What things are brought from Vietnam. Vietnamese art painting

Tourists are happy to go to Vietnam not only to get to know this amazing country, but also to indulge in profitable shopping. This country is known to shopaholics for its low prices and high quality of popular goods. This rare combination attracts numerous flows of shopping tourists to Vietnam. They experience certain difficulties in choosing: there are a lot of goods and they are so good that you are simply at a loss: to buy this time or leave for the next. And you can buy so much that you won’t be able to take it away later.

In Vietnam, people usually buy jewelry, including with precious stones, as well as silk, shoes and clothes, ceramics, coffee and tea, dwarf bonsai trees, elaborate stone and wood products, balms based on snake venom and medicinal herbs, including including “Zvezdochka”, which was brought from here back in Soviet times.

In order not to spend extra money on purchases, you need to know how to bargain. Sellers usually ask for an inflated price, hoping that during the bargaining process it can be reduced somewhat. This method of trading allows you to get mutual pleasure: the seller is happy that he got what he got, and the buyer is happy that he lowered the price.


It is necessary to bring gifts for friends and acquaintances. It’s better to think about this at the beginning, when not all the money has been spent and there is time to choose inexpensive and original items. There are many such things everywhere you go. They differ only in price: in places where tourists gather they are more expensive, but as they move away they become cheaper.

A very good gift is hand-embroidered paintings and tapestries. Old hand-made technologies are used here, and we must hurry to acquire such things before talented human hands have not yet replaced impersonal sewing machines.

Handmade items made from bamboo, mahogany, ivory, silver or ceramics are beautiful. They also buy vodka with cobra in it, and other exotic things. Tourists wear opium pipes, characteristic Vietnamese non hats, items made from natural silk, traditional T-shirts and caps with a local interpretation.

Digital technology

Various electronic products are sold inexpensively here, as in many countries located closer to China. The problem is that it is almost impossible to find a Russian keyboard. Also with a license for the Kaspersky anti-virus product - it is five times cheaper here than in Russia, but there is no Russified version.

Specialized stores have a large selection of laptops and smartphones of all types. DVDs with movies, games and music are sold for $1 per disc.

Many people buy the iPhone 5. If you buy it in Ho Chi Minh City, you will have to pay about 29 thousand in rubles for the iPhone 5 32GB. In dollars it is $950, and in dong – 16-19 thousand. In Nha Trang, the same purchase will cost 50-100 dollars more.

Clothes and shoes - cheap and high quality

In Vietnam there are production facilities of such well-known companies as Adidas and Nike, as well as other companies that are no less famous. This suggests that the country is slowly but surely taking a leading role in the list of countries - the world's sewing workshops. Vietnam has already risen to second place after China on this list. Here they sew clothes, make shoes and bags, and produce other goods, the materials are natural, and the work is first-class. Therefore, shopping tourists from Western Europe come here for the best combination of price and quality.

Vietnamese goods are exported to Europe, Japan, Russia and America. These are, first of all, clothes made of natural silk and linen, leather goods (often under popular brands).

Pearls of Vietnam

In Vietnam, pearls are both mined and grown. The best is on the island of Phu Quoc, on a farm there, but there are many farms that deal with pearls. Interested parties travel to the coast, closer to the producers. It’s bad that only those who understand pearls can afford such purchases. In Vietnam, there is no guarantee for sold pearls; they don’t give it in stores, much less in the market. Therefore, everyone either buys at random or turns to a local expert; in Ho Chi Minh City there is such a service. At the same time, Vietnamese pearls are approximately 20-30% cheaper than in other countries.

Precious stones and metals

In Vietnam, it is worth buying precious items, especially inexpensive ones made of silver and gold. They are decorated with sapphires, pearls, or ivory. These are, for example, various beads, earrings and pendants, silver rings with ivory.


The furniture itself is of good quality, with hand-made elements, forging and inlay, and wood carvings. It costs much less here than in other countries, but the problem is the delivery of such bulky and heavy items.

However, if you travel by sea, this is quite doable. Many Russian tourists who bought furniture in Vietnam send the purchase on some cargo ship, and then return home lightly and wait for its arrival.

You can also make useful and interesting purchases for your home in Vietnam. These are, first of all, reed mats, household items made from fabric or bamboo. For example, different types of kitchen utensils.

HAI DUONG, VIETNAM, SEPTEMBER, 8: people at Market selling bed mats on September, 8, 2014 in Hai Duong, Vietnam

Ceramic objects

In the Hanoi suburb of Bat Trang, there are many enterprises that produce porcelain and ceramic products. These include large factories and small workshops. Here they produce tableware and decorative items, both useful and amazing.

If you are driving from Hanoi to Halong, it is worth stopping along the way for a small market. He specializes in ceramics. There is a very large selection of similar products here, and the price is much lower than in other places.

What not to buy

Plant products purchased here may be confiscated by Russian customs if the cargo is not accompanied by permits. Alas, if products are bought on the market, no one, including the buyer himself, thinks about such documents. Risky categories include indoor flowers, vegetables, fruits, seeds, sweet potatoes and ginger, palm and lotus leaves, and greens.

Places for profitable shopping

There are many such places in the country. True, if you want to buy cheaper goods, you should not go to shopping areas intended for tourist business, but to those stores where the local population prefers to shop. There prices are significantly lower, and the quality is excellent. You can contact your guide with such a request, he will not refuse you. There are, however, cases when the guide has an agreement with a certain store owner he knows and takes clients to him. Here, depending on your luck, you can make a successful purchase from such a seller. Here are some favorite shopping areas among tourists:

  • The old town in Hanoi is good for buying all the souvenirs at one time and forgetting about this problem for the rest of the trip. There is a huge selection and good prices. At the same time, you can look into modern shopping centers, of which there are also plenty. So a trip through this area will be extremely productive.
  • The Diamond shopping mall will provide an opportunity to have a pleasant rest between purchases. There is a large selection of fashion products for wealthy clients.
  • Tax Trade Centre, on the contrary, offers inexpensive goods, imported and local. The quality of the products is excellent, so there are a lot of tourists here who want to buy good things inexpensively.
  • Mong Khai and Lang Son, towns on the Chinese border, also attract seasoned shopaholics. Here, at the border crossings, there are markets that are interesting and profitable to walk through. The goods are mostly local, inexpensive and of high quality.
  • The small town of Hoi An, with narrow streets and small shops, is very attractive to tourists. It is famous for its sewing machines designed for express sewing. They are inexpensive, work like a clock, so people come for them from everywhere. Here, on the spot, you can order custom tailoring. 4-6 hours after taking measurements, you will receive an almost finished product that needs minor modifications.
  • Ben Thanh market, in Ho Chi Minh City, formerly Saigon. The shopping areas here are vast and expensive, but the goods are extremely cheap. In essence, this is a huge bazaar, a great place for shopping. Tourists do not deprive it of their attention.

