre in which the entire squad takes part).

Groovy comes on stage Leading.

Leading. Hello girls, salute boys, hello counselors! I am glad to welcome you to our dance marathon called "Starteenager"! Your applause! Today you and I will dance, dance a lot, dance like no one has ever danced, but first I suggest that all teams make circles, and the captains come to the center and start showing movements. So, DJ, music! The main rule of the “Startager” is continuous movement! We move all the time, and when I explain the task and even when the music stops, we still dance. Now let me introduce the jury, after which we will begin the competition program! ( Represents the jury members.)

Team name

Before the start of the event, each squad must come up with a name for its dance team(“Hands up”, “Boogie-woogie”, “Dance”, “Hip-hop”, etc.). During the game, the guys dance together, but as soon as the music stops, all the squads begin to shout out their names. And so on several times. The loudest ones win.

Business card

This homework, for which all units had to prepare in advance. The business card includes a 3-minute dance of any genre in which the whole team takes part.

The widest and narrowest team

The guys, while dancing, must do the most big circle, and then the smallest one.

The highest and lowest team

The presenter invites participants to dance as low and high as possible (it is prohibited to sit on shoulders).

Dancing robots

All the guys dance to “technical” music as if they were robots.

The slowest and quick command

DJ turns on slow music, all participants dance to it as quickly as possible, and vice versa, when a fast melody sounds, everyone dances as slowly as possible.

We dance like...

The presenter invites the teams to move as if children in kindergarten, sailors on a ship, ballerinas in the theater, soldiers in the barracks, cooks in the canteen and astronauts in space were dancing (for each dance the DJ plays appropriate music).

Dancing engine

The team lines up in 1 column, each taking the other by the waist. The child standing in front begins to walk and show dance moves. Everyone else repeats after him.

Dance with balls

Teams receive soccer balls. Assignment: dance with balls.


The DJ plays melodies of different genres and styles modern music, to which the guys dance.


The presenter names any letter. The team's task is to line up in the shape of this letter.

Dance marathon

Team leaders come on stage and dance for 5 minutes. endless. After the competition program, the jury announces the winners, and the presenter awards the teams.


Scenario of the competitive game program

“Counselors through the eyes of children”

Goals and objectives:

· improve the status of counselors, make friends between children and counselors in units on terms of partnership and cooperation;

· attract children to actively participate in games;

· observe the attitude of the children towards their counselors;

· teach children to be aware of their individual capabilities, teach them to strive for artistic self-improvement;

· instill in children a sense of responsibility for each other;

· teach children to work in a team, obey certain rules, develop a sense of collectivism and camaraderie.

Time spending: 1 hour 30 minutes.

Location: concert hall.

Props: bed, chairs, sheets of paper, pens.

Before the games, children in groups must prepare a re-enactment of “The Counselor’s Dream.”

There is a bed on the stage. It turns out Leading.

Leading. Am I really not dreaming about this? I’m seeing familiar faces again. I greet everyone who came here in a great mood, and, as they say, welcome to Magic world dreams, your applause! Today on this stage we will see the counselors through the eyes of children, or, to be more precise, the dreams of the counselors, which the children will portray. Are you interested in seeing what counselors dream about at night? Me too. So what are we waiting for? Let's applaud loudly and loudly for the youngest residents of our camp. Let's meet, the guys from the ninth squad will show their counselor Masha's dream!

Performance of the 9th detachment.

Help the counselor

Leading. In the meantime, the next squad is preparing for the performance, I will hold a competition, and for this I need three participants to take the stage ( guys come on stage). Imagine this situation: you have a dream as if you and your squad climbed into the mountains. Your counselor is standing at the foot high mountain. Suddenly you see a huge stone falling from the top and flying straight onto the head of your favorite counselor. You need to quickly shout something to him so that he avoids danger, and what you shout, we will now find out!

The guys take turns going to the front of the stage and saving their counselors.

Leading. And the eighth squad enters the stage. They will show us a dream that their counselor Lyudmila had!

Performance of the 8th squad.

