The Taurus girl is the most desirable. May - Zodiac Sign

The Taurus girl is charming and gentle thanks to her patroness, Venus. These ladies adore beautiful things, refined cuisines, expensive wines, one might say that they are ruinous for their fans, so a man who takes care of a Taurus woman will always be “on his toes.”

Taurus woman: character and characteristics

The character of such girls is not simple, but it is very comfortable and pleasant to spend time with them. These girls are the salt of the earth, they combine amazing qualities that many men seek throughout their lives. It is worth saying that they are very reserved ladies and rarely show their bad mood to others, but if they lose their temper, they can scare even a strong man. The Taurus girl believes that her fate is in her own hands and whether she will be happy depends only on her. She matches perfectly with the following signs:

  • Virgo;
  • Capricorn;
  • Fish;
  • Scorpion.

Characteristics of girls under the sign of Taurus

The Taurus woman's character is very persistent. She is a strong personality. People around her value this woman for her directness, reliability and developed sense of responsibility. But these ladies do not tolerate people disagreeing with them and objecting, especially in front of third parties. She is strict with children, but in moderation; she cannot tolerate disobedience, negligence, or sloppy appearance. Such things make Taurus women very angry and infuriated.

The zodiac sign gave this woman a sense of harmony. She is very talented and has a great eye for art. You will never find artificial or dried flowers in her home. Taurus people know how to please people and are very hospitable.

These girls react very sharply to smells, they are of great importance to her, so choose a good scent if you want to please such a lady. And if you want to please her, give the Taurus woman a good perfume, just find out in advance what scent she likes.

They are always a reliable support for their husband, who will not complain about difficulties in vain, especially in moments of financial troubles.

As you can see, the characteristics of the sign are very attractive; the list of positive character traits of these women is quite long. But don’t think that this angel will never show you his claws. If the Taurus’s patience runs out, then it will be bad for everyone around him and especially for the offender! Therefore, protect the peace of your Taurus girls from stress.

Relationships with Taurus

The Taurus woman does not idealize her chosen one and perfectly sees his shortcomings, as well as his strengths. She knows exactly what kind of partner she needs. However, he does not make any special demands on the chosen one, other than to remain faithful.

The Taurus girl is eager to experience life and respects experienced men who are ready to discover something new and unknown for her. These are earthly girls, even in their youth they do not dream of movie heroes, preferring someone more accessible to them. They do not believe in platonic love; they devote a lot of time to the aspect of sexual relationships. These are sensual ladies, and if a man cannot satisfy them, then they leave him for the sake of another - this characteristic is worth taking into account.

She is the personification of home: a soft, patient, cozy, thrifty girl who knows the value and purpose of any thing. Taurus lives on the same planet as everyone else, but only she manages to look great, save well, and also furnish her home with various useful things. Our heroine is not the brightest representative of the fair half: she does not like to shine in public, and in general most often spends her time at home. But this particular lady is the dream of any man who is looking not for an adventurer, but for a real keeper of the hearth. And what kind of companion she needs - the stars will tell about it.

Taurus (Latin: “Taurus”) is the second sign of the zodiac, adjacent to Aries on the left and Gemini on the right. These people were born in the spring, when the agricultural season was already in full swing. It is no coincidence that Taurus element – ​​earth, which means firmness of intentions, practicality of a person, clear plans and tireless movement forward, despite external pressure. The bull is called Taurus, because it is he who is symbol of this zodiac sign. Bull personifies perseverance, unbending will, the ability to finish what you start and, of course, a large supply of patience.

Flowers of good luck Taurus are all bright spring shades - blue, orange, bright yellow, lemon. But red, on the contrary, is too bright for this zodiac sign, therefore it is a symbol of failure for it. Talisman stones, protecting and patronizing our heroine - agate, rose quartz, zircon, onyx, lapis lazuli, etc. Ruling planet – romantic Venus. It is her influence that can explain one interesting phenomenon that manifests itself in the life of every Taurus girl: seemingly closed and even cool, in fact she stores a whole ocean of feelings inside herself. It’s just that this lady saves her emotions in order to give them only to the very best.