Tax free in Vietnamese

If you want to receive a tax free refund, your purchase must be a check for at least VND 2 million and be brand new. Refunds are made when flying home from Ho Chi Minh City or Hanoi, but 15% of the amount to be refunded will be withdrawn as a service fee.

You must also remember that a tax free check is valid for 30 days, after which the right to a refund is lost. And not all products purchased in Vietnam are eligible for return. In particular, there is a list of names of goods that are prohibited for export or withdrawn from circulation. Here the matter already smells not only of the loss of VAT refund, but also of direct losses. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with this list in advance.

It will be more pleasant to communicate with market traders and shop assistants if you learn at least a few words in Vietnamese. This:

  • "muah" means "purchase";
  • “deputy for” – “discount”.

If you know at least these 2 words, you can let the seller know that you think his price is unreasonably high. True, sellers, as a rule, speak English, and some have not forgotten Russian. Interest in the language was born during the war with America, when the Russians fought on the side of the Vietnamese, and therefore the attitude towards Russian tourists is still colored with sympathy.

Bonus for the curious. What to try from local cuisine

The dishes are local cuisine, which is unique, although it borrows a lot from Indian, Thai and Chinese.

Vietnamese dishes are not too greasy or spicy. They will not create any particular heaviness for the stomach. Rice is one of the main products for many dishes. The cuisine also includes a lot of seafood, and fruits are actively involved. There are also exotic dishes, for example, from cobra, other snakes and lizards. This dish is considered a delicacy and is served in famous restaurants in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Phan Thiet and other cities.

Delicacies are offered in expensive establishments, but the country has a wide class of trade and catering establishments that are designed for poor clients.

There are many such establishments among cafes and restaurants, and among hotels. Here you can get dinner for a couple of dollars per client. Small restaurants that are not particularly popular serve deliciously prepared food. Lunch for four can cost 10-15 dollars. Coffee in Vietnam is very popular, it is drunk always and everywhere, hot and cold, in its pure form or adding milk and spices.

The famous Dalat wine is produced in Vietnam using Italian technology and is of excellent quality. Connoisseurs rate it higher than many French brands, despite the fact that the Vietnamese version is much cheaper.

In addition, supermarkets and street shops offer for sale a large assortment of alcoholic beverages, liqueurs, beer, and soft drinks, locally produced and imported from other countries.

Vietnam is a charming exotic country. A tourist trip or a business trip here is an extraordinary event. And relatives and friends who remain in their homeland always expect some special, colorful souvenirs from such trips. You can't disappoint your loved ones. The main thing is to understand what to choose from and not acquire banal stupidity.

In this article we will talk about what can be brought from Vietnam in general, and Nha Trang in particular. We will recommend several places where you can buy souvenirs, gifts and something useful.

What to bring from Vietnam?

Obviously, the buyer himself, walking around the shops and along the rows of benches, will have an unforgettable pleasure in searching for what to bring as a gift to friends and family. It's always interesting to learn and learn something new. Such shopping, if you fit it into your schedule correctly, will not spoil your vacation - the abundance of interesting offers will make your eyes widen.

In order to understand what to bring from Vietnam, it is necessary to analyze each item in detail. So.

Tea and coffee

The coffee in Vietnam is amazing. Its best varieties grow here:

  • excelsa.

Robusta is considered the main one. Its plantations are the most extensive. In principle, coffee is inexpensive, although, of course, it all depends on the variety. The initial cost for 100 grams of coffee is approximately 150 rubles.

But if you wish, you can also find an exclusive one - kopi luwak (kopi luwak or, as it is called in Vietnam, “cafe chon”). Elite luwak is very expensive (from 250 to 1200 dollars per kg). This price is due to the “production” process: café chon is the same coffee whose grains undergo fermentation in the stomachs of musangs (palm martens).

After “cooking,” the semi-finished product is assembled by hand and undergoes a processing process on a specialized farm. Tourists are allowed here for tasting. You can also purchase ready-made grains here.

However, it is worth remembering that now they have begun to prepare such coffee on an industrial scale, and for this, animals are kept on farms in cages. In captivity, martens cannot choose the ripest and most delicious coffee fruits; they have to eat what is given. This affects both the taste and cost of luwak.

The main producers of Vietnamese coffee are Trung Nguyên and Me Trang.

As for tea, you can choose a wide variety of it both in type (with various additives such as herbs, flowers and roots) and in price ( initial cost per 100 g. approximately 80 rubles). The Vietnamese themselves, like true Asians, prefer to eat green. A popular variety is Thanh Nguyen.

An original gift would be national Vietnamese sweets for tea - candies with lotus seeds. They contain no chemical additives and are made from coconut milk.

The option is practically a win-win. Adults and children will enjoy natural tropical fruits. Pineapples, mangooses, rambutans and other edible representatives of the plant world that are popular in this part of the world are perfect treats.

At the request of the tourist, the sellers will place the selected fruits in a basket and carefully pack it. We have some tips on this topic:

  1. You should choose undamaged fruits (no scratches or dents);
  2. Don’t take ones that are too soft, they may be rotten or overripe;
  3. It’s better not to buy in the markets, as they can be overpriced there, and the prices can be many times too high, with the exception of those sellers whom you completely trust.

Most of the fruit flows through our customs in hand luggage and luggage. But there are cases when customs officials confiscated products as prohibited for import. Some seeds and plants are not allowed to be freely transported across the border, therefore carefully study the lists of what can be imported or exported from the country.

Clothes and shoes

Vietnam is a country where the production of such brands as:

    Reebok and others.