Insect training

Leading. Before we view the dream that the seventh squad has prepared for us, I will hold one more competition. I will ask five people to come on stage ( participants go on stage). So, you dream that you are the most famous trainers in the world. I propose to show the audience my art in training insects. I ask the first trainer to come forward, and all the other guys on stage pretend to be insects. So, meet you, trained grasshoppers!

(Insect options: dragonflies, cockroaches, spiders, ladybugs.)

Leading. And our evening called “Counselors through the eyes of children” continues, and I invite the seventh squad to the stage!

Performance of the 7th detachment.


Leading. The next competition is dedicated to everyone who sometimes screams in their sleep. I invite three people to the stage ( the guys go on stage). So, imagine that you are sleeping. You need to pretend to scream as if you saw a Terminator in your dream.

(Dream options: ice cream, mouse, deuce in the diary, five, zombie, bouquet of flowers.)

Leading. We meet squad number six with a dream that their counselor Boris had!

Performance of the 6th detachment.


Leading. And again I invite those who wish to take part in the competition of three brave boys, future airborne paratroopers ( the guys go on stage). They say that when a person flies in his sleep, he grows. I suggest our players grow up ( carries out 3 chairs). On my command, you jump from the chairs and pretend to fly, but be careful, because you have to perform certain actions when meeting obstacles. Well, let's fly! ( the presenter reads the text, the guys depict the action).

1. You fly and enjoy the flight.

2. Suddenly a crow pecked you.

3. You caught Carlson and flew on him.

4. They sat on a cloud and waved their legs.

5. A UFO flew nearby. You said hello to the aliens.

7. Suddenly Harry Potter suddenly appeared and hit you with a broom.

8. Superman, Batman, the TU 134 plane, and a comet flew behind him.

9. The crow pecked you again, you caught it and taught it a lesson.

10. There are nine meters left to the ground.

11. Your parachute opened and you landed safely on the ground.

And now let's greet squad number five with thunderous applause, which will show us the dream of its leader Natalya

Performance of the 5th detachment.

Seventeen sheep

Leading. Our competition program continues, and I invite three people to the stage ( players come on stage). In order to fall asleep, many people count sheep. Now I will check which of you can count faster. Be careful, I will tell you a story about the shepherd Friedrich.

Seventeen sheep were grazing in the meadow;

The shepherd's name was Friedrich, he was preparing fish soup,

One sheep thought and ran into the forest,

Eight more sheep ran after her.

Our Friedrich is dancing - the ear is ready,

Another sheep left the shepherd.

It's hot in the sun, mosquitoes are squeaking,

Four more sheep rushed into the forest.

The fugitives are happy - it’s cool in the forest,

And Friedrich, happy, slurps his fish soup.

Then the three sheep came to their senses, returned to the shepherd,

And they guiltily pluck the grass in the meadow.

Suddenly, in the thicket of the forest, a howl was heard -

There is a wolf wandering somewhere hungry and angry.

The sheep run to the shepherd's meadow,

To where our Friedrich already finished his fish soup.

“Save us poor people!” - but it’s too late, friends!

So how many sheep does the shepherd have now?

(The correct answer is six)

And now - the performance of the fourth detachment, they will show the dream of their counselor Nastya

Performance of the 4th squad.


Leading. For the next competition I invite three girls and three boys to the stage ( players go on stage, the presenter divides them into pairs). So let's imagine that you dream that you are dinosaurs. First, try to imitate the gait of a dinosaur ( players pretend to be). I'll ask the first couple to go on stage. The situation is as follows: a boy dinosaur is trying to declare his love for a girl dinosaur, you can’t talk, you can only communicate with sounds. And the girl dinosaur must make it clear to the boy dinosaur that she likes the other one. So let's see what happens

The couples take turns going out and staging the proposed situation.

Leading. And now we meet squad number three, who will show us the dream of their counselor Nadezhda!

Performance of the 3rd squad.


Leading. Our program continues. And I invite three people to the stage to take part in a new competition ( the guys go up on stage). Let's remember the game " Finest hour» ( distributes sheets and pens to players). Each of you should make up as much as possible more words from one word “Dreams”. I give you one minute for this task. Time has passed!

Players make up words, the task is checked.