It is no coincidence that all famous girls born under the sign of Taurus are distinguished by their special internal magnetism. They are not inclined to reveal all their cards at once, but as if they are specially saving a reserve of passions for the most important moment. These are Penelope Cruz and Jessica Alba, Linda Evangelista and Megan Fox, Marina Vladi and Audrey Hepburn, Uma Thurman and Barbra Streisand, Irina Saltykova and Alina Kabaeva. The list can be continued almost endlessly.

Taurus woman: how the stars see her

Describing the type of our heroine is both simple and difficult at the same time. On the one hand, she is a predictable lady with clear thoughts and specific plans. It is not typical for Taurus to change her opinion every day, and over the years her character, rather, does not change, but is simply enriched by experience. On the other hand, our heroine has a rich inner world, in which she accumulates everyday emotions mixed with dreams and specific plans.

Those around her see her as a balanced, calm lady who firmly moves towards her goal and at the same time tries not to conflict with others. And how the stars see it - more on that later.

Marina Vladi and Robert Hossein

Pragmatism and conservatism

If you want to win a decent amount at the casino and get rich, you definitely shouldn't go with a Taurus. This lady hates taking risks. She is for a rational approach to life, because she is sure: a bird in the hand is better than a pie in the sky. Taurus always has a plan A and a plan B, she does not rush around looking for fresh ideas, because this lady has an answer to almost any development scenario.

Commitment to family

Family, home and hearth - here it is, the great triad of our heroine, the limit of her dreams. Yes, Taurus simply loves to be at home, to arrange it, because it is within her own walls that she feels completely safe. We can say: everything she does is solely for the sake of the house. Indeed, such a wife is a godsend for a business man.

Go the beaten path

Our heroine does not like sharp turns and dubious experiments. In everything she prefers clarity and certainty. Therefore, if he encounters too generous and therefore suspicious offers on his way, he rejects them without much hesitation. Stability and rationality are her formula for success.

Attitude to work and money

Taurus loves money, because it is in it that she sees the basis of her security. She is not greedy, not selfish, but values ​​material comfort, for which she is ready to make every effort. Taurus is definitely not a spender; in her house there are only the necessary things. And she treats her savings extremely carefully. It’s just that our heroine knows the price of work, the price of every item and every coin. She has great respect for people who have achieved everything in the world solely through personal labor, because they are the ones who correspond to her ideal ideas about life.

Uma Thurman

As for work, Taurus gravitates more towards specific activities, as well as creative activities related to home improvement. She is inspired by design, crafts, agriculture, real estate and car sales.

What kind of man does a Taurus woman need?

The Taurus girl usually does not wear rose-colored glasses; she thinks about specific plans and real people. The strength of this lady is that she knows how to distinguish her own dreams from the truth of life. Therefore, he makes very earthly demands on a man. To understand which companion is right for her, you need to remember the psychology of this lady. She is a supporter of traditional views, and the main goal of her life is to create a strong, friendly family.

Needless to say, our heroine chooses her life partner incredibly carefully. She will not connect her life with a dubious, changeable, uncertain man. For Taurus, concrete signals and rational proposals are important, because without an earthly basis there can be no real trust, she is sure. From the point of view of the stars, the type of her man must meet several conditions:

  1. First of all, he is a balanced, calm person with nerves of iron. Taurus is not inclined to throw tantrums or provoke a man, because she considers such behavior to be at least strange. Moreover, she does not expect whims and emotional quirks from the stronger sex. Our heroine is convinced: the ideal man is reliable, strong and at the same time with a big, kind heart.
  2. It is very important for Taurus that her man be extremely faithful. Few people realize that she is the owner. Our heroine will not take someone else’s, but she will not give her own either. She is used to living by accepted standards, moving in her own lane and not disturbing others. Despite the fact that she is distinguished by almost angelic patience, in a moment of anger she can turn into a real angry bull. Therefore, this lady’s potential chosen one should not test her strength, giving reason to doubt his fidelity.
  3. A Taurus partner must certainly be hardworking. It’s interesting that such men not only make our heroine happy, but in some ways even excite her. For her, hard work and effort are useful, healthy and even sexy. A person who is accustomed to living on a modest income and who does not have his own ambitions is unlikely to be able to build a strong alliance with this girl.
  4. Finally, a Taurus partner simply must have the ability to negotiate. Yes, we should not forget that despite the outward flexibility, Taurus is the most stubborn of the zodiac signs. Therefore, if she comes across a man who loves to argue, the union is unlikely to be strong.

