Famous dance group. Dance team "red foxes"


Language of the body
Make eye contact with your crush. If she doesn't look away, her pupils dilate and her eyelashes flutter, she's seriously interested in you.

Look at her legs when she sits. Besides the fact that this in itself is a very pleasant sight, it is also a signaling system. If she sits cross-legged with the toe of her shoe pointed at you, if she wiggles her leg, then she is clearly showing that she wants you to move over.

A flirtatious turn of the head, hands tugging at curls or jewelry, sleeves that roll up higher and higher, exposing her wrists, tell you that she is nervous and wondering: is he, am I really him? Why doesn't he do anything?

Is she talking more and more about herself or is she trying to talk about you as much as possible? In itself, such interest may simply be a manifestation of amazing communication skills, sincere interest in your interlocutors, but together with other signs, this is another sign in your favor.

Does she ask you about your exes? This interest may be because she is trying to find out if she is your type. If she talks a lot and in detail about her exes, then now she rather needs a friend and interlocutor, and not.

If, in a conversation with you, she casually makes plans for a future together, for example, says, “Aren’t you in this movie? What are you saying, we definitely have to go see it!”, it’s completely unclear, what are you still waiting for? She definitely likes you very much, but your indecisiveness goes beyond all limits. Does she really owe everything for you?


  • How can I tell if a girl loves me or not?

It is not always clear to a man whether a woman likes him or not, because not every representative of the stronger sex is confident that he well understands the tricks of weak, but quite cunning ladies.

How to understand a woman?

You can understand a person in the process of communication by the nonverbal information that gestures, postures and facial expressions give you. In order to recognize whether a woman is interested in a man or not, you need to focus on the non-verbal signals that the fair sex gives. There are more than 10 nonverbal ways in which women unconsciously, and sometimes consciously, make it clear that they like this or that man.

Signals of sympathy

One of the oldest flirting tricks is playing with your hair. If a woman straightens her hair or shakes her hair slightly, throwing it back, she is clearly interested in the interlocutor. At the same time, if the interlocutor is constantly fiddling with her hair, such an action may indicate her uncertainty or nervousness.

The eyes also speak volumes. Eye contact can convey interest in the interlocutor or hostility. If a man is interested in a woman, she will glance at him briefly, which will be repeated after a while and will be longer. This will happen until the object of curiosity pays due attention to the fair sex.

Another important way to show a woman's affection is through the signal sent through body language. The body of any girl, regardless of her consciousness, is capable of revealing all her innermost and secret desires. Arms crossed on the chest, the body turned away from the man indicate that the lady is not interested in the interlocutor, she is blocking his attempts to get to know her better. If a woman leans slightly towards a man and tries to be face to face with him, a dialogue will most likely take place.

Communication is also an indicator of sympathy. If a man has not aroused a woman’s interest, he will receive “dry” answers to all questions. A friendly response is a reason to continue the acquaintance.

A tilt of the head when communicating, accompanied by a charming smile and playful eyes, gives a signal that the man can act. Teasing is another chance to show that you like the person. If a woman touches her interlocutor during communication, this also expresses her sympathy.

Imitation – special shape flattery. This happens on a subconscious level, but it suggests that the interlocutors are somewhat similar. In addition, behavior in which a woman listens to her interlocutor with interest and asks questions can also indicate sympathy. suggestive questions. A woman’s laughter in response to even the most unfunny joke of a man indicates that she is glad to meet you and is ready to continue it.

You hope so, but you're not 100% sure. Most likely, you are not against developing a relationship, but the lack of clarity about how the girl feels about you prevents you from taking the first step. In fact, the girls themselves give tips, which will be discussed in this article.

How to understand that a girl likes you. 26 hidden sexual signals

1. Women's chatter

If you liked young girls, they will start sneaking glances at you (pointing at you) and giggling. They may even start to cuddle together.

Experienced women will begin to whisper more discreetly.

2. “Peek-a-boo”

She will glance at you over the top of her book or menu.

Women love to flirt with men using this gesture, probably because they played these games with their fathers in the cradle. Daddy covered his eyes with his palms, and then, when he looked out again with the words “Peek-a-boo!”, the daughter giggled and squealed with delight.

3. Shy Geisha

The girl, looking at you, will look down and to the side with feigned modesty. However, if she is interested in you, she will look at you again within 45 seconds.