Leading. And again on our stage another dream, now from the second detachment!

Performance of the 2nd squad.

Electrical appliances

Leading. And I again invite those who wish to take part in the competition. I need five participants ( the guys go on stage). Imagine that you dream that you are electrical appliances, that is, devices that run on electricity. Each of you takes turns coming to the front of the stage and depicting the operation of any electrical appliance. If in auditorium the guys guess what you are showing, then stay on stage, if not, then leave the game, you cannot repeat electrical appliances. Well, if there are no questions, then let's start.

Contestants depict the proposed items.

Leading. We greet the dream of the first detachment with thunderous applause!

Performance of the 1st squad.

Leading. Our program is coming to an end. Today we learned a lot about our counselors and saw what they dream about. What dream would you like our jury to note? The time has come to reward the distinguished units.

The jury expresses its opinion and awards the winners.

Leading. And all I can do is wish you the kindest and sweetest dreams, my friends!

Marine painting competition

The counselors in the teams hold an art competition. After which they select two or three talented guys who, on an A3 sheet of paper, must draw a picture on nautical theme. Don't forget to tell the guys to write their squad number in the lower right corner and sign their autograph.

On the appointed day and hour, marine painters bring their work. The teacher-organizer inserts the pictures into frames and hangs them in a public place, where they hang without problems until the end of the shift.

Alevtina Krivaksina
Disco scenario “Move more!” Dance and game program for children up to school age

Leading: Good afternoon, dear guys! We welcome you today to our gaming room disco« Move more.

Today we will relax, have fun, play and most importantly dance! So let's start the same! Are you ready to rock?

Answer - "Yes!" Well, then let's go!

« Dance warm-up» . The presenters show the movements to the music, and the children repeat.

Dance break.

Leading: Well done! That's how you should dance throughout our programs. The one who is most active today will receive good prize! So it's worth the fight!

To the music Pippi enters dancing

Pippi: Hello, girls and boys! Those who have 100 freckles on their nose and those who do not have a single freckle. Hello those with bows and pigtails sticking out in different directions. Hello those who have straight bangs and curly forelocks! Hello everyone! Allow me introduce yourself:

Peppilotta-Victuolina-Rodgaldina- Long stocking! Or maybe just Pippi! Oh, I'm just dying of curiosity! Just think, I was invited to this... what's it like?

Leading: On disco!

Pippi: What does it mean?

Leading: Well, this is when everyone is together dancing, but have nothing to do with each other! Long live dancing!

(gives Pippi program) : Announce program!

Pippi is reading: First - dancing!

Second - funny dancing!

Third - fast dancing!

Fourth - slow dancing!

Fifth - dancing until you drop!

Sixth - somersaulting and walking on your head!

Leading: Well, Pippi, it doesn’t say anything about tumbling!

Pippi: I just want say:

Disco, disco!

This is fun, this is fun

Mountains of jokes, a lot of laughter!

That's what it means disco!

I offer a gaming disco!

Dance game"Changing".

Everyone circles in pairs arm in arm as soon as I say the word "Changing", everyone immediately begins to look for another partner and also continues to spin, arm in arm, to the music, etc.

Dance break.

Pippi: Thank you! You were all amazing at this dance. We were especially captivated by... (names). Here's our prize! But that is not all. Now it's you you will"head" trains – "locomotive" in an outdoor game "Train". In this game, we all stand in a line behind each other, holding onto the belt or shoulders of the person in front. Train head - "locomotive"– runs quickly, often and unexpectedly changes direction. You and I must follow him and at the same time not tear ourselves away from the train.

Leading: We will call the part of the body that you should grab while moving (belly, shoulders, ears, head, belt, etc.). Ready? Answer - "Yes!" Then let's go!

Music game "Locomotive"

Dance break.

Leading: Our playroom the disco continues, and I suggest you very fun competition “Mom, I’m done!”

To do this you need to split into two teams.

The first person standing on the team puts a cap on his head, runs to the potty, sits on it and shouts “Mom, I’m done!”, then runs to the next participant, hands him the cap and he does the same, etc.

Presenter 2: Whose team comes faster, wins. On your marks! Attention! March!