This, one might say, is the second home of real branded clothing popular in Russia and Europe. And since the goods sold here were not destined to survive long, grueling transportation, their prices are much lower.

However, there are many fakes on the market. You can avoid meeting them by visiting only branded stores. If the target audience is lovers of fashionable things, then the question of what to bring as a gift from Vietnam is not so pressing.

You can find interesting clothing models in the market. The problem is that the Vietnamese, for the most part, are not large in size, so it is very difficult to choose the appropriate XXL size.

Those interested can place an order for tailoring. There is an entire province in Vietnam - Hoi An - where tailoring is practiced. This is the case when you don’t have to worry about quality. Local craftsmen sew quickly, but they take their work very seriously and use expensive natural materials.

In particular, the textile industry of this country is famous for its world-famous natural silk. The risk of being deceived is high if you try to buy it in a street shop. It is better to visit a specialized store.

In general, Vietnamese silk is a separate issue. And this is a great souvenir option for loved ones. The choice of products made from this material is huge, but since we are talking about clothing, it is worth noting the traditional one:

    Vietnamese pajamas “Ao baba”,

    and a silk tunic “Ao dai” (an original item, but it looks great on fragile girls).


Among jewelry, first of all, it is worth noting pearls. South Vietnam is famous for its farms growing this beauty. Returning home without pearl jewelry is almost a crime. Plus, pearls are inexpensive here (40 percent cheaper than in Russia), simply because there is a lot of it.

The most popular and inexpensive pearls are freshwater pearls; they are easily recognized by their imperfect shapes.

Also, a set of valuable souvenirs can be diluted with silver, precious and semi-precious stones:




You need to remember that in public places - markets and beaches - they will sell low-quality pearls or even fake ones. Similarly, a deal involving pebbles may turn out to be unprofitable. You should definitely ask for a certificate confirming their origin. Such documents are provided in stores. There you can also check the authenticity of previously purchased products with specialists.

Leather products

You can bring all kinds of leather goods from Vietnam as a gift to family and friends. It can be:

  • wallets,

Most often, crocodile or python skin is used to make products, but there are also products made from ostrich skin. Such souvenirs are very popular, conscientious sellers and stores give a guarantee of 1 to 2 years, and the prices cannot be said to be very high:

  1. for wallets approximately 2500 rubles;
  2. belts from 3000 rubles.

Haberdashery - a belt, a purse made of python or crocodile skin - a gift worthy of royal blood, and even at an affordable price.


It is possible and even necessary to bring paintings from Vietnam. Their choice is very diverse, but I would especially like to mention silk and sand ones. Terrible beauty! And the prices are reasonable; they mainly depend on the width of the canvas and the complexity of the design.


Various tinctures are also popular, which, according to local residents, have miraculous properties. Often bottles contain snakes, spiders and other fauna preserved in alcohol. However, this is done more to attract attention than to enhance certain qualities of the drink.

Some liquids containing alcohol are sold as medicines. Various balms and ointments are positioned similarly. Their healing effects have not been proven. But, in any case, an ointment based on python or tiger fat is very colorful. A gift for which you won’t have to blush when presenting it to a person of any status.

Bottles with all sorts of strange alcohol-containing liquids are even more dubious medicines, and the taste may be unpredictable. However, this is an individual question. Such bubbles are purchased more as exotic souvenirs and are not to be immediately drunk among friends.


Choosing cosmetics is always a very slippery process. You may not guess the composition and components. And in general, products containing exotic ingredients may be allergenic.

It’s another matter if a mask or shampoo is purchased for personal use. But even in this case, you should carefully study the list of ingredients, possible side effects and contraindications. Among locally produced industry products, the categories that are most in demand among women are:

    Natural masks based on plants;

  • Coconut oil.

Regarding the true benefit and effect, the opinions of tourists are divided:

  1. some write rave reviews about masks and serums,
  2. others find something to complain about,
  3. still others think the range is too small.

It is difficult to advise something serious on such a delicate issue. This is the path that everyone must choose and walk on their own. You can be puzzled in advance, study the market, consult with experts, and start with something guaranteed to be harmless.

The most successful souvenir may be an item that is directly associated with the country in which it was purchased. Vietnam in the imagination of the Russian average person is inseparable from the pointed non hat and flip-flop slippers.

An excellent and already classic option is figurines and boxes, made with local flavor and the use of specific materials:



  • bamboo and others.

Anything from a tablecloth to musical instruments can hit the target: impress a loved one and serve as a keeper of the memory of a wonderful vacation. Well, if the gift is also applicable for practical purposes, then it can be considered priceless.

For those who still can’t decide on the choice of gifts, we found a video. Perhaps it will help you make a cool present.

Most often, tourists are interested in where to buy gifts in Nha Trang. We will try to help figure this out. To begin with, it is worth noting that Nha Trang has many places where you can spend money and buy something interesting.

Nha Trang Center. The largest and most famous shopping center in the city. The prices there are very high, but you can buy almost everything:





    clothes and so on.

A tangible convenience is the presence of ATMs.

Big C is one of the most popular brands of goods in Asia, and the supermarket itself is huge. The selection here is essentially the same as at Nha Trang Center. But a nice little thing is that it has its own bakery, so the goodies there cost mere pennies.

MaxiMark. The store mainly sells food, but there are a few clothing boutiques. Prices there are low.

Night market. It gets dark early in Vietnam, and therefore such a phenomenon as the night market is not surprising. However, it is worth paying attention to the prices - they are high here. All this was done on purpose, with the expectation that tourists would bargain.

Cho Dam Market. This place is sometimes even indicated on guidebooks. The prices here are low (comparatively) and the selection is huge.

Cho Xom Moy. This market has the lowest prices in Nha Trang. However, it is aimed more at locals than tourists. The selection of goods is more modest than at the same night market. Mostly there is food: fish and seafood, vegetables and fruits, and so on.

Plus, there is a METRO hypermarket in the city. There, of course, you can walk for an eternity.

Shopping in Nha Trang: map

*Map taken from myfreeworld.ru.

Buying souvenirs is an obligatory part of the vacation of Russian tourists. Often, one of the last days of stay in a foreign land is allocated for this, and material resources are provided for as a separate expense item long before the vacation. These are the traditions of national holidays. At the same time, no one hides their drawers, balconies and mezzanines, where various gifts from friends who have visited other lands are stored.