Pay attention, if she were not interested in you, her line of sight would remain at the same level or she would look up and to the side.

4. Sideways glance

She will look sideways at you, even if she is talking to someone else.

It’s all because of the age-old scientific opposition “nature versus nurture.”

5. Games with decorations

Typically, this starts as a gut reaction because you're making her nervous.

However, more experienced women understand that they can seduce you by twirling a necklace or touching an earring because it draws attention to the cleavage of your chest or neck.

The girl looks directly at you and assumes that you know that the direct gaze combined with the toying of the necklace on her tongue means: “Come on, come closer to me!”

This signal gives perfect occasion make an acquaintance. You can smile, come up and give the girl a compliment, appreciating her taste in choosing jewelry.

6. Unobtrusive exhibitionism

Step by step, the girl quite consciously exposes every square centimeter of her skin? She is clearly and unequivocally flirting with you.

Very often, a woman waits until the moment when she is sure that you are looking at her, and only then allows her dress to slip off her shoulder. Or, straightening his shoulders, he will pull the fabric on his blouse or T-shirt, exposing part of his body.

7. Playing with a shoe

She will toss the shoe with her toes, usually exposing her foot.

Pay attention to this swaying - it indicates an excess of sexual energy.

Often, as a lure, women let a shoe slip off their toes and fall to the floor in order to attract the attention of a man and attract him.

8. Close contact

If a girl moved a little closer to you, she did it on purpose.

She will carefully monitor your reaction. If you, noticing the reduction in the distance between you, express surprise in one way or another, your shares of attraction will greatly fall in value.

A woman may misunderstand you and decide that you are not interested in her and will not be able to give her what she wants in bed.

When she gets too close to you, you simply have to reward her courage with a smile or even a slight counter movement.

9. Invasion of personal space

A woman is well aware of how far from a man she stands or sits, how close this or that part of her body or any object is to him.

Instead of invading a man’s “personal space” with her whole body, she allows her hand, knee, or any object to violate the imaginary boundary.

If a girl makes similar movements when talking to you, try to express your pleasure. Otherwise, she will pull back and become more distant towards you.

10. “Accidental” touch

A woman will never touch someone she doesn't like. If she touched you, your reaction should be warm and positive.

Otherwise, the girl will decide that:

  1. You are cold, like a fish that can’t even handle a worm.
  2. You just don't like her.

Having made this or that decision, she will immediately erase you from her memory.

If a woman, under any pretext, reaches out and touches you, for example, brushes a speck off your jacket, tries to look at your tie or watch, allegedly unconsciously touches your hand, laughing at a joke you made, you should demonstrate an extremely positive reaction. Otherwise, the girl will feel that she has gone too far and will retreat.

11. Tilt

There are situations when it is inconvenient or indecent for a girl to touch a guy or invade his personal territory. In such cases, she simply leans towards him.

Never, remember, never move away from her!

12. “Palm weathervane”

This sign is intended for those who are already quite versed in female tricks.

If a girl looks at you with her chin on her fingers and her hand facing you, it means she likes your style. She seems to say: “I agree” or “I understand you.”

13. Neck exposure

When two foxes fight, the defeated one sticks out its neck, thereby saying: “I surrender.” And when a fox shows her neck, this means she is defenseless in front of a man and ready to meet him halfway.

She noticeably perks up and, in particular, lifts her hair, giving her partner a clear signal. To keep her game up, you can compliment her luscious hair.

14. Showing armpits

A woman's armpits are usually hidden from strangers, so showing this part of the body means that the girl makes you stand out from those around her.

She deliberately leans back, feigning relaxation, but at the same time she is perfectly aware of what she is doing.

15. Licking lips

Licking her lips, the girl subconsciously tells you: “You look very seductive.” This is the most primitive and very frank invitation, almost on the verge of debauchery.

A woman may lick her lips demonstratively or furtively for several reasons:

  1. She might want her lips to look more moist and attractive to you.
  2. She can think about intimacy with you and licking their lips in anticipation.
  3. She may be trying to tease you by hinting at how much pleasure lies in her lips.
16. Preening

If a girl likes you, she begins to preen herself to attract attention to her appearance - she paints her lips, powders her nose, or combs her hair.

If you haven't met her yet, she may use this technique as bait to get you to approach her from across the room.

If you know each other, for example, you’re having lunch together, go away for a while, supposedly to go to the toilet, and then look carefully to see if she’s been sprucing up her appearance in your absence.