Contest - “Mom, I’m done!” (Requisites: caps 2 pcs., pots 2 pcs.)

Dance break.

Leading: For the next competition, 8 people are needed.

All participants in this competition stand in a circle and put their hats on their heads.

Listen to me carefully and follow my tasks:

1 put right hand on the neighbor's head;

2 remove the hat from your neighbor with your right hand and put it on your head;

3 take your hat off your head and shout out "Hop";

4 put both hands on your neighbor’s shoulders and close the circle;

5 take off your hat, bow and say "Mercy"

Ready? Answer - "Yes" Well then let's go!

Contest "Hats" (Props : hats 8 pcs., prizes 8 pcs.)

Dance break

Leading: Well done everyone! On this cheerful note, our the disco is over!

Disco for schoolchildren. Scenario

Disco scenario for school-age children

Skorykh Nadezhda Evgenievna Deputy Director for VR, teacher of geography and history, OGKOU Cherntsy boarding school of the 8th type, Ivanovo region.
Description: The development is addressed to organizers of extracurricular activities, teachers-organizers of institutions additional education, class teachers and is designed for school-age children.
Target: creating conditions for education artistic taste in school-age children.
1. Organization of meaningful leisure time for children.
2. Expanding students’ horizons in the field dance art.
“Dance cannot be told, it must be danced”
(Page Arden)

Hello, dear guys! Tell me, which of you doesn't like to dance? Probably there are no people among you who are indifferent to dance?
Friends! To the dance party
You came to visit us again.
We have been waiting for this meeting for a long time,
And they tried their best.
We have prepared exciting competitions, fun music and dance surprises for you, so we hope no one will be bored.
Since we have a disco today, you and I will definitely dance. Everyone - both boys and girls, and those who can do it, and those who are not very good at it. The circle in which we will dance is magical, here everything and everyone will definitely succeed.
Chock - chock, heel!
A cricket spins in a dance.
And the grasshopper is without a mistake
Performs a waltz on the violin.
The butterfly's wings flicker.
She flutters with the ant.
And again he spins in the dance.
There is a dance that all children can dance. And it's called "Dance of little ducks". Who knows this dance? That's good. Now we will all dance together.
(First the beaks “dance”, then the wings, then the tails, then they do everything with their palms 4 times, walk in a circle, and repeat again from the beginning).
You all danced very well. Please don't disperse.
Today it’s a sin to forget dancing,
Dance more than normal.
Today everyone should be
In excellent dancing shape.
Game "You and I are one family."
The children stand in a circle, holding hands, and the presenter invites everyone to repeat the text and movements together.
You and I are one family:
You, we, you and me.
Touch the nose of the neighbor on the right,
Touch the nose of the neighbor on the left,
We're friends!
You and I are one family:
You, we, you and me.
Hug the neighbor on the right
Hug the neighbor on the left
We're friends!
You and I are one family:
You, we, you and me.
Kiss the neighbor on the right
Kiss the neighbor on the left
We're friends!
Well done! And now I invite you to the circle again. The girls come out first, and then the boys.
Turkish dance.
The presenter shows dance combinations.
“One” – step with the right foot to the right.
“Two – put your left foot next to your right foot.
“Three” – step with the right foot to the right.
“Four” – place your left foot next to your right foot.
“Five” – step with the right foot to the right.
“Six” - the left foot is placed on the heel in front of the right foot.
“Seven” – step with your left foot to the left.
"Eight" - right leg placed on the heel in front of the left foot.
All participants line up and move in a circle. Once all participants have learned this dance. Let's complicate the task. We give everyone a ball in their right hand. Everyone dances a Turkish dance, and as soon as the leader says: “Scarf,” everyone throws the balls up. Whose ball fell to the floor first leaves the circle and sits down. The last participant wins.
Now we all need to rest. I ask you to take your seats. Take your time, please, boys, let the girls go ahead.
And now we have games and competitions on the program.