How not to behave with a Taurus

It is quite difficult to offend a Taurus, because this lady has a fairly balanced, restrained temperament. She tries not to pay attention to minor misunderstandings and generally accepts people as they are. Taurus is by no means an idealist; she comes only from practical experience. And she considers all speculation about the ideal qualities of super heroes to be nothing more than a beautiful fairy tale.

Audrey Hepburn

Another reason for her stability is the gigantic patience that almost all Taurus are distinguished by. Yes, our heroine really doesn’t make scenes over trifles. But here you need to have one important feature - if you abuse her trust, sooner or later a real fire will start. Taurus's outbursts of anger are a real hurricane that definitely should not be provoked. And in order not to take the situation to an extreme, you can simply listen to simple and invaluable advice from the stars:

  1. If you are in union with a Taurus, value your happiness - after all, your companion is exceptionally faithful. Therefore, you should not give her any unnecessary reasons. This is a sure way to a relationship slowly fading away. Taurus maintains connections only with reliable people, and considers betrayal to be the worst sin.
  2. Don't argue with a Taurus. This is useless and also takes a lot of time and effort. Taurus doesn't argue about every issue. She confidently defends her position only if she is firmly convinced of it. This means that she checked everything a long time ago. It’s better to listen to her advice, or at least don’t express your protest too harshly.
  3. Finally, don't rush the Taurus. Everyone close to her knows that this lady likes to procrastinate. And the reason is that she simply carefully weighs all the nuances in order to make the right decision. Taurus can only be inspired and carefully led, but she will express her opinion independently, without assistants.

Who suits a Taurus and who doesn't?

Taurus is a classic lady, so it is not surprising that she is looking for an equally classic man. On the one hand, she really loves to communicate with different people, because they fill her life with new colors. But as for close friends, and even more so a life partner, here our heroine approaches her choice extremely responsibly. It is not surprising that she will arrange a lot of tests for the potential candidate, which he simply must pass. On the other hand, this is the only way she can be convinced of the reliability of her gentleman and completely entrust her heart to him.

And to make it easier for her to navigate our diverse world, the stars offer their opinions on the compatibility of Taurus with representatives of other zodiac signs:

  1. If a Taurus girl looks at her family as a strong team that is moving to new heights and gradually increasing her wealth, she should pay attention to the representatives of her own earthly element. The most preferable union is with a classic man who firmly knows what he wants from life and is no less determined to achieve his goals. Capricorn does not need guardianship - he himself will gladly take the lady of his heart under his wing. Taurus will also be pleased with a hardworking man who loves to work and increase the family’s capital. A union with your own zodiac sign also looks good. It’s just extremely important for two to learn to negotiate and give in, because the combination of two bulls is a rather difficult combination.
  2. If Taurus most of all wants to feel family comfort, tenderness and care, she should pay attention to the representatives of the water signs of the zodiac. will give her a lot of attention, Pisces will become a personal psychotherapist, subtly sensing the slightest mood swings. And he will be able to take the honorable place of the head of the family, because thanks to his inner strength, this man will be able to win the heart of our heroine.
  3. The union of a Taurus woman with fiery men is interesting, although complicated. will immediately take her under his wing and turn her into a true queen. The compatibility of these characters is very good because real sexual passion can arise between them. In addition, Taurus will never pretend to be the owner of the family, and Leo will not give up primacy, so in this regard there is no conflict of interest. As for other fire signs, the situation is somewhat more complicated. A stubborn person can constantly come into conflict with a Taurus, just to prove his only correct (as it seems to him) point of view. But with his thirst for adventure, he is frankly not the man who will please our heroine, who prefers stability and predictability of family life.
  4. Finally, combinations of Taurus with air signs of the zodiac can be considered the most unsuccessful. Of course, there are pleasant exceptions here too, but they are rare. Taurus seems to be a strange, albeit interesting person. will seem too fickle for her. An alliance with a man may fail due to financial differences. If Taurus prefers to purchase only useful things, then Libra can spend money on outright excesses, which will incredibly upset our heroine.

Taurus in bed

Taurus is a classic lady. Light, mysterious, unobtrusive. Even the most active representatives of this sign always wait for male initiative, since they are firmly convinced that everything should take its course according to nature’s plan. Taurus is excited by everything related to nature. Complete darkness with a flickering candlelight, sex in a spring garden in complete solitude, or even better - on an old romantic lake, where you can stay alone and indulge in passions.