If a girl managed to do this, it means she values ​​you and wants to look her best.

17. Playing with hair

Having matured, girls notice that some men react positively to “self-stroking.” Women like it, and such a signal turns from unconscious to conscious.

If, while talking to you, a girl begins to finger her hair, this indicates a subconscious (at first) desire for you to touch her.

If you respond correctly, the desire will become conscious, and the woman will begin to use this signal as an incentive to action.

Such a signal either serves as a sign of excessive sexual nervousness, or indicates that the woman is trying to make the man imagine that he is playing with her hair.

Depending on the mood of the girl with long hair can cover one eye with them, either to “hide” from you, starting a seductive game of “Hide and Seek”, or to demonstrate its charm.

18. Stroking

A woman’s pleasure centers, unlike men’s, are scattered throughout her body, therefore, when she sees a man she likes, a girl happily begins to stroke herself.

Savvy women, noticing a man's positive reaction, begin to stroke themselves more openly.

19. Violent gestures

Some girls, especially relaxed and spontaneous ones, when in the company of a person who admires them, can behave childishly - sharply wave their hands, seductively move their breasts and widen their eyes.

Much of this is a direct reaction to phenylethylamine, the “love hormone,” released in their bodies.

20. Proud posture

When she sees or notices you, she perks up, straightens her shoulders, becomes more energetic, and perhaps lifts her chest high.

21. Mirroring

Often, after one or two extra glasses, a woman relaxes and begins to imitate the man’s movements if she likes him.

This can even be used as a test. When you raise your glass, see if she has raised hers. Place your elbow on the table and see if she does the same.

Here's another tip: copy her movements to establish a subconscious sense of similarity. The girl will feel very comfortable next to you, but she won’t understand the reason for this.

Smart women, especially those who are familiar with NLP, often use this “mirror” effect to establish a connection with the interlocutor.

By the way, if she does it consciously, that's great. This means that she liked you.

22. Seductive biting

Even without a degree in biology, anyone can easily understand what a woman means when, attracted by a man, she puts an object in her mouth.

Often she adds another technique to this, for example, playing with a shoe or fluttering her eyelashes, while she bites a toothpick, plastic spoon or even the tip of a finger.

23. Sexy little thing

If you see a girl looking at you from across the room and not smiling, you are unlikely to think that she wants you to approach her.

However, if you look closely at her hands, you can see that she is moving her finger along the glass. It's not out of boredom. She may even imagine herself caressing you.

Sometimes a woman gives this signal by gently and suggestively stroking the handle or running her fingers up and down the stem of the glass.

If you are already talking with a girl, the movement will most likely be calculated - she will slowly and seductively run her finger along the rim of the glass or up and down the stem, without interrupting the conversation.

For such a hint, you can use almost any object - a pen, some serving item, a toothpick, etc.

24. Silly

Many women, especially younger ones, when they see a man they like, practically lose their heads, start giggling and doing stupid things. At the same time, they do not allow themselves to laugh and act stupid when surrounded by men who are indifferent to them.

The version for older girls includes some other signals, such as winking or touching something to the mouth or ear.

25. Posing

To attract a man, a woman uses her body and assumes an attractive pose, hoping that he will look in her direction. She seems to be showing herself in all her glory.

26. Demonstration of legs

Women have learned to use their legs in the most seductive ways to attract men.

A girl might lift the hem of her skirt to expose some of her legs, or even spread them slightly, allowing you to look deeper for a moment, or wiggle her leg, thereby saying, “Hey, pay attention to me.”

22 more ways to understand that a girl likes you

1. She loves talking to you

She really wants to talk to you and stay in your company. Start a conversation with her. If she's happy with you, that's good sign.

Some couples simply spark interest from the very beginning of the conversation and can talk for hours.

If she is nervous, she may have problems communicating. Give her a chance to cope with her anxiety.

And wait for her to answer. She may need time to collect her thoughts.

A bad sign is that she is bored or simply answers your questions with a shrug. Or, worse, she grabs onto another guy and allows herself to be dragged away.

2. She laughs at what you say.

Keep in mind that laughter is better than giggles, and even better when you laugh together. If a girl likes you, she will laugh at almost every joke you make.