A souvenir that has found its purpose and place in everyday life is a unique thing. Such a hit usually happens when the person making the purchase accurately identifies it with the taste, mood and needs of the future owner. This is what we need to strive for when solving the problem of what to bring from Vietnam, so that the money spent does not seem like a waste.

ana for travelers seeking to discover a piece of distant, alluring culture and tradition in another corner of the globe. For most tourists, shopping in Vietnam is of immediate interest.

There are several good reasons for this:

  • On the one hand, Vietnam is the “homeland” of production of major global brands, for example, electronics and light industrial goods. This means that here you can find branded goods at a price that is an order of magnitude lower than what visitors to Vietnam see on display in their country. Here you can also buy very cheap consumer goods of decent quality, if you are not hunting for a branded product.
  • Another reason to go shopping in this part of Asia is the rich assortment of exclusive goods that will give you an unforgettable travel experience. These are traditional Vietnamese crafts, handicrafts, and jewelry.

In addition to standard souvenirs, you can take with you:

  • exclusive leather goods
  • exotic spirits
  • high quality pearls
  • bamboo souvenirs
  • impressive ethnic masks and much more

You will learn more about all this from the article.

Do you want to know where you can profitably buy exclusive goods made in Vietnam or just take a tour of specialized stores and factories?

I offer my services - a shopping guide.

The cost of my services, depending on the size of the group, will be from 25 dollars per person.

What to buy in Vietnam

First of all, let’s look at the categories of Vietnamese goods that are widely in demand among tourists and figure out what the benefits of buying them are.

Clothes and shoes

Adidas, Nike, Hugo Boss, Valentino, Gucci... This list of famous brands of clothing and shoes goes on and on. And the important thing is that their licensed factories are in Vietnam. And we are not talking here about the production of dubious products for third world countries. These are goods that then end up in branded stores, say, in Western Europe, the United States and Japan.

Given the high concentration of branded factories, it is logical that some of the branded goods from them are sent to local stores and shopping centers in large cities. And their price in shopping centers and shops in Vietnam is much lower than anywhere else. This is a chance for guests of the country to save on high quality.

And if the “brand” issue does not interest you, there are many light industry factories in Vietnam that “take in quantity.” In other words, they produce a good product at a very low price. The buyer still wins if he looks at local markets and small stores focused primarily on trading with local residents.


Pearls are one of the hallmarks of Vietnamese shopping tourism. Here you can buy original high-quality pearls at a price that is an order of magnitude (30-5 0%) less than the export price. But here the tourist needs to be careful. To save as much as possible, you will have to move away from the large populated areas of Vietnam and go to the province where pearls are directly grown and mined.

For example, it is believed that the best pearls come from the popular tourist island of Phu Quoc, part of which is still occupied by fisheries and pearl farms. A string of pearls “locally” can be found even for $10, but in cities it is already an order of magnitude more expensive.


It makes no sense to bring large household appliances from Vietnam, since you will not save money due to expensive delivery. But you can look at, for example, a laptop or smartphone. The same principle applies here as in light industry - large global manufacturers assemble branded products in Vietnam. It is economically beneficial for them. Some goods are sold domestically, and their cost will be lower. The only thing is that later the equipment will need to be “reflashed”.

An important point: it is better to buy equipment only in brand stores, so as not to encounter counterfeits. You wouldn’t be lucky enough to return a product that broke after two weeks, would you?


There are plenty of original arts and crafts industries in Vietnam, familiarity with which will save you from the need (and desire) to buy banal refrigerator magnets for your home.

Folk craftsmen create impressive household and household goods. Products made from bamboo, valuable mahogany, and porcelain deserve special attention. These are elegant decorative dishes filled with the flavor of local culture, carved wood paintings, boxes, trays, vases, combs and much more.

Most arts and crafts items are in the under $20 price range. That is, you can take away a lot of outlandish everyday things from here - for your home and for gifts.

It is better to look for souvenirs in markets (for example, Ben Thanh in Ho Chi Minh City), or in small craft workshops and shops at large factories. As for the latter, good examples are the artisan village of Tha nh Ha in Quang Nam province, where it is worth going for clay souvenirs, or the city of Hoi An with its many shops of bamboo and mahogany products.

Leather products

By leather goods we mean local exotics. If you were scared by the prices for accessories made of crocodile, python, ostrich or stingray leather in your city, it’s time to look around in search of wallets, business card holders, bags, covers and belts. There are many specialized leather goods stores in Nha Trang, and in the city center you can also visit the Hom Moi Cho market.

I advise you to pay special attention to leather goods – local exotics. If you were scared by the prices for accessories made of crocodile, python, ostrich or stingray leather in your city, it’s time to look around in search of wallets, business card holders, bags, covers and belts. There are many specialized leather goods stores in Nha Trang, and in the city center you can also visit the Hom Moi Cho market.

Important: The risk of purchasing a fake is high, so do not hesitate to demand quality certificates.


Also, connoisseurs of good alcoholic drinks should pay attention to brands of Vietnamese rum. It is not as famous in the world as Cuban, but is famous for its very good quality at a low price. Important: do not buy the cheapest options at 2-3 dollars per bottle and immediately focus on the price of 10-15 dollars. This is, for example, rum from the Rhum Chauvet and I SC Rum brands.

You can read about what other types of alcohol are worth purchasing on the page


Health products from Vietnam deserve a separate article. The Vietnamese have long created an entire industry of exclusive medical products based on the unique flora and fauna of their country. These are medicinal, pain-relieving and anti-aging cosmetics made from snake venom and fat, shampoos and toothpastes with the addition of coconut oil and much more.

Medical products have been actively exported from Vietnam for decades, but buying them here is much cheaper. $1-2 per tube of pain-relieving ointment is a realistic price. For example, in Russia such a product will cost 2-3 times more.

As an example, a good remedy for joint and muscle pain from Vietnam is Cobra Atoxan. You can also buy Zvezdochka ointment, widely popular in Soviet times, for the treatment and prevention of colds. And to improve brain function and concentration, you should pay attention to the popular natural herbal preparation Cebraton.