In bed, this lady is a real fire, but it’s important to choose the right key to her. Taurus doesn't reveal all his secrets right away. Yes, preliminary preparation and thoughtfulness of the whole action are very important for her. We can say for sure that she will reveal all her secrets only to the one she really loves. Taurus subconsciously believes that passionate sex is her reward for a strong man.

The Taurus woman is the dream of a classic gentleman, a man who is looking for a reliable companion who will not let you down in anything big or small. The path to her heart is quite long, but the game is definitely worth the candle.

Earth element signs are distinguished by enviable stability and confidence. One of these symbols is Taurus - an amazing representative of the zodiac series. Taurus women are an example of the highest wisdom embodied in a gentle but strong creature.

Those who have not met ideal people should get acquainted with Taurus, the zodiac sign of a woman whose characteristics are striking in their impeccability.

Characteristics of the sign

Being under the auspices of a strong and courageous Taurus, women acquire inner power unprecedented in other signs.

From early childhood, this girl demonstrates endurance, endurance and calmness. She is an athlete and an excellent student, bright and intellectual. She does not know the sadness of the occasion bad rating. From an early age, she learned to perceive failure as experience rather than defeat.

Even as an adult, this young lady perceives difficulties and obstacles as a simulator for personal growth. This is a young fighter who has a lot to gain and gain useful experience.

The Taurus woman always stands firmly on her feet. She is confident in herself, her capabilities and is ready to achieve everything she needs for a comfortable life. She is not inclined to dramatize and exaggerate. She perceives all events calmly, giving fate a chance to lead her through life literally by the hand.

He takes adversity calmly. Steadfastly withstands all blows of fate. Outwardly impenetrable, but behind a stone wall of indifference lies a trembling, sensitive soul that needs understanding and empathy, which is not alien to the zodiac sign Taurus itself.

The Taurus woman needs close people, like air. Surrounds himself with warm and honest people, instantly determining the sincerity of their intentions. Does not tolerate lies and falsehood. This is the only thing that can piss this lady off. Having lied once, you will never return to the circle of close people of this person.

It should be noted that Taurus women are very jealous. These are owners in their purest form. They completely take possession of their partner, demanding reciprocity from him. At the same time, they rarely strive for leadership, preferring only the confidence in the devotion of half.

This woman values ​​comfort above all else. Her house is always cozy, warm, and there is always a vase of sweets on the table. Taurus people love a homely atmosphere. It is a temple of tranquility and a source of inspiration. This lady devotes herself entirely to arranging her nest. You won't find such comfortable furniture and delicious tea anywhere else.

Career and work

Taurus are workers who can be entrusted with absolutely any job. They are equally happy as chief engineer and junior nurse. These are universal subordinates: practical, balanced and resilient. A woman will not complain about routine or injustice. She is smart and knows her place. A description of her professional qualities can last for hours.

They are characterized by slowness in their work, so they cope better with complex tasks that require lengthy and balanced decisions. They do not tolerate fuss and empty chatter. Representatives of the sign do not waste energy on contacts with others, preferring to focus on achieving the goal.

As a boss, this woman acts as a wise and calm boss. She doesn’t like planning meetings and beatings. Completely trusts his subordinates. Sensuality helps her forgive employees for minor mistakes. Mistakes can happen to anyone, so there is no point in starting scandals.

She is patient. Always makes concessions and listens to his subordinates. But you shouldn’t sit on this boss’s neck: it will flare up so suddenly that only memories will remain of the relaxed employee.

Taurus Love

The characterization of this lady is amazing. The Taurus woman appears to the stronger sex as the embodiment of femininity. This is a combination of the most refined manners, a sharp mind and the ability to remain silent. An outwardly calm lady captivates the hearts of men with her sedateness, unhurriedness and confidence.

Having gotten to know each other better, the man discovers an avalanche of feelings in this girl. This is a gentle and passionate nature that trusts itself only to a chosen one, lifting the veil of a deep inner world.

With all her self-confidence, the girl will not seek her chosen one. She will present her personality so skillfully that even a previously indifferent character will become interested in her. She knows how to charm because she subtly feels a person on a mental level. With one she will be strict and unattainable, and he will fall in love. With another he will behave like a cat, winning his heart forever.