  1. It's better if the girl thinks you're actually funny and not just working hard to fill awkward silences with giggles. But even if she tries too hard, it's okay. Clearly she thinks you're worth the effort.
  2. Some girls giggle when they are nervous.
  3. The kind of laughter that definitely lights up a girl's attitude towards you is when you both laugh so hard you almost cry. You feel like you're going to burst out laughing, and the people around you think you're crazy.
3. She's afraid to meet your gaze.

One of the tips on how to understand that a girl likes you is as follows. Some girls are afraid of being caught by your gaze when they look at you.

It should be taken into account that there are girls who can meet your gaze.

A girl who likes you may shy away from looking you straight in the eyes. If somehow your eyes meet, she may start blinking and look away.

In this case, the girl does not want the feeling that the initiative to develop the relationship comes from her. She's waiting for you to make the first move.

More confident women can give clues through their eyes: their eyes sparkle and invite you to come over and say hello.

A confident girl will look into your eyes longer than usual before looking away.

4. She turns her attention to you

This way to understand that a girl likes you can take different forms depending on the girl and the specific situation.

A girl who cares about you doesn't forget that you exist. Even if a girl is very shy, she will find a way to let you know that she remembers you.

If you appear in the area of ​​her attention, she will definitely switch it to you.

If you are, she is not interested in you. But is she really ignoring you, or is she sending a subtle signal that she's noticed you but doesn't know how to react?

Here are some examples of how a girl who likes you might act if she's really shy:

  1. She is silent when she is in common company with you.
  2. She nods or smiles in your direction.
  3. Sudden interruption or cessation of her activities as soon as she sees you. She may stop working or talking.
5. She smiles at you

It's one of those smiles that makes her eyes sparkle. A girl who smiles at you most likely feels obvious sympathy.

Sometimes there are exceptions to this rule, for example, when a girl hopes to win some kind of popularity contest and smiles at everyone. But most people don't bother smiling at someone they don't like.

A shy girl is unlikely to smile widely. Her smiles may be brief, but she is certainly happy to see you. Sometimes her smile is more in her eyes than on her face.

6. She doesn't like it when you flirt with other girls.

How to understand that a girl likes you? Get started. Nobody likes having rivals, and it will be unpleasant for your friend.

She may react openly, or she may simply leave you because she doesn't want to watch you interact with another mademoiselle.

Before flirting with other girls, remember what it can mean Negative consequences, up to the girl losing interest in you.

How can she trust a guy who flirts with several girls at the same time?

7. She hugs you

Does she hug you every chance she gets? We only hug people we like. are a reason to get closer to you and feel your body.

She probably likes you, but she can't express it with words. She may find it easier to use other strategies, such as getting closer to you and hugging you.

Hugs manifest themselves in different forms. This could be a friendly hug when you meet on the street or in a shopping center.

Other girls are more likely to put their hand on your shoulder, for example, if you are sitting in a chair and struggling with a problem on your computer.

She can lean, hug, and comfort you to help solve a problem.

8. Her friends give clues that she likes you.

Her best friends know if a girl likes you. Watch their clues.

What do her friends do when you're around? How does she react to her friends?

  1. Do her friends look at you when you approach?
  2. Do they smile when you approach them?
  3. Are her friends teasing her?
  4. Is she afraid that one of her friends might tell you that she likes you?
  5. Did any of her friends ask if you like her?
9. She asks you to talk

She stays by your side when other people leave.

10. She begins to be interested in what you are interested in

Has the girl started listening to her favorite music or watching your favorite sports programs? If you are a Real Madrid fan, she will also show interest in this team.

11. She blushes around you

This happens not just once, but constantly.

12. She bumps into you often

This could be a sign that she wants you to start a conversation with her.

When you are sitting or relaxing somewhere, you will notice that a girl will pass by several times. She's probably trying to get your attention. She's probably waiting for you to make the first move and start a conversation with her.

13. Her hands are relaxed when she talks to you.

If her arms are wide open and relaxed when she talks to you, it can be interpreted as “I'm open to you.” In other words, it's kind of an unconscious way of encouraging you to get closer to a girl.

14. She takes time away from conversations with her friends to talk to you.

When a girl is talking with her friends and sees you approaching or being nearby, she leaves the company and approaches you. She wants to be near you at any time, and this is a sure sign that allows you to understand that a girl likes you.

15. She says you look good

If a girl notices how you dress or changes your clothes and also tells you that you look good, this means that she likes you.