Since the French colonial presence, Vietnam has been famous throughout the world for its original furniture made from precious wood. The handmade furniture industry began to revive in the 1990s and is constantly increasing its export turnover. In Vietnam itself you can buy exclusive handmade furniture sets - products of incredible beauty at a high but reasonable price.

A large selection of products can be found in the “furniture” village of Dong Ki, where almost all residents specialize in this craft.

In this case, the issue of delivery of bulky furniture arises. But growing tourist demand creates supply: today the furniture business is closely connected with logistics companies that can carry out container delivery of your purchase by sea to any corner of the world - at a favorable price and in a short time.


Vietnam is one of the world's largest silk producers in our time, which is famous for its good price-quality ratio for silk products in general.

You can buy silk products literally everywhere, but on the market there is a risk of encountering counterfeits. It is best to pay attention to the shops at silk factories. All kinds of clothes, pajamas and dressing gowns, bed linen and fans made of silk are something worth paying attention to.

One of the classic crafts of Vietnam is silk-screen printing, or silk embroidery. Such pieces of art will perfectly complement your home interior with impressively beautiful scenes with oriental flavor. A number of factories with branded stores are concentrated in the city of Hoi An (for example, the XQ company).

Tea and coffee

About every fifth pack of coffee on the planet is Vietnamese. Vietnam is one of the world's largest exporters of this drink, and strict production traditions have long been established here. Vietnamese coffee offers a true abundance of varieties and flavors at an affordable price. In other words, you won’t be able to take just one pack of coffee home.

Coffee gourmets should definitely consider purchasing elite varieties of coffee, such as Chon. This variety is obtained by passing through the digestive system of animals (luwak). The beans are not completely digested, but lose their coffee bitterness and acquire a unique palette of taste and aroma. A kilogram of such coffee can cost $1,000 or more, but it is still more profitable than buying the same products at home.

As for tea, there is also a wide choice here: these include traditional black and green types, and oolong, and teas based on ginseng and lotus, and even red tea.

Shopping spots in Vietnam

Vietnam is a country of large modern cities and colorful provinces that have preserved their national identity as much as possible. The best places to shop depend on what you want to buy.

Shopping centers and brand stores

In such large cities of Vietnam as Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, you can easily find modern shopping centers with branded clothing, footwear, and electronics stores. These are always trusted places to buy original products at a reasonable fixed price.


Also in large cities of the country you can pay attention to the markets. They are famous for their very high prices for renting retail space for entrepreneurs and the extremely cheap prices of goods for the buyer.

Here you can look for extremely cheap shoes, clothes, accessories, souvenirs and household items, but be careful - the likelihood of buying a fake and low-quality product is very high. These are mainly goods from small Vietnamese manufacturers serving domestic demand. You can also visit large markets along the Chinese border to look for very cheap consumer goods.

Floating Markets

Floating markets are a typical phenomenon in the Mekong River Valley in the southwest of the country. They deserve special attention in the tourist context, being one of the calling cards of this part of the country. And you can buy here mainly fresh farm products - fruits, vegetables and much more.

Trading shops at factories

In the cities of Vietnam there are many small producers of quality goods for everyday use. Here you can buy, say, silk fabrics, exclusive dishes or decorative items at prices lower than in tourist stores. By offering their products for sale directly in production shops, artisans do not make markups.

Provincial markets and shops

If you are looking to buy pearls, various exotic sweets, jewelry and souvenirs in Vietnam, it is best to look for them closer to the places of production. You should pay attention to small provincial markets that specialize in selling local crafts. For example, the most profitable place to look for pearls is on the island of Phu Quoc, where most of the country's farms are located.

What else should a tourist know about shopping in Vietnam?

There are a number of specific trade features in Vietnam that visitors to the country are not even aware of.

To make shopping in Vietnam even more productive and enjoyable, you should know the main facts:

  • Any plant products without safety certificates may be detained at customs - also, for example, seeds and indoor plants.
  • Keep your sales receipts - before returning home at the airports of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, every tourist has the right to refund the amount of VAT for purchases made in the country. There are several details: the purchase amount per check must exceed 2 million VND (about $88), 1 5% of the amount is charged for the return service, and the goods must not be classified as prohibited for export or used.
  • Sellers in markets significantly inflate the starting price of goods - in Vietnam it is customary to bargain. Be prepared for this and you can count on good discounts. This does not apply to branded stores and shopping centers - prices there are always fixed.
  • If you decide to buy clothes in places aimed at local consumers, take into account the dimensions of the average Vietnamese. It will be impossible to find clothes larger than 4-6 sizes. Branded clothing stores take into account the needs of guests of the country and offer the necessary range of clothing sizes.
  • As an alternative, in cities you can find an express tailoring shop where they can sew you a simple model at an affordable price in a few hours. Such ateliers can often be found, for example, in silk fabric stores.

As you can see, shopping in Vietnam is an endless abundance of opportunities and specific details that are difficult to cover in one article. Now you know in general what you can expect when going to this interesting country. But each corner of Vietnam deserves a separate description, since certain crafts have been practiced in provinces and localities for a long time.

It must be said that since ancient times, eastern culture has been famous for its unique recipes for medicines, anti-aging agents and various tinctures. Nowadays, numerous pharmaceutical enterprises in these countries - India, China, Vietnam and others sacredly honor long-standing traditions, use ancient recipes and exclusively natural ingredients. Vietnam is no exception. All natural medicines are very cheap here, so, of course, you should buy as many of the medications you need with you as possible, especially since you have many elderly relatives.

Perhaps the most popular ointment in Vietnam these days is Cobratoxan, which has an excellent effect on arthritis, radiculitis, muscle pain and neuralgia. And this is no coincidence, because this ointment is based on snake venom, which has a healing effect. It quickly relieves all pain, penetrating deeply into muscle tissue. Tourists, as well as people who constantly visit Vietnam on business trips, buy whole packages of this ointment. On the modern medicinal market, this ointment is the best warming agent. A slightly less popular massage balm is “White Tiger”. It does not have as strong an effect as Cobratoxan, but it perfectly relaxes muscles, overcomes aching pain and improves blood circulation.