How to win her

The Taurus woman is demanding of her chosen one, so it will not be possible to achieve her just like that. She is not one of those ladies who rush into the pool of love with a running start: she looks closely at the window as long as necessary. Her gaze will touch the smallest details, from the aroma of cologne to the ironed collar.

While this girl can afford to show up on a date with a modest hairstyle, you have to be perfect. And not only externally: the girl will pay attention to your soul. She does not tolerate pettiness, she herself is generous, so she expects a similar trait from others.

A man must be stronger than this girl. With such a strong character, it is difficult to find a partner who would be so resilient, so the Taurus girl is often disappointed in the opposite sex. But having found a worthy partner, she is ready to reward him with exemplary fidelity and bestow first-class comfort.

Being under the protection of the elements of Earth, the Taurus girl is looking for a partner as reliable and sedate as herself. Flying in the clouds is alien to her, so air signs are absolutely not suitable for this lady. She also experiences difficulties with fire symbols. Being too sensitive, she will not always be able to tolerate their flames.

The strongest couple is formed when this girl meets a Pisces man. He is calm, interesting and cozy, like the Taurus lady herself. His thoughtfulness, dreaminess and romance captivate the owner of the horns. Together, these signs create strong relationships where there is no room for understatement or resentment. Taurus's calmness fits perfectly with Pisces' habit of causing dramatic scandals. He is patient with small fishy outbursts, because he himself is no stranger to sensitivity.

Another great partner for this lady is Cancer. He finds sedateness and firmness in a woman and feels under the reliable wing of her common sense. His grievances and whims dry up next to a balanced partner. In addition, she sincerely appreciates the comfort that Cancer is trying to create, putting a lot of effort into it herself.

Good combinations:

You should beware of intimacy with the following signs:

The remaining combinations can be classified as neutral combinations. The outcome of such relationships always depends on the participants themselves. Having managed to make some efforts, the signs will be able to get along in love and marriage.

Relationships with men

The man with whom this woman connects her destiny will definitely be happy. There is no more attentive and understanding wife than the Taurus lady. She creates such a comfortable environment in the house that her chosen one’s friends are dying of envy.

It's always warm in her castle. This is the place you want to return to in the evening. She does not make scandals and does not make scenes over trifles. This is an understanding wife and caring mother.

Despite the idyll, some men manage to get bored next to this woman. This is why Scorpio is not advised to marry a Taurus. He loves to provoke his partner to emotions, but the girl “with horns” cannot stand this. If the partner still decides to get to the bottom of his wife, it is better for him to first watch several bullfighter performances, because he will have to participate in a real bullfight, in which the Taurus girl will be the bull. It’s better for no one to know how angry she is.

This is a wise woman. She never wastes money on trifles. You will not hear jealous reproaches from her without reason. She herself loves to communicate with the opposite sex, so she is calm about such behavior.

The only thing that will piss her off is real betrayal. Taurus will never forgive you for infidelity. Even if she stays around for a while, her attitude will completely change vector. You don't recognize your wife, and it's best not to test her patience. Taurus is scary when angry.

Women's health

Earth signs are quite strong in terms of health. They have neither the need nor the time to run to doctors. These are strong and resilient people with a high pain threshold.

Such endurance can play a cruel joke on a woman. Diseases that occasionally bother the Taurus lady can develop into chronic diseases. She is not used to paying enough attention to her physical condition, so she often develops the most banal ailments.

Most common problems:

A woman under the sign of Taurus is an amazing combination of femininity and strong will. This is a wonderful character from whom other representatives of the horoscope should take an example.

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She doesn't need a textbook to master the art of flirting and seduction; she gives non-verbal "sexual signals" as naturally as breathing. In order to charm the man he likes, a Taurus woman just needs to point her “erotic antenna” in his direction.

Her eroticism has a powerful attractive force; if the Taurus woman did not have a well-developed intuition, which immediately allows her to “weed out” inappropriate acquaintances, she would have to make a lot of effort to somehow streamline the flow of men who want to communicate with her closer.