16. She hints that she's not in a relationship.

Does the girl talk about relationships that were in the past, making it clear that they ended and she is now alone?

Don't think she's still obsessed with her ex-boyfriend. Most likely this is an invitation to take his place.

17. She quickly agrees to your proposal.

A girl offers to hang out with you or doesn't hesitate to say yes when you ask her to spend time together, especially if she has other plans.

18. She opens up to you

If a girl tells you her problems that she usually doesn’t talk about, this will be evidence that she trusts you very much.

19. She talks about your future plans together.

The girl might mention watching a movie or going to a concert together in a month or so. She can't forget about you.

20. She watches your news on social networks

The girl follows your updates on VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, and she often likes your posts or publishes your materials on her wall.

21. She puts her phone away when you're together.

If a girl focuses solely on you, it's a sign that she's really interested in making a good impression on you.

22. You text often

If you text regularly and the girl is also the initiator, she is at least very attracted to you. Especially if you text at night.

Girls are so different from guys that sometimes it is difficult to understand them, their actions are illogical. And how to understand that you like desired girl. How does a young lady in love behave?

If you have known a girl for a long time, but feelings have just arisen, this will be noticeable in her behavior. She will try to stay close to you, laugh at all your jokes and not let other representatives of the fair sex get close.

But there are also shy people. And then the girl will send you secret signs. Let's look at how not to miss them.

The girl is interested in everything you do or say. No matter what type of conversation, she will listen carefully, try in every possible way to understand and take part in it. Only a lady in love will pretend that she is interested in the internal structure of the engine. This way she will also ask clarifying questions, thus creating joint interest.

This test of how to find out if you are a woman is inaccurate, since there are women with male hobbies. And the interest she showed was sincere, and what you took for falling in love was ordinary friendliness and sociability.

But if she wasn’t interested in men’s affairs, and now she’s assembling a motorcycle with you - sure sign sympathy. The girl is trying to spend time with you, and the reason for this is a joint hobby.

Chat with the young lady, ask her a few personal questions. If she answers them, she is not indifferent to you.

Girls and women are homemakers. They will do everything to make you feel good at home. And in relationships they look further than men. Therefore, a trusting atmosphere is important to her when communicating with her chosen one.

Try to tell something frank about yourself, gradually she will also open up to you. Sometimes this takes a long time, so be patient.

But the same attitude will be towards you if you evoke friendly feelings. Most girls trust their guy friends than their loved one. In this case, to find out if your chosen one likes you, simply hug her.

A friendly hug can be strong, but without intimate overtones, and if she presses her hips and chest with a languid sigh, the girl is in love and wants you.

But not every woman allows herself to clearly show interest and sympathy. She will send you other signs. Such as asking for advice and help. If your closet or computer breaks down, she will ask for help. male help. It’s important not to refuse at such moments, but if you don’t have certain skills or don’t know how to handle equipment, it’s better not to embarrass yourself and find someone who can help.

But asking for help can be of a different nature. For example, a new cafe has opened, and there is no one to go with, or to eat a nice place in the city, and there is no one to photograph her against this beautiful background. The point is to spend time together, otherwise you have no one with you.

If such hints are uttered in a company, perhaps they are not addressed to you, in private - she makes a hint about. It will be better if you immediately invite her to spend this time together in a place that she wants to visit.

You will pay attention to her, show her that her desires are important, and you yourself are open to everything new. If her preferences scare you (for example, skydiving), don't risk it. It's okay if you wait for your chosen one downstairs. Don't go out of your way to please her.

And how do you understand that a young lady doesn’t like you as a friend? The girls are more frank with their friend, communication happens like with a friend. She talks about past adventures and will discuss other guys with you. And if you can talk about her women's affairs- this is definitely a friend zone.

With the guys she likes, the girl behaves a little differently. She won't talk about exes, give away women's secrets. In communication, the girl will listen more, laugh, and flirt.

There is another way to find out that you have a fan. Her friends (this is natural) know everything and will behave somewhat strangely when you appear, whispering, giggling.

How to understand whether a girl likes you if you are in a company. Pay attention to who she spends more time with, make eye contact (when she laughs, she will automatically look at you). If you notice such behavior, do not waste a moment, come up and talk to her.

There's another side female attention- complete ignore. If a girl doesn't notice you or hates you, this is a sign of sympathy.