Do you remember how the Vietnamese balm “Zvezdochka” was popular in Soviet times? So, it is still produced in Vietnam to this day, only, in addition to the usual ointment in the red packaging, many different variations have appeared. So now it can be found in the form of a pencil, and in the form of an inhalation product, and in the form of a liquid balm. Since that time, asterisk is still used as an excellent remedy for mosquito bites, nasal congestion, colds, and headaches. I tried on myself the wonderful effect of this ointment on a wasp sting. The tumor subsided very quickly. And if you use “Star” at the very beginning of a cold, you can cure this disease in its very bud.

Recently, not only in Vietnam, but throughout the world, medicines made from Lingzhi mushrooms have become increasingly popular. Even 2000 years ago, these mushrooms were considered a remedy that gave, if not immortality, then certainly longevity. The Chinese called them mushrooms that “give eternal youth.” They have a truly unique composition and practically no side effects have been identified. They help restore immunity in the body, reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, help stabilize blood pressure, lower sugar levels and promote liver regeneration.

Another drug that is popular among our tourists is Glucosamin. It contains the well-known substance glucosamine, which helps strengthen joints and ligaments and helps in the restoration of cartilage tissue after injuries. These drugs are produced with different contents of the active medicinal substance glucosamine, so before using it, it would not be superfluous to have an additional consultation with your doctor.

And another very useful and important medicine, especially for older people, sold in Vietnam is Cebraton. It effectively helps improve blood supply to the brain and generally improves its functioning, an excellent remedy for deteriorating concentration, memory, stress and insomnia. Also, treatment with this drug is extremely effective for frequent headaches. This miracle drug contains many medicinal herbs that grow exclusively in Southeast Asia. And most importantly, this drug is used to treat the consequences of strokes, it helps patients recover faster and return to normal.

Recently, drugs that help restore separate male and female health have become increasingly popular among tourists. In Vietnam, a fairly decent number of such products are sold, helping in a variety of areas. There are drugs to increase male potency and libido in women, to normalize the condition during menopause, to treat fibroids and other serious female diseases. All these preparations are created exclusively on the basis of natural herbs and plants.

And finally, it would not be amiss to bring from Vietnam such a medicine, which has recently been very popular in the post-Soviet space, as an extract from artichoke leaves. It is sold in many pharmacies, so finding it will not be difficult. Basically, artichoke extract has an excellent antispasmodic and choleretic effect, has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract, and also has a sedative and antipyretic effect.

When a person goes to another country, one of the questions that interests him is what he can bring from there for himself, his family and friends. In this article we will analyze in detail what things can be brought from Vietnam for useful use, as a souvenir or gift.

Coffee and tea

Tea and coffee are traditional choices. Vietnam is one of the largest coffee suppliers in Asia. From Vietnam you can bring:

Nguyen Trung Coffee

A good Vietnamese Arabica-based coffee, famous for its smooth taste, which makes you want to drink several cups of it.

Trung Nguyen Buon Me Thuot S Special

Trung Nguyen Premium Blend

G7 Black coffee


While it may not be anything recognizably Vietnamese, good coffee never hurts. In Vietnam you can find it of very good quality.



Most robusta is grown in Vietnam. Many people do not like this variety because the taste is too simple with pronounced bitterness. But Robusta contains twice as much caffeine as Arabica (which will be a big plus in the early morning), and the best drinks are made from a combination of Arabica and Robusta.

SANG TAO No. 1. Trung Nguyen


A very exotic option, but characteristic and purely Vietnamese. The production process of this coffee is as follows: fresh beans are eaten by an animal called musang, after which the pulp surrounding the coffee beans is digested in its stomach. The stomach juice of musangs breaks down the proteins that give coffee its bitterness. The grains are found among the animal's droppings, cleaned and sold. They say it has very good taste. But it’s rare that a tourist will be willing to buy a large amount of this coffee and want to drink it. So most people will simply have it in their bag as a typical souvenir from Vietnam.


The tea that can be brought from Vietnam is premium green tea Thai Nguyen, beloved by both tourists and Vietnamese, Blao, as well as high-quality oolong, which is well known to many. In general, green tea is mainly imported from Vietnam, although black tea can also be found on the shelves. Many people advise bringing drinks with additives; tea with lotus flowers, which has a very strong aroma and a pleasant mild taste, is highly rated. This variety leaves a long aftertaste.

Thái Nguyên tea

Exotic fruits

A good choice - ( separate article). The thing to remember is that they will only stay fresh for a few days, so it's important to gift them and eat them as soon as you get home. The best exotic fruits:

  1. Pitahaya, aka dragon heart or dragon fruit. A large, beautiful fruit of bright pink color with “scales” that are green at the ends. Inside it is white, with a large number of small grains, similar to kiwi grains. Pitahaya does not have a distinct taste, but it is very pleasant to eat due to the consistency of the pulp. In the end, you can just admire them. You should definitely bring this fruit if your circle of friends includes people who carve fruits and vegetables, or just creative people: pitahaya is ideal for this!
  2. passion fruit. It has a delicate taste with a pleasant sourness. Sometimes in supermarkets they sell it with a bag of white crystals. Attention: this is NOT sugar! This additive is incredibly sour; it should be sprinkled on fruit only if a person wants to test his or her endurance.
  3. Guava. This green fruit is shaped like a pear. Its flesh is dark red, soft and sweet in taste.
  4. Longan, or dragon's eye. Small fruits with a dense brown skin and translucent white pulp, a large inedible pit. The fruit has a very pleasant and fresh grape taste.
  5. Young coconut. A young coconut has nothing in common with the ones we are used to. This large nut contains a lot of milk, salty and extremely illuminating. There is probably nothing that quenches thirst better. On the contrary, there is little pulp in it; it has a peculiar taste and consistency of jelly. It is recommended to try it for everyone traveling to Vietnam or Thailand. You CANNOT carry it on an airplane!
  6. Lychee. A small fruit of bright red color with white flesh. The taste is similar to longan.
  7. Papaya. A large green fruit with pumpkin-orange flesh, the taste is similar to melon. Papaya can essentially be found at any time of the year, but in the south of Vietnam it ripens the earliest.
  8. Mango. Vietnamese mango is different from Thai, Indonesian and Philippine. It has a sweet taste and a delicate thick consistency.
  9. Regular fruits. Even oranges brought from Vietnam are said to be tastier and sweeter than those that can be found in our country.