This person is a possessive person by nature, already at the very beginning of the novel she is ready to plaster her beloved from head to toe with advertisements “Don’t interfere, I’ll kill you,” “Don’t touch with your hands,” “He already has a girlfriend and it’s me,” “Private property.” etc. Is it any wonder that Taurus romances are never “smooth and sweet”? The best screenwriters from Hollywood can be sent to the Taurus woman for an internship so that she can show them how scenes of jealousy really need to be arranged. If only Taurus feels forgotten and abandoned, she will not remain silent. He will immediately express his opinion out loud, and in order to enhance the effect of what was said, he will reinforce his words by breaking dishes.

As a rule, Taurus women know what they want, they are ready to use all legal and illegal means from the female arsenal - from cunning and flattery to tears and threats, in order to achieve what they want, they are pathologically stubborn.

Many people, when communicating with young ladies born under this zodiac sign, make the same mistake, not underestimating their intelligence. In fact, Taurus women usually rely on their feelings and sensations. Their intuition is a special gift for seeing the truth, and it is extremely rarely wrong.

The Taurus woman is practical, someone, but she cannot be classified as an idealist. She will not suffer for the hero of the film, even if he is a three-time sex symbol, if a handsome man is sitting next to her in the cinema. This woman does not believe in platonic love, considering it an invention of impotent people; for her, love automatically means sex.

Taurus usually dresses well and tastefully, but manages to do it without going over budget. They love jewelry - rings, earrings and especially chains, necklaces, beads and chokers. The neck and décolleté are the subject of their special pride.

Taurus women are especially “sensitive” to luxury - furs, diamonds and other accessories of a beautiful life simply hypnotize them.

Serious relationships (or marriage) often play a cruel joke on a Taurus woman - feeling that her personal life has “settled down,” she can stop keeping a tight rein on herself and... start eating, spreading out in breadth. In the soul of any slender girl born under this zodiac sign, there lives a plump woman who is just waiting for the right moment to take power over her body in her plump hands.

The Taurus woman is sure that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, because she has been convinced of this more than once from her own experience. She is almost a virtuoso in the kitchen, as well as in bed.

A man whom a Taurus woman invites to a romantic dinner can be called a darling of fate. He will certainly enjoy it to the fullest: excellent wine, making an ideal gastronomic pair with the culinary masterpiece that will be on the table; the pleasant voice of the hostess (there are many singers among Taurus), dim lighting and the cool smoothness of silk pillows and sheets (Taurus are delighted with silk).... The secret is that she will never invite someone she doesn’t like.

Among the undoubted advantages of Taurus are soft, radiant skin and a magnificent neckline; as a rule, nature generously endows these women with a bust.

Taurus in bed

At the beginning of a relationship, the Taurus woman expects patience, tenderness and careful, gradual rapprochement from the man. She needs pleasure from sex, and not a hasty “walk” into the wilds of erotic extremes. It may seem that Taurus are somewhat conservative and do not really crave novelty - in fact, this is not the case. After the successful completion of the “adaptation sex period”, she will hope that her partner will have enough intelligence and imagination to ensure that each intimacy is different from the previous one, and he will show more and more new “tricks” from his erotic arsenal, pulling them out at the right moment, like a magician pulling rabbits out of a hat.

For a Taurus woman, every sign from a man is important - a hug, a kiss, and even a gentle (or not so gentle) slap on the butt. However, pretty soon she will be ready for more active actions - what's the point of tuning an instrument if you don't play it later?

In bed, a romantic mood, surroundings and decorations are extremely important to her. The situation must fully correspond to what is happening - Taurus does not need to throw his favorite furs on the floor to raise the “erotic degree”. Sex for her is an opportunity to demonstrate all her most seductive angles, and bed is a stage where she can play one of the erotic roles, for example, a touchy-feely girl, which the Snow Queen can’t even hold a candle to, or a vampire, which can compete with the characters of the Twilight Saga.

The smell of a sweaty male body can drive her crazy. Taurus have nothing against oral sex and pamper their partners with great pleasure.

What kind of man does she need?

The Taurus woman is full of tenderness, tenderness literally overwhelms her, so you can’t do without an “exhaust pipe”. As a rule, Taurus adheres to somewhat “old-fashioned” views, so the role of the “pipe” is usually played by the husband, not the lover. They need a reliable man, behind whom, like behind a stone wall, they can survive any adversity and bad weather without much loss. Weak-tempered mumblers, however, like uncouth rude people, do not appeal to Taurus.