So, in such a situation, what is a sign that the person you have chosen likes you? If you are clumsy in life, constantly make mistakes, and she yells and hates you, this is not a sign of sympathy. And if the attacks are unfounded (hates for no reason), this is a sign of attention. But her sympathy is not clear to her, and she resists emotion.

How to understand women

Thus, it turns out that the signs that a woman likes you, that she treats you as a friend, or that she hates you are similar. The difference is in the details, which you yourself must understand after taking the first step.

Not all girls, when sympathy arises, will behave adequately, sending signs of attention. When a woman's chosen one appears, a woman's behavior changes in the opposite direction. She begins to behave aggressively or bitchy, thereby saying that she is not so simple and needs to be achieved.

There is no point in blaming the girl for such behavior; she does not control it. It's the hormones talking in her. I just want to see a real man next to me who is not afraid of obstacles and difficulties. And she considers conquering her royal person a difficult task.

And if you are still asking the question: “How can I tell if a girl likes me?”, pay attention to the signs of flirting that will appear in your presence, namely:

  • loud talking and laughter;
  • no matter who she communicates with, her gaze will periodically search for you;
  • when talking to you, she is extremely interested and laughs a lot;
  • often looks at your lips and unconsciously licks his own;
  • tries to touch you once again;
  • when making casual eye contact, he looks away shyly or smiles coquettishly.

If you notice that she is flirting with you, this is a sure sign that will help determine that the lady likes you. But there is one more point: by flirting, she can try to make her ex or new boyfriend, another guy, jealous, and you are a tool to achieve the goal.

With the development of technology, it is not necessary to see the object to show sympathy. Now you can pay attention while in in social networks. If a girl likes you, she will lead you active life in the Internet.

Frequently visit your page, follow the reposts. All your photos are on the verge of a masterpiece, which will be noted with likes and comments. Your comments will also not go unliked, from now on your points of view completely coincide.

Your great taste in music isn't just yours anymore: she likes the same bands. She will subscribe to the same groups and support your point of view. Thanks to these signs, it’s easy to know that a girl likes you. Whatever the signs of attention from a woman, one should not forget that the man must take the first step. And the young lady always waits for a response to her attention.

How to find out if a girl likes you or not

There is an opinion: “What smaller woman we love, the more she likes us.” Such a concept has a right to exist, but within a limited time frame. You can make a girl wait, yearn, dream, but in reasonable portions. Otherwise, she will simply get tired of it, and she will find someone easier.

There is the easiest way to get an answer to the question of whether a girl likes me. In your presence, she will get lost, drop something, and behave awkwardly. Her behavior will be slightly inappropriate, and everyone around her will be cheerful to show you how funny and cool she is. Perhaps the young lady you like will say stupid things and blush if your eyes meet.

What should you do if you have doubts (after all, women are so unpredictable) and don’t understand her signs? And how do you understand that a girl doesn’t like you? If she looks into your eyes for a long time and intently, this is not necessarily a sign of sympathy. Things could be completely different. And at this moment she thinks about what she can do with you, or simply hopes that you will leave.

Go up to her and start talking, if the girl does not support the conversation and tries to get rid of you as quickly as possible, then you are not her type. Try to use physical contact, take her hand, hug her, fix her hair.

If a representative of the fair sex responds to your gesture, cuddles, strokes your hand or closes her eyes, this is a good sign. If she tries to stop contact as quickly as possible, she doesn’t like you. There is also neutral behavior, she doesn’t remove your hand, but she doesn’t move towards you either. The girl has friendly feelings towards you, and she is afraid of offending you.

Another surefire way to determine whether a girl likes you is to make her jealous. Flirt in front of her with another young lady. Mood swings, irritability and nervousness will give her away. But don't overdo it. Remember, the goal is to piss her off a little, she should want to direct your attention to her person.

Listen to what she's saying. If it's about her own people, most likely she needs a guy. She needs support and she hints at this to you in every possible way. Interested in your past relationships? Calculates your taste in order to know whether it fits your parameters and whether it is not wasting time with you.

How can I tell if a girl likes me? Start a correspondence with her. Pay attention to how quickly she answers, whether she writes first and how she answers your questions. These can be detailed answers with explanations or monosyllabic ones.

If she is happy to communicate with you, the first one writes, she is interested in you. And if you managed to interest a girl, then the first date is not far away. Don’t procrastinate and invite.

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