1.Riddles. If you are a dance lover, or a scholar. It will not be difficult for you to guess these riddles, but it will be very fun and unforgettable. Riddles about dancing. The answer must be named and performed.
1) We continue the disco,
We invite everyone to dance.
So that we don’t suddenly repeat ourselves in dance,
Here's what we might find useful:
Ordinary calendar
There used to be such things, in the old days.
Quickly tear off the leaf,
Read aloud to us about dancing.
Time will not make this dance grow old...
You're Russian, or maybe you're a foreigner.
When you hear the music moving,
Start sliding on the parquet.
Basically the main thing here is to spin
And flutter around the hall like a bird.
You'll see now
A wonderful dance that is called... (Waltz.)
2) The lady rushes like a goat,
The Cavalier is not far behind.
If your heart is beating fast
After the dance he will rest.
There's jogging and jumping,
There are floods and cotton,
Just swiftness and nothing more.
You'll have to dance... (Polka.)
3) The languor of the gaze, there is impulse and passion,
Try not to lose the rhythm.
You can fall in this dance,
To better embody the image.
The lady holds the rose with her teeth,
He has the look of a wild mustang
Begins, breathing fieryly,
Dance of passion. Did you guess it? (Tango.)
4) No special skill is needed here,
Enough attention, fun.
Jump in a circle back and forth
And involve everyone in this dance.
It is simple, like a song, like one step.
Dances with jumps... (Letka-enka.)
5) Twist your mustache, dashing horseman,
Run on your nimble fingers.
Peace is forgotten in this dance
And you need Caucasian skill.
The lady next to me is swimming like a swan,
So slender, light - like a feather...
You can take the “airport” cap,
It's dancing now... (Lezginka.)
6) Has different names,
But the general style is still visible.
Similar to a ditty without suffering
Simple Russian... (Quadrille.)
7) Dark curls develop,
And the monistas ring all the time,
The colorful skirts seem to be woven
Everything from the rainbow, bright outfit.
There is no need to bow in greeting here.
Are you a gentleman or a grown lady,
After all, all people, of course, like
Exit dance is... (Gypsy girl.)
And now I’m inviting several boys to play for a fun competition.
Competition "Try, collect."
Large ones are attached to the stomach with tape balloons. The cubes are scattered in front of each player. The players’ task is to collect as many cubes as possible from the floor, while not forgetting about their “stomach”: it must not burst!
I invite you into the circle again. The girls come out first, then the boys.
Make jokes, sing, laugh.
We have everything in the hall,
Dance whatever you want
The desired hour has come.
This means that at our disco everyone should be cheerful, smiling, and active. It is forbidden to be sad or bored.
I suggest you dance - game "Circle".
While the music is playing, everyone is dancing. The music stopped and everyone froze. Whoever moves first is eliminated from the dance.
Contest " Best Dancer» (the prize is announced).
Participants compete in their ability to move to the beat of the proposed music (meddley).

We continue to have fun!
Competition “Keep the media in your fist.”
Daredevils are invited - 5 people. The task is to hold the right hand behind your back, using only your left hand, holding the newspaper by the corner, and form it into a fist. Whoever is the fastest and most agile is the winner.
- Shall we dance again? Then I invite you to the circle.
Game "Dance with an object".
All players, standing in a circle, dance and simultaneously pass a small object to each other. The presenter turns off the music from time to time. The one who has the item in his hands at that moment is eliminated. The last dancer remaining on the dance floor wins.
Let's move on to bright disco.
Dance "Stuck".
All children are divided into pairs (boy - girl). The music turns on, the couples dance.
Assignment: at the command of the leader, the couples come into contact with those parts of the body that the leader names.
And now Dance "Invitation with a Prize"
A chair is placed in the middle of the hall, and a girl (boy) sits on it. She has a prize in her hands. You can only invite the person sitting on this chair. A girl is sitting, two boys are invited, she goes to dance with one, the other sits down, etc. The prize goes to the one who sits on a chair at the end of the music.
- And now we’ll have the last dance dance "Invitation while dancing". The most important rule is that no one should refuse an invitation!

Four couples begin the dance, stand in different corners of the hall, show the dance, then go to invite: boys - girls, girls - boys; The invitation goes on until all the guys are in a circle.
Goodbye, see you again! You danced very well! Don't forget, girls go out first.