Suitable for Taurus

A quiet and “comfortable” man - Pisces - is the ideal partner for Taurus. With him, this strong woman can enjoy peace and quiet, but without the risk of dislocating her jaw, yawning from boredom. He praises her to the skies and gives her exactly what she needs.

The Cancer man is another “favorite”; his whims and constant changes of mood, multiplied by the constancy of Taurus, result in an alliance that has every chance of lasting indefinitely. At the beginning of a relationship, difficulties await this couple, but if the dating phase is completed successfully, a breakup is practically excluded.

The next option is a Capricorn man. True, in this novel there is more rationalism than passion, but it can result in an excellent marriage of convenience that can stand the test of time, because both of these signs are distinguished by their penchant for pragmatism.

The Taurus woman and the Virgo man have excellent prospects: she gives him what Virgo so lacks emotionally. And he, in turn, either “evens out” and “smoothes out” the spiritual impulses and tossing of Taurus, or, on the contrary, “cheers up” as needed.

Two Taurus will butt horns every now and then (as a rule, there are only two reasons for conflicts - jealousy and money), but they have so much in common, the power of erotic attraction is so strong that we can conclude that they are created for each other, just like This union would not look boring and predictable from the outside.

Not suitable for Taurus

A Taurus woman and a Libra man are absolutely not suitable for each other; with a Gemini man you can spend one wonderful night and learn a lot about yourself, but this romance is unlikely to last too long - the pragmatic Taurus seems too serious and thorough to the frivolous Gemini. With Sagittarius, the Taurus woman is unlikely to stand it for more than a month - as soon as he begins to persuade her to change her lifestyle, she will not stand it and will run away.

The relationship between Taurus and a Scorpio man is doomed from the very beginning - in this union there is a clear “overdose” of jealousy and revenge. Aries and Aquarius have too little in common with a Taurus woman. Leo is too brutal for her (however, because of such an obvious difference, a one-night stand can turn out very well).

Taurus is a woman with incredible sexual attractiveness. She perfectly masters the art of seduction and skillfully plays the game with a man. Their self-confidence attracts representatives of the opposite sex, and all women envy their intuition, sociability, erudition and ability to control the situation.

Taurus is the woman everyone loves

This person is possessive by nature. Not having had time to meet a man, she considers him hers and will never give him into the wrong hands. All the novels of these women are filled with passion, constant scandals and quarrels, followed by an equally passionate and stormy reconciliation. The Taurus woman is very jealous. When angry she is like an angry bull. Girls born under this zodiac sign have a keenly developed sense of self-esteem, and if anyone dares to doubt the uniqueness and perfection of this person, they will soon regret it. These women are quite cunning and insightful. They understand people well and will not tolerate hypocrisy either from the man they love or from their friends. A girl who has found her soul mate changes radically and turns from a cruel, daring bull into a sweet cow. The symbiosis of such character traits as passion and tenderness overwhelms her from the inside, and if the Taurus woman does not find a person in time to whom she can give this whole storm of emotions, she will feel bad and uncomfortable. This girl needs a strong, self-sufficient man who can tame her, make her calmer and more homely. A Taurus woman will never choose a spineless henpecked man who does not have his own opinion. The young man created for this lady must have not only strong-willed, truly masculine character traits, but also good capital. Ladies are used to getting everything from life and being behind their chosen one like behind a stone wall. Cancer, Pisces, Capricorn, Virgo - these are the men a Taurus woman can marry.

Sex in the life of Taurus

For representatives of this zodiac sign, intimate relationships play a very important role. When meeting and first meeting, a girl does not let a man get too close to her, trying to determine whether he can be trusted. A man who is careful, patient and gentle will be allowed to the body of this lady. Taurus people love sex and want to enjoy it to the fullest. They are ready for any experiments with a person they can rely on and tell about all their fantasies. Also, physical contacts, hugs, kisses, spankings are also important for a Taurus woman. During an intimate meeting, the surroundings that surround them are very important to these ladies. Girls love romantic evenings with beautiful music, champagne and candles. It is also worth mentioning one secret that drives almost all Taurus crazy - the smell of expensive men's perfume. Feeling the aroma of a male, these ladies can surrender almost immediately.

Taurus woman. Luck stone

Each zodiac sign has its own stone that brings goodness to the home. For Taurus, this stone is agate. Onyx, cacholong, lapis lazuli, agate, zircon and rose quartz are also suitable