Fruits of Vietnam. Side 1

Fruits of Vietnam. Side 2

Spices for every taste

Like any country in Asia, Vietnam is full of high-quality spices - both familiar to everyone and exotic. Spices are always a useful thing that you can buy for yourself or as a gift. Plus, many of them are inexpensive. By the way, tourists are advised to buy spices at the Viet Farm store, which sells about 40 types. So, what can you bring from Vietnam:

  1. Black, red and white pepper. Timeless classic. By the way, successful combinations are also sold in Vietnam: black pepper with lime, red pepper with salt, and even red pepper mixed with grated dry shrimp. It is better to take peppercorns; ground ones quickly lose their quality. You can buy sets of different varieties of peppers; they are beautifully packaged and make a wonderful gift.
  2. Vietnamese chili. Has a pleasant spicy taste. This pepper is best not consumed by people suffering from stomach upsets. The smaller and thinner (that is, younger) the pepper, the spicier it is. Many people recommend bringing it.
  3. Star anise, or anise. An excellent seasoning with a unique aroma reminiscent of licorice root/licorice marmalade. Anise can be put on a plate, fortunately, it is very beautiful, used instead of chewing gum, or brewed tea with it (for example, Moroccan).
  4. Ginger. A classic Christmas cookie.
  5. Turmeric, indispensable when cooking meat.
  6. Cinnamon in pods and ground.
  7. Seasoning for pho soup.
  8. Other spices known in Russia: cardamom, fennel, basil, mint, cilantro, sesame.
  9. Lemongrass, which is added everywhere in Vietnam.
  10. Lemongrass.
  11. Lotus seeds.

Vietnamese alcohol

Vietnamese alcohol is not very expensive, and there is a wide range of options. Strong drinks should be taken from proven brands; Vietnamese ones are not very good.

Local beer Saigon

Dalat wine Vang Dalat

Vietnamese rum ISC Rum

1. Beer— green and red Saigon. Red is stronger and has a brighter taste. If you plan to buy alcohol in Vietnam, it is better to take Tiger beer, which is distinguished by the fact that it has almost no hangover. You can also take draft Vietnamese beer, which has good taste.

2. Wine— white and red Vang Dalat. This is a Vietnamese classic that the locals drink.

3. Rum— brown ISC.

4. Strawberry wine in Dalat.

Attention: People's tastes in alcohol vary greatly, and many people believe that the drinks listed above cannot be consumed. It should be noted that in Vietnam there are no “pearls” like Italian wines, so perhaps only true connoisseurs should bring alcohol from this country.

Asian cosmetics

Little is said about Vietnamese cosmetics, and this is strange, because they are of good quality. Almost all of it is made from natural materials such as turmeric, aloe vera and snail extract. Some Vietnamese-made products can also be found in Russia, but at a much higher price. We read reviews from tourists and found out what we can bring from Vietnam:

  1. Acne 25+ cleansing gel from Mentholatum. Cleanses the skin very well, contains small granules for light peeling. Recommended for those who love hard riding on a bike or motorcycle, because road dust pollutes the skin very much.
  2. Film mask from E100. There is an option with turmeric, aloe vera and cucumber. Easy to apply, hardens quickly and is very easy to wash off, has an anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and tightening effect, exfoliates dead skin particles.
  3. Film mask with activated carbon. Perfectly removes dirt from pores (blackheads), deeply cleanses pores. It also helps get rid of acne and inflammation.
  4. Collagen face mask made from seaweed seeds. Sold as a package with seeds, it is enough for 20 masks. As is already clear, it consists of natural raw materials. The skin becomes clean and moisturized, irritation and redness are less noticeable. Helps against fine wrinkles. It is prepared in a very interesting way, which is better to read about in detail. The main thing is that it should not be washed down the sink; algae will sprout from the seeds and a clog will form!
  5. Various creams with snail mucus. They perfectly moisturize the skin and have a slight rejuvenating effect. Extracts from plants are usually also added to these products. It is not difficult to recognize these creams: a snail will always be depicted on the packaging in one form or another. The most popular are Thorakao brands,
  6. The same brand, Thorakao, has very good and inexpensive shampoos. Particular attention should be paid to shampoo made from saponin pods and natural herbal extracts. There is no chemistry in it at all. It strengthens hair, stimulates its growth, nourishes and moisturizes, and is good for split ends. The manufacturer claims that the shampoo is harmless even for children.

Traditional medicine is very developed in Vietnam. To this day, in this country, people are treated with herbal tinctures and preparations made from exotic ingredients, such as snake blood and ground deer antlers. This product will definitely bring a special local spirit into your home. Whether it is worth treating with what will be written in this article, we do not undertake to say. For serious issues, it is better to consult with a qualified doctor, and do not replace traditional medicine with traditional medicine.

Alcohol tinctures on some pretty creepy stuff are very common in this country. For example, you can find a jar with a cobra preserved in alcohol, clutching a scorpion in its teeth, with a chick or a rat. The seller will claim that such drugs are very beneficial for health and that they repel evil spirits. Unfortunately, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to take such a colorful item home, so let’s move on to something more traditional.

The most popular medications among tourists are:

  1. Cebraton- improves brain activity and functioning of the cardiovascular system. Makes a person more attentive, improves memory, increases the ability to concentrate. Helps with insomnia. Some use it as a prophylactic after strokes. It will be useful for those who have hard work and constant stress.
  2. Glucosamine- promotes the restoration of cartilage ligaments and tissues after injuries. It has a good effect on sore joints. Glucosamine contains many active substances; you need to accurately calculate the dose of the drug.
  3. Song Hao- increases sexual desire in both men and women. This trend is especially popular in Vietnamese medicine; such drugs are made from natural ingredients and are highly effective.
  4. Eva Hoi Xuan- a good drug for menopause.

Ointments and balms:

Vietnamese star. Golden Star


Ointment "White Tiger"

  1. First of all, this is a well-known balm “Star”(in fact, it is called “Golden Star”, which is the name you should look for in Vietnam). Now it can also be purchased in the form of a pencil or ointment, and even inhalations are made with it. Used for colds, migraines, various insect bites and the like. It is sold at a very low price, so you can buy it for many years to come.
  2. Cobratoxan- a remedy for joint diseases, for stretch marks and pain in ligaments and back, as well as for radiculitis. The main component is cobra venom, which helps the ointment quickly penetrate the muscles.
  3. "White Tiger"— its action is similar to Cobratoxan, while it also warms up the muscles, improving blood circulation.


Vietnam is famous for the variety of pearls and pearl products on the market. You can purchase an unusual pearl and simply store it in a box as a memory of your trip, or buy a full-fledged piece of jewelry. There are bracelets, necklaces and earrings in different price categories (depending on the metal, quantity and quality of pearls, their size, color, level of shine and matching in the set (bracelet or necklace), etc.).

Products with precious stones are also sold in Vietnam, the most popular being topaz. Jewelry with topaz can be purchased here at several times cheaper than in Russia.

Before buying jewelry with pearls and natural stones, we recommend reading about how to distinguish them from fakes. In any country, only the largest stores can be trusted in this regard.

Attention! Jewelry must have a certificate, which the store must issue after making a purchase. Without a certificate, problems may arise at the airport.


Vietnam has most of the stores we are used to, so you can always buy clothes there for everyday wear. There are Reebok, Nike and Adidas stores. The quality, if you buy in branded stores, is at the same level, and the prices are lower. However, we will also tell you about more colorful clothes.

  1. Vietnamese silk. Vietnam has a well-established production of clothing made from natural silk. They make everything from it - dresses, ties, scarves. It is better to buy silk in special stores, since in the markets there is a risk of finding artificial silk passed off as natural.
  2. Cotton. Almost no cotton is grown in Vietnam; it is imported. Cotton is used to make clothes from famous brands, which can be purchased very profitably here.
  3. Ostrich and crocodile leather. Clothing, bags and clutches are made here from ostrich and crocodile skin. They are not that expensive, but they are of good quality. On the market, however, there is a risk of buying a fake. However, before buying such a product, you should think about whether you need it: every purchase encourages the killing of animals without any particular need, because many people carry such bags purely as a souvenir, and not for any advantages of these materials over artificial leather .
  4. Specialized clothing. Vietnam produces specialized sportswear, for example, for snowboarders and surfers. It is of high quality.


Art lovers can bring paintings from Vietnam.

  1. Silk. Silk paintings are a unique product of Vietnam, the finest work that is appreciated by the whole world. Such a picture will definitely remind you of the country. You can buy it, for example, at the XQ gallery-factory in Hoi An.
  2. Sand. This art is not traditional for Vietnam; it appeared here quite recently. It is associated with the name of the artist Yi Lan, who collected 33 shades of sand in Vietnam throughout her life. Both original paintings and copies of famous paintings are made from sand here.
  3. Popular prints. Such paintings are created in three stages: the design is carved on wood, then paints are prepared from natural materials, special “zo” paper is made and the painting is printed on it. All drawings are simple and understandable, conveying everyday or folklore scenes.
  4. Varnish. Bright, shiny lacquer paintings will decorate any interior.

Attention! You should be given a certificate for the painting. Without it there will be problems at customs!

National souvenirs

The most popular souvenirs are the pointed non hat, the national Ao Dai costume made of natural silk, and the well-known flip-flop slippers. They often bring figurines and boxes made of bamboo and mahogany, as well as natural stone.


You can purchase beautiful tea sets or vases made from Vietnamese ceramics. Beautiful designs, unusual patterns, variety of colors and good quality are what distinguish these products. Such a gift will definitely not gather dust on the shelf. You can combine your purchase with a trip to the ceramics production center and watch the work of real masters of their craft.

Technology and electronics

In Vietnam, household appliances and products from Samsung, Apple, Lenovo and HTC are actively purchased. The reason for this is the price is 30-100 dollars lower than in Russia. The only problem may be bad phone firmware, which is why the Russian language will not be built in correctly. However, this is easy to fix. We recommend purchasing equipment only from official stores to avoid purchasing counterfeits or low-quality products.

Where to shop?

There are many shops in Nha Trang - both large and small outlets. Official stores of major brands such as Adidas, Nike or Apple are located here. There are many tourism products.

Also presented in abundance. Here you can buy cheap clothes, fresh fruits, aromatic spices and, of course, souvenirs. There are markets where you can buy almost everything you are interested in in Vietnam.

So, from all of the above, what and where should you buy:

  • Coffee and tea— in shopping centers, markets (if you know the real price and are not afraid to bargain), as well as in specialized stores (available in the discount section);
  • Exotic fruits- on the street in tents or in shopping centers. We are afraid to buy at the markets, because the fruit lies almost directly on the road where the bikes ride.
  • Spices— shopping centers and markets.
  • Alcohol— shopping centers, markets (cheaper) and specialized stores such as Alco House (large selection, there is a discount coupon);
  • Cosmetics— in pharmacies located in shopping centers;
  • Medicines and traditional medicine preparations— in pharmacies (there are discount coupons);
  • Jewelry— in jewelry stores like Princess Jewelry (there is a coupon);
  • Cloth— in official brand stores (best quality), in markets (specific and exotic outfits);
  • Paintings- in markets or on;
  • National souvenirs- there are only markets here;
  • Ceramics- also markets;
  • Technology and electronics— We recommend purchasing only from large stores and official resellers.

What cannot be taken out of Vietnam

There is a list of things that cannot be taken out of Vietnam. This:

  1. If there is no certificate: jewelry, paintings, antiques, manuscripts and historical documents.
  2. Gold and precious metals weighing more than 300 g. This requires permission from the National Vietnamese Bank.
  3. Any weapon, even a souvenir.
  4. Exotic plants.
  5. Drugs (of course).
  6. Stuffed lizards, turtles, scorpions, crustaceans and insects, eggs of rare animals and birds, bird nests and corals.
  7. Liquid whose volume exceeds the permissible limit.
  8. More than three glass bottles of alcohol per person.
  9. Shells, but everyone has been circumventing this rule for a long time and not getting into trouble.
  10. Durian, coconut and watermelon cannot be carried on the plane. They will have to be enjoyed on earth.

It is better to treat these prohibitions carefully, as there are large fines, for example, for transporting 15 centimeters of coral you will be fined $500.

We tried to talk about the most popular products that tourists bring home first, but that’s not all. Whatever you buy, remember that the most important thing is the memories that will stay with you for many years, so try to get as many of them as possible.